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 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime30th April 2017, 2:52 pm

Yay! Okay. I just need to figure out the attacks for the battle system you got going. I'll be entering as Sunset Shimmer (pre-redemption) from MLP for chaos!
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime1st May 2017, 7:18 am

Great! Let me know once you have a profile ready ^^ You can also think of how to enter the storyline - since the villains haven't gone far, there aren't any restrictions, really, but let me know if you need help with that!

FYI to the villains: since the teams are now balanced and health stats haven't affected villains till now, I'll retcon their H2KO to be the same as the heroes (5).

On a side-note, this storyline no longer accepts characters as we have the maximum cast I had planned for Smile
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2017, 6:05 am

Actually, I could use help with the powers. xD I've got a few ideas but since I'm gunna have Sunset Shimmer in her Pony form, she uses magic. MLP magic is a bit more vague and doesn't seem to have a whole lot of rules (due to it being a children show xD).  I think I can come up with some attacks but Sunset will be able to do basic stuff with ease, like telekinesis type magic to lift items like a cup or a quill to write something, etc. Even heavier things should be fairly easy for her cause she's considering a magic prodigy.  How exactly would little things like that work? Would I need to roll for that kind of stuff?

Also, since she's a primary magic user, do you think her physical attack could be her like summoning a temporary weapon that she uses her magic to hit enemies with?  If not, I could just make her kick or ram people, but she won't be quite so strong with that. xD

Also i can't find it being explicitly stated, but I think Sunset Shimmer would have the ability to use "dark magic" which...isn't fully explained other than when it's used, the magic aura is purple and it turns the users eyes green. It makes dark crystal grow and I guess does other evil things in their world. xD Maybe that could be an ultimate technique?

Annnd I can't think of anything else right now. >.> Once I get the powers figured out, I'll pretty much have her ready. Gunna go ahead and submit the profile today (sans powers).
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2017, 1:04 pm

Attacks are mostly for flavor anyway (specific plot points and outcomes are already pre-determined), so I'm really flexible as far as attacks go ^^

Things that do not affect other players, go as wild as you like, while staying in-character. I don't know what she should be able to do, but if you know her to be able to lift huge boulders with telekinesis, go for it! That'll auto-work, no "permission" needed. However, if you attempt to throw said boulder on a person, that will take a roll to see if the person manages to evade it.

Telekinesis and things like that can go under other special abilities, beyond the 6 allowed attacks (but if you do plan on using it as an attack like above, it should take a spot to be fair xD)

Again, for physical attacks, go for whatever you prefer. Temp weapon, kick and ram, both, neither, up to you xD Just remember, limit of 6 "moves", one of which can be a "special" powerful move that can be used only once per battle but gets a big roll boost.

It would help a lot if you state whether the attacks are single-target only, multi-target only, or either of the two, as well as any other special effects/limitations that may apply ^^
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime11th May 2017, 6:44 pm

Sorry for the delay but here are the powers! Let me know if I need to explain anything better or adjust it to fit the needs of the rp better. :> i apologize for lame names tho u.u Oh! And her profile has been approved. ^_^

(Note: her magic aura is light green in color, similar to her eye color)
1. Summon Hammer (Single/Multi-target, melee) - summons a large hammer, themed in Sunsets colors, that she uses her telekinesis to hit enemies with.
2. Magic Beam (Single/Multi-target, ranged) - shoots a laser like beam from her horn. Single target is more powerful than the wider spread multi-target version
3. Magic Barrier (Defense) - creates a barrier to protect her or others if she chooses
4. Teleport (Single/Multi-target) - can teleport herself or others to different locations. Can also teleport objects (like a large boulder) to use against enemies.
5. Sunlight Heal (single target) - puts a bandaid on someone that is injured. Maybe it will help.
6. Dark Magic (Ultimate attack; ultimate power up) - Sunset powers up using dark magic. Her magic beam turns dark green with black crystals that can paralyze an enemy; her barrier turns black and if an enemy touches it, black crystals grow on their body
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime12th May 2017, 9:01 am

They look fine! Added to first post, please review notes in bold if you think something needs to be changed. I only have a few questions:

5. Sunlight Heal - your description makes me think of an attack that, despite expectations, ends up doing absolutely nothing xD Is it supposed to work like regular Cure? Are there any limitations to it (weaker or possibility of ineffectiveness)?

6. Dark Magic - if I get it right, the ultimate "attack" is not an attack at all but a power-up? (That's just fine, just asking!)

If you need any help entering the RP, let me know! You could go for something as simple as just starting from a different direction, making your way to the bridge and encountering the other four. Or your character could already impatiently be waiting at the destination (but that would mean you'd need to wait for them to get there xD)
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime12th May 2017, 9:40 am

Thanks! That stuff looked fine to me. Question, how much health does everyone start with?

Regarding your questions:

Sunlight Heal, guess I should've been more specific. xD I guess I had in mind that it could heal her enemies sometimes, depending on her mood and its not a strong heal either? Like, kind of a "meh I happened to learn this spell once maybe it'll help" sort of attitude. xD If that's too complicated, we can just make it a weaker version of a normal Cure spell?

Dark magic, yep that's right! Its kinda like super saiyan pony. xD

I had an idea for entering her that basically she's just been sneakily following them and I was gunna coordinate with the other Chaos players for how she gets noticed. I don't remember if I put it in the SSI for her profile but I have this set between when she would've discovered the human alternate dimension but since Pony is her original and natural state (and the one she was in when became more of a villain), she's brought to chaos land in that form.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime12th May 2017, 10:27 am

I see. I think it'll be a weaker Cure then - the battle system is a bit too straight-forward to make it more complicated than that xD

Everyone starts with 5 H2KO! Not sure if you're read about the battle system at all - Instead of HP, there's H2KO (Hits to Knock-Out). Basically, every attack hurts the same (-1), except there's the possibility of minor (-0.5) or critical (-1.5) hits. Roll boosts can also affect the chance of critical, so stronger moves tend to simply have a higher chance of crit.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime12th May 2017, 10:32 am

Okay thanks! Just curious (and i'm sorry if its in this thread somewhere and missed all this x_x) but what happens after knock out? Can death happen or do teammates decide if they want to carry their member or not?

Anyway, i think that's all my questions (for now). XD I'll try to work up a post today or tomorrow! Very Happy

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime12th May 2017, 11:39 am

KO only. Death will occur only at specific plot points, or if it has been agreed with by the players (drama purposes and all xD or if someone feels like they do not have time to keep up and would prefer to exit). As a FYI (though it doesn't affect the plot much since the characters don't actually know it), death only banishes the character back to their homeland, unable to be summoned back - essentially locking them out of the roleplay, but the "exit" post would basically be the character finding themselves back where they came from.

Once a battle is over, KO characters will gradually regain their senses by themselves, sooner or later depending on how much time has passed since they were KO'd.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime15th May 2017, 6:27 am

Brit that header is everything omg
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime16th May 2017, 6:51 am

Thank you! [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 1394610236 i spent too much time on it xD
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2017, 9:58 am

@Team Chaos! I was talking about it with Kai and realized I never really explained what would happen after the bridge, so wanted to clear things up so you don't get stuck xD

Once you are done talking (no rush! it's been amusing so far xD) and the team advances, they should slowly begin to discern the silhouette of a large dead-ish tree with a monstrous figure standing beneath. The encounter should mirror the one of Cosmos and the heroes, kinda. Again, I have kept the same appearances as the actual Dissidia game, but I will also post a picture of Chaos later for those that don't know what he looks like.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2017, 1:35 pm

Light wrote:
(no rush! it's been amusing so far xD)

don't worry. we got plenty more insults to fly at each other. xD
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2017, 6:56 pm

Brit-chan wrote:
Light wrote:
(no rush! it's been amusing so far xD)

don't worry. we got plenty more insults to fly at each other. xD

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 2695440696 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 2695440696 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 2695440696

Brit, I'm having way too much fun.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime23rd May 2017, 7:32 pm

Andalusite wrote:
Brit-chan wrote:
Light wrote:
(no rush! it's been amusing so far xD)

don't worry. we got plenty more insults to fly at each other. xD

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 2695440696 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 2695440696 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 2695440696

Brit, I'm having way too much fun.
I am having the fun as well..cant let you two have it all to yourselves
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime25th May 2017, 6:36 am

Light wrote:
@Team Chaos...they should slowly begin to discern the silhouette of a large dead-ish tree with a monstrous figure standing beneath...Again, I have kept the same appearances as the actual Dissidia game, but I will also post a picture of Chaos later for those that don't know what he looks like.
I know what Chaos looks like, but is there any reference for how tall he is compared to an average human? Is he taller than 7 meters? XD

And while I'm thinking about it, may I please put back "Dark Wash" (in place of "Spirit Barrier") and then change out "Soul Freeze" for "Lightning Strike"? The effects of both spells are the same anyway. XD I figured this would make the most sense for the majority of situations since Rocbouquet will default to awakened when she actually has to fight-fight. XD I didn't want to forget again and have her be all, "I'm going to kill all of you maggots with my [signature] lightning strike...*can't use because it isn't in the attack roster XD*...welp."
Lightning Strike
Attribute: Wind
Range: Multi-target
Description: A powerful lightning bolt is summoned to strike the enemy
Effect: May Stun; Stun cancels the affected target's attack for that round
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime25th May 2017, 12:29 pm

Hmm I don't know either, but just looking at the game's battle, I'll go for that - let's say about x1.5-x2 the average size. Big but not insanely.

I've actually been thinking about that, and since it is weird to, for example, be informed of an opponent's weakness, know the suitable spell in your world's canon, and be unable to use it for an OOC reason (i.e. for the current battle, it wouldn't make sense for magic-based characters to refrain from using ice spells when it might be magic 101 for them)... I decided to allow spell-swapping even in mid-battle. I'm just gonna ask that it is not overdone (don't swap a spell every single round! xD)

Will update it soon ^^
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime26th May 2017, 9:21 pm

Um excuse me boss leader dice master guy (YO LIGHT!!)

Im curious how Buggy didn't take damage from Frieza punching his jaw in?

Bara Bara no Mi: He ate this Devil Fruit which gave me the ability to be immune to Slashing, cutting and Cleaving attacks. any such attack just separates him into his component parts, allowing him to reform as needed.

You stated that the Bara Bara no Mi protected Buggy but Frieza did not slash, cut or cleave confused
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime27th May 2017, 2:05 am

I was thinking about it too, but if you see the bold part in the first page, it states "Immune to Physical Attacks" overall. When I added it, I thought that if a sword can't hurt him, a punch probably can't either.

But you know the universe better than me! If it should hurt him normally, let me know and I'll fix it!

Edit: Since you thought it was weird, I am assuming that it should hurt him so I've changed it!

Buuut the moment you began hurting each other, someone was ready to intervene... ^_^
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime27th May 2017, 11:41 am


As we now have a full and rather large cast for a storyline, I wanted to implement an activity rule so that we are all on the same page. I do not want to rush anyone into posting more, but I also don't want to delay the story too much since that could result in losing interest.

The base requirement will be 1 post every 15 days.

It's okay if you prefer posting a lot more than that, and it's also okay if you post just as much - everyone has different activity levels and that is perfectly acceptable and expected!

Not posting for 16-30 days is also acceptable, but, for the sake of moving things forward, your character will be susceptible to automatic KO in battle mode. After all, it would not make much sense for your character to just sit and watch and literally do nothing during a battle.

But please understand that: Not posting for over a month without informing me of a LOA will make your character susceptible to death at the next battle mode. If you find that you do not have the time to make a post during an entire month, then it would be very hard for you to keep up with the action, so it might be better to exit the storyline if it comes to that Sad

LOAs are perfectly fine and understandable. If you need a long LOA, please let me know if during battle mode you a) want your character to be auto-KO'd or b) give permission to have me make your character throw an attack every now and then.

This activity rule will be implemented starting 2 weeks from now. Regardless of when you last posted, I am counting 15 days from now for auto-KO's due to inactivity.

If something does not make sense or you have any other concerns, let me know! ^^
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime29th May 2017, 9:01 am

@Cosmos-Hime I just love Papyrus' reaction on Garland's pun xD
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime29th May 2017, 10:02 am

Go on, guys, you know you want to make more rock puns!
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime29th May 2017, 10:06 am

Jasper wrote:
Go on, guys, you know you want to make more rock puns!
Yessssss please!. Make them for me. XD

Also, I just want to say that I love everything that is happening right now on both ends of the story, XD XD XD and that I have read and acknowledged the new activity rule!
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime29th May 2017, 11:22 am

R & U the new rules
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime29th May 2017, 12:41 pm

R&U to the new rules as well!

And it's not like I actually cringed to the point where I had to add it in the rp or anything XD
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime29th May 2017, 2:47 pm

@Lyssarie - since the current battle has already progressed a lot - if you manage to get a post during the battle, feel free to add two attacks in your post! If you do not manage to catch the battle, you can RP one attack missing, and one Cure (which will be added retroactively) so it does not seem like Lightning just froze and didn't fight!
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime30th May 2017, 12:24 am

You just had to do an additional thing to make his attack hit garland instead, didn't you? XD
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime30th May 2017, 8:08 am

Aiming an attack at the moment another ally swoops in and takes it down... How could I resist this golden opportunity?
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime31st May 2017, 6:23 pm

Light wrote:
@Lyssarie - since the current battle has already progressed a lot - if you manage to get a post during the battle, feel free to add two attacks in your post! If you do not manage to catch the battle, you can RP one attack missing, and one Cure (which will be added retroactively) so it does not seem like Lightning just froze and didn't fight!

Yeah so I just realized that a post I submitted while ago at school never went through xD Sorry about that everyone! Posting now Smile
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Dissidia Multiverse OOC - Page 8 I_icon_minitime

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