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 [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 9:47 am

Quote :
William finds his transformation comes to him without any troubles at all.

Tellus has trouble finding any clues. Aside from the platform, the gathered group, and the mess of darkness around them, there isn't much else to see.

From their vantage point higher in the air, Solar and Lunar Eclipse don't see much of anything different. Besides the featureless platform, there is only the constant swirl of crackling purple and black surrounding the hapless group from all sides, as far as the eye can see.

Sailor Solar Eclipse

There were a few answers to her question--one speaker looked vaguely familiar, in fact. The dark clothes, the timbre of the voice. The Collector... No, best not to think of that.

She shivered and looked away.

In her lapse of concentration, Solar Eclipse felt herself skew away from her intended path, but was glad to feel the presence of Zelena nearby. She reached out to grasp her twin's hand once more, the only comfort in this dark place.

"Where are we?" The words came as a soft exclamation, not so much a question she expected answered. There was despair in her voice, as much as she tried to hide it. It was probably best to share such information to the others and so Solar Eclipse called down to them. "There's nothing out there. Just... this platform."
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 10:07 am

Phew, William- I mean, Sailor Koronis thought, at least that works.

He heard the call from Sailor Solar Eclipse about the lack of anything beyond the platform, and pondered deeply about what he could do to help in this situation that was very much going nowhere in his eyes. If there was one thing that came out of this for him, it was that maybe he was right about this being a miniscule dark dimension that they all ended up in... ding! He remembered something useful.

"Alright, let's see if this produces any results."

He briefly span his newly-formed Koronis Scepter in the space in front of him before slamming the butt into the dark rock ground, while calling out his intended move.

"Koronis... Area Scan!"

Last edited by Clegginator on 19th June 2018, 11:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 11:03 am

☽☾ Sailor Lunar Eclipse ☽☾

Her thoughts, ever in tune with her twin, followed a similar path. How could this not remind her of that mission? Zelena shook her head, silver hair flying in the wind and with the motion, and reaffirmed her conviction. She grasped the offered hand of Sailor Solar Eclipse, feeling the warmth of Aeliana's touch despite the cold of space. It helped ground her.

"I don't know," Lunar Eclipse replied. "But we'll figure it out! We're sailor soldiers, after all!"

The pep talk was partially for her sister and partially for herself. She saw exactly what her sister saw, but she didn't believe it could be everything. They were here for a reason. Something was trying to trick them, or trap them. If they worked together, they'd be able to figure it out. They just had to do so.

Already one of the others was trying to discover more about the place. Maybe he could learn something she and Aeilana couldn't see.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 11:54 am

Midnight, saw the whole area layout of where they all were, and was figuring out a plan. "We need to start looking around this area, I get the feeling we aren't alone." She said warning everyone and had said it in a loud enough tone so that everyone who wasn't near could hear.

Moving her eyes to look at everyone she counted, maybe to split up, there were 9 people here, they could split into a team of two maybe, and pick who they wanted to be with, it was clear this place was big and going solo wasn't going to help anyone. "Who wants to split up, into two teams of 4?" Midnight asked them looking into the darkness, not meeting anyone's eyes.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 1:22 pm

Breksta looked around and saw a variety of people. It appeared they were trying to figure out something, as they were talking amongst themselves quite fervently. 

She drew forth her staff, in a flash of mauve ribbon, just in case she needed to use it. 

Walking up behind the group she uttered in a reserved voice. "Does anyone know where we are? I just awoke from my fall into"

She scanned the area. Most of the group looked to be Sailor Soldiers. Not ones she had ever seen in her hometown, that's for sure. "I assume we are all Allies here..."
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 2:41 pm

[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128

And Sailor Hegale was down. She was clutching her sides, and rocking side to side, laughing. What was with that response? It was nowhere near the mark! Like, at all! It was like she didn't even try! Hegale tried to open her mouth to say something else-but only more rude guffaws left her throat.  

This was the funniest thing she'd seen-and heard-all week! It's totally a story to tell her client-laughter at other people's misfortune was always a way to get on their good side to help seal a deal!

Sailor Hegale was just wiping some tears from her eyes when the girl from before addressed her. "Pffft. Oh wow, my mistake. Sounds difficult-" Hegale pretended to fashion her fingers like claws "-and SUPER edgy." Announcing your senshi position like that? Did this girl have any pride?

Two of the other senshi-the ones with the wings had just landed. Hegale cupped her hands over her mouth and shouted "Hey! Did you bug-beetles find anything?" She was too far a distance to hear any additional conversations-nor would she have wanted too; It probably all kindness and love and all that other sappy senshi junk. She'd much rather stay here with her rock-hugging friend. At least it was some form of amusement.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 9:43 pm

If light sources were sparse within the dark rift, then Shadow had very little to fear with regards to his own safety. Most of the subjects present were unfamiliar, save perhaps for the fairies themselves. He was not yet ready to approach the Eclipse twins about their welfare following the encounter with the Collector, deciding that a little additional gathering of information was in order.

While looking over the windswept rock platform, Shadow's attention eventually found its way to two senshi trading verbal barbs. Having no other context, he would just assume they were high school rivals or some other fanciful fiction; thorough introductions could wait until the discovery of a promising lead out of this void. He could also lend a hand, but would do it in his own way.

Shadow turned his eyes towards Hegale, Midnight, and the distraught rock bearer who currently provided the caped senshi with no shortage of amusement. He shrugged briefly, surreptitiously surveying the rocky shelf while feigning just enough interest in Hegale's own banter. "But is it really just a mere rock? A rock would fit into your hand for easy throwing or skipping over a lake; that thing is large enough to be a bowling ball."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2018, 11:09 pm

Mirjana Kukavica - "Mira"

Mirjana continued to hold Karmen above her head even after Hegale was on the ground laughing her head off. What was so funny? Mirjana wondered. Was it her accent? Her answer? Her nervousness?

"Ah?" She suddenly looked up at Karmen and nodded. Karmen was right. At least laughter was better than anger, but she still felt somewhat guilty for making the woman drop to the ground like that. After taking a deep calming breath, Mirjana spoke up again, this time with more confidence: "I...we killed you with laughter, no?" she asked, frowning. "Well, uhm, I’m wery sorry...I don’t mean to."

She sighed and lowered the boulder into her lap, changing the course of the conversation once again. "...Oh right, Karmen keeps saying you have...pretty costume for swimming, but it is nowhere near the beach, no?" Where were they even? She glanced upward again and quickly scanned the desolate landscape as to not focus too much of her attention toward the frightening, swirling matter in the sky. There appeared to be several people who were now a lot closer to her than she had originally remembered. There was a girl around her age with medium length black hair, as well as a slightly older-looking blonde girl with a staff in her hands. Both of them wore school uniforms of some sort, but for which schools, Mirjana had no idea.

Then another person, a tall young man with brown hair and hazel eyes, made himself known to the small group. His calm and collected voice put Mirjana at ease when he pointed out Karmen's size to Hegale. Mirjana tilted her head curiously at the man's behavior. Was he trying to defend her?

"Uhm, yes," she agreed with his observation, adverting her gaze and blushing shyly as she spoke to him, "But Karmen... she dislikes being thrown, you know?"
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 8:51 am

Quote :
Sailor Koronis's Area Scan shows that the swirls of color surrounding the platform are magical in nature. He can feel that the magic is focus in the center of this Rift, right near the platform is located. His scan then sputters out as the magic in the center pulses with extra power.

[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128 Host [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128

"So," a deep voice begins. The voice rumbles and creaks, sinking into the bones of every humanoid gathered on the platform. "These are the worlds' greatest defenders? How puny."

The mass of crackling purple that once seemed content to swirl around the platform gathers form, almost like a thick liquid as tendrils of it snake out towards the platform. The tendrils drip, sending a thick rain to cover the platform, droplets landing near each one of the gathered group. The purple masses fall with a splat on the featureless platform.

A second later, those droplets gain a form of their own, raising up into something vaguely resembling the person they fell closest to, a shadowed replica.

They strike out.

Quote :
Goal: 9 shadows stand on the platform with the rest of the group, one lashing out at each of you (the two that look like the flying characters have taken to the air in order to attack)! You get to chose whether the attack lands or misses.

Show us how you retaliate! With fear and repulsion? Excitement? Do you try to dodge the attack? Do you attack on instinct? Do you help someone who might not be up for defending themselves?
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 9:07 am

Midnight looked around hearing the voice, not showing a sign of fear, all of a sudden those attacks appeared and she back-flipped just in time to dodge! Landing she decides to retaliate before she actually gets hit.

"Shadow Sphere!!" She yelled charging her attack, she was happy it was dark, made her attacks more stronger. Sailor Midnight blasted her attack at the two enemies in the sky, the sphere of darkness growing larger as it grew closer since it absorbed the darkness to become stronger. Midnight smirked and looked to the others in case someone needed help.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 9:18 am

☽☾ Sailor Lunar Eclipse ☽☾

The voice chilled her to the bone. Sailor Lunar Eclipse was very glad to be holding the hand of her twin when she heard it. Solar Eclipse's presence kept her focused. Her dark wings fluttered nervously as the silver eyes watched, widening when the darkness itself seemed to pulsate and turn into rain. She gasped slightly when the two droplets took to the air. Her eyes remained fixated on the one that looked... like her sister.

The mysterious figure wasn't an exact replica, but the look was too close for Zelena to feel comforted. She barely noticed that the second of the airborne creatures shared her own looks, long braid draped over the shoulder, tied with a large bow.

When the shadowed figures launched an attack, Sailor Lunar Eclipse felt like they were working in harmony. She almost knew what they were going to do before they moved to do it, but she didn't move. She felt frozen in some combination of shock and worry. Their motions seemed too familiar.

Just like herself and her sister.

"Aeliana!" she cried, instinctively moving to push Sailor Solar Eclipse out of the way of the incoming blast.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 9:22 am

As the scan suddenly went out, the magic Sailor Koronis felt caused him to stumble backward onto his rear. He could only muster a confused "Wha-?" Before the booming voice caused him to freeze up as it spoke. His next words once it finished were very nervous and stuttery, as he was now very afraid.

"T-the world's g-greatest defenders? B-but i only just started buh-being Sailor Koronis-WAH!" His voice was cut short again, this time by his shadow-clone pouncing at him. He was just barely able to block the attack with the hilt of his scepter, before shoving back the clone so he could get back on his feet.

At this point, his mind was going a mile a minute, and he was in a panic of panting. He wasnt sure what to do, whether he'd survive this, or- ding! With a deep breath, he calmed down just enough to remember something else useful.

He held the Koronis Scepter behind him as it began to surge with electricity. He then rang out this phrase as he pointed the Scepter in front of him towards the clone and it shot a bolt of lightning:

"Koronis... Lightning... BEAM!"

The blast knocked back the clone, stunning it, but he knew that wouldn't defeat it. As such, he semi-blindly charged towards the clone with the bladed edge of the Scepter In front of him, hoping to hit the clone again and finish it so he could be given a chance to properly calm down.

Last edited by Clegginator on 20th June 2018, 10:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 2:23 pm

Sailor Breksta // Chie

The brunette spun around at the appearance of the dark figures, With a flick of her wrist, her staff disappeared, and she pulled the gold beads off of her fuku "TWILIGHT RISING" The gold chains whipped around and hit the target. It wasn't super effective but it was enough to disorient two of them for a moment. The chains returned to her fuku, and she ran closer to the other senshi. "Everyone, be careful. We don't know what is going to happen! Shadows can be dangerous!" 
As the Senshi of dreams and twilight, she had had many a run in with dark shadows. Some were more malevolent than others. Casualties were not an option. This wasn't a dream - this was reality.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2018, 10:06 am

Sailor Midnight looked at everyone trying to form a plan, these shadows...these were evil forms of themselves, why else would there be 9 of each? She smirked figuring that one out, but how could they win? What were their weaknesses?

'If they're us then maybe..just maybe...That's it!' Midnight got her plan and looked around at each of the senshi that had been gathered. If she herself couldn't "be in the light" as it can hurt her then it can hurt that shadow thing!

"Oi! Sun Fairy!" She called to Solar Eclipse, she didn't know their names so just though of a quick nickname to get her attention. "Come here for a moment." She requested of the Sun using senshi, starting to form her plan with a small smile and kind eyes on her face yet serious looking.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2018, 1:09 pm

[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128
Sailor Hegale couldn't hold in her laughter-as if she'd even been trying to hold it in before. It started right back up. "It-it's name is K-Karmen...hee hee..!" Now in full blown ugly guffaws, she could only sputter out words in between full, stomach-shaking laughter. How did the others not find this hilarious? It's the funniest thing she'd seen in ages! She didn't even hear if the flying senshi had responded to her question or not.

Quote :
"So...These are the worlds' greatest defenders? How puny."

But Sailor Hegale definitely heard that. Her laughter cut abruptly as other began to attack. Hegale grinned with what could only be described as pure joy as the shadows appeared. She clapped her hands together, a dark aura surrounding each of her fists.

"Okay, NOW it's a party!" Sailro Hegale smirked as she took a ready stance, waiting for one of them to lunge at her. It was only a shame that her attacks worked at close range, but hey-that's what made combat all the more amusing. Why not get one angry enough to lunge at her to speed things up. Her hands still glowing, she placed her pointer fingers and thumbs in an oval shape around the center gem of her tiara. 

"Hegale Void...SHINE!" A bright purple beam of energy shot right from it.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 22nd June 2018, 7:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I forgot the name I gave for her power (that is embarrassing))
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2018, 3:14 pm

How curious! The young lady with the fancy stone was likely the first person Shadow had met with behavior or beliefs resembling animism. He was prepared to agree with her on the basis that a sentient being would not like to be thrown around. As for the question of whether or not Karmen the boulder would count as such a thing, it was irrelevant to the man in the black uniform. Unfortunately, such idle pleasantries were going to have to wait..

"Young lady, if these shades cause you trouble, stay back and let these champions protect you. Meanwhile, I am going to help them fight." Having delivered his advice to Rock Girl, Shadow then turned to face the umbral masses that rapidly approached the occpuants of the rift. The mysterious speaker who summoned forth the shadows had a powerful voice, and perhaps the potential to give Jasper a good fight. Until then, he would not give the rift's master the satisfaction or dignity of a proper response. Rather, he would judge the strength of the attacking silhouettes and then form an opinion. If the conjurer was merely going to hide himself and appraise the senshi's talents for combat, then Jasper would likewise play the waiting game and conceal his own strengths.

A shadowy doppelganger closed in to strike at him with swiftness that could be described as nearly inhuman, for no ordinary person would be able to move with such speed or murderous enthusiasm! And yet, Jasper found the shade to be lacking something essential, maneuvering around the wild and telegraphed attacks. When Jasper raised a question to the duplicate, his tone of voice - previously calm and collected - took on a belligerent tone that served to frustrate and provoke most other people into a fight.

"Is that all you can do?"
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2018, 7:50 pm

[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128

As predicted-one of them took the bait. The beam hit one of its shoulders. It hissed in pain, before lifting off of the ground and spiraling towards her; an arm outstretched to lash at her. Hegale caught it's arm before she could, grunting. She certainly didn't expect something made out of of shadowy gas to pack this much weight and force into their physical attacks. 

Oh well. She still had it right where she wanted. Hegale gazed into it's dark face, clenched fists still glowing.

"Gotcha!~" Sailor Hegale stuck her tongue out playfully as the lights around her hands blazed to life. 
"Hegale void summon!" 

An odd lurching sound could be heard from directly below the creature. A dark purple circle seemed to open underneath it and with a squelching noise, a tentacle burst forth from the hole and lashed at the creature. The shadow was launched quite a ways away from her, and she jumped back to regain her stance, the squiggling tendril remaining beside her.

"There's more where that came from! Come and get it!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2018, 9:36 pm

Sailor Breksta // Chie

Breksta was conflicted. What if these doppelgangers were somehow in fact connected to their real selves. She needed to figure out if this was the case, as if this was some sort of alternate reality connected to the real world, harming them could pose a problem. 

On the other hand, the shadows certainly did not feel the same way. It didn't help that everyone was from different places, with different fighting styles. It would be almost impossible for them to form any sort of plan. 

Since she wasn't in a dream, she would have to make it the dream world with her 'Veil of Night attack.' "But... what about everyone else..." She said under her breath. She couldn't pull everyone into the dream world. If they died there... She didn't want to think about that and shook it off. 

"This battle will have to be fought in this realm for now!" She called forth her staff and twirled it. "I may be at a disadvantage but I won't give up! I will fight until the day my light goes out!"

She jumped and began to swing at her shadow clone. "I will not lose!"

"WAKE-UP CALL!!!"  She yelled, bashing into the enemies head. The hit landed but she was thrown back by a retaliating attack. Her staff was knocked out of her hand and de-materialized. Was this the end? What could she do in the real world?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2018, 6:53 pm

Mirjana Kukavica - "Mira"

…And the blonde-haired woman in the purple "swimsuit" was laughing again.

“Yes. This is Karmen,” Mirjana replied to her with a sigh, “She is—” Her words were cut short by an unknown guest.

"So these are the worlds' greatest defenders? How puny."

Mirjana shuddered at the sound of the ominous voice. Just when things were starting to seem somewhat normal, the purple matter swirling around the atmosphere became droplets of darkness, which splattered against the granular surface and materialized into humanoid figures. Then almost instantaneously, the woman, the other teenage girl, and the one boy were shooting off laser beams and whipping chains around. Mirjana buried her face in her hands and curled inward. She didn’t even want to know what was going to happen after that. She just wanted to wake up from her nightmare.

"Young lady, if these shades cause you trouble, stay back and let these champions protect you. Meanwhile, I am going to help them fight."

Mirjana peered up at Shadow from between her fingers.

“What? Fight!?” What was this!? Why were they all fighting now? But she decided not to question him any further. For whatever reason, he seemed to be the only adult present, and he seemed the most knowledgeable of the situation, so perhaps he would keep things from getting too out of control? The teenage girl nodded once to acknowledge his advice. “O…ok. I-I stay,” she uttered weakly, flashing him an uncertain smile.

That smile instantly vanished when one of the shadows materialized in front of her. It vaguely resembled a teenage girl in a school uniform, but it held an undefined object in its hands about the size of a personal watermelon. Mirjana gasped. Another Karmen? No, Wait! Even worse! It was an evil Karmen! She jumped up from the ground in sheer panic as the shadow lunged for her, failing to successfully bash her on the head with the evil Karmen.

“Nema veze, I go! With you, Karmen and I go!” she exclaimed running toward Shadow, hugging tightly onto her boulder.

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th June 2018, 3:48 pm

Sailor Solar Eclipse

Shivers sought their way through her at the sound of the voice, but Sailor Solar Eclipse tried to fight against that fear to look around. There had to be something that was making that voice reverberate around them, right? Something... some kind of enemy, perhaps? The voice certainly seemed evil enough.

An enemy indeed. The shadowed beings caught Solar Eclipse by surprise, focusing so much on the surrounding swirls of crackling purple that she hadn't even realized that an incoming attack was heading straight for her.

Zelena, of course, had no such troubles.

Solar Eclipse felt herself being pushed to safety just in time. Her wings faltered for a second at the unexpected force, but she easily found her balance again.

"Zelena, I..." she trailed off, uncertain what to say. She could hear someone calling to her--or at least, she thought that girl meant herself when calling for the "sun fairy"--but Solar Eclipse was focused on the flying shadowed beings currently attempting to attack Zelena.

She reacted on instinct. "Plasma Fountain!" The attack arced its way towards the being, blasting it away from its intended target. Without thinking, Solar Eclipse flew closer to her sister and reached yet again for her hand, intending on pulling them closer towards the others on the platform.

There was safety in numbers, wasn't there? And getting Zelena to safety was most important right now.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th June 2018, 3:51 pm


Despite all of the attacks landing and the shadowed beings movements slowing from sustained injury, the are still moving without hindrance. Instead of going for another attack, the shadows pulse for a second, reaching for one another. The liquid of their forms meld together, melt into one another, creating something far larger and menacing.

Instead of nine smaller enemies, there are now three large enemies with shadowed appendages as thick as trees. They tower over the group in their hulking size, and go in for an attack each.

Quote :
The attacks are rolled randomly for their target: Sailor Midnight, Sailor Breksta, Sailor Koronis. These attacks land, but you get to decide how, as well as how much damage you want to take. It can be anywhere to a glancing blow to something more significant if you want! No dying or anything like that though, please! These are non-lethal attacks, but they do hurt!

Goal: A new round of battle! Now we have to contend with much larger enemies, so how do you proceed? Do you jump at the chance to work together with everyone, or try to pinpoint one on your own? Does your character leave it for others to deal with?

Also, if you've been injured, tell us about how your character is dealing with it! All characters are different and some may take injuries worse than others!
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th June 2018, 4:06 pm

Midnight watched Solar Eclipse attack, for someone who was small, she could clearly pack a punch. Suddenly everything was changing and she watched with wide eyes, that thing is huge! How could they defeat it? Was there any weaknesses to these 3 large monsters!?

Her thoughts were snapped out of it as she tried to dodge an incoming attack but failed, and a shriek of pain erupted from her body as Sailor Midnight was blasted to the ground by this strong attack, it hurt alright, a lot. Sailor Midnight's body shook as she tried to stand, she had a few cuts and bruises, but nothing too major.

"Dang, we need a plan right now." She said to herself looking at them, 3-9, good odds but that monster was strong, it was clear they would have to work together to stop those things. 

'Maybe teams of 3 could work? 3 for each monster?' Midnight asked herself, but would everyone be willing to help her out? Or even listen to her plan for that matter? Sailor Midnight finally stood up to think this through with each possible outcome.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th June 2018, 10:58 pm

As the figures slowly formed into 3 huge masses, Sailor Koronis stopped his charge almost immediately and felt both scared and annoyed at the event in from of him. Annoyed because "oh god, what are they doing now? Is this gonna be even harder, now?", but mostly scared because, well, guess.

And then one of the 3 new... monstrous things went straight for him. "Oh god, nononowaitwaitwaitAHH-"

He couldn't dodge this time, and thus was flung across the platform, bouncing on and then brutally scraping across the rock as he went, for all to witness. By the time he stopped, he was still very much alive, but was barely able to move due to how badly that hurt him, as he was covered in cuts and bruises and a fairly torn fuku, with his Scepter lying next to him. After failing to get back up, he could only speak a single, afraid request of help as he laid suffering on the ground:



Last edited by Clegginator on 25th June 2018, 7:26 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 6:46 am

☽☾ Sailor Lunar Eclipse ☽☾

"Ruby Pierce!"

The energy lanced through the shadow, her reflexes still quick even after removing her sister from danger. She furrowed her brows above silver eyes as Lunar Eclipse realized that the menacing form seemed relatively unaffected. Whatever this was, it was strong enough to withstand her attack. She dodged another brief retaliation as she heard the familiar cry of Solar Eclipse nearby.

But the shadows were moving now, acting with some kind of purpose. She didn't like it. This could not bode well.

Now there were three creatures, larger than before, more imposing and threatening in their larger size. They lashed out, and she cringed as several of those they barely knew were tossed aside. Sailor Lunar Eclipse clenched her hands into fists, her blood racing with the injustice of it all. No one deserved this!

Zelena turned and grabbed the outstretched hand of her sister, flying towards the platform.

"Whatever we do, we're going to have to do it together!" she announced. She suspected Aeliana felt the same.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 4:07 pm

Okay, perhaps that question was a bit early.

Keeping the boulder-clutching youth within his peripheral vision, Shadow adopted a defensive posture while the belligerent shades grasped one another and merged their forms into even greater threats. He muttered under his breath as the umbral hulks flexed their new muscle upon the sailor senshi with varying degrees of success. A quick study of their attack patterns was in order...

The weight classes couldn't be any more unfair. These walking wretches were big, seemingly possessing great physical strength if the pained reactions of their targets provided any useful context. They also seemed agile enough to be a threat, but they were each attacking their own separate targets without any hinderance. What would happen if Shadow could make their strength and size work against each other?

"I've got an idea!" the man in the dark clothing announced to his allies of circumstance. "If you can pool your powers and destroy one of those nightwalkers, then I can distract the other two and buy you time to attack."

Shadow then shot a brief glance to Mira, hoping that she had not panicked at the monsters' change in battle strategy. "If they agree, then I need you to get to safety. You can trust the sailor senshi, especially those two little ones with wings."
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 5:32 pm

Sailor Midnight looked around upon hearing the man and after getting her strength back she jumped, and landed safely near the man in dark. "Sounds good, I was thinking of maybe each three could take one but not in this case." She stated agreeing, even with a few bumps and bruises Midnight was still able to fight, she had to resist not using her ultimate but she didn't want to risk the enemy knowing of it.

Looking at the terrified girl with the boulder, Sailor Midnight knew this girl should be protected, probably this man had been protecting her from the shadows, how sweet. "Oi, who are you anyways, I sense you have connections to the shadows." Midnight stated turning her head to face this strange man as her dark brown eyes pierced him as if searching within him and her black hair flowed in the strong winds.
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th June 2018, 2:12 pm

[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 1322698128

Hegale was just about to celebrate her victory when she noticed that it wasn't actually a victory. The shadow creature shrugged off the attack as though it were nothing-and wait a minute, their hair looked strangely familiar...

Before she could even think of what to do next, she heard screaming. Hegale swirled around to see that three of the other senshi had gotten knocked around by an even BIGGER shadow-er, three, to be exact. Sailor Hegale kept the odd tendril beside her as she surveyed the scene. She realized quickly, with a groan, that she'd have to work with these do-gooders. At least they survived this long; Though she doubted rock-girl would.

"Okay, so there's no WAY my powers can knock these guys over. What's the plan?" Hegale shouted to nobody in particular. She certainly didn't want to be the next one in their line of fire.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 7:46 am

While Sailor Koronis was still to weak to get up, he could still see everyone was too occupied to help him up.

I guess I'll have to take this in my own hands.

He searched through the tears of his fuku to find the pen, and once he found it, he summoned as much strength into his voice as he could, put the pen into the air and called out:

"Koronis Gear Power, Make up!"

Please let this work, He hoped in his mind.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 1:06 pm

Quote :
Sailor Koronis's transformation takes hold as normal.

Sailor Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse winced as the attacks landed solidly against three victims. She didn't know them, couldn't even call out the names as she did not know them, but she would never have wished any harm to them.

These monsters were getting more difficult to deal with. If they didn't do something then more injuries would occur.

She was about to go and see if the one who was hit the hardest was okay--one of the few males summoned to this place--but the boy lifted what looked to be a kind of henshin rod in to the air and called out a transformation.

That seemed confusing as he appeared to already be transformed, but who was she to question the way other senshi worked? Still, even as the transformation took over, she hoped he would be okay to move with those substantial injuries. He probably couldn't stand to take many more hits like that.

There was no time to worry too much, however. Solar Eclipse had heard Shadow speak his idea and it seemed a solid one. She tried not to feel too much panic that Shadow would be attacked during the execution of the plan. She remembered his talent when fighting the Collector... he would be okay, right?

Sailor Solar Eclipse mustered up whatever courage she had, and called out, "Everyone, let's attack the creature on the right!" She raised her hands above her hair and focused her powers. Taking the initiative wasn't something she often did, but she hoped it was the right course of action. She looked to her sister for a second, just for a wave of extra confidence. "Plasma Fountain!"

She aimed straight for the large creature located on the right-side of the platform and hoped others would do the same while Shadow bought them time.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift   [Casual Event] The Amalgam Rift - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th June 2018, 5:22 pm

Good, that was at least one voice which agreed with his bold (and somewhat reckless) plan.

Facing the oversized aberrations that threatened their livelihood, Shadow began planning an angle of attack. Part of the reason he had earned his nickname came from the strange ability to translocate through dimly-lit areas in an instant; he could dance through the darkness to launch unpredictable strikes. That would be the surest way to draw the fiends' attention onto the man in black, which would then permit him to test the nightwalkers' unholy might. If they were lacking in any way, then he would crush them and force the hand of the rift's overlord.

Shadow had kept his eyes forward on the darkened drudges, but found it hard to miss the piercing gaze of the black-haired senshi. When Midnight fixed her attention on him and posed a query, the stranger turned his head to acknowlege her request. He did not yet have a name for her, and yet her language suggested that she also had some measure of influence over the night.

"A connection?" He wondered aloud, not particularly worried if anyone else overheard him at his point. If the terrible trio of termagants also picked up on his language, then his job would be all that much easier. Shadow smiled briefly, as if to fully embrace the absurdity of his solo effort to distract and disrupt the devils.

"Oh, that's simple; most people call me Shadow."
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