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 [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)

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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime9th October 2018, 9:04 pm

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) FfiYI65

The Rift tore open worlds upon worlds, meshing and coalescing them all into a jumbled mess. Seemingly by random, chosen representatives from countless worlds were brought together to a the floating center of the Rift. Although most of them did not know each other, they worked as a team, ready for the fight that soon began against creatures of the Rift.

Now, at the peak of a difficult battle, everyone has been teleported out of the Rift, landing at the same place: Modern Day Tokyo. Immediately upon arriving, a woman with blue hair and a small computer asks about what happened within that dark energy-ridden place.

The Rift still swirls and radiates high in the skies upon countless worlds, a clear threat of impending danger. It's up to those who have seen its center to figure out the next step to close the Rift before it destroys everything.


Important Information

  • This is a two week(ish) long Casual Event! It will begin October 14th and end October 31st.
  • No profile is necessary to sign up!
  • Sign ups are now open, and will close at the end of October 13th.
  • Just as its predecessor, only original characters may join. Otaku senshi, civilians, guardians, even otaku villains are allowed! As long as they are of your own making, feel free to throw them in the ring! <3 If you played in last event and want to continue, that's perfect too!!

    You don't need to have played in the last event to join, but I will ask that you give a passing glance over the previous event (easy link here) as this event continues right off at the end of the last one! We will play as though your character was just as involved in the plot as the other characters!

    When you sign up, you could do a quick rundown of how your character is feeling going into this. Such as: were they injured in the battle before being teleported away from the Rift? Are they ready to continue? Scared of what will happen next? This step is just for flavor and is not mandatory!
  • To sign up, post in this thread and claim who you would like to play! Please give a short description of your character when you sign up so we know who you are! (Alternatively, if you have a profile for this character, share the link! But a profile is not needed to play)
  • This thread will be used for all OOC purposes.


Character Roster

Sailor Mercury (Host) played by Sailor Saturn
Sailor Void Hegale played by Cosmos-Hime
Millennial Sailor Pluto played by chrissifniotis
Sailor Electra played by Princess Luna
Sailor Breksta played by Starchild
Hatespawn played by Sailor Mars
Shadow played by Jasper
Sailor Erato played by Lyssarie
Sailor Solar Eclipse played by Sailor Saturn
Sailor Lunar Eclipse played by Sailor Mercury


If you have any questions, please post them in this thread, PM me, or DM me on Discord! <3

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 15th October 2018, 2:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime9th October 2018, 11:18 pm

I'm gonna be sailor void hegale again!

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Sailor10
Copied and pasted from the last OOC:
Backstory: The Void senshi have been dispersed from their home planet for generations after the war between their rival group, the force senshi. They often work alone, and live as wanderers or travelers throughout the galaxy. This particular Void senshi lives on a very busy economic planet-working as a freelancer for-hire. She'll take any job she can get. She's quite bitter, as living from check to check and job to job most of her life has hardened her as a rather aggressive loner. 

Powers: Void miasma: a wave of smog attempts to blind the target from below, causing damage from various poisons from the environment.
Void summon: summons a dark purple tentacle from the void to attack enemies at her command
Void shine: a purple beam of energy shoots from the gem in her tiara
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime10th October 2018, 1:15 am

I'd like to have a go in this one as my Millennial Sailor Pluto.

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Starcall_request___chiyo_by_lady_raven16-dbw6scz
Fanart by Lady-Raven16 from deviantArt - Link to the original.

This is the link to her full profile on the site.
A quick summery of her backstory though;
This Sailor Pluto is the daughter of Drs Setsuna (Meioh) and Saboru Akemi PhD. She also with the Millennial Sailor Jupiter travel all over the world and team up with the new generation of senshi to fight off aliens trying to conquer Earth. Pluto is a unique senshi in that everything she wears and uses reflects her personality as a Lolita with an interest in the dark side of humanity.

Usable Powers;
Sword Shield - Due to the size and weight of Pluto's Right Hand - her longsword - in close combat Sailor Pluto uses it as a shield to block attacks as well as a sword to pierce through thicker defenses.
Screaming Dagger - When dealing with a single enemy in retreat and with the powers of her swords Sailor Pluto can throw Soultaker - her dagger - at the enemy to attack them and then call back the dagger using Pluto's Right Hand.
Blade Rain - Sailor Pluto throws Soultaker into the air and calls out 'Blade Rain'. In the air the dagger hovers and splits into ten duplicates of the same sword. Sailor Pluto then shouts the word 'Fall!' and all ten daggers fall to the ground, striking everyone within the area the daggers fall into. After which anyone can pick up the real Soultaker, but only Sailor Pluto can know exactly which one is the real one. Anyone who picks up a duplicate will be poisoned on contact with any part of the dagger.
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Princess Luna
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime10th October 2018, 8:14 am

I'm gonna go with Sailor Electra 
Sailor Electra link to profile
[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Sailor11
Quick summary:
She is the oldest of seven siblings reincarnated from warriors of Taurus. And is the lost Pleiad, heir to the Taurus Throne. She's very bubbly and outgoing with a photographic memory. She has trouble saying no because she's a people pleaser. 

[size=33]Fever Blaze: A bright orange light comes from her hand and it hits the enemy.[/size]
[size=33]Star Lance: A bright yellow lance with a star shape at the end of it, appears in her hands which she throws at the target.[/size]
[size=33]Glaring Magic: A bright light magically appears and has the effect of pretty much a flash bomb.[/size]
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime10th October 2018, 12:31 pm

I'll go with Sailor Breksta agian.

Some Facts
[*]Dreams to Be An Idol

Backstory (from profile)
hie was born in Tokyo, and has lived with her mother and father her whole life in an apartment in Shibuya. She passed primary and secondary school as an average student, never failing but never acing everything. Her daydreaming has gotten her in to trouble a few times. One night when she was awoken in the middle of the night, in a cold sweat. A nightmare that she had been having night after night continued to haunt her. Visions of death and destruction that every sundown, the world was ending. This time when she awoke, she didn't feel like things were right. Walking out of her bed she noticed she was no longer in her room. An alternate space? She never really found out but all she knew was it was not her bedroom. Before her eyes the twilight appeared out of nowhere, and a voice called out to her. "You must guard the night. You must protect the dreams of everyone." Looking around she didn't notice anyone, but the voice continued to boom. "Please, for the sake of Elysion, for the sake of the White Moon... please, fulfill your destiny. Protect them." A brooch appeared before her in a flash of light. It looked like the letter Z, but a bit more ornate. She took it in her hands, and spoke the magic incantation that appeared in her heart. "Breksta Twilight Rain!" [Breksta Saulėlydis Lietus!] The voice continued to guide her, but she has yet to meet the source. She began traveling from dream to dream, and guarding the night.


  • Twilight Rising: Breksta uses the gold beads around her chest to create two long range whips. This attack is used mostly for grabbing objects/blocking attacks. It is not very effective in terms of damage on it's own, but when used before a stronger attack, it can do some preemptive damage. 

  • Veil of Night: Creates a dome of energy that takes the form of a starry ephemeral sky. This is created with her staff. The purpose of this is mostly defensive, as it changes the plane of attack from Earth to the Dream realm. It is possible to break through, but requires a lot of work and perserverance

  • Divine Clarity A healing attack, used from Breksta's staff. It purifies the evil dreams/entities that are plaguing the person who is having the nightmare. The enemy is enveloped in a beautiful lavender light, gradiating into a sunrise color - and if the attack works, will turn into  the spirit of a beautiful dream, depending on the person the dream will change. Sometimes the attack fails and drastic measures will need to be taken

  • Nightmare Pendulum: A high powered attack that calls forth the world of nightmares. The enemy is surrounded by a black and red hued space and is barraged with sharp pendulums and knives. This attack can be deadly if Breksta doesn't stop it in time. Usually, as an she has mercy and will instead purify the evil entity. If it is a human, she will be more apt to stop the attack. 

  • Wake Up Call Breksta hits the enemy with her staff. Usually a low powered attack. 

  • Eyes of the Empath:Not an attack, but a psychic ability only usable as Breksta that can see the true nature of someone's dream. It happens randomly and she cannot control it. 

Current State: Fell asleep after landing. Passed out.

Last edited by Starchild on 12th October 2018, 4:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime10th October 2018, 5:11 pm

I'd like to bring Jasper / Shadow (link) back for round 2.

Backstory (quick version):
A lower-ranking Dark Kingdom soldier who was reincarnated into the present day, Jasper once served the forces of Chaos by way of aiding Queen Beryl and the Shitennou with their schemes to conquer Earth. Gradually, Jasper came to realize that his actions were proving harmful to the world. He broke away from the Dark Kingdom, forsaking his allegiance to pursue his own way in human society

While wary of wishing to fight for idealistic causes or altrusitic concepts like "good," Jasper is not afraid to get his hands dirty when warranted. When investigating supernatural affairs, he moonlights under the alias Shadow in order to keep them separated from his civilian livelihood.

Current State: Inquisitive. Shadow wants to discover who teleported him into the rift, and what the kidnapper has to gain from such a bold action.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime12th October 2018, 9:57 am

I'll sign up as Sailor Erato!

Personality Traits: Charismatic, persuasive, alluring, emotional, flirtatious, stubborn, independent

Brief History: Sirena (Sailor Erato) was born into a wealthy family. Her mother owned her own fashion design company, which her father was the head of marketing for. Both of her parents died in a terrible accident when Sirena was 14, and she has lived with her aunt at her family's estate ever since. At the age of 18, Sirena discontinued her education and took the reins of her mother's company, and has been running it flawlessly ever since. When she became a senshi, Sirena made the choice to take a step back from the company and let her aunt take over while she focused more on her duties as a senshi.

Interesting Facts: Sirena can do flawless voice impressions, she is extremely persuasive and good at haggling, and she has a beautiful soprano voice.

Senshi Fuku:

Erato Illusion - Erato takes on the form, voice, and personality of anyone she has had physical contact with.
Cosmis Charm - Erato can make anyone fall in love with her for a short period of time.
Mnemosyne's Ballad - By strumming her magical lyre, Erato can become invisible for a short period of time.
Amity Tempest - Erato can summon a massive storm of energy as long as she is in the presence of another senshi and her heart rate is fast enough.

Current State: Erato was also transported to the Rift by Sailor Mercury, but to a different location than the original group of senshi from the first part of the story. She experienced almost the exact same trials as the rest of the senshi. She appears in Modern Day Tokyo with the senshi from part one, and is curious as to what they found out, and how they can stop the impending havoc.

@SailorPluto, let me know if the current state seems okay! I wasn't really sure how to fit Erato in, so I did my best improvisation xD
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime14th October 2018, 3:08 pm

Today will be the final day to sign up (since I forgot to give a warning yesterday about it hehe)! I'll get the thread going asap!

Also, I'll be joining up again as Sailor Solar Eclipse like last time! Link to Profile!
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime14th October 2018, 3:58 pm

Now how could we have Sailor Solar Eclipse without Sailor Lunar Eclipse (Consider this an extension of the original temporary adoption!)
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime15th October 2018, 2:39 pm

Sign Ups are now closed!

Thread will be up shortly!
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime16th October 2018, 1:04 am

I have a question for RPGs, I tend to listen to music as I write, is it against the rules or bad form to post music into any of my IC posts?
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime22nd October 2018, 6:31 pm

I apologize for the slowness the past couple of days. Things have been BUSY D: I will endeavor to do better from now on, lovelies <3
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime23rd October 2018, 1:01 pm

My week has been pretty busy as well, but I should be able to get a post in on Thursday! ^_^
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime30th October 2018, 1:47 am

The most recent Sailor Pluto post was inspired by Coachella Opening by Jean Michel Jarre.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime30th October 2018, 10:24 am

chrissifniotis wrote:
I have a question for RPGs, I tend to listen to music as I write, is it against the rules or bad form to post music into any of my IC posts?

I only just saw this question now, sorry! Sometimes things get swept under the rug D: Feel free to poke me again next time if I don't answer in good timing, okay? <3 <3

You can share the song if you want, but it should be under a OOC spoiler tag at the end of the post!

That way you still share it without breaking the flow of the RP! Alternatively, sharing it in the RP's own OOC board works too (like what you did just in the post above me xD!)
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC)   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaissance (OOC) I_icon_minitime30th October 2018, 11:31 pm

yeah I figured here was actually the best way, but thanks for the tip anyway.
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