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 [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime15th October 2018, 5:09 pm

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance FfiYI65

The Rift tore open worlds upon worlds, meshing and coalescing them all into a jumbled mess. Seemingly by random, chosen representatives from countless worlds were brought together to a the floating center of the Rift. Although most of them did not know each other, they worked as a team, ready for the fight that soon began against creatures of the Rift.

Now, at the peak of a difficult battle, everyone has been teleported out of the Rift, landing at the same place: Modern Day Tokyo. Immediately upon arriving, a woman with blue hair and a small computer asks about what happened within that dark energy-ridden place.

The Rift still swirls and radiates high in the skies upon countless worlds, a clear threat of impending danger. It's up to those who have seen its center to figure out the next step to close the Rift before it destroys everything.


General Information and OOC thread for this event can be found here!


Casual Event Rules of Etiquette

  • Be mindful of other players!
    --Casual Events are often big and full of many different players, which is always fun and part of the charm! However, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play. We don't want anyone to get left behind! It's great to be enthusiastic towards the event, but if you notice that you are posting very often and very quickly, try to take a break and give the other players a chance to catch up to you! It's no fun to play alone, after all Very Happy
  • Read all posts!
    --Make sure to read all of the previous posts before you make your next one! This ensures that you don't miss out on something vital, and can help to keep your character from missing out on some fun interactions or appearing rude by accidentally ignoring others!
  • Keep an eye out for event goals!
    --The event host (Sailor Saturn) will often post a goal for everyone to reach for throughout a certain period of time. This is normally depicted in a quote box to make it stand out a little more! These are generally guidelines to try and help move the plot along, but they are not mandatory to complete.
  • Try to remain active!
    --Keeping a regular posting regimen helps keep the flow of the event going strong! And your character plays a vital part! Of course, things can come up and hinder you from posting, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no penalty for dropping out, and you can join back in when you have time. If possible, please let the event host (Sailor Saturn) know, or post in the OOC thread for the event!
  • If you have any concerns or problems, please contact the event host (Sailor Saturn)!
    --It can be about anything, whether you feel overwhelmed or lost, are having troubles with another player, or if you aren't sure what to post next, or even if you want to talk about the lousy day you've just had! The PM box is always open! <3


Character Roster

Sailor Mercury (Host) played by Sailor Saturn
Sailor Void Hegale played by Cosmos-Hime
Millennial Sailor Pluto played by chrissifniotis
Sailor Electra played by Princess Luna
Sailor Breksta played by Starchild
Hatespawn played by Sailor Mars
Shadow played by Jasper
Sailor Erato played by Lyssarie
Sailor Solar Eclipse played by Sailor Saturn
Sailor Lunar Eclipse played by Sailor Mercury

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime15th October 2018, 5:13 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Host Like a Star @ heaven

"Interesting." That creaking deep voice returned, sounding rather amused. "Now I know."

Darkness sweeps over the platform, coating your vision in purple shadows. You recognize the sensation--it is the same as what brought you here in the first place.

As your vision returns, you come to yourself in a dimly lit paved street. Some may recognize the modern streets of Tokyo, but others may not. A woman in a senshi fuku jumps at your sudden arrival, her blue hair similar to the sky above. As she approaches the newly materialized group, her fingers fly across the small computer held in her hands.

"You've come back." The words were more a statement of wonder, of curiosity, than an actual question. "Please, tell me all about it."

Even as the need for more information hung in the air, the woman her computer from one person to the other, giving each of the new arrivals a quick scan. Without saying anything, she hands off bandages for those who need them before kneeling down next to the unconscious Sailor Breksta, checking her pulse and trying to help the fallen senshi wake up. Still, inquisitive and intelligent eyes glance to the gathered group, expecting answers.

Quote :
Here we go! Very Happy We're starting right off from the ending of last event! Everyone has access to bandages and other medical supplies that have been collected right where everyone has been teleported, so use them if you need to!

Goal: Introduce your character to us, show how they're feeling having just been teleported off the platform after a fairly difficult battle! If your character is up for it, answer Mercury's question and tell her about your experience!

Will you go to an injured ally's side? See to your own wounds? Explore the new surroundings? Ask your own questions? The stage is yours!
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime15th October 2018, 5:27 pm

Sailor Electra

Amber woke up in a strange city with senshi all around her. What was going on here? She blinked, trying to clear away the confusion. Looking down, she realized that she was Sailor Electra. Just what was it that happened before she got here? She couldn't remember. "Um... Excuse me, where are we?" Sailor Electra asked. "I don't remember anything until I got here..." She looked around the strange city wondering where it was they were exactly and how she got there.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime16th October 2018, 1:00 am

Sailor Pluto

Chiyo lay on the ground exhausted, battle scarred from the rift. Slowly she opened her eyes, she regained enough energy to wake up. A moment after she began to notice her surroundings, her brain finally started to tick. She felt the stiff breeze graze the cuts and gashes all over her legs, her skirt almost completely ripped apart. The sharp sting seized her for a second or two, she yelped in pain but once it passed she used Soultaker and a support stick and pulled herself upright.

Finally on her feet Chiyo started to take in her surroundings; a convenience store not far from where everyone was, along a strip of eateries, a Shinto shrine in the distance. She distinctly noticed there were very few residences, some apartment buildings but no houses. She was close by to a river, and she saw the bank had what looked like a garden growing from the concreted sides. She suspected she knew exactly where she was but needed to check the skyline again. She scanned the grey clouds until she found it, Tokyo Tower. She was home. Chiyo let out a big sigh of relief.

Then she heard someone call out for her, a familiar voice. She turned back again and saw a young woman helping the rest of the group. "Dr. Mizuno!" she shouted instinctively, trying to beckon her old friend. However something was odd about her, she wasn't the same as when she met her in Paris. Her hair was much, much shorter, the woman's shining blue waves were missing. She was a bit smaller than she last remembered her and she sounded younger too. In fact now that she thought about it Tokyo does seem a bit dated since she left and traveled the world. "Is that you Dr. Mizuno?" Chiyo asked. "You look so different from last time."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime16th October 2018, 7:05 am

☽☾ Sailor Lunar Eclipse ☽☾

There was only one thought in Sailor Lunar Eclipses' mind when she found herself in no longer locked within that rift: was her sister alright? She fluttered her inky black wings, the cloud of sparkling dust shimmering in the streetlights, and tried to get to be a better vantage point.

"Aeliana?" she asked, her voice quavering but managing to stave off the edge of panic. "Aeliana!"

Where was that familiar head of saffron-hued hair? It was easy enough to see the larger forms of the others they had been dumped here alongside, but Zelena could only think of one thing. She barely noticed the blue-haired woman in the blue uniform, one who's face ought to have seemed at least slightly familiar from that event so long ago. She simply had to know that her sister was alright before she could hear questions, let alone answer them!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime16th October 2018, 11:43 am


Unbeknownst to everyone, there was an unsuspicious pool of water that has been transported with them. "You've come back" was the first thing Hatespawn heard, as it slowly regained consciousness. While it has been in the Rift, it had no recollection of what happened inside. The waves of dark, negative energy surging through the Rift were completely overflowing in its body, causing the manifestation of Maji's hatred to remain knocked out during its time in the Rift, as if it had been put into stasis. A real unusual feeling for a being that needed no sleep.
"Please, tell me all about it." The voice further questioned, as it rose from the ground like a watery pillar. Hatespawn didn't know how long its unconscious body has lain there, but the embracing warmth of the sun had heated up its liquid body without it evaporating, so it probably wasn't too long.  

"What are you talking about?" The monster took on its more human-like shape, stretching out another set of pillars from its main body, functioning as arms. The sunlight that hit its body got refracted, throwing a rather unusual-looking rainbow behind it. As it slowly came back to its senses, it realized that the question probably wasn't meant for it. All around Hatespawn were Sailor Senshi, some of them already up, while most of them were still unconscious. "What a feast. The creature thought, although it knew very well that it would be foolish to make any wrong moves. It may have been able to deal with some Sailor Senshi and absorb their Crystals, but those were all alone. Never before had it dealt with a whole group of them.

"Where am I? Tell me how I got here!" Hatespawn asked loudly with a demanding voice, not aiming its question at anyone specifically.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime16th October 2018, 12:50 pm

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance 1322698128
Hegale was more then just a little shook-if she ever felt any emotion other then anger, that is. One minute, she was sleeping in a hotel-the next, she was on some huge, rocky platform-and she was teleported again!? A second time!? God, did her back hurt. She'd certainly find whoever was in charge of the teleportation device and find a way to destroy their reputation for this. It wouldn't be the first time she dug up dirt on someone and deliberately destroyed their lives. This wouldn't be any different.

Except she was teleported-twice-in the middle of the night. That's when the senshi in blue spoke; and by the way she was speaking-it's became clear to Hegale who was behind disturbing her evening. Fairly quickly, she stormed up to the girl, mere inches away from their noses touching.

"I donno what game you're playing at, girlie, but you better send me back home." She growled. "Unless you want that computer of yours to become nothing but a husk of trash."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime16th October 2018, 1:36 pm


Thick darkness settled over Jasper's eyes before he could start locating the speaker, obfuscating even his gifted sense of sight. Once the gloom finally lifted, he found himself in the rather familiar environment of Tokyo.

Quite a number of individuals were scattered throughout the dimly lit street, some familiar to his own memory. One of them in particular, the irritable blonde senshi whose name was still unknown to Shadow, seemed to focus intently on the blue-haired woman with the miniaturized computer. Now was a good time as any to speak up before a fight erupted over Hegale's misunderstanding.

"She isn't responsible," Shadow muttered from not far too away behind the pair, having ruled out the analytical soldier as the cause of the dimensional displacement. Walking forward to both greet the senshi in blue and to nonverbally deter Hegale's threat with his physical presence, Shadow presented the first question that came to his mind after the darkness retreated from his vision.

"I was about to sleep, then found myself on a barren rock shelf with these people. Did you notice anything unusual while we were away? If so, how much time has passed?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 1:34 am

Sailor Pluto

Chiyo was so fixated on the blue haired woman she completely forgot the gathering around her. More and more of the unusual senshi were waking up, regaining consciousness and themselves evaluating the situation, just like she was but in their own ways. Not everyone uses deductive powers, she reminded herself. She kept the blue haired woman in mind, still convinced she is Dr. Mizuno but not at the same time. Perhaps she has taken a new identity here. She noted the outfit the youth wore; a rather monochromatic ensemble, lots of blues and white. Her uniform compared to her own looked terribly simple, primitive even, no gauntlet gloves, no fancy design on the woman's skirt, a boring tiara instead of her crown. I guess I really shouldn't fault her tiara, she continued internally, I am the Queen of the Underworld anyway. I'm the only one in my own group with one!

Chiyo then did what she does best in any fight or unusual situation, she assessed everyone and everything. She went all Sherlock Holmes as Sailor Mars usually puts it. The first person she noticed was indeed a very striking young woman, a senshi wearing bright pastel colours. In general she dislikes overly bright colours but on this character they seem to fit her well, her bright orange hair stands out from the pale hues. This character was clearly disorientated, she questioned the blue haired not-quite-Dr. Mizuno and wondered about the place. I should stick by her for now. Guardian or not she looks like she will need all the help she can get. Next she noticed another young woman with another intriguing outfit, one more pleasing to Chiyo. This person wore a black corset with a long skirt, much like what her own should be. Her brooch simmered in the light, much like her own - a golden bauble styled to look like the sun and a crescent moon. Her brooch looks cooler. she pouted within herself, she was totally jealous of the gothic look this guardian has. It's as if she forgot her own edgy Lolita appearance. However that was short-lived, eventually she noticed that this person was also lost, but she was calling out to someone, or perhaps something. 'Aelinia'?, she thought, What is an aelinia? Is that a name? That seems the most likely answer. She nodded to herself. But the name to what? Chiyo pondered over this and continued to survey the group.

Then she noticed the most unnatural thing she's ever seen! An object made out that water?! 'Oh my g-!' she stopped herself mid sentence. She was reminded of her time defending the Earth, the aliens and their liquifying technology. That....thing isn't the same though, she knew that at least. She tried very hard to work out its features but the transparency was too great, all she saw was a 'pile' of a liquid that closely resembles water emerge from the ground and form the rough shape of a human. If only Nari were here, she'd freak out at the sight of that thing, she sighed, I do miss Brainiac, I want Jupiter here now. Finally Chiyo noticed the two people confronting the almost-but-not-really-Dr. Mizuno, a truly unusual appearance, maybe more so than the 'body' of water. A bold purple dress with a pair of boots and a cape to match, an ornate head of pale golden hair embellished with the most unusual lilac headpiece. Her entire appearance drew her attention more than the argumentative tone she was taking towards the blue haired woman. And then the man with a rather plain looking suit by comparison. Apart from his combat boots little else drew the eye, what did drew her attention was the fact that this man seemed to have a prior knowledge with her. Unlike the rest of her fellow counterparts these two have a history together as far as Chiyo worked out. I should keep my eye on these two, she noted, they have a dialogue together. This might be useful later on.

'I have no idea what the end game is,' she muttered to herself, 'but I know what my first move is.' Chiyo walked up to the red headed senshi, the guardian that seems to remind her of Nari quite a bit and greeted her warmly. 'Hi, are you alright?'
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 11:38 am

Sailor Electra

Sailor Electra was so confused still. Where were they? Before she could even begin to have questions answered, others started to wake up and move around. One seemed to be looking for someone, maybe a relative or companion? Another was up and yelling at the woman who had addressed them. Then a weird, water creature, something she'd never seen before started yelling too. Behind them a man had started trying to calm the yelling ones down. 

That was when another senshi approached her. She was quite beautiful, in a Lolita type senshi uniform. She caught herself staring at the girl's clothes before realizing she'd been asked a question. "Oh sorry. I kind of got caught up looking at your uniform. It is very pretty." Sailor Electra smiled at the girl, "I think I'm okay. I don't seem to have any wounds, but I am a little disoriented. Do you know where we are? I don't recognize this city."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 1:18 pm

Chie // Sailor Breksta

Chie laid on the ground, she had been swept up before she could even transform. Her henshin item still in her hand. Still groggy, she hadn't completely come to yet. She heard some light murmuring around her. It sounded like two girls conversing. From what she could gather, they were senshi. She didn't know where she was, or if she could be seen from her current placement. 

Opening her eyes slightly, she looked around at her surroundings, nothing was familiar at all. The fall had caused quite a bit of pain, but she manged to sit up. She uttered a small "Hello" hoping someone could hear her cry for help.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime17th October 2018, 11:35 pm

Sailor Pluto

Chiyo sighed. 'Well the good news it we are in Tokyo, I live here so I know where we are.' She paused and turned around back to the blue haired woman. 'The bad news is I'm not really sure when we are.' She turned back to this bright character. ' I think we'll be fine for now, but to be safe let's stick together.' She quickly dropped Pluto's Right Hand onto the ground and extended her free hand. 'I'm Sailor Pluto. Well the new Sailor Pluto, my mother was like the original-', she sighed at herself. 'Sailor Pluto. Sorry, I kinda ramble on a bit. I get really shy around new people.' They shock hands. 'It's nice to meet you, Sailor...?'
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 1:05 am

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance 1322698128
Hegale gritted her teeth once she heard the familiar male voice call out to her. She whipped her head back to glare at Shadow.

"Are you outta your mind? Didn't you just hear her?-" Hegale gestured violently toward the blue senshi. " 'Welcome Back' she says. That's mean she knew where we were!" Hegale was trembling with rage-literally. Anyone could see the purple-clad woman's face growing redder and redder by the second.

"How could anyone have known where we were? We were in the middle of total and absolute nowhere!" Her attention was drawn back to the girl as she raised her hand to strike either her, or the teeny and annoying computer she held in her hands-she was undecided as to which to hit, but Hegale would do what she always did when she got this angry. Wing it. 

"The way I see it, she's guilty as heck. Spill it, chickie! Why'd you do it!?"

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 5:50 am

Sailor Solar Eclipse

The fear of battle still had yet to loosen its tight grip around her, and Sailor Solar Eclipse could feel her heart continue to race despite the fact that the immediate danger of that strange creature had not been teleported with them. Where was Zelena? Had she been transported as well?

The flurry of conversation buzzed around her, but she only paid heed to the one voice that mattered. Finding her sister amongst all of the giants was no easy feat, but this wasn't the first time she'd been amongst these larger beings and that experience helped her spot the familiar and comforting form of her sister.

Zipping up to her in a shower of shimmering glitter, Aeliana rushed to her sister's side, reaching for the other's hands. "Zelena!" She gave her twin a quick searching look, inspecting Zelena for any signs of injury. "You're okay?" The battle had not been an easy one, and if Zelena had sustained any injuries, it was likely that the silver-haired girl wouldn't make a fuss about it, even when she should!

Angry words distracted her for a moment, the tone almost like a blow itself to the small fairy. She recognized the angry senshi from the battle before, but she did not understand why Hegale would continue to be so angry now that they were all—from what she could see—relatively safe.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 6:10 am

Like a Star @ heaven Host Like a Star @ heaven

Despite all of the commotion around her, despite all of the questions and confusion being posed at her, Sailor Mercury remained quiet for several minutes. This was not the first time she'd dealt with situations similar to this, and it was likely not the last. She took it all with grace, watching each individual, inputting data into her computer, all while caring for the fallen Sailor Breksta, offering the girl a cup of water.

To Hegale's anger, Mercury only had a wry smile to give. Dealing with outright anger was something with which she had years of experience. Where once she might have faltered and stammered, now she stood tall and unconcerned by the show of hostility.

"Can you not see by our similar clothing that we're on the same side?" she asked of Sailor Void Hegale. "Just because I have been on the outside of that portal does not mean I was the one to create it."

She finished typing something into her computer before snapping it shut and addressing the entire group once more. "My name is Sailor Mercury. Currently, you're all in 21st century Tokyo, on the planet Earth. The reason I know where you've been is because that Rift has been in the sky, in every sky, for weeks now. I've attempted to study it though the information to be gathered has been lackluster. Most attempts to scan the phenomenon have been incapable of penetrating the magical defenses."

She paused, lips twisting into a frown. "My friends and I, we've tried to get through the Rift, to help you all as you fought, but nothing seems capable of getting through it. And there's a problem."

Sailor Mercury looked to each person in turn. "The Rift is growing larger. Our attempts to keep it contained are beginning to break. I think we'll need your help to close it."
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 6:40 am

☽☾ Sailor Lunar Eclipse ☽☾

The panic subsided when she once again had her hand fast in that of her sister. She had been quick to insist that yes, she was fine, all the while trying to assess the same of her twin. It seemed that they had both escaped that battle mostly unharmed, and for that she was grateful. The silver-haired fairy listened carefully as the young woman from before spoke again, her tone even and measured, providing essential information.

"I couldn't see much while we were there, but I heard a voice. It spoke about 'the worlds' greatest defenders', then created shadowy, strange copies of us... which eventually merged into a lesser number of larger opponents."

With this statement, the diminutive winged sailor soldier gave a small shrug. "That's it."
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 4:38 pm

Sailor Electra

Sailor Electra looked up at the girl, Sailor Pluto, the second one. She was surprised that they were in Tokyo, but not the century she was from. And they had been teleported here? So many unusual things were happening today. When Sailor Pluto said they should stick together, she thought it was a great idea. She took Pluto's hand and said, "Nice to meet you Sailor Pluto. I'm Sailor Electra. I think sticking together is a great idea. We could work together in whatever battle we will be facing." She smiled at the girl.

She was snapped to attention when Sailor Mercury explained the situation. Turning from Sailor Pluto for a moment, she turned to Mercury. "What can we do to help?"
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime18th October 2018, 4:58 pm

Chie // Sailor Breksta 

Clearly, there was too much commotion about to be heard. Sighing she stood with some difficulty. Her black and teal school uniform was covered in debris, but Chie did her best to brush it off. She followed the clamor of voices. 

She stood behind a soldier clad in crimson with a longer skirt than most senshi she had seen. She crossed her arms, listening, taking in all the information the soldier with the visor was giving.  This unfamiliar group of people, she wanted to believe that they could return to where they should be, but she was less than hopeful - after all, they didn't know each other at all. 

"So what you're saying Sailor Mercury, is we're stuck here forever if we can't shut the rift?"
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime19th October 2018, 1:19 am

The senshi shook hands and Chiyo smiled back. 'Strength in unity. My friend used to say that a lot.' She was very happy, she gained an ally in battle and more importantly a new friend. Nari and Setsuna would be so proud of her. 'I wish she was here,' she continued, 'she loves this kind of sciencey stuff.'

Suddenly Mercury made such an outburst that drew everyone's attention. Chiyo assumed it was time to return to her. 'Puluto Vahmo Zoo.' she said with her hand outstretched to the resting longsword. The weapon glowed on her command and flew from the ground into her hand as the two senshi moved towards Sailor Mercury. As the youthful Mizuno talked and explained she once again gathered all the facts and processed them. I knew it was Mizuno!, she thought, But the 21st century? That raises more questions than it answers. I know about Dr. Mizuno's past, or rather my Dr. Mizuno's past. Is it possible I'm in another universe?! The unsettling thought made her worry. She continued to listen and gather everything Sailor Mercury knew about the Rift, then she mentioned her friends and the emerging problem. What happened to mother?!

When Mercury finished Chiyo stepped forward to make herself heard and asked her directly. 'What are the facts? However little we do know is still useful. I'm afraid my input is very limited, I don't remember anything about the void. The only thing I know for sure is that I was in a fight and I took a lot of hits, but I seem to be fine right now.' She turned around to hear another senshi recount her experience in the Rift. Huh, she though, I wonder why she knows so much. Chiyo turned back to Mercury and added 'I guess I'm suffering from some sort of memory loss, I don't remember that at all.' With that she stepped back, slightly embarrassed by and secretly watching that guardian. It's not a bad idea to ally with her too.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime19th October 2018, 7:35 am

~ Sailor Erato ~

All alone in the Rift, Sailor Erato had fought as hard as she could against the enemies that approached her, but it was a losing battle. She was starting to contemplate running for her life when she suddenly found herself in a completely different place - one that was familiar, but different at the same time. Was she back on Earth?

Her heart was beating so fast that the pink glow around Erato's hands didn't fade for several minutes, even after the threat of danger was clearly gone. She looked around, breathing heavily, her eyes taking in all of the people around her. How did she go from being completely alone in a hellhole of darkness and despair, to being surrounded by other soldiers in what looked like a normal city?

Sailor Mercury's explanation was rather surprising to Erato. So she was back home, but in the future? Looking around, Erato could see the similarities, but also the significant changes. This city seemed to have magic pulsing through its veins. Was her aunt still alive? Was her company still standing? In the distance, she could see a large crystal palace silhouetted against the skyline. Did she design clothes for royalty?!

The thought made Erato giddy, but she worked to hide her gleeful smile from the others. This definitely wasn't the time to be gushing about fashion.

Looking down, the senshi of illusion scoffed at a tear in her skirt. Some monsters just had no respect for how intricately designed her fuku was.

Looking around, Erato couldn't tell if she really liked anyone in her new "group." She preferred the Muse senshi back home over this ragtag group of people, but they seemed powerful and experienced. The feisty one seemed to be more her type. Her eyes landed on the only human male in the group, and she sidled over to meet him.

"You're awfully out of place here, aren't you?" she teased, motioning towards the group of girls around them. "What makes you so special?"

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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime20th October 2018, 10:43 am

Shadow inhaled deeply, his eyes briefly unfocusing as he sighed inwardly. Hegale was angry and acting on raw emotion, and though Mercury's exact choice of words might have been questionable, he didn't know her well enough to confirm that she had nefarious intent. Working with her computer, Mercury could possibly have detected the abductees within the rift; stranger things have certainly happened. There was also the small matter of the defendant's character. Mercury held a well-deserved reputation of selflessly defending Earth from strange threats that were outside the realm of human authorities.

"She could have learned of that by other means, and kidnapping goes against everything she's fought for," Shadow remarked dryly. "I'm a resident, so I might be aware of what she has done for the citizens of Tokyo."

He didn't exactly want to have to defend Sailor Mercury against the void senshi's specious accusation, expressing no small amount of delight when the senshi genius stood up for her own virtues. Once she began answering questions, Shadow felt like he could relax a little. The senshi of knowledge was capable of defending herself if a fight were to break out, or so her body language seemed to suggest. Hopefully, Hegale would back down and channel her anger into something more productive.

At this point, Shadow decided to take a close look over the patchwork gathering of individuals in the street. There was a strange being whose body seemed more fluid than flesh, and it was demanding answers of no one and everyone. He'd pay just a bit more attention to it in the future, but otherwise there was no cause for alarm; angry reactions weren't excluded from civil behavior.

There were a number of familiar figures, of course - the twin faeries were remarkable for their respectively tiny sizes. Not too far away from Mercury herself was the young lady who fought with him in the rift, dazed and recovering from her experiences. No serious injuries were apparent, so that was a good thing. Next, the agitating woman in the purple dress seemed in quite good health, if her spirited accusation was an accurate marker.

Two senshi, one dressed in bright colors and another in a more macabre tone, were exchanging greetings with one another. Great! He wouldn't have to worry that much about them, and it wasn't really proper to interrupt their own conversation. Perhaps he could introduce himself later, if they still had the opportunity. A third senshi, wearing only what Jasper would have called a strategic lack of fabric, was currently using this time to look around and get her wits together.

The silver-haired fey senshi succintly described what the motley crew of people had experienced, at least as far as Shadow's memory could verify. He blinked once Lunar Eclipse had recounted everything, realizing one detail had gone unnoticed.

There was wind inside, and we were able to breathe. The rift is growing..

Oh. That's not good. In fact, it is quite bad.

Shadow raised his hand to signal for Mercury's attention, waiting a moment before adding onto Lunar Eclipse's summary. "It was also rather windy inside of the rift. Neither me or anyone that I saw had any breathing problems; either that place has its own atmosphere, or it sucked that in along with ourselves."

After putting that statement onto the figurative table, Shadow turned to meet the moving figure in the corner of his vision. To his surprise, it was the slimly dressed senshi from before, and she chose to speak to him rather than the odd being with the fluid-like form. After pointing to himself as if to question whom held Sailor Erato's attention, the man in black rapidly recomposed himself with a mild smirk and a voice full of cautious optimism.

"Hmm, I don't know! Maybe we'll learn something while helping Sailor Mercury."

Shadow shrugged his shoulders and turned his palms skyward with a flourish, seeming willing to humor the teasing from the senshi with the revealing leotard. Not that she was necessarily inviting him to look, or anything; Erato merely was quick to pick up on how ill-fitting Shadow would have seemed amongst the likes of the sailor guardians. That made her a good candidate for further conversation, assuming she wasn't offended by his blatant (and hopefully amusing) lie.
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime20th October 2018, 8:30 pm

[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance 1322698128 Sailor Void Hegale [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance 1322698128
Hegale's arm froze there, stuck as she stared deep into those determined blue eyes. The girl didn't so much as flinch when she screamed at her-nor raised any attempt to defend herself or dodge the blow. She just explained the situation as though staring down an angry senshi who was about to deck her a good one was the most normal thing in the world. 

And Hegale respected her for it. A smirk spread across her face as she lowered her arm. 

"You got guts. Not many other senshi have the guts to stare me in the face like that-" and then retorted to Shadow's response: "I got it, I got it. You don't have to tell me twice."

It appeared that the other senshi had gotten themselves fairly acquainted with eachother-and Hegale felt the rage that had just disbursed boil to the surface. Here she was, about to smack this girl senseless, and only Jasper was the one to step in with some form of an attempt to stop her? 

Typical. But at least they were relaying information like they were supposed to-so perhaps they weren't all that useless. Hegale couldn't help but give a short, deep-bellied guffaw when one of them asked why he was the only male, and his response was priceless. She paid little mind to the others as she put her hands on her hips and directed her attention back to Sailor Mercury. 

"So what is it that we gotta do? I've got a TON of sleep to catch up on, so if you could maybe give us the short version-we can get this show on the road."
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime22nd October 2018, 5:56 pm

Sailor Solar Eclipse

Unable to spot anything too painful on her sister, Sailor Solar Eclipse let out a small breath of relief. The tightness in her glittery wings left with that excess air, more fluid in their movements when before they'd been tight and quick.

She let her sister speak for the both of them. There were already so many voices for poor Sailor Mercury to listen to! Besides, Zelena was a better speaker than she, able to give the details without getting bogged down by anything else. Solar Eclipse sent a smile at her sister, hands still clasped tightly around her twin.

Instead of adding to the conversation, she turned her attention to their surroundings. Everything was so large—a kind of surprise still bouncing around in her head—but it wasn't so intimidating after some of the worlds they'd visited. She decided, after a moment, she liked this place. Without that large Rift tearing apart the sky, this planet would be beautiful with all of its colors and soft winds. She frowned, then. This Rift affected all worlds, if Sailor Mercury was correct. That had to be a bad thing, right? That voice that spoke to them in the Rift had been frightening.
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime22nd October 2018, 6:30 pm

Like a Star @ heaven HostLike a Star @ heaven

"A voice?" Sailor Mercury repeated of Sailor Lunar Eclipse's words. She types into the computer that is never far from her hands, but there is a strain in the way her fingers fly across the keyboard. Perhaps she'd hoped that a greater intelligent being would not be behind all of this.

A smile was all the response Sailor Mercury gave to Sailor Electra, but there was a softness to her eyes. She turned towards Sailor Breksta then, expression gaining a hint of sorrow. "I believe that is correct," she said. Despite the obvious emotion on her face, her voice retained a strength of one who had much experience in delivering bad news.

To the girl who called herself Sailor Pluto, Mercury nodded. "Any information is good. You never know when it will help fill out the rest of the whole picture." She stared a moment longer at the girl, clear blue eyes clearly searching for something, before she turned her attention to others who spoke to her.

At Shadow's input, Mercury took a moment to type his shared information into her computer. "Thank you," she said with a nod. "It's hard to pinpoint which of those hypotheses are correct without more data, but I think your reasoning is sound."

Then she addressed Sailor Hegale. "We find a way to close the Rift," she answered, the answer short but the words not unkind. "Right now, I am scanning this strange residue clinging to each of you." A pause. "From these readings, it seems to be an invisible kind of magic, but very similar to that emanating from the Rift. It's as if you've been marked. I'll need to do a few more scans before I understand more. Please, relax as you'd like while I continue my research. If you think of something else to share, please do not hesitate. I will let you know my findings as soon as there is something to tell."

With that, she turns towards her computer once more, blue eyes flickering from the screen, to the gathered group, and the dark hanging presence of the Rift in the sky above.
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime22nd October 2018, 9:06 pm

~ Sailor Erato ~

Erato's attention flicked to Sailor Mercury, listening to her words. She almost laughed - she didn't know much about this group of senshi, but she highly doubted that they would be strong enough to close that horrendous thing Mercury called the Rift. She glanced towards the sky, her unease growing in the pit of her stomach, before shoving it to the side and returning her attention to the man beside her.

"Perhaps we will..." she purred, swiftly moving a lock of blonde hair behind her shoulder. "You say you're a resident here?"
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime23rd October 2018, 12:44 am

Sailor Pluto

Chiyo listened to everyone's input, she was trying to establish what exactly happened in the Rift and more importantly what happened to herself. It became clear from the corseted senshi that within the Rift a battle indeed took place, voices and shadow fighters and mergings. The kind of fireworks and pomp you'd expect from a typical sailor guardian fight. The male guardian pointed out a wind rushing around within the Rift and that got her to think back to her time fighting with Jupiter. A point in space with no way to get information from and a swirling wind within its structure?, she asked herself, That sounds an awful lot like a black hole if we weren't all still alive. A wormhole maybe? The only people I know who can make a wormhole are those guys from the Negaverse, but I doubt it's them this time, plus it's not a true wormhole if there are multiple entry points. She sighed at her next though, she really doesn't like resorting to something she can't quite understand. Unless it's something else I haven't seen yet I guess it was magic then.

Then Chiyo perked up, she heard Mercury mention residue on all of the senshi. She looked down onto her fuku and gauntlet gloves before realizing what the blue senshi just said - invisible residue. 'Baka!' she quietly shouted to herself. She decided it was a good idea to gather more information, she took the free time to walk up to the guardian with the wicked cool black corset. 'Hi. I'm Sailor Pluto; well another Sailor Pluto, I'm like the daughter of the first Sailor Pluto.-' She caught herself rambling again. 'I'm hoping you can help me out if you can. I need to jog my memory a bit.'
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime25th October 2018, 4:46 pm

Sailor Electra

Sailor Electra listened as the others spoke and Sailor Mercury responded to her question. A smile from her had been reassuring and made her feel like she had a purpose here. She smiled back at the blue haired senshi. There wasn't much else that she could do. She didn't have any memory of the rift so she wouldn't be helpful there. She was ready for whatever fight they'd be walking into.
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime26th October 2018, 3:30 am


Hatespawn observed quietly, as the group of Sailor Senshi all around it started to wake up. Most of them seemed to be confused, and unsure about their current Location. And although the watery figure stuck out of the group, nobody really seemed to care about its presence. All of them were focused on finding out their whereabouts, going as far as blaming the blue haired Senshi. Hatespawn on the other hand couldn't care less about where exactly it was. Such a gathering of Senshis would be a great opportunity for him to absorb more Star Seeds and further increase his power.

Eventually the one called Sailor Mercury gave out some more information. Apparently Hatespawn was on Planet Earth, in a City called Tokyo. It had heard more than enough Rumors about the Planet. About how it was protected by the Sailor Senshi with the strongest Star Seed in the Galaxy, and how it was a gathering place, not only for Sailor Senshi, but for evil-doers like Hatespawn, who tried to steal this Star Seed for their own gains.
The place the evil creature got sucked into was some sort of Rift, that was expanding and going out of control. While it would usually like these sorts of Events, the fact that it put him into some sort of stasis was certainly something to be worried about.

"I wasn't able to hold up my Form. It was as if the negative energy had put me in some sort of stasis." Hatespawn eventually exclaimed with a booming voice as Sailor Mercury continued to scan everybody. This time its statement was clearly aimed at her. While it hated working together with a bunch of Sailor Senshis, Hatespawn's will to exist was stronger.


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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime26th October 2018, 5:38 am

☽☾ Sailor Lunar Eclipse ☽☾

Having stated her piece, she really didn't have more to add. She still felt unsettled from having just lived through that strange experience. At least with her sister by her side, Sailor Lunar Eclipse didn't feel as worried. As long as they were together, they'd get through this. From her fluttering position, silvery eyed watched the others gathered below. They were so big. Just like last time. And just like that other time. It felt so strange that most creatures they met from other worlds would continue to be so much larger than herself and her sister.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance   [Casual Event] Amalgam Rift: Reconnaisance I_icon_minitime29th October 2018, 2:19 pm

Like a Star @ heaven Host Like a Star @ heaven

The booming voice startled Sailor Mercury from her calculations. She looked over at the strange form, questions and curiosity clear on her expression, but all she did was nod in response, fingers still typing away at her trusty computer.

She opened her mouth, about to say something to this strange creature, but a frantic beeping coming from her computer cut her off. Eyes widening, she looked down, fingers still. "The Rift is..." The words were full of wonder, of questions left unspoken. Then her eyes widened, and she looked to the group. "Find cover!"

But it was too late. A great roar reverberated around the city, originating from the very center of the Amalgam Rift. Cracks appeared in the sky, breaking off from the Rift and reaching outwards towards what was once clear blue. Debris of spent energy fell from the sky, grey and heavy. The eye of the Rift, dark and rippling with energy, begins to expand at a rapid rate, cracks seeking out new territory like many-fingered skeletal hands.

Despite her words of warning, Mercury did not run for cover. Instead, she ran closer towards the darkening area, arms stretch wide. Closing her eyes, she called upon her power, and a moment later an aura of clearest blue surrounded her and shot skywards. If one were to look to the horizon, they would see similar auras of varying colors reaching towards the Rift's edge, encompassing it and imprisoning it. The power of the Rift crackled and pulsed, attempting to force its way past this senshi barricade, but for the moment, the barricade held fast.

"We must ask for your help," Mercury said, voice strained and face tensed with concentration. "The Rift is growing faster now, far faster than before, and we haven't much time. No one can enter the Rift except those who have been summoned. That residue I mentioned, it recognizes you, and will allow you back inside."

"It is your choice to go back into the Rift. No one knows what will happen in there and it will be dangerous. Unlike whatever entity summoned you unwillingly the first time, this is your chance to choose. If you do not choose to go back into the Rift, then I hope that you will at least help us defend whatever happens next." She hesitated, but continued on. "But know this. Although we are currently in my home, this Rift affects all worlds everywhere. Even your own. I don't know what will happen, if we do not close it... But I can't imagine it to be anything good for any of us."

Quote :
Goal: Decide what to do! Does your character want to brave entering the Rift once more? Do they want to leave fate in other people's hands, not willing to go once more into the eye of the storm? Maybe your character wants to hide away, ignoring this is happening at all. Or perhaps they prefer to stay on the outside of the Rift, ready to fight against whatever might come out from its center?

Your character may approach the Rift, if they decide to go, but please leave out any descriptions about actually entering (that will be left for next event!)

This final decision will be leading us into the next event (which will begin in early December, and will be an action and battle-heavy event)! Your character is free to choose whatever they wish, but the next event will take place inside the center of the Rift as whomever enters it tries to close it! Although, if everyone decides to not go, I will figure out a different plan >D so consult your character and choose what they'd like to do!

Also, your character can still choose to go in, even if you are unable to join the next event! They'll just be in the background!
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