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 [Casual Event] Winter Resort

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 2:29 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort YrDWfEX

The senshi have decided to take a few days away from saving the world in order to relax and have a little fun. It's the holidays, after all, and they want to kick back and not have to worry about anything at all - at least for a little while! Michiru allows the whole group complete access to her family's ski resort - free of charge!

Wanting to share in the celebration, the senshi have managed to open a portal to allow their Starlight friends to come and join them. But, oh! The portal isn't as pinpointed as they would have liked. It seems that some other characters are able to come through as well.

Not the type to throw strangers out to the snow, Usagi welcomes them all with open arms.

The more the merrier!


Don't forget to check out the Sign Up thread for this Event!!


The Set-up:
If your character is a Sailor Moon Canon Character: Your character has decided to visit and stay at Michiru's family ski resort along with the rest of the senshi. Some time away from home for rest and relax is just what you needed. With the use of fancy magic, a portal has been open with the intent to bring over the Starlights and Princess Kakyuu. However, this portal is a free-for-all, and now any character is able to come through and join the festivities! Usagi has taken this in stride, and is happy to share the resort.

If your character is not a Sailor Moon Canon Character: Your character has a reason to want to find a place to rest and relax, or perhaps they are lonely and want some fun company, or maybe they just love winter and skiing. Your character stumbles upon a portal leading them to this fancy ski resort. Just the place they were looking for!

A modern day ski resort. Snow has fallen for days, leaving the ground covered in fluffy white, and golden lights and silver tinsel have been strung up to aid in the festive atmosphere. It is a nice building, stocked full to the brim with anything a person could want. Delicious foods and tasty treats, warm blankets and hot cocoa, books of every subject and board games stacked high. There's a great tv and several consoles available, as well as a bookshelf full of movies. A cheerful circular fireplace sits in the middle of the main room, with seats all around. Outside, skis and poles as well as snowboards and sleds are available for anyone who wishes to have some wintery fun! The building is so full, there are bound to be other things hidden away as well, if one were to look for them!


Characters Currently at the Resort:

Minako Aino / Sailor Venus -- Sailor Saturn
Kousagi / Sailor Parallel Moon -- Sailor Mercury
Haruka Tenoh / Sailor Uranus -- Cosmos-hime
R "Roy" / Knight Dionysus -- Eternal Knight
Naoto Shirogane -- JupiterThunderCrash

Last edited by Sailor Poinsettia on 7th December 2016, 4:32 am; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 2:47 pm

Minako Aino / Sailor Venus

Minako lounged on the couch, taking up the amount of room for at least three people, a scarf made of tinsel looped around her neck, catching the light of the flames dancing in front of her, all with a grumpy frown upon her face.

The portal was messed up. She didn't understand how - didn't care how. All she knew for certain was that this would no longer be a fun getaway with just her and her friends. Now, there was a chance that some stranger could find their way here. Luckily, such a thing hadn't happened yet - and she hoped that it wouldn't. After all, why would a person want to enter a weird portal of their own voalition? She'd been through portals before. Not fun.

But she couldn't help but to pout and turn sad eyes at anyone who would pay attention to her. Every once in a while, she'd give a loud huff, and wriggle around on the couch some more. She didn't think the others were as bothered by this development as she was - Usagi especially seemed pretty happy about it.

But there was exactly the problem, wasn't it? With strangers about, she'd never be able to fully let her guard down. That had been the whole point of coming here in the first place. Anyone coming through could be a potential threat. And she'd make sure to keep tabs on them all.

How exhausting.

Minako let out another dramatic sigh, flailing her arms a little for an extra effect.

Maybe someone would take pity on her and bring her some hot chocolate. It was the least they could do for someone in such suffering.

Last edited by Sailor Poinsettia on 6th December 2016, 3:15 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 3:02 pm

Kousagi Tsukino / Parallel Sailor Moon

She tumbled out of what seemed like absolutely nothing, landing head-first in the snow. The elementary-school aged girl groaned as she sat up, rubbing her head. She sniffled, but there was no one here to cry to—just a beautiful winter landscape. Her stomach punctuated the stillness with an unladylike growl; too bad there weren't snacks. It had already been four hours since she had eaten anything!

For being a stranger to this place, she looked awfully... familiar. Those bright blue eyes. That very particular hairstyle. The buns on her head were doubled, but they shared the same pointed shape as a certain other "Small Lady". This person, however, was someone different. Someone who did not quite belong here.

The little girl shivered for a moment as another chill wind blew past. She wasn't really dressed for this weather... but then her nose twitched, catching a familiar and much-desired scent on the breeze. Hot chocolate. There was hot chocolate nearby! Kousagi's ears pricked up, and as she turned slightly only then did she notice the beautiful cabin right next to her.

"Oooh!" she squealed, rushing up to the door. It opened easily, with very minimal effort, almost like it wanted her to come inside. The pink-haired girl could smell the chocolatey beverage even better now that she was inside the cabin!

The bright eyes settled on the very first thing they saw—a blonde woman sprawled across a couch—and the girl zoomed over. Surely this person would help her find what she was looking for!

"Hot chocolate?!?!"

Was it a question or a demand? The voice was high, almost shrill with excitement, and the words were punctuated with the bounce of a child that absolutely did not need more caffeine or sugar.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 3:28 pm

Minako Aino / Sailor Venus

She had finally found herself at a kind of peace. It was quiet - she didn't know where the others had ended up at. But for the moment, Minako was okay with the quiet. In fact, she almost felt as though she could simply fall asleep. The warmth from the fire, the crackling and smoldering embers, they all made for a nice lullaby. Minako closed her eyes.

An inhuman shrill boomed right in her face, loud and almost shrieking. A youma? Already?

Minako jumped straight up, hands going on instinct to get a hold on the devilish creature that had attacked her. She knew it would be too much to ask for even one day off from monster killing!

Her hands grasped some sort of cloth and Minako held on tight. She wouldn't let the monster get away.

She blinked then, getting her bearings as her other hand went for her henshin stick. The monster was certainly very... pink? Minako frowned, taking in the creature even more. But, it wasn't even a monster, but a girl?

Oh no. Could this be one of the strangers coming from the portal? Her hopes of no one finding their way through had been dashed quicker than she'd thought.

More details began to penetrate through the relaxed sleepiness in her brain. This girl was no more than a kid. Ugh, she so did not have a good track record with children. Minako stared, hard, willing the girl to disappear. Or at least for the girl to go off and find Makoto or something.

But then she noticed certain... things. The hair style, the eye shape and that pure blue color. She knew those eyes.

"Oh no," she said aloud this time. "What are you supposed to be?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 3:49 pm

Kousagi Tsukino / Parallel Sailor Moon

Kousagi blinked at the face in front of hers. Wait... wait... The gears inside the child's head turned slowly, but they did, in fact, sometimes turn. The blue eyes widened when she realized exactly who she was looking at.

"M-minako-san?" she gasped, shocked. She knew this person—it was Mina's mother! Instantly, she took a slight step back (as much as she could, at least, considering that Minako seemed to be holding part of her sleeve) and looked around for the other blonde.

"Where's Mina-chan? Is Mina-chan here?"
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 4:25 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 4039879955
It wasn't particularly unusual for the senshi to investigate strange portals. What was unusual was that they were investigating it outside a snow lodge. While snowboarding did seem tempting-as the weather was perfect for it; she had a mission to accomplish. Sports would have to wait. Bundled up, Haruka was standing guard, so to speak-on the porch near the entryway to keep a look out.

And it was at this moment, she saw a small girl land in a snowdrift- seemingly out of nowhere. Before she could investigate; let alone ask if the child was alright, she bolted right past Haruka and into the cabin.

Rubbing her hands together for warmth Haruka swung the door open. Of course, the wind made the it worse. The door hurled open violently, bouncing off the wall as the wind caught it.

"Hoy." She announced, making sure to shut the door behind her, cringing as the wind made the door seem heaver as it was. Once it was shut, she began to brush the snow out of her hair with one hand and take her coat off with the other. She noticed the child address Minako by name. Did they know each other?

"Who's the squirt?"

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 7th December 2016, 11:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : misread a thing; fixed the post)
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Eternal Knight
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 4:54 pm

R "Roy" | Knight Dionysus

Who the hell puts a bloody portal in the middle of space?!

It was the question that took most of his brain's space when his ship crashed - again. Space was a boring place really, when you lived most of your time in it, so R rarely needed to be at the commands when he was just floating into space. So he didn't see the portal coming. He felt his ship move unnaturally, however, but the time it took to run at the helm meant he was already on the other side of the portal and falling down.

So he let the ship crash.

And when we say crash we mean: he landed quite brutally, making a mess of the trees and snow around the ship. And since it was mostly how he landed, crashed seemed like a better verb to define the unelegant wannabe landing.

Enjolras hissed.

Still in his knight form - he was coming back from a fight and hadn't taken the time to change, R jumped into the snow and looked around him at the unfamiliar surrounding. He didn't need to look at the screens inside to guess he had landed on Earth.

"Tous les chemins mènent à Rome, don't they?"

He sighed, but turned back to see that Enjolras was still inside the ship, standing on the edge of the door, looking at him expectantly.

"I'm in sandals in the snow and you're refusing to put your warm paws in it?" He asked, offended, undeserving - he thought - of the unimpressed look in his cat's eyes. They stared at each other for what felt like dozen of minutes before Enjolras' eyes softened. R's felt his resolve crack. "Why are your eyes this color really..."

He took the cat in his hand and put him on his shoulders before looking back at the small building he saw earlier. Why not. The ship would need some hours before they would be able to leave orbit again, so he walked to it, unbothered by the snow. Space was colder.

But when he finally arrived to the windowed door, what he saw made him stop. Earth. Why would he be surprised by someone's hair color? He had seen aliens.

"Excuse me," he said, trying to push the vine crown back on the middle of his hair only to find out it was firmly stuck in his curls. Oh well. "Is this a public resort? Could we come in?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime6th December 2016, 7:42 pm

Naoto Shirogane

It was the beginning of summer break, and Naoto was sitting in the middle of the park, under the empty gazebo. She knew it was pointless to still be dwelling on the events of last school year, but she couldn't help it. The entire Investigation Team had been feeling down ever since Yu had to go back to his own city, but they still had each other as friends, didn't they? And it's not like they couldn't call him whenever. 

Naoto pulled out her own cell phone and stared at his number. Even when they weren't working on the murder cases together, Yu had still spent time with her, helping with her own personal case. He was one of the first people she had really opened up to, even after having her doubts and uninhibited thoughts exposed on the Midnight Channel. 

She knew she'd get over it, but sometimes she just wanted to sulk in relative privacy. 

A strange light caught her eye, and she looked up to see some kind of... tear in front of her. Naoto shut her phone and shoved it back into one of her jacket pockets, standing up. Having worked with police before, she really should have know better than to touch an unidentified object without any backup, but... As if in a trance, her finger reached out and touched the strange warp in space.

In an instant, the famous "Detective Prince" landed face down in the snow with a high pitched yelp.

Well, curiosity did kill the cat. Naoto made a muffled groaning sound and pushed herself off the ground, her hands already beginning to freeze. Since when what is winter? Where did all this snow come from? Naoto stood and brushed the snow off her thick blue jacket and checkered pants, and then spotted her hat a foot away. She cut through the thick snow to retrieve it, and shook it off before returning it to it's rightful place on her head.

"Where am I...?" she asked, looking around. This couldn't be Inaba, or anywhere in the Japan she knew. It actually looked like a ski resort, going by the large cabin close by. Maybe she could find someone inside who knew exactly what here was. She shivered, reminding herself that standing outside wasn't an option the way she was dressed, and did her best to recompose herself before approaching the door. It seemed like she wasn't the only person here at least, judging by the taller man at the doorway. 

It was only when Naoto got closer that she realized how strangely the man was dressed. He looked like a lost cosplayer from Ancient Greece, with his armor, sandals, and the thorny circlet on his head. And was that a cat sitting on him? Before she went off on a mental tangent trying to figure out who he was, she decided to focus on one issue at a time.

"Uh... pardon me. Do you know where exactly this place is?" she asked. Now a long time habit from her detective work, her voice was pitched a bit lower than it naturally was.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime8th December 2016, 6:47 am

Minako Aino / Sailor Venus

Something was definitely not right here.

Minako frowned, staring even harder at the young girl. Maybe if she looked hard enough, the girl would start spilling her secrets. But, something didn't add up.

Who was Mina-chan? How dare that person steal over half her name? Thought of suing for copyright infringement already started planning in her head as her frown deepened. As she was about to let the girl know that there was definitely only one Mina in this household, Minako found herself distracted by even more people.

Her peaceful time alone was at an end, it seemed. Normally, this would have been great news - being along was normally so boring - but if these were the interactions she could look forward to, then boredom seemed the better alternative.

The first was Haruka, coming in from outside. Had she let this demon-spawn inside the cabin? But from her question, it appeared not. Minako was already coming up with ideas on how to cart this loud and violently-pink child off onto her taller ally. "No idea," she offered as answer.

The others were of two voices, though Minako didn't see where they were coming from. More strangers. At least they sounded polite and hadn't decided that the best way to make their presence known was to scream in an innocent sleeper's face.

"Yeah, yeah, come on in. Mi casa is your su." The words were not the ones Usagi had asked her to say - something about being gracious and welcoming - but Minako gave herself a pat on the back for not leaving them to rot in the cold.

She sat up properly now, and realized she still had a tight hold on the young girl's sleeve. Oh, right. She thought back to what had been said - did that mean that there was another child running around here somewhere? Minako glanced around, half-expecting to see another child ready to jump out and scream in her face.

Minanko turned her attention back onto the young girl. "If anyone is 'Mina-chan' here, it's me," Minako told her. She said the words slowly so that the girl would be able to understand. That was what you were supposed to do with children, right? "Now, what are you doing here all by yourself? Where are your parents?"

Where were Makoto or Ami? They were so much better at this.
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime8th December 2016, 7:02 am

[Casual Event] Winter Resort G6OVIaQ

Artemis was lazily lying on the couch, quietly observing the ruckus.

Mina was talking to a young child with strikingly familiar characteristics. Who could it be this time? Sailor Chibi Chibi Chibi Moon? They need to come up with a different way of naming them. Perhaps Chibi Moon v3.0?

And then there were two other awkward-looking random people. Sure, let them in too, why not.

It's not as if he had told them a million times that portals are far from trustworthy? Literally asking for trouble? But why would they start listening to him now?

Artemis rolled over on the couch. His I-told-you-so moment was fast approaching and it would be glorious. But for now, he preferred to nap a little longer. This couch was too comfortable to leave just yet.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime8th December 2016, 7:38 am

Kousagi Tsukino / Parallel Sailor Moon

Kousagi turned around to see... one of the part-time instructors from cooking class?!

"H-haruka-sensei?" she gasped, immediately pulled back (literally) by Minako, as the blond released the grip on her sleeve.

When the adult announced that she was "Mina-chan", Kousagi couldn't repress a giggle.

"Nuh-uh!" she protested. "You're too old to be 'Mina-chan', Minako-san!"

Ooof! That was sure to go over well. Kousagi really ought to have known that a Minako in any universe was not someone to call "old" in any fashion. She didn't even seem to realize that this blonde was younger than the maternal version of the woman she was used to—the pink-haired child, much like her mother, simply wasn't that observant. Plus, she was used to having everyone ganging up on her—Mina-chan was often the ringleader. Kousagi had a pretty tough skin despite her knee-jerk crybaby reactions.

The other question also made the little girl giggle.

"I'm old enough to go places by myself. And Mama is right over there!" she announced, pointing at Usagi. The blue eyes looked up at Minako, bright and clear, staring straight into the blonde's own sapphire eyes.

"You love taking your daughter to parties! That's why I thought Mina-chan would be here!"
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 5:56 am

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 8mZMkTV

Usagi had gotten into Michiru’s eggnog stash.

She was approaching ‘nice to meet you, cream stew’ level.

“Why does this taste so goooooood,” she was mumbling happily to herself as she took another sip, dancing slightly around the kitchen of the resort. She attempted to arrange a couple more glasses on the tray to bring to her friends, but wisely judged that it would probably end in a disaster unless she asked for someone’s help.

“Minako-chaaaaan! Help me with these delisshoousss drinks!” she called out as she walked back toward the front room, where she last saw her blonde twin lounging around.

She stopped short when she noticed that the room had gone considerably more crowded. “Woah. Who are all these people?”
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 7:15 am

Kousagi Tsukino / Parallel Sailor Moon

The little girl waved enthusiastically at the slomewhat-intoxicated blonde, now that Usagi was more than a distant impression, having fully re-entered the room. Once again, the child didn't seem to notice that "Mama" looked so very much younger. Now that both were in the same space, the physical resemblance between Kousagi and Usagi, despite hair colour differences and age, should have become more obvious to others present.

"Hi, Mama! I didn't know there was a party today!"
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 1:35 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 4039879955
At first,everything seemed relevantly normal, considering their mission. There were two more strange arrivals, both of which Haruka greeted with a nod. She'd keep a better eye on them later, for this wasn't the focus of her attention.

Her focus was on the child. She had clung to Minako, claiming there was another "Mina," called her Sensei and upon Usagi's graceful entrance, called her "Mom."

Last she checked, the future queen only had one child.

She approched the girl, feeling dumbstruck, and pointed to Usagi.

"THAT'S your mom?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 3:09 pm

Naoto Shirogane

With Minako's odd form of permission given, Naoto stepped into a very jarring scene. Three older girls, a cat, and a bright haired child were in the living room, and were apparently having a lively conversation about someone being a mother. What sort of ski resort was this meant to be? She didn't feel threatened by any of it, but it was awkward all the same. Naoto blinked and adjusted her hat.

"...Is this a bad time?" Maybe she'd go back to taking her chances out in the snow, regardless of how much better it felt in here. "I was going to ask for directions, but if this isn't the right place..."
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Sailor Uranus
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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 3:36 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 3011-001
The morning had been... interesting, what with the mislaid portal, but things had seemed smooth and Usako had been happy, and with everyone else around he had little reason to worry - if anything untoward made its way through, they would know about it quickly and handle it accordingly - so thus-far Mamoru's morning had been occupied with getting settled in for the vacation. With Usako's excitement over potential guests, he had left her to her tasks and taken her bag back along with his, but now, as he finished unpacking his own suitcase into the small suite, he wasn't quite sure what to do with hers. For now the pink case sat on his bed, its color a stark contrast against the warmer hues of the Resort. He straightened, closing the last drawer of the dresser, staring at it. Did she want to room with the girls, or... stay... with him...? 

Warmth flooded his cheeks at the implication, but he quickly straightened, forcing the blush back to where it came from; it's not like it would be their first 'sleepover,' - sure, maybe their first with Minako and crew in close vicinity, ready to pounce out unexpectedly for the express purpose of making him uncomfortable, but that was Minako's usual game and he could handle it. The thought of spending time alone with her in the quiet moments of evening and morning, of being able to watch the snow fall outside their window while remaining warm and in bed together; he'd risk any shenanigans the girls might have in store, or the merciless low-key teasing - and that knowing look - of Michiru's if it meant he could experience that with her. ... but what did she want to do? 

You could just unpack her things and -- but he stopped the little devil on his shoulder right there and exited the room, leaving the bag where it was for the moment as he went to seek out her input. 

He truly admired the chalet - it was perfectly perched to enjoy the mountain and lakeside and not too far from a ski slope, its interior was cozy; the insulation enough to keep the true cold at bay but allowed the slightest chill in the air to encourage guests to take advantage of warm seats by the fire and the hot drinks. He had pulled a green light-sweater over his button-up shirt and slacks, and was comfortable with the atmosphere; as he passed by an exit and saw the steam billowing out of the outdoor hot tubs built into the deck, he quirked a brow - just how did people feel that comfortable in the cold to subject themselves to that? - and suddenly found himself surrounded by the clamor of voices as he entered the main room, completely oblivious to what was going on, but recognizing Usako he continued, stopped behind her, and put his hand on her shoulder just to be in contact with her as his eyes glanced over the room, from Minako and Haruka to the pink-haired girl to the doorway with its two occupants - were they coming in? He looked over the pair of them - they didn't seem to be with each other, but they didn't exactly seem to be from around here, either; they had definitely come through the portal.

He caught the blue-haired person's question and tried to smile reassuringly despite having no context for what was presently happening - if he were to guess, Usako and Minako were up to something. "You might have the right place - can I help you?"

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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Winter Resort Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 4:03 pm

Naoto Shirogane

The man in a green sweater that entered the room next looked a little calmer, and Naoto regained some of her confidence.

"My apologies for interrupting, but I'm not quite sure how I ended up... wherever here is, per se. I don't believe it's anywhere near where I was five minutes ago," Naoto said. Should she even bring up the object she touched, or would that make her seem insane? "Do you happen to know if a town called Inaba is anywhere nearby? Perhaps connected to a rail line?" Japan did have a fairly efficient train system.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 4:47 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 8mZMkTV



She squinted, but the pink blob in front of her was decidedly not the familiar little brat child that she knew. So why was she calling her ‘Mama’?

Was she that drunk?

Oh, no. Flashes of a somewhat traumatic discovery played in her mind as she stared down at the pink-haired tiny human that stood before her, looking like yet another miniature version of herself, but one that she didn’t recognize.

When Haruka pointed straight at her and asked if she was the child’s mom, Usagi felt the urge to shush her. No need to tell the entire world she had another child she didn’t know about! Rei was going to be here any second and demand the exact date, month, year, hour, minute, and second the child was conceived, and nobody needed to hear that.

She felt someone’s hand on her shoulder and looked up to see Mamoru, and her face suddenly burned, even if she also felt relieved at the same time to have him there. Maybe he would know more about this??

“Mamo-chan, help,” she whispered urgently, pointing at the child as if it was a bomb that was about to explode.

And you’d think by now she wouldn’t even flinch anymore when weird little pink-haired girls popped up on her doorstep out of nowhere and started integrating herself into her family.
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 5:33 pm

R "Roy" | Knight Dionysus

He shook his head to the other girl. A portal, Japan, a resort, weird people... He glanced at Enjolras, slightly confused, but entered when invited nonetheless. The blond had invited him in, he wasn't going to ask twice. And even if Space was indeed cold, his feet were starting to need a bit of warmth.

He entered a bit sheepishly, going straight for a seat. They said come on in, they invited him in. Most seemed surprised to see other people and part of them seemed to know each other, but he didn't mind. The warmth of the place was agreeable and so he didn't mind the detour.

He doubted something however...
Was he in the right time? Had this portal brought him in the past? Could he screw something up?

Enjolras plopped down from his shoulder to his lap and obviously waited to be petted, Dionysus' hand coming slowly to stroke the soft fur. It calmed him down instantly.

And well...

The former god and current knight kinda liked the ambiance.

He felt a healthy dose of frenzy around. And a grin stretched his lips.

If the young woman who arrived at the same time as him stayed, he'd ask her name.
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 7:30 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 3011-001
He listened closely to the guest, thinking carefully over how to answer - to explain the portal, surely, but Inaba? That was --

'Mamo-chan, help.' Whatever he was thinking at that moment vanished from his mind at the sound of her urgent whisper. His pulse jumped, reacting to her call, and drew her in closer for protection. He looked down to her bright red face, his brows tightening in confusion - was she hurt?! - and followed her pointing finger to... the pink haired girl? His expression remained quizzical as he waited for the girl to do something, his gaze flashing to Minako and Haruka, neither of whom looked on-edge - confused perhaps, maybe even a little uncomfortable, but definitely not in a manner in line with a dangerous situation. What was Usako's request about, then? Inhaling, he caught a peculiar scent... eggnog?

... Usako. ::sweatdrop::

He simultaneously relaxed his tense muscles and steeled himself mentally: Usako mixed with eggnog meant an irrational night was ahead of him. Putting whatever silliness she had in store on hold for the moment as not to be rude to their guest(? Michiru's? Michiru's family's? -- regardless, not to be rude to a stranger), he looked back to the blue-haired person towards the door and replied, "The train is a few hours drive from here; don't be too alarmed by your sudden transportation - there's an open-ended portal that leads to here for the time being."

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime9th December 2016, 8:31 pm

Naoto Shirogane

A few hours by car? Well she certainly couldn't travel through this weather on foot. Maybe she should stay- Wait, did he mention a portal?

"A-A portal?!" Her voice jumped up an octave before she caught herself, and she disguised it with an embarrassed cough. Was that what had appeared in the park and spat her out here? The only "portals" she'd come in contact with before were television screens, and those all connected to the shifting TV World, not other places. Were portals not strange to anyone here? Apparently not. 

The real dilemma was how to get herself back home. She had a feeling that the train-station wouldn't help her anymore. Would her cellphone even work this far from a signal tower? 

"Er, never mind. If that's the situation, then I may have to intrude on your hospitality for a while..." At least until this portal decided it wanted to take her back. 

Naoto sighed and found her own empty seat, not sure how to feel about this entire incident. She didn't think she was in any immediate danger, but knowing that she was functionally trapped somewhere was making her uneasy. It was the difference between knowingly walking into trouble and stumbling upon it, she supposed.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime10th December 2016, 9:22 am

Minako Aino / Sailor Venus

"You love taking your daughter to parties!"

Minako's eye twitched. Daughter?! Ugh. No way. This child must have her confused with someone else. It couldn't be possible for her to have children. She could barely remember to feed a sentient cat, how could anyone expect her to raise a child? Not to mention the sheer damage giving birth would have done to her rocking body.

Thought of revenge to whomever had dared to get her pregnant, Minako's troubles only started to get worse as Usagi made her presence known. Her drunken presence.

Minako thought that they had all agreed that the alcoholic drinks would be kept far far away from their gluttinous princess.

Oh Usagi...

Minako got up from the couch, unable to keep a small smile at her friend, before glancing around and taking stock of the new situation. Mamoru was here now, so perhaps the drunken Usagi would be easier to keep in tow. For a little whle anyway. And it looked like he was taking over babysitter duty as well. For the best, really. Minako was too busy formulating a plan to find this elusive eggnog that Usagi had already dug in to.

When conversations turned to children and daughters and future families, alcohol was the best response. That was a future she did not want to learn more about.

Before she could sneak away, a certain strange caught her eye. A strange who was quite handsome.

Well hello there.

Minako grinned and sat herself back down onto the couch, sitting perhaps a little too closely to the delicious man. His clothing was a little off - and were those thorns? - but that would be part of the charm.

The alcohol could wait for a little while longer. "I'd like to welcome you personally to our humble abode," Minako greeted with a slow smile. "If there's every anything you desire, please just let me know."
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime10th December 2016, 1:16 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 4039879955 
Haruka sighed heavily. Between this other-chibiusa, the new visitors and Minako hitting on one of them, this was becoming a bit overwhelming. Instead of asking the child directly, their beloved princess just clung to Mamoru for assistance.

Well, if this child really was of the royal family, that's all she needed to know. The rest was, quite frankly, none of her buisness-at least until it actually came into fruition a couple hundred or so years from now. She still had no idea how the entire Crystal Tokyo lifespan thing worked-but knew she'd inevitably find out in due time. Not that she'd ever admit that out loud.

Haruka pondered if she should go back out to guard duty, waiting for whoever else gets thrown out of the portal and into the snow. It was at this moment, an idea occurred to her.

Why should she be the only one doing guard duty?

"Oy, Minako." She spoke up, loud enough for the girl to hear her. "I'm frozen stiff over here. It's your turn to direct people to the cabin."

If she had enough energy to flirt, she'd have enough energy to keep herself warm out in the cold for the next visitors. They still had a mission to do, after all.

And Haruka would continue that mission, right after a glass of warm cider. And perhaps some eggnog to go with it.
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime10th December 2016, 1:33 pm

When the woman with the blue hair finally choose to come sit down, R was about to ask for her name - as they were both visitors here, rather than friends with the group that was probably actually meant to be in this cabin.


Gold flash into his eyes as Minako sat not too far from him.

Enjolras gave him a look that meant: she's out of your league, drop it. His smile widened instead, something warm and friendly that reached his eyes enough for the corner of his eyes to crinkle with a sort of glee.

"Thank you, really, I wouldn't want to impose more than I already did."

A cat-sigh. Thank you Enjolras for your input.

"Drink with me?"

He suggest with humor, making sure his cat's hair was not all over his hand before extending it to the girl.

"I'm Roy."

Another's voice added itself to the conversation and he gave a chuckle.

"Someone doesn't want you to relax."

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime13th December 2016, 8:27 am

Kousagi Tsukino / Parallel Sailor Moon

It barely registered to the child that Minako was not only not paying attention to her, but was downright ignoring her—rather rudely. Then again, Kousagi was so accustomed to being treated as an annoyance rather than a welcome presence that it didn't seem to register to her in the slightest. Out of all of Mama's friends, Minako-san was pretty high on the list of "doesn't really want to play with the children". In fact, Kousagi had vague memories of the beribboned blonde rushing off for more traveling and adventure, leaving Mina in the hands of the other mothers. (Makoto-san rarely protested.)

But then the blue eyes, bright and clear, glanced over and saw the best thing ever.

The squeal that she let out was identical to a similar noise often made by Usagi upon seeing something particularly exciting, and the little girl started running across the room.

"Papa!" she cried out with glee, zeroing in on Mamoru. "You're here, too!"
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime13th December 2016, 11:42 am

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 3011-001
The squeal of delight cut through Mamoru like a knife. His blood running cold, he turned to see the pink-haired child dashing towards him as if in slow motion, her words stretching out impossibly in his mind - 'Paaaaaaaaaaapaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!


No, it couldn't be. 

He took a small, involuntary step back, his eyes constricting in something akin to fear and disbelief, but the closer attention he paid, the more he grew to realize the truth. Those bright blue eyes. That smile. The shape of her face - the shape of her hair, for that matter. It couldn't be, and yet it had to be. 

Another daughter from the future. 

Time caught up to them and he suddenly realized how wrong he had been to brush away Usako's trepidation. He shifted his weight back into place, keeping his hand on his love's back in apology for ever having doubted her, even in her state of eggnog inebriation, and smiled down hesitatingly at the child rushing to meet them. "I never thought the portal would have a reach this far into the future of Crystal Tokyo - who might you be? Will Chibi-Usa be coming, too?"

What did they - would they? - name her?
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime13th December 2016, 12:12 pm

Kousagi Tsukino / Parallel Sailor Moon

Kousagi huffed, blowing her bangs up and rolling her eyes. The child crossed her arms over her chest, the pose of dramatic exasperation obviously picked up from her mother's own body language. The pout was unmistakable.

"No, she's busy studying with Hotaru-chan. Just like always. That's basically all she does except yell at me."

She giggled at the mention of "Crystal Tokyo." What a silly way to refer to Tokyo! It was very much like Papa; he liked to make everything seem a little bit fancier, didn't he? After all, he actually owned and sometimes wore a tuxedo. How many Japanese young men could say they had the same in their wardrobe—probably few. He was the only person Kousagi had ever seen in that kind of dress.

Then she realized he had said "future". And she looked around the room once more, observing it with new eyes. She finished her surveillance and peered up at Mama and Papa. They looked the same but now that it was mentioned, they also looked different. In a way, she was reminded of Chibi Usa and her classmates. These people—even though she knew they were her parents—they were young. The same seemed to be true of Minako-san, now that Kousagi looked again. How strange!

"Wait! How old are you?" she suddenly demanded, looking up at Papa. "Is this not Tokyo?"
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime14th December 2016, 1:05 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 3011-001
Definitely Usako's daughter - from the huff to the pout the body language was unmistakable. A soft smile crept across his face at how she described Chibi-Usa as being studious, if a little bossy (that didn't sound familiar at all) and hearing of Hotaru-chan cheered him immensely - he was glad that the pair were getting time to work together, even in Crystal Tokyo, and studying together like normal girls. Casually putting his free hand in his pocket, he replied to the age question with grace - only in the very back of his mind registering how weird the question could sound to anyone else. "I'm 22, and we're currently outside Tokyo on a short vacation.

Having given her what he assumed to be an adequate description that she could use to place herself in the timeline, he continued, "Don't worry too much about Chibi-Usa yelling at you - it means she likes you. She and your mother used to yell at each other constantly - think of it as a form of affection, -- ..." he trailed off awkwardly, tripping over still not knowing her name and being unable to stop the speech pattern before it ended in strangely.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime14th December 2016, 3:04 pm

[Casual Event] Winter Resort 4039879955 
Haruka couldn't help but feel a smile spread across her face. Perhaps it was the eggnog, but she found that watching the interactions of this second child with Mamoru was absolutely adorable! It was painfully obvious that she was Usagi's child; Though she wondered why Chibiusa hadn't mentioned her before. Was it because she was from a part of the future where this kid wasn't born yet? Imagine if the chibiusa they knew suddenly showed up.

Wouldn't that make for some holiday fun?

Haruka began to chuckle to herself, leaning back in the loveseat, her face feeling flush. What DID Michiru do with this eggnog? It was fantastic! After a moment of staring up at the wooden ceasing in a buzzed bliss, she stood up and went to get some more. She passed by the unknown woman on her way to the table and couldn't help but take a good look at her. She was really pretty.

"Hey there, stranger." Haruka flashed a smile and began pouring herself another glass. "What part of the world are you from?"

Perhaps it was the eggnog, or lack of Michiru-or even Minako's bad influence. Either way, she was feeling particularly flirty this evening.

May as well roll with it as long as the buzz lasted.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Winter Resort   [Casual Event] Winter Resort I_icon_minitime14th December 2016, 3:28 pm

Naoto Shirogane

Naoto didn't really mind the rest of the cabin's attention on their other "guests", not being an outgoing person anyway, though she was beginning to feel like a third wheel at this point. Or was she the 7th wheel now? She looked up as the older blonde woman approached her, but was not impressed with her icebreaker.

"...Japan?" she said, Haruka's flirting not even registering with her. Even after her friends made her aware of her problem, Naoto was always a bit dense when it came to reading someone's mood, especially when it was directed at her. Did she come off as foreign? 

"And what would your name be, 'stranger'?" she asked, the corners of her mouth turning up slightly.
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