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 [Casual Event] Shattered

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 1:36 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered 4UgSEW1

In a better world, during the final fight against the Amazon Trio and the Quartet's lemure, Usagi's shattered Dream Mirror is renewed by the pure wishes of the redeemed villains.

Unfortunately, this is not that world.


Important Information

  • This is a one week Casual Event! It will begin September 18th and end September 25th.
  • Sign ups will last until the RP starts on September 18th!
  • This is a part of September Blues, so keep in mind that the purpose is to explore some sad and difficult feelings!
  • All main characters are available for play in the Event. This means Canon senshi/allies/civilians can join up! You do not need to have a profile to sign up! No villains are available for this RP!
  • This thread will be used for all OOC purposes after sign ups close!
  • An activity rule will be in place. As this is a shorter event, you will need to post at least once every 48 hours, as we want to keep the story moving along so we can reach the end by the 25th! If you are unable to keep up your activity level, your character will become incapacitated in some way and will be unable to participate in the event any further. Just inform me if you will be on LOA or have anything come up and we can work something out, no problem <3
    There will be a prize at the end of this event for anyone still active!


Character Claims

[Casual Event] Shattered 4011577294 Usagi Tsukino / Sailor Moon -- Sailor Saturn
[Casual Event] Shattered 3074743337 Minako Aino / Sailor Venus -- Sailor Mercury
[Casual Event] Shattered 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino / Sailor Chibimoon -- Aurae
[Casual Event] Shattered 3120549547 Hotaru Tomoe / Sailor Saturn -- SaturnTomoe
[Casual Event] Shattered 4039879955 Haruka Tenoh / Sailor Uranus  -- Cosmos-Hime
[Casual Event] Shattered 1333987389 Makoto Kino / Sailor Jupiter  -- TS Sailor Cronus
[Casual Event] Shattered 2045764097 Rei Hino / Sailor Mars -- VenusLight
[Casual Event] Shattered 1483032476 Setsuna Meioh / Sailor Pluto -- Brit-chan
[Casual Event] Shattered 1666276025 Ami Mizuno / Sailor Mercury -- Moonstone
[Casual Event] Shattered 1322698128 Mamoru Chiba / Tuxedo Kamen -- Eternal Eternity

If you have any questions, please PM me!

Current Goal:

Quote :
Goal: At the moment, everyone is out looking for Chibiusa (except for Usagi and Chibiusa herself). Write about your character trying to find Chibiusa. Feel free to explore their worry, or frustration, or whatever it is they're feeling at the moment! Due to some reason, whether through a feeling or by accident or any other means, eventually get your character to find where Chibiusa and Usagi are currently situated and react to seeing the current situation there!

For Chibiusa and Usagi: Your goal is to react to everything that has happened in front of you. Chibiusa will have caught the tail end of things, having been slowly melting away from the magic ice block that she had been caught in.

Have fun xD <3

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 18th September 2016, 2:10 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 1:43 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered V8OoJNh

The sound of a Dream Mirror shattering into so many little pieces was the worst sound Fish Eye had ever heard. It felt terrible, and wrong, and he hoped that he would never have to hear something like it again. He stared, eyes wide, at the girl who had been so kind to him earlier. She was so sweet, and now she lay upon the ground, unmoving. What happened when a Dream Mirror shattered? Was she... dead?

Or worse?

Tiger's Eye and Fish Eye looked at each other, and then back down at the final gift Hawk's Eye had given them. This was it. This was how they could do something good with their lives. It wasn't what they truly wanted - but becoming human seemed like a far away dream that would never reach them.

Fish Eye glanced over at the fallen Usagi, the pieces of her broken Dream Mirror glinting in the dim light. He didn't know why, but it hurt to see her like that. And he had the means to fix it.

The clown-like lemure was powerful. Too powerful.

But he could fix that too.

Fish Eye raised his arms up, summoning forth the captured Chibiusa, the frozen shell slowly beginning to melt around her. It felt like giving up a piece of treasure, a treasure that would grant him his own dreams. Pegasus was in this child's dreams, the prize so close.

But this was the right thing to do. He knew it. He looked to Tiger's Eye then, his last remaining brother. Tiger's Eye raised the sphere of power high into the air, but before he could complete the process, a flash of movement tackled it out of his hands. The sphere fell, and splattered, and was no more.

Fish Eye gasped, but a pain unlike any he had felt before exploded in his chest. He fell to the ground, trying to catch his breath, but it was so difficult. His vision began to blacken. He saw Tiger's Eye, laying next to him.

Tiger's Eye smiled, "I hope that if we are reincarnated, we come back as humans." Fish Eye dared to dream the same, and closed his eyes.

The sole victor, the clown lemure grinned at himself for a job well done, and looked around at his handywork, the annoying Trio pests were now in their true animal forms, and there was one less dream mirror to worry about in the future. "Zirconia will be pleased." He was already imagining the sheer amount of praise he would recieve for this. He blinked slowly, realizing that there was a small human standing amongst the chaos. Some child that Fish Eye had summoned during the fight - a kind of pet he wanted released, perhaps?

Well, he didn't care about her at all. There was praise to be had, after all. With a rather cheerful wave, he said "See you, little girl!" before jumping away and disappearing through a portal back to headquarters.

A cold wind swept through the area, silent.

Quote :
Goal: At the moment, everyone is out looking for Chibiusa (except for Usagi and Chibiusa herself). Write about your character trying to find Chibiusa. Feel free to explore their worry, or frustration, or whatever it is they're feeling at the moment! Due to some reason, whether through a feeling or by accident or any other means, eventually get your character to find where Chibiusa and Usagi are currently situated and react to seeing the current situation there!

For Chibiusa and Usagi: Your goal is to react to everything that has happened in front of you. Chibiusa will have caught the tail end of things, having been slowly melting away from the magic ice block that she had been caught in.

Have fun xD <3
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 1:46 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered ZLikWQe

It was painful. As if her heart was being pulled and prodded, stretched. She had seen the Dream Mirror extraction process many times before, but she hadn't been prepared for this. But through eyes blurred with tears, Usagi could still see, and she knew that there was a fight going on between the enemies.

Maybe, if she could hold out for a little longer, the others would be here. Yeah. They'd make it all okay. And they'd have Chibiusa with them too. She'd like to see Chibiusa right now. That pink little spunky brat would be a welcome sight. Where was she?. Usagi even had the perfect treat hidden away in her room that she planned to taunt and tease the younger girl with.

She wanted to see her friends. And Mamoru. She wanted a hug from him so badly. A hug that told her that everything was good and okay.

She loved them all so much.

Lost in her own thoughts, Usagi didn't see the sharp edged spade coming straight for her.

But she did feel the impact.

She screamed out, her entire being convulsing, falling apart, excruciating, as something within her broke just as the mirror in front of her shattered into a million pieces.

For a moment, she was alone within that pain. Alone.


She fell from the trap as it disappeared, and crumpled onto the ground.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:05 pm

Hotaru had gone out transformed going to find Chibiusa or Usagi, whomever she found first. She was scared to lose her friends in an issue like that but be scared wasn't an option. Hotaru now as Sailor Saturn could feel something inside her as if she felt Usagi and Chibiusa were hurting.

Stopping for a brief moment to catch her breath she soon hollered out "Chibiusa! Usagi! Where are you!?" Saturn yelled, overly concerned. If she didn't find them soon who knows what could happen to them without the other senshi.

'Chibiusa-Chan, Usagi-San, where are you?' Saturn thought to herself as she began running again.
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TS Sailor Cronus
Lotus Crystal

TS Sailor Cronus

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:10 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered Blue-j10

Sailor Jupiter paused to catch her breath. Some feeling deep within her like a static shock urged her to continue on, but at the moment her body couldn't keep it up without a break.

Footsteps approached from behind her, and she turned sharply. "Who's there?"

A figure in a purple collar and skirt, similar to her own in green, bounced up toward her, her short, jet black hair flowing freely behind her.

"Saturn!" Jupiter straightened up. "You haven't seen where Chibi-Usa and Usagi are, have you?" She licked her lips. "Did you feel that strange sensation that something was wrong, too?"

Last edited by TS Sailor Cronus on 18th September 2016, 4:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:16 pm

"No, I haven't seen either of them, did you feel that weird sensation too Jupiter." Saturn asked stopping when she heard the footsteps. She hated running but she would do it to help her two best friends. 

"Where do you think they are?" She too licked her lips her mouth and lips both dry. "Didn't they tell you and the girls where they were going?" Saturn asked, many questions buzzed in her mind, and she hoped to find the answers soon enough.
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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:24 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered 4039879955 
Haruka had been sitting in her apartment, checking the news for any interesting racing tallies. The enemy had been fairly quiet, and she thought she'd be able to see if there were any upcoming races she'd want to participate in. It would  help her blow off some anger at the situation. It was as though the senshi were cursed, every time they overcame one obstacle, there would be another one immediately after. Racing, be it by car or her own two feet, helped her blow off some of that extra angry energy.

Haruka had the remote in her hand, when suddenly time itself seemed to freeze. Her breath quickened, and anxiety pricked at her heart. It was suddenly heard to breathe, as her mind began to scream at her.

The remote fell and broke upon landing. Haruka faltered a bit, and put a hand on her forehead in an attempt to make sense of this horrible sensation. Closing her eyes, she opened the window, letting the breeze flow over her, calming her mind and letting her focus.

It was then she was bombarded with an attack on her senses all at once.

Enemy. Danger. Fight. The princess.

Haruka gasped and shot open her eyes. Something happened to Usagi. And she wasn't there to protect her.

Haruka thrust her arm into the air, the call of her planet power more anxious then normal. The second she felt the transformation end and the power of Uranus flow through her veins, she approached the edge of the window and jumped, landing on the top of one building and leaping from one to the next like a gazelle trying to reach her young fawns before the stalking beast would.


She prayed she wouldn't be too late.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:29 pm

Saturn began running again feeling like she was just going to countless dead ends 'I'll be almost home at this rate' She thought picking up speed hoping to maybe see one of the fellow Outer senshi nearby or something.

The streets were strangley quiet Saturn was occupied thinking about the two Princess that she didn't pay attention which way she was going once more. 

"Chibiusa! Usagi! Where are you!?" Saturn yelled again at the park hoping to hear a response,
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TS Sailor Cronus
Lotus Crystal

TS Sailor Cronus

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:46 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered 1333987389

Jupiter shook  her head as Saturn took off before she could say anything. "Sheesh, kid, don't wait up for me, or anything." She gave a small chuckle, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and took off after her, but it wasn't long before she'd lost her. "Come on--"

She stopped and looked around quickly, judging the streets and the buildings, trying to guess where her friend had gone. West... South? She picked a direction and ran it, and she could already feel a presence nearby.

She quickly sidestepped just before she slammed into Saturn, then snatched her wrist to turn her completely around. "This way!" she yelled, letting go and not checking to see if she followed. "I see a light over that way," she added, pointing toward a faint glow beyond the alleyway. "I have a good feeling that's where we need to be."

[Casual Event] Shattered 1333987389

Last edited by TS Sailor Cronus on 19th September 2016, 12:44 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 2:49 pm

Saturn nodded and began running to the end of the valley, even if she was bad at sports, when it came to saving her friends, it was far far different.

"Hurry up Jupiter!" Saturn called when she began running again.
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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime18th September 2016, 5:04 pm

Ami [Casual Event] Shattered 1666276025

It had all been a blur for Ami- one moment she had been fiercely combating alongside her comrades, the next, being seemingly isolated with no one to hear her faint, troubled calls for Usagi, Chibiusa, and anyone at all. With each and every step she took, her shimmering bright blue eyes appeared to stream with tears more and more, as fast as a golden, shining shooting star, streaking a sky full of complete darkness, down her soft, rose red cheeks.

A newfound arising pain suddenly subdued the intense thought process of misery. It felt as if millions of razor sharp shards were clenching her and digging into her light, tender skin. It had gotten to the point where the entirety of her limbs were numbing, and beginning to snap right in two.
"I- mus-t fi-nd," Ami boomed loudly with the remaining energy she had left before an abrupt jolt of trauma had, oddly enough, raised all of the invisible fractals of agony from her body.

After almost what felt like a millennium, she tardily arose from the stone cold ground from a frightening, vivid dream. Although she had forgotten most of the dream by the time she was conscious, she was attempting to recall a certain fragment of a memory.
"What was it," Ami rasped as she detected numerous noises in the distance, but was ultimately indistinguishable as she was most likely out of earshot. Out of nowhere, it had come to her.
"Something about Usagi and Chibiusa! They were here, somewhere!" Ami smiled as she paced around the area and where she had awoken. With this surge of pure optimism, she rapidly rushed throughout the endless scene, hoping to find at least someone.

"In the name of Mercury, I will find them."

Last edited by Moonstone on 18th September 2016, 6:30 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : typo)
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 12:45 am

[Casual Event] Shattered VjxvQoH

Minako had gone to look for Chibiusa near her school. She wasn’t even sure why—who would be at school at this time of night? But she was starting to run out of places to look. They’d split up earlier to different directions, and she was alone now, thinking of where else to go. She’d gone to Momoko’s house and the girl hadn’t seen Chibiusa since school either.

An uncomfortable feeling—a sense of foreboding—had started crawling up her spine. Maybe something was wrong. Usagi was acting a bit strange earlier, looking at that empty bench in the place where she herself said Chibiusa wouldn’t be… had something else happened? Was Usagi hiding something from them?

She didn’t like these kinds of nagging feelings. Some days, she wished she were less observant and would simply not notice them. Ignorance was bliss. But Minako never had the luxury of ignorance. She always noticed, always remembered. That was her curse.

She was about to turn on her communicator to check how the others were doing with their search, when it hit her.

A painful feeling so strong it almost felt as if she were dying on the spot. She let out a strangled gasp as she doubled over, clutching her chest. Her entire being felt as if she had been wrecked in two, and there was only one other time she’d ever felt like this. Her mind raced with panic at the possibility.

No. Usagi!

She ran, ignoring the pain, with all her might. Ran through her transformation, emerging on the other side as Sailor Venus.

She could not possibly have lost her princess again.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 4:30 am

[Casual Event] Shattered 2045764097
Rei ,as usually tried to look for Chibiusa at the Hikawa Shrine but she wasn't here .She asked her grandpa and Yuuichiro if they saw Chibiusa and they both replied "No." After heading from Hikawa Shrine to another street ,a painful feeling almost left Rei to faint on the road .

No ,this can't be...

She woke up and felt a pain more likely a migraine but she ran ,and transformed quickly into Sailor Mars.

Usagi-chan ,you can't leave us again !she shouted loud .
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 4:40 am

Saturn too felt the pain and nearly fainted 'Oh no, Usagi, please don't be dead.' Saturn thought begging to herself praying everything was alright.

She decided to use her communicator and decided to call Mars first. 

"Mars, can you hear me?" 

She asked trying to hide her pain she managed to do so but not much. It was so bad she leaned against a building to not faint.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 4:46 am

[Casual Event] Shattered 2045764097
Sailor Mars stopped from running .She heard Sailor Saturn's message trough the communicator .

Hotaru ?Have you seen Chibiusa ?She's not at the Hikawa Shrine !
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 5:00 am

"I was going to ask you the same thing! She was supposed to spend the night and never came! Have you seen Usagi!?" She asked officially thinking of the worst case scenario.

What if Usagi was dead? The whole future would be lost and she be destroyed when becoming Mistress 9 because Chibiusa wouldn't have been born. She then felt another wave of pain.

'Chibiusa...No it can't be....' She thought. She was beginning to lose hope, for herself and the future.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 6:00 am

[Casual Event] Shattered BhdwLus

It happened so quick. She was in the attic, talking to Pegasus. Then... then something else was happening. The details here were blurry and confused. She hadn't been in the house anymore—something had called her outside. Chibi Usa remembered the shock and surprise of suddenly finding herself standing in front of the blue member of the Amazon Trio, the androgynous man's eyes focused on the task at hand. Unlike what she had witnessed before, there was no "1, 2, 3!" No board. No dream mirror. Just an immediate suffocating feeling.

As the dark ice around her slowly melted, it took a few minutes for the the wide-eyed look of horror to shift on her young face. Her head reeled as the sudden intake of air in her lungs ended that suspended animation. Chibi Usa stumbled slightly as the final remnants of the cold structure that had been her prison evaporated. Her vision seemed blurred and indistinct. She had barely turned towards the strange clown creature before he was gone.

She stood there, confused, and her eyes caught a glint of something yellow on the ground: blonde hair. The pink-haired girl turned towards it, only then noticing the strange glittering shards that lay scattered across the pavement.

Then she realized what she was looking at. Who she was looking at.


The strangled scream wrenched itself from her as she ran forwards, throwing herself towards the crumpled figure in front of her. Chibi Usa didn't notice or feel the sharp edges of the pieces of what had once been Usagi's dream mirror. Tears obscured her view of the teenager, but she could tell that the blonde's skin was... so cold. Too cold. She tried to wrap her arms around the girl's shoulders, struggling to pull the prone figure onto her lap.

This couldn't be real...!

"Usagi! Wake up!" she pleaded.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 6:32 am

Saturn hearing the screen turned her attention towards the light from the alley "Mars tell the other girls to go to Juuban park! I think I heard Chibiusa scream!" Saturn demanded.

It wasn't her fault Chibiusa was her best friend and she was worried sick, no that was pain in her body. And thanks to her being saved by Sailor Moon she had the pain 2x as worse as the others.

Quickly closing the communicator on Mars, Saturn ran towards the light, ignoring the pain in her body etering the end of the alley, she gasped at the sight.

"Chibiusa!! Usagi!!" Saturn yelled running over to her friends.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 6:42 am

[Casual Event] Shattered 2045764097
Mars closed the communicator shortly after Saturn did .Then she began again to run to the light .

First ,she saw Saturn running to her ,than she saw Uagi and Chibiusa .

Oh ,no !How can I be so rude to her!After all she is our Princess and we are her guardians !We are supposed to protect her !Then she fall in front of Usagi and began to cry .
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 8:02 am

Saturn dropped to her knees, this had to be a nightmare, right?

"Chibiusa....what happened to her?" Saturn stared at the two girls. She scream out but right now she had to brave for others. recovering her composure, she got out her communicator.

"Girls, everyone, we have bad news, get to Juuban park, now." She sent to the Senshi before hanging up.
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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 10:21 am

[Casual Event] Shattered 1483032476 Setsuna Meioh/Sailor Pluto [Casual Event] Shattered 1483032476

Setsuna had been out shopping for dinner when she felt many things happen all at once. She could feel that Hotaru and Haruka had transformed, which was alarming to her as they had not had to battle in a long time. For both of them to transform meant something very terrible was happening. There was another feeling that came along with feeling her friends' was ominous and filled her with dread. It felt as if their, Usagi's soul had been shattered.

All this made her stop dead in her tracks in the busy sidewalk, causing many people to grumble as they were forced to suddenly go around her. She turned to face the direction these energies and feelings came from. Azabu-Juuban. There was no doubt about it. Their Princess and Small Lady were in trouble.

Setsuna took off running and as soon as she found an isolated area she transformed into Sailor Pluto. She moved her course to jumping from roof top to roof top, her hands gripped tightly around the Garnet Rod.

The time up until now had been peaceful, albeit strange, for Setsuna and the others. She, along with Haruka and Michiru, co-existed as a happy family, raising the reborn Hotaru. Their mission had ended and were no longer needed to fight with the other Sailor Soldiers. Having been reborn as Setsuna in this time, Pluto felt a small disconnect with the time stream and was unable to recall if events that happened were meant to or changes from what she knew while guarding the Time Door in the 30th Century. They had all sensed the new enemy but they knew the Princess and her Guardians had it under control.

There was no need for the Sailor Soldiers of the Outer Planets to fight, not until now. The thought of what could be happening to Usagi and Small Lady made Pluto push harder into her sprint. As she entered the Azabu-Juuban area, her communicator went off. It was Saturn. She had found Usagi and Small Lady and the news did not seem good. Pluto let out a quick affirmation in reply to Saturn and headed towards Juuban Park.

What she saw when she arrived caused her to stop in her steps and let out a small gasp. As she slowly processed what she was seeing, her heart beat against her chest, not from having sprinted several miles, but in pain at seeing her Princesses in such a state.

Pluto tried to carefully calculate what had happened as she approached the group that was forming around Usagi. She swallowed a lump in her throat that had been threatening to cry out in loud sobs. She had to keep herself composed, they needed to see the damage and what could be done to help their Princess.

She looked at the others, seeing their pained looks and cries only made it harder for her to keep calm as well, but it needed to be done. Saturn had addressed Small Lady and Pluto gave her a knowing nod. She had done well to act on her own to find them here. She only wished Saturn had not gone on her own, but she was a Sailor Soldier in her own right now.

Pluso knelt behind Small Lady, gently placing a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Small Lady," she spoke in a soft, calming voice that took every ounce of will power to keep up.

"Tell us everything you know."

Her eyes fell on the blonde girl, lifeless on the ground. Pieces of glass lay shattered around her. She needed more information. They were unfamiliar with this enemy and what their objective was. What could they possibly do to save their Princess?
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 10:46 am

Saturn heard the affirmanation in the back of her mind, looking beside her she saw Pluto. Saturn got up and hugged her as she began crying. Without Usagi, Hotaru would've died and never be reborn, and never be given another chance at life.

"Setsuna-mama, what are we going to do? My healing powers can't bring her back." Saturn explained in the hug, she didn't want to believe it was true but it sadly was, their Princess was gone and so was Saturns' hope along with it.

She waited silently crying for the other Senshi to get there, maybe together they could do something to bring her back.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 11:14 am

[Casual Event] Shattered 4039879955
Uranus had been running as fast as her legs could carry her, leaping and bounding from building to building, scanning the ground below for any sight of danger. After a while, she could see the familiar forms of some of her fellow senshi, though being so high up meant she could see that a fair amount of them were headed in different directions. This meant a number of things:

They all sensed what she felt, and none of the senshi were with them when it happened.

Uranus swore under her breath and picked up the pace, trying to assess which senshi she should follow first. That was when a message came on over her communicator. Saturn's voice could be heard

"Girls, everyone, we have bad news, get to Juuban park, now."

"Damn!" Uranus stopped and glanced for the sight of the park.  It didn't take too long, as the park was a cluster of streetlights in a circular formation from a high view. Panic now rising in her stomach, she began to run again, landing on the pavement right outside the park entrance.

She saw the group of senshi surrounding something. At their feet could be seen long and scraggly strands of blond hair...

"MOVE!" Uranus cried out, shoving Pluto aside, seeing Usagi's downed body sending a plethora of emotion through her. Chibi Moon was trying in vain to pull Usagi onto her lap, and Uranus helped her turn Usagi upright.

The sight was more then she could bear.

Slivers of a glass like substance could be see all over her chest, glittering and twinkling in the evening lights. A few of them fell to the ground, making a small plinking sounds. Their beloved princess' eyes were open, but glazed over. No pupal, no iris. Just two blank slabs of blue, looking everywhere and yet nowhere. Uranus stood up, her head shaking in disbelief as she began to step back. A small laugh escaped her lips the same time as a tear.

"You've gotta be kidding me." Uranus grated out, letting a few more tears escape. Clenching a fist, she swirled on her heel and met the other senshi's faces.

"What the hell happened here!?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 11:26 am

"Papa!" Saturn quickly hugged her crying for comfort. "I can't heal her, I tried but I couldn't. My powers can't bring someone back to life."  Saturn cried to her chest, in pain as well. 

Saturn having a close connection to Usagi from being rebornbfelt the pain 2x as much and she couldn't bear it much more.

"When we came here we found Chibiusa but also Usagi-San like this." She explain clinching Uranus' white part of the fuku.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 2:22 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered 186320883 Place holder header <3 [Casual Event] Shattered 186320883

Luna turned the corner, scanning the crowds for a burst of pink. Where had Chibiusa run off to? It was probably due to Usagi saying something mean to her again or something. That was normally the catalyst for these situations. Luna held back from rolling her eyes at thinking of how this was more than likely all Usagi's fault, and focused instead on looking for the younger girl.

So far, she had checked all of the usual places, but none of them had yielded any results or even clues to help further the search. Luna had left Artemis behind - he had been far too slow anyway, and had distracted her too much - and now she had been on her own for a while but even that hadn't helped in the long run.

She didn't know how she was ever going to get it drilled into these girls' heads that running off on their own was not acceptable, especially with their current dealings with the new enemy. If running away was a result of some fight within the group, then surely Luna could be told of where they were going, just in case. What if they got into trouble and no one knew where they were?

Completely irresponsible, the lot of them.

But then, that was the occupational hazard of dealing with a bunch of teenaged girls.

Luna could feel her annoyance at the situation growing even as the worry within her heart grew just as large. She really was worried about Chibiusa. The young pink-haired girl was generally a lot more responsible than this, and it wasn't like her to disappear for so long.

Luna picked up her pace, her paws silent against the ground.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 19th September 2016, 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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TS Sailor Cronus
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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime19th September 2016, 2:36 pm

[Casual Event] Shattered 1333987389 

Sailor Jupiter had arrived at the scene about the same time as Sailor Saturn and Pluto, but she remained silent, calculating. There was Usagi, lying among the shattered glass, and Chibi-Usa, dripping wet, clinging to her, frantically trying to shake a response from her. It was too easy to assess what had just happened.

Usagi's Dream Mirror had been shattered by a Lemures.

She felt her insides grow cold, and she turned her face away, squeezing her eyes shut. When she opened them again, she saw the three animals lying on the ground. "What... actually happened?" She returned her attention to Usagi and Chibi-Usa.

[Casual Event] Shattered 1333987389
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime20th September 2016, 8:02 am

[Casual Event] Shattered VjxvQoH

She got the message through the communicator and headed to Juuban Park, where she saw several other senshi gathering. At first, she couldn’t see what they were all surrounding. Then she saw Chibiusa’s flash of pink hair, and then…

Her heart nearly stopped beating when she saw Usagi on the ground, her eyes blank, pieces of glass in her hair. It was like the way she’d looked that time the Silver Crystal had shattered while they were battling the Kisenian flower in space. Were those pieces of glass the Silver Crystal? Because if so…

Venus moved toward the body and knelt beside Usagi, her fingers checking for a pulse on her neck. When she found it, she almost crumpled in relief. “She’s still got a pulse,” she announced. “But it’s erratic, and she may be fading. Who was here when this happened?”

Need to stay calm, need to focus, she repeated in her mind as her expression remained still, seemingly unaffected by what she saw. When everyone else was panicking, as the leader, she had to keep it together.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime20th September 2016, 8:52 am

[Casual Event] Shattered BhdwLus

Everyone was screaming and crying. It was all she could hear over her own screaming and crying. Her hands shook the girl's shoulders, even as Uranus arrived and helped maneuver Usagi's prone body... but Usagi still wasn't waking up. At least she had a pulse, which Chibi Usa only knew from the kneeling Venus's comment.

One voice among the others refrained from hysterics. It was calm and gentle. Soft and soothing. One that Chibi Usa had relied on for so long—the wise voice of her very first friend.

The pink-haired girl turned up to look at the tall guardian of time, the tears still running down her cheeks even as she struggled to speak through her sobs.

"Pluto!" she gasped. "I don't know... I was captured, but Fish Eye released me. A clown-like lemure disappeared just as I saw her... like this..."

Her heart twisted, and she clung tighter to Usagi's body.

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Eternal Eternity
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[Casual Event] Shattered Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime20th September 2016, 8:14 pm

Separating from the others to search for Chibiusa, possibly to cover more ground, was yet to no avail for Mamoru. He found himself very concerned for her well being, which wouldn't have surprised anyone. It was more worrying than any other time something critical had happened to Chibiusa as this time, he felt useless. There was nothing he could do other than search and hope for the best. He knew not as to the entirety of what happened to the pink-haired girl and in the back of his mind he thought of possibilities as to what may have happened.

As elsewhere the dream mirror shattered, the reborn prince of Earth felt a sharp pain in his body. He let himself collapse, clenching his chest as he knelt on the ground. He could only imagine what was causing this. Something had to have gone wrong. His breath was shaky as he felt the pain subside as soon as it had come. This wasn't right...

Giving himself a moment, Tuxedo Kamen stood and took a deep breath. When he was fully ready, he turned on his heel and walked the opposite direction he was going, back towards the senshi. His pace picked up to a trot then a full on run. He had to get there quick!

Reaching the scene at Juuban Park, he looked over everything. The senshi, crowded around... Chibiusa and Usagi. While he was thankful to see Chibiusa, there was obviously something else at play here. He rushed over, a fist clenched. "Usako, Chibiusa... What happened here?" He asked, giving the senshi a serious look. He knelt down beside the pink-haired girl and studied his beloved Usagi. Silver shards in her hair, pure, glossy blue eyes... Now he had much more to worry about than where Chibiusa was. 

Still has a pulse, Mamoru heard Venus say. There was hope yet. Possibly, he could use his power to keep her at least in this state until a fix was found, but then again... That was a very small sliver of hope wasn't it? He sat up tall as he let out a soft sigh. Best not to jump to too many conclusions. He still needed to know what had happened to Usagi. Exactly what had happened.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Shattered   [Casual Event] Shattered I_icon_minitime21st September 2016, 6:47 am

[Casual Event] Shattered BhdwLus

Chibi Usa almost felt Mamoru's presence before she saw him—it was that warm sense of comfort, what had first drawn her to him when she was so new to the 20th century and had not yet realized that these two confused teenagers were actually her own parents in the past.

If anyone could save Usagi, Chibi Usa had her heart set on that person being Mamoru. That hope was evident in the wide red eyes that settled on him.

"Please... Mamo-chan! Help Usagi!" she begged, her face still damp with tears.

Wasn't that something that had happened so many times before? Usagi rescuing Mamoru with her love for him. Mamoru's love for Usagi forming the catalyst to keep her in this world. Chibi Usa didn't know what else to do. She didn't know what else to wish for. She didn't want to lose this person who was so dear to her—who had taught her to believe in herself and others. Right now, she wasn't even considering that Usagi's peril could have an impact on her own existence... Chibi Usa didn't know how Mamoru could make of this better—how anyone could fix this horrible mess—but that was the only thing she wanted right now.
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