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 [Casual Event] Return to the Axis

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime11th December 2017, 4:55 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Bn0uu1A

The Axis. It is not a place anyone knows about, and yet, somehow, everybody knows about it in a way they can't seem to recall or explain. Set in the center of all worlds and all universes, it is a place full of this and that and all the things in between.

As you go to sleep one night, instead of being whisked away to a nice dream, you've been transported here, at The Axis, for a night of celebration and friendly communication and to strengthen the bonds between worlds. A night where people from all walks of life can come together, talk, eat and enjoy themselves, and perhaps even make a few friends along the way.


General Information and OOC thread for this event can be found here!


Casual Event Rules of Etiquette

  • Be mindful of other players!
    --Casual Events are often big and full of many different players, which is always fun and part of the charm! However, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play. We don't want anyone to get left behind! It's great to be enthusiastic towards the event, but if you notice that you are posting very often and very quickly, try to take a break and give the other players a chance to catch up to you! It's no fun to play alone, after all Very Happy
  • Read all posts!
    --Make sure to read all of the previous posts before you make your next one! This ensures that you don't miss out on something vital, and can help to keep your character from missing out on some fun interactions or appearing rude by accidentally ignoring others!
  • Keep an eye out for event goals!
    --The event host (Sailor Saturn) will often post a goal for everyone to reach for throughout a certain period of time. This is normally depicted in a quote box to make it stand out a little more! These are generally guidelines to try and help move the plot along, but they are not mandatory to complete.
  • Try to remain active!
    --Keeping a regular posting regimen helps keep the flow of the event going strong! And your character plays a vital part! Of course, things can come up and hinder you from posting, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no penalty for dropping out, and you can join back in when you have time. If possible, please let the event host (Sailor Saturn) know, or post in the OOC thread for the event!
  • If you have any concerns or problems, please contact the event host (Sailor Saturn)!
    --It can be about anything, whether you feel overwhelmed or lost, are having troubles with another player, or if you aren't sure what to post next, or even if you want to talk about the lousy day you've just had! The PM box is always open! <3


Character Roster
Coral (Axis Host) -- Sailor Saturn (French Hens)

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Sailor Saturn
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime11th December 2017, 5:02 pm

Previous in our RTRP..:
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime14th December 2017, 5:56 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis BxzFjWc

Coral smiled, looking from one Guest to the other as they spoke. "Surely there's some sort of game you can all agree upon?" she prompted. "This is just meant to be a fun little thing, after all. Or would you prefer I choose instead?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime14th December 2017, 6:10 pm

A Raichu Gijinka who had just walked in when the question was asked, looked up at Coral, thought about the question for a minute whilst rubbing his chin and replied "How about you choose the game for us m'lady?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime14th December 2017, 8:11 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rm3kRN1

While Sunset Shimmer and Cagney talked over each other in an attempt to explain charades to the blue-haired temptress, the girl referring to herself as Sheba made quick remark, "Let me guess, the world where you come from is centered around you?" before letting them know that she would play whichever game they decided upon. This prompted Rocbouquet to shift her amber-colored eyes upon the blonde mage sitting at the other end of the table.

“Centered around me?” Pausing, the blue-haired girl brought another handful of grapes to her mouth, munching on them between mischievous giggles. “Well, it's true that I am constantly on the minds of all the men in the jungle!” she replied with a confident smirk. It was just a dream after all: she could brag about enslaving the men of Salamat with her enchantment magic as much as she wanted to, right? “But we both know you're just jealous that you aren't the queen of Salamat, you...Amazon.” The phantoms reemerged from her hair hissing as she mentioned the loathed resistance group. Their red eyes fell upon Sheba. Rocbouquet cocked her head to the side, eyes narrowing disdainfully.

“Now would you kindly go back to that wannabe queen Jeanne already? I don't need a pest like you interrupting my beauty sleep! I already get enough of you Amazons during the day!” she thundered, still adamant as ever that she was dreaming. Rocbouquet crossed her arms and leaned against the table. The others still seemed to be arguing about charades, though their conversation had devolved to something about shape-shifting, mind reading, and cheating?

“You, the Creeper,” Rocbouquet suddenly called out to Cagney, jumping up and pointing at him while watching him reach forward to horde a bunch of the food from the large dining table. “Only those with a feeble mind can have it read. So if you're going to worry that much about cheating, maybe you should demand to play something simple, like knucklebones,” she suggested. As she sunk back into her chair, she noticed an unfamiliar young man walk over to the lady claiming to be their host.

Finally, one of my men has arrived, the temptress thought with a sigh. Though he dressed funny and seemed more interested in having the host suggest a game than deciding on something together with the others...or her in that matter. In fact, he didn't seem to pay her any sort of attention or respect! Rocbouquet pouted. What kind of awful nightmare was this?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime14th December 2017, 8:35 pm


Kaku sat in his seat after munching on his salad a bit and listened to everyone talking then spoke up himself..."Miss Coral...I believe you should continue with the game of two truths and one lie. I had fun with that game before..please continue it."
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 2:09 am

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rosett10
Cagney was just about to grab for another piece of food, and froze. He narrowed his eyes at the finger pointed directly at him. 

"Creeper? Who you callin' a creeper?" Jeez, this blue haired girl doesn't let up, does she? He began to ignore her, retracting his arm full of various foodstuffs, when she said something that unnerved him to the core. 

"Only those with a feeble mind can have it read." 

He could feel his skin crawl at the mention of it, his thorns poking out as far as they could go without Cagney's consent. The last time someone spoke to him like that, it didn't end well for him. Or anybody in the inkwell isles, for that matter. He didn't even hear the rest of what she said-she might as well have been speaking underwater; he couldn't make sense of it. He heard other voices as well, but they were filtered out just as hers had. 

The only sense he had was anger. Pure, unrivaled anger. He gritted his teeth and pulled at his petals in frustration. Cagney began to tremble as he placed two hands on the table-causing the dishes to rattle. He shot the witch the angriest glare he could muster. 

"Would you! Just! SHUT UP ALREADY!"

With a cry, he used the table as leverage to pull himself from the ground-not caring if he took some of the dishes down. What used to be roots quickly unraveled and then re-tangled themselves, creating two legs. He towered several feet over the table now, as bits of debris fell from his sides after such an abrupt uprooting. 

"I didn't ask to be here! You didn't ask to be here! Nobody asked to be here!" Cagney snapped, teeth sharpening and spreading out as though in the mouth of a shark and not a flower. "You think you're soooo special, don'tcha? Think you can say what you want, whenever you want, and however you want, to whoever you want!" 

It didn't take much effort to have him stretch over the table; like leaning over a log. His face stretched as well-easily too-until it was hovering just above her plate of food. If he'd stretched any further, their noses would be touching. 

"Well I got news for you. Keep acting like a snooty little princess; and you're gonna have a real problem on your hands."

Somewhere in the back of his mind, he was screeching at himself to stop. It was almost like the devil himself had him possessed, acting with such hostility with not so little as a threat. That was the irony in it, though. After all, the way she was talking, berating everyone and shouting as if everyone was beneath her-was just the way the devil back in inkwell hell had.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 5:12 pm

 Jacob Steamclutch the Raichu gijinka looked around the room for a bit before he saw a blue haired temptress. Who in Kanto is that? he thought. He decided it might be worth interacting with the temptress, so he went over to her, hoping to get to know her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 7:12 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rm3kRN1

Rocbouquet sat there with a stone-cold gaze, not even the slightest bit fazed by the plant monster and his strange growth spurt. Her accompanying phantoms however, were flitting to and fro moaning in agony. As Cagney stretched closer to their mistress, the skull-shaped beings bared their fangs. Rocbouquet brought her hand to her chin in amusement. So what? The Creeper grew a bit taller. What was it going to do? Strangle her with its roots? As if!

"...Snooty little princess? I'm a queen,” the blue-haired girl corrected Cagney, pouting. His next remark simply made her laugh. “One Creeper is hardly considered a problem—” Her train of thought was interrupted by the soft sound of Jacob's shoes moving across the carpetted floor. Not wanting to turn her back to the hostile plant monster for even a second, the temptress cast a furtive glance at the curious humanoid raichu as he made his way over to her from the other end of the table. “—Isn't that right?” she suddenly asked the approaching newcomer in a mellifluous voice. Her eyes began to glow a deep orange.

Last edited by Andalusite on 15th December 2017, 8:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed a typo)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 7:20 pm

*Kaku Now in giraffe form*

Kaku was getting frustrated by the minute at the way Cagney was acting and when the flower went crazy it meant it was time for Kaku to act. He moved away from the table changing into his stronger giraffe form and yelled right to Cagney, "STAND DOWN FLOWER!! Do not make me hurt you for going after this poor young woman...I will pluck those petals if I need to!!!"
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 9:41 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rosett10
She wasn't even scared. She didn't bat an eye. The ghosts around her hissed, and she mocked him once again. The odd man from before transformed as well-threatening to start a fight over this "poor young woman." Describing this blue-haired demon as a damsel in distress was enough to make Cagney erupt in loud laughter. Was he even listening to himself? Didn't he pay attention to her behavior since she arrived?

"Poor woman, eh?" Cagney grinned, flashing his teeth. "She's been making a fool of us since she arrived! As if we're lower then her! Calls herself a queen even!" His intimidating smile faded quickly back into a scowl. "She talks as if she owns this whole!"

"And you? Pluck my petals? I could snap you like a twig, long-neck. Don't even bother."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 9:56 pm


"Snap me like a twig? Are you serious Flower? I can beat you without even having to use my Rankyaku technique. Also my body is stronger then you think it is. So go ahead and lets take this outside...I do not wish to ruin what elegance Coral has set up so kindly for us." Kaku was ready to throw down and see if he could still fight after all this time.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 10:50 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rosett10
Cagney shifted away from the brat in blue, and retracted his head and crossed his arms, looking at the giraffe-man. 

"You're serious?" If he wasn't in such a bad mood, he'd be amused. "You're seriously going to start a fight over this chick? What-did she bewitch you with her "stunning beauty?" He gestured quotation marks at the latter end of the sentence. 

"If anything, her beauty-if you could even call it that-is only skin deep. You'd do best to stay out of her affairs. Nothing good ever comes from dealing with her kind." His voice had faltered, and took an almost genuinely serious tone. Cagney's thorns even retracted-if but only for a moment-before he let out a small frustrated cry and was immediately back on the offence.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime15th December 2017, 11:00 pm

  "Yes, it is." Jacob replied to the blue haired temptress. 
"You most certainly are a queen. Nice glowing eyes, by the way. I'd tell Sparkshot, the normal Raichu that follows me around, but...He isn't with me right now."
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Lt Light Ark
Star Seed

Lt Light Ark

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 1:07 am

Then a strange blue colored gate opened in the middle of the air, grumbles can be heard and a faint "Hope this is not year 600 again..." and something about a frog, a tall, sapphire haired man walks out, his clothes showing a dark aura around himself, an aura of pure danger, he seemed to possess a scythe held behind him.

Anyone with any type of magic power could feel the mage's power, he was fairly powerful, he looked around, his eyes widening for the first time...
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 12:50 pm

The grinch entered the interdimensional banquet hall with the confident swagger of someone who had just sniffed out a lot of rich people. "So many weird whos to steal from!" He noticed a group of people in a heated argument and took it as his cue to rob them! He sneaked towards the angry party-goers, craggy grinch hands outstretched in wallet snatching position. "I hate the holidays and this party is no exception!" he thought to himself. He chose the Raichu as his first target, because he could smell the scent of money emanating from his pockets. The Grinch swiftly snuck up behind Jacob Steamclutch and clutched the poor guy's wallet right out of his pocket while he remained distracted. The Grinch then gave Rocbouquet a sneer, to let her know he was now the reigning savage of the party.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's official Eudial
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 4:03 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rm3kRN1

Rocbouquet simply watched the chaos unfold in front of her. Who would have thought that a fight would break out over something as little as deciding what game to play? The gijinka man instantly agreed with her statement about Creepers and then complimented her eyes, seemingly oblivious to the on-going fracas. Oh well, at least somebody knew how to respect her around here! The temptress smirked. She didn't know what a raichu was, but sparkshot sounded somewhat like an aerology spell. Rocbouquet furrowed her brow. Maybe he was referring to the name of his horse or something.

“Yes, yes, wonderful name for an animal,” the girl complemented Jacob with a feigned smile, only half-paying attention to what he was saying as she waited to see what would happen next between Cagney and Kaku. The blue-haired demon girl clasped her hands together in gratitude the moment Kaku made it clear that he was not going to back off until Cagney left her alone.

“Oh, thank you so much! I appreciate your protection from that awful monster!” She sounded like an entirely different person when she addressed the giraffe-man. In her waking hours, the seductress would have questioned the giraffe transformation, but a dream was a dream after all! There was no point in trying to make any sense of it! She stuck her tongue out childishly at Cagney when he insulted her appearance, but she was quick to regain her composure.

“Maybe once the Creeper is gone we can play a little game,” Rocbouquet giggled, fluttering her eyelashes at the two men. As she leaned forward to touch Jacob on the shoulder, she caught a glimpse of a strange algae-green creature fishing through his pockets. Its dirty look caused her to jump back into her seat and let out a startled wail. “......” The temptress frowned at the creature as it slunk away with something in its hands. Where were all of these weak plant monsters coming from?


[Casual Event] Return to the Axis HGgNW33

...Little did Coral's guests know, another visitor—Jillian Nomad—had been watching them from the safety of the massive floral display in the corner of the room for quite some time now.

The girl pulled back her chin-length hair to reveal an earring shaped like a miniature magical lamp. From this lamp emerged a small formless cat-like fairy wearing a black cloak with a high collar. The little sprite glanced around its environment curiously from the safety of Jillian's hair.

“See, The Third? I told ya they'd start fighting!” she laughed as all hell broke loose around the large dining room table situated at the center of the extravagant banquet hall. And it just kept getting better! The man who jumped in to defend the bratty demon "child" morphed into a bipedal giraffe. Neat! Jillian made a mental note to ask him later where she could obtain an item with such powers. The spirit of Jillian's magical lamp let out a long sigh. Its master looked ridiculous crouching in a large ceramic planter behind all of the flowers with an uprooted poinsettia secured to the top of her head with a pair of large goggles. Somebody must have seen her by now!

“...Master, how long exactly do you plan to crouch here like this?” it wondered.

“'Til somebody drops dead! Or I get hungry...” On cue, the treasure hunter's stomach growled. She scratched the back of her head, grinning in embarrassment, “Maaaan, I don't think I can resist the smell of that feast any longer! It looks fit for the King of Bandiera!” She paused, pressing a finger to her lips. Wait. Something about this banquet hall didn't seem right. “Come to think of it, this place doesn't resemble the kingdom at all............So, ya still think the food's for our lovable heroes?”

The Third sighed again.  

“Don't tell me that you're planning to...”

“Ya think they'd mind if I snagged a bite?”

“...Are you even listening to me?” it asked Jillian who was already creeping toward the feast.

“Oh, c'mon! Don't be such a worrywart! A mandrake ain't nothing compared to those blasted goblins we keep runnin' into,” she whispered to the sprite hovering over her right shoulder. “Besides, it could drop a rare item the moment that giraffe-man gets through with it huhuhuhuhu!”  

On her way over to the table, she spotted a strange man with elven ears appearing from behind a blue gate that suddenly materialized from out of nowhere. Jillian stopped and brought her gloved hand to her chin. Now who in blazes could that be? The demon king? She pondered, eying him suspiciously after overhearing him mutter something about 600 years(?) “He looks nothin' like his secret rare trading card though. I better keep an eye on him,” the girl mumbled to herself.

“...Hm? What was that Master?” By the time The Third asked, Jillian was already making her way between Cagney and Kaku.

“Pardon me!” she exclaimed politely as she took a seat between the pair and began helping herself to the cornucopia of food sitting out on the table, ignoring how close they were to pummeling each other.

“...Master, you really are something else,” The Third sighed, drifting over to her.

Last edited by Andalusite on 16th December 2017, 6:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added RP Banner)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 4:47 pm

  Jacob suddenly jumped when the temptress let out a loud wail. "Great Northern Railroad!" he cried. He did a double take, put a hand in his pocket and then he said "Okay, who took my wallet? It was in my pocket a few moments ago..." he looked back again and saw The Grinch taking off with his wallet!
Oh, no you don't! He thought I'll catch him, and hit him with a good iron tail! He then started after the green creature in an attempt to get his wallet back from the Grinch, going past Jillian and not noticing the mage who was nearby at all. I hope that girl had nothing to do with this.
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 5:08 pm

Jacob was fast, but the Grinch was faster! He whistled to summon his noble steed, a scraggly mutt with a tree branch tied to its head, and demanded that the dog "Bury this wallet someplace safe outside! Don't let that pikachu get it!" The Grinch was ignorant about pokemon species, but what he lacked in brains he made up for with speed. He bolted towards the dog and tossed the wallet towards its gaping maw. The dog dug its pointy teeth into the worn leather of the wallet and scurried towards the door of the banquet hall. Suddenly, he stopped in front of the salacious blue haired beauty and dropped the wallet on the ground. He licked her feet with his nasty tongue and dribbled all over them, before proceeding to take back the wallet and run away!
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Lt Light Ark
Star Seed

Lt Light Ark

Star Seed

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 5:25 pm

Magus was annoyed, less over the ugly giraffe-like being standing upon here but the entirety of this situation, first? The fact that his last clue of Schala doesn't got anything to him 'Damm that Warrior and his honor, honor that ends when there's 50 gold coins into your purse' Said warrior weren't a problem to the Demon Lord, his charred corpse was a faithful proof, but then now, just to end up like that.

So one can argue that no, Magus wasn't in a good mood, hell, he was ready to fry to blow up someone just for the sake of it, but no, even if he was technically a mass murderer by modern law, he wasn't a total savage, but what his blue, icy cold eyes were gazing, oozing a coldness fit of the coldest blizzards were things that made him to just wonder why the Gods had seem fit to make the world.

A, just reminding, ugly abomination that seems to be a mix between a human and a giraffe gone wrong, or maybe gone right? He wouldn't jugde, but that he thinks it is ugly he does think, another was a pitiful, unworthy thing that probably survived by eating the crumbles of the others, he couldn't have a better opinion as he watched it trying to steal people, he wanted to see him trying to steal him, he was wondering if the color green, in contact with Fire or Electricity, would change to red or blue...

Nah, he would just stick a Dark Bomb onto his face, other pluzzed his person, a man with the ears of a rat and a tail that finishes with a ball?! Okay, that isn't a mystic and for Zurfan, that rat-person has magic, Heaven Magic and strictly limited, but magic nonetheless then a hand touch his shouder and...

'N-no?! I can't believe!! It is her!' Magus's cold, unforgiving eyes widened, gaining a glimpse of their old innocence and kindness, all because of the blue hair belonging to the person that touched that rat-man's shoulder, then quickly slunking away with some algae onto her hands...he was ready to run, go forward, cry her name, call his beloved sister, hug her, but until he did noticed something...strange...

Something that made his eyes to turn again into what they were, deep pools of coldness and detachment, four skulls floating around her, that wasn't her, maybe just a mystic mimicking himself as a female 'Another stupid, at least she is powerful, unlike the rest...' He let out a sigh, noticing the keen eyes of a girl over his figure, she had an earring of a lamp and a cat familiar, maybe a wizard? Anyway he couldn't understand why she was watching him.

Anyway he should stop sightseeing and search for clues, then he walked towards the girl with the cat familiar and her partner, that unholy mix of human and animal "Hello milady, sorry for bothering you, but could you say where am I exactly? Also whose year is today?" One may wonder how he can be polite, pretty simple, he must be, also he isn't a total barbarian, after all he was a prince and a king, both cannot be unpolite barbarians.

Hm, interesting course of events, the pitiful thief covers himself and run from the...the, he couldn't say what was that thing looking like a woman and disturbingly enough, like his sister and the rat-man seemed to be close of the cat familiar's owner...

Hmph, just hindrances.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 5:28 pm

  Jacob made a u-turn and bolted after the Grinch's dog. He knew that if he could catch up with Sparkshot, his loyal Raichu that followed him everywhere, he could catch up to the dog. As he ran towards him, he began to commentate the chase as if he were calling the play by play of a football game "There goes the dog down the 10 yard line with Jacob Steamclutch on his tail! He's getting closer and closer as the dog goes down the 15 yard line, 20, 30, 40, Steamclutch has caught up with him, hoping to avoid losing this game as the clock counts down 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6...Steamclutch is in position, 3, 2, 1, he goes for it!" 
Jacob shot his arm down towards the dog, snatching the wallet from his mouth, and quickly attaching the chain he had on his pants pocket to the wallet, then he took the dog to the door and put him out before going back to the banquet hall, huffing and puffing.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime16th December 2017, 10:58 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rosett10
The creature with the strange ears kept talking to the blue haired jerk-and got something taken from his pockets by a fuzzy green man. Cagney could have sworn that the green fuzzball wasn't here seconds ago; how did he get here? The blue haired witch continued with her toxic and false compliments, and Cagney hissed in disgust when she stuck her tongue out at him-and was that another threat directed at him? Much to Cagney's disgust, yet another man seemed floored at her appearance as he approached and began to talk to her. Was she casting some sort of spell on them? He turned back to face the giraffe-man, hearing the countdown to...a football play in the background? His expression went from threatening to confused, as he watched the strange eared man announce his movements as he went to tackle-wait, was that a dog? There's a dog here now? He growled slightly, and shook his head to be free of these distractions, and continued. 

"Look at her! She's got everyone eating out of the palms of her hands! You're going to fight me over this dark magic-wielding scumbag?"

It was at this moment, a girl with glasses just waltzed right in-between the two of them, not a care in the world. As if she wasn't aware of the fight that was about to break out, and that she came dangerously close to getting in a crossfire. She was lucky he hadn't fired any of his attacks-there was no way he would have been able to change their course if he had. 

Cagney blinked, staring at the girl as a tiny fairy flew next to her-seeming to be in just as much disbelief of her actions as he was. He held up a finger in the direction of the giraffe: 

"-Hold that thought-"

-And turned to face this dense new visitor. 

"Lady, are you stupid? I was this close to nearly decking ya! What's the matter with you, just sticking yourself in the middle of a fight like that?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime17th December 2017, 5:02 pm

*kaku Giraffe form*

"I am not doing this for her you stupid flower creature...I am doing this for Coral...So that our kind and generous host can continue to have a great time with the rest of us. Oh and yeah and your fairy friend need to not get between us right now...I would like to have no one hurt today unless they need to be..." Kaku told them...
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Prince Triton
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime17th December 2017, 8:26 pm

Princess Minu

Minu had really tried to stay awake. She had to. Her system was in peril and she carried its only hope with her. However, the post-crying exhaustion as well as the vibration produced by the magically accelerated vessel got the better of her and soon she was soundly asleep in her seat. 

What woke her was the sensation of stillness, sharply contrasting with the constant humming of travelling. Suddenly she opened her eyes, struck by the thought they may have already arrived—or worse—, and found herself not in the cramped cabin of an escape ship que was expected, but rather a luxurious ballroom, different from anything she had ever seen yet at the same seeming strangely familiar.

«Is this the Palace of the Silver Millenium?» she thought, worriedly looking at the feast in front of her «Oh Fathers, how could I be so careless and sleep through all of our arrival? Why didn't my guards wake me up?»

Shifting her attention towards the other attendants, the green-and-gold-eyed girl scanned them, looking for the one who seemed most likely to be the Queen or hold some kind of authority in her court. There were many kinds of people in the room. Some looked quite similar to the people of her world, even though some of them exhibited hair, skin and eye colours never seen in them. Others were completely alien to her, including a long necked animal unknown to her and what seemed to be a sentient plant, though it was unlike any plant she had ever seen. 

However, she soon focused on a pink haired woman that appeared to lead the place. She carried herself with such a sense of authority the princess could not help but ask

"Are you the Queen of the Silver Millenium?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime17th December 2017, 8:50 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rm3kRN1

The man with the brown hair and strange ears shouted something even stranger before taking off running after the fuzzy green monster. The temptress raised a puzzled brow.

Great Northern Rail Way? What. Now he was talking about birds? This guy sure loved animals. That or the Varennesian state had coined some awful, self-gratifying name for a new martial arts technique. Rocbouquet rolled her eyes at the thought. Stupid Emperor. Why couldn't he just buzz off the face of this pitiful earth? In her mild stupor she caught a glimpse of navy blue and a trail of red passing by her.

“…? Big broth—” Her eyes traced the outline of the flowing red cloak up to the shoulders of an elven mage with long silver hair. He appeared somewhat interested in the oblivious woman who, only moments ago, invited herself over to the table to feast upon the turkey sitting at its center. “—Oh...” Rocbouquet frowned. That man wasn't her brother at all.What a shame; Noel would have gladly killed the Creeper by now. She sighed in disappointment, ignoring all the clamor from the chase going on behind her. She already had enough to deal with at the moment.

"Look at her! She's got everyone eating out of the palms of her hands!" the carnation exclaimed, his words piquing Rocbouquet's attention once more.

Now that was a statement she could agree with. These men were all somehow in an unspoken alliance with her and she hadn't even cast Temptation! Hah! Rocbouquet gave Cagney a smug look and a slight nod as if saying, I know. This little "dream" of hers was suddenly turning out for the better...

“Men are naturally drawn to the unspoken mysteries of pristine beauty, like flies to honey; maybe you should try absorbing some sou—What the?” Her smile suddenly contorted as she suppressed the urge to let out a disgruntled shriek. Something warm and wet tickled her toes. Rocbouquet peered beneath the table not expecting to see what she did: a brown shaggy mutt, branch secured to its head like some poor man's sad excuse for a unicorn, obsessively slobbering its slippery tongue against her bare feet. The temptress brought the back of her hands to her waist and huffed in disapproval. How did a scraggly mutt sniff its way into such a luxurious feast? And why the hell did it like her feet so much? “Shoo, you mongrel!” she screeched, cringing in disgust. The dog unfortunately darted off before Rocbouquet could teach it some manners with the very feet it desecrated.

For several minutes after the dog's swift departure, the girl sat there dead-silent for a change, clenching her fists. Never before did she feel so violated—and by some filthy animal of all things! The jungle queen's eyebrow quivered angrily as she reached over the feast for the nearest bowl, and then a pitcher of water. Rocbouquet poured water into the bowl. From her corsage she plucked three rose petals which she then dropped one-by-one into the bowl of cold water. Without hesitating, the girl forcefully slid her chair away from the table and slammed her hastily-prepared balm onto the ground, at its base. Then, as she popped back upright, she shot a demeaning glare at Coral, the well-dressed woman sitting directly across from her at the other end of the table.

“You're the host. So where are your servants to wash my feet?” she asked in an impatient tone, crossing her arms stubbornly. Surely a good host would provide servants to wash a visitor's feet. It was common courtesy! And feet defiled by a disgusting flea-ridden mongrel were no exception to this unspoken law! While waiting for Coral's response, the enchantress cast a series of furtive side-glances at the handful of men in the room. Secretly, Rocbouquet hoped that one of those fools would chime in and offer to do it instead. She wanted to see them bow down and grovel on the ground before her feet in utter servitude.


[Casual Event] Return to the Axis HGgNW33

"Hello, milady."

“Huh?” Jillain turned around only to discover that the suspected demon king was right behind her. “Ack!” Oh, he just wanted to ask a couple of totally-not-suspicious questions. “Ya know, I'm not quite sure m'self,” Jillian admitted, scratching the back of her head. “I was stalkin' the heroes like I normally do when I somehow ended up here. Ain't complainin' though; the food's great! Why don'tcha sit down and try some?” she motioned to the empty chair next to her, grinning at Magus. The other two guests did not seem too thrilled by her decision to sit between them, however.

"Lady, are you stupid? I was this close to nearly decking ya! What's the matter with you, just sticking yourself in the middle of a fight like that?"

"...Yeah and your fairy friend need to not get between us right now...I would like to have no one hurt today unless they need to be."

“Oh my bad. Is this seat taken?” Jillian asked the grumpy carnation and the politer giraffe-man in between bites of turkey, a look of genuine concern upon her face.

The Third was quick to intervene before matters could be made any worse. “Master, I must agree with the plant creature and the giraffe-man. You should be more aware of your surroundings! They could have killed you! That plant's thorns look awfully sharp. Perhaps you should move to that seat way over there...” It pointed its stubby little arm toward the chair next to Coral.

“Like I said before, The Third, mandrakes ain't scary. This one's no different!”

“Master! Not so loudly! It can hear you!” The fairy whispered frantically into her ear.

“Does it matter? The food's free!—And who in their right mind would turn down free food? I ain't lettin' a flower scare me away from somethin' that saves me money,” Jillian grinned.

The Third shook its head in disbelief.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime17th December 2017, 10:30 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis Rosett10
I am not doing this for her, you stupid flower creature...I'm doing this for coral..."

Cagney couldn't help but flash a toothy grin at the giraffe-man. "Well, looks like you're not as stupid as you seem. Guess there is a brain in that tiny head of yours somewhere."

The woman with the glasses and the teeny fairy talked among themselves, as though he weren't even there. The "it can hear you" made that idea perfectly clear. Cagney cringed at the mention of a mandrake.

"Are you kidding me? A mandrake? They're only a fairy tale told to little saplings! They're supposed to be these teeny little prune-things. Do I even look like-"

But Cagney trailed off as that sorry excuse for a woman seemed to taunt him again-giving a nod of satisfaction at his previous reprimand and was about to throw what seemed like the twentieth insult at him-when the dog ended up under the table and licked her feet. The way she recoiled in terror was the best thing Cagney had seen this evening, and he let out a hearty laugh as she shooed the pooch away.

"Good dog!" He praised the dog as he snatched some food off of the table and tossed it in the mutt's direction. "You're gonna need something to wash that awful taste out of your mouth! Seem's this  unspoken beauty's never heard of shoes!" 

But his laughter began to fade as he watched her pluck three petals from her clothing-then smash a bowl on the floor in a fit of rage before pulling the chair in as though nothing had happened, demanding for servants to wash her feet. Whatever rage he had against the giraffe-man, it was gone now-and replaced with disgust at her actions. Cagney turned back to him, pointing over his shoulder at the blue haired brat.

"You sure it's me you wanna be fighting with? Pretty sure we could take her."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime17th December 2017, 10:45 pm

*Kaku Giraffe Form*

"You sure it's me you wanna be fighting with? Pretty sure we could take her."

Kaku watched things unfold and when Cagney spoke to him..well the flower had a point. "You know something..your right..we dont need to be fighting..we need to be fighting HER and then we can get her out of here and Coral can get on with her party.. Kaku turned to the mad women, "No one is here to wash your dirty stinking ugly feet, women...why dont you clean up your own mess and then get out of here before Cagney and I force you out!!"
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Lt Light Ark
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Lt Light Ark

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime18th December 2017, 3:20 am

Impossible! Lavos is dead! Also...did someone really followed us? How?! I didn't noticed anyone! Now, Magus could have, in another occasion, just knocked her out and carried her away to a 'kindly' interrogation, where she would be pretty 'compliant', Fear of Death often make people to talk, at least considering when he was waging war against Guardia, he lets out a sigh, if he did known that control over time was needed to fight Lavos, he would just searched a gate and taken Epoch by himself.

But that doesn't matter, Lavos is dead, so maybe was that bunch of stupid weaklings still wandering in the time? Well, that seems possible, anyway he should discover how exactly she discovered time travel and hopefully manage to discover her true intentions, whoever she manage to follow him without any clue? Dangerous...really dangerous, so flashing the most charming smile he could muster he says "I agree, let's sit and serve ourselves, right Miss...what are your name again?" Again, Kings and Princes can't be barbarians and to discover who she is and why was she following then? A smile is in order and whatever more the situation asks.

Hm...Magus watched and frowned in disgust at the blue haired thing that looked like his sister, his dear sister loved animals, now that unholy sick copy? Doesn't have any type of acceptable behavior, neither any politeness.

Typical of barbarians and such filth, oh? How dare she...Magus was already irked by Rocbouquet's appearance, too much alike his sister, she isn't her, obviously, but her behavior is unsettling for him, the lack of formality, the lack of good manners and the fact that she looks like his sister.

The fact she did called for servants doesn't irked him, that was common in Zeal, good manners to a host, but she did dare to look at him with the eyes of his sister and for what he could muster, hoping that one of the hosts should actually go and clean her feet?! And she daring to think that he was somewhat smitten to her?! Arrogant *****!

If this was in the Mystic War, he would have her dead, preferably by burning her pretty face first then he gave her a look, his voice sounding polite and mild mannered, like a gentleman "Are you sure? You know, it is cold today and I am sure that your little pretty feet wouldn't want to get too cold right, lovely princess?" He gave a great emphasis in the word 'cold', It is not like he would kill her, maybe frezzing and then severing her feet? Yeah, that sounds nice.

But then again, that would cause problems, right? But eh, I am sure no one would complain.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime18th December 2017, 1:02 pm


  Huffing and puffing, Jacob Steamclutch went back up to the table, his wallet retrieved and safely on his chain. He took a seat and said to himself, "Now my wallet's back with me, on my chain. If that green monster tries to take it again...I'll hit him with my thunderbolt attack!"
He noticed all the newcomers, and said "Hi there...I, uh, was able to get my wallet back...That's what the whole 'show' you just saw was about....I get like that sometimes."
Breathing in a few deep breaths, he finally calmed down from chasing the Grinch and his dog.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis I_icon_minitime18th December 2017, 3:35 pm

As if Jacob's thoughts summoned the green cousin of Krampus, the Grinch ducked out of the kitchen and scurried back into the banquet hall, pockets loaded down with hors d'oeuvres. "Max!" he hissed with excitement, "I got you somethin'!" Max was nowhere to be found. The Grinch sighed and put a furry palm to his face in irritation. "Where is that mutt!?" Suddenly, the muffled sound of desperate scratching and howling came from outside the door to the banquet hall. "Max? What in the name of Santa's big red sleigh are ya doin' out there?" The Grinch squinted his eyes and sneered at Jacob. He was covered in dog fur from putting Max outside, giving him away. "What in tarnation have you done to my noble steed?" The Grinch balled up his fist at his side and vowed to avenge Max. He had noticed earlier Jacob being kind to the blue haired girl, and figured he must have been enchanted with her, since everyone was taken in by her good looks. All except the Grinch, of course, whose only love was himself.  The Grinch thought up an evil plan. "I will steal from that girl and blame it on the pikachu so he'll look bad in front of her! Yes, that will teach him not to order around my dog! Only I get to yell at Max!" The little tufts of hair on the top of his head curled and a devilish smile spread across his face. He was a mean one for sure. A bad dude. He marched towards Rocbouquet and nearly tripped over the drumstick that Cagney threw to Max. Not wanting to waste good food, the Grinch bent down, assessed the chicken, and wiped it off with the sleeve of his santa suit before taking a big bite. With chicken in hand, he continued to approach the enchantress.
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