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 [Casual Event] Return to the Axis

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th December 2017, 1:59 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Rm3kRN1

"No one is here to wash your dirty stinking ugly feet, woman...why don't you clean up your own mess and then get out of here before Cagney and I force you out!!"

“Force me out of what? Deep slumber? How cute,” Rocbouquet taunted Kaku as he and Cagney formed an alliance against her. “Yes, please do. All I want is to be back in the arms of the man I love. But no! I am stuck here in a different part of my mind, dreaming about an unruly Creeper and bunch of imperialist maggots who refuse to acknowledge even the most basic requests of those who risked their lives to save the world! I'd do anything to wake up from this awful nightmare!” Her ranting and whining was met with the gentle voice of the silver-haired mage who, after a moment of sitting there staring at her in disbelief, decided to speak up for the sake of himself and the other guests:

"Are you sure? You know, it is cold today and I am sure that your little pretty feet wouldn't want to get too cold right, lovely princess?"

At the sound of the man's gentle words, something stirred from within the girl's tainted heart, and her the voice began to soften. Eyes now fixated on Magus, Rocbouquet let out a faint, frustrated sigh.

“...Thank you for your concern, but I am certain that my feet require a thorough cleansing after being subjected to such,” she paused and shook her head in disappointment, fists clenched, her bottom lip quivering dramatically. “…such disrespect! If only my big brother were here! He'd make things better....” The spirits around her howled softly. Rocbouquet was so caught up in her little tantrum, she hadn't noticed Jacob return to the table, let alone the Grinch sneaking toward her with an intent of stealing something off her person. Luckily, she kept her treasured Cat's Eye talisman concealed beneath her orange maxi playsuit in a small leather pouch secured to her green shorts.


[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 HGgNW33

Good. He decided to join her. Now maybe she could find out who he was and what he was doing here. When he asked for her name, the carefree treasure hunter flashed him a big toothy grin.

“Oh, my bad!” she exclaimed, inadvertently spitting crumbs of bread from her stuffed cheeks, “The name's Jillian: Jillian Nomad!” She then motioned to the little sprite quietly hovering over her plate. “And this right here is The Third!” Still grinning, the girl reached for a turkey drumstick. “So, now that we've introduced ourselves, how about tellin' us your—”

The man's attention seemed to waver between her and the blue-haired girl sitting at the head of the table. Jillian paused and glanced over at Rocbouquet. What was with that girl anyway, demanding her feet be washed and then making a huge fuss over seemingly nothing? “Huh. Guess some people just don't know how to appreciate free stuff,” Jillian muttered to herself. “Oh, well! More for me!” she laughed, taking another handful of bread and stuffing it into her mouth.

"Are you sure? You know, it is cold today and I am sure that your little pretty feet wouldn't want to get too cold right, lovely princess?"

“Ya know that demon banshee or somethin'?” The treasure hunter asked curiously after Magus addressed the self-proclaimed queen. Why else would he keep looking at her like that?
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Lt Light Ark
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th December 2017, 2:53 pm

Hm, Magus couldn't say if she was smart or if she was just being a infantile brat, such display of emotion made him to wonder about her upbringing, okay, his mother and father weren't too much into their lives, but they certified themselves to make him and his sister proper heirs to their old fallen kingdom.

Poor the Kingdom that woman rules.

[“...Thank you for your concern, but I am certain that my feet require a thorough cleansing after being subjected to such,” she paused and shook her head in disappointment, fists clenched, her bottom lip quivering dramatically. “…such disrespect! If only my big brother were here! He'd make things better....”]

He lifted an evil smirk, his eyes narrowing, gazing at her with an intent to hurt, to take her to the darkness and make her scream, there was an unspoken darkness in his eyes, not of the natural ones but those that were created, that darkness also looked at her, Magus spoke, his words dripping with sweetness whilst his eyes showed an awful killing intent and hate.

"Well, be well sweet princess, but still refrain yourself of asking others to wash your feet, the cold can be...dangerous..." Then he gave her a glare.

[“Ya know that demon banshee or somethin'?”]

Quickly ending his glare and forgetting the existence of Rocbouquet, he couldn't care less about what could happen with her, if she died he would just burn her corpse to avoid dirtying the floor, neither the floor deserves such presence.

Then he smiles "Sorry for ignoring you Lady Nomad, no, I don't know her, but I can't stand seeing such unpolite behavior from nobility, anyway..." He took a glass of wine, sipping it with grace before taking his own food, when munched some of the turkey.

Glumping a piece, he says, giving his attention to her "Now, answering your previous question, my name is Magus, I am a wandering mage, I was travelling when I ended here, was you also travelling too?"
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Prince Triton
Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th December 2017, 7:24 pm

Princess Minu

It soon became evident to the Hvarian princess that she has arrived during a time of conflict. She didn't understand much of what was going on, but apparently the flower and the blue haired woman had some kind of feud, and some of the attendants picked a side. 

She approached a blue haired man—seemed like it was custom in the place—dressed in black clothes that was talking to a girl with chin-length hair. 

"Excuse me, gentleman, and young lady. I am Minu, Princess of the Nation of Hvar and an stranger to this lands. Could you please tell me if this is the Palace of the Queen of the Silver Millenium?"

As she said those words, however, she started to perceive a dark shadow around the man, and felt an air of dread coming from him. Instinctively, she extended her immature power around herself as she clutched the belt at her waist.

«Could it be... that evil has reached this place as well?» she thought «Where are my guards?»
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th December 2017, 9:10 pm

Zaphod Beeblebrox

Zaphod appeared with a loud bang that announced his arrival. It was the kind of bang that signaled something good was happening, like the explosion of a firecracker, or the snap of a Christmas cracker.

The Improbability Drive
The bang was not, the Improbability Drive calculated, extremely necessary, but it was one way to enter a room. Thrumming to itself, it folded the number of moons required to shut up the Great Beast of Austerion into the number of ham sandwiches Arthur Dent had eaten in a lifetime, and felt good about itself. It was shaping up to be a fine Tuesday.

Zaphod Beeblebrox
Zaphod rubbed his eyes. The bang had been disorienting, and his shoes were full of goldfish. "That's great. Just great!" he cried, to no one in particular. His second head took no notice, as it was currently preoccupied with using his two right arms to pull itself out of what appeared to be a very large bowl of chocolate pudding. "Augh! It's everywhere, just everywhere!" he yelled to the room at large. "Tuesdays," he mumbled. "Unlucky."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 11:07 am

*Kaku Giraffe form*

Kaku turned quickly when he heard a loud bang and almost attacked whatever it was that arrived. "Hey you two..whatever you should apologize to us for scaring most of us with that entrance of yours. State your names and go sit somewhere..." Kaku looked confused and then looked to the others for help...
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Sailor Jupiter
Inner Senshi Admin
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 11:23 am

Zaphod Beeblebrox
Zaphod's non-pudding'd head swiveled toward the noise. "Us? US? Just because a guy's got two heads don't mean he's two people, pal." The pudding'd head nodded indignantly, while one of the arms worked to wipe chocolate from the second head's face.

"You don't know me?" Zaphod was cool as ever, his no-nonsense tone punctuated with self-assured laughter. "I'm Zaphod Beeblebrox, man. Inventor of the Pan Galactic Gargle Blaster? Former President of the Galaxy? Ringing any bells?" Poor dude must not get out much, his left head thought to itself.

The Improbability Drive
Pausing its processing of the number of shades of colors possible to see if people would just pay slightly more attention, the Improbability Drive considered whether or not it was being addressed. It came to the answer so quickly that it instantly began calculating all possible outcomes of the conversational encounter and ended up down a train of thought so convoluted it is pointless to recount. For a small, rounded computer processing core not dissimilar to an eyeball, it was surprisingly fast. In the end, it's gratingly cheerful voice chirped, "Well, hi!"
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 11:48 am

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Rosett10
Cagney grinned in the direction of the giraffe. "Heh. Now we're talking! You hear that, lady!" More and more people began to show up-and even more people made it clear they weren't going to handle her poor behavior. Though his newfound friend expressed concern with some of the newcomers, looking to the other party-goers for some assistance. Cagney sighed before patting the guy on the back. 

"Look. That dude showed up in a plate of pudding. I don't think that guy's gonna do anything." Cagney paused and added- "And it looks like the pudding jumbled up his brain a bit." President of the galaxy? Just what was in that pudding? Thank goodness Cagney never had that big of a sweet tooth.

As for the glasses girl and her sprite-they seemed stupid-but harmless. Cagney was suspicious of the cloaked mage at first, but the way he blew off the jerk made him an okay in his book. And as for the walking green fuzzy-a simple pickpocket and his pup-well, they also found a way to tick her off. Again, another okay in his book. The other new girl...princess-something-something-silver-millennium-WHATEVER-she seemed decent enough. Cagney didn't exactly believe any statements of royalty or grandeur from anyone here, but if anyone here were to be a princess, that new girl would be it. She handled herself with respect-and didn't treat everyone like garbage. 

"Meh. They're fine. Better then her-anyway." Cagney said-gesturing to the blue temptress again. "Not like they're demanding to be waited on hand and foot and are throwing things around like an animal." He deliberately shot a glance in Rocbouquet's direction. "Looks like this party finally getting somewhere!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 2:38 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 HGgNW33

“Nobility, huh? We'll see about that...” Jillian muttered, reaching over her shoulder into her black backpack.

“Master, you do realize he's still talking to you, right?” The Third asked, motioning its pupiless eyes in Magus' direction.

“Aw, c'mon! Where'd I put it?” Jillian exclaimed, reaching further and further into the depths of her bag. The item had to be in here somewhere! She just used it on some sketchy-looking merchant the other day!

“...Hey, are you even listening?”

“Yeah, of course! I'm always listenin' around for a good story!” Jillian laughed. She poked her tongue out at the sighing lamp fairy and grinned. “Nah, I heard him—and that lady right here too!” Although her attention was still primarily focused on whatever she was trying to fish out of her bag, Jillian made sure to at least make eye contact with the Princess of Hvar and the dark mage as she answered their questions. “Beats me,” she responded with a shrug, “But it's sure one heck of a place, don'tcha think? I've never seen anythin' quite like it before during my travels, and I've been to a lot of different areas!”

The treasure hunter's attention was lost once more as she suddenly pulled a mirror from her backpack. “Ahah! Found it!” she exclaimed triumphantly. At first glance, the mirror seemed no more important than the kind a young maiden might buy from the imperial beauty salon. But as the girl with the chin-length hair twirled it around in her hand, it became apparent that the back of the mirror bore a large eye which blinked every so often.

A loud explosion somewhere in the room caused Jillian's shoulders to jump, but overall, she did not seem too fazed. “Yeeesh. What're they all smashin' now?” she asked The Third without bothering to take even the slightest peek behind her. “Whatever it is, it better not be worth somethin'!” Had she looked however, she would have seen a strange mutated pudding-covered man and his hovering hard-drive companion.
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Prince Triton
Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 4:10 pm

Princess Minu

The first to answer was the young lady, Even though que was quite Bush rummaging through the contents of her bag. Sadly, she too was a foreigner and wasn't able to put an end to Minu's doubts. She turned unsurely towards the dark-robed man and awaited for his response, ir there was one.

«Can I possibly trust him?» she thought «He feels quite similar to what my Daena said of the enemy...»

A sudden explosion snapped her out of her thoughts. She turned towards the source of the noise, alert to any kind of ranger, but relaxed when she saw it was just signaling the arrival of another strange-looking creature.

«Now that I think of it, this place seems quite diverse. There doesn't seem to exist a single dominant species, except perhaps humanoids, though they are themselves diverse, too. Could they all be travellers like me?»
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Lt Light Ark
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Lt Light Ark

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 5:14 pm

So neither her knows exactly how she did ended here, Magus couldn't say better, he never heard, in history, historiesabout a mirror with an eye at its back, interesting artifact, he looked at the mirror with a keen interest when a explosion took his attention...

Oh god, more hindrances, now it is a crazy loony Mystic and a metal goo, okay, I am fully sure this place is something akin to the end of time and a lot of time travellers are ending of then was interesting, funny that he did only noticed her now.

Her magical power is magnificent, still untrained, he blinks his eyes, then quickly assuming his common trademark face, looking at the newcomer...Hm...a princess? Or a servant of one? She has an aura of bright energy, he would never admit, but he kinda liked those, it reminded him of Schala.

He turned and stared at the girl, looking at her with a slight frown on his face, a true princess, Hvar? Queen Serenity? From where are those things from? He never heard about a Queen Serenity or even a Hvar "I never heared about Hvar or even Queen Serenity, what are they?" He looked intently at her.

Last edited by Lt Light Ark on 21st December 2017, 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th December 2017, 5:23 pm

  Jacob looked up from the Gyro he was eating, and asked "Queen Serenity? I can't say I know her..I don't even know who this Hvar you speak of is either....Of course, I'm too busy with this very delicious Gyro...My compliments to the chef."
"I have however, met a beautiful Mew Gijinka before...That was some adventure..."
 He looked up at the ceiling, reminiscing about the Mew gijinka, and the advetnure he had with her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st December 2017, 7:29 am

*Bringing in a second character*
*Joey Wheeler..Duelist, Yu-Gi-Oh*

Joey was asleep laying in bed half covered by his sheets, his dual disk on his wrist (Does he ever take it off?) and was snoring away mumbling something.. "I'll beat you Pegasus...Love Mai...Yay Yugi!" 

He awoke in front of a mansion still with his trusty deck and dual disk and looked around... "Yugi?? Tea?? Oh ok I get it...Very funny Tristan...come on out you guys!!" He waited for a moment but no one showed.. 'Hmm maybe they are all in this huge place getting ready for some duals maybe' he thought and walked up opening the door and walked inside. Almost instantly he heard noises and what sounded like people talking...but not anyone he knew.. "Hehe..maybe it's all my adoring fans...they must have found out I was second in Duelist Kingdom... HOLD ON JOEY'S COMING!!" He ran off towards the sound and entered the dining room. He stared at all the people and things that were there and looked puzzled, "Are you people my adoring fans from Duelist Kingdom..or another place I have dueled?"
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Prince Triton
Pyramidal Crystal

Prince Triton

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st December 2017, 7:22 pm

Princess Minu

She didn't like the way the blueheaded man looked at her. It reminded her of the stares of the Nasu: cold and calculating, as if they were deciding whether your corpse would make a good vessel. As a result, she was taken completely aback by his answer, which was seconded by one of the other attendants, and took a while to regain her composure.

"Well, Hvar is my planet of origin, and the kingdom of which I am the heir. It is the biggest of the planets orbiting Asman, a neutron-star near the edge of the galaxy."

She had to pause before continuing. Not knowing her own planet was understandable, they weren't much known outside their near vicinities, but Queen Serenity... Only the youngest or most undeveloped planets wouldn't know of her, and if they had the means to reach... whatever the place they were in was... they certainly didn't come from one of them.

"Queen Serenity... She's the carrier of the Silver Crystal, the brightest and holiest Sailor Crystal of the galaxy... The light and love of her kingdom, the Silver Millenium, extends towards the stars and delights all who can see it with the vision of an eternal and pure realm filled with happiness and peace and devoid of suffering or hatred. Its power is so marvelously great my predecessor was able to feel it years before it was actually established. And since then, it has been shining continuosly for almost a millenium, inspiring hope in those assailed by the shadow of evil and dread in those allied with it."

She fell silent, overwhelmed by the memory of that feeling. Even if they didn't know the names she spoke, they should have understood by now.
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Lt Light Ark
Star Seed

Lt Light Ark

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd December 2017, 5:25 pm

Serenity? Who is her? By what she of galaxy...Zeal was also famed by its astronomy, after all some spells were only summonable in the presence of the moon, sun or the stars, but those words that she spoke...they held absolutely no meaning for the Demon Lord of Mystics.

But something in her tale actually bothered him, he reminded of Zeal...


Golden Halls, Collums made of gold and magnificent throne, a middle aged woman, that wasn't without beauty, she possess an air of austerity, power and magnificence, carrying herself with an air of superiority, as she was a sort of Goddess before humans "So Melchior, how the construction of the Mammon Machine goes?"

Before her a old man, that had an air of wisdow and intelligence coughed "The project is proceeding nicely, I expect the machine will be ready in two weeks Our Highness..." The woman raised an eyebrow "Are you sure? Remember that our Sun Stone will lose its power in not too much time"

"I do understand our Highness, even if, with all of your respect, I think that we should rethink about using Lavos as a power source." The queen shot a glare to him, then her glare diminished as she began

"Melchior, understand, using Lavos's power we will herald an golden age in Zeal, a new age where we, the people of Zeal will be equal to the gods..."

*flashback*, it can be...


The air was deeply wrong, the light seemed to bend around a floating machine in a chamber, the same woman from before shouted "Schala! What are you doing!? I need your help here!!!" The light shifts, the collums behind the machine bended, with the light, itself seemed to bend as in a final flash of light, as the machine dissapeared and reality around then became a work of madness...a creature stands before the queen and the woman that was called Schala, a creature that defies all the comprehension, its own shape beinga literal statement to the universe that the universe is nothing, spikes, veins, a head that was a mouth and an eye...

It screamed, a sound that defied the idea of sound itself, one can't discerne what it ended up doing, was that a shout? Or a scream of pain? Or a gloating? Or even a sound into itself? All what can be understood is that what Magus heard was not meant to be heard by humans...


Another place where one of Lavos itself dwelled? But then Lavos would have then exterminated by now, right? Ugh, maybe her magical power is affecting her brain, in no way a Serenity exists, no way, maybe a spark of a memory of Zeal resides inside her and it is messing with her senses.

God knows that foolish vain queen had seen herself as what this Mina calls 'Queen Serenity', anyway if it is just that, I will have all the pleasure to heal this girl, I do want Queen Zeal dead, not even a speck of her memory in the world!

Her excessive magic output may be messing with her mind "Interesting that tale of yours Lady Mina, certainly you had seen some strange patterns into that Queen Serenity, right?" He closes his eyes, trying to feel the patterns of her magic...trying to feel if there's a spark of memory into her and if that is messing with her mind.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd December 2017, 5:41 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Rosett10
Cagney fell quiet as he managed to overhear the tail-end of the Princess' story. He couldn't make anything of it-but the thing about this powerful crystal that could be used to banish any form of darkness was something worth his attention-especially considering what the citizens of inkwell had gone through. The princess and the mage continued to talk-and Cagney was considering forcing himself into their conversation. However, another person appeared-gloating and asking for a duel. 

"What is this, the dark ages?" Cagney sighed heavily and rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Bud, if you try to "duel" with me, you'll end up with a face-full of thorns."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd December 2017, 6:50 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Rm3kRN1

More and more people kept showing up to the celebration. Rocbouquet felt as if she were fading into the background. The blue-haired beauty clenched her fist and growled. One thing she hated more than the Emperor of Avalon was being ignored! She looked to the bowl of water and her feet, and then back at Coral. Angry tears welled in the corners of her eyes. Why was her mind tormenting her like this?

“Don't ignore me!” she exclaimed, but her soft voice was cut off by a loud crash. Irritated, the jungle queen glanced around for the source of the annoyance only to find yet another visitor—and he was accompanied by a strange levitating bowl-shaped artifact.

...Is that the dimensional transfer device that big brother is searching for? she wondered, catching ear of the carnation's side remark not long after. Rocbouquet shot him a glare.

“Back in Salamat, my men would hack you apart in a heartbeat!” she growled in the most threatening tone her gentle voice would allow her.


[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 HGgNW33

Holding the mirror in front of her with its reflective surface pointing toward Rocbouquet, Jillian leaned over the table as far as she could, not caring that her right elbow was mere inches from dipping into a bowl of gravy.

“Sorry 'bout this,” she said to Cagney, suddenly snaking her torso around his stem as she lined up the mirror and held it there in place for a minute. “Just testin' out my mirror of truth on the lil' loli. This mirror reflects the truth and only the truth. Pretty neat huh?”  she explained, motioning her free hand toward it.

Everything on that particular side of the room showed up in Jillian's mirror as one would expect—well, except for the blue-haired temptress. Instead of a woman of nobility, the mirror revealed a mess of interconnected existences; and the faint outline of a beautiful young woman with her long, thick caramel-blonde hair secured in a messy ponytail, sitting there at the dining table with her hands covering her mouth, trembling in absolute terror. Although she wore a jagged black crown bearing a dazzling ruby cabochon, she seemed more suited as a skilled warrior.

The woman's body was almost nonexistent in comparison to the shroud of grotesque beings twisting and turning around her slender figure, cloaking her very existence beneath an aura of darkness. Some relatively normal figures crowded the image in the mirror too—mostly young lads and a handful of beautiful maidens who were reaching out toward the woman's arms trying to comfort her, but unlike ordinary humans, their eyes seemed soulless and focused solely on the woman's face as if they were under a spell. Four young men in particular seemed to correspond to the four phantoms drifting in and out of the self-proclaimed queen's blue hair. But most of the creatures bore antennae, claws, and a fiendish disposition that presented itself in the way they bared their crooked saw-like teeth at those unfortunate enough to encounter them. These malignant forces seemed the most concentrated around the black hole representing the woman's heart.

“...Well, whaddya know? She's a mess! Wonder if she talks to her therapist about it!” Jillian commented to the others sitting near her, studying the disturbing image in her mirror. The treasure hunter's expression grew somber. This was just another blatant sign of the demon king's resurrection, wasn't it? Yet another indication that the prophecies were real business and not some fabrication by the weirdo journalists and hero wannabes who were just itching for another excuse to follow the heroes around.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd December 2017, 8:11 pm

*Joey Wheeler..Duelist, Yu-Gi-Oh*

Joey still looking around puzzled finally figured out he was in a new place. 'hehe..I knew that..i don't need Yugi to help me this time' he thought. He then was addressed by a...flower creature?? "Oh come Joey think...whats the name of that flower card...Oh yeah..your a rainbow Flower card..wait no he's only a couple colors...then you must be an anti-aircraft Flower guns here... OK buddy... I give..what card are you anyway..Oh and I dont fight unless it's for my Sis Serenity!"
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st December 2017, 11:46 am

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Rosett10
Cagney stared blankly at the newest arrival-the one that declared a duel. He kept talking about cards, but not the standard playing ones. For some reason, this guy thought he was a card. How stupid does someone have to be to mistake a plant-no-anyone as a literal card? 

But then Cagney heard the blue haired girl insult him once again-but the sound in her voice was sharp enough to cut. The threat was unfortunately familiar as well, and Cagney felt as though his mind was muddled again-sounding like everyone was talking through water. He tugged at his petals, unnerved, as he watched the girl with the glasses pull out a mirror and shine it over her. 

A mass of darkness, a different woman, and a bunch of what could only be described as demons. 

It only took a matter of seconds before something snapped in Cagney; and he welcomed this sensation graciously. With a scream, he lunged across the table-stretching his arm as far as it could go- and punched the blue haired girl-no, the demon in disguise. 

And boy, did it feel good.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime1st January 2018, 8:06 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Rm3kRN1

Not only was Coral still ignoring her, some new guy with a weird bladed gauntlet on his arm was standing there rambling about cards and a bunch of other things she had never heard of. And now that woman with the fairy was shoving a mirror in her face? Really? Rocbouquet could not believe these people. Resting her hands against her hips, the temptress let out a loud huff.

“...Just what exactly do you think are you doing?” she asked as Jillian reached over the table. “Haven't you any manne—”


A swift green blur sent the girl tumbling from her chair. She laid there on the floor, panting heavily as the ghostly entities accompanying her person circled above her, howling menacingly at Cagney for punching her away from the table. Rocbouquet brought her hand to her face and massaged away the throbbing pain. When she took her hand away there was a faint trace of red on her fingertips. “...B-blood?” she uttered, blinking in surprise as she sat upright. “H-how?” She ran her fingers across her face a second time and located a fine slit on her cheek. A thorn on the Creeper's roots(?) must have nicked her face when it struck her. “....B-but! My dream! And the wedding! And my dress—” Oh, it was no use! Tears trickled down the girl's cheeks.  

“Big brother! Wagnas! Where are you?” she whimpered, clutching her hands close to her chest. This wasn't a dream after all, was it? Rocbouquet feared as she looked up at the table full of guests. It never occurred to her how foreign their clothing looked until now. Why did most of them dress without any sort of armor? And where were their weapons?

Then she remembered how her so-called host, Coral had mentioned an area known as The Axis, claiming it to be “a place of nowhere and everywhere.” Rocbouquet's amber-colored eyes filled with anger. So that woman really was the reason behind all of this! But why? As she pondered this, her sullen gaze fell upon Cagney. Although no words left her soft pink lips, her eyes made it clear that he was in for a world of hurt. Stupid Creeper. The Ruffle Tree was the only plant monster she'd ever need.
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Star Seed


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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime2nd January 2018, 5:57 pm

Seeing an open opportunity to steal, the Grinch scurried up behind a stunned and distracted Rocbouquet and snatched her signature orange flower out of her hair. As Rocbouquet began desperately yelling out for her beloved, the Grinch tucked the flower away in the pocket of his fluffy Santa coat. "Wow, better clean that cut before it gets infected, lady." He snarled, and walked away with a seedy grin on his face. Now, then, to find the pikachu! The Grinch did a little happy dance of villainy before waltzing up to Jacob and placing Rocbouquet's flower into the dog kidnapper's hair. He then pulled out a retractable megaphone which had been neatly folded away in his seemingly bottomless pocket, and placed it to his furry green lips. "HEY LADY! THIS PIKACHU STOLE YOUR UGLY FLOWER!" He waved his free hand about wildly, gesturing towards Jacob, while pulling a variety of hideous facial expressions.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime2nd January 2018, 8:56 pm


 Hearing what the Grinch had said, Jacob felt his hair and sure enough the flower was there.
 "OOH that rotten, no good fleabag!" he said, pulling the flower out of his hair and giving it back to Rocbouquet, "The Grinch did that! He stole your flower, not me! Where's that no good crook!?" and in a flash he went off looking for the Grinch...
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Return to the Axis   [Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th January 2018, 12:11 pm

[Casual Event] Return to the Axis - Page 2 BxzFjWc

With a start, Coral woke up. She looked around, feeling the drain of her magic at having kept these rambunctious Guests for so long within the Axis realm. Glancing at her 5-handed watch, her pink eyes widened. "Oh no!" She hadn't meant for this to happen. She tried her very best to be as good a Host as possible, but falling asleep on the job... she would be in trouble for this.

And all of the paperwork would be a nightmare.

She stood up from her chair, addressing everyone in the room with an authority that, imbued with a touch of magic, made every Guest still in their motions and conversations. "Thank you all for attending but it's time to go back to your homeworlds now. Don't worry, you won't remember a thing." Coral glanced at each of them before raising her hands. Magic hummed from her fingertips as she prepared to send her Guests home. "Maybe we'll see each other again sometime..."

The magic sought each Guest in turn, encompassing them in warm softness that seeped into their skin until with a small audible "pop!", they were gone, returned to whence they came.

The End... for now!

Quote :
That's it for this particular event! <3 I want to thank you all for continuing to play and have fun without a proper host. I apologize again for needing to take an unplanned LOA, but I do truly hope you've enjoy yourselves in this little RP.

I don't think this is the last time we'll be seeing the Axis so I hope you'll look forward to that in the future!

Also, I'll be PMing everyone who participated a special little prize gift for being so amazing and awesome! <3 <3

See you again soon! <3
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