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 [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas

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Sailor Saturn
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Saturn

Outer Senshi Admin  Events & Storyline Admin

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime15th August 2016, 3:00 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas NLRj2Fv

The HMS Senshi, a renowned exploration ship, has spent many months at sea seeking out the famed Rainbow Crystals - treasures only spoken of in old storybooks. Most thought the Princess to be crazy to take up this mission, especially as she gathered a mismatched team together to search for these fabled treasures. But the Princess was determined that the fairytales her father read to her as a child were true and she wouldn't let anyone deter her from seeking them out.

And now she has found all seven of these treasures, though general belief is that these claims are just rumors. Now she just needs to figure out how to use these Rainbow Crystals in order to get to the "beautiful treasure" that the fairytale books spoke of. She has all of the keys, she just needs to find the lock.


Important Information

  • This is a two week Casual Event! It will begin August 15th and end August 31st.
  • An activity rule will be in place. You will need to post every 72 hours, as we want to keep the story moving along so we can reach the end by the 31st! If you are unable to keep up your activity level, your character will become incapacitated in some way and will be unable to participate in the event any further. Just inform me if you will be on LOA or have anything come up and we can work something out, no problem <3
    There will be a prize at the end of this event for anyone still active!


The original Sign Ups thread will function as the OOC board, and can be found: Here! <3

Character Claims

Minako - Gunmaster/Bard :: Sailor Saturn
Ami - Doctor :: Dark Sportsnutd
Usagi - Princess :: Aurae
Mamoru - Animal Researcher/Map Maker :: Hikari-chan
Vesta - Lookout/Animal Wrangler :: Empress Vesta
Michiru - Sailing Master :: Sailor Mars
Hotaru - Cabin Girl :: Kaioli
Haruka - Captain :: Cosmos-Hime
Rei - Personal Bodyguard :: Sailor Mercury

The usual suspects (the main cast of senshi) will be on the ship, even if they don't have a character playing them, so any other characters may be lightly NPC'd as needed!


Current Goal:
Quote :
Goal:React to the building and to the statues! Every character can find a statue that looks like them, as well as statues that look like the other "main" crew members. There is a gem set within each statue, coordinating with your characters overall "color", and a light is coming from each of these gems.

Try to post a reaction by the end of the 31st!

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 30th August 2016, 7:41 am; edited 4 times in total
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Sailor Saturn
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime15th August 2016, 3:00 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas XXQ2nB7

The great ship cut waves like butter, leaving behind foam and bubbles in its wake. Strong salt-scented air puffed out the white sails, as the ship continued forward to its destination. It had been a long time since the crew had gathered upon the HMS Senshi, and it had been a lengthy adventure, from one sea to the other. The crew had come from varying backgrounds, but over time, friendships had been forged, strong and true. There was a camaraderie upon the ship that had not been there when the journey started.

Despite the amount of time they had been away from home, they were returning victorious. With the seven Rainbow Crystals secure, now they only had one more obstacle to figure out. They had the Rainbow Crystals, but now what were they to do with them?

From consulting the fairytale books, the crew had guessed that returning to Japan would be the best course of action. And now, they were only a few days away from their destination.

Quote :
Goal: Introduce your character to us! Tell us about them and what they do on the ship, or show us any relationships they might have with other characters. Perhaps tell us how they are feeling about coming back to their home after being away for a long time! Feel free to seek out other characters to begin some conversations or interactions!

Try to reach this goal by the end of August 18th!

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 25th August 2016, 2:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime15th August 2016, 3:20 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Q0DpjB5

The feel of the salty wind on her skin and rushing through her hair had been something that Minako had definitely not enjoyed when she had first joined the HMS Senshi. Though she had training as a Gunmaster, and was damned good at it, she had found running around and making up songs to be much more enjoyable. Her reluctance to join an exploration ship on a long and possibly doomed voyage had been great.

But Usagi... well, it was difficult to say no to her. Minako was still trying to figure out just how to do it.

Minako closed her eyes, basking in the bright sun and motions of the ship. Somehow, the ship was a lot more comforting now than it had once been. She didn't care so much that they would be docking in Japan again, after such a long time away. She didn't have anything awaiting her in Japan that she didn't have here on the HMS Senshi - in fact, she enjoyed her time here more than anywhere else she had been. Another handful of months upon the ship would have been okay to her.

With a deep breath in and out, Minako opened her eyes, determination sparkling within the blue depths. That was enough wallowing about things - she had a mission to complete, and she wasn't going to waste any more time staring at the ocean. Someone had stolen her lute, and she was going to find that evil culprit.

She had searched all of the lower sections and had narrowed her search to here, on the deck. She suspected it was Rei who had stolen it - she was always threatening to throw it overboard. So rude too! Minako had spent extra time lovingly creating that serenade, sprinkling it liberally with colorful words and sultry innuendos. Well, Minako would show her!

No bad deed went unpunished, after all! Or.. something like that anyway.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 17th August 2016, 2:07 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime15th August 2016, 4:37 pm

Mamoru- Map Maker/ Animal Researcher

Mamoru had been working on the newest maps for hours. As he observed the sea, he made a map to guide the HMS Senshi back home to Japan. He used the technology available to him as well as the countless research books he had piled on a nearby desk to make the best map possible. 

He felt his eyes growing tired, so he decided it was best to go up to the deck for some fresh air. Mamoru enjoyed the sea, something about the water calmed him. He breathed in the salty air as he stretched his arms to the sky.

He caught a glimpse of Minako and waved in her direction. 

As he wandered around, he hoped he might catch a glance at Usagi. He had fallen for her the moment he saw her, but knew she was a princess and he was just a civilian so he watched her from afar most of the time.

Deciding to take a quick nap, Mamoru laid out on one of the lounger chairs on the deck and closed his eyes.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 12:45 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Y2ueHlo

Rei prowled the ship in annoyance, as Rei was wont to do.

She was getting rather tired of this seasickness and couldn’t wait for them to return home, where there was solid ground. Besides, being trapped in a boat with an annoying blonde who wouldn’t stop singing lewd things had been driving her crazy. That was why she had hidden that darn lute in a random box somewhere on the deck. Minako was lucky she hadn’t actually thrown it overboard.

It would be nice not to have to worry about Usagi falling overboard every five minutes, too. Guarding the princess on land was much easier, and she didn’t like the idea of being trapped in water should an enemy ever find them for any reason. Her clumsy princess already stumbled like twenty times a day when she was on solid ground, so how could Rei’s nightmares not be filled with the image of Usagi drowning when she turned her back for five seconds?

Where was Usagi right now, anyway?

She knew she shouldn’t have taken the time to steal and hide Minako’s toy. Now she’d lost sight of the princess, too.

Rei grumbled as she continued prowling in search of Usagi. Why must her life be filled with blonde bundles of energy that ceaselessly aggravated her?

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 17th August 2016, 3:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 6:58 am

Usagi - Princess

They were so close.

The crouched figure turned another page of the massive tome spread before her, cerulean eyes scanning the pages with curiosity. It was true all along—the stories were true. She had attained real proof of this, in the glitter of the seven Rainbow Crystals gathered on their long adventure. Now they were finally returning to Japan, but the puzzle hadn't yet been solved. She knew that these stones concealed the key to some "beautiful treasure", but that was all she knew.

What was it?

Her fingertips touched the page, tracing a delicate illustration from one of the many tales that had been consulted. Riches? Jewelry? Knowledge? ...Magic? She glanced to the side for a moment after considering that last option, as if embarrassed that someone might have read her mind. But... wouldn't that be amazing if it were real?

Usagi shifted her weight and stood up, realizing that one of her legs had fallen asleep. The Princess winced slightly as she tried to get some circulation back into it. She wanted to uncover the last pieces of this strange mystery, but right now her brain just couldn't focus on it. She needed distraction.

Her stomach growled loudly, and the girl giggled. Okay, maybe also some food. Perhaps some conversation and a snack.

The blonde made her way through the ship and emerged on the deck. The salty breeze whipped at her long pigtails, billowing them around her face and shoulders. She sighed and took a deep breath of the fresh air, stretching her muscles again as she felt the sunlight on her skin once more. Her eyes scanned about to see who else was currently present. When they landed on the relaxed form of the dark-haired young man reclining in a chair, she felt her heart awkwardly thud in her chest.

Oh. He was out here. Mamoru seemed right at home on the deck of her ship, his dark hair and sharp features complimented by the rolling waves in the distance. Her cheeks flushed, although she couldn't quite figure out why, and she hastily averted her eyes.

It was then that she spotted Rei and Minako.

"Rei! Minako!" Usagi called out gleefully, running forward, stumbling as the ship swayed but not falling. "Let's have a snack!"
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 7:51 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Y2ueHlo

Rei turned when she heard her name, wincing when it was followed by Minako’s. But at least there Usagi was, still alive.

Her relief only lasted for a moment, because the next second, the princess ran toward her, and stumbled, making her nearly get a heart attack in the span of two seconds flat. Her arms reflexively extended even though she knew she was too far away, though that didn’t stop her from running to get there before Usagi fell anyway.

“Usagi! How many times have I told you not to run around the ship? It’s dangerous! I don’t want to have to fish you out of the ocean, okay?” she grumbled as stopped before the princess, not wanting to be that far away again the next time she stumbled—because there would of course be a next time. Despite her many chidings, it seemed Usagi was impervious to them, and sometimes Rei only wished her beloved princess was not nearly as stubborn as herself.

She stole a glance at Minako, summoning her best poker face and preparing to deny all knowledge about her silly music-making instrument that surely should never have belonged to her in the first place, and pretending she did not even see the other blonde there.

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 17th August 2016, 3:09 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 7:55 am

Usagi - Princess

Usagi pouted at the admonition from Rei and then almost immediately giggled.

"Oh Rei, you're being a worrywart!" she insisted.

After all, this wasn't a tiny lifeboat with no rails, tossed on the surface of the sea like a leaf. This was her vessel. It was large enough to fit their crew and weather some tough storms. It was commissioned from the same craftsmen who built her mother's imperial fleet. Of course she wasn't going to just tumble overboard.

Besides, Usagi could swim. She foolishly kept that thought in mind, as if she'd be any use against the rolling waves of the ocean. Splashing in the ponds at home was nothing compared to the tug of the seemingly-endless sea. She'd be better served to remember that in the future... but Usagi was a princess, protected by so many who loved her. How could she dwell on danger when they were on a mission to discover something fantastic?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 9:04 am

Ami-Ship personal doctor

Ami had been in her office/operating room when she had just finished for what seemed like the thousandth time a report on something happening to someone. She stood up and walked outside just in time to hear the princess and her bodyguard also the gunmaker talking..

“Usagi! How many times have I told you not to run around the ship? It’s dangerous! I don’t want to have to fish you out of the ocean, okay?”

"She is exactly right princess...I really do not want it either as in I don't wish to write another file in my doctors log about something happening to you again. Otherwise though, how are you three feeling right now?"
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

Empress Vesta

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official VesVes/Sailor Vesta and GC's Official Sailor Quartet Lover
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 10:18 am

Vesta- Animal Wrangler/Lookout

So many months out at sea, and at all led to this--the bittersweet taste of victory. The crew of the HMS Senshi had indeed secured all seven of the Rainbow Crystals, and now they'd be returning to Japan victorious. VesVes herself stood on top of the mast, eyes peeled for any sign of land. However, part of her was dreading its arrival.

In Japan, she'd always felt like an outsider. She was a foreigner, plain and simple, born and raised in the Amazon jungle. She first came to Japan as a circus performer many years ago, and after escaping the ringmaster, she'd been living on the streets, making a living off of removing rats from rich people's homes. Her job on the HMS Senshi was her lucky break, and now that the ship was returning home, Ves knew that it was back to being a homeless exterminator for her, stealing food in order to survive.

Though she sat on the mast, she could still hear the conversations of the princess and her bodyguard below her on deck. Apparently the princess was running around the ship again. It was not an unfamiliar scene, and Ves found a wry smile spreading across her face. It was rather funny to picture Usagi running around as her crew stumbled after her. She would've joined them, but she stayed on the mast instead, keeping her eyes trained on the horizon in search of the Japanese coast.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 1:52 pm

Mamoru- Map Maker/ Animal Researcher

Mamoru sat up as he woke up from his quick nap. He could hear Usagi and the others. It sounded like Usagi was being her usual self. Her friends had a point, it wasn't safe to run around on the deck. 

As he walked by the group of girls, he flashed them a smile, though his smile was aimed for Usagi.

"You better listen to your friends Princess, it would be a shame for the sea to swallow such a lovely lady."

Did he really just say that? He took off quickly to his quarters before she had a chance to respond.
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 2:00 pm

Usagi - Princess

She wanted to huff when Ami arrived, the doctor immediately throwing in a comment about previous incidents during their sea adventure. That sort of thing could happen to anyone! Just because slight mishaps tended to happen to Usagi a little bit more than anyone else, she shouldn't be held accountable for those things. After all, they were in the past! And she was fine! And everyone was making a big deal about just a teeny-tiny little bit of running. Only a short distance. Not across the entire deck or something.

Usagi had pursed her lips together, trying to think of some kind of reply to the accusations. Her mind was racing so much, so occupied by what was being said, that she didn't notice the young man was awake and moving towards her until he spoke.

Her blue eyes widened and sparkled when he smiled at her, and a rosy flush immediately bloomed on her cheeks. It only intensified as she realized that Mamoru had referred to her as a "lovely lady". She glanced away as he hurried off, still dazzled from his momentary proximity. What was it about that guy that made her heart race like this?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime16th August 2016, 2:22 pm

Ami-Ship personal doctor

Ami then saw the others around and wished to change the subject as since they were now on their way home. "Seriously has been a long journey has it not? I for one am glad that were going home since I have missed things so much as I bet all of us have. We should hopefully be getting somewhere close now..Right Vesta? Have you spotted anything of interest to home?"
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime17th August 2016, 2:46 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Q0DpjB5

Not here either! Dammit, where could it be?

Minako glared at now empty barrel, its previous contents spilled all over the deck floor. She had thought she would have found the lute by now. Had Rei really thrown it overboard?

Despite herself, Minako was a little impressed. Rei was certainly stepping up her game.

But Minako wasn't out of it just yet.

She glanced around, wondering where to look next. She spotted Mamoru waving at her, and she blinked, surprised. She had not had too many interactions with him throughout their travels, but he was alright, she supposed. Though his affection for Usagi was so obvious. It seemed that Mamoru was preparing for a nap, however, so Minako was spared the energy of waving back.

It was then that she noticed Rei had graced the deck with her presence. That surly expression soured the beauty, just a bit, but Minako kind of liked it. She hoped she was the reason Rei wore such an expression - it was always hard to tell when grumpy was the default.

Hearing her name being called along with Rei's - just the way she liked it, actually - Minako grinned at the other blonde girl, a grin that only broadened at seeing Usagi stumbled. Always so enthusiastic.

Rei wasted no time in tearing into Usagi, of course. To be expected, really. Rei wasn't happy if she hadn't given 'the princess' a proper lecture at least once an hour - Minako kept count. She wasn't jealous, not really. But had to at least make sure that the amount of time Rei spent admonishing Usagi was equal to the amount time Rei spent yelling at Minako. Fair was fair, right?

"I could go for a 'snack'," Minako said, purposefully side-eyeing Rei. The tilt in her voice hinted at things other than food. But then Ami approached them, as well as Mamoru, and the topic came back to 'the princess' being careful again, and Minako found herself becoming bored by it all. Usagi was doing a lot better these days than she used to. Most of the time, anyway. Everyone was always hounding on the poor girl, expecting things from her, it was no wonder that she messed up from their high expectations.

So instead, Minako attempted to do what she liked doing best when the others were becoming unbearable - make Usagi laugh.

And if she made Rei mad in the process... well, who was she to look a gift llama in the throat?

Plus, she didn't like the current topic, having no love for going home. "Yeah, yeah, feelings and homecoming. Yay." Minako then turned towards Usagi. "I wonder if you'd like to hear a new song I've been working on?" She smiled, bright and innocent. "I've practiced it on Rei just a little while ago, and I think she loved it. I can't seem to find my lute, how strange. But that's okay, I can sing without it."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime17th August 2016, 3:15 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Y2ueHlo


Rei’s blood pressure rose even more, though soon they were joined by others, who thankfully saw the wisdom in her words and agreed that she was, of course, right. As if there could ever be any other answer.

She eyed Mamoru suspiciously as he was clearly flirting with the princess, and frowned even more when Usagi seemed completely smitten by it. Now what was she going to do about these two?

Then her left eye twitched when Minako spoke, and all Rei’s attention was turned on the blonde. She narrowed her eyes at Minako’s side-eye, catching her meaning without effort, but then she remembered how Minako still hadn’t found her lute—at least judging from her empty hands—and had to smirk in satisfaction at her own excellent hiding skills.

But then Minako spoke again about sharing her latest song, and Rei’s face flushed. “Minako, no one wants to hear your song. I told you it needed some work.” A lot of work, actually. Mostly involving taking out every other word in the lyrics.

“Besides, I think you ought to put a proper performance if it’s for the princess, with the proper instrument and all. Are you not a professional bard?” she asked, a clear taunt and challenge in her voice.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime17th August 2016, 6:37 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas 47GzbVj

Returning home... returning home, without having found the treasure of these Rainbow Crystals didn't make Usagi feel particularly victorious. It was one thing to have discovered that the legends were not only myth. And another to have hunted down each of the seven crystals, the mysterious gems now in her possession. But how could she be happy to be back to her mother's country if she hadn't accomplished the most important part of this quest?

Ami's question was difficult to answer. Usagi laughed awkwardly, tugging for a moment on one of her pigtails.

"I guess so," was all she felt comfortable replying.

Usagi's eyes glittered when Minako responded positively to the suggestion of snacks. See? See, it was a good idea! A snack.. and then the other blonde mentioned a performance, and Usagi positively squealed with delight.

"Ohhh, yes, a song!" she managed to squeeze out, but Rei was already speaking up, the raven-haired young woman chastising someone else. It seemed to be the solemn bodyguard's favourite thing. Rei seemed particularly fixated on Minako's lack of instrument. Well, that was not a problem as far as Usagi was concerned!

"I don't mind!" she insisted. "It can be like a practice, not a real concert!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime17th August 2016, 8:47 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas HR2eomZ

   Sitting alone on the edge of the ship's prow, Michiru eyes were closed tight while she focused on nothing but the vast ocean surrounding her as she took in every aspect of it. She listened closely to the sounds of the seagulls flying high above to enjoying the feel of the soft breeze that blew through her hair and best of all the strong smell of salt in the air. Oh how she loved it all! She sighed softly, finally opening her eyes and smiling at the seemingly boundless sea that greeted her in return. She was secretly grateful that she hadn't see any signs of the coastline yet as the sea was Michiru's one and only true home. She wasn't eager to be back on land and was already making plans to return to sea before she had even left it. As a child, everyone had claimed that she must have been a mermaid in a previous life because of her strong but almost unnatural love of water. It was utterly unexplainable but she felt more at peace here than anywhere else in the world. 

Unfortunately her moment of serenity didn't last long.

She heard her a yell causing her to jump a bit in surprise and drop the mirror on her lap. She 'tsked' at herself for letting such a small commotion like that get the best of her as she reached down to pick the object up with care. It was an old, broken thing that had cracked and rusted over time while the carving of a woman on it's handle had slowly chipped away. Michiru hadn't been it's first owner and she doubted that she would be it's last but she cherished it nonetheless. It was her most prized possession despite the fact that most would deem it useless junk. She often had considered getting it repaired but in the end decided not to, figuring it would ruin it's charm.

As she stood back up, she glanced down towards the main deck to see where the noise had come from: The Princess. Of course. The woman thought with slight amusement. Nothing was ever truly quiet when Usagi was around. There were others with her too: the bard, that bodyguard that followed her nearly everywhere, the doctor, and Mamoru who was quickly retreating into his quarters. She made a mental note to speak with about those maps he was working on as she descended the stairs with ease despite the ship's constant swaying. "What's going on here?" She asked gently, tilting her head a bit in curiosity. Despite being older than them she still enjoyed interacting with them all and would miss them once they departed ways soon. Michiru would never dare admit it out loud but she found Rei and Minako's daily bickering and the Princess's silly but innocent antics to be a reliable source of entertainment. She was eager to see what shenanigans they would get into today.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime19th August 2016, 7:32 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Q0DpjB5

It wasn't too surprising that Rei did not like the idea - Minako wouldn't have wanted it any other way. And with the focus on the missing lute, Minako was all but certain that Rei was indeed the culprit. Showed your cards too soon, Rei. Now it was time to plot revenge. It would have to be good, something that would really get under Rei's skin.

But the term 'professional bard' distracted her and rubbed her the wrong way. Professional? As if Rei knew anything about that! Her mind raced with possibilities of how to respond, but luckily, she had Usagi on her side.

She grinned at the other blonde girl before turning that grin towards Rei. Though the smile was still in place, the glint in her eyes shifted to something a little sharper, a bit more sly. I'm going to get you, Rei Hino.

But for now, she put her attention onto the topic at hand, as it promised a lot of fun as well.

"Yeah, see, she doesn't mind!" Minako said, her voice in a mocking sing-song tone. "It doesn't have to be a real concert!"
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime19th August 2016, 12:26 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Acf1Iwc
The sea wind was getting caught in Haruka's hair. She shut her eyes and inhaled, the salt and brime filling her nostrils.

The scent of adventure was in the air; and for a Captain, it was everything she would ever want. No words could describe how freeing it was, sailing the open sea with nobody to listen to but her own heart.

Of course, this time would be slightly different.

There would be a destination in mind, fully of mystery and wonder. The seven rainbow crystals were finally together, and this mission would be like no other Haruka had ever taken the HMS Senshi on.

When she had been told that the princess herself would be on board the ship to look for the legendary treasure, she felt her heart pound in excitement. This had all the ideal makings for the excursions of legend! A princess, a fabled treasure, and it would be Haruka's ship that would be the one to lead the way! Her name would go down in the history books! A tale to be told for all time! least that's how it felt for about a day. Then she met the crew that would be accompanying the princess. Haruka had expected stiff, law abiding solders and guards. They were...obnoxious, to say the least. Even now, as she stood at the helm, the scent of the sea air was not enough to keep her in her normal adventurous state of mind. The gunmaster and the bodyguard were in some sort of argument over music, of all things. If she didn't have both hands on the wheel, she'd rub her head to suppress the ever growing headache, and wondered if the rest of her crew was feeling the same.

Then again, this was the princess, after all. What kind of mark would be left on Haruka's reputation if the princess gave a less then satisfactory review of her services?

"Oy!" Haruka shouted, hoping they could hear her over their senseless argument. "If there'd be music, make sure it's not too distracting. This journey'd be a long one, and I'd like to stay focused, aye?"
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime19th August 2016, 1:40 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas MCtKxI1

Ami listened to the Princess and the bard arguing with the bodyguard but she didn't care too much but wished they all would calm down. Then she heard Captain Tenoh and she smiled since She was out here for a moment but it reminded Ami that she needed to speak to the Captain to make sure she too was doing that she thought about it she needed to get check-ups on most of them.... she then noticed the sailing Master.. Miss Kaioh and smiled at her as well, "Im just out here looking for things and people who need check-ups.."

Last edited by Dark Sportsnutd on 19th August 2016, 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot Miss Kaioh)
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime19th August 2016, 9:09 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Y2ueHlo

Rei should have known that Usagi was completely oblivious to all things and would certainly take everything Minako said at face value. She had known the princess long enough to realize this, after all. And no doubt Minako would use this weapon against her whenever possible. She narrowed her eyes at Minako, warning her. If she really was going to taint the princess’ thoughts with her questionable song…

Michiru’s arrival distracted her, and Rei subconsciously stood up straighter, adjusting her scowl to a neutral expression. She didn’t want to look bad in front of the older girl who always seemed so put together. After all, Rei herself was also a very capable and put together young lady.

Minako’s giddiness, however, made her feel alarmed. There was no way she could let Minako sing her song in front of Michiru. The woman’s ears could not be sullied like that.

“Princess, what about the snack? Shall we go to the galley and take care of that first?” she asked quickly, switching her strategy to distraction.

After all, if there was one thing at the top of Usagi’s priority list, it was food.
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime19th August 2016, 9:19 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas RnJQQAS

Mamoru stopped at the cafeteria to get something to eat before returning to the office he was using to make the maps. He took one last look at them. Everything seemed in order. He couldn't predict all the obstacles they would encounter, but he was able to note for changes in the winds as well as storms that could strike during their journey home. He was very much looking forward to returning home. He hoped the princess and her friends had succeeded in their mission.  By the conversations he heard, it sounded as though they had almost everything they needed to return home. 

He rolled up the maps and made a note to take them to Michiru, but first he wanted to take some notes and sketch some of the animals he had seen during his time aboard the HMS Senshi.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime20th August 2016, 5:22 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas XXQ2nB7

A low hum seems to come from below, almost unnoticeable above the sound of the waves. A second later, lights begin to twinkle from within the ship, the rainbow of colors seeking through the cracks in the boards of the ship. At the same time, on an forest-covered island only a short distance away, matching lights sparkle through the trees, catching through the leaves and trunks and shining outwards. The colors as so similar, it can't be just a coincidence...

However, on the far edge of this same island, just barely noticeable from around the bend, a ship with black sails appears to be docked.

Quote :
Goal: React to all the things! Everyone should notice the lights coming from the boat, but you can decide if your character sees the lights on the island. However! Please note, only Vesta would be able to see the black-sailed ship due to her vantage point on the mast, as well as the fact that she was already keeping a look out and whatnot xD

Try to get some reactions or discussions or the like by the end of the 22nd <3!

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 25th August 2016, 2:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime20th August 2016, 7:29 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas MCtKxI1

Ami waited for anyone to say anything back to her but she knew no one would..who liked check-up anyway..she looked down for a moment to rub her eyes and saw what looked like colors coming through the ship. She started softly saying, "Um..guys..excuse me but.." then she got her voice got back to normal, "Excuse me but Miss Hino..I don't think right now is a good time for a snack...maybe we should look at THE SHIP first." as she now looked upwards "AND maybe that island over there as well? I mean I'm not Vesta but even I can see the trees and I know that they are not those colors..all at once.."

Last edited by Dark Sportsnutd on 20th August 2016, 7:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Fixed an astrix problem.sorry guys)
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Empress Vesta
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime20th August 2016, 7:54 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas MhVYh4f

Snacks and a concert? That certainly sounded tempting. Maybe someone could bring some crackers up to the mast, so that Ves could eat and work at the same time. Unless someone else took up lookout duty, she knew she wouldn't be able to leave her post. And for good reason.

"Land! I see land!" she shouted, suddenly standing up and pointing out at the island. Was it Japan, or some other island? VesVes wasn't sure. What she was sure of, however, were the lights that suddenly seemed to glow from between the trees. "'s glowing? The land is glowing?" she added, her tone growing more and more uncertain. Suddenly, she could hear Ami's voice, which caused her to glance down at the ship. Even more oddly, the ship was glowing as well--and in the exact same colors as the island.

Nah. This couldn't be. Ves glanced back and forth from the ship to the island, and as she did, she caught sight of something else. Another ship, this one with black sails. Her eyes widened.

"Hey, guys, there's a ship docked out there! It has black sails, and..." She squinted, trying to get a better look at the ship, but even with a telescope, it was hard to make out the kind of ship it was. "I can't tell if it's friendly or hostile!" Or if there was anyone on it, for that matter. But she knew they'd have to keep an eye on it.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime20th August 2016, 10:50 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Acf1Iwc

Haruka let out a whoop as she saw the island approach on the horizon, her mind buzzing with excited questions even more after Vesves' confirmation. She turned to those on the main deck with a grin.

"Land Ho-" Her gleeful holler was cut short with bursts of multi colored lights. They were leaking through the floorboards as though they were water, some even under her feet. With a cry, she let go of the wheel only for a second before gripping it again, the boat jerking slightly in response. As the light show continued, she turned to bark orders to Michiru when she saw extra lights from the corner of her eye. Turning her head, she could see the same lights on the island they were steadfast approaching.

"What be this, then?" Haruka mumbled, before regaining her composure. "Someone check on the crystals!" At that moment VesVes announced the presence of another ship, and Haruka scoffed when she heard of the black sails.

"Ye know of that sayin'. Black sails in tha mornin, sailors take warnin." She narrowed her eyes, trying to get a look at the boat from her current standing. Of course it was impossible.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime20th August 2016, 1:19 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas HR2eomZ

  Michiru's mouth twitched, the corners of her lips forming down into a barely visible frown as she listened to the soft-spoken doctor. No one appeared to be hurt in any shape or from so why would she be looking to see if anyone needed checkups? Maybe she was indirectly referring to Usagi? The girl's clumsiness, as well as the loud crying that promptly followed after she proceeded to hurt herself, that was well known to all upon the ship. Especially for Dr. Mizuno as she was always there to patch her up afterwards.

Speaking of Usagi, it seemed Rei was trying to whisk her away before the fun could even officially begin. That wouldn't do. "How about we all go to the galley together so Minako can sing us one of her lovely songs as we eat?" Michiru suggested with a cool smile, blinking innocently at them all. She took a step forward to lead the way when she felt the floorboard began to rattle suddenly under her foot before being nearly blinded by the glimmering flash of lights that suddenly began to shine through the cracks. 

Puzzled at the strange lights, she gazed up when she heard a shout above and saw VesVes standing up high above on one of the masts with a hand pointing out towards the sea. Blue eyes followed the direction she was pointing in intensely, her frown growing more visible at what she saw. It was island...and was it glowingSomething's not right... Suddenly, the shipped lurched to the side violently causing Michiru to lose her train of thought and almost her footing. Haruka fortunately quickly got ahold of the ship and gave an order for someone to check on the crystals. 

Slightly flustered but not fully alarmed yet, Michiru straightened up and immediately turned towards Rei and Minako, "Keep an eye on the Princess while I check on the crystals." She simply instructed before briskly walking off towards the lower deck without another word.
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime20th August 2016, 2:27 pm

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas RnJQQAS

Mamoru had been deep in research. He had looked on man sites for images matching the images he took of the different animals he saw in the waters and perched on the boat. He had just stood to stretch his legs when he saw the mysterious light.

What are these lights? Mamoru thought as he rushed up to the deck to see if there was any eminent danger. While there wasn't a visual danger, something told Mamoru these lights were not normal, nor a natural phenomenon to occur on the ship.

He had felt the commotion from the sea, and could see Michiru begin to lose her footing. He was prepared to run, but saw Haruka come quickly to her aid. He breathed a sigh of relief that everyone was apparently safe....for now. 

Mamoru had to get those maps to Michiru, but he could wait, until the situation resolved. He had heard the commotion of the ship docked at a nearby Island. He glanced out, and noticed the same lights he saw on the ship. Was this a coincidence? It couldn't be? Were they in danger?

He felt a sudden need to be useful. He walked over to Princess Usagi and her friends. HE pushed his nerves aside as he spoke, "are you all alright?"
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime21st August 2016, 5:16 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas Y2ueHlo

Sometimes, Rei couldn’t tell if Michiru was truly oblivious or was obviously trying to help Minako make everything more complicated for her amusement.

She suspected it was the latter.

However, she didn’t get very far. Frowning as Ami told her to look at the ship, Rei noticed the lights coming off of it. “What the…” The rainbow lights seemed to be coming from below… The crystals? She looked at the island ahead and the matching colors resonating from there.

Vesta was announcing about a ship with black sails, which turned her mood even darker. “Black usually means bad news… or pirates.”

She grabbed the princess with one hand and the ship’s edge with another as it lurched momentarily, scowling up at the captain. What was she doing up there?

She almost felt insulted that she had to be told to guard the princess. After all, that was her job. She glanced at Mamoru when he appeared again and nodded curtly. “We’re fine.”

Then she turned toward her charge. “Princess, I don’t like this. Something on that island is clearly reacting to our crystals… This can be what you’ve been searching for—the key—but it could also be dangerous. And that other ship… There may be hostiles on the island already. I would suggest against us docking there. If you insist on checking it out,” which she was almost certain Usagi will, “then I’d suggest a small team of people take the rowboat ashore while you and the ship wait at sea until we can confirm the island holds no danger, from within or otherwise.”
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas   [Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas I_icon_minitime22nd August 2016, 4:45 am

[Casual Event] Across the Seven Seas 6dG0fUf

Hotaru had just finished cleaning all the rooms on the ship, as she noticed the commotion coming from the deck. The things she did on the HMS Senshi were grunt work - stuff that nobody else wanted to do - but the black haired girl was still happy to do it.

She had been the daughter of the wealthy Tomoe family, but everything changed after her mother Keiko died. Her father madly fell in love with a shady woman with long red hair, and after he sold their house, and all their belongings, one day he was gone, leaving the small child behind all on her own. Hotaru never understood why she was left behind; did her father never love her, or had he been manipulated or even worse killed? This were only a few of Hotaru's thoughts. Betrayed by the one she trusted the most, she felt lonely and empty, having to beg for food and sleeping out in the cold.

But her life reached a turning point again shortly after her 12th birthday, when she had already spent 4 years surviving on her own. As she was begging for food, a young woman with short blonde hair stepped up to her. Instead of giving her food, she asked for her story, and as Hotaru told about her fate, the woman told her that her name is Haruka, that she is the captain of the HMS Senshi, and that she still needed a cabin girl.
Without asking about the details, Hotaru happily responded with a yes. She knew that being a cabin girl is a hard job, but she wouldn't have to beg for food anymore, she would have a place to sleep, and most important to her: The crew of the ship could maybe be a new family to her - one that wouldn't betray her.
As Haruka went to the ship with her, she told Hotaru about the details of their first mission and she learned that they will be searching for the seven Rainbow Crystals and that Princess Usagi herself would be on board over the time.
She was very nervous about meeting the Princess and the Crew, because a girl like her could never be of any company to them, but she quickly noticed how nice they were. Everyone of them were so friendly and open towards Hotaru like nobody before was, and the girl quickly became friends with them despite their difference in age. She even became friends with the princess, who was very different than she expected.

As Hotaru made her way up to the deck, to see what the commotion is all about, she thought about returning to Japan. She wasn't too happy returning there, since few months she had spent with all of them aboard the HMS Senshi were the happiest months she had in her life. She hoped that she could continue being a cabin girl even after the mission, but she was confident that she would be able to. Her new comrades would never just leave her.
Arriving on deck she could catch the words 'Island', 'Strange Lights' and 'Black Flag'. She gazed onto the ocean and saw strange lights coming from an Island ahead of them. This had to be the island the others were talking about.

The cabin girl joined the company of the princess and the others, hoping to get more information about what was happening. "What is happening? What are those strange lights coming from the sea? Can I be of any service to you guys?"
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