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 [Casual Event] Twelve Stars

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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
Posts : 9577
Join date : 2013-07-25
Age : 36
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime4th December 2015, 4:54 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars ELPXZih

Once upon a time, in the Astera Galaxy, twelve sisters were born to protect their system. They grew up and embraced their powers, each becoming senshi as they were destined to be, and fought together in sisterhood. But as it always happened, light called out to darkness, and for a galaxy this bright, it didn’t take too long to attract the presence of Chaos. The sisters fought with all their might, but despite their immense power when all twelve stood together, it wasn’t enough. Great destruction occurred and the sisters ended up in a near-death state after exhausting all their powers. They also got scattered all around the universe in the aftermath of the great explosion that destroyed their galaxy. Their bodies were preserved by their Sailor Crystals, still intact if depleted to its absolute minimum energy limit. Their leftover power was just enough to keep them barely alive. Slowly, over hundreds of years, it repaired their body as they slumbered in a deep sleep.

Centuries later, they slowly began to awaken. Each was alone in their own corner of the universe, not knowing who they were or anything at all. Until a woman came to them one by one, guiding them. A woman by the name of Queen Stella, who told them that they were guardian senshi destined to protect the world. She reminded them who they were and gathered all twelve, reuniting the sisters. She promised that together they were stronger, that they had yet to achieve their true potential.

The twelve sisters went with her to her kingdom, and started their new lives. But the story did not end here. In fact, it had just begun…

Rules and Information

  • This is a two-week Casual Event.
  • Only the people listed below may post in this thread. Please make sure you read your character profile and follow the personality and powers outlined for them.
  • If you want to adopt your character after the event, please go through the Reserved Adoption Center in order to do so. You will be required to fill in the appropriate profile skeleton depending on whether you want to have it be a Relaxed or Advanced profile.
  • There will be an activity rule. You will need to post at least every 48-72 hours or so to keep the story moving forward, as we will attempt to finish this in two weeks. If you manage to keep active, by the end you will receive a customized prize bumper featuring the specific senshi you adopted from this event.
  • This event will conclude on January 24th, 2016.

The Zodiac Senshi

Sailor Star Aries:

Sailor Star Taurus:

Sailor Star Gemini:

Sailor Star Cancer:

Sailor Star Leo:

Sailor Star Virgo:

Sailor Star Libra:

Sailor Star Scorpio:

Sailor Star Sagittarius:

Sailor Star Capricorn:

Sailor Star Aquarius:

Sailor Star Pisces:

Character Claims
Sailor Star Aries: Princess Moon
Sailor Star Taurus: Anait Zelleire
Sailor Star Gemini: Addelyn
Sailor Star Cancer: Aurae
Sailor Star Leo: Zoey900
Sailor Star Virgo: Sailor Mercury
Sailor Star Libra: Small Lady
Sailor Star Scorpio: JupiterThunderCrash
Sailor Star Sagittarius: Eternal Knight
Sailor Star Capricorn: Empress Vesta
Sailor Star Aquarius: mercuryfan
Sailor Star Pisces: PoetofMercury

OOC Thread

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 10th January 2016, 4:49 am; edited 3 times in total
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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime4th December 2015, 5:23 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars L1E77CR

It had been close to a month since she woke up from her long slumber, and Cassidy still felt as if she only had half of her. When memories of the great destruction that had obliterated the Astera galaxy resurfaced over the past couple of weeks, it had been especially difficult to deal with. On one hand, she was happy to get a second chance at life. On the other… the grief and the guilt burdened her. Not only were they—the guardian senshi of Astera—not good enough, but somehow they also managed to survive—despite losing a couple centuries of their lives to sleep—while everyone else died.

She knew they tried their best. She knew they did everything they could. But that still didn’t make the failure any easier to accept. Then again, she never could quite figure out how to accept failure with grace.

Queen Stella, the one who had found and reunited the sisters together again, had been a blessing. She was a patient guiding hand, helping them put the pieces back together, repairing their broken family. At least all of the sisters were here now in one place. They’d been living in the queen’s kingdom, the kingdom of Nova, ever since. Stella had been there when each of the sisters were lost, alone in their own corner of the universe, and afraid. If she hadn’t come to them… Cassidy didn’t know where she would be.

The queen’s motive for helping them seemed completely noble. She’d heard of the destruction of their galaxy and what had happened to them. Though she wasn’t a senshi herself, she knew some magic, and used that magic to find each of the sisters. True, after the girls got back on their feet, the queen asked if they might help her with some people who had been attacking her kingdom. But that was the least Cassidy and the others could do to pay back everything Stella had done for them, right?

For such a benevolent queen, Stella seemed to be facing a lot of rebellion. There had been at least three attacks in the last two weeks alone from her own people, who attempted to break into the palace and kill her, shouting terrible things like ‘witch’ and the like. Stella had explained that she was the first queen who practiced magic, and it was not a common thing in her land, so she was having a hard time gaining trust from her people who only insisted on seeing her as evil because she had powers. With the new enforced security of twelve guardian senshi around the palace, though, no one stood a chance. The palace was impenetrable.

But then three days ago, the queen asked the senshi if they would help her with a bigger problem. She said that she had heard from her scouts that the king of Cresta, a neighboring kingdom, had been corrupted by true evil, the same one that had once destroyed Astera—Chaos. She also had a vision that he was going to bring a great army of darkness to descend upon her kingdom and wreak havoc upon it. She wanted the sisters to eliminate him before he could destroy everything.

Remembering what had happened to their galaxy, of course Cassidy felt this was the right thing to do. Some of the others were more hesitant to go and kill someone before they were provoked, but in the end all twelve slipped into the kingdom of Cresta and went ahead with the plan. Queen Stella gave them a spell that could reveal the color of someone’s heart to prove her word. When the sisters used the spell, they saw the king’s heart was dark as night, and they killed him in his sleep. They left without harming anyone else, at the last minute deciding not to lay waste to his kingdom now that they had cut off the head. They felt unsettled already about killing someone while they were defenseless, and some of the sisters had become more conflicted about this decision. While they were there, they saw no more signs that there was anything out of the ordinary, or, indeed, if a major army was gathered to plan an attack. However, they also knew those things wouldn’t be out in plain sight.

When they got back, the queen seemed disappointed that they’d only killed the king, but agreed that it might be enough. She said they should wait and see, and that hopefully the attack would not happen now that there was no one to lead it.

That was when Cassidy started wondering if she had done the right thing. And that was why she was at the great palace library today, trying to learn more about this kingdom and the others around it, searching for answers—evidence that what Stella said was right or something that could justify what they’d done. Even if she didn’t find exactly that, she could still learn something, and knowledge was power.

Starting Point wrote:
Feel free to start your characters in any part of the palace. It’s a big place, so expect it to have any room you want to put your character in. Have them think about what they’d done in killing the king of Cresta, and show us how they feel about it. Are they sure it’s the right thing to do? Not all of them agreed, but there was a majority, so some of them could have voted against it; they were just outnumbered. You can also find each other if you want, or start together with another character (but be sure to confirm with them that it’s okay first). Also, I apologize for the huge post, but the exposition is necessary, so please read it thoroughly to get all the information you need.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime4th December 2015, 6:34 am

Sirena sat sideways on the edge of a fountain, her long legs stretched across the cool grass as floral garden scents wafted by her nostrils. The sounds of various birds and the burbling of the water fountain were balms to an uneasy spirit. She wasn’t used to feeling strong emotions from herself and not from others, though some of her sisters were struggling too. Her eyes only vaguely focused on the beautiful surroundings of the palace garden as the same question replayed itself over and over in her mind, did we do the right thing?
Joy had filled her heart when the queen came to call her out of the frightening and lonely place she had found herself in and reunited her with her sisters. Since then it had been a journey of recovering memories and rekindling their sisterly bond. Some of the memories were not so pleasant, especially those of their final battle, but still her heart had been filled with such happiness. It was peaceful here, at least most of the time. And the small skirmishes they did have here were minor and only helped to strengthen their bond.
Of course she couldn’t refuse to help the queen who had given her her sisters back. She would do anything to repay that debt. But to kill an unarmed king? Fighting to protect others was one thing, and even that was hard sometimes when she could feel the emotions raging through their foe. But killing…that was the worst. It made her tremble just to remember it. She felt thankful that she had not been the one to deliver that blow, but that was quickly followed by guilt and sorrow for her sister who did.  Even if he was evil, could he not be helped or reformed? If you knew what someone felt in their heart, it was hard to see a clear demarcation line between good and evil. Everyone had a bit of both she supposed. She still dreamed about it, waking up in a sweat.

In the end, Siirenia had to admit the facts. She had helped to kill an unarmed man with her own two hands. She dangled a hand in the water, feeling the cool current slipping between her fingers. But even water wouldn’t was that clean.

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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime4th December 2015, 1:18 pm

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Sailor%20taurus%20header%20WIP-001_zpsvuyofi66

Floria rested under the shade of a large tree, listening to the whispering leaves, feeling the grass tickle her legs.  As her memories returned to her, she tried not to despair, focusing instead on the survival of her eleven sisters.  She had Queen Stella to thank for the reunion of them, and for that she wanted to show her gratitude.  Still, at some point she wanted to be able to leave with her sisters, go somewhere where they could rebuild, not pulled into the politics of a foreign world.  She felt that keeping the Queen safe for the time being would be ample payback for their debt, however killing that man without definitive proof besides a spell, it just hadn't sat well with her.  Even more so she hadn't liked how the sisters couldn't agree on the issue.  With the idea of Chaos being in the picture, she wanted to destroy that which had torn her family apart for so long.  She wanted them to be safe, not drawn into another battle, especially one they could lose. So she had gone along with this Queen's wish, hoping to end the war before it could ever begin.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime4th December 2015, 4:17 pm

Sailor Star Scorpio- Antares Astera

Despite Queen Stella's kindness in finding her and her sisters and reminding them of their purpose, Antares could not bring herself to fully trust the woman. It was nothing against the queen in particular, but it simply in her nature. After she was found and reunited with her family, she had only followed along because she cared for everyone else, and did not want to be separated once more. And so she was stuck here, assisting the Queen with running her kingdom smoothly.

And it needed as much help as it could get. The castle had been assaulted multiple times by people wishing to do Queen Stella harm, though it was child's play to repel them with all twelve senshi working together. Just a tap of her fingers against their bare skin, and Antares could mentally encourage them to leave without a fight. Her poisons' effects were short lived, but she got the most out of their potency.

But this last duty... killing the Chaos-infected King had been difficult on an emotional level. Antares didn't like outright murder, and the man had been sound asleep when he was attacked. But she had been outvoted, and so she reluctantly helped do it in the most effective way possible. With the right dosage of poison, it had been easy to make his heart stop...

The moment still bothered her, and Antares opted to spend her time in her given room, brooding about her decisions and their lost home.
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

Empress Vesta

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official VesVes/Sailor Vesta and GC's Official Sailor Quartet Lover
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime4th December 2015, 5:48 pm

It was the best they could do. Their only option, their best option. Or, at least, Emelia told herself it was so. In reality, doubt over whether it had been the right thing to do prickled at the back of her mind. She voted for it, sure, but she had also voted on taking out some of their army leaders and other close generals that could have also been affected by Chaos.

Someone might call her paranoid because of this, but Emelia thought of herself as realistic. There was no way that assassinating a king was an act that they could walk away from without consequences. An act of regicide could mean war, especially if the kingdom of Cresta knew who committed the murder. Emelia wanted to lessen the chances of that, and of destruction brought by Chaos. She remembered what Chaos had done to her galaxy, and she did not want it to happen again.

Now Emelia stood, looking out over one of the many balconies on the palace. Nearby, she witnessed a hawk swooping down onto the ground far below and soaring up again, a mouse caught in its talons. That's right, she thought, observing the hawk as it flew away. Sometimes the necessary path isn't always the moral one.

She just wished they had taken care of the army as well. While the Queen's vision of an army may or may not be true, she felt it was best to take precautions. She still couldn't help but picture the army rampaging through their kingdom, and everything returning back to the way it was before Queen Stella woke the sisters.

At least she had her sisters back, if anything.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime5th December 2015, 9:25 pm

Iris- Sailor Star Gemini 

Whenever her mind was troubled, Iris always felt herself drawn to the library. Perhaps the words she could find in books comforted her, or perhaps it was the silent, yet warm place. Whatever it was, it worked to quiet her mind, giving her some peace. 

As she walked through the palace walls, her mind drifted back to their latest mission. Part of her felt that what they had done was right, but another part of her wondered if the good Queen that has brought them all together once again was manipulating them. 

What if her spell was false and it was never going to show his heart as anything but black? Was killing him the only way to dispel chaos or could they have found another way, one that would have saved the poor mans life. 

She felt as helpless as she had been when her system had been destroyed. 

Shaking her head, she wandered into the library, instantly perking up when she caught sight of her sister. 

"So which book holds your interest today Cassidy?" Iris chirped, leaning against a bookshelf close to the elder senshi.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 8:37 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Leo_zpsfxv3sujg
While the others were already woken up Eliane was still sleeping in her bed. She woke up though as soon as she felt the sun's rays shining through the room's big windows. It's so nice to feel the sun's warmth once again! she said on a reassuring and cheerful tone. Excited by the nice weather she immediately jumped out of the bed and dressed up. While looking at her reflection in the mirror though her face suddenly began to sadden as she started to remember the past events that occured. Maybe we shouldn't have killed him... If someone can be corruped by an evil force there should be a way to cure him and get him back. Maybe some kind of magic... but the queen didn't seem to think about something like that anyway! Maybe she's just not that powerful as she wanna look. She sighed then washed her face. Stomach growling. I am really hungry! I wonder if somebody has cooked anything. Kitchen here I come!
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Sailor Neptune
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RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 9:15 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars L1E77CR

Cassidy was lost in the history books. The kingdom of Nova seemed to have an extensive, detailed history, except for the last few pages. The ones that were supposed to speak about Queen Stella’s reign was empty. In fact, there wasn’t even a mention of her birth anywhere. The last known monarch was a king and that was about a decade ago. Did they just stop keeping track all of a sudden? Why would they do that?

She was so engrossed in her reading that she didn’t notice Iris coming in at all, jumping when she heard her sister’s voice. “Oh! You’re here.” She pointed at the empty pages in the book. “I’m just trying to figure out more about Queen Stella, but there’s literally nothing about her here. It’s like she doesn’t exist. I don’t like this… it feels suspicious.”

She was conflicted. She hated suspecting the person who had helped them regain their lives and their family, but something was wrong—her nagging feeling told her so. “Iris, do you think you could call everyone here? You know, telepathically? And make sure they’re careful to avoid Stella on the way? I think we need to do something about this.”
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 9:21 am

Iris- Sailor Star Gemini 

"Something seems off, I agree with you on that," she said, regarding her sister. "Are you sure there's absolutely nothing about her in the books? Even if she wasn't born royal you'd think there's be an account somewhere of her life for the history books. Maybe the book is kept somewhere else?"

Can we really be so quick to judge this woman though? She did come to get us. 

Nodding, Iris closed her eyes, reaching out towards all of her sisters minds, Cassidy's included, locating them easily enough after centuries of using her powers to do this very same act. 

Cassidy would like us to all meet in the library. She says to take care not to draw Stella's attention on the way - avoid her if you can. 
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Empress Vesta
Lotus Crystal

Empress Vesta

Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Official VesVes/Sailor Vesta and GC's Official Sailor Quartet Lover
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 9:43 am

Emelia sighed as she drew back from the balcony, crossing her arms as she felt a breeze gently brush against her body. Perhaps she should have worn a coat, she thought, but before she could think more upon the matter, she heard the voice of her sister Iris play in her head. No doubt this was another telepathic message, and Emelia listened carefully.

The request not to draw Stella's attention was a curious one. Emelia neither trusted nor distrusted the Queen. She regarded Stella as an ally for waking her and her sisters, and she would help out an ally, but that was it. Regarding the message, Emelia could not help but think that Cassidy might have found something suspicious. Cassidy was smart, very smart, and would be the type to find these sorts of things out. Emelia trusted her judgement, and if she found something, then it would most likely be something to pay attention to.

With that in mind, Emelia swiftly made her way to the library. Thankfully, she did not run into the Queen or any of her guards on her way. As she made her way to the library, she only spotted Iris and Cassidy, but knew that the others would be on their way.

"Hello, Cassidy, Iris," she said, giving each of her sisters a short smile and a nod before returning back to her usual neutral expression. "What's this meeting about?"
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 10:43 am

Sirenia heard the mental summons which snapped her out of the well of her muddled thoughts. Why did Cassidy want her to avoid Stella? She arched an eyebrow at that but stood immediately. Avoiding the queen was fairly easy from the garden which was near the library anyway. The younger senshi welcomed the distraction.

She smiled as she entered the library, happy to see Cassidy and Iris. "Hello Cassidy, Iris, hope you both slept well. What's going on?"
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Princess Moon
Lotus Crystal

Princess Moon

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 1:47 pm

Reva - Sailor Star Aries
header coming soon

Reva stood in the center of her new home – her new bedroom – as she tried, as motivated as possible, to redecorate the four walls she was living in from now on and to rearrange that ugly frumpy interior furnishing of that comparatively noble palace the Queen had built.

Terrible, this room, she cursed inwardly. An imposition!
In a rather frustrated manner the oldest of the sisters searched for prettier things in her room, searched for better curtains and better pillows, maybe also for some wall color to finally get rid of that medieval design on the walls. But in the whole room... Was nothing. Nil. Nada.

But did this woman really have no style at all? Or why did it look so terribly ugly?
Or was it maybe just because she didn’t like Reva? So that she had to sleep in the ugliest of ugly rooms while everyone else got a nice and inviting bedroom? At any rate, it was easily conceivable - considering that Reva defied one the Queen’s former requests.

“Why should I put my life on the line, just because you heard, and I repeat: heard – emphasis on ‘You don’t even know for sure’– that another kingdom would attack you? I mean…do you really think that other kingdoms have nothing better to do than killing some random Queen from some random kingdom?

…I didn’t ask you to rescue me, so don’t act as if I owe you one.”

Well, and yet she ended up offing that old mister, Cresta, or whatever he was called...

Not that she minded going there – it was better than doing nothing; that was beyond debate – but it didn’t appear as if he had any evil intentions towards the Queen, as she herself stated. He kneeled – without any weapons – in front of her. Tears welled up in his eyes. He surrendered.
Okay, maybe he was just a good actor – after all he had that black heart thing the others were talking about – but at the latest when she prepared her attack he could have defended himself, right? Instead of letting oneself get killed so easily.

Well, whatever.
At least she didn’t have to do her any favors anymore – that last time was already bad enough.

...Cassidy would like us to all meet in the library. She says to take care not to draw Stella's attention on the way - avoid her if you can. 
Reva sighed as she suddenly heard Iris wandering through her mind. What was it now?

...Admittedly, she didn’t plan on going to the library when first hearing Cassidy's request – however, the very fact that they had to conceal something from Stella caught her interest quite a lot, enough to made her meet up with the others.

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 7:54 pm

Sailor Star Scorpio- Antares

Antares was pulled from her musings by the voice of Iris echoing in her head. It was taking a while to get used to being spoken to like that, but she was no longer startled by her sister's telepathic communication. What caught her interest was Cassidy's sudden desire to go behind Queen Stella's back. Just what had caused her change of heart? Did she have her doubts now as well? 

Reluctantly, Antares left her room to meet at the library, not sure how to feel about this meeting. "I have a feeling that you found something interesting about our savior the Queen," she said, completely skipping any greetings. As usual, her demeanor was cold and serious.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : techno-geek senshi | A GC official lover of Sailor Mercury (duh) and Sailor Pluto | The GC Official Viluy
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime6th December 2015, 11:44 pm

Celeste Nova Astera - Sailor Star Aquarius

Celeste had woken up that morning out of a nightmare.  No, not one of those nightmares that makes one wake up screaming or anything like that.  But a nightmare nonetheless, because it had foretold, in its own subtle way, how the 12 sisters’ killing of the king of Cresta in his sleep would come back to haunt these senshi and how he, when all was said and done, would get the last laugh on these women.  A shiver ran down her spine as she quickly reviewed in her mind the contents of that nightmare.

So Celeste, who was normally one to get out from under the covers quickly, mainly because she loved to feel the cool morning air on much of her body, was a bit lethargic doing so this morning as she was also thinking about what they should have done there differently.  Maybe Celeste should have been more serious about the suggestion she had offered, half-jokingly at the time, of waking him up and quizzing/interviewing him (to confirm or deny that he was corrupted and that his plans were like the ones Queen Stella had gotten from her vision) once they had confirmed that they had him in the ideal situation of asleep and defenseless.  Or maybe there was another, better idea that she would only think of later?  Or maybe the better idea would only come to one of her sisters?  Because Celeste did realize that the 12 sisters did owe Queen Stella some favors as thanks for getting them all back together again in the good condition they were in, but she was starting to believe that the queen was pushing this too far.

Despite the many doubts that kept popping into her mind, before long, Celeste became motivated to get dressed, go out into other parts of the palace, and face the day (after all, one can’t just lie around and sulk all day, even when one has assisted in the unthinkable crime of killing someone without giving that person any way to defend himself/herself - either like in a court of law or in the sense of a physical fight).  She chose to get dressed in the darkest-colored sundress she could find in her own wardrobe - a sundress because she loved to feel cool air against as much of her skin as possible, especially on a warm day like it looked like it was going to be today, and so dark-colored because of that nightmare she had had.  Soon Celeste was out (of her bedroom) and on her way down to the palace dining room (not knowing that her sister Eliane was also headed there at the same time).

Even though Celeste did not have far to walk to get to the dining room, she was interrupted before she could get there by Iris’s voice planting a new message in her mind.  This didn’t bother Celeste, or make her flinch at all, because she had become so used to it over her now-two lifetimes that this feeling was now second-nature to Celeste.  She concentrated on the contents of Iris’s message.

Quote :
Cassidy would like us to all meet in the library. She says to take care not to draw Stella's attention on the way - avoid her if you can.

Normally, Celeste did not hold these meetings in high regard - it often seemed like the sisters had much better and/or much more productive ways to spend their time - but this time, she viewed it as a good opportunity to tell all her sisters at once about the nightmare and growing doubts that she had just had about following Queen Stella’s requests (at least now & in the future).  So she quickly decided to change course and casually walk to the library.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime7th December 2015, 6:12 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars AZE9Lah

Delia's mood swings, unpredictable even on "good" days, had only gotten worse after this most recent mission from Queen Stella. As they prepared to rid Cresta of Chaos before it could seriously take hold of that neighboring kingdom, Delia had flip-flopped endlessly between eager and reluctant. Queen Stella had done so very much for her—prior her gracious gift of a home here on Nova and reuniting the sisters of Astera, Delia had been so very, very alone. Painfully, miserably alone. She owed the benevolent and kind queen so very much. Protecting the palace from misguided citizens was an easy task; one she did willingly and cheerfully.

This business with the king of Cresta was different. On the one hand, she wanted to please Queen Stella—someone who had greatly improved Delia's life. On the other hand, Chaos had not yet infiltrated or made itself known. She had felt a little bit better seeing his blackened heart, but that was not enough to completely erase her conflicted thoughts at witnessing the peaceful expression on his sleeping face. And then there was the fact that nothing seemed to actually be wrong on Cresta. But they were sent to that world because of the Queen's prophetic visions. If they failed to act, and innocent civilians died, they would be at fault. But if they were wrong... If they were wrong, what kind of awful thing had they done?

Since then, she had spent a significant amount of time sulking in her room. The slightest little things seemed to set her off, outbursts of tears not being uncommon in the slightest. It made it so much harder for her to reconnect with her sisters.

When she heard Iris's message from Cassidy, Delia felt rising panic. She wanted to just tuck herself back into bed and pretend she wasn't feeling well. Yet she knew she couldn't do that. She didn't want to be left out. She had to join the others.

Delia crept into the library, feeling that uncomfortable nervousness in her stomach. She stayed near the back, tugging on the long strands of her dusty-mauve hair and twirling them around her fingers. Maybe this was going to be a meeting about something worse. Maybe they had a new mission. Or Chaos was back regardless of what they did. This was going to be something terrible; she just knew it!
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime7th December 2015, 10:16 pm

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Sailor%20taurus%20header%20WIP-001_zpsvuyofi66
Iris wrote:
Cassidy would like us to all meet in the library. She says to take care not to draw Stella's attention on the way - avoid her if you can. 

Floria wondered how many of her other sisters had also been distracted by the recent mission.  She hated to see any of them hurt over the decision they had made.  It would have been better if she had taken on the mission alone, then none of them would have to live with the choice.  But it was too late for that, now she would just have to protect them from future grievances.  The more she thought about as she walked to the library, the more she came to dislike this Queen who had placed them in such a position.  She hoped Cassidy had found something important, to either prove her right, or relieve her fear.  Floria listened before turning corners, making it to the library without incident.  She found a few of them gathered near Cassidy and Iris.  After nodding her greeting, she leaned against one of the shelves, ready to hear what needed to be said.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime7th December 2015, 11:08 pm

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars L1E77CR

As her sisters started coming one by one, Cassidy nodded at them and greeted each one. She didn’t have long for pleasantries, however, seeing that sooner or later the queen would notice if they were all gone from other parts of the castle.

“Good morning, sisters. I’ve called you all here because of a concern. Ever since Queen Stella asked us to… well, take care of the latest threat, I’ve been uneasy about what we did. I tried looking for more information about her, and I’ve scoured many books in this library, but there is not a single record of Queen Stella existing. I find that very odd given that she’s the reigning queen here. I’ve checked this entire library and it’s not in the obvious places, which means if something about her exists it’ll be hidden and thus all the more suspicious. I think we may have to look in less… conventional places.”

She tapped her chin. “I’m thinking of conducting an investigation on her by looking throughout the castle in places that would be less accessible like her private quarters or something.” She thought for a moment. She’d also never been to the dungeons, and she suspected any prisoner—if they existed—would be eager to talk about the less-than-favorable traits of the queen. But at the same time, a criminal would probably lie.

“What do you all think? I know not all of you will be comfortable with spying on the person who’d given us back our lives. But she also made us take someone else’s. Should we attempt to find out the truth, or should we keep blindly following her orders?”
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime8th December 2015, 6:20 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars AZE9Lah

Cassidy's suggestion did not sit well with Delia. The long-haired girl in the green gown fidgeted, thinking about what her auburn-haired sister had said. It was incredibly suspicious to have no records of Queen Stella on her own home world of Nova. Delia's overactive imagination immediately raced through a thousand worst-case scenarios. Maybe Queen Stella was a terrible person who opposed all forms of journalism! Maybe Chaos had gotten into the library and erased all of the books! Maybe there was a terrible library-related evil force at work here that they had never encountered before! She kept her mouth closed, knowing that if she voiced any of her current fears they would be likely to be brushed aside by the others. Instead, she swallowed that anxiety, brooding on it further.

"What... what if she catches us?" was the only comment she allowed herself to make.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime8th December 2015, 6:38 pm

Emelia's expression remained neutral, as it always did, but she still puzzled over this new information in her mind. No records of Queen Stella anywhere? This was indeed suspicious, and finding anything without being caught would prove to be a challenge.

Oh, but challenges were what Emelia Astera excelled at. Another flicker of a smile passed her face, one so quick that one who blinked at that moment would miss it. "We would need a plan," she replied in a low voice. "One that we would make sure is absolutely foolproof. Delia is right, the queen absolutely could catch us. She is an ally now but I hate to see what she would do to us is she catches us spying on her like this. We already know that she is not opposed to sloppily killing someone with little evidence and possibly starting a war."

Emelia's mind was already whirring with ideas. They could split up. She could call upon some animals. Perhaps some of the others could use their powers to stall the queen. But right now, she wanted to hear what the rest of her sisters had to say.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime8th December 2015, 6:52 pm

Sailor Star Scorpio- Antares

"There are twelve of us and only one of her," Antares said in response to Emelia and Delia, crossing her arms. "If we are confronted by the Queen, we should be able to stand against her if it comes to it." The Queen was hiding something, and Antares was determined to find out her secrets now that she knew they existed. 

"I'm not opposed to looking around. I was getting tired of being an errand senshi anyway..." If Queen Stella had given back their lives, then they deserved to know who they were risking them for.
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime9th December 2015, 1:00 pm

Reva - Sailor Star Aries

While listening carefully to everyone's thoughts and opinions to Cassidy's plan, Reva closed her eyes and thought about each one's reactions, weighing their different options and thinking about what suggestion would be the best to implement in that case.
Should they really look around? Should they really spy on Stella? Because as much as she disliked her, this was her planet and her palace. If she found out, they would not only have to fight her...but also her guards and servants. And together they surely weren't that weak - especially now...that she and her sisters had just awoken.

"I wouldn't say it's that easy, Antares," she eventually spoke up, referring to her sister's comment of making a stand against the Queen. "Here are lots of guards and servants if you haven't noticed yet. So if she finds out, we'll have to fight her and her entourage...We haven't fully awaken yet, keep that in mind."

For a while she kept quiet, waiting for some kind of reaction and looking through the room, however, just a few seconds later, she started to prepare her voice again, lifting her head and looking at her sisters' more or less confused expressions.
"I agree with you, though. I'm tired of working as someone's employee as if I had nothing better to do." She looked at Antares, her eyes shining from confidence, as she gave her a little smile, big enough to be noticed by her.

"We already eradicated her alleged threats. Several of them actually. These were enough favors."
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime9th December 2015, 1:30 pm

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars Leo_zpsfxv3sujg
Eliane was running through the big hallway to the kitchen when she heard Iris' message. Awww... reaaallyy? I feel like my stomach is going to eat itself. How can you tell me to not be noticed when my stomach is noisier than a whale! she sighed of course. She then thought more seriously about Cassidy's message. Food was important indeed but the mystery about Queen Stella gave birth to another hunger: the hunger for curiousity... for learning the secrets about Stella's powers and history. 

She decided to change the route to the library. Following her way though she had the luck and pleasure to meet up with one of her sisters. YES! she shouted suddenly. I am not alone anymore. Celeste wait for meeeee!
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 7:36 am

Iris- Sailor Star Gemini

Listening to her sister, Iris considered their options. She really didn't like the idea of following anyone's orders blindly, but she also didn't feel right snooping around. What would happen if they were caught and they found out that the Queen was innocent?

What happens if she's not? What will happen if she's trying to gain our trust only to brain wash us and turn us into her evil slaves body guards and we go on a killing rampage?

Could they really take the chance?

"I say we do it. Investigate her. I mean we either find out the truth or we find out that we all have overactive imaginations, right?"
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 9:31 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars L1E77CR

Listening to everyone’s concerns—of being caught, of fighting her army—she also noted that there were more voices that wanted to investigate than not. Cassidy looked her sisters in the eye one by one.

“Not all of us have to do it. If you’re uncomfortable with it, feel free to opt out. I don’t like the idea of forcing anyone to do anything they don’t want to do again. Besides, the less of us skulking around, the less chance we have of getting caught. Perhaps it’s better if some of us are seen doing normal things, serve as a distraction, so to speak. I myself want to take a peek into the dungeons to see if there’s someone there I can talk to. It’s up to you where the rest of you go. We can meet up back here in an hour. Whoever is with Iris can update the others on what’s going on.”
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 9:34 am

Iris- Sailor Star Gemini

"I agree with Cassidy. Maybe some of us should be publically seen, nothing obvious, but in small groups or individually around the Castle while a few of us go to investigate."

Focusing on her sister, she sent her a message telepathically. Did you want some company while you go into the dungeons? 
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Princess Moon
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 10:25 am

Reva - Sailor Star Aries

"Sounds good to me," Reva replied contently at Cassidy's suggestion, crossing her arms and smiling faintly. "If you don't mind, I'll pay a visit to our Queen's very own chamber and check if something's fishy over there. People tend to store their skeletons in closets, after all."

Convinced that the Queen would certainly hide something in her most private room, Reva then turned around and waved at her sisters, already pproaching the exit of the library.
"Say, Antares," she then, however, stopped walking for a second, turning her face to the side and looking at her younger sister. "Would you mind coming with me and keeping watch from some distance? She might be gone when I arrive - but I don't know when she'll return."
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 10:45 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars AZE9Lah

Delia continued to fret over this plan, even as the others volunteered. She hung back from the others, biting her fingernails, sure that this was a disaster waiting to happen. Reva was even going to snoop in the Queen's private chambers! That sounded so intensely dangerous to Delia, but she was afraid that her sisters would resent any of her warnings.

She cast a sideways glance at Floria, who stood closest to her. Long ago they had been very good friends, but now with their new awakening there was a distance between them that had yet to be closed. Delia found herself intensely regretting that at the moment. She desperately needed someone to talk to—someone who could help qualm all of her doomsday thoughts.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 1:02 pm

Sailor Star Scorpio- Antares

A little put off by Reva's rebuttal of her point, she tried to see it her way. Sure, there were a lot of guards, but Antares was still certain they could get away if the need arose. 

Some of her sisters definitely weren't comfortable doing any spying, so it was nice that Cassidy was giving them an out. She couldn't imagine Delia doing anything stealthy for too long... She nodded at Reva. 

"I'll accompany you." Antares moved to catch up with her oldest sister, secretly pleased that she had been trusted to help her. 
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Empress Vesta
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars I_icon_minitime10th December 2015, 2:49 pm

Emelia Astera - Sailor Star Capricorn

Emelia considered Cassidy's plan carefully, a hand to her chin in thought. It seemed like a good plan, though one they would have to go over meticulously to get exactly right. Reva was right, there were a lot of guards and they had to consider each and every one of them.

Cassidy had already volunteered for the dungeons, while Reva, ever the bold one, had taken claim to the Queen's chambers. The dungeons and the chambers were the two most obvious of places to look when spying on the Queen, so Emelia was glad to see those areas covered. So, carefully, she considered what she herself could contribute, since the two most obvious areas certainly weren't the only areas. Then, Emelia had an idea.

"I could transform," she said slowly. "I have powers over rock, so I could use those to feel alongside the walls. She could be hiding a secret room or passageway that we don't know about. But I'm going to need someone to cover for me and watch out for anyone wandering by, because me being transformed for seemingly no reason is going to look incredibly suspicious, so I'd need a warning beforehand. Also, if I find a rat or some other creature, I could ask it to watch for anything suspicious. As far as I know, I'm the only one around here with an affinity for animals, so it should work. Although I don't know." She cast a shadowy glance behind them. "If it turns out Queen Stella can talk to animals like I can, that could lead to disaster. What do you think?"

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