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 The Element Senshi, Again!

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Title : (∩`-´)⊃━☆゚.*・。magical weirdo, Original Saturn
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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime17th March 2016, 5:50 pm

The Element Senshi, Again! Elemental_senshi_rp_event_header_by_tsuki_no_kagayaki-d993voj

First Setting:
The continuation starts out with the non-transformed Senshi a few blocks away from the Recycling Plant. Following behind, are the curious civilians, who have suspicions about the situation. Why are these girls risking their lives to go to the place causing havoc throughout the city?

The sidewalks and streets are scattered with sludge piles contaminated with acid particles that will react to anything it touches. (Melting, burning, etc).

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She sits in the command center, looking at all of the security monitors that show her the city. Yes, she can see all, she can see them approaching.

Goals: Senshi transform as you make your way to the building!, Civilians, confront the Senshi! (Some fun ideas: what if a civvilian steps in the sludge and a Senshi has to save you? What if it drips from a building and a Senshi uses an attack to save you?! Have fun with it!)

Goal end: 3/19 9pm est
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime17th March 2016, 8:02 pm

Determined to get to the Recycling Plant first and investigate it, Carbon pushed ahead of the group of her fellow senshi and transformed. In a flash of what looked like carbon dust to obscure her form, she reappeared in her senshi outfit. The thought of anyone watching didn't even occur to her. Everyone else was in school, right?

"Come on guys, hurry up!" she said, turning to call back to them as she dodged the piles of sludge all over the place. Their town really was a mess now...
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Lotus Crystal


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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime17th March 2016, 8:11 pm

most everyone was in the school but one of the students decided to follow some others to see what had urged them so much to go to where the trouble was. Stephanie followed behind some girls trying to stay out of sight and avoid all the sludge and debris on the ground. "Man this stuff is gross.." She said hoping no one heard her.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 5:32 am

The Element Senshi, Again! VjkJBrL

When Carbon transformed it seemed to Magnesium that there was no reason to remain in her civilian identity. Still, she glanced around to see who might be nearby. It was hard enough to avoid unwanted attention thanks to her incredible success as a singer/performer with her booming online video channel. If it came out that she was also a sailor soldier, that would only put more focus on her—she couldn't get distracted by all that, she still needed to finish high school!

Due to her height, the object she ducked behind didn't quite hide her, but it was better than nothing. Moments later Sailor Magnesium dashed forward to follow Sailor Carbon. She certainly wasn't about to be left behind!

A few drops of sludge splashed down from somewhere nearby, corroding the closest material it touched. The green-haired girl shuddered.

"Ew, what a mess!" she complained to the others. "Could you just imagine what that could do to someone's hair? It would take months to regain their original style."

...Sometimes Magnesium's primary concerns were... less than useful.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 8:51 am

Xenon followed a little bit behind the other senshi girls.  She was heading to the Recycling Plant, like the others, but she had gotten distracted by a couple things, like making sure to avoid any of the sludge piles and thinking to herself how useful it could be if some scientist could safely capture some of that stuff and study it.  Plus, she had no problem with being by herself.

Xenon noticed Carbon hurry ahead of the rest of them and transform while continuing toward their destination.  Soon after that, she saw Magnesium duck off their path, presumably also to transform.

Xenon realized she’d better make sure nobody saw her transform; coming from a Noble family, she knew the reaction would be horrifying if any of her family members found out that she was a senshi and had risked her life in this situation.  Before she could find her own hiding place, she heard a faint “Man this stuff is gross..” behind her - from a female voice that couldn’t be another of the senshi girls.  So as soon as she could find a reasonable hiding place, Xenon ducked off their path into it, then transformed.  She followed that up by purposely waiting in her hiding place until she saw someone unfamiliar go by on the path to the Recycling Plant.  Sailor Xenon then hurried back onto their path; once she did, she saw a girl ahead of her with her hair in a rainbow of colors.  Sailor Xenon tried to project an air of authority as she called out to the girl ahead of her “What are you doing heading to the source of all the danger?”
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Lotus Crystal


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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 9:05 am

Stephanie saw another girl appear then disappear, then some other person called to her and she turned around, "ME? I would like to know the same thing about you..wait aren't you one of those Sailor Senshi? that must mean those other two girls are as well...this is COOL!" Stephanie was so excited that she had stepped backwards a bit and her shoes were now covered in sludge and she felt it immediately. She panicked and jumped but landed on her butt inches from another sludge pile. She screamed, "HELP ME!!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 12:18 pm

When the rainbow-haired girl pleaded with her to save her from the sludge, Sailor Xenon quickly assessed the girl’s grim situation (including the fact that another sludge pile was just barely behind her) and told her firmly “Whatever you do, don’t back up!  You’d get more of that bad stuff on you!  Now I can do my best to try to save your feet, but first you have to promise me you’ll never breathe a word about seeing us to anybody!”
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Lotus Crystal


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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 12:23 pm

Stephanie stared at the Senshi in fear for herself and answered, "Thats easy for you to say!! your not covered in this stuff..I promise...I really promise just help me already please!" Stephanie was frozen in her spot so to speak and she didn't plan on budging an inch.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : techno-geek senshi | A GC official lover of Sailor Mercury (duh) and Sailor Pluto | The GC Official Viluy
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PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 6:29 pm

Sailor Xenon just kept looking at the rainbow-haired girl impassively as she babbled about it being easy for her to say, waiting for the promise.  As the girl finally did promise, Sailor Xenon could tell the girl truly was scared for herself, so the senshi figured it must be genuine.  She then summoned her one attack that she figured could - and would - help the girl, calling out “Local Anesthetic Wind!” to create a small amount of locally-numbing gas and focusing this resulting gas at the girl’s feet.  Sailor Xenon figured this gas would act as a local anesthetic on the girl’s feet to prevent her from feeling any of the pain from there.

Then Sailor Xenon carefully positioned herself on the side of the rainbow-haired girl in which it’d be safest for her to move to get away from the sludge pile immediately behind her while also making sure to stay far enough from her that the girl couldn’t quickly retaliate against her or anything like that, followed by telling the girl in a serious tone “That should completely numb your feet and only your feet for a couple hours, preventing you from feeling any of the pain from that area.  However, I can’t reverse the actual damage that it’s doing to that part of your body, especially because I have no idea what exactly that bad material is.  For help with that, you may have to wait until we figure out what that material is, and unfortunately for you, I don’t know when that will be.  Now to escape doing damage to even more of your body from that bad stuff, you need to carefully move toward me.  Anyway, after you do that, now that you’ve pretty much figured out who we are, I figure a little introduction from you is in order.”
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 6:59 pm

AAiko Hitsugaya stalked as quietly as she could, keeping a distance from the strange procession. A few times she nearly walked into the path of that vile slime, and barely managed to hold back a startled squeak. Her entire body vibrated with excitement. A story was definitely in the air! Questions danced in her mind as she whispered into a small palm-sized taperecorder. Once everything went back to normal, she would surely get the editor in chief job with this story. She could see the headlines now, "On the Front Lines of Toxic Disaster". It made her shiver with eagerness, or maybe that was just nerves?

Why were these students heading toward the plant? They certainly were brave...but why them? Why not let the fire department or the police handle it?  It did not dawn on her that she too was heading to the plant, for obvious motives of her own. From time to time she snapped a photo of the group, but she had to conserve film for the real story at the plant.

Earlier, Aiko hought she had caught a flash of something from where she hid, but she could not be sure. However, their party now seemed to have weird clothes. She had to see better. Carefully creeping around a van she raised her camera just in time to see another strange girl whi was coming to the aid of one of Aiko's classmates.

But why were these strange people showing up? And where were the other classmates who had just been there? That was it. She had to have answers right now! Perhaps she felt a bit braver now that her fellow classmate had broken the ice so to speak, but she stood from her hiding spot, brushed debris from her skirt and jacket, and marched right into their midst, tape recorder running and camera in her other hand at the ready.

 "That was a nice save. I'm impressed. But how did you do that? What's your story? Where do you come from?" She let loose a barrage of questions, eyes boldly meeting her intended interviewee. "Sorry, where are my manners. Hitsugaya Aiko, Crystal High Reporter. Nice to meet you." Her tone was businesslike as she let the camera fall to hang around her neck and offered a firm hand.

Last edited by PoetofMercury on 18th March 2016, 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime18th March 2016, 7:08 pm

Stephanie looked at the girl and closed her eyes when she yelled something to apparently try to help her. She opened her eyes to find that her feet felt numb and didn't hurt anymore. Stephanie listened to further instructions and got up slowly and walking slowly to her savior. "My name is Stephanie on the swim team..I'm sorry I was rude before but to tell the truth all this stuff is interesting to I should be studying it or something. I know I should be back at the school and if you want I can try and make it back there.."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime19th March 2016, 12:18 am

As Sailor Xenon was focusing on the rainbow-haired girl, she almost didn’t notice another girl of about the same age come up to them.  But the senshi noticed the professionally-dressed girl just before she bravely spoke up.  Turning her head to focus on the new girl while also not letting the rainbow-haired girl out of her line of sight, the senshi let out a quiet, exasperated sigh just before the new girl started asking a bunch of questions.

Sailor Xenon listened to the questions while noticing the camera the new girl was holding and thinking about how she would respond.  The senshi was a little relieved, but only a little, when the new girl stopped the questions to let her camera drop to only hang from its strap around her neck and introduced herself.  Then her mind processed that this girl had introduced herself as a reporter.  ‘Oh, great,’ she thought sarcastically as she realized that a reporter was exactly what a daughter of a Noble family who was leading a secret double-life by risking her life did not need; the senshi looked towards the sky in annoyance for a brief second, wondering how she would get out of this mess without completely blowing her image.

Focusing on this reporter again, Sailor Xenon then spoke up politely “Nice to meet you, Hitsugaya-san.”  Hopefully this Aiko wasn’t a good enough reporter to be able to tell that statement was a lie.  The senshi bowed to Aiko respectfully before she realized this reporter expected a handshake; so upon returning to upright position, Sailor Xenon politely shook Aiko’s hand semi-firmly.   Then the senshi continued in the same polite tone as before (but this time telling the truth) “You may call me Sailor Xenon.  Now I’d like to request no pictures that could identify me, please.  And as for your other questions, a sailor senshi never tells those kinds of things.  Just know that I can’t do everything under the sun.”

Then Sailor Xenon switched her focus back to the rainbow-haired girl as the senshi noticed her standing up, while making sure to keep Aiko in her line of sight.  The senshi’s eyes went wide with surprise as the rainbow-haired girl successfully stood up and even took a few steps toward her.  Then she listened to the rainbow-haired girl’s introduction.  Figuring it explained some things, the senshi re-introduced herself then bowed respectfully and thought out loud to Stephanie “As you probably overheard, I’m Sailor Xenon.  So you’re an athlete, Sanders-san.  Maybe that’s why you can stand up and walk unassisted.  Many people with completely numb feet can’t even stand without holding on to something like crutches to support themselves.  Now this stuff is interesting - you’re correct about that - but it’s also dangerous.  So I’d suggest you be more careful from now on.  As for where you should go from here, I’d suggest instead the Emergency Room of the local hospital.  That’s your other good bet for fixing the problem that the bad material is still causing to your feet.”

Having finally finished with what she needed to do here to save face, Sailor Xenon followed that up by focusing on both of the girls equally while telling them in a serious tone “Now if both of you will please excuse me, I have a city to save.”  The senshi then turned away from them to continue on her former path.
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Lotus Crystal


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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime20th March 2016, 8:47 am

Stephanie turned to Akio as the senshi left, "well I guess your going to go follow them right? I think i still wanna go with you but I don't know how long this numbing stuff will last and Xenon or whatever is probably right..I should go to the hospital..hey me a favor ok? Get a bunch of info on this..I wanna know what happens ok?" Stephanie gave the thumbs up sign and carefully started back towards the hospital.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime20th March 2016, 7:17 pm

"Sailor...Xenon" Aiko said aloud thoughtfully, the name sounding foreign and yet really cool in an exotic way, like the name of a space alien from a comic book. As the budding journalist shook Xenon's hand, she could not help but think that this moment was so high on the cool scale the mercury was about to burst from the top.

The request for no photos hit her like a wet noodle to the face, rendering her momentarily speechless as she debated with herself. A journalists honor was a very serious thing. If she said yes, she could not back out on her word. But how could she not take photos of this fascinating stranger and her strange abilities?! It was like bringing a child to a candy store and telling them they were not allowed to have a piece. She bit her lip, just about to resign herself to acquiescing, knowing it would be the only way to earn trust and dig for more information from Xenon in the future, when the girl turned her attention back to her classmate.

While the fact that her classmate had been hurt by that ooze remotely triggered in her mind, her focus was entirely on Xenon. She brightened visibly when she heard the other woman say:

Quote :
“Now if both of you will please excuse me, I have a city to save.” 

Letting out an excited gasp she said "That's great! I love that line!" It was so heroic, so confident...and would make an excellent byline to the article. It dawned on her that she had not exactly said yes to Xenon's request. Did that mean she was free to take photos now? But she hadn't exactly said no to her either, so was that an assumed yes?

She was saved from the paradox of journalist etiquette by her classmate. She nodded. "I sure am. This is the story of a lifetime! A - are you going to be OK?" Aiko was torn, knowing she should probably accompany her to the hospital...but the story...making either choice tore at her. But at Stephanie's request her face brightened into a smile once more. "You've got it! I promise I'll give you the first exclusive peek once I get to the bottom of this! You can count on me!" She returned the thumbs up and then ran after the others with a bounce in her step.
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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime20th March 2016, 7:20 pm

The sludge drips and drops from the heights of the buildings, oozes from the cracks in the sidewalks, and gurgles from man holes on the streets. Suddenly, is begins to rush together to form one massive ooze. Is grows two giant arms dripping with dangerous acid, it's body melting onto the ground and reforming. It's eyes red, a mouth barely noticeable. The create was about 15 feet high.

"Destroy" She groaned as it looked at the Senshi.

Goal: Attack and destroy. Have fun, everyone may control the sludge beast, but I will play the final say when it is destroyed. Take turns, but don't mega-hog/game Wink Be sure to read what anyone else posts so you know what's happening Very Happy  Any contact with it's body leaves severe burns.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime20th March 2016, 9:57 pm

Sailor Xenon then continued on her way toward the Recycling Plant, walking at a quicker pace than before to try to catch up somewhat to where Sailor Magnesium was.  (Sure she preferred to be by herself, but she also didn't want to lose sight of the senshi ahead of her.)  Sailor Xenon had caught up most of the way to the distance behind Sailor Magnesium that she was before she stopped to talk to Stephanie when she heard a low-pitched, loud groan from her left side "Destroy".  This made her slow down and carefully look towards her left.

That's when Sailor Xenon saw the large creature made up of that sludge.  Seeing it for the first time made her stop and gasp in awe.  Now she was totally wishing some scientist would be able to capture and study that substance.  Thinking about what could be discovered from it, Sailor Xenon almost forgot that she was among the heroines charged with saving the city from creatures like it.  But it soon groaned loudly again, bringing her back to her senses.  She quickly went over her attack choices in her mind, soon choosing one.  She summoned this attack, quickly calling out "Radioactive Burst!", which sent a stream of high-energy particles at the large creature made of the sludge.  It didn't do damage upon impact, but its successful hit on the creature would do damage to it over time.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime22nd March 2016, 6:08 am

The Element Senshi, Again! VjkJBrL

She hadn't been able to assist when one of the poor civilians found themselves in the sludge, as her powers didn't provide anything useful in regards to neutralizing acid or unsticking people... but when the sludge beast roared above them, now Sailor Magnesium knew she could do something!

Sailor Xenon attacked first, but Magnesium was ready for the next strike.

"Shining Burst!" she called, sending a flare of blazing white light and intense heat towards the thing, intending to blind and damage it.
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Lotus Crystal


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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime23rd March 2016, 9:00 pm

The Element Senshi, Again! Sailor12

Sailor Carbon was initially annoyed when she saw Xenon stop running for some reason, but then she noticed that there was a civilian stuck in this strange sludge, and her attitude quickly changed. It was important that they also kept people safe during whatever weird crisis they were in, not just focus on themselves, and Carbon did feel a little bad for not helping.

The weird sludge started collecting, and quickly formed what looked like a toxic monster. Well at least they had a definite threat to handle now. Backing up Sailor Magnesium, Carbon went to attack it too.

"How about I redrawn that disgusting face of yours? Carbon Blade!" Little bits of carbon clumped together at her command until it shaped into a compact blade floating in front of her, sharp as metal. She swung her hand, and it slashed at the monster, cutting into its muddy body as if it were a hot knife.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime26th March 2016, 4:23 pm

While Sailor Magnesium and Sailor Carbon each took turns at hitting the sludge monster, Sailor Xenon looked around on the ground nearby for anything she could use as a weapon against it.  She soon found a spare, loose section of pipe from a construction site near where they were, and she picked it up, finding it was light enough for her to do so yet still heavy enough to be an effective weapon.  Then she saw Sailor Carbon finishing the slash/cut of her Carbon Blade against the sludge monster.  Sailor Xenon then figured she should take another pot-shot at it - and she knew exactly what she would do.

Holding the section of pipe out toward the sludge monster, Sailor Xenon collected her power and called out “Ion Thruster!” to propel herself at a very high speed towards the sludge monster.  As she sailed past it, she swung the pipe section at it, hitting its upper right arm (as opposed to the upper left arm, which she had hit with her Radioactive Burst before).  After she passed it by, Sailor Xenon safely slowed herself down to land on the ground a good 6 or 7 meters behind the sludge monster.  Then she turned around, both to see if any attacks were coming her way and to watch the next part of the action here.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 9:42 pm

Breathless, AIko caught up to the others, not a easy feat given the disgusting goop and the heavy satchel she was carrying with her schoolbooks, camera, and notebook. Truthfully she was a bit nervous creeping around this sludgy stuff, but it was also exhilarating, like imagining herself on the front lines as a war correspondant ducking gunfire.

But the young reporter did not have nerves made completely of steel. Goosebumpds sprouted all down her arms at a gruff voice saying "Destroy". "What ...was....that?" She said it as barely a whisper to herself as her eyes whipped to and fro.

When she saw it, she could not help but emit a startled squeak. Her mind could not even process what she was seeing. Eyes and mouth both open wide she stared at a giant towering monster. Her hands knew better than her frozen mind, as they scrabbled on her bag for her camera. And luckily she did, because at that moment Sailor Xenon was joined by other strangely clad women and put up a fight so spectacular Aiko could barely decide what to look at next.

One hand clicked the camera while the other turned on her recorder. finally coming to her senses enough to duck partly behind a light pole. Swallowing, she found her mouth dry, heart racing with equal parts terror and wonder. She spoke in a low voice into the recorder.  "Aiko Hitsugaya here on the outskirts of the power plant where it looks like some sort of souped up sludge monster is attacking the city. The monsters toxic trashing has been halted by several women in strange dress that seem to possess amazing powers. Are they space aliens come to save us? Where do they come from? Why are they here? And what does this mean for Crystal's Toxic tragedy?"
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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 5:50 pm

With all the attacks from the Senshi, the monster still stood strong. Lashing out, acid dripping, wet poison bubbling off the concrete in a snail trail whenever it moved. This Youma was seriously nasty. However, overtime the create got weak, and the Youma's master cringed at the monitor. 

"They are going to ruin this plan!" She screamed as she punched the screen. Her blow wasn't enough to break it, however where her fist had been it began crumbling away with an uneasy hiss, then a small fire started as the screen fell away and the plastic around the glass began to melt.

Goal: Go inside the recycling plant. Explore, be creative while noticing acid burns, more dripping ooze, and unstable environments.
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The Element Senshi, Again! Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Element Senshi, Again!   The Element Senshi, Again! I_icon_minitime30th March 2016, 7:36 pm

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