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 [Casual Event] Twelve Stars

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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime16th January 2016, 10:45 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 AZE9Lah

"It's not about rules," Delia insisted, thankful for the security and calm she felt due to Floria's proximity. "One mistake or even one hundred mistakes—there's no tipping point; no threshold. There's no 'point of no return'."

She searched for Antares, hoping to make eye contact with the younger woman and communicate that she shared the others' vocalized comments of forgiveness. It was a message for all of them—every last one of her sisters, even the poor misled Stella. Delia loved them. She would never stop loving them. They were her dearest, most precious sisters. They were an essential part of her life.

When the Queen reacted to Maia's comments, sending the orchid-haired woman flying across the room. Instinctively, Delia pulled away from the safety of her elder sister, rushing to her younger sister's side. She may not have been the most maternal of the older girls, but she couldn't bear the thought of harm coming to any of them.

"Are you alright?" she asked, always the one to expect the worst.

Now kneeling down near Maia's side, the pale-haired woman nodded at Cassidy's commentary. It wasn't that Delia was willing to simply brush aside all of the harm that Stella had done. Chaos was not the answer. Chaos would never replace the loneliness that the Queen felt. Chaos would warp and twist everything; it had already done so! Of course Stella was capable of love—and the others were capable of loving her. Delia felt sure that this was a second chance for all of them.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime16th January 2016, 1:49 pm

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 SailorStarLibra

"Maia!" Aria turned from Antares to rush to Maia's side but Delia had beat her too it. After hearing the seers confession that it was Stella that had brought the downfall of Astera, Aria clenched her fist, holding back anger. They had to forgive her sister and make her understand their love for her, but it seemed just talking wasn't going to do it. There was one plan though...she just had to try it.

Stretching her left hand towards the ceiling.

"Libra Star Power!"

With a flash Aria had transformed into Sailor Star Libra. "My star Libra, hear my prayer. Grant me your strength!"

Twirling her hands around wind began to surround her. She began to control the air currants, almost like bubbles of air with her hands. Her hands moved gracefully as if she were performing a dance. She then launched the air bubbles at Stella, aiming for her wrists in hope that they would bind her hands behind her back.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime17th January 2016, 7:23 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 X8cqew1

“Is it so wrong to want to be surrounded by my kin?” she asked bitterly, even as she wondered whether or not Cassidy was right. “Besides, we are meant to be united together. All thirteen of us. All I ever wanted was to unlock that potential. Don’t mistake it for something as silly as love.”

How idealistic Delia sounded. No point of no return? Even after killing as many people as she had? After obliterating a galaxy—her own, no less?

Aria’s transformation had caught her off guard, but even as the wind bound her hands, Stella just smiled in amusement. Her magic was far stronger than that of her sisters’—thanks to Chaos—but she was curious what plan they had in mind. For now she’d play along.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime17th January 2016, 11:11 am

Iris - Sailor Star Gemini 

With her sisters transformation, Iris decided to join her. There was no reasoning right now with their supposed sister. Maybe if they could subdue her...Or you could join her her mind whispered. No, never. She was the reason we died and we lost our home. I'll never join her!

"Gemini Star Power!" Raising her hand in the air, Iris quickly transformed. Feeling her power course through her veins, she used her power of duplication to make a copy of herself.
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime17th January 2016, 3:42 pm

Maia - Sailor Star Sagittarius

Before she could reassure Antares, the Queen reacted to her comment by throwing her across the room. A surprised exclamation left her mouth, then one of pain when she finally landed. She rolled until she stopped, motionless for a short moment before her started moving slowly. She growled in a shaky breath, a peak of frustration washing over her. Attacking her while she wasn't trying in any way to do her wrong was what Maia considered as proof of her own saying. She was confused about where exactly she was until Delia reached her, the dizziness in the younger's head fading as she blinked away the shock.

She looked up at Delia, slowly trying to push herself into a sitting position. "I-I'm fine." She answered carefully to her sister. "I think..." When she heard Aria and Iris transform, she turned a worried glance back to Delia. "We... we should go help? Maybe?" She let out, trying this time to stand.
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime17th January 2016, 9:30 pm

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 U5X2g4K
Floria had hoped that they would be able to leave Stella without a fight, leave her to her own while they tried to rebuild somewhere.  Now she wasn't sure how this would end, if it ever really ended.  If they others wanted a fight, well, she wasn't going to let them fight without her.  She couldn't even entertain the thought of not being able to protect them again...  She never wanted that feeling again.  Floria looked around at her sisters, heart broken that they had been pulled back into the fray so quickly with so little time for healing.  If Stella was the one who had defeated them before, then now was not the time for a battle.  Not when they were still recovering in some ways from their near deaths before.  They needed an out, somehow...  She turned and waved to get her sister's attention, "Cassidy, we can't fight now, can you figure something out?"  Then she transformed, ready to take anything her "sister" tried to attack them with, determined to protect once again.

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime19th January 2016, 6:22 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 AZE9Lah

"Yes, if you are alright," she responded to Maia's question if they should join the others. "But we need to be careful. She's so strong... she could destroy everything we care about all over again!"

She was thankful that the other girl seemed mostly alright, but she wished Cassidy were here to heal any injuries that Maia might have. It wasn't something Delia was capable of, but the auburn-haired sister was still engaged with Queen Stella. Hopefully Maia would be alright.

Like her sisters before her, Delia called upon her powers and transformed, now standing as Sailor Star Cancer. She wasn't sure what Sailor Star Libra was planning when she attacked Stella, but the gleam in the regal woman's eyes made Star Cancer feel only dread. Surely it was an indication of something awful that this ambassador of Chaos was planning. Delia furrowed her brow, trying to figure out what they could do to prevent another disaster. This could be the end, again!
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime19th January 2016, 8:01 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 L1E77CR

As the others began to transform, so did Cassidy. She could read minds even while untransformed, but her Sailor Crystal helped boost the power. “Virgo Star Power, Make Up!”

Floria caught her attention, and she looked around in worry. Floria was right; they couldn’t win against Stella. She had already decimated them easily before. Could they leave?

As if in answer to her question, a barrier began to form around the palace, a force field glowing purple that they could see through the windows.

“No one is going anywhere. You either die or you join me. Those are the only choices,” Stella answered the question for her.

But Sailor Star Virgo shook her head. “No, those aren’t the only options. You can also join us. You want to be surrounded with your family, well, here we are. But it cannot be with Chaos, too.”

They could win Stella over. They just needed to forgive her, and show her that she could be loved, too.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime19th January 2016, 8:46 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 SailorStarLibra

The smile Stella gave unnerved Sailor Star Libra. A voice nagged in the back of her mind, telling her that this would all be in vain. The voice grew louder when she noticed the barrier go up around the palace. Binding Stella was to hopefully prevent her from attempting to attack again, for now at least, and to give Star Libra a chance...

She took a deep breath, pushing the nagging voice to the back of her mind.  She prayed that her illusion and faint memories would work.  Closing her eyes, she began dredging up an old memory. One of their mother from so long ago.  As she began to remember this scene, using her powers, she projected an illusion in front of Stella. It was of their mother.

When Aria was in her early teens, she had once caught their mother crying. She hadn't meant to stumble upon the scene, she was just about to knock on her mother's bedroom door, which was slightly cracked open, when she heard the crying. From behind, it looked as if their mother was holding on to something. Between the crying and sobs, she could hear her talking. She didn't know if someone else was there or if she was just speaking her thoughts out loud. Aria projected all this at Stella.

"...What have I done?... My darling Stella..." At the time, Aria wondered who Stella was and why she had never heard the name before.

"I wish I could see you..." Their mother continued. She sounded to sad...and guilty. Aria had never seen her mother in this kind of state.

...I love you...  Her mothers crying intensified and she suddenly made a loud emotional outburst. I just want you back! Give her back to me! PLEASE!  

At that moment, Aria had jumped from the sudden yelling and she accidentally hit the door, making a loud knock. This caused her mother to turn and look at the door. Aria's eyes widened at the sight of her mother's tear stained face. It was wrought with anger, sadness and guilt...It almost seemed as if a part of her had died within her.  Scared and realizing she had seen something she wasn't supposed to, Aria took off running.

Her projected memory faded away. Star Libra sighed from tiredness of projecting such a personal memory for all to see. She still kept Stella's hands bounded but could feel herself weakening some. She looked at Stella to see her reaction and hoped her projection was enough to make her realize that she had been loved...
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th January 2016, 7:30 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Leo_zpsfxv3sujg
"This is so... selfish!" Eliane raised her head up and watched Stella right into her eyes with an angry look. "You said together we were going to be unbeatable but to me you just seem to seek power for your own wishes without thinking about the consequences... about us! We do not seek power to destroy the world. We use power to protect those we love and those we care for! But..."

Leo Star Power! Make up!

"... how dare you raise your dirty hands at one of us? We were twelve sisters, indeed. We were all different. We used to argue however we never attempted to hurt each other!" She then raised her right hand up and confidently shouted: Explosive Sunlight! A powerful shiny light ball was coming out of Eliane's hands. It illuminated the whole room. In fact the light emanated was so powerful you couldn't even stand to look at it. 

Eliane could feel her body's temperature raising up. She wasn't sure though if it was from her anger or the fact she didn't use her powers for such a long time.
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th January 2016, 8:12 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 X8cqew1

At first Stella didn’t really know what she was seeing. She never saw her mother before she was exiled, after all, but she did see the queen when she attacked the kingdom. At the time, she had only felt hatred towards the woman who had been responsible for all the misery in her life.

But now the sight of that woman crying gave her pause. And when the queen mentioned her name… Stella’s heart jumped. What is this?

The guilt… the sadness… the outburst looked so real and painful, heart-wrenching even, that Stella actually stepped back. She thought seeing her mother suffer would make her happy—and it indeed made her happy when she saw the kingdom crumble and the queen died—but this… this was something else.

The queen looked so desperate to get her back… but then… why? Why even get rid of Stella in the first place?

“What was that?” she demanded of Libra. “Was that just… a trick? It was, wasn’t it? My mother didn’t love me. She couldn’t have…”

Even as she tried to convince herself, her heart ached. What was this feeling?

Something had almost happened.

But then Eliane’s anger, directed toward her, pushed all of that away. Hatred. She could see it in this sister’s eyes… hatred that erased the love she just witnessed.

As the bright light filled the room, Stella freed her hands from Libra’s bindings quite easily and reflected the power of Leo’s light back to its owner twofold.

Suddenly Stella was filled with the same heat and the desire to burn everything to the ground.

“Yes. You all hate me. There is only ever hatred for me and that is all I am capable of giving back!”

A single tear escaped her eye, a remnant of what she had seen in the illusion before.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th January 2016, 9:37 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 AZE9Lah

Queen Stella's conflicted reaction to what Sailor Star Libra had shown gave Star Cancer an idea. Stella thought that she couldn't feel love. She thought that she couldn't understand forgiveness. She didn't have any frame of reference for these essential emotions, thanks to the terrible influence of Chaos. The woman shook her head, sending waves of the faded mauve hair flying. She felt only sorrow to think of that awful force tempting and leading astray her youngest sister, praying on the child's youth and loneliness.

The outburst from Star Leo seemed to turn the queen's wavering back to anger. No, that wouldn't do. They couldn't just fight her; she would learn nothing from violence.

Sailor Star Cancer closed her eyes and concentrated, calling on her powers.

Love... Show her my love... Share this love that I feel, the warm familial love I feel for all my sisters... she prayed, clasping her hands together.

A soft green glow emanated from the youthful-looking woman, the emotion spreading out and flowing over everyone else in the room. It was targeted at Queen Stella, but the general aura reached outward. It was a sensation of being warm and safe. A sensation of inner happiness and trust. Sailor Star Cancer wanted Queen Stella to feel it, to be reminded of a better path. To understand that there was not hate—that it did not have to be hatred that Stella felt. Star Cancer shared this emotion, hoping to reach out to the poor lonely child that should have been raised with them all.
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th January 2016, 5:15 pm

Emelia Astera - Sailor Star Capricorn

Emelia watched as the situation escalated. Already, Iris and Aria had transformed, followed by Cassidy and Eliane. While Emelia hoped that the situation could have been solved through reasoning, she saw that this was quickly coming to a fight.

"Capricorn Star Power, Make Up!" she shouted for the second time that day, and with a flash, Sailor Star Capricorn stood once again. She was still more willing to reason, but now she was ready in case she needed to help out one of her sisters. And sure enough, help was needed, when Leo directed an attack at the Queen, who just as easily deflected it back at the angry Senshi. Quickly Capricorn stomped her foot and a rock wall formed between Leo and the burst of light, acting as a shield.

"Stop fighting!" Capricorn shouted as the rock wall crumbled down. "We should still reason with her!"

Just at that moment, a warm, heavenly feeling enveloped the young Senshi, reminding her of the bond she shared towards her sisters. Capricorn felt a rush of affection towards them all, even the one claiming to hate them. She glanced over, and saw Cancer enveloped in a soft, green glow. Of course; the feeling had to be from her. Along with the feeling of love she felt a feeling of trust--trust in Cancer to dissuade Stella from hating them, trust in Stella to find love in her heart, and trust in everyone else to accept her.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th January 2016, 7:17 pm

Iris- Sailor Star Gemini 

"How about you stop putting words into my mouth," She said, eyes narrowed. "I never once said I hated you." Technically she hadn't. She thought her sister was insane, but she didn't hate her. She just wanted to stop her from doing anymore harm to anyone.
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime21st January 2016, 10:01 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 SailorStarLibra

Everything seemed to happen in slow motion for Star Libra. She began to protest to Stella's accusations, tears welling up at seeing the mix of emotions on Stella's face, but was interrupted by Elaine's outburst of anger. All Star Libra could do was cry out "NO!" as she watched Star Leo attack their sister. There was nothing she could do. That had to have been their last chance...

Sailor Star Libra had began to despair when she felt a warm energy, that could only be from one person. "Delia..." she whispered, smiling at her older sister.

"Capricorn is right. I believe in Stella, she's only being manipulated by Chaos!" Star Libra addressed Stella again, "I'm sorry for what we've done, what our mother did. What I showed you was real! My own memories...She loved each and every one of us, even you!"
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime22nd January 2016, 6:38 pm

Iris- Sailor Star Gemini

She wondered if what her sister was trying - sending the feeling of love to everyone - would work. Would it be able to break through Chaos?
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime24th January 2016, 3:15 am

As the love Delia sent spread into everyone’s hearts, including Stella, something strange began to happen. The black rounded brooch the queen was wearing on her chest began to crack. Love and hatred warred within her; disbelief fought against the desire to be welcomed into a family she had long yearned to have.

Upon noticing this, Virgo stepped forward and offered her hand to Stella with a smile. She touched her own chest, where her Sailor Crystal resided and tuned into the connection it had with all of her sisters’, joining them as one.

Stella looked at the offered hand with hesitation, but it was clear from her eyes that she wanted to be a part of them. After hearing Libra’s words, she closed her eyes, letting the tears fall, and touched Virgo’s offered hand.

Each sister felt their own Sailor Crystal flared in response as well as the feeling of a bond being strengthened. Suddenly, they felt powerful—more powerful than they had ever felt before together.

Stella’s black brooch cracked, and something bright shone in its place. The light was so blinding that for a moment no one could see what was happening.

When the light faded, a new person stood in Stella’s place. She was dressed in a senshi fuku just like the others, emanating light.

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 3u4nHa6

Virgo blinked in surprise, looking at her in wonder. “Who are you?” she whispered.

The woman before her smiled, every trace of her sinisterness gone.

“I am the last of the Zodiac Senshi, Sailor Star Ophiuchus.”

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Congratulations! You have unlocked the good ending! Feel free to continue posting to wrap things up, but we will finish this up in the next few days!
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime24th January 2016, 11:00 am

[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 AZE9Lah

She looked up, saw the change in the woman who now stood in a uniform like theirs and professed herself as the missing member of their team, and the tears welled up in her eyes. Sailor Star Ophiuchus... their youngest sister...

Sailor Star Cancer ran forward, the tears streaming back from her eyes, aiming to embrace her youngest sister in a warm and loving hug.

It didn't matter that she was exhausted from using her powers so intensely. They were finally reunited. They were finally together, without Chaos this time. They could be happy again. She wanted to enjoy every last second of it.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime24th January 2016, 11:06 am

Iris - Sailor Star Gemini

She hadn't seen that coming, although she was glad that their sister was joining them as a senshi. Maybe with her by their side they could rebuild their home.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Twelve Stars   [Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 I_icon_minitime24th January 2016, 9:57 pm

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[Casual Event] Twelve Stars - Page 4 7D4BA4k

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