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 [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 5:23 pm

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  XKuttWE

Within the Hydra Constellation there is a city full of people near the brightest star, Alphard. It is a place full of magic and ritual. The strongest of mages are those who are called Senshi. The Hydra Constellation is guarded by their own collection of senshi, one per each star in the constellation. Because magic is so commonplace to the Alphardians, and such magics can make it difficult to determine whether a person is truly a senshi or not, the royals decided to prepare a ritual to test and locate the true Senshi long ago. This ritual has served them well for many generations. The Rite begins as the reigning senshi grow older and pass over the mantle to the new wave of senshi. It is of the highest honor to be chosen to go through the Rite, and very few are ever selected by the royal counsel. It has been several years since the last Rite, and the current senshi were said to be some of the strongest in a very long time. But time takes it toll on everyone.  

And so now, the Rite of Legacy has begun again.


General Information and OOC thread for this event can be found here!


Casual Event Rules of Etiquette

  • Be mindful of other players!
    --Casual Events are often big and full of many different players, which is always fun and part of the charm! However, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play. We don't want anyone to get left behind! It's great to be enthusiastic towards the event, but if you notice that you are posting very often and very quickly, try to take a break and give the other players a chance to catch up to you! It's no fun to play alone, after all Very Happy
  • Read all posts!
    --Make sure to read all of the previous posts before you make your next one! This ensures that you don't miss out on something vital, and can help to keep your character from missing out on some fun interactions or appearing rude by accidentally ignoring others!
  • Keep an eye out for event goals!
    --The event host (Sailor Saturn) will often post a goal for everyone to reach for throughout a certain period of time. This is normally depicted in a quote box to make it stand out a little more! These are generally guidelines to try and help move the plot along, but they are not mandatory to complete.
  • Try to remain active!
    --Keeping a regular posting regimen helps keep the flow of the event going strong! And your character plays a vital part! Of course, things can come up and hinder you from posting, and there's nothing wrong with that. Simply let the event host (Sailor Saturn) know, or post in the OOC thread for the event!
  • If you have any concerns or problems, please contact the event host (Sailor Saturn)!
    --It can be about anything, whether you feel overwhelmed or lost, are having troubles with another player, or if you aren't sure what to post next, or even if you want to talk about the lousy day you've just had! The PM box is always open! <3


Like a Star @ heaven A Note About Magic:

Alphardians have an affinity for Fires and Poisons, though their magic is wide and varied, including things like telekinesis. However, this magic comes with a price, and the bigger the magic, or the more it is used, the weaker a character will get. Because of this, I'll be keeping an eye on how much magic is being used per character and will keep tallies. Each character has a different amount of magic they can use - one that has been practicing all their life would be able to use more magic than one who has just started. In the character roster, each character will have an icon next to their name:

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 means they are good to go with their magic reserves
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  2393257330 means they are beginning to feel the strain and should be a little careful
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  1322698128 means they are very close to being out and probably only have 1 or 2 more spells in them

When using magic, please only state that your character "attempts" to use their magic. In my next Host Post, I'll let you know whether or not the magic has worked!

Tiny things that don't affect the plot, or affect another person, can be the exception to these rules (meaning, you can have your character do it right away, and it won't take up your magical reserves). These are things like floating a tiny object as a nervous habit, or fixing your hair into a ponytail with your magic, or tying your shoes with magic xD If I deem the action too large, I might have to ask you to change it! We want to keep things in check, after all!

When in doubt, please ask me and we can figure it out together! This is the first run of this kind of system, so we will be working out the kinks together xD!

Character Claims

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Zeriel --- Eternal Knight
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Rusu --- Sailor Mercury
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Isra --- Dark Sportsnutd
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Kasya --- Cosmos-Hime
Sieliah --- CrystalBunny
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Latheli --- Brit-chan
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Ethon --- Sailor Saturn
[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  4011577294 Samae --- Sailor Jupiter


Current Goal:

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 20th January 2017, 5:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 5:30 pm

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  VZ18iTy

It was cold and quiet. The assembled group had been brought to the Alphardian castle and then down, and down, further than even the dungeons, until they all stopped in front of a metallic green door, rippling with magic and symbols. Above it, the symbol of their home, the Hydra Constellation, glowed bright and strong. Stone stacked upon stone, moss-covered and damp with condensation, the room they stood in was empty. The only other light came from the small bubbles of captured flames that the mages brought with them to act as lanterns.

In the silence, a thrum of power could be felt deep in a person's being.

The mages followed the senshi, those they wished to replace, to protect everyone in their place. These senshi had worked long and hard. Though they still appeared outwardly youthful, there was an uneasiness to their steps, a slowness to the pace they kept. Their eyes told stories upon stories of wisdom won through battle.

But they still emitted an aura of strength, one that could not be denied even if it had lessened over the years. Sailor Alpha Hydrae stood the closest to the mages - the leader of the Hydra Senshi - and fanning out beside her were Sailors Gamma, Zeta, Beta, Sigma, Epsilon, Nu, Delta, and Rho Hydrae. There were a few missing, their presence needed elsewhere.

Alpha stepped forward. "You've all been given a pendant - this is to monitor you, as well as to give you a quick way to escape, should the need arise. This Rite is a dangerous endeavor, it is not without its risks. This is why we give you this pendant - if there comes a time in which you feel you no longer wish to participate, if you find yourself too frightened to continue, open the pendant and press the button. One of us will come and get you." She paused. "Likewise, if you become incapacitated, your comrades can press the button for you, so that was may retrieve you as they continue forward."

Gamma grinned, interrupting. "Alpha, you're always so serious. You'd think we're sending them to their doom."

"We might be," came the reply. Straight and honest and without a hint of emotion.

Behind her leader, Gamma gave a small shrug towards the chosen mages but fell silent.

"The Rite changes per opening," Alpha continued. She looked to each mage in turn as she spoke. "No one knows what you face in your journey through its passages, but be prepared for anything. There could be puzzles, mazes, traps, and monsters."

Zeta spoke then, a kind smile on her face. The eldest of all the senshi, her hair was grey at the roots. "But don't fret, use the pendants if you get into a situation that is too difficult. We will help you. There is no shame in needing to leave - the senshi life is not for everyone, you see."

Alpha shifted. "Think before pressing that button," she said. "It will mean that we come to help you escape, yes, but it also means that you will not be able to enter ever again. There are no repeats of the Rite of Legacy."

There was a pause as she and the other senshi moved out of the way. For a moment, it was silent as everyone stared at the metallic door in front of them. Then, as one, the senshi's hands began to glow, and the door glowed with them.

The sound of metal scraping against stone echoed through the chamber as the door slid out of the way, and the passage to the Rite was opened.

Alpha gestured for the mages to continue forth. "Go, and find your destinies within."

"And have fun!" Gamma added in, completely ignoring the unamused look her leader sent her.

Nothing could be seen through the opened passage way, a magical barrier shimmered where the door once stood.

One could only wonder what awaited inside.

Host wrote:

Goal: Show us your characters reactions to everything is happening! What are they thinking right now? Are they afraid, excited, curious? Are they the first to go inside, or do they wait towards the back?  

Try to reach this goal by the end of January 17th!
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime15th January 2017, 7:26 pm

The architecture of the Alphardian castle was probably worthy of note, but Zeriel's focus was elsewhere. Surely his interest lied inside, but rocks, marble or diamonds were barely of import when compared to the fact that this was it. Though he expected the call (albeit not as arrogantly as he appeared), there was a satisfaction in a certitude becoming reality. He sought not the glory it could bring (for glorious were the soldiers protecting them), but rather the use his magic could get beyond a simple entertainer; helper of nervous minds. Or maybe was it a way to will the boredom away. Magic was a habit of his that filled his life since as far as he could remember, but though he wandered long and far, challenges were not, against all odd, so easily found.

If he noticed a certain tiredness in those faltering steps, he said nothing, keeping a solemn silence all the way down and when they finally stopped with the senshi his cape slowly moved to fix itself properly on his shoulders, like anyone would fix a collar or a tie. Except Zeriel barely motioned, a small shrug; him chasing a nervosity that was unwelcomed perhaps.

The pendant seemed to gain in weight as it was spoken of, but Zeriel wasn't afraid. What might await them behind those doors, he was ready to face it.

He had taken a small amount of time to glance subtly at the women - and a man -, chosen as well, but it was hard to tell their personalities right away without something to provoke a reaction out of them. Surely, they would need to work as a team. Or were those tasks personalized?

Gamma's comment brought up a small grin to his face.

He preferred that to the very grim conversation. Magic was dangerous. A test, a Rite of Legacy, a fight; nothing would change this simple fact. Even if he had kept wandering, ignoring the call, using his magic was risking being hurt by it.

Magic had a price.

He was more than happy to dance on its limit if it allowed him to go through that.

Zeta almost brought a grimace to his face, but it stayed respectfully blank. Perhaps was he proud, but the idea of giving up in the middle of the task ahead, no matter how dire, made him shudder. Alpha's words cemented his determination. One chance only. He had no desire to back down now.

He bowed his head with respect, hiding in the motion the smile that was yet again triggered by Gamma. A shame these senshi would give their places. He was sure knowledge was to be had if one was to be allowed in their presence in some other circumstances than these.

Had he always been fiddling with his ring? it was floating in between his fingers aimlessly, hidden under the lenght of his cape.

Was it nervousness or the dread to fail in front of many?

He simply started to walk slowly toward the door, sure the others would have done the same anyway. They came here exactly for this, right? He couldn't be the only one wishing to start now, as soon as possible. Not because he was entirely certain of his victory, but because standing in front of the open doors without purpose didn't enchant him.

And into the unknown he went, albeit not too quickly, so he wouldn't be separated from the group if they decided not to go in right away.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 7:22 am

The girl twirled her fingers nervously around strands of one dark pigtail. She hung near the back of the group, although her curiosity kept the soft lavender eyes focused on the legendary sailor soldiers and their explanations. As those learned fighters stated the purpose of the pendant previously presented to her, the fingers moved from her hair to fidget instead with the golden chain. In a way, she felt safe knowing that she had an escape route. But she also felt uncomfortable that such a thing was necessary at all.

Rusu still couldn't believe that she had been summoned for the Rite. Surrounding her at this moment were mages from all across the Hydra Constellation. She didn't really know them, but she could tell they had powers far greater than hers. After all, she was only recently aware of her own abilities. That in and of itself should have disqualified her for something as important as the Rite of Legacy.

Why, then, was she here? Why had they selected her for this incredible honor? Surely anyone with sense could understand that someone so inexperienced was guaranteed to fail at this test. But she couldn't refuse it. Her mother and father had been so proud when the notice was received. Turning it down would have been letting them down, even though she would have rather stayed at home. Rusu had swallowed her feelings and let herself be carried along with their excitement, even though she didn't share it.

When one of the others, a man in a long dark cloak, strode towards the revealed doorway, Rusu saw a sudden image of her own self left behind in this distant stone corridor with the Hydra Senshi smiling ruefully at the pitiable young mage. She felt the hairs on the back of her neck rise, and she took a deep breath. That vision could not be what actually comes to pass. There was no point in coming here if she couldn't even take the first step forward! Despite her shaking legs, she walked forward. She didn't really want to be second to pass through that gate, but she wasn't going to be the very last.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime16th January 2017, 11:09 am


Isra stood around with the others listening to what the senshi were saying while looking around at the area.As Alpha and Gamma finished speaking, Isra came forward bumping a few others on the way plus noticing her Brother Ethon there as well.. "New Senshi coming through...I will be finishing this trial and be the best you all have ever seen..including you Brother. This is made for me...i Love using magic...its so fun...and if any of you have a problem..then keep it to your self..." She then stood in the front looking at her Brother and the others..
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 1:52 am


Kasya wasn't surprised with the summons per-say. She'd always been aware her magic was there. However, she'd always hoped that she'd never get picked for anything. And look how that turned out.

Here she was, standing in front of the entrance of some labyrinth with a group of other individuals that she didn't know who had also been summoned. The Alphardian castle was definitely giving off the quite formidable atmosphere; an atmosphere that increased with each word that the senshi spoke.

And as this formidable atmosphere increased, so did her eagerness to get going.

You see, it's not that she detested being summoned to do challenged-it was the fact that it involved magic that irritated her. Kasya always felt as though magic was a form of cheating, since the ability
 to use it seemed rather random. What about the poor folk who had no affinity? They'd just sweat and toil all day, while magic users have it so much easier! This never seemed fair to her, which is why when she sensed the ability to use magic she simply ignored it.

Though it seemed that she couldn't ignore it now, given the look of things. At least the idea of dodging traps and fighting monsters was exciting. She cracked her knuckles, and they resounded rather loudly amongst the stone walls.

Magic or no magic, this was going to be fun.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 7:58 am


tip, tap, tip, tap. The wooden thud of her cane always preceded Samae's walk, its gentle sounds muffled by the mossy walls of the chamber. Damp air prickled her skin as she walked, dark plait tapping softly against the center of her back. They were deep underground. Of this, she had no doubt.

That she had been summoned here at all was a curious choice. She, who so openly relied upon and yet defied magic, its push-pull, give-take. It was a poison she had to drink in order to live. Yes, her addition to the group was, indeed, a mystery.

"You've all been given a pendant," began the leader of the Hydra senshi. As Alpha's explanation wore on, the hint of a snarl seeped into Samae's face. No shame in needing to leave? An escape? Were she not in front of venerated senshi, she might have spat. No one was safe. There was no convenient "escape" from magic, sweet though it sounded. It coursed through everything, every rock, every stone; a strong current that swept along everyone in its wake. If you waded into the river too deep, lost your way for just one moment, it came with a price.

Still, her summons was no mistake. She made her way to toward the barrier.

"New Senshi coming through... This is made for me... I Love using magic... it's so fun..." twittered one of the gathered.

Samae halted her gait. "HAH!" she roared, cracking her staff sharply against the stones underfoot. She threw back her head, looking wild. "FOOL. You know nothing of payment, of magic, of sacrifice." She hissed the last word through clenched teeth, and resumed her steady gait to the portal.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 8:40 am

Rusu jumped when another gathered mage, the one tapping a cane against the ground, spoke out. The words laced with bitterness and judgment stung. She hadn't been the one to make any bold claims of passing the rite, but she couldn't shake the feeling that the girl's words were directed to her, as well. It was true, after all, wasn't it? She knew nothing of payment, of magic, or of sacrifice.

The dark-haired girl paused in her progression towards the doorway, pulling back with the wave of indecision and doubt. She didn't belong here, with these practiced mages. They were fit to be sailor soldiers—they had proven it in other ways just to qualify to be present here at this ritual. But herself... Rusu certainly couldn't say the same. She was marked for failure well before she even started.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 9:05 am

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  KiSp16J

As a Royal Guard, Ethon had often gone to the depths of the Alphardian Castle. He was used to the passages and the cells and damp and the cold. But this place...  He didn't even know the Castle extended this far down. It spoke of eerie things that even had him feeling nervous, and there were echoes of great power that couldn't be explained.

It both excited him, and left him in awe.

It still had not properly sunk in that he was here, about to enter the Rite of Legacy. A part of him wanted to ask, to make sure they were certain that they wanted him. But fear of the answer kept him from asking. Instead, he would do his best to be worthy of the summons.

He listened and tried to memorize every single word that the senshi told them. He would have to keep it all in mind to do his best, and any advice from these revered warriors would be a great asset.

And now it was time to go forward. As ready as he was to tackle what lay ahead, Ethon knew he couldn't be the first to go. He had Isra to worry about, and he wanted to keep an eye on everyone else, too, to make sure everyone got through this in one piece. He wasn't a Guard for nothing, and that desire to protect was hard to quell, even in a mission with potential for backstabbing and fighting.  

Of course, he didn't have to wait long for Isra. Striding forward in all the confidence of the young and powerful, she nudged others out of the way to get up towards the front. He tried to hide his grimace - did she have to be so... her? - but then played it off with a smile. After all, what else had he truly expected?

Though it appeared she was not the only one wishing to make her presence known. Another woman wielding a staff came forward. Well, they would certainly make a loud pair.

"Sorry about her," he said. trying to soften the atmosphere. He gave a small laugh and rubbed at the back of his head. Without his sword and shield, he didn't know what to do with his hands. "Isra's always been a bit...excited?" He glanced at all of them in turn during his apology, memorizing their faces at the same time. His eyes lingered for a second longer on the male in the purple cloak, before he found the smallest of their group.

She had pulled back in her movements towards the door, and Ethon frowned at seeing her distance herself. He wasn't sure how young she was, but he could sense a nervousness. It was his job to notice nervous individuals - they were often unpredictable.

He approached, and leaned down a little so that he didn't tower over her so completely - he often forgot his own height, and tried to remember that it could be intimidating at times. "You okay?" he asked in a soft voice. He smiled sheepishly then. "I have to admit, I'm quite overwhelmed by all of this. I'm just a Guard, you see. But...want to help each other get through this first hurdle together?" He paused, before another small smile. "Oh, my name's Ethon, by the way."

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 16th March 2017, 8:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 9:22 am


He stopped in the middle of the doors, closing his eyes. His fingers came slowly play with his chin in a pensive gesture as he opened his eyes again and turned, not surprised to see most of the others still stalling. The thought wasn't annoyed, but a reflection of what he was seeing. His eyes stopped on the other male with what seemed like a very young girl and he almost smiled. But this one he held, for smiles that weren't grin or smirk revealed too much.

He wasn't too fond of small talk but already it seemed that any necessary teamwork, would the need arise, announced itself to be rather complicated. More so if the cane woman traumatized every young soul before they even entered the Rite.

"Living is full of sacrifices and compromises." He started, his voice so low it normally wouldn't have been heard, and yet his words were crystal clear. "If you are not ready to live, then why are you here?"

There was no reproach or arrogance. A simple question. A simple fact.

Last edited by Eternal Knight on 17th January 2017, 10:16 am; edited 3 times in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 9:28 am

She flushed even brighter than usual at being singled out by someone else, although she couldn't deny that she was also extremely grateful to have been approached. She wasn't sure she really had the nerve for it herself, surrounded by so many talented individuals. What exactly would Rusu say to any of them: "Nice to meet you—you have magical ability and sort-of I do, so let's be friends"? That was awful and embarrassing. No way.

"Rusu," she replied, her voice squeakier than she had expected. Even worse.

"Nice to meet you. And thanks." It sounded a little bit better, but not by much.

"I'm just... Um, well, the Rite is so important. I would just... well, you see... um, slow you down."

The commentary from the man in the cloak, the one she had initially moved to follow, confused her. Not that she didn't understand what he said—her feelings seemed confused. Was she ready to live? Was that why she had accepted? Not just because she wanted her parents to be proud of her? Or maybe that was it all along? Did that mean that she should be here? Did it mean that she shouldn't?
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime17th January 2017, 10:07 am


Listening with the most extreme attentiveness, Latheli soaked in everything that the revered Hydra Senshi spoke of. She fingered the pendant around her neck once it was mentioned, determined to never have to use it. After years of practicing magic on her own with no one believing her, she was ready to show the world her worth. Latheli glanced around at the group, some seemed confident, one of the men already heading towards the entrance and others...not so much.

She understood that feeling. It took her quite some time to over come her confidence issues, especially when everyone in her life couldn't have been even bothered to notice her or her abilities. She was just a maid but now she could be something else. This wasn't the time to let insecurities keep you down. Soon, the one named Isra was pushing her way to the front declaring how excited she was. Latheli wanted to laugh at her as she was clearly over confident. It was important to know your limits after all.

The loud embittered voice that chastised Isra made Latheli grimace. It seemed the woman was blind with the way she used her cane, an accident she assumed, but she hoped her behavior wouldn't affect the team work Latheli knew was necessary for the tasks.

The man who was leading the way paused and questioned the bitter lady, but Latheli felt it was addressed at them all.

"I don't know about the rest of you but I'm ready to live life, no matter what challenges come my way," she stated it loud enough for the group to hear with as much confidence as she could muster. She wasn't used to speaking out as a maid but these people were not her Masters or Mistresses, they were her peers.

She strode forward to the door only pausing when she got next to the man at the entrance, looking at him pointedly wondering if he would finally go in or if she'd have to ask him to move out the way.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : GC's Dark Mercury.RAINBOW DASH BEST PONY!
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime18th January 2017, 10:29 am


Isra was looking at the others when one of them begun to yell at her. She looked at the loud one and noticed she was blind.. "Hey Crazy-cane lady...why are you even here.. your well can you see if at all..You know I hate to say it..wait no I don't..your probably the first one to go or chicken out.. and another thing...DON'T yell at me...My brother is a royal guard...and if you think what you might face here is bad..wait till you have to deal with my brother and his other Guard friends"
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime18th January 2017, 2:21 pm


"The little one babbles, eh? So full of confidence and pepper, so full of words," muttered Samae. "No matter. You will learn the weight of magic soon enough, with or without my counsel."

As she spoke the words, she seemed to look directly at Isra, though her eyes remained glazed and foggy.

"And you," she turned to Zeriel, "If one is willing to live, they must also be willing to die. Is it not so?"

She laughed again, an awkward cackling caw, and stepped forward through the portal to meet whatever fate lie ahead.

Last edited by Sailor Jupiter on 19th January 2017, 11:23 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime18th January 2017, 6:04 pm


A young woman joined him near the portal and seemed to wait on him to move. She had answered his question too and her answer satisfied him. He heard the voice of the first girl, the one he had chosen to ignore for its arrogance and found himself tuning out again, not interested in such a boastful character. His eyes went to the blind woman, however, when she spoke, and an amused smile stretched his lips.

"Isn't death only the biggest sacrifice life asks of us?"

He asked, the amusement she couldn't see in his eyes obvious in his tone. He was enjoying this. If she had a more cynical view, she was interesting and immovable. Maybe this could still work. He doubted about the arrogant girl, but they would see, if she was really worth something or not.

"Let us depart then." He called for those who seemed to be still hesitant, in case they needed a hand in moving, then crossed the door.
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime18th January 2017, 8:20 pm

She reacted almost automatically at the announcement from the man near the portal, taking an involuntary step forward, almost completely ignoring the fact that she had been somewhat engaged in an awkward attempt at conversation with the kind-seeming guard. As she moved, Rusu felt her fingers twitch, itching to reach up and play with her hair or the mint green ribbons she wore—anything to redirect that nervous energy. She didn't want to be left behind. She didn't want to be the one person so obviously not prepared to even start the trials. It was true, of course, but that didn't mean she needed it broadcast so clearly.

"Um... We should go, I guess." She stumbled over the words, her light-coloured eyes unable to make eye contact with the young man so near to her.

Rusu didn't even seem to notice that her current statement appeared to contradict what she had said to him only seconds before. Was she even accepting his generous offer or not? It's unlikely that she could have answered that question. Her mind was focused only on entering the portal and beginning the Rite.
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime19th January 2017, 10:20 am


Isra listend to what the blind Mage had to say and inside she believed her a bit but as she was going to say something to her Isra noticed the women went into the portal. "HEY!!" she then ran through and waited for her brother. No matter how much they fought and how much Isra did wrong things she still loved her brother.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime20th January 2017, 6:15 am


Latheli cocked an eye brow at the bitter woman, but the banter between old cranky and the man she was standing next to made her smirk. She was used to dealing with these different types, having served nearly hundreds of nobles on top of the royal family. Although Latheli was a little nervous, she felt relief at being able to talk to these people normally, despite some of them being a bit odd. She was used to the speak only when spoken to manners and then the softly whispered gossip between the maids, which never really interested her. Gossip was just a form of entertainment for the other maids.

She watched as now three of them had gone ahead of her. So much for getting ahead of the group. With a determined look on her face, Latheli stepped through the portal. Nothing could stop her now.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime20th January 2017, 4:49 pm

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  KiSp16J

It was hard to concentrate too much on what the purple-cloaked man was saying when his face was so distracting. It should have been hard to hear the words at all, they were spoken soft as a whisper, but the words came through clearly.

Before he could contemplate the words themselves, however, his attention was brought back to little Rusu.

Ethon blinked at the younger girl, her words striking a chord that was far too sad for such a young person: "I would just... well, you see... um, slow you down."

He wanted to reassure her, to tell her that there was a reason she was here with them all now. The Rite wouldn't have picked a random person. Though the words felt slightly hollow, even to his own mind. They were the same words he had to convince himself of, when first finding out about his own choosing.

He played it off with another smile, about to try and impart some sort of - hopefully - comforting words. But the sound of his sister's voice cut him off, causing him to stumble and lose his train of thought. He should have expected it, really. After all, how many times had Isra distracted him in the past? But her bragging of his rank in the Royal Guard always left him feeling rather embarassed, and it was the same even here.

Ethon found himself listening to the rest of the conversations, having yet to say anything else, and then the moment was over. His chance to impart whatever wisdoms was completely ruined now.

Feeling rather like a deflated balloon, he looked back to Rusu as the smaller girl spoke once more. But again, before he could get any words out, his sister's oh-so-sweet voice interrupted him, beckoning. She was nothing if not spirited.

All he could do at that point was to let out a small laugh and give a shake of his head. "Let us depart, then, before this whole place crumbles from the yelling."  

With a small bow towards her, he turned and walked towards the portal - his pace slow enough for the shorter girl to keep up if she chose to.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 16th March 2017, 8:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime20th January 2017, 5:09 pm

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  VZ18iTy

As some mages stepped through the portal, they felt a strange power, like cool water trickling down their skin, keeping them from passing as the cold power spread. Finally, something gave way, and allowed them to slip past to the other side.

However, other mages attempted to make it through the passage, but found themselves blocked. They tried again, desperate now, but the portal would not let them through.

This, it seemed, had been their first test.

Quote :
If you have yet to make a post thus far, your character is no longer able to continue in the Rite of Legacy!

Umah, Atien, Kiran, Tarilye, Bezal, Laserie and Sieliah have found themselves unable to pass through the portal.

Beyond the closing portal, the air feels stale and cold. There is light, at least, in the form of burning torches hanging along the wall. The room itself is wide and largely empty. There are items littered along the floor - empty bottles, satchels, some swords and staves and other such weapons. Even bits of armor. The mages get the feeling that these items have been here for a long time, but none of the object show signs of wear.

The only other thing of note in the room is that of the door. It faces directly opposite from where the mages came through. It is a normal size, wooden with runic-like markings burned into its surface, and a golden doorknob. Written above the door are the words: "The password is Open."

Quote :
Goal: Explore and react! How do they feel knowing they've passed their first test? What do they think of this room they're in? Do they go to look at some of the items? Pick up a torch? Inspect the door?

No specific timeline on this one, we'll take it as it goes xD!
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime22nd January 2017, 2:31 am

Rusu released the breath she didn't (until that moment) know she had been holding. The group assembled here was smaller.

It was a test.

Somehow, she had passed it. She really couldn't have imagined that she would, but whatever forces guided this sacred Rite had determined that she was worthy of at least coming this far. Her pale eyes glanced over the room, looking at the objects available. Most of them appeared to be weapons or armor... how strange. She knelt down, gently running her fingers across the surface of a smooth shield.

Would she sense anything from this strange place?
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime22nd January 2017, 8:43 am


Isra looked around the room once she got into it with the others, seeing the armor and weapons and things then she noticed the stuff above the door. After she read it, she asked out loud, "The password is OPEN?? Open what...Open please.. Can anyone else figure this out, I don't wanna do everything in here to start us off.." She then looked at the walls for traps.."Oh and watch out for wall traps and tripwires..if that wasn't obvious enough"
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime23rd January 2017, 10:59 am


Not everyone made it on the other side.

"This is one way to clean the numbers."

As he looked around, he noticed most of those who had been able to walk through the door were those he expected - except Isra who he wondered how and why she had been chosen. She was an arrogant child with more mouth than brain and an annoying tendency of being... useless.

They were aware already of everything she said, but apart from a small pinch at his lips, he didn't say, or do, anything that could have tell his inner thoughts.

He stayed in the middle of the room, analyzing everything he could see, attempting to mentally feel for magic, traces of it, possible traps or even to see if his mind could pass the door. He wasn't sure this would work inside the Rite, perhaps was it hidden enough, perhaps was it protected against powers of his kind, but it was worth trying. His eyes slowly started to shine of a purple glow as he ignored Isra's voice to focus.

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime23rd January 2017, 12:37 pm

[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  VZ18iTy
Quote :
Zeriel feels some traces of magic - they're hard to feel at first, almost as though they've worn down to nearly nothing, but they are still there. He can also feel something else - something alive? He doesn't detect any traps, and when attempting to mentally pass the door, he is blocked.


[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  KiSp16J

Stepping past the portal, Ethon was thankful to feel solid ground beneath his feet again. He shivered against the residual cold on his skin, and glanced back towards where they had come from. He was ready to help any others coming through - as it was rather a weird, albeit tiny, journey.

He only was able to see it for a moment longer before the portal closed, leaving nothing behind in its wake. Ethon blinked, twice, placing his hand up against the cool stones of the wall. But there were still others to come through. Where had they gone? Was it possible they had lost their way inside?

Ethon frowned, before coming to the realization that it must have been a test of some sort. The senshi had mentioned that not everyone would be able to make it all the way.

He felt a slight twinge of guilt for those left behind - even as he felt a bit of exhilaration in knowing that this meant there were fewer mages around to take up the coveted spots.

But then he felt even more guilt for thinking such a thing, so Ethon stopped thinking altogether and turned away from the empty wall to take in his surroundings. There was nothing he could do for the mages who had been left behind, and he needed to focus on his task at hand. There must be another test of some sort waiting for them in here, too.

He heard his sister's voice, and he glanced over to where she stood. The words engraved above the only door caught his attention, and he tilted his head to one side as he read them. Open? Well, it would be nice if the door did open, yes.

Ethon ignored that for a moment and instead focused on the items littered along the floor. Strange. Lots of armor and weapons. He reached down and picked up a long sword. For having been here for who knew how long, it was in good shape. It felt balanced in his hand, and he was glad to have the weight of a weapon in his grasp again. He swung it through the air a couple of times as a test, before deciding that he would hang on to it.

He cursed himself for leaving behind his own weapon, a beautiful broadsword. He'd thought it would be frowned upon to bring it to a place meant for magic. But he figured that this particular sword would do more good in his hands than lying on the floor for another couple generations.

Besides, he argued to himself, he did his best magic through objects anyway.

After rummaging around a little more, he also found a buckler to go with it. Unlike the sword, it wasn't as good quality - just a few planks of wood lashed together by metal. Nothing at all like his tower shield he'd left behind. But there was nothing else for it. It would surely block a hit or two at the very least.

Feeling more at ease, Ethon turned his attention back towards the others, looking from one to the other before settling on the man in the purple cape. Had his eyes always shone such a brilliant purple?

Realizing he was staring, Ethon decidedly looked away and started to make his way towards Isra instead. Time to inspect the door.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 16th March 2017, 8:48 am; edited 2 times in total
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime23rd January 2017, 7:16 pm


At the sound of the portal closing behind them, Latheli turned to look behind her. The others didn't make it through...So that was a test. It was so simple yet they failed. She sighed, knowing there needed to be some form of teamwork here and they had less people. Looking around the room, she figured at least with fewer people there'd be fewer arguments.

The arrogant girl, Isra, began prattling on again. Latheli couldn't mask the look of annoyance on her face. For all that attitude she sure was useless. One of the guys, a guard from the palace--Ethon was his name, right?--was inspecting the weapons on the ground. Latheli furrowed her brows in though, touching her hand to her chin. She watched as he picked one up, taking notice of caped man attempting to get a read on the door with his magic.

Latheli had a feeling that once the door was open, despite her magic, having a weapon wouldn't be such a bad idea. What if they had to fight some magic resistant monster or something? She had heard stories in passing of the ritual. Surprises at every corner. Expect the unexpected.

She walked next to Ethon, using her magic to lift one of the swords to her hand. She swung it awkwardly a few times.

"I've never used one of these before," she spoke up sheepishly, "but I have a feeling it might come in handy once we open the door. Why else would they have these laying around? They look so old...but hardly used."

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime23rd January 2017, 7:35 pm


Kasya had ignored most of the conversations and arguments that had transpired among the group of assembled mages, though she did keep an eye on Samae and Irsa. Two things were on her mind about them, what why was Irsa such a loudmouth and why was Same so serious? Then again, Kasya had never really paid attention to her own magical abilities, so who's to say Irsa didn't step on some toes? (Or at least Samae's toes.)

"Cmonnnnn let's just get going already!" She groaned impatiently-and her impatient mood wasn't to last. The group was given the signal to move forward, and Kasya did so with great gusto. She didn't make it too far in the room before she noticed the group had shrunk. She wondered breifly as to why that was before the glimmer of metal drew her attention. 

There were various weapons on the ground, and Kasya felt her heart leap into her throat in excitement.

"Aw, yeah!" She squeaked as she excitedly began to sort through some weapons-stopping once she stumbled upon a sword that reflected it's surroundings quite nicely. She stood back up, admiring her own reflection for a moment before  turning it around and about-examining the craftsmanship and trying to determine the age.

"Now THIS is what I'm talking about!"

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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime24th January 2017, 5:03 am

He came back in time to see Ethon staring and looking away, the glow slowly fading as he blinked the discomfort the blocked door gave his mind off. He held a small grin from stretching the corner of his lips and waited for the small dizziness to be gone before looking around him with a small frown. He wasn't sure if they were meant to pick anything in that room. Was it a test to see if they were thieves or were these objects there to help them?

His ring rolled slowly around his fingers as he pondered, realizing after a moment of stillness that sharing what he had found might be useful. Or not. It wasn't much, but the strange feeling of something alive worried him. Unless it was only to keep track of them, but they didn't know that.

"There are no traps in this room and my access beyond this door is blocked. The remnants of magical energy I can feel are probably from the last Rite which was long ago, enough, I think, for it to be as weak as my senses tell me."

Slow, measured, barely audible again, and yet clear for everyone around. He didn't like talking, nor making noise. He liked his magic for this. He didn't have to speak loudly, to scream in order to be heard. Even while entertaining peasants it was a rather useful trick.

"There is something else, that could be described as alive, but there wasn't much I could gather from it. Keep an eye open for now."

He didn't find necessary to tell them he would keep this mental analysis going from room to room and perhaps avoid some unwanted surprises, but if all rooms had this sort of blockade, it would be a step by step process. This Rite would give him a headache. He hoped it would be worth it. All this road and efforts to fail would be a rather terrible ending.

"Found anything interesting?"

He finally asked to the room at large.
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[Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime24th January 2017, 10:01 am


Isra hadn't heard much from the others about the door so she went to her brother, watching out for others swinging swords around and picked one up with her hand and looked at it... "Brother..does this look like a good sword to you...i would rather not waste my magic on something like this in the first room..." She then heard the one named Zeriel ask she answered, "No nothing yet..its Zeriel..right? seem to be pretty smart...thats good...and thank you for telling us..."
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime24th January 2017, 1:13 pm

"No traps, eh?" Kasya swung the sword around a bit for good measure-liking how it felt in her hands. It was well balanced. Oh, she could definitely do some damage with this.

"Boo. That's no fun. What kind of magic dungeon doesn't have traps?" Kasya mind changed quickly upon hearing the sensation of a living creature beyond the barrier.

"So we've got a monster to beat? Neat."

Sword still in hand Kasya  decided to walk to where Zerial had been-closer to the door. She looked up and read the written words inscribed on the stone out loud:

" "The Password is open," huh?" Kasya rested the blade on her shoulders in contemplation. Did that mean all they had to do was focus their magic and recite the word? After thinking for a bit, she rested the sword at her side and held one hand out, focusing.

"Well, better to get this out of the way now! "Open Sesame!" "

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy    [Casual Event] Rite of Legacy  I_icon_minitime24th January 2017, 4:24 pm


Hmph, looks like they have already thinned our numbers, thought Samae to herself. She had lost the sense of presence of the others, now walled off behind the entryway of the portal. The group around her bubbled and prattled, unwisely grabbing at weaponry they likely weren't trained to use, or otherwise sending meaningless noise into the air. Largely, she ignored them.

As for the suspicious treasure trove, well, she had her walking staff, she did not need more. Armor she wasn't used to wearing would only slow her down, and satchels could be cursed, snapping off the fingers of those who stuck their hands hastily inside. She would not waste her magic to find out.

But what of the door? Should she reach out, try to sense some secret way of opening it? No. She would blend into the shadows cast by the torches, be silent, seem to meditate. Stores of magic were precious and the young and brazen could be an effective shield, launching blindly forward and unleashing the waiting traps upon themselves. It was wiser to wait, conserve, evaluate.

She shrunk into the shadow nearest the portal to observe.


She was not disappointed by her choice.
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