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 [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!

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An Ordinary Girl
Lotus Crystal

An Ordinary Girl

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th February 2019, 3:52 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Teteis10

Breaking the long silence amidst the contestants, Tetis strode forward with her hands clasped to her chest, saying simply, "Love is what I feel for you, dear suitor.  How can anyone put such a complex and powerful emotion into words?   I can only say that I love you and desire your love in return.  Please do not ignore me, my love."  With a tearful sigh, she stepped back from the front of the stage.

She had no fear by now from any of the competition save Shakoukai.  Hopefully, she'll mess this part up...
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th February 2019, 4:30 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Upasok10U-Pakosan

Pakosan was nothing but smiles after the rather sparking scene that accompanied the dummy's destruction. She didn't expect to blow it up-but hey, she did far better then the others! Singing? Water? Actual wax? It was kind of sad, really.

Pakosan waited her turn, and stuck a tongue out at the others once Tetis was done with her tearful plea. She'd seen enough of these other monsters. They were either stuck up, posh, or arrogant. Which was so not her game. 

"C'mon dude, look at these other guys! They're like, soooo stuck up! And their 'powers?' "-which was said with Pakosan making quotation marks with her fingers for emphasis-"Pathetic! I mean, look at this!" She pointed directly to the dummy. "They didn't do anything! See these ashes? All me, baby!"

Pakosan placed her hands on her hips and grinned. "So, whadda ya say? Wanna be my player two?"
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime2nd March 2019, 1:02 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 AhcGxuL

The classy youma watched with a detached air as the other contestants attacked the substitute human, keeping up an appearance of grace and control. When the host called an end to that portion of the competition she was rather glad, and tentatively removed her wax earplugs to hear the guidelines for the next and presumably final challenge, if "once and for all" were to be taken seriously. As Shakoukai considered the phrasing of her answer, Tetis went forward to talk of emotions and feelings and may have actually shed a tear by the end. The other contestant - with the television for a torso - attempted to put them down to build herself up, mentioning something about being a second player? but it was no matter. When she finished speaking Shakoukai dipped her head in acknowledgement and stepped forward gracefully. 

"Love is being a perfectly matched partner in this dance we call life. Moving elegantly together to the rhythm that life creates, building each other up to show our best persons, covering for one another when that best side cannot be shown to the world. Love is complementing your partner, filling in their missing roles. And when things get tough, love is immobilizing those who annoy you so they may not continue to do so. A task I would gladly take up for you, " Again she nodded her head towards the suitor, "Though it is too forward for me to make such a request, I hope you ask me to dance with you through life, mysterious suitor."
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime2nd March 2019, 1:04 pm

Oniwabandana [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 K8c4oP1

The super secret super competent Shadow Ninja with the amazing red bandana returned, appearing up through the floor at the back of the contestant line as though she had never disappeared. She looked around as though to see if any of the show's crew had noticed she had gone missing... but then none had caught her at where she had been so what were the odds now? She had skipped out on the second phase of the competition, but with what she now knew, she did not mind in the least. 

"Love is knowing when to get out, ban-ban~" she said, then saluted and disappeared through the floor again, taking herself out of the competition!
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime3rd March 2019, 6:37 pm

Host[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 8Rw2jh4

Puko-chan wiped a tear from her eye with a blue ballooned finger. "Marvelous. Simply marvelous. How could our secret suitor possibly ever choose from one person to the next?" She wiggled a little, round body shifting in the air. She didn't make mention towards Oniwabandana's departure, though her burgundy eyes did watch as the youma left, a little frown forming on her brow.

With a big flourish, she spun and fanned herself. "I think the time has come to let the suitor make their choice!" She zoomed over towards the curtain, and reached for it with a grand gesture. She eyed the contestants with a grin. "Are you ready for the big reveal?"

She ripped the curtain off, the red velvet pooling onto the grassy ground below. Inside sits a slumped over dummy, its stuffing poking out at the seams, limbs bumpy and uneven. It looks, for all intents and purposes, much the same as the dummy the contestants just finished destroying.

The main difference is the face. Where the disintegrated dummy had a hastily and poorly drawn on face, this one has a picture plastered on instead. The picture is that of creature with blue balloon skin and burgundy eyes...

"Tadaaah!" Puko-chan giggled and spun around some more in the air. "Isn't it the most romantic twist yet? The dummy was just a decoy to keep up the intrigue~~ Yes, that's right, contestants! I was the secret suitor all along!" She gestures towards the crowd who are still looking rather bored by everything. "My family helped me set everything up! So kind, so selfless! All to give me, dearest Puko-chan, a chance at love~!"

Quote :
Goal: React to the reveal! How does your character take to the news that Puko was the one looking for a date the entire time?

Feel free to react in any way you wish!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th March 2019, 3:58 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 AhcGxuL

The classy and elegant youma was speechless. She had made so many assumptions. She did not know yet how to feel about anything. But she had to know. "Who... won your affections, Puko-chan?"
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th March 2019, 4:49 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Upasok10U-Pakosan
Pakosan opened her mouth. Closed it, and opened it once more and nothing but laughter spewed forth. 

She laughed so hard tears were streaming from her eyes. She bent over and slapped the inside of her thigh, while trying to maintain balance as so not to have her legs give out from such deep, full bodied laughter. When was the last time she even laughed this hard?


This was the coolest day ever.
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An Ordinary Girl
Lotus Crystal

An Ordinary Girl

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime4th March 2019, 6:19 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Teteis10

Tetis had been about to ask the exact same question, so she merely buried her head in her hands exasperatedly and awaited the reply.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th March 2019, 6:21 pm


Puko-chan spun and spun some more, enjoying the reactions far more than she probably should have. Still, there was something akin to pure glee in her eyes as she surveyed the remaining contestants. She didn't answer Shakoukai just yet—dramatics demanded a longer pause before revealing such information, you see—and to U-Pakosan she gave a bow. Or, as much of a bow as one with no spine could possible give.

"Not a dude, but still hot, right?" She spun again, giving everyone a good look at her curves. Ohoho, she was nothing but curves! From the corner of her eye she saw that many of the audience were starting to leave the area. Hpmh! Apparently family didn't know when the proper time to exit was. Next time she embarked on a journey of self-discovery, she wouldn't hire any of them again!

"Ahem." She turned her attention back to her contestants. "The winner is someone with a certain spark for fun~~! U-Pakosan, will you go on a date with me?" She forced a blush, tears stinging at her eyes. "Oh, how beautiful a story it must be. To start a romance here and now. Who knows where it will take us?"

In a stage-whisper, she continued with a wink. "Though, I wouldn't say no to a date with any of you, truth be told. Who am I to stand in the way of ~romance~?"

Quote :
Goal: This is the final bit of interaction before we close the event! If there's anything you want to do or say to any other character, now's the time Very Happy
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th March 2019, 7:04 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 AhcGxuL

Mislead the entire time, and she didn't even win. Gracefully she nodded her head towards Mice-for-Guts, admitting defeat. "I wish you both the best of luck and all the happiness you can gather. Puko-chan, if you ever need a shoulder to cry on, you know where I live." Apparently. 

She would just have to find her own romance. Or start a wax museum and populate it with beautiful young men and women. ... Yes, that sounded much better. Quieter, too. More time to enjoy tea. She'd need a butler. ... maybe a matchmaker gameshow for that wouldn't be so bad?
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th March 2019, 11:02 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Upasok10U-Pakosan
Pakosan blinked, completely caught off guard by the announcement. She won? But this girl was a total flirt-how'd she not choose the other ones?

Then she grinned. Oh, she won. Over the other super snobby ladies. 

Heck. Yes. 

"You got it, toots!" Pakosan shot her a thumbs-up. "Wherever we go, it's your choice! I'll bring the music!"

Pakosan then booted up her monster again, and started blasting the obnoxious video she'd played earlier in the event-the thrash metal was as loud as ever. 

This really was the best day ever. 

And who knows? She might end up falling for her.
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An Ordinary Girl
Lotus Crystal

An Ordinary Girl

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th March 2019, 1:55 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Teteis10

*silent and taken aback*

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Tumblr_inline_pauxxjtOsX1sbfp8z_500

*Wordlessly leaves the room*
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th March 2019, 12:42 pm

Host[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 8Rw2jh4

Hearing Pakosan accept her offer brought a smile to her ballooned face and Puko-chan gave a twirl and fanned her blushing cheeks once again. "Oh that's just wonderful~!" She giggled, beginning to imagine what kind of date they could enjoy together. There were just so many possibilities! How could she ever choose?

As Pakosan's music filled the air, Puko-chan spun with the beat, heart soaring with excitement. Sure, there was still the problem of cleaning away the mess made by this impromptu dating gameshow... and her family had already vacated the premises, leaving her to deal with everything alone.

But she'd found a date! And that sent warmth straight to her little ballooned heart.

And who knew? Maybe Pakosan found cleaning to be a very romantic first date!

The End!

Quote :
Haha, thank you everyone for participating! <3 <3 Sorry for being so slow to get it officially closed, even though we were pretty done anyway xD Thanks for joining me on this silly little idea! <3 <3 It was so much fun and I hope you all enjoyed yourselves!

Before you go, don't forget to grab these gorgeous prizes made by our wonderful Sailor Neptune <3 (I can't even begin to guess how she does things like this xD)

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 ZCkArOb[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 MeyKbT7

I hope to see you again for the next event! Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! - Page 2 I_icon_minitime

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