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 [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime14th February 2019, 3:36 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Tumblr_nlaj5j0d0C1tggy4no1_500

Ohoho~ Is there anything more beautiful than loveeee?

No! No there is not!

And Puko-chan thinks that us monsters deserve love too. Someone who cherishes us, someone who sacrifices theirself for us. Someone who dies an agonizing suffocating death to show how much they love us. So beauuuutiful!

Come sign up to join Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker to get your chance to find that special someone!  


General Information and OOC thread for this event can be found here!

All sprites used in this event are credited to this site: Link


Casual Event Rules of Etiquette

  • Be mindful of other players!
    --Casual Events are often big and full of many different players, which is always fun and part of the charm! However, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play. We don't want anyone to get left behind! It's great to be enthusiastic towards the event, but if you notice that you are posting very often and very quickly, try to take a break and give the other players a chance to catch up to you! It's no fun to play alone, after all Very Happy
  • Read all posts!
    --Make sure to read all of the previous posts before you make your next one! This ensures that you don't miss out on something vital, and can help to keep your character from missing out on some fun interactions or appearing rude by accidentally ignoring others!
  • Keep an eye out for event goals!
    --The event host (Sailor Saturn) will often post a goal for everyone to reach for throughout a certain period of time. This is normally depicted in a quote box to make it stand out a little more! These are generally guidelines to try and help move the plot along, but they are not mandatory to complete.
  • Try to remain active!
    --Keeping a regular posting regimen helps keep the flow of the event going strong! And your character plays a vital part! Of course, things can come up and hinder you from posting, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no penalty for dropping out, and you can join back in when you have time. If possible, please let the event host (Sailor Saturn) know, or post in the OOC thread for the event!
  • If you have any concerns or problems, please contact the event host (Sailor Saturn)!
    --It can be about anything, whether you feel overwhelmed or lost, are having troubles with another player, or if you aren't sure what to post next, or even if you want to talk about the lousy day you've just had! The PM box is always open! <3


Character Roster

Puko (Host) played by Sailor Saturn
Shakoukai and Oniwabandana played by Sailor Uranus
Tetis played by An Ordinary Girl
U-Pasokon played by Cosmos-Hime
U-Tahime played by Sailor Saturn


Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 16th February 2019, 1:42 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime14th February 2019, 3:45 pm

Host[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! 8Rw2jh4

The stage opens to reveal our love-seeking monsters collected on a platform. The raised platform teeters a little, held together with duct tape, uneven wooden boards, and a bit of luck. It's easy to see that, despite the high-quality spotlights shining upon each contestant, this stage was put together rather hastily. Someone's tried very hard to set a romantic scene, with candles providing warm spot along the edge of the platform, rose petals gliding through the cool wind. The night sky twinkles above, all the brighter due to the new moon.

A small audience watches on, seated in chairs ranging from recliners to car seats. They clap slowly, politely, but not at all enthusiastically as the lights come on. Even their whispers echo louder than their half-hearted applause.

Nevertheless, the show begins!

"Welcome, welcome! Honored guests, beautiful contestants~!" A new spotlight shines upon the speaker, a brightly colored ballooned ball, teal and red, with eyes that sparkled with excitement. Despite the ramshackle set up, the unenthusiastic audience, Puko-chan doesn't seem bothered by it at all. She twists and turns in place. "Tonight is a most sacred affair. Such a beautiful meeting of souls, each searching for that special someone. How sweet!"

She gestures towards a curtained container set to the side of the stage. "Our prize!" she announces. A light shines from within, showing the figure behind the curtain to be of some humanoid-like shape, before the light goes out, no more details to be made from the sneak peak.

"Ah ah ah!" Puko-chan chides with a wink, directing attention back onto herself. "Spoilers! We'll meet the secret suitor at the end of the game! They'll be choosing one of these lucky contestants to go on an exclusive date. A meeting chosen only by the merits of the answers given during the game... ahhh, isn't it romantic?" She gave a great sigh, lost in her own thoughts for a moment, before the balloon shook herself, attentive once more.

"But of course. Let us meet our contestants, shall we?" She turned burgundy eyes towards the gathered contests now. "Please, tell us your name and one interesting thing about yourself. Something you think our secret suitor will just adore!"

Quote :
Let's start the dating game with a simple introduction! Of course, just how simple your introduction may be is completely up to you and your character Very Happy

Goal: Tell everyone your character's name and one interesting fact about them! This can be based off something we saw in their episode, or completely made up by you based on what you feel is right for the character. Have fun with it!

You're free to interact with other characters, but leaving the stage platform will get you disqualified. There's nothing else to interact with on the empty platform right now.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 16th February 2019, 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 1:23 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

"I believe I will go first," drawled the tall blue-skinned youma adorned with glamourous yellow clamshells. She took two steps forward from her place and put a hand delicately on her chest, "I am Shakoukai, an expert on manners and all things elegant. Choose me, mysterious suitor, and our love will be timeless and perfect." She curtsied and returned to her place in line, looking refined and classy in her long, sheer skirt.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 1:30 pm

Oniwabandana [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! K8c4oP1

"Sure thing, Clam girl. Choose her and all that 'timeless' talk will perfectly describe the boredom of your relationship, banban." The voice seemed to come from nowhere, but then, suddenly, from in front of the group a form materialized, rising out of the stage floor from the top of her dull purple hair to her black slippered feet. A ninja in a skimpy outfit with a red bandana tied across her forehead, the youma posed with her arms wrapped around herself. "Your obvious choice would be me, Oniwabandana. Choose me, and," quick as a flick of her wrist, the bandana wrapped between both hands and she flexed it suggestively, four shadow forms of herself materializing from her for an instant before returning to her, "I'll keep things interesting, banban." She winked, the gesture less than innocent, and disappeared, returning to where she had been in the group beforehand.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 1:30 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

"Showing off is most unladylike."
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 1:36 pm

Utahime [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! OhdYWsx

Utahime took a step forward, the deep-purple cloth of her mermaid gown rustling at her feet. She shouldn't feel so nervous! She was a STAR! The lengthy shawl about her shoulders even said so in sparkling bright letters. A star should never feel nervousness quelling their need for performance.

She shifted her posture, straightening her back and shoulders to be the epitome of calm and collected—and not at all tempted to join in the catty behavior of the other contestants—just as she'd been taught. No one wearing this kind of dress would dare to be anything else.

Utahime pondered the perfect way to show off her unique skills, to show just how much of a Star she truly was. After all, everyone loved a star, didn't they? Surely, after seeing her in action, the secret suitor would only ever choose her! What other choice could there possibly be?

She took a moment, leveled her breathing. In and out. Then she smiled. "Utahime!" she said, spreading her arms out wide to show off her spectacular outfit. She twisted—just a bit!—to ensure it shimmered and sparkled in all the right ways. "I am Utahime and I am a Star! My most interesting, most precious fact, is my voice. Please, let me demonstrate, secret suitor. Just a moment. Ahem." She breathed in deep and began on her warm-up scales. Scales were her favorite and everyone knew a star couldn't possibly perform without warming their vocals first!

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 19th February 2019, 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 1:42 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

Shakoukai covertly put pearls of wax in her ears to save her from whatever performance was to follow as she highly doubted it would be operatic. How uncouth that a fellow contestant subject them to her own personal musical styling without a requesting permission beforehand. She had better beg forgiveness after this "show".
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 1:48 pm

Host [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! 8Rw2jh4

Puko-chan's amplified giggle echoed through the speakers placed around the stage. "Ohoho, such personality already shining!" Her burgandy eyes twinkled with delight and she fanned herself with one of her ballooned fingers. "You must be so pleased, secret suitor! I wonder what our other contestants have in store for you? Don't be shy now, everyone!"

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 19th February 2019, 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total
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An Ordinary Girl
Lotus Crystal

An Ordinary Girl

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime16th February 2019, 4:28 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Teteis10

'Such fools.'  Tetis grinned to herself.  The best thing to do, she knew, was not to engage in trifling arguments with other contestants (foolish and ugly they certainly are, too); but to let her beauty and intelligence speak for themselves.

Striding gracefully onto the stage, still in her human form, she spoke in a deliciously low voice, "Do not waste your attention on any other, dear Suitor.  I, Tetis, most intelligent and beautiful of the Dark Kingdom youma, am the one who truly knows the great value of your favor, and will return affection to you in kind." Clasping her gloved hands in front of her, she continued, "Do not ignore me!  No, together, with united minds, we can achieve truly great things.  I believe that I can prove as much to you tonight."  With a small, dainty smile, Tetis turned back from the front of the stage to stand in the back, near the center.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime17th February 2019, 8:31 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Upasok10U-Pakosan

The strange computer-like monster had simply been standing on the stage with little to no movement, her large goggles on, the mouthpiece lowered. She had something in her hands, and was occasionally fiddling with it-any of the other contestants may or may not have noticed small clicking noises coming from the device. It seemed she was totally unaware of the others around her, let alone the entire stage setup itself, as she suddenly thrust her arm in the air as a glorious fist-pump. 

"YAHOO!" Pakosan screamed. "BOOYAH! FINALLY GOTCHA!" She flailed the device, now plainly visible as a videogame controller around in victory. "PAKOSAN: 1! N00BS: 0!"

With a satisfied smirk, she pushed the glasses over her hair, like the worlds chunkiest and least-fashionable headband...and blinked. Her face fell to that of what could only be described as dumb confusion as she looked up, then down, then all around. 

"Wait a minute...this isn't the Call of War, Fortress Ultra-Space XVIII Fantasy Battle MMO competition? What gives?" 

A moment later, the screen on her stomach showed the image of an overhead map. She bent down to look at it. 

"Ooooooh! It's not till NEXT week! Duh!" With extra gusto, Pakosan faced the crowd.

"I'm U-Pakosan, or Pakosan for short-that's also my online handle! I'm currently hold top-teir characters/factions/ships in over 40 MMORPGS, have a library of hundreds of video-games, and have the best! Rig! Ever! Ya'll wish you could game as well as me!" 

Pakosan's eyes twinkled with excitement. "And I'm gonna win this thing! Donno what this is, but if it's anything like a video-game, it's time to LEVEL UP, BABY!"
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime17th February 2019, 8:35 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

She made no mind to hide her look of distaste as she placed her fingers delicately on her forehead at the explosion of the latest announced contestant. "How uncouth," she commented to herself.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime19th February 2019, 7:06 am

Utahime [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! OhdYWsx

Effectively doing her scales was most difficult with so many distractions and outbursts and motions all around her! But Utahime continued with the determination of a STAR! Up and down the scales she went, warming her vocal cords until finally! She felt ready to tackle the ambitious song, the song of wonders and magic, the song that made tears fall at the sheer beauty of it.

This. This was how a person won the heart of a another.

Utahime stepped forward, hands clasped in front of her and she opened her mouth to sing. The first note rang throughout the vicinity, echoing with a haunting quality she knew was bound to be well-received! Yes! This was what she'd trained for!

And now for the true beginning of this song. She couldn't leave her audience waiting any longer.

She opened her mouth to begin the first lyric, and...

Sputtered. Coughed. And her eyes widened.

She'd forgotten the words!

Utahime swallowed back her embarrassment and put on a laugh. "Surprise!" Smooth recovering, 10 out of 10! "That's just a taste of my talents!" Yeah, that's what she was doing. Always leave the audience wanting more!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime19th February 2019, 11:28 am

Oniwabandana [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! K8c4oP1

Oniwabandana facepalms.
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An Ordinary Girl
Lotus Crystal

An Ordinary Girl

Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime19th February 2019, 2:39 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Teteis10

Tetis continues to smile to herself, assured of success.  Just let the others keep making fools of themselves like this.  When the right time comes, all she will have to do is step forward and let it be seen how obviously superior she is.

Although, it's a bit worrying that Shakoukai probably won't do anything foolish on her own accord - she's too prim for that.  Perhaps a.. subtle provocation may become necessary.  When the time comes.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime20th February 2019, 6:45 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Upasok10U-Pakosan
Pakosan visually cringed when one of the women ended up ending her song abruptly with a coughing fit. 

"Wow, that sucks, lady." She mumbled, as she watched the other contestants. One facepalmed, and the other didn't seem to react much at all. Pakosan was completely unaware of how one of them outright insulted her introduction, but whatever. Pakosan never really cared for the opinion of snobs. 

"Okay, sooo my talents are all in this bad boy!" Pakosan slapped her stomach-or rather, her screen-with authority. "I've rigged this bad boy to have unlimited access to all wireless facilities within my range-even if they're password protected! I can surf the web whenever and however I please! And check THIS out-!"

Pakosan's monitor blinked to life, and what can only be described as the loudest thrash-metal guitar solo began blasting from unseen speakers as Pakosan immediately began to do a good round of head banging-though not in perfect timing to the song. Images of lightning, cats and cats spewing lightning began to flash and strobe about with no limit to the various explosions that randomly appeared with what sounded like multiple air-horns blaring every time a new image appeared. Once the fantastically-obnoxious animation was finished the image of a T-Rex wearing sunglasses while doing a kick-flip on a skateboard appeared. This was clearly her desktop wallpaper. 

"Made that myself! It plays whenever I boot up, or whenever I need to get good and P-U-M-P-E-D! Which is all day, every day!"
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An Ordinary Girl
Lotus Crystal

An Ordinary Girl

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime21st February 2019, 7:22 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Teteis10

More foolishness.  Continuing to grin to herself, she internally thanks her lucky stars she was never created in a Daimon oven.  Youma are so much more dignified.

A look of impatience sneaks onto her face as she dramatically taps her toes.  Is this really a game? When will it actually start?  Perhaps the host is enjoying the current proceedings?  After all, she is basically a giant balloon...  

Eh, no need to rush things.  The way things are going, the competition will destroy itself anyway.  All except for...

"My dear Miss Shakoukai," Tetis began.  She spoke in a manner she perceived Shakoukai would take to.  She had already been introduced backstage.  "Such disordered proceedings!  What shall we do?" The last question was spoken rhetorically, with heavy emphasis on shall.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime22nd February 2019, 9:02 am

Host[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! 8Rw2jh4

Puko-chan's eyes sparkled with glee as she watched one contestant and the next. They were all so interesting! This was turning out better than she'd ever hoped.

"Ohohoho, but disorder is part of the charm, Tetis!" She wouldn't admit, of course, that she'd simply been swept away by all of the different on-goings between the contestants. She glanced towards the audience, who all looked rather bored as well, and she faltered. Maybe no one else was quite as amused as her... Perhaps she was the only true romantic here. "Well, of course, we'll continue now!"  

Floating through the air, Puko-chan moved up above the stage and spread her arms in a dramatic pose. "Bring out... the PREY!"

It took a few moments for the production team to act accordingly to her statement—despite the hours of practice, the dopes—but finally the cage was placed in the center of platform. Covered, of course, for maximum suspense.

Puko-chan lowered herself until she hovered just above the cage. "No monster is worth their weight without some special skills. After all, if your loved one is in trouble, however would you protect them? Filthy humans are everywhere these days." She sighed, forlorn at the state of the world. But then she grinned. "Well, one less soon enough!"

With that, she whipped off the curtain, ready to relish in the screams of terror from the captured human. But silence met her actions. Frowning, Puko-chan floated her way to look into the now opened cage. A lumpy stuffed... thing sat in the middle of the cage looking vaguely like a human if you squinted hard enough. Most of the seams were poorly sewn with stuffing popping out of the gaps. A face was scribbled onto the head-like shape, but without any accuracy at all.

Puko-chan's eye twitched but there was nothing for it. The production team may have failed her again, but this was a vital part to the game! "There's your target!" Puko-chan tried to muster the same enthusiasm before, but her eyes kept looking to the side where the balloon monster production team stood looking not-at-all repentant. This was what happened when you hired family... Bah, fired! The lot of them!

"Think of it as a practice dummy! Let your individual skills speak for themselves and wow us all with your power!"

Quote :
Goal: Attack the dummy! It... might not be the most difficult of targets, but a chance to show off your skills is never a bad thing! Feel free to go through a whole range of powers if you've got them! Don't forget to take inspiration from your character's episode, but feel free to get creative, too!

There's only one dummy on the stage, however, so the more it gets attacked the more it gets damaged. Don't dally or you might not have anything to attack at all!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime22nd February 2019, 3:50 pm

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

Another contestant rushed forward, slapped her trunk and an unbecoming amount of colors and sound issued forth, but Shakoukai kept her cool and calm demeanor. Mostly because of the wax ball in her ears. Ladies are always prepared. An echo of her own name sounded out, but she merely glanced over to Tetis - they had been introduced before - and made no move to answer her. They were not allies in this. There could only be one winner

As the host spoke she covertly removed one of the wax balls to listen to instructions - only one, as she was sure that the other "contestants" would rise to the occasion of breaking her eardrums if given the chance - and stepped forward. The target wasn't exactly... nefarious, but beggars and choosers. 

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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 7:43 am

Quote :
The poor misshapen human-ish doll is encased in wax! Instead of being damaged, it looks as though its been fortified within its cage!
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An Ordinary Girl
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 10:13 am

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Teteis10

Tetis rolled her eyes and thought to herself: 'Well, this is stupid.  How does one steal the energy of love from a rag doll?!?  I'll have to abandon that rigged disco ball I hauled out with me.  Fortunately, have a plan B!'

"If you really want to protect your beloved from a threat, you'll have to do better than that." As Tetis stepped forward towards the encased rag doll, she instantly changed into her true form. "Behold my power." Suddenly, a two huge columns of water burst through the stage floor, and up to the ceiling. "We are located over an enormous aquifer, after all."  Effortlessly directing the columns of water straight at the dummy - and oblivious to the mess she was causing - Tetis turned the jets on full blast for a full ten seconds before turning off the water supply and walking calmly back to her place in the back.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 10:37 am

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

"Tetis, dear," Shakoukai drolled from her prim and proper seat atop a rather large, hastily constructed (but still well crafted, if she said so herself) wax clamshell where she had floated above the watery deluge, "Wax and water don't mix; I'm afraid all you've done is unnecessarily dampen the feet of our poor mystery man." She had a tsk tsk tone to her voice.
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 10:38 am

Oniwabandana [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! K8c4oP1

As the water broke through the stage floor, Oniwabandana shiftily disappeared!
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 10:56 am

Quote :
Tetis's jets of water are strong enough to puncture some holes into the waxified dummy, the bits of the exposed cloth now soggy and even more worn out at the poorly stitched seams. But the wax surrounding this poor innocent little dummy is still more or less solid, though the casing is smaller than it once was, having been washed away by the jets.

Also, the stage is quite wet now, the puddles causing sparks to fly off the electrics. Whispers from the crowds catch the cool night wind.

Instead of being perturbed by this, Puko-chan merely laughs and floats merrily along. "Oh lovely~ Such strength in our contestants. Isn't it oh so nice, dear secret suitor? Oh! But where has one of our contestants gone?"

Secret suitor is as quiet as ever.

Utahime[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! OhdYWsx

Ah! A test of skills! Stars knew all the right ways to do that!

Utahime fretted for a moment over the wet clinging to her expensive dress, the messiness of her hair due to the watery damage, and she threw a glare in Tetis's direction. But she wouldn't let the large displays distract her. Instead, she focused on warming her vocals. After all, this was an altogether different skill and needed its own specific type of warm up. Nothing but the best for this one chance at love!

"Mi mi mi miiiiiiiii!", Utahime began, hands clasped in front of her chest as she began the warm up scales. Soon the others wouldn't know what hit them!
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An Ordinary Girl
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime23rd February 2019, 12:38 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Teteis10

"I do sincerely regret, my dear Shakoukai, that your style of 'attack' inhibits true power from being effective.  Allow me to apologize on your own behalf."
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime24th February 2019, 10:39 am

Shakoukai [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! AhcGxuL

"True power," Shakoukai commented easily, keeping a cool demeanor as she eyed the singer and generated another set of wax ear plugs, preparing to insert them when 'warm-ups' became 'performance', "Is best illustrated quietly and covertly, without over-the-top gestures, dear. I hope one day you get to witness it."
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime24th February 2019, 5:26 pm

[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Upasok10 U-Pakosan

Pakosan saw the dummy appear, and saw each contestant attack it. There was water, wax and singing. And arguing-lots, and lots of arguing. There were shots being fired left and right, and the tea was a bit scalding. Pakosan could only roll her eyes and tap her foot impatiently, waiting for her turn to show off her stuff. Before long, she saw her opening, and stepped up to the plate. 

All Pakosan had to do was grip a fist, and she could feel the whirring of machinery under her fingertips. Her hand detached at the wrist, staying on by a hinge-and a dozen little mechanical mice with glowing red eyes shot out. Not only that, but there were large tubes attached to each of their backs leading back to the inside of Pakosan's arm. 

"Go, little fellas! You got this!" Pakosan cheered as they each latched onto the soaked and wax-covered dummy. Pakosan then, with a gruff holler, attempted to use this attack of hers as a whip-and launch the dummy into the air; and maybe swirl it around above her head for good measure.
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An Ordinary Girl
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime24th February 2019, 6:54 pm

Tetis[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Teteis10

As soon as she realized what U-Pakosan's attack would be, Tetis's eyes grew wide and she quickly scrambled as far away from the action as possible, using her abilities to hover a little in the air for good measure.  Mixing electricity and water can't be a good idea.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime25th February 2019, 4:30 pm

Quote :
The poor little dummy swings high in the air, zaps of electricity going through its wet and wax-entombed cloth. The crowd gave a small bit of applause to the display, though their attention still seems rather lackluster as a whole.

Finally, Pakosan's attack ends and the dummy falls clattering to the stage, its holey wax casing splitting apart with the force of its landing. The dummy—if it ever once looked like a human—looks nothing resembling a human anymore, its limbs limp and pulled apart, stuffing drooping out of the ripped seams. It's nothing more than scraps and disappointment now!
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime25th February 2019, 4:30 pm

Utahime[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! OhdYWsx

It was so difficult to concentrate on her scales where there was so much commotion! Utahime tried not to let it bother her, tried to ignore it like any good little Star! But they were all so noisy! Did they not have any manners at all? A performance was only as good as its audience and they were all ruining it!

Utahime glared at each of them and then closed her eyes, trying to imagine the words of the song...

What were they again?

Gah, she couldn't think! It was all their fault she couldn't remember, of course. And now the dummy was nothing more than scraps of cloth! She'd lost her chance to show off her skills, and she knew that she wasn't making a good run for this competition right now...

When she could remember her songs... oohhh they'll all be sorry!
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[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker!   [Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! I_icon_minitime25th February 2019, 4:36 pm

Host[Casual Event] Puko-chan's Monster Matchmaker! 8Rw2jh4

Puko-chan claps, laughing all the while. "Bravo! Bravo! No human would ever handle such power!" She floats in close to the ruined dummy, poking at it with her microphone. "A thorough job if I ever did see one."

With that, she floats up back above the stage, spinning through the air with a flourish. "Now for a question, dearest contestants! One that you must answer to woo our secret suitor once and for all! Tell us, what is the true meaning of love? What does it mean to you? Don't be shy now~!"

Quote :
Goal: Answer Puko-chan's question! Feel free to go with whatever answer sounds good for you and your character hehe Love could mean a whole wide array of different things to our unique monsters, after all Very Happy
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