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 [Casual Event] A Normal Life

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime13th September 2017, 11:17 am

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 8oAtUh2

When I wake up in the morning, a pure white curtain of lace is rustling in the breeze.
The cuckoo clock in the room says it's 7 o'clock and Mama's voice says, "You'll be late if you don't get up!"
I'm still half asleep, and I think, "Please... let me sleep for three more minutes."
I'm late for school every single day like clockwork, my teacher makes me stand out in the hallway, and I get failing grades on my tests.
The crepes we'd all eat on the way home... We'd gaze dreamily at a party dress in a show window.
The little things bring such joy, and I'm happy.
I wish...
I wish I could go back to that kind of normal life.
I want to go back.

After the tragic battle against Beryl, Usagi's wish comes true.

However, instead of everyone being brought back with no memory and their powers still in place, in this universe everyone was brought back with their memories of everything in tact.

And this time, their powers are gone. It took a while for this to sink in, but over the years the followed, they never had trouble with any enemies invading ever again and so the loss of their powers became less of a problem and more of a blessing.

Everyone was free to do what they wanted. No longer did they have to sneak out of their homes and hide wounds when they came back. They could live just like everyone else.


Having such freedom has lead to everyone pulling away, some going to other countries or becoming busy with work. But each free to do as they please without having to worry about the fate of the world.

30 years later, it is time for a reunion.  


General Information and OOC thread for this event can be found here!


Casual Event Rules of Etiquette

  • Be mindful of other players!
    --Casual Events are often big and full of many different players, which is always fun and part of the charm! However, we want to make sure everyone has a chance to play. We don't want anyone to get left behind! It's great to be enthusiastic towards the event, but if you notice that you are posting very often and very quickly, try to take a break and give the other players a chance to catch up to you! It's no fun to play alone, after all Very Happy
  • Read all posts!
    --Make sure to read all of the previous posts before you make your next one! This ensures that you don't miss out on something vital, and can help to keep your character from missing out on some fun interactions or appearing rude by accidentally ignoring others!
  • Keep an eye out for event goals!
    --The event host (Sailor Saturn) will often post a goal for everyone to reach for throughout a certain period of time. This is normally depicted in a quote box to make it stand out a little more! These are generally guidelines to try and help move the plot along, but they are not mandatory to complete.
  • Try to remain active!
    --Keeping a regular posting regimen helps keep the flow of the event going strong! And your character plays a vital part! Of course, things can come up and hinder you from posting, and there's nothing wrong with that. There's no penalty for dropping out, and you can join back in when you have time. If possible, please let the event host (Sailor Saturn) know, or post in the OOC thread for the event!
  • If you have any concerns or problems, please contact the event host (Sailor Saturn)!
    --It can be about anything, whether you feel overwhelmed or lost, are having troubles with another player, or if you aren't sure what to post next, or even if you want to talk about the lousy day you've just had! The PM box is always open! <3


Character Roster
Usagi ---- Moonlight Dreaming
Ami ---- Dark Sportsnutd
Minako ---- Cosmos-Hime
Rei ---- Sailor Saturn
Setsuna ---- Anait Zelleire
Hotaru ---- Sailor Mercury
Mamoru ----Eternal Eternity
Haruka ---- NPC
Michiru ---- NPC
Makoto ---- NPC


Current Goal:

Quote :
Goal: Arrive at and enter the Fruits Parlor Crown!
Bonus Goal: Tell us a little about where your character left before coming to the Crown. (Did they come from home, from work?)

Not sure what to write? Here are a few suggestions!
Does your character wait outside the café or go right in?
How is your character feeling? Excited? Anxious? Worried?
Are there any particular memories of when they've enjoyed being at the Fruits Parlor Crown?

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime13th September 2017, 11:18 am

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 4011577294  [Casual Event] A Normal Life 4011577294  [Casual Event] A Normal Life 4011577294

Everyone has been involved in making plans for the past couple of months in order to put together a reunion. It's taken some time to work around the many different schedules and life styles, but finally a time and date was set that worked for everyone.

And now that day has arrived!

The chosen place is Fruits Parlor Crown, which felt fitting. Somehow the café building still looks largely as it did when everyone was younger. The entire café (and the arcade below) has been rented out for the day so that the reunion can be a private and cozy affair.

Note: This will be the first time in many years in which all of the characters have gathered up in one place together!

Quote :
Goal: Arrive at and enter the Fruits Parlor Crown!
Bonus Goal: Tell us a little about where your character left before coming to the Crown. (Did they come from home, from work?)

Not sure what to write? Here are a few suggestions!
Does your character wait outside the café or go right in?
How is your character feeling? Excited? Anxious? Worried?
Are there any particular memories of when they've enjoyed being at the Fruits Parlor Crown?

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime13th September 2017, 3:02 pm

*Ami Mizuno*

It had been 30 years.. 30 years since they were all together. Ami spent those 30 years well and was now a doctor like her mother and had saved many many lives as well. The girls were able to set up a time, place and date to come see each other again and Ami luckily had a few days off work so she could attend. She was happy that she would be able to see her friends most of all...Usagi. Ami remembered how she was alone and then she met Usagi and they became friends and she was able to meet Rei, Makoto, Minako and the others. At the same time though, she was a little nervous but she promised herself that she would do this for her friends and herself. The reunion was going to be at the Fruits Parlor Crown...a place Ami had many good and some not so good memories of. "As long as I'm with my friends there will be nothing to worry about." She told herself as she made her way to the destination. She as before wanted to get there early so she wouldn't miss anything. She walked into the building and sat at a booth waiting for her friends.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime13th September 2017, 10:04 pm

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3074743337
"Are you sure it's here, miss?"

A stern voice questioned as a limo pulled up across the street from the crown arcade. Minako lowered her sunglasses only briefly. There it was. The old arcade of her youth, in all its glory. Nostalgia stabbed at hear heart as she slowly adjusted them back onto the bridge of her nose. 

"Miss Minako? You're sure you're going in there unescorted? The press would have a field day if they were to see you-"

"-I've made my decision." Minako shifted the scarf around her head, to ensure it helped hide her identity. Nobody said the Idol life was easy-especially if you remained successful in it. Before the driver could do anything else, she was out the door and on the sidewalk, taking in the sight. 

How long had it been since she was last on these streets? Clutching her handbag, she carefully crossed the street, clearing her throat as she passed. She glanced behind her, sighing to herself at the sight of the limo that hadn't budged an inch. She waved her hand quickly, motioning for it to leave. She didn't want to draw attention to herself here-the limo was doing the exact opposite. 

Perhaps the driver was waiting for her to walk inside? With that thought, she picked up the pace, her high heels clicking against the concrete. So far so good, Minako thought. Nobody on the street approached her yet. Hopefully, this meant her disguise was a success. Before long, she was at the entrance, and anxiety stabbed at her heart. 

The last time she was here...

No. Now was not the time. Giving one last look to the limousine behind her, she pushed open the doors to the old arcade, giving a passing thought as to how it remained open for so long.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime14th September 2017, 5:23 am

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3120549547 Hotaru Tomoe [Casual Event] A Normal Life 3120549547

This place was familiar to others, but not to her. The dark-haired middle-aged woman stared up at it from across the street, vaguely appreciating the retro-appeal of the lighted "CROWN" sign, but otherwise feeling... nothing. Hotaru shifted her purse on her shoulder, the dark leather strap virtually invisible against her all-black attire. She pressed her lips together, almost beginning to take a step forward, then changing her mind and falling back.

If Setsuna-mama hadn't asked, she might not have gone.

Usagi and her friends... Hotaru didn't dislike them. They had always been kind enough to her. It was just... She wasn't good with people. She never had been. But even after her father was no longer involved in whatever awful plans he had—which she now knew had somehow involved her, although the details of that had never been clear to her—and she had been turned over to the custody of the three mysterious women that became her family, Hotaru couldn't quite manage most social situations. It didn't help that with every passing year, it was harder and harder to remember exactly what her younger self had experienced.

Against all odds, she wound up in the biological science research field. Her father's name, despite his ruined reputation, managed to open a few doors. She didn't really know what she wanted to do with her life, anyway, and she displayed enough intelligence to find moderate success in the avenues available to her. At least she didn't loathe going to work each day.

The sudden tightness in her chest still caught her by surprise, even after all these years, and she felt the intense absence of breath in the panicked reaction of her body. Now unsteady on her feet, Hotaru's pale hands groped for the zipper of her purse, shivering and quaking as they tried to search within the organized interior. It felt like an eternity before she felt the relief of the inhaler, but she knew it couldn't be that long. Her back was pressed against the brick wall of the nearest building, her wan face coated with a thin film of perspiration.

She knew she'd be fine, soon. She just needed a moment. Just like always.

As soon as she recovered, she'd walk through that door.
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Moonlight Dreaming
Lotus Crystal

Moonlight Dreaming

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime14th September 2017, 5:39 am

Only a few of Usagi's friends have arrived, so she wanted to wait outside at first. She thought again...maybe waiting would take a little too long? She had no idea how long they would all take, so why risk waiting outside...forever?

Usagi ran into fruits parlor crown with a giant smile on her face. She said hi to her friends who were already there. "Hello Ami-Chan, Mina-chan, Hotaru-chan!" She wanted to get right to conversation until she noticed something.

Mamoru didn't arrive, either. Instead of being sad, she got a bit more excited. Mamo-chan and the others would all meet up today!
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime14th September 2017, 5:08 pm

Rei Hino [Casual Event] A Normal Life 2045764097

Over the years, Fruits Parlor Crown hadn't changed much. Rei absently listened to the speaker on her cellphone, but her attention was solely focused on watching the building grow closer in her window.

She hadn't been in Tokyo for... how long had it been? 10 years or so... not since Grandfather's funeral. Her small smile soured as those memories tried to cloud this happy occasion. She'd arrived back to this city a couple of days earlier, spending the time visiting the old shrine. She had a hand in keeping it running, having taken over it for many years. But she hadn't physically been back since the funeral and hers was a outside kind of involvement.

It had brought her a sense of calm, though, being back in those comforting walls. Even now, having just left to come to Fruits Parlor Crown, she could feel a desire to go back to the shrine.

She'd been thinking of taking a step back in her business ventures for a while now. Perhaps this was the calling she'd been looking for. There'd be a certain sense of joy in fully putting herself back into running Hikawa Shrine. Rei hadn't realized just how much she'd miss her hometown until coming back again.

The voice on the other side of the phonecall was beginning to sound annoyed and Rei chastised herself for not paying proper attention. "Yes, that'll be fine," she said. "I'll settle the details and get back to you later." With that, she ended the call and signaled for her driver to stop the car.

As she gathered her purse, a dark form caught her attention and she frowned. Was that... Yes, it had to be. Rei thanked her driver and got out of the car before making her way towards the other woman. It felt strange to approach Hotaru Tomoe with such intent and familiarity but Rei didn't let that stop her. She might not know the other woman very well -- or much at all, if she were being honest -- but she recognized the signs of a person in distress.

"Hotaru," Rei said as a way of greeting. She tried to smile but worry tinged the expression. For a split second she wondered if she should bother with cordial platitudes, but she decided against that. She wasn't the type to beat around the bush. "Are you okay? Do you need help?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime14th September 2017, 6:21 pm

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3120549547 Hotaru Tomoe [Casual Event] A Normal Life 3120549547

The pain relented, thankfully, as it always did. If it wasn't one thing, it was another, wasn't it? If she had thought things were tough when she was a child, she soon learned that age did not make things easier. She seemed to heal even slower now, and some the medical conditions that had seemed minor in her younger years were beginning to creep up on her. Even the difference between her twenties and her thirties became more pronounced every day. At least science and technology seemed to develop something new every day, although she felt like the side effects and other complications developed in new ways, as well.

She was just about to stow her inhaler when she heard a voice inquire. Even at this age, Hotaru felt a flush of embarrassment to have been stopped by some stranger on the street.

But when violet eyes looked up to meet other violet eyes, she realized that this wasn't a stranger. Somehow, that didn't make it less embarrassing.

"Hino... Rei-san!" she gasped, wincing for a moment as she caught her breath. "It's nothing. I'm fine. It's nice to see you—it's been a long time, hasn't it."

She stifled another cough, although she knew that attack was over, and she glanced back at the Crown's nearby entrance.

"Shall we go in? I think I just spotted Usagi-san."
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime14th September 2017, 6:31 pm

Ami Mizuno

Ami was looking around to see if there was anything new in the crown when Usagi ran in and said hi to them and not only Usagi but Minako came in as well. Ami got up almost running to Usagi as she was happy to see her as well but slowed down quickly. "Hello Usagi-chan and Mina-chan...It's so great to see you both, we have so much to talk about but I'm curious..have you seen anyone else show up yet?" Ami had so many questions for the her friends that she has known for so long.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime14th September 2017, 7:21 pm

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3074743337
Minako felt the panic hit her once she entered. Though the arcade machines were far more different then they were when she was in school, she could still almost picture the old crane games that were in their places. 

And among that, their old secret base-or so Minako assumed. She gulped, and approached the table where Ami sat. 

"I hope you don't mind, Ami-Chan." The "chan" at the end didn't feel right to say, for some reason. The passing of time, perhaps? "But this is the one day I don't feel like thinking about my career."

Minako paused, hearing voices outside the arcade. She wondered how many more people were going to show up, and re-thought what she spoke to Ami. The first time talking with her in decades, and that's how she responds? Minako, ashamed of herself, quickly put on a smile and re-directed the question.

"How have you been, Ami-chan?" Again, the honorific felt strange to say. "Did you win any awards for your incredible smarts?"

Minako could have screamed. Smooth, Minako. Smooth. 
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Eternal Eternity
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Eternity

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime15th September 2017, 5:35 am

Mamoru followed after Usagi, who had run into Fruits Parlor Crown before he had even gotten to the door. Entering the building, he let himself take in his familiar and yet new surroundings. So many games each of them had fond memories of had been replaced over time... It was sad but it was to be expected. The fact that Crown had stayed open all of this time was impressive, not many places could manage that.

Spotting Usagi, already starting conversation with the others, Mamoru walked over to stand beside her, snaking his arm around her waist to hold her close. He simply nodded a greeting to the others. He didn't want to make this any more awkward than it already was. Not seeing the others for years then deciding to get together? It felt like they were trying to continue their friendships from where they last left off. But with the passage of time... Would that really work? People change. A lot. In the past few years he had tried to talk to Motoki again. But the both of them had changed enough that they didn't work as well as they had in their school years.

Mamoru wasn't sure what to expect from everyone when it came to interacting with him and talking about where their lives had taken them. He'd let them speak to him first, should they choose to. He thought about his own life. Everything had been peaceful after Usagi's wish. He continued in school, went to University and even had the chance to study abroad at Harvard for a year. After all of that it wasn't too hard to get a job as a doctor. And as for his relationship with Usagi? After years of being together they had gotten married and it's stayed that way for a long time now...
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime15th September 2017, 7:21 am

Rei Hino [Casual Event] A Normal Life 2045764097

Rei eyed the younger woman for a moment longer before allowing the change in topic. If she had known Hotaru better, if it hadn't been years since she'd last seen her, Rei would have pushed the subject until she was absolutely certain that Hotaru truly was okay.

But year long gaps created a huge void that did not allow for such pressured concern. Instead, Rei's business-like demeanor came to the forefront and she followed Hotaru's lead in the conversation.

"Yes, it's been a really long time. It's good to see you." She began to take a few steps towards the entrance, walking slowly so as to leave space for Hotaru to follow. "It's kind of strange, in a way, to be back here. But it's nice, too."

The mention of Usagi made Rei's heartbeat quicken for a moment. She didn't feel that same kind of connection she once felt to the other girl -- woman now, she supposed -- but she knew that even without that supernatural connection, Usagi Tsukino would always have a special place in her heart.

Rei wondered what to say as she walked the last few paces to the Crown entrance, but the fact was, she didn't know what to say to a woman she barely knew. She glanced over, keenly looking for any signs of continued trouble in the darkly-clad woman, before walking into the familiar building.

And it truly was familiar. In fact, it appeared to have hardly changed at all in all these years. She spotted Ami, Minako, Usagi and Mamoru already inside and beginning a conversation with one another.

Another pang in her chest as she looked at each face -- older, perhaps, but still so very much the same as she remembered. A burst of something, adoration maybe, tightened her her chest. Maybe that supernatural connection wasn't fully gone after all.

"Hello," Rei said in greeting, looking to each of them in turn. She wanted to say more, but nothing came to mind. So she put on a small smile instead and wondered what had become of all these ghosts from her past.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime15th September 2017, 7:41 am

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3120549547 Hotaru Tomoe [Casual Event] A Normal Life 3120549547

She appreciated that Rei didn't press the issue. There were few Hotaru would have been comfortable going into detail about her medical history with, and this businesswoman and priestess simply wasn't one of them. They had never been close. Rei was one of those close to Usagi; she was part of that inner circle. Hotaru's connection was tangential—she respected Usagi because the blonde was a good person, but mostly because Setsuna-mama adored the woman. Anyone that Setsuna-mama cared about could never deserve a negative opinion from Hotaru.

Following behind Rei made it easier to enter the place, as well. The longer-haired woman had an aura of authority around her. Hotaru was glad she wouldn't have to be the first one to speak up.

Violet eyes surveyed the area from below the blunt bangs, remembering those faces from prior introductions. Ami and Minako were already present, two others who had been much closer to their focal point, who stood nearby with her husband. She seemed as bright and animated as ever—and he looked as mature and reserved as Hotaru recalled him.

"Nice to see you again, Ami-san, Minako-san, Usagi-san, Mamoru-san."

Hotaru was careful to greet each in turn, her tone extremely formal. With her short dark hair and matching black clothing, she looked very out of place among the brighter colours of the assembled group. Even though she was older now, the age gap between her and the others seemed to feel like a chasm that kept her separate from the rest. They had a bond she would never be a part of.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] A Normal Life Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime19th September 2017, 6:49 am

Now that everyone had arrived, the group gathered together at a large table. Drinks and snacks were ordered and then it was time for the main reason everyone had gathered together: to catch up on the lives everyone had lived these past thirty years.

Quote :
Goal: Have your character talk about their life!
Bonus Goal: Share the love! Mention if your character has been married or is seeing anyone. Or maybe they've had a child or two?
Bonus Goal 2: Ask a question of another person!

Not sure what to write? Here are a few suggestions!
Talk about the line of work your character is involved in.
What about goals they've accomplished or are currently working on?
Has your character traveled a lot? Lived in Tokyo the whole time?

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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime19th September 2017, 7:34 pm

[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3074743337
Minako looked at the plate of food, and grabbed a slice of cheese. She looked at each of the people sitting at the table, mulling over in her head possible questions that she could ask. And hopefully, the question wouldn't be as akward as the one she had asked Ami. Minako nodded a greeting to Hotaru before clearing her throat, folding her hands on the table and giving her best idol-Minako smile. 

"So, how are things?"

Minako could have kicked herself-but that would have hurt considering she was wearing her favorite designer heels. She talked to people all the time, it's part of her job. Heck, she could chat people's ears off-ever since she was younger, even! These were some of the first people she ever chatted with.

Why was this so difficult?
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Normal Life   [Casual Event] A Normal Life I_icon_minitime26th September 2017, 10:51 am

We will be finishing up this event in a future RTRP! Please keep an eye on the OOC thread if you are interested in participating!

Regardless of RTRP participation, if you've made a post in this event, you may claim your prize below! <3 Created by the ever-talented Sailor Neptune <3

[Casual Event] A Normal Life UsiDdbj[Casual Event] A Normal Life 3Pn8ZLN

Thank you all! See you next event! =)

Conclusion RTRP:
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