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 [Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus

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[Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus Empty
PostSubject: [Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus   [Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus I_icon_minitime10th November 2017, 5:19 am

As promised, I made my Magus sheet for any RP.
Character Name: Magus, or Janus
Gender: Male
Age: Inderteminate, maybe 23 or 25
Universe: Chrono Trigger
Canon or Original: Canon
Character Appearance:

Personality Traits: Grumpy, Trigger Happy, Vengeful, Soft Spot towards his sister, Bitter, Cynic, Unfettered, Could join the heroes if that will further his plans, Distant, Lonely, Mommy Issues and according to Chrono Echoes Daddy Issues.

Universe Specific Information: Magus was born Janus, heir to the Kingdom of Zeal and brother to Schala. Janus was known to the kingdom's citizens as introverted and usually kept in seclusion, but during the game he is seen upset and pacing Zeal's cities. He kept a purple cat named Alfador as a pet, called "his only friend" by one citizen. Though believed to be inept by many, Janus possessed magic power exceeding all others. Upon the completion of the Mammon Machine and the transformation of Queen Zeal, Janus suppressed his power to avoid suffering in the same manner as Schala and his mother. Before Crono intervened in time to save the world, Janus attended the Ocean Palace christening and was swept up in a temporal distortion caused by Lavos. In the new timelines, Janus can be seen confiding in Schala concerning his dislike of his mother. She consoled him by giving him her Amulet, which he would later wear around his hip as an adult. Janus also warned Crono that one in his group would soon die. As Crono descended to the Ocean Palace, Melchior watched over Janus, though the two soon disappeared into a black portal at the time of their original departure.

Janus emerged from the distortion in the Middle Ages, where a Mystic leader named Ozzie seized him. Ozzie apparently discovered his magic potential, and Janus eventually became the leader of the Mystics (known as the Great Magus) and changing his appearance. Magus continued harboring a secret goal of revenge on Lavos. To gain power necessary to summon and confront Lavos, Magus led the Mystics in war with humanity, achieving a deified status among them. His three top warriors were Ozzie, Slash, and Flea. Ten years before 600 A.D., he slew the head knight of Guardia, Cyrus, and changed his squire Glenn to a Frog. The two were attempting to acquire the Masamune, a legendary sword thought to be the only weapon that could defeat Magus. In 600 A.D., Magus completed his preparations and attempted to summon Lavos. Crono and Frog, believing he created Lavos in the Middle Ages, interrupted him at his lair and battled him at length. Magus revealed that he was merely summoning Lavos while the incomplete spell activated, causing a temporal distortion that sent Crono's group to 65,000,000 B.C. and Magus to his original time period.

At home in Zeal, Magus realized that with the nearing activation of the Ocean Palace, he would once again have the chance to destroy Lavos. To gain access, he appeared to Queen Zeal as a prophet from a mysterious land and used his childhood knowledge to predict future events. He was instated as director of the Ocean Palace's construction, possibly imprisoned the Gurus, and warned Queen Zeal and Dalton of Crono and his group. Once Crono and his friends were subjugated in Zeal Palace, Magus threatened to kill them. Schala and Janus pleaded, and Magus compromised by having her lock them out of the time period by sealing a time gate. He then attended the christening of the Ocean Palace, awaiting the moment of Lavos's awakening. Once the creature arrived, he threw off his disguise and tried to kill Lavos, but was beaten swiftly and left to watch Crono die. Powerless, he was saved with Crono's remaining friends by Schala, who used her pendant's powers to transport them to land. He then went to the North Cape to reflect on past events. When confronted by Crono's friends, he revealed his identity as Janus and informed them of a way to revive Crono, whom he simultaneously ridiculed. The player can opt to kill Magus at the North cape at this point, but the sequels show that this didn't take place.

Magus joined Crono's friends, traveling with them for the duration of their quest. Along the way, he met the Guru of Time, Gaspar, who recognized him as Janus. He also encountered Ozzie, Slash, and Flea, who criticized him for using the Mystics as a tool to gain personal power. Magus defeated them and retrieved his best armor and weapons at their fort to prepare for the final battle. Atop the Black Omen, Magus defeated his mother, calling her a "pitiful woman duped by Lavos." After killing Lavos, Magus returned to Leene square in 1000 A.D. with the other heroes and silently departed to 12000 B.C., most likely to search for Schala. If the player chose to kill Magus, his curse on Frog is broken at the game's end. In the PlayStation version of the game, the curse is lifted regardless of whether he dies. It can be assumed that in the original timeline of the story, Magus succeeds in summoning Lavos and brings about his own death, ending the war with the humans. Crono's interference in the process saved him from this fate in the Keystone Timelines.

Surviving the darkness through incredible persistence and determination did not leave Magus without a little cynicism, and his lines in Chrono Trigger are some of the most quoted and parodied in the RPG community. His most famous lines are revealed in an ending as being uttered shortly before the Ocean Palace Incident, in which he masqueraded as the Prophet:

If history is to change, let it change! If the world is to be destroyed, so be it!

If my fate is to be destroyed...
I must simply laugh!!

I'm coming, Lavos!

Skills/Magical Abilities and spells:

- Queen Zeal
- King Zeal
- Schala Zeal
Acquaintances and friends 
- Schala Zeal (His sister)
- Crono, Marle, Lucca, Ayla and Robo (More to Acquaintances than friends, as they were together only to kill Lavos)
Persons that he totally doesn't like

- Queen Zeal (He thinks his mom is a foolish, selfish, shallow woman)
- King Zeal (Because his father, instead of being happy by his family being alive, decided that after seeing his own daughter alive, to use her as a way to change history and bring his Kingdom back using Lavos)
- Gleen Cyrus (Turned him on a Frog, also thinks he is a fool)
- Kingdom of Guardia (A Kingdom of fools)
- Ozzie, Flea and Slash (Thinks they're fools)
- Lavos (Supposedly killed his sister, for Magus it signed its death certificate)
- Dalton (Another Fool in his opinion)
- Cyrus (He killed him, also another fool for him)

Storyline Specific Information: 

Additional Information: 
- Has an Amulet that will protect him from poisons, gave by his sister.
- Has a scythe as a weapon.
- Likes to improve his Magic Abilities.
- Wants to be with his sister.
- Mastered the art of Brooding.
- Trying to avenge his sister's supposed death.
- Fighting, sometimes being downright callous towards his opponents.
- Was the leader and 'Messiah' of the Mystic Army
- Crono's Team, their alliance endured until Lavos's death, where they departed ways 
- Kingdom of Zeal, he was their prince, ironically he doesn't care about the place, he could...actually, if his sister wants to him to care...

Source: Chrono Trigger
RP Sample: 
Magus wasn't happy, it is not like he could even be happy, not until he finds his sister, it is just that there's some moments where he is a lot unhappy and that often means that it is a bad idea to even come closer of him, a bad day, or not? Time travel isn't somethinbg that can be easily understood 'I should have paid attention to Gaspar, damm...' He poked a stick into the fireplace, stirring it, the rabbit roasting over the fire seemed still raw 'Just when I think I got a small clue of her...' He grimaced, that 'alliance' he had for a time with a knight that was more trustworthy than a mouse, blew up as fast as one of Lucca's bombs, being beheaded doens't seemed to be a good fate, at least he managed to jump into that gate right into the time 'I was lucky...very lucky...but still...' 

"From all places that I should ended up...right where I ended up first?" It is not like he held any care for the Middle Ages, but his reputation here wasn't the best, well, waging war against humanity doesn't really make people to like you, again, not like Magus really cares "Maybe I should see the cities into this age, at least until a new gate appears again...Schala, I will find you and save you, no matter how much time it takes...' He would, she was the light into his bleak life...
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[Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus   [Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus I_icon_minitime23rd March 2018, 6:19 pm


I made a quick edit to your post to fix some formatting issues - I'm sorry this took such a long time to review!! It slipped through some custodial cracks that I wasn't aware were in place @-@

You're approved!
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[Multiverse][Relaxed]Magus or Maou, also called Janus

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