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 [Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light

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Lt Light Ark
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Lt Light Ark

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[Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light Empty
PostSubject: [Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light   [Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light I_icon_minitime6th December 2017, 6:01 am

Character Name: Celice Karstein
Gender: Male
Age: 16

Nickname: Lieutenant of Light or 'Cecil'
Date of Birth: 2001
Place of Birth: New York
Ethnicity/Species: Human-Spirit
Occupation/Job: Student and Superhero
One Sentence Description: "I am the Lieutenant of Light! Be ready to pay for your sins!"
Height: 161
Weight: 55 KG
Universe: Elemental Spirits (Urban Fantasy, Magical Boy/Girl)
Canon or Original: Original


Appearance: He is pale like a vampire, why his friends call him 'marble girly boy’, round-shaped, has a worrying lack of masculine features, much to his chagrin. His eyes have a red, ruby-like color, it is said that his friends thought he was really a vampire because of his eyes, red like a bloody ruby, even when he cuts down his hair, he still continues having a feminine outlook, to worsen up his situation, he becomes even more feminine after cutting his hair down, has a deep black spot on the middle of his forehead, raising the people's suspect regarding him.

Not too much longer, not too much short, he decided to cut some of it to see if he could look less a girl and more like a man. It never worked, again much to his chagrin, when into his alter-ego, the Lieutenant of Light, he ends up wearing a scarf to hold up his hair into a small ponytail. Go figure, he never noticed how feminine he ended up looking, lean, thin, an extremely delicate frame, anyone that looks to him, closely or from far will immediately assume that he is a 'flat chested cute girl'. Again, much to his chagrin.

Celice, even with his...delicate looks, ends up looking even more feminine because he is normally pretty polite and laid-back, but when determined to do something, he ends up looking manlier than ever. Ironically he never noticed how manly he does look when determined, but then again, that determination appears when he is into his 'Lieutenant of Light' persona.

Normally dresses up like a boy, to try to show that he is really a man, but often ends up being called a 'tomboy'. When as the 'Lieutenant of Light' he ends up wearing a magical cloth that halves any damage dealt by 25% and his cloak can bend light from his backward, then turning him invisible, if he wants to, but it is not like he can remain invisible when fighting, his sword is carried as a necklace that he always wears, it is a small silver cross that looks like a small sword, often carries a broken clock, that belonged to his best friend, that is now dead.

Personality: He is ironically an introvert with a penchant for jokes, yes, even if when in his 'Lieutenant of Light' persona, he seems to be a lot extroverted, but that is just an act to avoid anyone to connect dots between him and 'Lieutenant of Light', extremely sensitive, he can stay seeing or capturing every color on a flower field for a long time, because every element here affects him deep down, normally he will go and draw something soon after. Some may consider him an emotionless boy, but that is just a result of his own 'more to himself' way to be, actually he feels on a rate greater than most people would feel, prone to hide his feelings, if he is actually showing then, know that he may act dismissive regarding those, at the point of even irrationally stating that 'I don't like you that much!' as a way to try to pretend. Even if it is not true. As the 'Lieutenant of Light,' he will often be open, extroverted and somewhat, so to speak.

He is an extremely moral, correct person, he abhors betrayal, common thievery (he will state that it isn't about the stolen material, but about that person's work that was stolen), despises authoritarian people and those that holds up with totalitarian ideals, principally those that seems to want or going to use violence to achieve a determined end. He also despises those that holds law with scrutiny, unless if said law actually causes unrest and suffering.

Most of the time he seems to have a high measure of self-control, but even him has a limit, said limit being often when he meets a totally despicable person, or if said person doesn't stop annoying him, accepted the Ark of Light, beyond of lack of choice, it was mainly because he noticed that the demons were really dangerous, his motivation, at least officially is to slay the demons, get the shards so he can fulfill his destiny, but in truth he is just into it to save people, why he complains but not avoids solving the crimes that are often mistakenly detected by his pet as 'Dreamwalker Awakening'.

When someone manages to pierce right into his mind, like someone that knows him too well and can use his weaknesses, but considering that he feels a moral obligation to save people, he will instead jump in, he is smart, that if you consider battle planning, music, painting, because outside of that...he is not that smart, is often tricked and even manipulated (where his pet is often intervene, even if he is lately feeling like ignoring him completely...)

Fairly confident when fighting, painting, doing exercises and playing the violin, outside of that he is somewhat, like, he will often try to measure the risk before jumping in, now in social events...lowest of low.

Good as a painter has an excellent calligraphy, knowledgeable in two languages, English and French and mastered the violin, he is also a good cook, just don't ask him to make sweets. He will try to make sweets if given a choice, but it is recommended to not let him do it.

Terrible at math, at any field where math ends up stepping in, also can't swim, he fears to fall into a pool or an ocean so much that he will try to avoid falling using any measures possible, even seduction. He is also horrible singing, ironically enough, considering his abilities with the violin, has difficulties when speaking Japanese, often needing his phone's translator to speak properly, he is also fairly incompetent at things that need coordination with more people.

He is also bad when talking with people, as polite and well mannered he is, he...ends up shutting up quickly after a talk, as he can't find anything else to talk about, mainly because he doesn't want to be a bother.

His greatest strength is that he is able to devise excellent plans when the situation asks for it, also his physical conditioning, thanks to his magical abilities that increased his physical capabilities, he is pretty strong for a normal human, too much strong actually. Also, that became another strong point, thanks to his feminine appearance, his enemies will not expect that he could throw consecutive strong strikes, that may have something with him frequenting gym far too much, a desperate try to get a manly appearance, not like that even worked. He is talented with the violin and with musical composition.

His greatest weakness is that his sense of duty leads him to believe, strongly that any problem he has, whatever kind of problem is one that him and only him, all alone, even at an insurmountable odds that could be solved with help, should solve, so he is prone to reject help, even at life-risk, also he is insecure regarding his own appearance, it is a sore spot into him. Also he is prone to omit things, he may end up almost dead, or end up with a fatal disease, but he will never tell, also prone to lie depending on the situation, ironically he only lies when it is related to a problem within himself, like insurmountable odds, but most of the time he will be pretty sincere, but his polite and well-mannered ways will carry him to speak the truth in the most sensible way...

If possible, it is just, he doesn't like lies, he prefers to meet the harsh truth than a comfortable lie, granted that he could accept a lie if reality can be totally ignored, like, if he has no debts behind.

A big lover of opera, he is a fan of Beethoven, Richard Wagner, but he also loves other types of music, one of them being Hard Rock, likes to paint, compose songs, jogs, he doesn't like games or tv, pretty frankly, he would only watch tv if there's some anime being showed. Also likes to cook, he is somewhat a good cook, but he can't make sweets, ever, always the end result is a grey mass that tastes like dirt...for some reason.

He is an early person, much to his chagrin, when it is a holiday he will insist to sleep a while longer, normally takes a bath before breakfast just to...take another bath, if he is not going to fix his home place, he will probably go to take a jog and soon after gym, after he will go back to get lunch, then a rest where he will take another bath and play with his violin. Then he will probably train his magical abilities as his skills with the sword, often on the closest empty place, like forests, trash yards, empty warehouses, and various other empty places. But be wary, that information here isn't really precise.

Philosophy: "People need the right to choose, be it a bad decision or a good decision, they need to have a choice in the matter."

Greatest Fear/Phobia: To be hated, to be weak and to become what he hates most, what is someone that forces people to do his bidding.

Pets: Has a small bird that will always be at his shoulder, he is called 'Birdie'. Ironically it isn't a bird, but an A.I construct that supposedly should help the destined to find the demons, but he has a success rate of 15%. Celice rages every time.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Ark of Light:
Light Manipulation:
Light Spells:
Magical Passive Abilities:

History: Had a normal childhood, where he, since small, showed a natural talent with the violin and the brush, he was always considered a lonely kid, even if he was often with his equally introverted friends.

When he lost his best friend at his 12 years old, by an accident that he blames himself until today in secret, also at his 15 years old, when he gained the Ark of Light and the path of destiny, he gained a musical contest when he had 13 years old, his abilities with the violin left a lot of people with their mouths open in sheer surprise, after eyes filled with tears by the emotion within the music itself, he also accomplished the third place on a painting contest.

But he also has his failures, like literally staying paralyzed as one man died before him, it may be normal for people to enter in shock, but he blames himself for not helping, another reason for his fairly workaholic tendencies when going out as ‘Lieutenant of Light’, his family is...fairly stable, if you ignore the 'cold war' between his parents, that insist into not fighting because of him, the main result is a household where there's a lot of snide remarks flying around, he doesn't show, but that breaks his heart.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
- Has a strange black mark onto his forehead that is hidden by his locks.
- He has a spear that can pierce through steel, concrete, flesh, bone with some effort, also he can conduct or light or magical energy through the spear to throw cutting waves, javelins, beams of light to burn and cut.

Universe Specific Information: "Ten Spirits, Ten Humans, None shouldn't ascend, never let the Chamber of Heaven open upon the Existence, nothing that is flesh should regain its spiritual form, because what is divine may only wander into a land untainted by original sin."

Storyline Specific Information:
Dreamwalker Hunting - Celice goes trying to search the shards to complete his Star of Hope, but often he ends up falling into various strange situations...

RP Sample:
“Again!” Okay, again, why can’t this stupid Bird just be sure about what it is supposed to search? I am frankly tired of playing ‘magic cop’ with those bastards here! I am tire-Hell! Why can’t those bastards just stop firing!!?? It isn’t smart to bring a sword to a gunfight! At least I’ve discovered that now! I concentrate energy into my hands, another loud sound, I will not let it take out my attention! I feel my hands, lighter, pumped with light magic...

Okay! Time to wreck those bitches! Jumping from behind the container I point my finger against those Mafiosi, shouting "I am the Lieutenant of Light! Be ready to pay for your sins! Light Ray!” A pure beam of blinding, white-hot light runs straight through the gunners, causing a big explosion onto the harbor where they were.


Too Loud! Too Bright! Damm, I am not used to this! Now...Why aren’t my wings appearing?! Damm, I expended all of my energy?! Well, I will need to see ways to improve my energy building later on! Then I do simply sprint out of the harbor.

I am not fighting bandits anymore! Too many problems! The Lieutenant of Light is supposed to hunt Demons! Not Bandits!

Last edited by Lt Light Ark on 21st November 2018, 4:43 am; edited 3 times in total
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[Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light   [Multiverse][Advanced] Celice Karstein, Lieutenant of Light I_icon_minitime23rd March 2018, 6:20 pm

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