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 [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime17th November 2017, 12:20 pm

Storyline Name: Scandalous Scrutiny
Creator(s): RP Speedy Dating!
Forum: Casual
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary: The first to arrive in a casual get-together, Minako and Chibiusa enjoy the warm sun while waiting for the others to arrive. When they spot Usagi walking arm-in-arm with a man who is not Mamoru, they decide they simply must investigate it further!
Details on any necessary information: You are free to take this idea in any direction you'd like! Have fun! Very Happy
Restrictions: Characters listed below only!
OOC Thread: Link!
Member to Character List:
||Minako Aino played by Diagnosed
||Chibiusa Tsukino played by Brit-chan
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime18th November 2017, 2:36 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330

Chibiusa waited, tapping her foot impatiently, outside of a new cafe that the girls had wanted to try, Cafe Maru. It had a cute cat mascot and as Chibiusa eyed the decor inside the shop, it clearly had a cute cat theme. Chibiusa decided that next time she'd invite Diana to come along with her, she would probably like the place.

Looking both ways up and down the busy street, she sighed. Where was everyone? Weren't they supposed to be adults and not be late, much less leave a child waiting alone? Not that she couldn't take care of herself. She prided herself on her matured, especially since it was much better than that idiot Usagi's. She imagined Usagi running up very last, out of breath, going on about some nonsense that happened.

Oh Usagi, that girl could be a real child sometimes.

Chibiusa felt her stomach growl at her. She pouted and looked again at the street, hoping that someone would come soon so she could get something to eat.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime18th November 2017, 4:57 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337 Minako Aino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337

Minako waltzed around the last corner, casually looking at her watch. A bit late, but it couldn't be helped. She pushed the memory of her mother's stern face and words from her mind for the last time that afternoon, flipping a section of long blonde hair back over her shoulder.

It was a perfect day to be out. The weather was warm with a breeze that came and went, and the streets hummed with cars and people. It was just the kind of energy that could bring a chance encounter! She looked up and ahead with shining eyes, walking briskly. Suddenly she realized the cafe would be coming up promptly to her right.

But she left her daze too late. With the grace of an elephant, she turned right and bowled over a small girl from behind! The two wound up in an unflattering heap on the pavement.

Last edited by Diagnosed on 1st December 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime18th November 2017, 6:31 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330

The next thing she knew Chibiusa was bowled over by a larger teenager.

"Ouch!" she screeched loudly, mostly out of annoyance and well now her elbow was going to have a little bruise too.

"Watch where you're going, dummy!"

Somehow she managed to detangle herself from the pile of school uniform skirt and blonde hair, only to realize it was Minako.

"M-minako! You're late!" Chibiusa gave her best pout while putting her fists on her hips, "Where's everyone else?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime19th November 2017, 2:49 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337 Minako Aino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337

Minako winced as she sat up, the high pitched voice adding to her hurt pride.

“Aaararara… Sorry, Chibiusa-chan,” she moaned, “I didn't see you.” She opened one eye and looked around sheepishly, expecting to see her other friends. When she didn't, she straightened. “Oh! We're early,” she said, ignoring the younger girl's assessment.

Minako finally stood up and brushed off her skirt. Alone with a little kid. So much for a chance encounter. She sighed internally. “I'm sure the others are on their way,” she added aloud, directing her attention back to the petite girl. Chibiusa was still scowling up at her. Minako tried to put on her best smile. From any other kid, that look of indignation and the naiveté behind it would be enough to infuriate her. But this was Usagi's daughter, after all. So, her frustration only rose to a simmer.

“This is it?” she asked, nodding to the cafe behind them, trying to change the subject. "Mako-chan wasn't kidding! It sure is cute."

Last edited by Diagnosed on 1st December 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime20th November 2017, 6:12 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330

Chibiusa's scowl quickly dissipated as Minako changed the subject. It was hard to stay angry with the always bubbly Minako anyway. Plus now she could get a free treat out of her with the excuse that she deserved an apology for Minako damaging her delicate maiden body.

She turned to look in the window, nodding her head in agreement.

"Uh huh. I think Diana would love it," her stomach growled, "Can we get something while we wait for the others?"

It was then Chibiusa noticed reflection flash in the window. Long, blond familiar pigtails...Usagi!? Didn't she have detention again for flunking her last test? What was she doing out and about? Chibiusa spun on her heel only to receive another shock. Usagi was hanging off a man, talking excitedly. A man that wasn't Mamoru.

"H-hey! Look! It's Usagi!" Chibiusa blurted, frantically tugging on Minako's shirt, "And she's with another man!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime21st November 2017, 7:30 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337 Minako Aino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337

Minako ran closer to the window of the cafe, looking wildly over the patrons inside. “What?! Where? I don't see her! What would she be doing here, though? She told me she had a previous date set with Naru.”

Minako still felt her skirt being tugged at and finally turned to the imp responsible. Chibiusa's eyes were wide as saucers and she was pointing across the street. Minako followed the little finger with her eyes and there, as promised, was one Usagi Tsukino and a handsome but unrecognizable college aged guy.

Minako's jaw dropped. “That little hussie…” she said in a low whisper. Then, she looked back down into Chibiusa's face, a maniacal smile forming on her lips.

Last edited by Diagnosed on 1st December 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime23rd November 2017, 10:07 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330

Chibiusa recognized the familiar grin on Minako's face. She replied with a grin and a nod. They were nosy teenagers after all and this was scandalous behavior that had to be investigated! And damn the Usagi for being with someone that wasn't Mamo!

Then a horrible thought crossed her mind She clasped her hands on her cheeks in shock. What if that idiot Usagi falls in love with that guy!? What if she never gets born!? Was this it? Were these the final consequences of her meddling in time!?

"I still want to be born!" she cried as she broke into a run to catch up with Usagi. She needed to preserve her very existence!
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Lotus Crystal


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[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime26th November 2017, 6:20 am

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337 Minako Aino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337

Minako had barely opened her mouth to speak when Chibiusa tore off down the sidewalk, shouting her fears aloud.

“Ack!” Minako managed, breaking into a run to catch up. Once she did, she slowed to a jog to keep pace with her companion. They were quickly approaching the crosswalk. “Chibiusa!” she said in a low voice “Let’s hang back a bit to see if they cross.” She kept one eye on the pair and put her hand on the girl’s shoulder to slow her down to a stop a few feet from the intersection, beside a vending machine.

Minako crouched down in front of Chibiusa, catching her worried gaze. “It's alright, you know. True love won't be defeated this easily,” she said with a wink. “I, Aino Minako, goddess of love will make sure of it!”

Last edited by Diagnosed on 1st December 2017, 7:54 pm; edited 2 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime28th November 2017, 10:28 am

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330

Chibiusa forced herself to pause before calling out to Usagi when the blonde caught her by the shoulder. Once out of Usagi's radar behind the vending machine, Chibiusa quickly rubbed tears out of her eyes before whipping her head around, pink pig tails slapping Minako's arm, to glare at the older girl. What did she know? She wasn't about to be unborn!

For some reason, Minako's words and confidence caused her to smile instead of chiding the proposed goddess of love. She had a point. True love was never defeated easily!  Besides this was Usagi, how could she ever have eyes for anyone besides Mamo-chan?

"You're right! Mama and papa's love is eternal but we can follow her to be on the safe side," Chibiusa poked her head around the vending machine, catching site of Usagi and that man, who admittedly was kind of handsome. No where near Mamoru's good looks. She bit her lip as she observed the man she was with. Usagi was talking excitedly to him and he even seemed to enjoy her company!  Who could enjoy such an annoying brat hanging on your arm like that? And just what were they talking about?

She cupped a hand around her ear, trying to pick up their conversation among all the chatter of the crowded streets.

All she could gather was something about how sweet he was and how much she like his cream p-. Cream p-!?!?!? What did that even mean? Chibiusa felt her face redden at the thoughts that filled her head. Usagi! How scandalous!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime30th November 2017, 9:36 pm

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337 Minako Aino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 3074743337

Minako was slightly taken aback by how seriously Chibiusa had been fearing the worst. But, the storm seemed to blow over quickly so she said nothing more on the subject. The next thing she knew, it looked like the little girl had actually managed to hear something important amidst the din on the street!

“What? What is it, Chibiusa?!” Just then the light changed at the crosswalk. Without waiting for an answer, Minako stood up quickly and grabbed hold of the small hand, pulling it's owner along to the street. “C’mon! Let's get closer! We're about to lose them!”

After crossing to the same side as their targets, the two girls followed behind them for the next ten minutes, careful to keep far enough back so as not to be noticed. Though, it did seem clear after the first 60 seconds that Usagi was probably too preoccupied to notice anyone following her anyways. Still, it wouldn't do to be found out before getting to the bottom of this!

Finally, the “couple” came to a stop outside a grey building with a blue emblem to one side of its large open air entrance. Suddenly realizing that there was no good place to hide, Minako dove behind a parked car beside the curb, dragging her little friend with her. She peered around the taillight cautiously. Her heart was racing.

“Welcome to Cordon Bleu!” said the handsome youth, gesturing up at the bold letters above the entryway. Minako didn't recognize the name. Her eyes became as wide as saucers as she then watched him drop slowly to one knee in front of a blushing Usagi.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime9th December 2017, 8:10 am

[Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330 Chibiusa Tsukino [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] 2393257330

Chibiusa bit on her hankerchief, pulling it taut with frustration. What is that man doing! Doesn't he know the consequences? Wait did he say...?

"Cordon Bleu...isn't that a big fancy cooking school?" she looked up questioningly at Minako, "Do you think he's luring her here with the promise of food? What if it's a trap by the enemy?!"

Somehow that thought relieved Chibiusa more thanit should have. While an enemy attack was serious, she was more confident about fighting that off rather than Usagi falling in love with a hot chef!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Scandalous Scrutiny [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime27th March 2018, 5:16 am

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