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 [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]

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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime13th February 2016, 9:39 am

Storyline Name: Blind Date!
Creator(s): Sailor Uranus and the RNG
Plot Summary: Eventually, everyone needs to visit a salon. It just so happened that today, in the busiest and most elite Salon in all of Crystal Tokyo, two planetary guardians happened to be attending to various grooming needs (at an extremely low discount price, for one, thanks to mega coupon hunting). It was a good thing, too, because that day happened to be the day that the SALON WAS ON A BLIND DATE WITH DESTINY.

The negative feelings of all other salon owners and employees envious of the salon's success and the feelings of envy felt by everyone who wanted an appointment or wanted to be able to go in but either couldn't afford it or couldn't get in for the next seven months had seeped into the very instruments of the salon itself, inviting in the forces of Chaos. 

When instruments of beauty get a mind of their own and start to rebel against the stylists and patrons of the beautiful salon, who better to fight back than two Sailor Guardians who are locked inside with them?! 

Can Sailor Mars and Knight Oberon win back the salon? And how much damage will they inadvertently cause in the process?!

Details on any necessary information: This takes place in the Crystal Tokyo timeline! As Oberon is involved, Small Lady has become the new Sailor Moon, but Neo Queen Serenity is still reigning over Crystal Tokyo! (Her retirement might be coming along soon?)  You can start in civilian forms, but transformations need to occur at some point before the end!
Potential Starting Points:
a) During a beauty routine just as the instruments start to go bad!
b) Just after transformation, when the fight really begins!
Things to think about:
a) Are their identities still a secret from the public?
b) Are their identities still a secret from each other
POTENTIAL ENEMIES: ANYTHING you can find in a salon can fight back! This salon not only washes, cuts, dries and styles hair, but does facials, manicures, pedicures, waxing, and massage~ 

Restrictions: Characters listed below only
OOC Thread: CrackShips Event Thread or OOC Thread of the player's creation (or skype)
Member to Character List: 

  • Knight Oberon/Sailor Oberon - Eternal Knight
  • Sailor Mars and/or Rei Hino - Small Lady

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime17th February 2016, 4:46 pm

If it hadn't been at the urgency of Sailor Venus and her Queen, Rei Hino would not be in the mess that she is right now. Though, deep down, she did have to admit, she was looking forward to the pampering session she was to receive. All she managed to have gotten to of her pamper spa day was the foot soak of her pedicure when she heard several screams, loud crashes and the breaking of glass coming from another room in the salon.

She immediately stood up ready for action, feet still soaking in the warm foot soak. She could sense an evil aura coming from the main entrance area of the salon. There were still others in the pedicure room she was in. She turned to the salon patrons, asking them keep calm and assured them that help would be on the way. Peeking her head out of the doorway, she looked down the hall towards the entrance.

It was almost a comical sight...if this wasn't real life. Hair stylists were wrapped up in the cords of their blow driers, scissors were flying through the air chasing patrons or holding them hostage. Her eyes widened as she saw a giant hair spray bottle that had formed arms, legs and the grotesque face of a monster. It reminded her of the many youma she faced long ago with Sailor Moon and the others, Inanimate objects that were turned into demons. What could have caused this?

She didn't know, but she had to find a place to transform and fast. There was no one else to stop these evil creatures but her! She glanced around, there had to be an empty room somewhere...
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Eternal Knight
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime18th February 2016, 7:23 pm

Knight Oberon
It was curiosity that first led him to the salon. He wasn't really in need of a grooming, but he had heard about this place and some of his acquaintances had a lot of good to say about it. It had been a long time since he first started walking on Earth and he had seen salons before, but not quite like this one.

Curiosity, however, turned to disaster and he watched as a civilian he didn't know assured everyone else that help would come. Help would come sooner or later, but help could also come right now. While everyone else was busy screaming and panicking, he opened both hands, ready to go.

"Le Fay, Hear my Command!"

The Knight was soon armed with his two daggers and did what he could for now: protect the civilians in while someone would probably be sent to their aid. He started with the poor souls trapped in the wiring of their tools, his motions sharp but true.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime18th February 2016, 8:03 pm

Rei heard a male voice and what sounded like fighting. What a brave soul to try to defend the people, but it was the perfect distraction. She hurried and snuck into an empty massage room. Better transform fast before this brave person gets themselves killed.

Mars Eternal Power Make Up!

In a flash of flames, Rei had transformed into Sailor Mars. She instantly felt more comfortable being back in this form. While she missed being a normal civilian at times, she was now so used to being Sailor Mars nearly all the time ever since Sailor Moon was crowned as Neo Queen Serenity over one thousand years ago. But there wasn't any time to reflect on her comfort, Sailor Mars rushed into the main area of the salon.

"Akuryo Taisan!" Hundreds of Ofuda scrolls flew out and landed on the various attacking objects... However, it seemed it wouldn't be enough as only a few of the attacking objects were burned to pieces.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime18th February 2016, 8:21 pm

Knight Oberon
It took less time than he thought it would, Sailor Mars bursting in the salon with one of her grand attacks, flames going through monsters under Oberon's appreciative gaze. The Queen's guardians were always ones who Oberon admired the loyalty. If he would usually speak more with Jupiter who organized the missions, he still had respect for all of them.

He cut one of the tools in pieces, turning on himself to nod politely at her.

"Sailor Mars."

He greeted before throwing one of his daggers in something that could have been a pedicure chair at some point. He frowned.

"Have you any idea of what caused this? The salon seemed normal when I entered and I doubt this is how Earthian salons work."

He pointed out, still fighting. He could use most of his powers in this form, but there were civilians in here and as a senshi, his shields would be more powerful. He grimaced, looking for a good hiding place while putting himself between some customers and their foes.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime18th February 2016, 8:46 pm

Mars gave Knight Oberon a nod and slight smile. She was glad he was here. He was someone the Queen and the others had been able to count on as a protector of the people and trustworthy ally.

"Knight Oberon, I'm glad to see you here, though these aren't exactly ideal circumstaces. I thought someone was foolishly trying to fight the monsters and for sure get themselves killed. I see I had no reason to worry now."

Mars gave him a friendly smile as she surveyed her surroundings. Between her and the Knight, they had gotten some of the evil objects but there were still plenty to deal with and others to save in other rooms. The large hairspray bottle youma had seemed to disappear though...maybe it was their leader?

"I had not sensed any evil before the attack, it happened rather quickly."

She certainly didn't want to admit that she had let her guard down a bit as she had been looking forward to her pampering session (despite her vocal complaints she made to Minako earlier that day).

"I sense a lot of negative energy has gathered here though. Perhaps these are some minor offshoots of chaos?"

Mars chewed on her thoughts for a few moments. However, she knew they had to act quickly as there were several other areas of the salon that she knew could have civilians in danger.

"Regardless of who or what caused this, we need to save the civilians. There are many rooms back there," Mars pointed behind her from the hallway she had entered from, "and I believe there is a second floor to this salon, though I'm not sure what we'll find up there."
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime22nd February 2016, 4:53 pm

Knight Oberon
"When are circumstances ever in favour of any meetings?" He pointed out, a hint of humor in his otherwise serious tone. It seemed nobody in this city could ever really catch their breath, but Oberon was fine with it. He wasn't sure he would know what to do with his life anymore if peace was to be eternal and undisturbed. "But a friendly face is always welcomed in the face of danger."

He listened to her, scanning the room and everything that could possibly attack them still, glancing at the civilians before he turned his attention towards Mars.

"I agree, but we should get them" He pointed the civilians currently in the same room as they were. "out before cleaning any other room. We know very little of the enemies we are currently facing and I would not be entirely comfortable leaving them behind while we explore the rest of the salon. Enemies could slip out and come back here. Or lock them in a room safe enough. Were the doors locked?"
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime24th February 2016, 10:14 am

"You're right." Mars eyed the room, noticing that the front entrance had been blocked off from the monsters throwing product displays and chairs around. "I believe we can lock the doors but..."

Sailor Mars stopped. "Oh no" she thought, turning around to the hallway behind her. She had forgotten about the people in the pedicure room. If the items had come to life here...could the same have happened in there?

"Oberon, it seems anything can come to life and attack. I left those people in that room! Alone! I thought they would be safe but they might be trapped." She cursed herself for being so negligent.

"There has to be another exit. Let's hurry and find it!"

With that, Mars ran down the hall and began searching for an exit, she had to find one and fast.
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Eternal Knight
Lotus Crystal

Eternal Knight

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime3rd March 2016, 8:27 pm

Knight Oberon
And off she went. He didn't have much time to react, but he didn't hold her back either. If there were indeed people in the room she'd left, they would have been in danger, most probably. The civilians here were currently safe, but how long could it last? They seemed terrified. Most of them anyway. Others seemed actually too shocked to properly react. 

He could do something. Other than stand here and look around anyway...

He asked them to stay there with a small sigh, assuring them someone would come back soon, that they had to find them a way out, to not panic, to not move and most importantly: to keep silent as much as they could. Maybe if they didn't attract too much attention they'd be safe without locks for the short moment it'd take him to transform.

He ran away, opposite to where Sailor Mars went, then called for his transformation as soon as he was far enough.

[Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] Tumblr_inline_o34yv8v8mp1trlxf4_540
Once transformed, he kicked his heels off with an annoyed grunt, taking in the height change, getting used to the foreign body before he ran back into the room, bursting in with an 'Oberon Shield', small forcefields appearing around every patrons in the room with him.

That done, certain it would last, he looked around, then hurried in the direction Mars had run to. Clearly, this one was used to do things herself, which he could relate to, but he wasn't sure they should be separated when they were the only two fighters in this place. There wasn't time to think about possible awkwardness, or confusion. Sailor Oberon and Knight Oberon were two separate entities to the public's eyes, but Mars was probably professional enough to just play along while they were trying to save people.

"The civilians in the main area are secured, for now, but even if we do find an exit, there are still monsters here." He announced as greetings when he finally found her. "Let us make the innocents safe where we can, then finish all the opponents before making a way out of this place. Maybe those feeble doors are the only thing protecting the rest of the town."

He suggested slowly, not adding that he would very much prefer not to run around town in the hunt of those pesky salon tool monsters if he could avoid it.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips]   [Relaxed] Blind Date [CrackShips] I_icon_minitime

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