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 [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime17th November 2017, 12:22 pm

Storyline Name: Salvage Mission
Creator(s): RP Speedy Dating!
Forum: Casual
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed
Plot Summary: Tokyo City is falling. People are running scared, taking refuge away from the city. Most of the senshi have been captured, leaving only three free to try to defend the city and find a way to rescue their beloved friends.
Details on any necessary information: You are free to take this idea in any direction you'd like! Have fun! Very Happy
Restrictions: Characters listed below only!
OOC Thread: Link!
Member to Character List:
||Sailor Mercury played by Clara
||Sailor Uranus played by Cosmos-Hime
||Sailor Mars played by Sailor Saturn

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 18th November 2017, 9:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime18th November 2017, 7:01 pm

[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 2045764097 Sailor Mars [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 2045764097

Mars ducked down behind the broken wall, flames dancing on her fingertips. She cursed as another barrage of dark energy was lobbed overhead. If she had been just a few seconds slower, it would have been a direct hit.

There was a lull, and that was her chance. Mars stood up, flinging fire and fury straight at the monster. Her aim was true, and the creature shriveled up into ash moments later.

Once, she would have been pleased with this victory. But there was too much ruin, too much darkness plaguing this city. Too much missing. She wouldn't celebrate any sort of victory until those missing vital pieces were back here, safe and sound.

Mars glared daggers at the ashy remains of the dark creature, trying to vent all of her anger and frustration.

It didn't work. It never did. She hadn't stopped being angry for weeks now. Not since the others had been taken away, and constant attacks from the new enemy left Tokyo City barely alive. It had been too much for just three senshi to defend. Luckily, most of the civilians were evacuated now.

Mars fed all of those thoughts to the inner fire within her, and focused on the task at hand. She and her remaining allies were here to scout out the new enemy's base. They figured this was where their friends would have been taken.

From this area, there wasn't much to see. She hoped the others would have better luck.
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Star Seed


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[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime18th November 2017, 7:48 pm

[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 1666276025 Sailor Mercury [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 1666276025

Crouched behind an overturned car, Sailor Mercury typed furiously at her keyboard. She was searching for something, anything, that would help lead them to the enemy's base. She could hear Sailor Mars not too far away, attacking the enemy with raging fire.

She wanted to help. She wanted to fight. But she was useless - always has been, always would be. Combat was never her strong suit, so instead she decided to type away at her computer. But behind all of her intellect lay a wall of insecurity - one that was tearing her down much faster than the enemy ever could.

There was no possible way she could find the enemy's base, or her friends. For all she knew, they were dead already.

Defeated, Mercury closed her computer and leaned her head back against the twisted metal of the car. Her eyes closed and she breathed deeply, the ashen air filling her lungs. This was not the city she had always loved and dreamed to protect. This place was entirely different. It needed to be cleaned, to be purified, to be saved.

But the only person who could do that was taken away.

"Mars," Mercury called, not emerging from her cover. "We should retreat - there's nothing..." she paused, choking back her tears, "Nothing we can do here."
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[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime20th November 2017, 8:58 pm

[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 4039879955
Uranus had only just awoke from her unwelcome slumber. When the attack started, she was alongside Michiru when she transformed. The battle was fierce and somewhat one-sided, and she remembered taking one of the creatures out before a painful blast managed to knock her off the stage. Uranus wasn't sure where she landed, to be honest-be it the side of a building, a car, even a tree. 

But those details were irrelivant, as being knocked off the stage seemed to be the only thing that kept her from being captured with the others. The sound of battle had awoken her alongside Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury, and this is where she stayed, watching the chaos and the fighting as she regained her strength. The soldier of fire was able to keep them at bay, but for how much longer?

And then Mercury spoke.

"Retreat?" Uranus stared, infuriated that the blue clad senshi would even suggest such a thing. She thrust her arm out angrily.

"Where would we retreat to? Look around you! Everything's destroyed!" Uranus voice caught in her throat, it took all her willpower to keep from screaming and attracting unwanted attention.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime26th November 2017, 7:06 am

[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 2045764097 Sailor Mars [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 2045764097

The sound of Mercury's voice broke through the anger simmering within her, like a small douse of water to quench the flames. At least for a little while.

She turned to her friend, eyes instantly seeking for new injuries that Mercury may not taken the time to care for. She'd always been a little more protective about Ami, one of her oldest friends, but now that she was only one of the two friends Mars had left, Mars couldn't stop herself from worrying even more.

Seeing that the other girl appeared to be okay, Mars forced herself to look away from the broken expression on Mercury's face. If she looked too long, she'd succumb to those same emotions. And she couldn't allow that. She needed that fire, that anger, to keep her going.

Nothing we can do here. The words echoed over and over again in Mars's head, taunting her with her own uselessness. She hated it, but she knew that if Mercury was saying this, then it must be true. Her insides twisted at the situation, but she forced herself to push those thoughts away. They only muddied her thoughts, and she knew being clear-headed was vital right now.

Uranus's voice broke through that small bout of silence, fury laced within her words.

Mars turned to confront the blonde senshi, glaring. "Calm down," she said. She attempted to keep her own voice level, though she could feel the bite of each word as she spoke them. "We're on your side, remember?"

She paused, stance wide as she continued to watch Uranus. "We have to trust each other in this, and if Mercury says that we need to retreat, then that's what we'll do." A feeling of guilt and frustration pulled at her. "If there's nothing we can do here, then we need to find a place where we can do something."

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Star Seed


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[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime28th November 2017, 8:48 pm

[Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 1666276025 Sailor Mercury [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] 1666276025

Uranus's harsh words rendered Mercury speechless. Uranus had a point - where could they possibly go? But at the same time, perhaps it would be better to suggest solutions instead of pointing out problems, Mercury thought.

The support of her closest, and quite possibly her only, friend lifted Mercury's spirits some. If all else failed, at least she still had Mars by her side. The two of them needed time to calm down, to talk, to think. They both had lost the glue that held them together. Mars would never admit it out loud, but Mercury could see the pain in the priestess's eyes.

Mercury's eyes widened as an idea struck her. "That's it!" she whispered to herself. "The shrine! Mars, do you think it'll be safe enough for a few hours? If I can get some time, I can run an extensive scan on the city to get better energy readings."

A red "ALERT" symbol appeared on the frames of Mercury's visor, warning her of enemies approaching. She turned her head in the direction of the warning, and could just barely make out a group of black creatures approaching from the distance. "We don't have much time. We need to leave while we still can," she said, pointing to the faraway beasts.

She may have felt like all hope was lost, but she wasn't about to die today. Usagi would never forgive her.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime27th March 2018, 5:21 am

Admin Note: Due to inactivity, this RP will be sent to the Graveyard.

The Graveyard is the place inactive roleplays go to rest. For more information, please read What Is the Graveyard?
If you wish to have this roleplay resurrected, please fill out a Storyline Revival Request Form.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date]   [Relaxed] Salvage Mission [Speed Date] I_icon_minitime

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