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 [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th February 2019, 10:12 am

Dazai watched with amusement as the girl’s face turned red, and when she pulled her hands away, he simply smirked, and listened to her bragging about being a hero. “I apologize, miss!” He brought a hand to his chest, as if he was indeed sorrowful, but the grin on his face remained. “I was not aware that good looks equated to the status of a hero!” He glanced over at the other girl who had approached, and was now clutching the sword tightly. Ignoring her for a moment, he turned his attention back to the blonde. “Well you see, miss, the sword that your friend there is holding, if you would be so kind as to let me borrow it for just a short while, I would be ever so grateful!”

When the other girl, who now had identified herself as Bastet, spoke up, asking if the blonde was being bothered, he responded, “Is helping a girl to stand up, and asking her for a favor, now considered bothering, miss Bastet?” He tilted his head, and placed a finger against his cheek, as if pondering his own question.

Upon the revelation that the sword which Bastet was holding did not belong to the blonde, as Dazai had initially thought, he gave a small chuckle to himself. “So, what would you happen to be doing with a sword that is not yours? Perhaps you’re running off to be a hero?” Dazai regarded the blonde girl once more, with a more serious expression than he had before.

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th March 2019, 5:57 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - City Square

“...Littering?” Noel asked innocently as the man introduced himself as "Constable" and shook his hand.

What littering?

Then he remembered the way Kzinssie ran off dropping posters everywhere. Noel winced. “Oh. That I am very sorry about, sir. Giving Kzinssie posters to hand out wasn't the greatest idea, and I take full responsibility for it,” he sighed. This was completely awkward. Just when he thought things couldn't get more embarrassing, Stephanie innocently wondered what "a baby" was and then the entire Mariposa police force—or at least it seemed like the entire Mariposa police force—came whipping around the corner in a van, its sirens blaring over the muffled voices in the city square. Men in armor poured out of the vehicle to disperse the crowd, but their presence only seemed to reinvigorate the civilians' anger. Noel watched as men and women alike pounded their bare fists against the wall of shields erected by the police force, screaming and shouting about their crops, the community center, Baby, the millions of munnies wasted on the new development, and the city's inability to solve the problem. He winced when an officer bonked a guy on the head with a baton.

“Erm,” Noel began, in an attempt to ignore the obvious disruption around him, “To answer your question, Constable and Miss Stephanie, Baby is a tiger cub—but not your ordinary tiger cub.” he added. “He's several times taller than the temple at the heart of Mariposa's historical park district. Nobody knows where he came from. The Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team encountered him for the very first time a few weeks ago when he wandered into the southwest part of town from the countryside. We tried to stop him. And we managed to keep him away from the historical buildings, at least. The new development and community center on the other hand...” He clenched his fist. “Well, at least nobody was hurt.”
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd April 2019, 6:45 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 KeESSpr

Normally, Bastet could have ignored the bratty response she received for her kind gesture, but it was the man’s smug reply that made her drop her friendly smile. She gave the man a stony stare and promptly dropped the sword onto the girl.

"Here,” she said dryly, standing straight and brushing off her uniform, despite it not really being dirty. She tugged at her skirt, seeming to straighten out wrinkles that didn’t really exist. The man might not have been a pervert but what he was asking was against so many laws and ethic codes across the galaxy, she could have arrested him on the spot for merely suggesting it. However, with great restraint, she did not. She had to consider this planet was different and [/size]may not adhere to all galactic laws, although from what she saw of it so far, she had a feeling it had to have some similar laws.

“No one is going to be joining anyone in anything. Now both of you, what are your names? And why are you running around with a sword? Don’t you know how dangerous that is!”

Bastet gave her best stern soldier of justice look at the young girl before whipping her stare towards the man, trying very hard not to handcuff the man on the spot, “And I do NOT want to know why you want what you want, sir.”

Her tail twitched agitate as she waited for her answers. This day had been long enough and she had just about ran out of all her patience.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime14th April 2019, 2:28 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 JmtJQGf
Mariposa-City Square

Stephanie listened to the Constable then she listened to the one she was still loving on, Noel speaking about what Baby was and it wasn't what she thought it was originally and it amazed her that something was that large. On the other hand, though, she had superpowers and there was so much out there.

Stephanie squeezed Noel's hand softly when he got frustrated, "It's ok Noel my sweet, we can help them rebuild them after we find your sister, ok? I promise everything will be ok." She smiled at Noel and the constable. "Excuse me, Mr. Constable, what can we do to help you? We can do many things if we work together."
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd April 2019, 2:47 am

NPC - Constable Davo Plod
Mariposa - City Square

"Really?" Plod was surprised at the admission, "Well that makes my job a lot easier." He pulled out a notepad and scribbled. "I'm fining you 350 munnies for littering," he tore off the ticket and handed it the perpetrator, "personally it's a stupid law but it's my job." The Constable listened to him explain Baby; this oversized tiger-cub, and this group of Super Awesome Justice...Avengers of...……..Ultra...………. That description of Baby set him off, all of a sudden Bruce makes sense. "Actually, mate, that explains a lot. But hang on, what do you mean by 'we'? You don't fight that thing right?"

Plod turned to the lovely girl and heard her question. "I'm sorry what?" This shocked him even more than the story. "You want to deal with a huge, massive tiger mutant thing? Do you have a death wish?" Such a nice girl wants to go and make herself tiger-meat?, he thought to himself, maybe she'll make that bloke fight it. "Seriously though the best thing for citizens to do is stand aside and just let the police deal with it. We have the equipment and the men that can handle...……...that." As he said this the angry mob in the background began to push the police flank aside, hyphenating the irony.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th April 2019, 9:38 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 CQ4yWZI

Mariposa -  遊里

The more this guy talked, the redder Rocbouquet's face became.

What the heck is this guy's deal!? she thought in annoyance, crumpling the flier in her hand. Did he even realize how crazy he sounded?

***“O-of course you gotta look good to be a hero!” the blonde retorted defensively as she jumped to her feet and flattened out the creases in her ruffled skirt. The soon-to-be heroine then accepted her brother's sword and frowned as Dazai continued to speak despite little miss "Lieutenant Commander" of the "Galactic Space Force"'s warning.

“Running off to be a hero?” Rocbouquet scoffed at the man's assumption. “Did you even listen to a single word I said?! I already am a hero, you ma—” Rocbouquet trailed off mid-sentence, realizing that Bastet demanded to know her name. Without hesitation this time, she presented the stranger with the pseudonym she so cleverly composed during her early morning encounter with the old farmer.

“Madam Rum Bucket”—Rocbouquet's eyes suddenly narrowed—“And no, I am not one of Miss Helga's Dancers!” she quickly added with a huff in case either of them dared to ask. “I also wasn't running around with a sword!” she pointed out. “It was in its hilt until this pest ran into me and nearly knocked me out!” She thrust her index finger forward accusingly at Dazai. Her sudden movement freed the photograph from her corset.


Between her and Dazai, the photo fluttered to the ground. It landed at his feet, face up, Noel and Wagnas' beach bods glimmering shamelessly in the mid-morning sunlight. Rocbouquet's face went blank. A breeze rustled past the group....

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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st May 2019, 2:51 pm

“Of course, I see………...forgive me miss!” Dazai grinned once more and gave a mock bow, his brunette locks falling every which way until he quickly brushed them back into place with his fingers. “So if you’re not running off to be a hero, then what should I presume you are doing? Surely a hero would not require someone else’s weapon? Perhaps it was…… shall we say, borrowed?”

At the revelation of the young girl’s name, Dazai could not hold back a laugh. Not his typical half-covered chuckles, but a full-blown laugh. He took a moment to settle his breathing from the episode of laughter, then apologized to the girl. “Ah…..forgive me again. That was rude, wasn’t it? You can’t help what you’re named, after all!” He brought a hand forward in greeting, and added, “As for my own name, it’s Osamu Dazai, at your service!”

At being called a pest, a small frown formed on Dazai’s lips. “I am not-” Mid-sentence, he halted, and mumbled, “well, now, I guess that depends on who you ask………...” When the girl, Madam Rum Bucket, claimed that he had just nearly knocked her out, he protested, “Now that’s not true! You ran into me, young miss, not the other way around!”

Unfortunately for “Madam Rum Bucket”, her accusatory action of pointing at Dazai proved to be a mistake, as it knocked loose a piece of paper from her corset. Dazai watched as it fluttered to the ground, and his smirk of amusement grew. “Well now, what could this be!?” He reached out towards the paper, picking it up and glancing at the photo.

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2019, 6:18 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 JmtJQGf
Mariposa-City Square

Stephanie listened to the constable in a way scold her for wanting to help take care of the tiger problem but she stood her ground telling him, "Sir, my hunky love muffin and I are not your normal citizens, see we are special. We can do things others like yourself, for instance, can not...I mean we are heroes after all. Come on My special hunky man...back me up here..."
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2019, 2:58 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space - Page 3 KeESSpr

Madam Rum Bucket? Miss Helga? Bastet raised an eyebrow at the girl. Did she really expect her to believe that was her real name? The man, calling himself Osamu Dazai, bust out laughing upon hearing the name and if she had not been so frustrated with everything Bastet probably would have laughed too, but it was taking her all she could to not throw handcuffs on the two. They were acting really suspicious after all!

But...suspicious was not probably cause for an arrest. She had to at least have interrogated them some and hopefully, if they are locals like they seem to be, they should be able to give her some kind of information on where that little gang ran off with Freiza.

Then something fell from...Miss Bucket’s bosom. It looked like some sort of photo paper but Osamu had already bent down to pick it up before she could. Also curious about what was on the paper, Bastet leaned towards Mr. Osamu to see what it was.
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