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 [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime18th August 2017, 10:31 am

Storyline Name: The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space

Creator(s): Brit-Chan & Kai

Forum: Gates to the Multiverse

Universe: Multi Universes/Loose AU of Sailor Moon and Dragon Ball Z universes

Advanced or Relaxed*: Relaxed


Plot Summary: Instead of the eternal life Frieza had in mind, his wish of immortality during the events of Whale You Be Mine resulted in a massive toy-line featuring his royal features all across the Universe. This story takes places several months after his trip to Planet Bastet.

During this time Frieza has actively worked on undoing the wish, by conquering more Planets than ever before, showing the Universe that he is not the hero they believe he is. While his new and only friend, Ari Tansya, isn't pleased by his doings, she is too afraid to do anything against it, fearing to lose her powerful ally and turning his wrath against the Planet she's trying to protect. But they have yet to discover the biggest hit the wish has spawned: A TV Show Adaptation called 'The Adventures of Frieza and Bastet', being watched daily by billions all across the Universe on Galactic TV. What will the unusual duo think of this TV Show, and what will Frieza do about it?

Details on any necessary information: This Story will follow an Episode of the TV Show 'The Adventures of Frieza and Bastet', with some reactions of the real Lord Frieza and Sailor Bastet while watching it.

It will largely be played with the episode POV with the occasional Frieza and Bastet RL cuts. As of right now, the RP will take place in just one episode but we're open to it being more episodes if people are into it. If the activity and interest dies, we'll probably wrap it up at one episode.

As of right now, except for Frieza and Bastet, all the characters are only in the TV show and don't have RL versions, since the main focus is playing out the episode.

Universe Need-to-Know-Info:

  • This is a true multiverse, especially so since the story takes place in a fictional TV show, anyone from anywhere can show up
  • Bastet's planet is way far away from the Solar System in another quadrant of the Galaxy (Based off the Concantenation HC Series).

Restrictions: No Character Restrictions! Since this is a fictional TV Show, any character from any universe can join.

OOC Thread:

Member to Character List:

Ari Tansya / Sailor Bastet played by Brit-Chan
Rocbouquet played by Andalusite
Noel played by Andalusite
Sailor Splash played by Dark Sportsnutd
Sailor Jupiter/Makoto Kino played by CrystalBunny

Inactive Players
Lord Frieza played by Kai
Baby played by Luna

Last edited by Brit-chan on 14th August 2018, 4:50 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime18th August 2017, 11:53 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space M0YUDuE

Frieza's Spaceship - The Real World

Some time has passed since Frieza paid Planet Bastet a visit. While the wish Sailor Bastet made has changed his behavior towards her, otherwise he was still his cruel self. The Tyrant had conquered over a dozen Planet with Bastet in his 'Team' - much to her disliking. His soldiers didn't know what was up with him and the girl, especially after he started naming some Planets after Bastet instead of himself, but nobody dared to speak up. Some of them believed that Ari has somehow charmed him, while others believed that the Emperor has become soft, and somehow all of them were right. Only the Ginyu Force didn't care at all about the difference in Frieza's behavior. They just loved the fresh new Addition to the Frieza Army, even as far as offering her to join the Ginyu Force.

It was a rather boring day on board of Frieza's Ship. The Emperor was sitting in his command chair, with Ari not leaving his side. Frieza looked like a dwarf in the giant command chair, which was clearly meant for his father King Cold. His soldiers were doing their work in absolute silence, and Frieza and Bastet were just staring blankly ahead. But this silence was broken, when Captain Ginyu entered the Bridge.

"Lord Frieza, Lady Tansya, I have urgent News!" The Tyrant sighed. "What is it Ginyu?" His Elite Soldier seemed extremely happy about something. "You should turn on your Space Television, the Galactic Network is airing something you two must see! Frieza rolled his eyes. This was probably just another News Show about the cruel Lord Frieza. But since he wanted at least a little bit of entertainment, he turned on the TV. But what he saw, caused him to stare in disbelief at the Screen.

"Explain, Ginyu!" "It seems, my Lord, that the Lord Frieza Action Figures the whale spread across the Universe have caused one Planet to create a TV Show about you and Lady Tansya." "But", Frieza interrupted, "This makes it seem like we are good guys." Ginyu couldn't help himself but to chuckle. "Not only good guys, my Lord, but Superheroes! You are the mighty Space Lord Frieza, fighting for Justice, and Lady Tarya is your Sidekick!"

Frieza had an urge to blow up the TV, but he managed to overcome it. Instead he shifted his attention to his 'Sidekick'. "What about you, Ari? Do you want to watch this?"
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime27th August 2017, 10:56 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space KeESSpr

The time Ari had spent with Frieza was hard to describe. It opened Ari's eyes to the vastness of the universe around her but the guilt of Frieza's actions on other planets, stayed with her putting a damper on what amazement she felt at meeting new peoples. The wish had worked exceedingly well and she was grateful for that. Despite his cruelty, there were times where Ari felt she was making progress with Frieza. Other times...not so much. She was glad that his crew accepted her, despite how different she was. The Ginyu Force were certainly an interesting bunch. They amused her and thought her transformation into Sailor Bastet was the funniest thing in the universe. Something about bright lights and sparkles as she twirled around her in Sailor Soldier power. Often she laughed along with them and their jokes. Often the laughter was to hide the shame she felt at the actions she knew they took with Frieza's orders. She knew they reveled in the violence.

However, there was a bright side to Frieza's cruelty. Two actually. Bas had been allowed to come along and while he was none too pleased with the arrangement, he supported her and knew it had been done with the best interest of her home planet in mind. The other was due to Frieza and Ari's close friendship. He often didn't care what she did, which Ari used to her advantage every chance she got. After Frieza conquered a planet, she would go down to the planet as Sailor Bastet, doing her best to help the natives recover, often gaining their praise and favor. This helped Ari feel the pride of being a Sailor Soldier.

Ari often found herself thinking about the situation and that was no different today as she sat next to Frieza on his ship. Admittedly some days were severely boring, but if she asked, Frieza often gave her anything she wanted. She had even been given access to a large digital library, which she spent the boring days reading in there, often Frieza not far from her. He didn't understand her love of books but at least he let her indulge from time to time.

It was Captain Ginyu's voice that brought her out of her contemplation. He had news...very interesting news. Ari's ears perked up as she focused on the Captain. As he answered Frieza's demands, Ari couldn't help but grin slightly. Now this was interesting! They were viewed as heroes across the universe! And she was Frieza's side kick. Ari kept herself from giggling as Frieza asked her opinion.

She nodded excitedly in reply, "Please! I'm very curious. I've never been on TV before."

She probably answered too excitedly but she couldn't help it. The show certainly would benefit in her efforts to help those that Frieza has hurt. She turned her attention towards the TV to continue watching.

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime12th September 2017, 6:16 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space M0YUDuE

Frieza's Spaceship - TV Show

It has been a rather quiet time for our heroes. After a long time, the Galaxy finally seemed to be at peace. News had spread, about the mighty Space Lord Frieza and his trusted sidekick the Alien Bastet, fighting for peace throughout the Galaxy. All bad guys were either in jail, or not stupid enough to cause any trouble while the two were on duty.

But things were about to change, when their Spaceship picked up a distress signal, coming from a Planet nearby. Being the selfless hero that he is, he set a course for the Planet.

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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime12th September 2017, 10:32 am

*Stephanie Sanders/Sailor Splash Banner later*

Stephanie had been working at her Swimming pool for a long time now and had acquired a lot..I MEAN A LOT of Vacay more then a normal person..yeah that much.. Anyway she had searched the Interwebs for a fun place to go and ended up finding this place called Mariposa and they happened to be having a spring festival and Stephanie leapt at the chance to go. She packed up some stuff and flew out a few days later. After she arrived and got her room and stuff situated she wandered out to explore the area and go attend the festival which on the night she went they were going to have a fireworks show and of course Plushie wanted to be there..she loved fireworks...
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime15th September 2017, 4:31 am

Not far away from the town of Mariposa lived a baby tiger. Earlier in his life he had been separated from his mother after a research experiment went awry. The scientists had been struck by a burst of creativity and named the subject of their research experiment "Baby." When all of the things went wrong and Baby grew rapidly into a multi-story beast, the research center was left in shambles and the baby tiger walked away.

It is difficult for a multi-story tall, not-so-great hunter to successfully fend for himself, but Baby managed alright. He was excellent at scavenging the local town's dump for good scraps, he was decent at hunting the local wildlife, and a handful of the population had taken pity on the beast by bringing him food. All in all, Baby lived a comfortable life as long as he stayed on the edge of the town. If he wandered too close, then he got scared and the town got scared and all hell would break loose as an awkward, gangly enormous beast stumbled across the town in a panic. Maybe the town would be in better shape for the festival if Baby hadn't accidentally sat on the local community center a few weeks back and started a panic. He probably made a further mess as he fearfully tried to flee, but Baby hadn't stuck around to see what else he had smashed. But, a spring festival is great incentive for rebuilding quickly.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime24th September 2017, 9:30 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space CQ4yWZI

Mariposa - Outskirts

In a residential area of the old town, Mariposa, a teenage girl quietly peered out from behind a half-open sliding wooden door. In her thick locks of blonde hair rested a fascinator resembling a black miniature top hat. It was wrapped in seafoam-green ribbon and white lace with a large red bowtie in front and several pink flowers centered around a white lily on its left side. The shaft of a long white fluffy ostrich feather was tucked between the ribbon in back.

As soon as the coast was clear, she reached her arm around the corner and pushed the door further open. The girl's laced, black gloves extended just beyond her elbows giving her outfit a slightly elegant touch; however, as she quietly slipped through the doorway, it became apparent that she was not about to meet her friends at the evening fireworks festival or the opera house. Her checkered corset boasted several shades of green, with lots of lacy white trim and rows of little red bowties lining the front and side seams. Her frilly multi-layered skirt was no less gaudy—though it was at least long enough to conceal the garters holding up her thigh-high stockings and the chains of dangling red beads.

Without uttering a single word the girl stepped away from her home, quietly slid the door shut, and then took off down the dimly lit empty street, sword in hand.

...Did you read my application yet, big brother? I made improvements! I think you'll like it!...

A tear trickled down her cheek. Her grasp tightened around the sword's hilt, and her pace accelerated into a brisk run.

...I'm sorry, Rocbouquet, but I can't let you come along. I would never forgive myself if something were to happen to you. Please understand this...

The blonde girl gritted her teeth at the painful recollection of her brother's words and pushed herself to run even faster down the cobblestone streets of her neighborhood toward the hills directly outside of Mariposa. What was there to understand? Noel clearly didn't want her around! He thought she was a burden! Why else would he have declined her wish to join the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team—the group he created? Just when she thought she had made it safely to the edge of town, the gentle voice of a young man called out from behind her:

"You're out awfully late by yourself, Rocbouquet," and then a firm hand suddenly fell upon her shoulder. Rocbouquet's heart skipped a beat. Wagnas? What was he doing here? A smile formed in the corner of the man's lips when her eyes met his along the surface of the mirror-like blade.

"Wagnas," Rocbouquet began, voice growing suspicious. She whipped around to face him. "Big brother sent you after me, didn't he?! Well, I'm not coming back! Nuh-uh! Not until he lets me be a hero too!" She stuck her tongue out at him childishly.

"...Rocbouquet," came the dark-haired man's long sigh, "Your brother just wants to do what's best for you. That is all." Rocbouquet however was unconvinced. The young blonde took a full step backward.

"But you and big brother promised that the three of us would always stick together no matter what! Remember? We were out in the countryside wading through that field of beautiful white lilies! We all held hands and promised together! And now big brother is set on banning me from ever becoming a member of the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team! It's not fair, Wagnas!" she cried.

Instead of answering her, the man with the long black hair allowed his gaze to drift down to the sword in her hands—Noel's sword. Rocbouquet had taken it from the wooden plaque mounted on the wall above the dresser his room. Wagnas shook his head. Rocbouquet quickly dropped her whining. "Wagnas..." she uttered softly, her cheeks reddening. What did he think of her outfit, if anything? Did he find it...attractive? Then it occurred to her how beautiful the night sky was. Thousands of silvery white stars glistened overhead like little diamonds...And Wagnas was standing next to her under it all. Suddenly, she felt the urge to tell him that she had no clue where she planned on going, that she wanted him to come with her—just the two of them, a couple of heroes sharing a life of adventures together! But now wasn't the best time. Wagnas did not appear in the mood for such an idea; maybe he would even consider it childish. Or worse yet, he would deem it too dangerous and then escort her back to her house! Rocbouquet whimpered out of frustration. But she just had to tell him! When would she have another chance to be alone with him under the beautiful stars, with equally as beautiful fireworks lighting up the night sky?

"Wagnas," she began shyly as she wiped away her tears, "I'm going to—"

"Rocbouquet..." he suddenly interrupted, "You know I won't lie to your brother if he asks me about you, right? So it's best you don't tell me anything unless you want him involved."

"...But Wagnas, I—" It was no use. He did not seem like he wanted to listen. Rocbouquet pouted. "Fine! Then I won't tell you that I like you!" she exclaimed, the hurt in her voice apparent. At first she was reluctant to storm off, but she did so anyway in an attempt to guilt him into following her. Her actions however, simply prompted Wagnas to sigh again. He remained at the foot of the hill in silence. It was hard to say whether he was processing her confession or silently scolding her for her immature behavior. Rocbouquet turned around when she realized that he hadn't moved. "...Wagnas?" she called down to him sheepishly, "You're not going to chase after me?" This was puzzling. Rocbouquet took a few more steps further up the hill. Wagnas shook his head.

"No, Rocbouquet. I'm not going to stop you—but don't you ever wonder how your actions impact your brother? Don't you think you might be hurting him?"

Rocbouquet stopped for a moment and glanced back at him.

"Oh..." She did not say anything else. The blonde continued on her way, Wagnas' words still fresh in her mind.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime24th September 2017, 11:15 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space KeESSpr

Frieza's Spaceship - TV Show

Alien Bastet had been tending to her normal chores on Space Lord Frieza's ship, which included deep cleaning the space toilets, when the mini computer on her wrist began beeping, notifying her of a change in course, which meant she needed to be up there at the computers. She sighed, they were supposed to be heading back to headquarters, what could have altered their course? All the bad guys were in jail. Bastet hurriedly rushed to the ship's bridge, saluting Frieza with a scrub brush still in hand before settling in her chair next to Frieza's.

She began furiously typing away, pulling up their current course, noticing a distress signal had been received.

"Space Lord Frieza, have you managed any communications from the source of the distress signal? I better send a message to headquarters telling them we will be late for the Celebratory All Bad Guys in Jail Banquet. The High Lord Minister is not going to be happy about this..." she mumbled the last sentence under her breath. Frieza was a spectacular Space Lord to work under but sometimes his quest for justice got them in...trouble.  Oh well, a distress signal was a distress signal and it was their duty to help no matter what!

I am Space Lord Frieza, the Indestructable, Unbeatable, Crusader of Justice!

Or something like that. Frieza wouldn't rest until justice was served across the galaxy and Bastet would be at his side, no matter what!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime25th September 2017, 4:29 am

After the sky had fully darkened to nightfall, an unsuspecting animal grazed on its dinner in the clearing as Baby watched from a close distance. It was difficult for a gangly, giant tiger with limited hunting experience to quietly sneak up on its prey. What was quiet for a four-foot tall tiger cub was still pretty darn loud to everything else. So, usually he positioned himself at an opportune spot and just waited kinda-sorta still for some food to show up. He made less noise that way. 

Baby's prey lifted its head and froze to attract less, unwanted attention. Oh, no! Baby began to panic. Did his food suspect he was there? Just as he began to pounce on his prey before it got away, a loud noise filled the sky. In shock, the tiger cub lost his footing and clumsily crashed onto a grove of trees. Moments later, light dazzled the night sky in a wide array of colors. The tiger cub looked up at the sky with wide, frightened eyes. 

And then, the screeching, booming noise from hell started up again, but more quickly! Thunderous blasts assaulted him and intense light scattered his vision. The sky was falling! The stars were exploding and falling to the earth! Baby roared loudly, so the stars would know not to come near him or he would hurt them. But, the stars didn't care, they kept bursting and booming. He had to get away! 

Roaring again, he tucked his tail underneath him and ran as fast as he could away from the fireworks. He didn't care where he was going or how he got there, as long as it was away from the depths of hell. Everything in his path was smooshed under his giant paws, unless it heard Baby's squeaky roars and quickly got out of the way.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime8th October 2017, 11:00 am

*Stephanie Sanders/Sailor Splash Banner later*

Stephanie had found her place to sit finally and the fireworks had started. She smiled from ear to ear and clapped constantly as she watched them go off. This was a super great way for her vacation to start and she personally didn't wish for it to end anytime soon.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime3rd November 2017, 4:51 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space M0YUDuE

Frieza's Spaceship - TV Show

Frieza only nodded when Bastet entered the Bridge and saluted him with a brush in her hand. He didn't quite understand why she was still doing lesser work like cleaning the Toilets, when they had enough Crewmen to do so. A woman with her position shouldn't be doing things like this, but no matter how often he told her, Bastet still insisted on doing it.

"Sadly the only thing I know yet is a general location. The Distress Signal comes from a City called Mariposa, but no matter how often I have called, I get no response. And yes, it would be very kind of you if you contacted the Headquarters and..." The Space Lord stopped for a moment when hearing Bastet mumbling something about the Lord Minister and rolled his eyes. "And I have the feeling the Banquet is misplaced anyway. After all, we wouldn't get a Distress Signal with ALL the bad guys in jail, wouldn't we?"

The Bringer of Justice then focused his attention to the Screen in front of them. "We have entered the Planet's orbit. I suggest that we leave the Ship here. Scans have revealed that there is some kind of Festival on the Planet, and we don't want to scare anyone by landing the Ship."
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime19th November 2017, 8:54 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space KeESSpr

Bastet blushed when she realized Space Lord Frieza heard what she said. She needed to make sure she just kept her thoughts to herself. He was right after all.

"Yes, sir!" she tossed the cleaning brush in the disposal shoot next to her station, then typing furious again, entering commands and alerting the crew to get their roundabout ready.

"Away team consisting of you and I, ready to depart sir! We'll land outside the city of Mariposa and investigate from there."

She stood, excusing herself from her station allowing her subordinate take her command, waiting for Frieza to take the lead and depart for the roundabout. She eyed the planet that was in their view. It looked like a typical Class M planet. She felt a slight eagerness to get off the ship and be able to breath fresh air along with the start of their mission. The planet looked peaceful from above but they would solve the mystery soon enough!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime20th November 2017, 6:40 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - Residential


Noel's frantic words echoed across the compound, sending a noisy chorus of birds scattering across the communal backyard garden. The young blonde man wasted no time stripping out of his sleepwear and throwing on his full suit of armor. He then reached for his sword on the wall above his dresser, but felt it not. Agh! Whatever, Noel thought to himself in frustration. There was no time to waste looking for the blade. Rocbouquet was either in danger or hiding—but most likely, Noel thought with a gasp, she was in danger! The young blonde man dashed from room to room, flipping over tables, opening curtains, and even looking in the most unlikely places such as behind the books on the study room shelf and in the drawers beneath the countertop stove. She had to be in the house somewhere, right? "......" Noel crept over to the TV credenza and quickly peered behind it. "AHAH!......" He clasped his head between his hands and groaned in disappointment. Darn it! She wasn't there either!

With no other place to look Noel turned to his phone on the counter and frantically began to dial number after number: the fire department, the police, and then his fellow heroes Kzinssie, Dantarg, Bokhohn, Subier, and Wagnas. The five were to meet him at once in the neighborhood courtyard for a very important meeting. Noel dashed out the back door into the courtyard, down the pathway, toward the pavilion with his hands cupped to his mouth shouting his sister's name over and over again, the desperation growing in each shrill plea for her safe return. The man was a wreck.

"Sheesh Noel, can't a guy get some shut eye around here?" complained a young brown-haired man named Kzinssie rubbing his eyes as he and three others—a buff red head with a viking helmet, a young blue-haired man with a narwhal pillow, and an elderly man with a long white beard—came rushing toward the pavilion in nothing but underwear. When Kzinssie noticed the other members of the Justice Force Team, he burst out laughing. Noel, on the other hand, was not amused. Not only was Wagnas missing from the group, the other four hadn't even bothered getting dressed. What if the Justice Force got fined for public indecency? The blonde swordsman brought the palm of his hand to his forehead.

"Aww tough guy's got a soft spot. Kzinssie sneered, taking note of his muscular teammate Dantarg's heart boxers.

"Cut it out, guys! This is serious!" Noel exclaimed finally throwing himself between the group before they could pummel each other. "Rocbouquet is missing!"

A collective groan filled the morning air. "Again?"

"Yes!" Noel wailed, "And as leader of the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team, I want us to spend the afternoon covering the entire town in posters! Somebody will recognize her for sure! So uh...get dressed," Noel cringed—he could not believe he was saying this—"And meet me here again in about an hour... By then I should have enough posters printed for everybody to hand out!”

The group stood there grumbling among themselves before finally dissipating toward their homes to get ready as Noel instructed.

"...Heh. Your sister is quite a handful, isn't she?"

"Wagnas!" Noel sighed in relief as the man approached him from the eastern side of the garden, shrugging with the palm of his hands drawn outward. "Wagnas, thank goodness you're here! I was worried that you didn't get my message! Rocbouquet disappeared on me again, this time without leaving any kind of note! Maybe I was too harsh on her yesterday...." He felt so bad for rejecting his sister's application, but he knew his decision was for the best.

"Listen Noel," Wagnas began, his voice growing stern. Noel knew right away that his friend was not fooling around. "I think you need to stop beating yourself up over your sister. She won't stay a child forever so you can't just keep treating her like one or else she will always be dependent on you."

“But we both know that she is not qualified to be a member of the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team! She's just not confident or mature enough, and her grades in school are sub-par! Besides, knowing how stubborn she is, she would get in our way and then end up hurting herself! I can't let that happen!”

"I don't know, Noel, she seemed pretty confident to me last night, though I do agree with you on her lack of maturity."

Noel raised a puzzled brow.

"...Wait. You and my sister...You met up last night? Just the two of you?...Wagnas, did you ask her out on a date?"

"What. Where did you get that from? I just happened to run into her on my way to the fireworks," he explained with a shrug.

Oh, she hadn't told him yet? Oops. Awkward sauce. Noel coughed a little before continuing the conversation, "So, anyway, did you at least find out where was she going?"  

"No. She seemed to be in a hurry, so I didn't bother asking her."

Noel clenched his fist. What!? How could Wagnas just let Rocbouquet run around sketchy neighborhoods by herself in the dark!?

"Why not!?" he burst out angrily as he grabbed onto the collar of Wagnas' shirt. "You know she's not supposed to be out past 7 PM!"

Wagnas grunted.

"Noel, calm down! She does this all the time whenever she disagrees with anything you tell her. I'm sure she'll come back on her own as usual once she has calmed down."

"But she's never snuck out at night before! What if she's up to no good?! What if she has a secret boyfriend or something?!"

Noel's friend let out an exasperated sigh.

"She doesn't, Noel. I can assure you. Remember how you had to be her date to the school homecoming dance because none of the boys in her class would ask her to it because they were scared of you?”


"If anything I am more worried about the shoes she chose for her little adventure." Wagnas indicated with a slight frown.

Noel gasped, letting go of Wagnas to cover his mouth in horror. Oh no, was it that pair of sandals again? The ones that nearly tore her feet off when they got caught in the escalator at the mall!? He couldn't believe that she hadn't gotten rid of those cheap things yet! "What!? Which shoes?" he dared ask.

"Stilettos.” Wagnas remarked, shifting his eyes from side to side before dropping his voice to a low whisper, “They're…sky high. Kinda tacky too if I do say so myself." He shrugged.

Noel's face turned a bright shade of red. "Noooo!" He wailed, clasping onto the sides of his silver helmet. This was a big brother's worst nightmare! "She could break her ankles running around in those!" he groaned. "Wagnas, thank you for your help in this matter. I'm going to get those posters printed pronto! Then while the others are passing them out, you and I will go looking for Rocbouquet before she hurts herself!”

"Ok... But please remember, Noel, that she is only doing this to you because she knows that you will eventually cave in and come running after her. You've done so every time. Maybe you should give her a chance to prove her talents to the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team.”

Noel sighed. Wagnas had a point, but Rocbouquet was the only family he had. He couldn't bare the thought of something bad happening to her! The blonde swordsman nodded silently to acknowledge his friend's statement before taking off toward his house.

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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime5th December 2017, 4:54 am

The town celebrating its festivities with fireworks knew nothing of Baby's overwhelming fear. Although they likely heard the thunderous noise of his large paws smacking the ground, the sound of a rampaging four-story tall tiger cub likely sounded enough like the boom of fireworks that little was out of the ordinary. And, the longer he ran, the further Baby moved from the town and the fireworks. He had no plans to stop running until he could no longer hear the world shattering to pieces. Once the world stopped ending, then he would stop running. 

And so, he continued onward at a frenzy pace. He collided through trees, dashed through lakes, tripped over a hill or two, and finally stomped through a barn. And then, a sharp pain shot through his foot and he stumbled to a stop. The ungainly kitten cried as he tripped over his paws and landed on his butt. Ow! Hesitantly, he lifted his paw to see what was hurting him. He had a splinter from the barn. 

Now it hurt to run, but at least the world was ending somewhere over there. There was only a few scattered bursts of noise here and there, but it was further off and not as intimidating as when he had been right underneath it. It was late in the evening, after all, so maybe even the destruction of the earth needed to sleep for the night.

Lying on his stomach, he nursed his paw with his mouth, but he couldn't get the splinter out. But, that didn't stop him from trying until he dozed off just before the rays of dawn reached him.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime17th January 2018, 9:21 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - Downtown

Narrator: After gathering once more in the neighborhood garden, Noel and the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team decided to make their way to downtown Mariposa to put up missing posters for Noel's little sister Rocbouquet during one of the busiest times of the year: the week-long fireworks festival!

“Alright, guys. Let's do this!” Noel announced to the group, grinning as he dodged the crowds of civilians who were dressed for the festival sporting some of Mariposa's finest traditional attire. He handed his fellow heroes each a stack of missing posters. “Consider this task our first important mission as Mariposa's Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team!”

“Not to interrupt or anything, but are you sure these will help people find her, Noel? Your fliers are a bit...unique,” admitted Subier, the young man with the short spiky blue hair, as he studied the piece of paper in his hands intently. The others stood around scratching their heads in confusion.

Poster wrote:
Missing: Beloved Little Sister Rocbouquet
[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space QnqQcPH

  • Description: Brown eyes, caramel blonde hair, loves wearing......
    *The font under the description gets harder to read*
  • Last seen: Sound asleep in bed an hour before the evening fireworks show
  • Must be home by: 7PM (for dinner)
  • Other notes: …...
    *There is an entire section of chicken scratch on Rocbouquet's habits...and needs? But it is nearly illegible...*

Have you seen her? Please contact Noel at +9-171-
*The ink appears to have been smudged by the printer*

“Pfffaahahahahaha! Missing: Beloved Little Sister Rocbouquet—Loves wearing large red bows and pink flowers in her hair? Must be home by 7 PM for dinner? Who are we looking for again, Noel? The little neighborhood girl down the street!?!?” Kzinssie cackled loudly, slapping his hand across his knee. Noel stared down at the stack of papers in his hands. The posters all looked pretty convincing to him. They even had a detailed picture of her! Well, a crayon drawing she had done of herself 10 years ago. It was the best image he could find in his panicked frenzy....

“...Well then, Kzinssie, what would you add to the poster?” Noel asked with a sigh. Seeing that Noel was about to give Kzinssie a chance to speak, the others quickly lost interest in the discussion and began to wander off to hand out the posters they'd been given. None of them ever liked to hear Kzinssie's opinions.

***Kzinssie wriggled his eyebrows.

“You know...” A grotesque grin formed on his face as he gestured toward his chest. “All of her talents.” He then motioned to his waist. “Like that time she won the local hula hoop competition. Though personally, I wish she could have gone on to the nationals. It would have been pretty good publicity for Mariposa and the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team, don't you think?”

“......” Noel punched the laughing man in the gut. That was no way to talk about his sister's talents!

“OWWW...NOEL, THAT SMARTED!” Kzinssie grunted, clutching tightly onto his stomach. “YOU SHOULDN'T RANDOMLY HIT PEOPLE LIKE THAT! IT'S MEAN!”

“Normally, I wouldn't think to hit you, but my sister isn't some...mascot for the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team!” he grumbled, eyebrows twitching furiously. “She will not be taking part in any sort of publicity stunt! Besides, she isn't even in the local choir! And she's never tried out for a play, as strange as that may sound.” Noel paused and let out a gasp. “...Oh no, I just remembered that I never returned my books to the library this morning! Do you think they'll forgive me?”

“Well, uh... it's been nice seeing you! Good luck finding your sister! Sorry I wasn't any help! I'll try better next time, okay?” And like that, the guy zipped off down the street, dropping posters everywhere.

“...Sheesh, he's sure in a hurry to get out of here.” Noel sighed, shaking his head in disappointment. “He could have at least offered to take my books back to the library for me...”

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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime25th January 2018, 7:34 pm

*Stephanie Sanders/Sailor Splash Banner later*
*Mariposa fireworks area then downtown*

The fireworks ended and Stephanie was sad that it did but got up stretching and grabbed her stuff walking her way back home. Along the way she begun to see posters of some kind all over the place. She walked more for a bit then decided to look at one. She gasped as she read it not liking the fact that someone's family member was lost. She didn't have much planned and decided to go look for the girl and as she did she saw a man putting up the posters. She went to him, "Excuse me sir.. My name is Stephanie...and I wanted to help you find Rocbouquet. It saddens me that a little girl has gone missing." 'Note to self..he is super cute...' She thought...
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime10th March 2018, 7:21 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - Downtown

Noel was walking down the street picking up the posters dropped in Kzinssie's hasty departure, tacking them to the sides of buildings he thought would attract the most eyes when he heard a voice call out to him. The armored swordsman turned around. A young woman about his age stood not too far from the business he had stopped in front of. She must not be from around here, he thought. Her hair was dyed many shades of the rainbow. It was quite a sight!  

Noel excused his eyes from her hair for the time being as it was quite rude to stare, he reminded himself, and listened to the young woman's concerned voice.

“Miss Stephanie, was it?” he asked politely before nearly jumping forward with excitement. Somebody besides Wagnas committed to help him find Rocbouquet? He couldn't believe it! “That would be great!” he exclaimed. “Er,” he quickly redeemed his composure.

He mustn't act so rambunctious around women...or strangers now that he thought about it. After all, it was his job to make the citizens and visitors of Mariposa feel safe and welcomed, not to accidentally scare them off! He sighed a little, and then smiled faintly at Stephanie. “That would be great. I have a team out looking for her in the town right now, but I am not quite sure where they all went.”

Well, except for Kzinssie. Kzinssie had probably gone back home to nap the rest of the day once he realized that he had lost all of the posters Noel handed him. At the very least, Noel knew that the others were still looking. Still better than nothing....
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime12th March 2018, 10:25 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space KeESSpr

The small trip from the ship's position orbiting the planet and it's surface was short and uneventful. However, Ari had noticed that the distress signals came in repeatedly. Someone was certainly desperate for help but much to Ari's frustration, she was unable to decipher anything of the messages. They had landed in a small clearing outside of a city named Mariposa. While she waited with Frieza for the ship's docking lift to descend, she furiously typed on her touchscreen mini-computer, strapped to her wrist.

This person was insistent! She had even attempted to send replies back that help was on the way but they still came in. She growled in frustration as the lift stopped it's short descent.

"I can't make any sense of these signals! Something on this planet must be jamming the signal. They're all corrupted!" she grimaced before giving up and silencing the increasingly irritating signal. Stepping out on to the grass, she could see the city before them, which looked quite peaceful.

"Oh what a lovely place!" she exclaimed, taking an exciting step forward. She breathed in deeply, enjoying the fresh air, "Ahh and the air is full of nutrients. Shall we, Lord Frieza?"

She motioned him to join her to explore the city. While it may seem peaceful, something terrible much be going on for someone. She hoped that they would be able to help this poor person!
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime21st March 2018, 8:00 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space CQ4yWZI

The Wilderness - Mariposa's Rolling Plains

Spending the night on the run was not as fun as Rocbouquet had originally expected. As soon as the sun sank below the horizon, the air had steadily began to cool off until around midnight when the temperature suddenly plunged below freezing. She hadn't slept at all after that, but she was not about to admit her weariness because it also meant admitting defeat; and admitting defeat meant returning home, which was not what a hero did! And so, she laid there clutching tightly onto Noel's sword until the morning sunlight thawed her.  

“Ahh the life of a hero...I wouldn't trade it for anything else,” she murmured reassuringly to herself, body trembling like a leaf. As she sat up from her damp bed of mud and matted grass, her stomach growled. “...I wonder what Noel made for breakfast this morning.” Her mouth watered at the thought of a big traditional breakfast with a mountain of jelly-filled doughnuts on the side. Too bad none of that existed out in the wilderness.

Rocbouquet pouted. She would have to forage for something instead. From her position on the ground, the blonde scouted out the area for a patch of berries. Boo! Nothing! She frowned, also realizing that she did not know which plants were edible anyway. Then Rocbouquet had another idea. She remembered how Noel had called for somebody to deliver lunch to their house once when she was sick.

That's right! People could make food for her if she just called them and told them to. It was their job after all, so they would have to do it whether they wanted to or not! She laughed triumphantly, happy to have outsmarted the world that she felt was one-hundred percent against her becoming a member of the Super Ultra Mega Special Justice Force Team!

From her corset, the young blonde eagerly pulled out a smartphone with a large touchscreen and began tapping her thumbs vigorously against its sleek surface. To Rocbouquet, it felt like eons had passed before the page on the internet browser had finally loaded, but when it did, she could see a list of numbers for all of the pizza places in Mariposa! Rocbouquet selected the first number on the list and brought the phone to her ear. It rang for quite some time before the call declared itself dropped with an irritating high-pitched bee-boop. Rocbouquet huffed in annoyance as she pressed the redial button and then tried a different number. Still no luck.

What a nuisance! The girl thought with a sigh. She tried again and again and again, dialing the different pizza delivery numbers only to have the call drop right before the person on the other end of the line could answer. The icon in the upper right corner of her phone displayed no bars, indicating that she was in an area without service. “Hmmmphhhh,” she whined. Her stomach rumbled in disapproval. Suddenly, there was a flicker of hope. A single bar appeared! Rocbouquet jumped to her feet. Maybe she could follow the signal!
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime3rd April 2018, 11:25 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space M0YUDuE

Frieza got quite annoyed by the constant beeping of Ari's mini-computer, caused by the Signals. But just when our hero wanted to complain about it, his sidekick already muted her computer. "I swear if this is another person falling asleep on an alarm Button, I will put them in jail anyway." He said to Bastet, rolling his eyes.

He took a look at the city directly ahead of them. Ari was right, it really was beautiful. It seemed so quiet and peaceful, that Frieza couldn't really imagine something bad happening in it.

"I am ready if you are." He responded to Ari, before stepping off the ramp, making his way towards the city.

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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime3rd April 2018, 3:44 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space CQ4yWZI

The Wilderness - Mariposa's Rolling Plains

Rocbouquet wandered across the gently rolling hills determined to follow the signal until she entered an area with better service. One bar. No bar. One bar. Two bars. Three bars. Three bars. Two bars. One bar. No bars. Ugh! Not again! Frustrated, Rocbouquet stopped and looked up from her screen.

“...Uh oh.” The landscape around her all looked the same, and Mariposa was nowhere in sight. Her phone had guided her to an unfamiliar gravel road out in the countryside: She no longer knew where she was. Her stomach growled again. Rocbouquet looked at her phone once more. Three bars. Whatever. At least she had better service. Now she could finally call a pizza place and get herself some food!  Rocbouquet selected a number from the list of pizza places and called it.

“Kasually Froiza Pizza; Jayden speaking. How may I help you?” asked the voice on the other end of the line. Somebody actually answered! Rocbouquet let out an excited gasp.

“Hi! I need a deluxe pepperoni pizza delivered to me somewhere, and fast!”

There was a pause.

“...Where is 'somewhere'?”

“I-I don't know. I'm lost!” Rocbouquet admitted sadly, remembering that she had no idea where she was.


“But I really am!” she wailed.

“...Kid, I don't have time for prank phone calls. I am a very busy adult. Either hand the phone to your mommy or hang up.”

“This is not a prank phone call! I am starving to death out in the middle of nowhere! There's nothing to eat out here: just twigs and grass! Miles and miles of twigs and grass! You're not going to make me eat twigs and grass, are you!?”

“We only deliver to addresses within the town.”

“Pizza man... You're pesky like a fly! I hope you get squashed by a pizza pan, you jerk!”


No longer able to contain her frustration with the man on the other end of the line, Rocbouquet let out a long growl and hung up.

“Hmph. That guy was really starting to bug me! I guess I'll just follow this road!”
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime3rd April 2018, 4:13 pm

NPC - Farmer Billy Bob the Third

The Wilderness - Mariposa's Rolling Plains

An elderly old farmer, with a big wide hat and tattered overalls, worn from years of tending to his crop and patched lovingly by his dear sweet old Bertha, who he knew was back at the farm, quietly rocking in her rocking chair, probably fixing up another pair of his old duds, rolled up in a horse drawn cart next to a very pretty girl he had noticed quite some time back.

Odd, don't get too many young ones out here these days. Then the closer he got to her, the more he thought she looked familiar in someway. The pretty young girl was fussing into her phone when Farmer Billy Bob the third, tugged on the reigns to stop his old mare.

"Well I'll be. You look a little lost, miss," he eyed her outfit up and down, a small blush appearing on his cheeks, "I don't recognize you from Miss Helga's, but I reckon your one of her dancers, lookin at your pretty dress and high little shoes."  

He gave her another look, up and down, making sure to take in everything, before continuing, "Now don't tell my wife I know the girls from Miss Helga's! She'd be awfully mad, that."

The old man continued on, he was quite the talker see. Talked a bit about the pretty girls at Helga's and laughed as if reminiscing on fond memories (that seemed a bit uncomfortably recent for a married old man) before he finally stopped and asked the girls name.

"Oh do excuse my manners. I'm an old man and hardly see anyone round these parts except for when I bring mah goods to town.  I'm Billy Bob the third.  Tell me your name and I'll give you a ride to wherever you need to go."
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime10th April 2018, 4:08 pm

*Stephanie Sanders/Sailor Splash Banner later*

Stephanie listened to the man looking for Rocbouquet  "Yes sir my name is Stephanie..what is you name so I can find you if I find her? Also I was thinking..if your not busy afterwards...well.. never mind...your a busy man. You also said you have a team looking for her right..Should i go look for them to help them out or should I go to a different area? whatever you need I hope I can do" 'god he's even cuter when he gets excited..i really should get the courage to ask him out later' She thought.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime13th April 2018, 10:25 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space CQ4yWZI

The Wilderness - Mariposa's Rolling Plains

Rocbouquet hadn't walked more than a few feet down the winding country road when a farmer in a horse-drawn carriage pulled up beside her and began to talk at her as if she were an old acquaintance.

***“...Miss Helga's?” the blonde inquired innocently, never hearing of the place before. A faint pink blush radiated from her cheeks. She felt the old man's eyes studying her, and it made her uneasy. Rocbouquet drew her arms in front of her chest and crossed them. How dare he judge her talents based on her looks without giving her a chance to demonstrate what she was capable of! She was a local hula hoop champion, not some dancer! Duh! Rocbouquet let out a soft huff. Although she adverted her eyes to her phone shyly, she was not scared. Noel's sword rested against her back in its scabbard after all. If defending herself became necessary, she would pull the blade out to fight! But the more the old man rambled about that Helga lady and her dancers, the less frightening he appeared. Fortunately for Rocbouquet, the farmer finally became aware of his reminiscing and apologized. A look of relief fell upon the girl's face. It was about time the old coot hushed up about those bimbos!  

Rocbouquet froze up when he suddenly asked for her name. She eyed the farmer suspiciously. What if he knew Noel? Not wanting to risk her brother finding out her location, the blonde quickly came up with what she deemed a believable fake name.

“Madam Rum Bucket,” she lied, inspired by the faint whiskey odor drifting from his tattered overalls. “It's a pleasure to meet you.” She bowed her head and curtsied to the farmer. “...I'm trying to get to the nearest big city. Will you please take me there now that I've told you my name?”

Then I can become a real hero and make headlines all by myself! She brought her hands to her face and giggled.


Last edited by Andalusite on 30th May 2018, 7:39 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Fixed typos)
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime17th April 2018, 6:35 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space KeESSpr


The pair walked into the quaint city. It looked old with some newer developments on the out skirts. It was quite bustling with people, however. It seemed as if there were some kind of festival.  Ari did notice that the two were getting quite a few stares and whispers.  She smiled happily at the crowd. Clearly they knew who they were, everyone knew about the Elite Space Justice Force League. Even the outskirt colony planets knew.

A small gust of wind picked up and the next thing Ari knew, she was in blackness, something had covered her face!  She shrieked as the paper caused her to lose balance and fall forward.

"Ow!" she grimaced, feeling the pain from the direct hit her knees and palms took. Removing the obstacle from her face, she could see several other papers float down the street. It might be a festival but can't the people around here be a bit more respectable with their litter!

Just as the thought popped into her ahead, several more papers flew into her, thoroughly distracting her as she frantically (and clumsily) attempted to remove the papers.


Last edited by Brit-chan on 6th June 2018, 7:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime7th May 2018, 8:21 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - Downtown

Oh right, he should have given her his name. Noel internally scolded himself.

“My apologies, the name's Noel,” he replied sincerely. As Stephanie went on to ask how she could help, Noel's eyes briefly trailed back to her rainbow-colored hair. Then an idea struck him. If the young woman really were an outsider as he suspected, then perhaps he could accept her offer and use it as an opportunity to also showcase his town to a visitor!

“Sure, that would be much appreciated.” He nodded once she finished speaking and added, “You are correct: There are at least,” he paused and brought his thumb inquisitively to his chin. Should or shouldn't he count Kzinssie? Noel shrugged. “Four—Yeah. Four others putting up posters and looking for her at the moment, so maybe it would be best if you stuck around here for now until we figure out where they went. I could try calling them, but I'm not sure they would hear their phones with the festival going on and all. Though I'm betting Wagnas went to the university and Rocbouquet's school....” When he realized he was rambling to the stranger, he changed the subject: “Say, have you had anything to eat yet? It's getting close to lunchtime.” Might as well offer her something for her help, he figured.
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime9th May 2018, 5:05 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space JmtJQGf

Stephanie waited for him to answer and he did saying his name was Noel..'ooh what a name' She thought as he continued to tell her things and kept going then asked her if she had eaten anything since it was close to the usual lunchtime for most people. "Well first who is Wagnus? is he looking as well? wait you said he was..never-mind..." 'it's distracting how cute he is hehe' she thought again. She finally answered him, "Well I am getting a bit hungry Noel..what would you suggest?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 9:51 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - Downtown

What would he suggest? Noel brought his thumb inquisitively to his chin. “Hm... Now that depends on what you're in the mood for. May I suggest that we make our way to the main square? It will be pretty crowded because of the festival, but,” he quickly reassured her, “there are many dining options!”

...And maybe Rocbouquet is hiding among the festival crowds. He looked down at the gathered missing person posters in his hand and sighed. Where did you run off to, little sister? You probably haven't even had breakfast yet!
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 10:22 am

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space JmtJQGf
Mariposa - Downtown

Stephanie let out a verbal, "Yay!" as Noel mentioned dining options. "I am good for eating anything really...maybe there is something spicy here in the festival." She then grabbed his opened hand and squeezed it, holding it...... "lead the way, Noel..." Stephanie wanted to get to know him better so she was trying to be easy to get...
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space   [Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space I_icon_minitime23rd May 2018, 6:55 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] The Galactic Adventures of Space Lord Frieza and the Alien Bastet in Space 6F1uyIZ

Mariposa - Downtown

“Don't worry. There should be plenty of spicy food at the festival,” Noel stated. He then felt Stephanie's fingers slide into his gauntleted hand. “Oh, right. Good idea,” he responded, willingly taking a hold of her hand. In these festival crowds they could easily get separated, but holding hands would prevent that! Noel smiled. Rocbouquet would have suggested the same thing. With a gentle tug, he beckoned the young woman to follow him. “We just have to go this way for a few blocks, in the direction of these stray posters.” He gestured toward the papers blowing around in the street. So many precious posters gone to waste. Noel sighed. Hopefully he wouldn't get fined for littering because of Kzinssie!
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