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 [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime18th June 2017, 6:53 am

Your Invitation wrote:
[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! RaoA3rj

Dearest Honored Guest(s),

It's Father's Day in Crystal Tokyo, and I'm throwing a big party in the palace to celebrate the men in our lives: from fathers (like my most wonderful Mamo-chan <3) to grandfathers, as well as uncles and brothers (even you, Shingo!).

The palace doors are open to everyone, and refreshments of many kinds have been prepared (including so many cakes! YUM! Thanks Mako-chan <3).

So come one, come all! I hope to see you there <3

Lovingly Signed,

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! AF7hGie


Don't forget to check out the Sign Up thread for this Event!!


The Set-up:
Your character has received a special invitation to a party being held at Crystal Tokyo Palace.

For canon characters, it's an invitation that everyone in the city has been given to through mail or perhaps even by hand if you're good friends with the Queen. And if you're really close with the Queen, then you've been hearing about the plans for this party for a long time now!

If your character is from a different place, then perhaps they found a stray invitation and decided to check it out, or maybe they stumbled into the celebrations and stayed for the cake. It's up to you to decide how your character ended up here!

Crystal Tokyo Palace! The doors are open so there are no guards blocking the way for strangers. The main hall has been decorated with streamers and balloons and portraits of Neo-Queen Serenity's favorite men (mostly various pictures of King Endymion, with a couple of Papa Kenji, Grandpa Hino, Artemis, and one tiny photo of Shingo). This hall leads to the throne room, wide and open with a dedicated dance floor right in the center, which is where the main event is being held. It is similarly decorated with streamers and long tables have been placed to the sides, heavy with various treats and drinks and finger-food. Entrances to other rooms have been cordoned off to keep the curious from venturing away from the party, but perhaps the especially devious and sneaky would find a way past anyway. Watch out for the guards if you go where you're not supposed to, however!


Characters Currently At The Party:

Neo-Queen Serenity ---- Sailor Saturn
Bat the Keese ---- Sailor Mars
Dark Mercury ---- Dark Sportsnutd
Sailor Alpha Sculptoris ---- Starchild
Byunei ---- Andalusite
Papyrus ---- Cosmos-Hime
Sailor Gallifrey ---- Artemis

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime19th June 2017, 8:53 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 4011577294 Neo-Queen Serenity [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 4011577294

Everything was ready - or at least, that's what everyone told her. Although she had played a large part in the planning and idea phase, somehow it seemed that whenever it came to actually setting up decorations or making the food, she always found herself being pulled away to deal with some new and pressing matter.

It probably had a lot to do with the fact that, for all her practiced poise, she still couldn't reliably stay upright on a ladder for more than five seconds at a time. If she was lucky.

Still, she smiled as she took in all of the beautiful decorations that had been assembled. Her smile grew as she glanced over the food laid upon the tables, and especially the cakes - she already knew first hand just how delicious they were, though she'd taken great care to make sure she'd wiped away all of the powdered sugar from her lips. She looked forward to sampling them again.

Too bad that the chamber was largely empty at the moment. But then again, the celebration had only just begun and she knew that many invitations had been sent out - she hoped that just as many people would show up. Father's Day was one of her favorites, and she wished to share it with so many different people, strangers and loved ones alike. Any day to publicly pile Mamo-chan with adoration and praise was a good day in her eyes.

Another smile came to her lips, and, seeing as everything looked ready, she supposed it wouldn't be too unseemly if she had another bit of cake - just a small one! - as she waited for guests to arrive.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime19th June 2017, 9:49 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Dark%20Mercury%201

They thought that they had gotten rid of her but Dark Mercury still existed. However though it was odd that she for some reason got invited to the Crystal Tokyo Palace for a celebration of Fathers day. Yes she had a father of her own, just like her goody-two-shoes counterpart Ami Mizuno but no one had met him so how did they matter "I can go to this celebration..maybe I will see Ami..or better yet...Sailor Moon herself...but now now I shall not cause any trouble...maybe.."

With that she was off to the palace and arrived in her Dark Mercury fuku. "Hello? Hello? is anyone here?" She called out walking into the Main hall and looking at the pictures then finally arriving in the Throne room. "Hello..Hello?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime19th June 2017, 10:31 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

In the middle of the courtyard, a demonic purple dog and a green bat-like bird with a long curved bill seemed to be leading a barefoot blonde woman with long pointed ears down the pathway to the Crystal Tokyo Palace. Behind the trio a little horned baby in a purple Victorian-style suit struggled to maintain the group's fast pace while holding onto the back of the woman's long red silk Hanfu robe to prevent it from dragging excessively against the ground as she walked. The woman, known as Byunei, slowly twirled a long, bladed cloisonné opium pipe between her slender fingers as she raised her chin and took in the scenery around her, giving everyone and everything she passed a judgmental glare.

Byunei had never heard of this so-called Father's Day, and she most certainly did not care to learn more about its significance. For a devil of her status, the only recurring event worth celebrating was the Death Eclipse, which wiped out all newborn life in the world every 300 years. It was what gave rise to the great Devil King, the man who released her from the Abyss to serve him until he vanished, leaving her and the three other Abyss Lords to rule the human world as they pleased. Unfortunately their reign was short-lived as another king, the Holy King, appeared from the ruins of the following eclipse and banished them back to the Abyss. But at least the most recent Death Eclipse had partially opened the Abyss gates, allowing her to send a clone of herself to the human world! The noblewoman smirked. Now that was something worth celebrating.

As Byunei made her way up the steps, she looked down at the dog, bird, and baby, wondering if anybody had taken notice to them yet. Although they were likely a strange sight to the other attendees, Byunei decided it was best she and her henchmen arrived looking the way they did. A three-headed drooling dragon—although respected among inhabitants of the Abyss—would not bode well with the palace's intended partygoers, especially if it were bound to the waistline of a beautiful blonde nymph. Humans possessed an unusual tendency to freak out and kill anything that looked different from them, and today Byunei was just not in the mood for that type of interaction. She had come to Crystal Tokyo with a different agenda in mind.

Earlier in the week, the baby had come running to her with an invitation in his hands. She was not sure where he had found it, though she assumed the letter was likely concealed within a satchel from one of the many human carcasses outside of her nest. Normally, she wouldn't have left her den after uncovering a note about something as trivial as a human celebration, but the invitation for the father party—or whatever those foolish mortals called it—had mentioned that the Crystal Palace was open to all guests. And well, the past two destined survivors of the Death Eclipse were of royal blood, so it was very likely the current one might be a young prince or princess hiding away in some kingdom's palace. If she could find and kidnap the destined child, then she and the other Abyss Lords could reopen the gates and re-establish their reign over all living things. Besides, it seemed stupid to turn down an opportunity to search the palace for the destined child when the letter clearly implied that she was invited to the party! All she had to do was feign interest in the stupid celebration long enough to distract the humans while her henchmen did the rest of the work for her!

When Byunei finally approached the palace entrance, she let out long sigh of disappointment realizing that there were no servants around to hold the doors open for her. Luckily, she had brought her own. The noblewoman looked over her shoulder and motioned toward the baby with the bladed end of her pipe.

“Open it.”

Without a fuss, the devil baby obediently waddled over to the door, jumped onto the handle and dangled from it until the purple dog took his feet into its mouth and began tugging on him with the help of the green bat-like bird.

“Now close it,” Byunei ordered the trio after making her way through the doorway. Once more the baby eagerly made his way over to the door as requested by his master, but quickly looked to the dog and the bird who simply shrugged when he realized he couldn't squeeze himself between the wall to push it shut on his own. Byunei gave them all a silent death glare. Without warning she raised her hand and a strong gale suddenly slammed the door shut behind her. The loud noise startled the baby to the floor and caused him to break out into tears. The draconic woman snorted in annoyance as she went over and picked the bawling toddler off the ground by the back of his suit and put him underneath her arm.  

“Quit fooling around! We've got places to be!” she hissed impatiently as she continued toward the throne room.

Last edited by Andalusite on 21st June 2017, 8:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime20th June 2017, 9:18 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Fure69zi

It has been a while since Bat stranded in Crystal Tokyo. He tried to suck the blood of some Boy in Green, before being carried by some yellow light with him. The last thing the Keese remembered was that he was catapulted out of the light when his grip loosened, before waking up in a city completely made out of Crystal. Oh, what a lovely city it was. Peace seemed to be lasting forever, and everyone seemed to be happy. How much he detested it. Bat couldn't wait to cause havoc, but without any of Ganondorf's Troops to work with, there wasn't much a single Keese could do.

Once again it was a despicable day. Kids were laughing, birds were singing and the sun was shining into his face, when suddenly a piece of paper flew right into Bat's face, catching him off guard and sending him spiraling down towards the ground. If this wasn't bad enough, a woman picked both him and the piece of paper up. "Are you alright little guy?" Of course he was alright. He threw himself right at her, his sharp fangs digging into her nose. With a scream the woman ran away, leaving a satisfied Bat behind. "Run, you fool. You can be happy I am too busy to come after your family." He shifted his attention to the piece of paper that has caused him to fall, laying directly under him. It was an invitation to some sort of father's day celebration at the Crystal Palace tonight. What a perfect oppertunity to cause Chaos and despair.

As the sun disappeared, Bat finally reached the Palace where the Party was held. He seemed to be one of the first, as a Teenage girl with dark hair entered before him. But his glorious flight into the Palace was short lived, as he faced one of his greatest nemesis: DOORS. How was he supposed to open them without any hands? Whoever held this party was going to face his wrath. But luck was on his side, because just before he arrived at the door, some woman and her weird creatures entered, so he could just slip through above their heads.

Inside, the Keese layed eyes on a beautiful droplet of blood floating in the air. He didn't know what magic was used to make this possible, but at least the host of this party was generous enough to provide some food for him. But as he took a bite into the delicious looking orb, it exploded. IS THIS SUPPOSED TO BE FUNNY? Whoever was the host of this party was going to pay. He flew right to some important looking girl in a beautiful white dress, starting to complain. "ARE YOU THE ONE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PARTY?" But all she could hear was a "Squeeeek", coming from the Keese in front of her face.

Last edited by Sailor Mars on 21st June 2017, 7:59 am; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime20th June 2017, 11:23 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

While searching for the party, Byunei had felt something skitter past her head. A bat of some sort? she wondered, taking notice of the monster's webbed wings as it flew on ahead of her. The assumed Abyss creature seemed like it knew where it was headed, so Byunei and her lackeys followed it down the hallway until they reached the throne room. The venue was what she had expected it to be: classy with an unwelcoming brightness that caused her to squint her red eyes in slight discomfort every so often. (How humans could bare such intense lighting and colors was still a mystery to her.)

But what truly attracted the devil's attention upon entering the room was not the decorations or the lighting, but rather the thrones: the only seats at the party fit for an aristocrat like herself. “If you don't mind, I'll be enjoying the party from over there,” she remarked to her servants as she made her way toward the front of the room, the devil baby still dangling helplessly from her arm.

Without a care in the world, Byunei seated herself right onto the princess' throne and sat the baby upright in her lap. She crossed her legs at the knees as she sank deeper into the comfortable chair overlooking the dance floor and brought the pipe to her mouth, biting at its lip in boredom. Her dark, red-eyed stare followed the various human guests who flooded into the throne room for the Father's Day celebration. Who were all of these people anyway? She wondered. After the draconic woman had made herself comfortable, the bird perched itself on the back of the throne and the dog laid down at her feet. Both creatures looked to their master, curiously awaiting her next command.

Last edited by Andalusite on 21st June 2017, 8:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime20th June 2017, 1:30 pm

Papyrus blinked. He rubbed his eyes, and blinked again.

Nah, he had to be dreaming. He pinched himself for good measure. A bit too hard, actually, and he let out a small yelp, only for the marvel of the towering, crystal castle to silence him once again.

This was real, and he wasn't dreaming. He was, in fact, standing directly in front of the most magnificent structure he'd ever laid his eyes on. It caught the sunny day like a prism, twinkling like the brightest diamond, leaving small rainbows on the garden ground.

Wait, Garden! Papyrus' attention was directed from the reflected sunlight to the flowers and dirt....that he was standing in.

"Ohmygosh!" He immediately leapt back, only to confirm what he had feared. Among the many blossoms and blooms, a single, lone flower had been crushed under his boots.

"Eeeeep!" Papyrus immediately darted to the flower, lifting it up and trying to have it stand on it's own a few times, as it simply drooped back to the ground.

"Oh, nononono!" He'd killed a flower, while he'd been intruding the castle grounds! He noticed a few people, mostly women and some flying creature, had started walking to the castle. Papyrus mumbled a silent apology, and began to quickly bury the flower and stood up quickly brushing off his gloves and whistling, as so not to seem suspicious as he quickly followed the crowd.

Perhaps he'd find out where he was inside? Oh, how he hoped they wouldn't notice a single flower missing!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime21st June 2017, 7:55 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Dark%20Mercury%201

Dark Mercury noticed a women and a some creatures maybe her Youma come in with her and in the hallway was...A walking skeleton? ...and in the air going after a balloon..a bat? what kind of a party was this supposed to be again... She walked up to the skeleton, "Are you a Youma and if not what is your name, Skeleton? I Dark Mercury wish to know." This was getting odd but after she spoke to the skeletal creature...she would question the other one...
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime21st June 2017, 8:32 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 7in5z4n

A flash of pastel lights and glitter materialized in front of everyone in the hallway Alpha Sculptoris had been to Crystal Tokyo once before for a diplomatic exchange, but there was never a Skeleton before, let alone Bats. She didn't really have the patience to deal with all of these things. She was the Alpha soldier of her Sculptoris belt, she was on a completely different level than all of these... things. 

She looked to the Skeleton, the dark soldier, back to the skeleton and the bat. There was not enough pastel colors for her liking. Sighing, she walked up to the Skeleton and completed her traditional bow. "Good sir. May I ask... what planet do you hail from?" she was intrigued by this...thing. She had many questions, but if she knew anything about these random gatherings she often attended, there were going to be some interesting individuals.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime21st June 2017, 2:29 pm

Papyrus couldn't stop himself from marveling at the hallway he found himself in. He was practally starry-eyed, and made constant 'ooos' and 'aaahs' as he found himself touching anything he could touch-The interior was just as fantastic as the outside! . Okay, well mostly the floor tiles and the walls. A royal guard has to have manners, after all!

Suddenly, a woman in a purple sailor uniform, adorned with dark ornaments, approached him. It was nothing he wasn't used to, humans were always confused with his appearance more then other monsters, but the way she held herself, It gave him a bit of a bad feeling. Regardless, he met her strange greeting with a smile and an extended hand.

"Why, hello there, human! Yes, I am a skeleton, but there is no reason to be afraid! But my name is Papyrus, not Youma!"

Well, this was a first. Not only was a human not afraid of his appearance, but they attempted to guess his name! Suddenly another human, with the most pastel color scheme he'd ever seen, asked him where he came from.

This was a bit confusing. "Planet? I come from earth, of course! Now, may I ask where this is, exactly? This place is so pretty!"
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Inner Senshi Admin
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime22nd June 2017, 11:38 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 9uwanf10

The great, glittering castle loomed before her, and Aria had to take a moment to stop under its shadow and admire the architecture, fiddling with the invitation in her hand absentmindedly. The shining and immaculate city of Crystal Tokyo had indeed been impressive so far, but nothing she had seen was quite as impressive as this. It was quite different from the tall and pointed buildings of the capital of her home planet, Gallifrey, but it was interesting in its own right, and it was clear that someone very important indeed resided here.

Aria sighed. The reason she had stopped went further than just simply admiring the castle, however--she was a bit apprehensive to approach it, something she hesitated to admit. The day prior, she had stopped walking suddenly to find this invitation laying on the ground in front of her feet, its intended owner unknown. Obviously the invitation was not meant for her, as she was just passing though, but she didn't want whoever the invitation was meant for to miss out on a party hosted by the queen herself, so she had come to return it. The invitation had said that the palace doors were open to everyone, so Aria figured it would be easy for her to simply walk in, find the queen, return the invitation, and leave--she didn't want to risk overstaying her welcome.

Snapping out of her reverie, Aria finally walked up to the castle doors, her stride quick and precise. She gently pushed the door open, and quickly lost all sense of urgency as she beheld one of the most beautiful halls she had ever seen. What grand decorations, for a holiday that she had not even heard of before finding the invitation! Maybe this "Father's Day" means more to the people of Crystal Tokyo than I thought, she wondered.

Suddenly spotting the throne at the opposite end of the hall, Aria's eyes narrowed at the blonde woman surrounded by a very odd compilation of creatures--was that some sort of dog, bird, and...a horned baby in a suit? Whoever she was, Aria instinctively knew that this was not the queen she sought, and the ominous vibe coming from this woman made it clear that there were some underlying motivations at work. The look in those red eyes of hers was not unlike that of a certain Time Lord named Missy, whose intellectual brilliance was overshadowed by her cruelty and desire for revenge. Undoubtedly, this woman was one to watch.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime22nd June 2017, 5:50 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 7in5z4n

Alpha grabbed the bony hand. It sent a shiver up her spine. "What even is this..." She thought. Most of the women on her planet had some meat on their bones. If there were any men, certainly they wouldn't be... this hard. She also didn't expect his grip to be so strong. Her hand pulsed in pain. 
"Wait... you're from the same planet as the Queen?! do you not know this is Earth then?" She almost fainted in disbelief how could a creature like that inhabit the Earth. She found herself getting more and more annoyed. "Nice meeting you..." she waved, a sweat drop dripping down her forehead and her lip quivering. 

"Oh great Prismaria that was frightening" She thought, sighing. 

She made her way into the throne room and noticed what appeared to be a soldier, most likely not a guardian of the Earth, at least not the Queen's court. 

"Finally, someone that makes some sort of sense..." She said, walking up to the girl, who's gaze seemed to be fixated on the obviously devious woman on the throne. She was attractive though. Alpha was attracted to the dark looking women, but if her Partner, Beta knew she had those kinds of thoughts, she'd be down there faster than you can say "Prismatic Sculpting."
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime22nd June 2017, 6:11 pm

Papyrus blinked, surprised at the woman's outburst.

"Earth? Really?" He'd never been anywhere like here before, and surely Frisk would have mentioned a castle as grand as this!

Before he cold question further, she rushed off-and he could almost see her lip trembling. Did he do something to offend her, or was she perhaps frightened of him? Both were equally possible, as most humans weren't used to the presence of monsters yet.

Nothing the great Papyrus couldn't handle! He'd just have to make sure that she knew he was friendly! Besides, she seemed to know a bit about this place, so he followed her, but not before waving a goodbye to the blue haired woman who had the dark ornaments on her sailor suit. Sure, she was a bit intimidating, but he'd just frightened someone. Papyrus was sure that she was a wonderful person!

"Hey! Wait up!" He called out to her, only to be entirely distracted from his mission by just how wonderful this room was.

"Wow...!" He gasped out-loud. "Just when I thought this place couldn't get any more beautiful!"

Just then, he noticed the other two women in the room. One woman, in yet another sailor suit seemed to be preoccupied with someone who sat on the throne. And this individual who sat on the throne seemed to have a bunch of monsters by her side. It was curious, Papyrus thought. He'd never seen monsters like them before. He approached the pastel-clothed woman, hands up in apology.

"I hope you didn't mind me following you." He started. "You just seem like you know where this is, and I'm terribly sorry if I scared you in any way! My name is Papyrus. What's yours?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime22nd June 2017, 9:51 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

“...What's thisssss?”

In the crowd at the opposite end of the room, one guest—a teenage girl with long blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes—seemed to stand out from all the others. Instead of simply ooh-ing and ahh-ing the party like most of the other attendees entering the room, this girl stopped in place and had taken immediate notice of the wind devil and the three monsters seated at the throne. She seemed to be studying them from afar with her unmoving suspicious gaze, and Byunei did not like it one bit.

How dare a human look at her like that!

Offended, the Abyss Lord lowered her head until her piercing red eyes met the gaze of the vigilant teenage girl. She curled her upper lip back enough to reveal her fangs and emitted a soft feminine “Hisssssssssssssssss” as she returned the girl's narrow-eyed stare with a devouring intensity.

“Ooooooooohaha! (Abyss creature!)” The baby suddenly interrupted, pointing to the skeleton entering the room and giggling with excitement. Byunei on the other hand did not seem very amused. Her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she continued to stare at the girl—and now the skeleton—from across the room. What was a skeleton doing hanging around a bunch of humans like that? Was it...their servant? And that other girl, the pink-haired one who had just walked into the room with it... What in the name of the Destroyer was up with those huge star-shaped earrings dangling from her ears? Byunei cringed in disgust. And those offensively bright colors! Did a fairy vomit all over her or something?
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime23rd June 2017, 5:41 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 4011577294 Neo-Queen Serenity [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 4011577294

The selected cake was one of her favorites - strawberry shortcake with lots of cream, delicious! But before she could grab yet another one - after all, who was she to deny the lure of Mako-chan's wonderful cooking? - something small and black screeched right in her face.

Usagi jumped and took a step back, only stumbling a little, and then blinked up at the... bat? "Oh hello," she greeted with a smile. "Um, how did you get in here?" She had said anyone was welcome, but she had never thought animals of any sort would show up.

Uncertain what to say, Usagi held up her precious cake towards the little bat. "Do you want some?" She didn't know what bats ate, exactly, but Mako-chan had made it!

No one could turn down Mako-chan's cooking.

Hearing other voices, Usagi glanced around and saw several people had arrived now, and she was overjoyed. Success! There was a couple of girls, and a... skeleton, and a girl with a baby and a bird and a dog? So many animals had come to visit this celebration. Wait a minute...

That woman was sitting on the throne!

Before Usagi could properly digest this information, yet another guest caught her eye and stole her attention. "Ami-chan?" Usagi said, though it didn't quite look like her friend. Ami-chan was wearing a fuku that looked all wrong. It must have been some kind of costume! What an amusing choice - normally Ami-chan was not one to play dress up, but perhaps there was a reason for this strange choice.

Somehow though, that costume unnerved her. It felt wrong, in a way. So familiar, the base a fuku that Usagi had seen uncountable times before, but it was as if black trimmings had been added to it, twisting it. Still, it was nice to see a face she recognized.

"Ami-chan, when did you arrive?" she asked with a smile. Her hand holding the cake was still extended up towards the little bat, and she had to exert a bit of self control to not bring it down for a bite of her own.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime23rd June 2017, 7:39 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Dark%20Mercury%201

Dark Mercury had never heard a name like Papyrus before, he must be from somewhere she hadn't traveled. She then saw another in Sailor Fuku but the colors were very bright and not to her liking. She walked into the throne room and was still looking at the women on the throne, 'thats where I should be I...' Her thoughts were interrupted by the Queen herself and she turned to her, "Ahh Queen Serenity now isn't has been a long time since we have met and you still refer to me as Ami-chan..I am her, yes...but I am her Dark side...but I'm not here to fight you...yet...I however though am bothered by this women over her that dares sit on what appears to be your throne..." Dark Mercury then looked for a moment at the bat above then back at Neo-Queen Serenity...
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime25th June 2017, 7:49 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Fure69zi

Just one word from Neo Queen Serenity was enough to make Bat want to spit right into her beautiful face. Not only did she sound like an angel, she also completely ignored the Keese's question and instead offered him a piece of cake. It was always the same with these humans. They were all unable to understand even a single word Keese, and started to treat Bat like some sort of cute animal. How much he hated it

He was about to give in to his urge, deciding if he should spit on the cake, or the woman's face, when she suddenly shifted her attention across the room. With the weird demon baby on her lap, the lady that opened the door for him was sitting on the Throne, her other creatures constantly keeping an eye on everyone. Bat was pretty sure that she wasn't the Queen, so he had to wonder if she was either extremely ignorant, or too dumb to realize that the Throne wasn't for her to sit in. Probably a mixture of both.

But the blonde woman didn't pay any attention to her at all, and instead focused more on the teenage girl that had entered shortly before Bat. While she did seem to know the girl, calling her Ami-chan, she seemed a little bit confused. Bat didn't really want anything to do with them, but it was already too late. The girl already made her way over.

While Neo Queen Serenity was still distracted, the Keese used the opportunity to quickly spit on the cake, imagining how hilarious it would be if she ate it. It seemed like the two really knew each other, even though the girl didn't seem as happy about the meeting as the woman.

"Ahh Queen Serenity now isn't has been a long time since we have met and you still refer to me as Ami-chan..I am her, yes...but I am her Dark side...but I'm not here to fight you...yet...I however though am bothered by this women over her that dares sit on what appears to be your throne..."

Bat bursted out in laughter. He didn't know if she tried to sound menacing, or if it was just the way she talks, but coming from a little teenage girl it was nothing but laughable. On second thought he really wanted to see how this conversation played out. "Maybe our little wannabe villain will spill a drink on her." His own thoughts caused the Keese to burst out in laughter once more. Being tired of constantly hovering, he sat down on Neo Queen Serenity's head. At least the 'Queen' was useful as his chair.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime26th June 2017, 8:19 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

“Hmph... Pathetic worms.”

The devil baby watched Byunei with curious eyes as she lowered her pipe against the arm of the throne and slowly turned her head away from the two girls and the skeleton. Much to her disappointment, two more humans—an aristocratic woman in an elegant white dress and a teenage girl with short dark blue hair—were eying her suspiciously as well, and they seemed to be talking about her based on the subtle look the blue-haired girl was giving her while addressing the other woman! The Abyss Lord was quick to stare right back at those inferior humans and hiss at them. How dare they talk about her behind her back!


Just when Byunei thought things at this party couldn't get anymore irritating, her hisses were suddenly dampened by an awful fit of laughter from an unknown source.

“...What's with all that laughter? It annoys me,” Byunei grumbled in an elevated tone, finally breaking out of her stare. She looked down at the demonic purple dog resting at her feet and nudged its side with her clawed toes. “You, go find out what's so funny and stop it at once! Hisssssss!” she ordered.

The dog leapt up from the floor and nodded once to acknowledge its master's request before taking off, broken chains rattling noisily behind it. The demonic creature's nose rushed across the ground as it zig-zagged around the room following various scents until it found itself at one of the food tables. The large growling beast stopped in front of Dark Mercury and Neo Queen Serenity, sniffing thoroughly around their feet. It seemed especially interested in Dark Mercury's scent. What was this girl? For all it knew, she could be the Destined Child, so the Abyss hound decided it might as well claim this human for Lord Byunei before somebody else did. With a wicked sneer, the dog slowly lifted its leg before Dark Mercury...
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime26th June 2017, 12:39 pm

Shortly after he introduced himself, one of the creatures at the side of the lady on the throne called him an "Abyss creature"-whatever that was. His attention was drawn to yet another monster; The bat had started laughing at some point during all this conversing-particularly when another woman made her presence known. And what a lady she was! Hair long an flowing, the most gorgeous gown he'd ever seen-Papyrus was aware that he'd begun to gawk at her beauty.

And yet, something She was startled at the appearance of "Ami-Chan"-apparently this was the name of the woman with black ornaments on her sailor outfit-and this bat monster decided during their conversation to land in the gorgeous woman's hair.

"Hey! Stop that!" Papyrus was shocked at this monsters behavior. How were monsters supposed to ensure humans weren't going to think they were a danger if they do something like that? He approached this gorgeous lady, and waved his hand lightly at the bat.

"I understand that the world above ground is new and fun, but napping on other people's heads isn't the best way to make friends!"

Now, Papyrus would have intervened further, when he heard the woman on the throne...hiss? He turned around. Why would a human make such a noise? It was at this moment he saw that another monster from the throne approached Ami-chan-the dog-and began to...LIFT IT'S LEG!?

"NO NO NO!" Papyrus dashed over and shoved the dog away from her. "BAD! YOU DON'T DO THAT TO PEOPLE-HUMAN OR MONSTER!" He couldn't help but shout-he was so enraged that another monster would even think of doing such a thing! It was disgusting! Papyrus shuddered.

"I am so-so sorry!" He found himself floundering an apology to both Ami-chan and the gorgeous lady. "Not all monsters are like this, really!"

Why were all the other monsters acting like such uncivilized animals? And in such a pretty place!

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 26th June 2017, 12:40 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : continuity errors)
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime26th June 2017, 4:57 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Dark%20Mercury%201

Dark Mercury was about to say something to the women on the throne when the skeleton calling himself Papyrus ran over and moved that lady's dog away from her.

"NO NO NO!" Papyrus dashed over and shoved the dog away from her. "BAD! YOU DON'T DO THAT TO PEOPLE-HUMAN OR MONSTER!"

"I am so-so sorry!"

Dark Mercury stepped to the side and was going to demand answers but she thought not to, 'Im going to hurt that dang dog' "Papyrus..thank you for the help but now that dog will perish!" Dark Mercury made her dark sword appear and was pointing it at the dog, "NO Animal would DARE to try and go to the bathroom on me..but you tried..and have tried my shall perish now dastardly Mutt!" She lifted her sword up....
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime26th June 2017, 6:58 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Fure69zi

As soon as Bat made himself comfortable on the Queen's head, another Guest made his way over to them, while trying to scold the Keese. He was a skeleton, looking a lot like an even uglier version of the Stalfos under Ganondorf's control, but he sure didn't act like one. Whatever he was, the Keese didn't like him. Making friends with such pathetic humans? Why would anyone with a clear mind want to do that?

But before Bat could say anything to Papyrus, the woman sitting on the Throne sent one of her creatures over to inspect. It was the most beautiful dog the Keese has ever seen, with a deep purple fur, orange glowing eyes, and fangs that might even rival his. After sniffing extensively at the Queen's and the teenage girl's feet, it began to raise its leg towards Dark Mercury. He didn't know if the woman ordered him to, or if the dog had the idea on its own, but Bat didn't care. He loved it. Finally another creature with a good sense of humor.

Sadly his amusement was short lived, as Papyrus not only instantly began to scold the dog for his behavior, he also apologized for its behavior. How annoying he was.

The Keese began to flap his wings, hovering directly above Neo Queen Serenity's head, before finally being able to say something to this miserable excuse for a Stalfos.

"I don't know what you are, but every single word coming out of your mouth makes me want to throw up. I thought this Teenage Girl here was the most laughable person in the room, but you easily managed to top her. I give you one second to get out of my face, before I'll pick you apart and send you home bone by bone."

But Papyrus wasn't the only one reacting to the dog. Out of nowhere, Dark Mercury began to summon a dark sword, before announcing that she would slay the dog. It seemed like he had underestimated her abilities, but as much as he would love to see some action, he would not let that girl attack the only tolerable creature he has ever met in this city. As she lifted her hand, the Keese quickly leaped out of the air, barely missing Neo Queen Serenity's head, aiming straight for the girl's hand, his sharp fangs digging deep into her flesh.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime27th June 2017, 12:28 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

Byunei sighed. The laughter was gone, but now it was replaced by a bunch of shouting. Lovely. Her eyes narrowed at the sight of Papyrus shoving the dog away from the blue-haired girl. Although she had not caught the event leading up to the skeleton's outburst, she couldn't help but wonder why it was making such a big deal about everything. Had it lost its mind?...Oh right, it did not have one to begin with. Byunei raised her chin and gave the monster a condescending stare. And what did it think it was doing, yelling at her subordinate like that? Hmph. The noblewoman decided that she would ignore the skeleton's unusual behavior for the time-being and let the dog handle the situation on its own.

The dog began jumping up and down, barking fiercely at Papyrus for suddenly shoving it out of the way. Despite all of the feriocious noises the dog was making, its body language did not suggest that it planned on attacking him anytime soon.

“Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! (What's your problem, skeleton?)” the dog snarled behind bared teeth. “Snaaaarl....(I'm only trying to ensure that our great Lord Byunei gets everything she wants during this party—including that girl you just pushed me away from!...You see, I suspect the girl may be a survivor of the most recent Death Eclipse: the destined child Lord Byunei has long searched for. And as we all know, Lord Byunei, Lord Arakes, Lord Forneus, and Lord Aunas plan to unlock the Abyss gates with the destined child so that we monsters, demons, and devils can freely roam the world as we did 600 years ago without having to worry about our powers being sealed away by those despicable humans!)” The dog felt weird having to explain this to another monster who should have already known all about the Great Devil King, the Abyss gates, the Devil Lords, and the Star of Death. Though the guy was a skeleton—a creature of the land?—meaning that he likely served Arakes. That earth devil was all brawn and no brains. Maybe his subordinates were the same...

Byunei brought her elbow against the arm of the throne and rested her cheek against the palm of her hand with a bored expression upon her face as she listened to the dog's angry barking. She appreciated its effort to defend her, but did it really need to waste her time lecturing that strange skeleton?

“...Ooooohah? (Abyss creature?)” The baby suddenly repeated, tugging on the sleeve of Byunei's robe and pointing once more to Papyrus.

The wind devil sighed. “You really want to see that skeleton, don't you—” she mused, patting her hand against the child's curly ginger-colored hair. She would have said more to the baby, but she quickly dropped the conversation when she noticed Dark Mercury summoning a sword in front of her dog. Wait. A human summoning swords from a flash of dark energy? Was that...the Dark Sword technique? No, it couldn't be! The Abyss Lord stifled a small laugh. There was only one sword! Besides, she'd never actually seen a human pull off such a move on anybody, let alone her dog! Byunei's eyes narrowed. Speaking of that dog, why hadn't it attacked that girl yet? She then glanced down at the devil baby on her lap who was still trying to get her attention about Papyrus. “—On second thought, do you want to go play with the skeleton?” The question brought a mischievous smirk to the baby's face. “Fine. But send my 'greetings' to the girl in blue. I don't care what you do as long as you get my point across.”

“Grrrrrrrowl.... (You think a sword will stop me, human?)” the demonic dog barked, giving Dark Mercury a challenging stare as she raised the weapon above its head. From the corner of its eye, the dog caught glimpse of a small bat-like creature as it rushed past and latched onto the girl's hand. Finally, another monster with some common sense. The dog would have to thank the bat for its loyalty to Lord Byunei later.

Last edited by Andalusite on 27th June 2017, 9:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime27th June 2017, 1:13 am

Papyrus was entirely taken aback by the bat's remarks. He would fight him for waking him up? And in such explicit detail...

It had to be a joke. It had to. Papyrus forced a small chuckle; that had to be it! The poor thing was just cranky-and Papyrus wasn't exactly gentle in waking it up.

"Well, you're still not supposed to sleep on human's heads! It's rude!"

Then there was the dog. The dog was mad at him for stepping in? Trying to capture the girl for it's lord? That...made no sense. The more he listened, the more confused and slightly frightened he got.

"I'm-I'm afraid I don't understand." Papyrus shook his head. "The barrier's been broken, and monsters are already free and getting back to living on the surface with humans."

If Papyrus had skin, it'd be prickling at the mention of devils and demons. He'd read about them-frightening, dangerous creatures of fantasy. Lumping them in with monsters left a bad taste in his mouth. He cleared his throat, and continued:

"And I don't know of lords or these abyss-gate-things..." It was getting a bit harder to muster up a brave front. Surely this all had to be a misunderstanding! This seemed to be a party! Papyrus was sure they'd all laugh about this later!

"And-And I've never served under anyone! Well, trained under Undyne, and I'm the only member of the royal guard now but Asgore isn't king anymore so it's a bit strange...royal guardsman with no royalty..."Papyrus realized he was rambling, and got back on topic. "I...I don't serve anyone, especially not this Byunei you keep mentioning. I don't know who that is! I've never even heard of them!"

At that moment, he saw a glint of blue from the corner of his eye. In the short moment they'd been talking, Ami-chan...had a sword? And she was going to strike the dog!?

Before Papyrus could even act, the bat flew and chomped her hand, while the dog gave an insult. And he heard the odd infant call him an abyss creature again-and the woman on the throne spoke out:

“—On second thought, do you want to go play with the skeleton?”

“Fine. But send my 'greetings' to the girl in blue.

Papyrus shook his head, overwhelmed, and took a step back.

Ami-chan, the woman on the throne, the bat, the dog, and the strange infant. Why were they all so...violent?

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 27th June 2017, 1:14 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : soooo many topos this is why I don't RP at 4am)
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime27th June 2017, 7:33 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Dark%20Mercury%201

Dark Mercury was about to bring her sword down on the dastardly dog that tried to liquidate on her when she suddenly felt a strong pain in her wrist. She looked up and found that that weird bat had sunk his teeth into her and drew blood. Dark Mercury screamed in pain while yelling, "GET OFF ME YOU STUPID BAT!!" After she was able to get him off she growled at it and walked over to a table and grabbed some napkins to clean off the blood. She then stormed over to Byunei and started ranting at her, "This is all your fault...if you didn't have that dumb dog of yours try to pee on me then I wouldn't have gotten bitten by the bat over will pay for the end of this father party...I swear it!" Dark Mercury growled at her again and then after making her sword disappear walked over and got a drink and sat down to rest.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime27th June 2017, 9:34 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 9uwanf11

Finally breaking eye contact with that strange woman on the throne, Aria looked around at all the commotion that had erupted all around the hall, both bemused and irritated. What kind of "party" was this, anyway? It might have been good fortune for whomever this invitation was meant for that they didn't get notice to attend this party, because it had dissolved into chaos in just a few minutes. Maybe it's a new record, she thought wryly. Fastest time for a party to collapse...ever. And speaking of collapsing, her sanity was in danger of doing just that if she didn't get out of here as soon as possible.

Finally, she spotted a woman in a white dress who was undoubtedly the real queen of this castle, who stood there seemingly at a loss for words at to what had happened to her party. Understandable. Aria was relieved to see her, as it meant that she could now just approach her, return the invitation, and then get out of here. Simple as that.

Carefully skirting around all the other attendees surrounding the woman--a bat, that dog, a skeleton-like creature, and a girl who had just pulled out a sword, of all things--Aria carefully approached the assumed queen and tapped her on the shoulder. "Excuse me, I'd like to return this to you," she stated, holding out the invitation. "I found it on the street by chance, but I believe it belongs to you."
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime27th June 2017, 2:27 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 4011577294 Neo-Queen Serenity [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! 4011577294

Well, this celebration had certainly taken a turn for the worst.

Usagi was having trouble keeping up from one thing to the next - the guests each with their own... quirks? Yeah, that'd be a good diplomatic word for it.

From the Ami-chan look alike, who wasn't really Ami-chan - had she mentioned a dark side? - to the skeleton and the woman still lounging around on the royal throne with far too many pets.

And the bat on her head.

Things escalated even more, and before Usagi could quite understand what was happening, not-Ami-chan summoned a sword. Usagi reached out a hand to stop her, magic sparkling at her fingertips, but not-Ami-chan was stopped shortly after. By the bat. At least he was no longer making a nest of her hair.

Usagi closed her eyes for moment, and breathed in slowly. She had half a mind to call in her senshi and let them deal with all this. She just wanted to spend the day relaxing, eating cake, and having fun with Mamo-chan and all of her friends. Had it been wrong of her to want to share it with everyone?

Still, the sheer absurdity of it all brought out a small laugh, and she could only shake her head at it all. She was far too old to be overly bothered by all of this. Though she'd keep an eye out to make sure no more fights began, she would leave the guests to their own devices. If this was how they wanted to party, then so be it!

As for herself, the refreshments were definitely her choice of activity. Reaching out once more for a bit of cake, a tap on her shoulder stole her attention before she could secure a grip on the plate.

Turning, she was met with a blond girl holding out an invitation. What was... Oh wait, she recognized that invitation! "You don't have to return it," Usagi replied with a bright smile. "I sent them out so that people knew they were welcome to join this celebration. You don't need to hand it back though." She leaned in a little closer, looking at the front of the invitation and her smile became more of a grin as she stared at the picture of Mamo-chan. So handsome!

"Think of it as a souvenir! A keepsake!" she added after a moment.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime28th June 2017, 10:05 am

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

“Grrrrrrrrrrr.... (A true survivor of the Death Eclipse wouldn't be this weak....)” the Abyss hound commented to itself as it watched the blue-haired teenage girl retreat to a nearby table after being bitten by the bat-like creature. It then turned back to Papyrus, who appeared to be distancing himself from the group. “Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... (Don't play dumb with me, skeleton! Byunei, Devil Dragon Lord of the Wind—ruler of the sky!  Right over there!)” it barked, stepping closer to the other monster and motioning its snout toward the blonde-haired woman situated on the throne. “Snaaaarl.... (You should be ashamed for disrespecting one of our Abyss Lords like that!)”


The dog suddenly looked down. Right at Papyrus' feet stood the little rosy-cheeked devil child, mouth agape, staring curiously up at him. The infant slowly reached forward and poked at Papyrus' boot with one of his little claws, laughing joyously when it did not react the way he'd expected. Distracted by skeleton's bright red boots, the baby had failed to notice Dark Mercury's rapid advance toward Byunei....

"This is all your fault...If you didn't have that dumb dog of yours try to pee on me then I wouldn't have gotten bitten by the bat over there...

“......” Byunei gave Dark Mercury the most unamused expression—the dullest, does it look like I care she could muster without contorting her beautiful face—as the girl got all up in her personal space and started ranting at her.

"You will pay for the end of this father party...I swear it!" the girl exclaimed in a threatening tone before storming off.

“...Hmph. Pathetic worm.”

The bird nodded its head in agreement.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime28th June 2017, 11:34 am

Papyrus couldn't help but have an inward sigh of relief when Ami-Chan decided to retreat to the tables. She was clear on starting fights-they all seemed like they were-and NOT the way Undyne would. It was complicated, Papyrus thought. Sure, there would be random training fights, but there was never such malice behind them. Annoyance at some points? Sure. Outright rage and hatred? Never. And it was never in a place where others would get hurt.

"Ohhhh..." Papyrus mused as he looked at the woman on the throne, processing what the dog had told him. "So SHE'S one of those lords."

She was awful quiet, aside from sending the monsters to do her bidding. And look what came of that! The bat landing in someones hair-someone he was feeling was more then a guest with each passing moment. Papyrus, now learning of her identity, now figured these monsters were somehow her guards. Even the odd infant creature, who seemed attracted to his boots. While it made him uncomfortable, this monster didn't seem to cause trouble like the others. If staring at his boots kept them happy, then he'd put up with it.

He turned his attention to the woman on the throne.

"I apologize for getting in the way of your guardsman, lady Byunei. They were only acting to protect you-in strange ways. But don't you think you could tell them to calm down-just a little bit? They're being rather rude to the other guests here, and they might accidentally hurt someone."

He looked to where Ami-chan was sitting. "-else." He added.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime28th June 2017, 10:02 pm

[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! HG2qwvb

Byunei's ears perked up at the mention of her name.

“Who dares to address me from across the room? Hissss!” she roared, glancing around the party in search of the voice's owner. Oh, it was just the skeleton... Byunei relaxed her shoulders and gave Papyrus a dirty look. What was that thing's issue now? She wondered, bringing a hand to her ear so that she could hear the monster's words a bit better.

"...But don't you think you could tell them to calm down—just a little bit? They're being rather rude to the other guests here, and they might accidentally hurt someone...else."

The draconic woman slowly tilted her head up and over her shoulder toward the bird, which still stood behind her on the back of the throne, its head currently tucked in its webbed wings as if it were sleeping. She then looked back at the dance floor and the various tables set up throughout the room. The dog was now sitting on its hind legs panting and the baby was...studying the skeleton's red boots instead of confronting that girl like she had asked him to. Byunei snorted in mild irritation. Everything seemed fine to her—except maybe that little bat hovering around, but it wasn't her problem. If the skeleton thought they were riled up now, it should have seen them when they were guarding her nest.

“Did somebody say something?... Hmph. Guess it was just my imagination.” Byunei lifted her snooty little nose into the air as she looked away from Papyrus. If the skeleton really cared what her henchmen were doing, it would have mustered the courage to bring itself directly in front of her.

The baby seemed to know what was on Byunei's mind however, and responded to Papyrus' request for her with a loud, grumpy “NO!” He raised his clawed hands over his head and imitated one of Byunei's hisses thinking that it would make him appear more menacing. Then he suddenly lunged for Papyrus' left boot and began gnawing on it, but his efforts were short-lived as he tired himself out. Rosy cheeks puffed up in frustration, the child quickly dropped to the floor and began bawling. With limited powers, the little guy wasn't very scary at all.
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[Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime30th June 2017, 9:25 pm

Papyrus saw Byunei put her hand over her ear, and he felt a bit relieved. So she WAS going to listen to him! But then she claimed she didn't hear him-when it was clear that she did. Papyrus may come off as rather dense, but he had a keen sense for sarcasm. You had to when your best friend AND brother both excelled greatly in it.

Before he could think of another way to approach the situation, the little monster infant screeched a few hisses-though they sounded like a cat's sneeze more than anything-and began to claw and chew at his boot. It hardly damaged anything, and the poor thing plopped to the floor and began crying-perhaps upset that he couldn't break through the hard leather?

"Oh dear..." Papyrus couldn't let this little monster stay so upset! He really wanted to pick it up to give it some comfort, but wasn't exactly sure how they'd respond. Would they flail, or attempt to claw his face? Either way, he had to do something!

That's when he remembered. This was a party! There's food! And sweets! Children of all kinds LOVE sweets!

He darted over to the table and quickly-and somewhat clumsily-cut a small piece of cake for the little thing. Unsure if they could use silverware, he simply placed the plate on the ground in front of the sobbing child.

"It's okay! I thought you did a rather good job at...whatever it was you were doing! Look!" Papyrus gestured to the plate. "There's cake! It looks really, really good! Don't you want some?"
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration!   [Casual Event] Father's Day Celebration! I_icon_minitime

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