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 [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 1:10 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vb15j

Popplio listened to Coral speak and he stood up on his chair and said, "Thank you very Much for inviting us and I for one am having a good time even though my are really short. I think this will be fun and its very interesting to meet people like Benson, Arya, Miss Shimmer and even you Vegeta..We should all enjoys this.."
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 4:03 pm

Benson's let out a small yelp as Arya began to directly insult Vegeta, and withdrew her staff and pointed it at him-not that it would have done any more damage then the chair he was currently holding to the self-proclaimed "god." Benson wasn't so sure about the god part-quite frankly, that was the least of his worries-but it was the very fact that there seemed a very real chance that he as well as Arya were about to engage in a battle with this guy, and judging by his glowing aura-it'd be a battle they'd swiftly lose. His arms began to ache from holding the chair for that long-it was probably because he was so tense. Benson saw from the corner of his eye that the pink creature didn't seem to even notice the danger, and bounded over to the seat right next to the gap from where the chair in his arms was taken from.

Then the yellow, bright haired girl began to insult Vegeta as well. "What are you, insane?" He hissed at her through clenched teeth; but then stopped. She began to speak about powers of her own as well. She seemed adamant on the fact that they were either dreaming, or in an allusion and would simply wake up normally. Who was Pinkie Pie, and what was Equestrian magic, anyways?

After what seemed like an eternity of being in a silent stand off, their host spoke up once again. As she began to explain how the yellow girl-who's name was Sunset Shimmer-was correct and that nobody had, in fact, been kidnapped-the chair Benson had been gripping onto had slipped from his hands and fell loudly to the floor. Dumbstruck by Coral's revelation, all he could do was set the chair upright. Without fully directing his attention away from Vegeta, he spoke to her:

"Look, lady-Coral-if this really is true, and we're all just sleeping; why didn't you say so sooner? Why the secrecy?"

Benson certainly didn't remember falling asleep. He wondered if the others did.
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 5:38 pm


Blake couldn't help but laugh a little when Sunset Shimmer suggested that the obnoxious prince should sit down and shut up. A blunt way to put it, but true (and hopefully effective) nonetheless. Blake was in a much better mood now that there seemed to be no hard feelings between her and Sunset Shimmer over the pony ears comment like she had expected, and gladly took a seat next to Sunset Shimmer when she offered.

Now that she had sat down, Blake picked up a glass of a clear bubbly drink and observed it carefully, wondering if it had come from another world or her own. She was about to take a sip when the host began to speak, so she put the cup down to pay attention.

The elfin blond-haired girl with ruby eyes had referred to the host as a goddess...Blake considered that to likely be an exaggeration, but Coral's powers were certainly not to be underestimated. She had somehow summoned beings from different universes into one dream, but how was that possible? Blake was no stranger to magic back in Remnant, but this was a different level of power.

At least this was all a dream and she would be back in Remnant in the morning.

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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 11:53 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 BiPGX54

Once again, the host attempted to calm and reassure the guests—using her gentle voice and friendly smile, even offering them an honest explanation of the current situation—but none of this was enough to convince Arya to remove her ruby-colored eyes from her newly found opponent. She didn't even flinch when Benson dropped his chair.

"...Instead of dreaming this night away, you get a chance to meet some other beings from different worlds. Isn't that exciting?"

The first thought to cross Arya's mind was a rapid no, but she held her tongue for Coral's sake. Making a new acquaintance or two was indeed an exciting prospect—as Coral seemed to suggest in the explanation she offered. However, the concept of meeting beings specifically from other worlds was nothing out of the ordinary for the young esper. In fact, she and her friends met and interacted with otherworldly beings all the time during their travels! If Arya had any say in what kind of meeting she wished to attend, she would have specifically requested one that did not involve her with some world's arrogant wannabe god. She already spent enough time fighting them when she was awake, so why must she relive her frustration with them in place of getting a good night's rest? Was this whole dream—meeting, dinner, or whatever it was that Coral just called it—simply another trial of the so-called eternal fight Odin had warned her about when she and her friends had impatiently agreed to his testament in a quick-witted effort to escape their own deaths?

"...See? Nothing to worry about at all!"

The esper cast a concerned side glance at the smiling host. How was she supposed to ignore the fight and not worry when the premonition of another false god seemed so real?
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Eternal Eternity
Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th November 2016, 5:03 am

"Chill! Oh 'mighty god' of unnecessary agression, try to loosen up. We're here in this fancy place, plus there's tons of food! What could be so bad about this?" Meowth asked, reaching over and grabbing a fancy poke puff for the water type beside him. Once he had noticed Popplio took the seat next to him he was a bit surprised, but he didn't mind as much as he thought he would.

The scratch cat Pokémon stuffed his face with more food, still extremely hungry. "Thanks for all this food!" He chimed with a mouthful. Nice comfy bed? He wished. Meowth was more likely to wake up on the floor or in a tree with Jessie and James, oh... And that creepy Mimikyu... He shuddered at the thought. Gotta try nitro think of that. Just think of how well fed you're gonna be with Jess and Jimmy having... Now he felt a bit bad for his pals. Not like they'd know, this food might not matter when he wakes up anyway.
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th November 2016, 5:35 am


Well, if this was a dream, Jigglypuff was not going to waste it! The pink orb happily hummed to itself as it bounced gently on the seat of the chair, the enormous bright eyes watching the others. So, these were beings from other worlds, were they? Jigglypuff had seen many things, but not from other worlds (unless you were going to count other worlds as other regions, which did not seem to be the case here). There were enough similarities to where the Pokémon came from. In fact, the more the creature listened to it, the more the tall prince and the young woman opposing him seemed to argue like members of Team Rocket (or other such organizations).

It directed its attention instead to the others seated at the table, particularly those seated closest to its cozy spot in chair 6.

"Puff? Jigglypuff, jig-puff jiggly~" it asked, smiling happily at the others.

(Translation: So that's how it is? Well, it's nice to meet you all~)
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th November 2016, 5:02 pm

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset tried her hardest to hide a smirk when she caught the laugh from Blake. As others chimed in with what seemed to be agreement about just enjoying the party, Sunset decided to try out a few more of the foods that were laid out beautifully in front of her. The spread was quite large, some items looking delicate as if made by tiny fairies and others look more like the comforting home cooking of the Apple's. She picked up what appeared to be some sort of biscuit...or maybe a scone? She wasn't sure but her taste buds lit up in delight as she bit into the savory biscuit. It's center was filled with a sort of butter, thick brown gravy.

She sighed in delight, her mind now completely off the obnoxious Prince for now. If only she could eat this well all the time back home.

While yes, everyone was always offering her home cooked meals and the school lunches were actually pretty tasty, with Granny Smith at the helm, but still at the end of the day she had to fend for self for meals, which often ended up being ramen or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Sunset turned to Blake, who had sat down in the chair she had offered. With a bright smile and mouthful of the biscuit, "You should try this! It's delicious!"

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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th November 2016, 8:09 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vb15j

Popplio kindly took the food that Meowth handed him, "thanks buddy. Im sorry for what I said earlier." He then watched Meowth eat and looked at the others, "How are you all doing?" He asked. He then looked at Jigglypuff and smiled knowing that it was good to not be the only pokemon that was at the party.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 9:18 am

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 BxzFjWc

"Secrecy was not my intention, dear Benson," Coral said with a small smile. "I want nothing more than for each and every one of your to enjoy your evening here at the Axis. It is the one true desire of any Host, after all!"

Coral remained quiet, noticing that there were still a few guests who had not taken their seats. Well. She could easily fix that, as well as getting rid of any immediate tension. She snapped her fingers, and with an audible 'pop', those who had yet to find a seat now found themselves sitting at the table with the rest of the Guests.

There, that was better. Now they were in the proper place.

Smile still in place, she was pleased to see a few of the Guests indulging upon the different foods that were laid upon the table. It took a few minutes for all of them to find their seats, but once everyone was, hopefully, comfortable, she turned her eyes towards her clipboard full of papers.

Which to do first?

She ruffled through some of them, frowning at one, considering another, before finally settling on a particular favorite of hers.

"I think it is time to play a game called "Two Truths, One Lie"!" Her voice cut through any of the conversatons going on, and she smiled brightly at each of her guests. "It is a simple game. We'll take turns sharing facts about ourselves. The catch is, one of the facts we share should be a lie! It will be up to the rest of us to figure out which one we think is the lie. Doesn't that sound like fun?"

She didn't wait for a reply as she pointed towards a particular Guest. The choosing had been random - his papers had been at the top of her clipboard when the game was chosen. "Benson, if you please, could you start us off?"

Quote :
Goal: It is up to Benson to start the game off for us! After Benson has given us his two facts and one lie, the rest of the party guests can talk about which one they believe to be the lie! Feel free to speculate and ponder aloud with your fellow party guests, as this is meant to be a cooperate effort!

If you have any questions how this should work, please post in the OOC! <3

As a reference, here is the seating chart of all the guests. If you haven't given a specific chair thus far, I put your character in one of the available ones!
Seating Chart:
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 1:52 pm

Secrecy wasn't her intention? Then why had Coral just sat there and waited to introduce herself? Why only speak up about this being a dream only AFTER a fight almost started?

Well, Benson wasn't so sure about almost starting or if it was actually starting. Benson found that he didn't actually have the energy to hold the chair up as long as he had last time-the aching in his arms was a bit too much. (Could you even feel pain in a dream?) Still keeping a key eye on Vegeta, he shouted in Coral's direction:

"Okay, okay. So your the host of this supposed dream...thingy. Could you make sure this guy doesn't blow us all to-"

Then there was a flash of light, and a small popping sound. When Benson came to his senses, he and the chair were both pushed in neatly at the table, with Arya across from him and Vegeta some chairs away.


Benson heaved a heavy sigh upon Coral's request. Now they're playing party games? Really? Benson rested his head in his hands a moment before throwing his arms up in defeat.

"Sure! Why not! It's not like any of us have anything planned in the morning!" He didn't even try to hide his sarcasm, or his bitterness. Benson spat out the first things that came to his mind, as to get his turn done and over with.

"I live at a park, I own a gold watch, I used to be in a band. There. Happy?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 2:02 pm


Immediately, the eyes of the creature were shining with awe and excitement. It gripped the microphone tightly, already lost in visions of all the performances it would someday make before crowds of adoring fans. Yes, all eyes would be on the incomparable JIGGLYPUFF! The hottest idol to ever grace the stage, with the most beautiful melodic voice ever heard by ears of human or Pokémon! They would tell tales of the amazing vocal solos long after the end of Jigglypuff's life: Jigglypuff would be mortal, but the legend would be eternal!

"Puff PUFF...!" it announced, looking out on some distant horizon.

Was it... announcing its guess for the lie? Maybe? It was hard to tell.

(Translation: A BAND...!)
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 4:31 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vegeta_zps9u6mlybx

The reaction to Vegeta's sudden transformation has been mixed. While Benson was completely terrified, most of the other guests either didn't care, or even dared to mock him. HOW COULD THEY?

Calm down Vegeta, it is just a bad dream

With him having this thought, the Host Coral made another announcement, telling everybody that it is really just a 'dream'.
Vegeta returned to his normal black haired state. A few years ago he would have blown the whole place up, but now the Saiyan Prince became soft enough to be okay with staying, as long as he could eat as much as he wanted - even if he had to endure the other guests.

"If it's just for one night", he mumbled.

And while he was lost in his thoughts for a moment, Coral made another Announcement, and suddenly Vegeta sat on a chair in between the pink blob and the talking cat. He didn't understand how he got there, but he was sure it was some variation of Kakarot's instant transmission. He wasn't too happy to sit in between Meowth and Jigglypuff, but he still began eating.

The first guest to participate in the game was Benson. With a full mouth Vegeta began laughing. "HAHAHA YOU LIVE IN A PARK.", he shouted before swallowing his food. "But the lie is probably the Gold Watch. Have you seen his arms? Only a Watch made for ants would fit his tiny wrists."

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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 6:11 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vb15j

Popplio finished the poke puff Meowth gave him and looked around waiting on an answer from someone when the Host spoke up and offered to start a game. He had never played this "two Truth's one lie" game but he understood the rules and thought that it wouldn't be too hard. He listened to Benson speak and begun to think about which one would be the lie.. he was going to say something when Vegeta spoke up loudly and rudely..When he was done, Popplio added, "I agree with Vegeta.. but i'm also thinking it might be that you live in a park..but i think ill go with the watch as my guess. What do you think Meowth?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th November 2016, 11:45 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 BiPGX54

Arya remained unmoved from her current position, her eyes burning with defiance as she gazed upon the self-proclaimed god in silence. This standoff was between her and Vegeta, and she was not about to lower her weapon until he started to show everybody else in this room some respect. However, as Benson began to speak up again—this time requesting protection from Vegeta's powers—Coral simply responded with a quick snap of her fingers, and just like that, Arya found herself sitting in a chair at the table, directly across from him and in between Sunset Shimmer and Jigglypuff. The esper blinked a few times in a slight daze before setting her staff against the chair and finally allowing herself to sit back and relax a little, shaking her head in slight defeat. Clearly the Muse did not want her guests battling in her realm, a request that Arya would respect even though she really did not want to.

"I think it is time to play a game called 'Two Truths, One Lie!'" the woman announced eagerly to the group after flipping through her documents. Arya raised her brow and looked at the host in confusion.

...A game?

Benson did not seem too happy about being called on to start the game, for he threw his arms up into the air in defeat and abruptly shouted his three statements: "I live at a park, I own a gold watch, I used to be in a band. There. Happy?"

The round pink monster and Vegeta were the first to chime in with their thoughts on the statements—and of course, Vegeta found it necessary to be rude again, spitting bits of food everywhere as he laughed and shouted. The blonde rolled her eyes. The second the dark-haired muscular man took his guess and crafted it into an insult, Arya shot him a sharp side glance. If it weren't for the pink slime creature sitting between them, she would have readily stabbed him in the gut with her psycho dagger. The esper let out a long and obvious sigh of frustration. Lucky wannabe god, protected behind that meat shield of a monster! She would just have to keep an eye on him for the sake of the other guests—maybe even defeat him in a game or two—as they involuntarily played Coral's friendly little Two Truths, One Lie icebreaker. After all, nobody ever said that she couldn't fight him with her words!

“I disagree entirely with his premise,” Arya finally announced, shifting her glance away from Vegeta as she gestured her left palm in his direction, “But I think the familiar is onto something when he says that Benson probably lives in that mysterious area known as a park.” She gave Popplio a faint smile as she acknowledged him.

Benson had mentioned something about managing a park, and keeping an eye out for strange people and monsters, when he first greeted her. It made perfect sense to Arya that he would need to live in his park to protect it from such threats. She wasn't really sure what a watch was—Maybe he meant the monster watcher?—but from Vegeta's remark, it sounded like some sort of protective equipment—a circlet?—that went around the wrist. And Benson had also mentioned not having any powers, so maybe the watch was what aided him in battle!

“Nice try, Benson, but I think you are lying when you say that you were once in a band,” Arya stated. A band was a traveling group of friends after all, and she explicitly remembered him bringing up, in their conversation, how strange things were always happening to him and his friends!
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st December 2016, 5:55 pm

Sunset Shimmer

The party game Coral started seemed fun enough. Sunset was sure at some point she had been roped into a similar game at school, though she frowned momentarily as it brought up memories of when she wasn't such a good person. The thought didn't last long as she tuned into the one who looked like a gumball machine, Benson, take his turn.

She forced something in her mouth to chew when Vegeta responded to avoid sassing back at the man. It was petty to get on his level anyway and Sunset figured she should at least respect the host. The girl next to her, the one who thought Coral was a goddess, stated that she didn't think he was a in a band and Sunset nodded in agreement. In fact, she was in a band and had been around many musicals groups and well..this guy didn't really seem like he knew the first thing about music, but it was hard to tell considering he wasn't even...human or pony looking.

"I think she's right. Sorry bud but you just don't look the part!"
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Eternal Eternity
Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st December 2016, 7:16 pm

Meowth shrugged, "Eh, no big deal... I'm used to the insults and threats. Nothing new..." He sighed softly. Hearing that a game was to be played he looked up eagerly. "Sounds like fun I suppose. Let's see... watch, park band.... Living in a park is reasonable, at least to me. I can understand that!" He started, thinking out loud. "Gold's a lotta money, there. And a band... Hah, doubt you could sing. I'm gonna have to... Go with..." He looked to Popplio. "What this bud said, the gold watch!"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd December 2016, 6:59 am


Kagome didn't have that suspicious feeling anymore .Just a dream...

Kagome agreed to Arya and Sunset Shimmer."This could be fun ,Coral !Let's see...Living in a park...I can understand that ,it may also me true that you have a gold watch but the thing with the band is clearly not true !"
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd December 2016, 12:36 pm

Benson listened to everybody's assumptions, and aside from Vegeta's snotty remark-most of them were what he expected. Even his own employees didn't know he was in a band at some point in his life, and had acted the same way.

"You're all wrong." Benson replied, feeling smug and oddly satisfied. "The lie was that I live at a park. My employees do, since there's housing there, but I just live in an apartment across town. The watch was a reward for my work ethic, and I don't mean to brag; but I play a mean set of drums-"

He cast his gaze over to Vegeta. "-with these ant-sized wrists. Let's see you beat an advance machine that stole your place and your songs in a battle of the bands contest. Knocked that piece of scrap right out of the park-literally."

"So now it's your turn to play this dumb game. And remember, it's two truths an a lie, not two truths and-I'm-gonna-blow-this-place-up."

Benson was having a good time for the first time this evening.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd December 2016, 3:37 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vegeta_zps9u6mlybx

Vegeta smiled as Benson chose him.

"How about I give you three truths and one lie?", he glanced over to Benson, "The first truth is, I am going to blow YOU up before this event ends, unless you show me a little bit more respect."

Vegeta paused for one second, took a bite and then continued. "In all seriousness: Since I am will be here until I wake up, I might as well play.
First of all: "A space tyrant called Frieza destroyed the Planet I was destined to rule, but later I killed him.",
Vegeta thought for a second on what else to say,
"The other things would be, that I once had a tail which allowed me to turn into a giant ape, and that I once killed my best friend after he had lost a fight against a low class Saiyan Warrior.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd December 2016, 9:54 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 BiPGX54

“Really? I would have never guessed,” Arya said to herself in surprise as Benson revealed his answer. She would have to ask him more about his music battle with the machine later. Right now, it was Vegeta's turn to play Two Truths, One Lie, courtesy of Benson. When Vegeta threatened the machine-like creature, Arya cleared her throat in irritation, but she did not bother saying anything to him this time. Fortunately, the prince refrained from causing more trouble and surprisingly agreed to participate in Coral's game without a fuss. Arya listened closely to his statements.

"First of all: A space tyrant called Frieza destroyed the Planet I was destined to rule, but later I killed him...The other things would be that I once had a tail which allowed me to turn into a giant ape, and that I once killed my best friend after he had lost a fight against a low class Saiyan Warrior."

All of the killing and destroying bits seemed true to his personality, or at least sort of explained where he may have developed his attitude. But turning into a giant...ape? (Ape as in Mapleman? Had she even heard him correctly?) The esper shook her head in disbelief. Really? Now he was saying that he could once transform into a monster? What would he claim next: I am the creator of the universe?

“...I'll admit,” Arya began, calming herself with a deep breath, “For a human, you're quite a monster—if that is what you're trying to prove here in this game—but I highly doubt you could evolve like one. You'd have to eat a lot of meat to grow a tail with such powers, so I don't think you ever had one to begin with.”
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime3rd December 2016, 10:45 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vb15j

Popplio was amazed at Benson's correct answer and clapped after he finished. Now it was that scary man Vegeta's turn...he listened to his tales and then heard what Arya mentioned. "Im not sure what a Frieza is but if it was a trainer might like it...anyway..I will guess that your lying about...the last one even thought you don't like us and other things..."
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th December 2016, 12:23 am

Benson's good mood was short lived. Vegeta not only threatened to kill him if Benson continued to treat him poorly, but his list of personal facts that he decided to give were more then disturbing. Someone blew up his home planet? Killed his best friend for losing a fight? Is able to transform into some beast-like monkey?

His head spinning, Benson slowly rested his head in his hands, trying to calm down the panic that was rising quickly in his stomach. Unsurprisingly, staring at the plate of food in front of him did little to calm him down.

After the power he showed during their little stand off, his attitude toward other guests and how he always carried himself higher then others seemed to be the traits of a true psychopath. And not just any psychopath, one with extraordinary superpowers.

And not only had he nearly gotten into a fight with him; Benson had gotten on his bad side.

After a few more moments of trying to settle himself, a thought popped up into his head. A small glitter of hope amidst a sea of anxiety and unrest. One of those was a lie. The planet, the monkey, the murder-one of those was a lie! He exhaled before lifting his head up again.

"You really are powerful." He began, trying to make sure his anxiety didn't show in his voice. "And you said you were the "prince" of saiyans-or something like that. That means that wherever you're from has people with powers like yours, too. Which would that the destruction of a planet and the transformation into an animal would be easy-by your world's standards, anyway."

"However-" Benson took a gulp of the beverage that was in the glass before him before he continued. "I refuse you believe you killed your own friend because he lost some fight. If you really did lose your home planet, I'd imagine that you'd want to keep a friend close by for not only company, but comfort." His eyes downcast to the table once again. "Having everyone you know die is the worst thing a person could ever experience."

After all, wasn't that similar to what happened with Skips? Sure, the planet didn't blow up-but he outlived everyone he ever knew and ended up alone for a significant amount of time. Benson wasn't even sure how long he actually lived alone before the job. He couldn't imagine being the lone survivor of a planet-especially one you were prince of-couldn't amount to the same amount of isolation and loneliness. It would probably surpass it.

"Which is why I refuse to believe you killed someone you called your friend. After everything you would have gone through, to kill someone that you cared about over something so stupid after you  already lost so much would be the act of someone seriously insane, and I'd have to wonder why you're here with us normal guys."

Benson silently begged for the idea of this interaction being a dream to be true. What would he do if Vegeta somehow found his way to his world and the park? Sure, they've battled various creatures, monsters and demons from other dimensions and always survived, but would they be able to defend their world from someone so insane? Would they even stand a chance? At least this way, finding out that murdering the friend being a lie would at least prove that this man had some humanity in him.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 4th December 2016, 12:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : misread Kai's previous post-changed my post to fit accordingly)
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th December 2016, 12:28 pm


The round creature didn't take long to voice its own opinion about Vegeta's answers. It did so in-between consuming more of the tasty treats available on the table; there was no point of having a banquet if nothing was eaten! It didn't even bother Jigglypuff to think about this being a dream. It pink balloon Pokémon had always been an "in the moment" kind, anyway.

"Puff..." it bounced happily as it replied. "Puff-puff!"

(Translation: No tail!)
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime5th December 2016, 6:48 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 4XTdvon

Somehow, Blip had found it difficult to keep up with the conversation. He blamed it on the fact that he had not interacted with any humans for many years. He wondered if some damaged had been done to his circuits in all of that time. His thoughts turned to Lucca, knowing that, trusting that when they saw each other next, she would know how to fix him.

The conversation had turned to some sort of game - a strange game, it seemed. Blip had never heard of this kind of game, and truthfully, he did not see the point in it. Why would a person want to try to decieve their comrades?

But he did not wish to appear rude. He had to agree with the most recent guess that had been thrown forth. The idea that Vegeta could have had a tail seemed preposterous. However, the other two seemed to show off his prowess in killing people and, at their core, they were the same. Could that be where the lie was hidden? Within the two statements that seemed so typical of the man Vegeta had shown himself to be thus far?

Blip studied the man, examining and pondering the statements that had been given. Ultimately, he agreed with Benson. "I concur. To kill a friend... it is the worst offense. I believe this to be the lie."
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime5th December 2016, 6:54 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 BxzFjWc

Coral watched with interest as the guesses flew around the table. She had been momentarily distracted as both Daenerys and Blake were being pulled back into their proper worlds - she was sad to lose their presence, and couldn't help but to wonder what sort of situation they would wake up to. But all it took was a single moment's concentration to send them through to their homes. She did it silently so as not to disturb the rest of the Guests.

Now she could concentrate on the game at hand. She giggled to herself, listening to the guesses - she, of course, knew each and every answer and sadly couldn't guess herself. That would have been cheating, after all!

It was always fascinating to see how the Guests were able to deduce and assume and ponder their way to an answer - and seeing how those guesses were formed was the best part.

With a content sigh, Coral leaned back into her chair, and continued to watch.
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th December 2016, 3:11 pm

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset jumped when the robot talked. It had been so silent this whole time she had forgotten it was even there. She eyed the robot inquisitively as it talked, wondering how it worked and if she'd get the chance to talk to it (Him? Her? It sounded more masculine to her..). It would be interesting to find out more about him. She grinned to herself, Twilight would definitely be interested in such an advanced looking specimen. That girl sure did love to tinker with things. Sunset had an interest in the sciences but not quite to the level as her friend.

As a silence grew around the table, that meant it must be her turn to speak up, but Sunset just wasn't sure about this pompous Prince. She had rolled her eyes after every sentence he spewed out...but...with the way he acted they could either all be lies or all be truths! Coming from a land where tails were the norm and then in one where they weren't but could magically appear, well...a tail on a human wasn't all that far fetched to her like some of the others thought. However, Arya had a very logical point about being able to grow into a giant ape.  Just how giant was he talking? Like a Dragon!?

And then there was this evil lord thing...maybe that explained why acted the way he did. Sunset felt a pang of empathy towards him, if that was truly the case. As she was thinking, she held her hand to her chin with a very serious look. Her friends joked whenever she did this because they knew the gears were turning in her head, but she couldn't help it. It was important to think thoroughly and logically.

After some more silence, Sunset finally spoke up.

"Honestly, you are hard to pin point...but not keep us waiting any longer, I believe that you cannot turn into a giant ape. Tails aren't that farfetched but a giant ape? You'd have to have some strong magic for that and I just don't feel that sort of magic coming from you," she mused for a moment before continuing with a smirk, "You might be a jerk, but you're a curious jerk."
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th December 2016, 3:23 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Vegeta_zps9u6mlybx

Vegeta laughed as the others gave their answers. How hardly did they want him to be a good guy? Sure he has become a better person than he was years ago and some might consider him a hero, but he would never go as far and call him a good person himself.

"I've heard enough. My wife would probably consider it as adorable how all of you think that I've killed an evil emperor, but won't believe that I've killed my best friend - But I don't think so. Wake up guys, this Universe isn't as cute and nice as you all wanna believe."

He paused for a second, before he gave the answers to the game.

"It is true that Frieza destroyed the Planet Vegeta, but I never got to kill him. The first time it was my son killing him, the second time Kakarot stole the kill from me. Both my giant ape form and that I killed my best friend are true.  But enough of that. That Arya woman can come up with some stories for the game next!"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th December 2016, 6:01 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 BiPGX54

“...” Even after Vegeta had revealed his lie, the young esper refused to believe that he could once transform into a giant ape. It was too ridiculous of a claim. He was probably just cheating at the game, she thought to herself.

“Fine. I will gladly tell my story in the form of two truths and one lie,” Arya replied to the man's request with a shrug: “(1) My best friend Taryn slays monsters with a chainsaw, sub-machine gun, and a rocket launcher...oh, and sometimes a sword; (2) I've been inside of a human's body to engage in combat with Ashura's henchmen; and (3) I have a father who tends to suddenly exit the house through the windows.” She looked to the other eager players sitting around the table and smiled.
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime7th December 2016, 7:14 pm

"You've gotta be kidding me..."

Benson's assumptions about Vegeta-the last benefit of the doubt he had-had been shattered. Not only that, but lying about the destruction of his home? What kind of person does that? Someone entirely crazy, clearly. And he even had a wife? She'd have to be as bloodthirsty as him. Benson took a nervous glance at the robot, that had been so quiet that had happened to speak up-affirming Benson's. It was sentient, clearly-considering how it responded to his claim-his true claim-about killing a friend. It was hard to read emotion on a face that wasn't built to express it-what did it think about Vegeta's truth?

Benson, for one-lost his freaking mind over it.

"You're crazy! Why would you kill someone over that!?" Benson shouted. "And you're MARRIED!? What; next you'll tell me you've got a kid, too? Is this a whole family of bloodthirsty killers who'd off their friends whenever they lose a game of monopoly? Is that what "royalty" is in your world? A bunch of murderous maniacs?"

Why was this guy here? Well, why were any of them here, really, but why him? Everyone else here are sane and-most importantly-not homicidal. What on earth was coral thinking?

Benson was about to give Coral a piece of his mind when he caught Arya's list. She didn't even react to his statement, she just continued with the game. Benson forced himself to calm down and listen. The weapon part didn't sound unbelievable-after all, he and the other employees at the park took down monsters with those same weapons at one point or another. A father exiting from the house through the window? Again, he's seen stranger things. Heck, Skips legally changed his name to match the way he walks-which is quite literally skipping everywhere. Compared to that, someone who frequently leaves out a window is pretty normal.

"No idea who Ashura is, but going into someone else's body?" Benson shook his head. "How does that even work? Would you have been shrunk micro-sized? Would it be possession? How would you literally get inside someone to get a creature out of them? I'm calling a lie on that one."
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 3 I_icon_minitime8th December 2016, 9:43 am


Jigglypuff wasn't bothered by Vegeta's claims or the answers of them. Was it just heartless under all that pink fluff, or did it not really understand exactly what he was staking claim to? It was very difficult to make a decision in either direction, honestly. The round pink creature continued to enjoy the food as the conversation continued around it, even when the gumball machine started yelling again. Jigglypuff had decided that the gumball machine had to be loud to properly function.

Another person volunteered their information, this time a woman. Well, Jigglypuff was ready to play along with this, as well!

Exiting through windows? Windows were a perfectly reasonable way to go in and out of a building. Every Pokémon knew that! (Or so the spherical thing decreed.) Her first statement... hmm... maybe her best friend was a member of Team Rocket? He sounded like he had just about the same kind of equipment as they did. As for being inside of a body, Jigglypuff had seen that kind of thing from some ghost Pokémon, hadn't he? Was she like that?

The face it made while "seriously thinking" about her statements was simply adorable.

"Jiggly... Jigglypuff!" it finally announced, before taking another plateful of food with the stubby little pink arms.

(Translation: Hmm... the first one!)

Her friend simply couldn't belong to Team Rocket. Team Rocket did not travel to other worlds.
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