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 [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis

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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd November 2016, 7:17 pm


Benson smirked at the girls reply. "Well, yeah. Ugly works too." He couldn't help but silently cheer as another girl pushed past this so called "prince", scooped the pink thing out of his arms and the yellow skinned, oddly colored haired girl gave them both food instead. He continued his conversation with this blond haired woman.

Then she brought up her thoughts about the situation.

"You think so too, huh?" He asked, folding his arms. "It's the only way all of us could have ended up here out of nowhere. Trust me, I've dealt with this sort of thing before-Multiple times." Benson added. "Though this'd be the first time a goddess would have done it." 

Though this was the first time he'd been dealt this strange teleported hand to a different place alone; especially with a bunch of strangers having been dealt the same hand. While Benson had learned to expect the unexpected; strange monsters, being teleported at the tip of the hat, ect-this instance was just far too different.

"I'm sorry, where are my manners?" Benson held out his hand. "My name's Benson. And you are?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 5:38 am


It's eyes widened briefly to be taken from the grasp of the tall man in armor and set back on the floor. These strange people were much more willing to handle the round pink animal than those back in the regions it called home.

Well, Jigglypuff couldn't be too insulted about this: they were offering cake. The pointed ears twitched with happiness, also reflected in the massive turquoise eyes, as Jigglypuff willingly accepted the plate with a beautiful slice of Old Gâteau. Although Popplio's earlier chastising made Meowth hesitate to begin eating, Jigglypuff's selfish streak was a big stronger in that regard.

"Puff puff!" it chirped back at the dark-haired girl, the round face now slightly smudged with the rich dessert.

(Translation: ✨Thank you!✨)
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 9:26 am

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BiPGX54

“Benson? What a unique name! I'm Arya,” she repeated as she shook his hand. The esper tried to keep eye contact with Benson during their exchange, but it was getting pretty difficult for her to focus on the conversation with the ongoing commotion in the background. Her ears kept twitching ever so slightly each time an unfamiliar sound or voice tickled them, until she finally gave in to her alertness and glanced back over in Vegeta's direction. This time it appeared that two girls, one with long black hair and the one with the fabulous hair from earlier, were attempting to address his lack of respect toward the pink monster, which currently sat on the ground happily spoiling itself with a piece of chocolate cake. Arya was glad to find out she was not the only one to disapprove of this man's imperious behavior, though she was not so sure that feeding him cake would change his attitude as Sunset Shimmer had seemed to hope.

“—I'm sorry, you were saying that this has happened to you before?” Arya asked curiously, returning her focus to Benson.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 10:37 am

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 4XTdvon

It rather distressing when Blip realized he was having trouble keeping up with all of the many different threads of conversation. He did not want to ignore any one who may address him, but his processing power was still fluctuating, straining from all of the activity after years and years of being powered down.

He found his processing sluggish, as it took in all of the new faces as well as the new surroundings. He was unable to draw any conclusions at the moment, and it made him feel useless. As a man-made machine, it was his job to inform those around him of all the necessary details and knowledge. Sadly, he was just as ill-informed as the others seemed to be. Though, perhaps there was a kind of comfort in that.

Blip then turned his attention onto a small cat creature. Meowth, as the other creature had introduced. As far as his memory banks could recall, talking creatures were very few and far between, with most instances turning out to be enemies. The cat seemed to have quite an attitude as well, and Blip certainly had never heard of a "Rotom" before. Error. Did the cat mean "Motor"? Perhaps it was a strange quirk to mirror the word like that. "I am Blip," he responded in a simple manner. "I am not possessed. I am capable of processing my own functions with need of any outside aid."

He paused for a moment, accessing old memories and placing them next to the new. A talking cat, who possessed very human traits, did not seem so far off from a certain friend of his own. The similarities deemed it necessary to ask further questions. "Have you been bewitched into this state? Cursed? How long ago was your interaction with Magus?"

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 23rd November 2016, 12:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 10:54 am

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Vegeta_zps9u6mlybx

What were all these people thinking? The weird girls took the pink blob out of his hands, the interesting seeming girl was ignoring him, and to top it all off: THE TALKING CAT WAS GIVING INSTRUCTIONS TO HIM.

Vegeta tried to stay calm. "You know, looks don't tell anything about a person's...", Vegeta looked down at Jigglypuff, ".. or a thing's, strength. I am sure if it didn't want to be picked up it would have said something. Beside that: I was just about to give it the cake it wanted."
The Saiyan Prince couldn't decide on what he hated more: The fact that these people tried to tell him what to do, or the fact that they were just too friendly.

But Vegeta didn't have much time to be angry, since Sunset Shimmer gave him something to eat. Finally there was some respect he got from those people. "Thank you, woman", Vegeta said while taking the food out of the girl's hands.

"So, where exactly are you people from and do you have any ideas how I can get out of here?", he asked while starting to eat, "I don't want the company of you individuals any longer than necessary."
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 11:23 am

Sunset Shimmer

Ok. She had to admit it. Jigglypuff had to have been about the cutest thing she had ever seen eating the cake treat. At least she (Jigglypuff was a she right? There was no real way to tell) was easily pleased, unlike the rotten Prince that stood in front of her.

He at least managed a thank you but when he dropped the "woman" ball on her. She could feel her right eye twitching uncontrollably in agitation. How dare he... She cleared her throat and regained her composure to cooly reply to his question.

"I'm from Canterlot City. Well technically, I'm from it's alternate dimension, Equestria but now I live in Canterlot City," she found herself practically giving away her life story. What was it about this place that told her it was ok to tell everyone here her past? Well, it was all a dream after all and even if it weren't once they figured out how to go back home, its not like she'd see any of these people again.

"And no, I've got no ideas. I just woke up and was here. I assume the same happened to you and everyone else so you might want to try to enjoy our company. You're kinda stuck with us."

Giving him a smug smile, she turned to the other girl with amazing dark hair with a cute bow on top, "I'm Sunset Shimmer. What you did was pretty cool. I like your style."

It was nice knowing there was someone else here who had a similar sense of justice like her.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 12:48 pm


"Arya." Benson repeated. "That's a pretty name. Can't say I've ever heard of someone with that kinda name either."

Benson noticed Arya attention redirect back to the punk at the table. Thankfully, everything seemed to settle down, as the wild haired girl managed to get both him and the pink creature sitting down and talking normally. If the guy got rowdy, Benson was sure he could take him-but that didn't necessary mean he wanted to. It was a major relief to see that the guy stopped barking questions and orders.

He was snapped back into the conversation when she asked about his previous experiences. He scratched the back of his head, mulling over how to explain. The city was weird-the park was even weirder. How could he explain the situation to someone who'd never seen it before?

"Well, um...It's kind of hard to explain, actually." Benson started. "It's just weird things have been going on at the park I mange for ages. Random monsters, strange people-you name it. It's normally my employees fault, actually. And..uh-" He paused, trying to think of how else he could state it without sounding insane, and started again. "Sometimes these situations lead me and the guys to get teleported to heck-knows-where. I've lost count on how many times it's happened."

He sighed and crossed his arms. "And not once was it enjoyable. It was always some disaster we had to avert, some creature's trial we had to defeat-some game we had to play. And we never had any say in it. Just -bam- we've been dragged out of our world. One minute, I could be making a phone call, sitting in my office doing paperwork or even raking leaves and the next, here I am in the middle of some life or death game of pogs or something. Can you even imagine how much work piles up if you can't ever exactly finish it? It's a total waste of my time."
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Eternal Eternity
Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 1:11 pm

"Cursed?! Me? I am not cursed. What made ya think that? I'm a Meowth. I was born like this!" Meowth hissed at the robot. If someone were to be cursed they sure wouldn't look as good as he did. He smirked at the thought. "Not posessed by a Rotom? Then how do you speak, huh?" Seeing that others were eating he quickly grabbed pawfuls of pokepuffs, berries and treats, stuffing his mouth.

Meowth finnishes his first mouthful before turning attention back to this 'Prince' guy. He huffed, crossing his arms, "Sure ya were... I totally believe that! Listen pal, no one wants your ugly face up that close. Maybe Jigglypuff's additions would've been better for you!"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 3:37 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BiPGX54

Arya leaned a bit closer, a faint smile crossing her face as she listened intently to Benson's story. So he watched over an area known as a park and protected it from monsters and strange people, but what exactly was a park? Arya quirked her brow.

“Employees?” Oh! His park must be a little area in a village or a city, for shopping and greeting travelers maybe, and he had employees working for him to keep it nice! But based on his vague description, they didn't sound like very responsible ones. The esper frowned. As Benson continued to describe the situations he found himself involuntarily thrown into versus what he would have preferred to be doing in his world, Arya noticed that he used several terms she was unfamiliar with. A phone call? She had never heard of a phone call before. Was that some sort of advanced weapon from his world? Or maybe a Phone was a type of monster that Benson wished to summon by imitating its cry? Doing paperwork was clearly what it sounded like—writing a list, memo, spell book, and journal entry, were a few of the important tasks Arya could think of involving a pen and paper—but why did he need to work on his documents in a facility known as an office?

“...Interesting,” She finally said after a long pause. There were so many new concepts to take in—not that this was surprising to her or anything. Benson was after all, from a different world—And as much as she would have loved to learn more about these so-called phone calls, Arya decided not to pester him too much with questions over the smaller details. What mattered most from his story was that he and his employees had been teleported multiple times to different worlds without their consent. “So your employees...Do they have any powers?” she asked curiously.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 6:34 pm

Popplio was thinking about the food now and then saw the others arrive and introduce themselves. "Hello, name is Popplio and I'm the cutest new Pokemon." He then tried to reach for some food and like jigglypuff he couldnt reach it. "Would some one please hand me a poke puff or help me out? I would rather not stand on the table."
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 8:14 pm


Picturing Mordecai and Rigby with powers was a seriously amusing thought. So much so, that before Benson knew it, he began to laugh-rather loudly. What would their powers even be-super laziness? He clutched his sides, gasping for air.

"Powers? That's a good one!" He inhaled quickly in an attempt to calm himself, and after one of the best bouts of laughter he'd had in a while, he managed to water it down to a few chuckles. "Whew! I'm sorry, but that was one of the funniest things I've heard in a long time."
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd November 2016, 11:12 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BiPGX54

The blue familiar-like monster had started to speak, and Arya had at least heard his introduction, but his request for help reaching a Poké Puff from the table unfortunately went undetected by the esper's sensitive ears as Benson suddenly burst into a raging fit of light-hearted laughter.

Arya furrowed her brow in puzzlement at the laughing machine-like being. What was so funny about powers? Not once during her travels had she been met with such frivolous badinage for asking what she considered a serious question. Sure not everybody had special abilities, if that is what he found so hilarious, but it wasn't that...unusual? Arya couldn't help letting out a weak laugh of her own. She had to admit, his overly-animated reaction to the mere suggestion of supernatural abilities was pretty humorous given the current situation. However...

“I guess I don't quite understand why this is so funny,” she admitted after he had calmed down a bit. “Does this mean they do not have powers? I'm sorry if this was too intrusive of a question; I only asked with the thought that it might help provide clues as to how you—all of us ended up here.”
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th November 2016, 8:43 am


Blake smiled back at the round face and orb-like eyes of the pink creature now happily eating its cake. "You're welcome. If you need anything else, just let me know."

Standing up, she graciously accepted the candy from the new girl with the bright red and yellow hair who had stepped in to help. When the "Prince" continued his streak of rude comments by addressing the other girl dismissively as "woman", Blake narrowed her eyes but quickly redirected her attention back to the new girl when she addressed her.

"Thank you. I'm Blake Belladonna. Nice to meet you, Sunset Shimmer."

Glancing up, Blake suddenly noticed Sunset Shimmer's pony ears and her eyes widened. She started to reach up to her black bow but paused. She knew Sunset Shimmer wouldn't make fun of her cat ears, but the "Prince of All Saiyans" certainly would.

Realizing that she had left a far-too-long silence in the conversation, Blake quickly added, "I--I like your pony ears."

What a ridiculous thing to say! Blake immediately thought, inwardly cursing herself. She had hoped to find a new friend in Sunset Shimmer, but she had just ruined her introduction.
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Eternal Eternity
Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th November 2016, 5:17 pm

"Cutest new Pokemon is a bit of a stretch there buddy." Meowth laughed. "You're one of the newest, but obviously the newest cutest pokemon is the new Meowth!"

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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th November 2016, 10:59 pm


"Sorry, Sorry." Benson wiped some laughter-induced tears from his eyes as he finally calmed down. "It's just imagining two of my employees with powers was just too much. No, they don't have any powers. Neither do I."

He fell quiet quickly as Arya explained the reasoning behind her question. Benson flushed with embarrassment when he realized she questioned the superpowers thing wondering if those powers could help them.

And he had laughed in her face. Even if it wasn't directed at her.

There was not a hole big enough for Benson to hide in. He cleared his throat, trying to dismiss the shame his bought of laughter brought him.

"One of the guys, Skips, he knows a whole lot of things about dimensional beings and travel-but he never usually shares any of it with us unless it's absolutely necessary. Most of the time, it's completely last minute info. Kinda makes wish he was here now, he probably knows exactly what this place is."

Though why Benson himself was teleported here and not Skips when he was clearly the more knowledgeable of the two was yet another question to weigh on Benson's mind as this odd banquet progressed.
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th November 2016, 5:53 am


At Popplio's comment about being the "cutest new Pokémon", Jigglypuff may have momentarily looked a bit put out. After all, what could be cuter than a Jigglypuff? Of course, the blue seal-like creature did qualify that statement with the word "new", so on those grounds the pink Pokémon decided to let it slide.

Currently surrounded by tasty food, lively company, and continuing conversation put Jigglypuff in a pretty good mood. In fact, the round creature felt so cheerful and content at the moment that the thought of giving a performance was sounding more and more like a good idea!
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th November 2016, 10:57 am

Popplio turned his attention to meowth now instead of the food as he tummy was starting to make noises. "The new Meowth? look here kitty..grey is not a color...also that one looks like it would fit in great with Team Skull! If we weren't in a nice place like this I would Hydro Pump your Cat-butt out of here.."

He then turned back to trying to reach the food and since no one had offered to help him he looked for an open spot on the table and readied himself to leap onto the table. It wasn't the best idea...but he was hungry.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th November 2016, 2:37 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BxzFjWc

Coral had remained largely quiet throughout all of the current discussions and introductions. She always found it absolutely fascinating to listen as all of these different beings from different worlds met and greeted each other. Sometimes it went smoothly, and other times it went not-as-smoothly, and all of those intricate variations made her job the most enjoyable.

It was then that she realized she should properly introduce herself to them. The clock was ticking, after all! And as much as she would have liked for it to be so, she knew that the Dinner would not last longer than a few hours - just enough time for the beings to have a good night's sleep.

"Greetings everyone!" Coral called out, looking to each Guest in turn. She knew their names already, so she always had to remember to give her name in return. Sometimes she wondered if it would be prudent to simply hand out a little information packet much like the ones she had in her hands of the Guests right now. "Yes, hello! My name is Coral, and I am your Host for this evening!"

She paused, and smiled. "I see you've all begun to meet each other, how wonderful! The meet and greet portion of these Dinners is one of my favorites!" She gestured towards the table laden with various kinds of food and treats, happy to see that several people had sat down and already begun to enjoy themselves. "Please, everyone, take your seats! How can we get started on the night's full entourage of activities if you're all gathered over there in little groups? No, that simply will not do. You'll find enough seats available so that everyone can sit down comfortably! Though, there are some with more accommodating additions than others, such as tall cushions for our little Pokemon friends."

Coral wondered if she had begun to ramble - she was prone to such things - and forced herself back to the main point. "Yes, yes, please find a seat! And please, continue dig in to the food. There's just so much of it! I am not a fan of clearing the plates after the Dinner, you see."

Quote :
Goal: Find a seat! Any seat is up for grabs, unless it has already been called for. In your next post, and in an OOC tag, please state a number 2 through 12 to denote which seat you've taken. (1 has been claimed by our dragon queen, Daenerys since she mentioned already that she sat at the head of the table!) If your character has already taken a seat, just add in the number in your next post as well, and I'll adjust the seating arrangements accordingly!

Try to reach this goal by the 26th!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th November 2016, 2:51 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Vegeta_zps9u6mlybx
Vegeta was about to give his comment about the weird ears of the two girls, when the mysterious host finally announced herself.
"How about you give me some answers instead! Where am I, and why are you wasting my time with this nonsense? I swear, if it's because you had leftover food, and thought it would be 'so much fun' to put me together with this strange individuals... I CAN TELL YOU THAT IT ISN'T FUN"

He was happy to finally have the person behind all this right in front of him. She reminded him of his wife, always inviting strange people to have some weird parties he didn't like. Now he would finally be able to find a way out of here.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th November 2016, 3:43 pm

Benson nearly jumped out of his skin when the host began to speak. How long had she been there? He didn't even notice her! The longer she spoke, the more uneasy he became. She had been listening to their conversations? Watching their interactions? How did she even know what food he liked, and by extension, anyone elses' tastes?

Before he could speak, the punk from before already shouted at her, demanding answers. Guess Benson and the guy had more in common then then thought. Not moving from his spot next to Arya, he spoke:

"I agree with that guy." Did he even catch the punks name? It hardly mattered now, all Benson wanted was answers. Anger began to boil in him, and his face turned a shade of crimson. Who did she think she was, anyways? Acting all happy and eager when the rest of them were so concerned and scared?

"I don't care how good the food is. It's not like I enjoy getting practically kidnapped and thrown into a room full of strangers-who,you know, have also been kidnapped!" Benson added for emphasis. "As for conversations? The only "conversations" I've been having are with other concerned people wondering how they got here, and what the heck is going on. "

He was not about to play some games with some psycho who liked to drag people out of their worlds. Benson had already been in situations where greater beings would simply toy with him and his friends, lowering their defenses only to nearly kill them when they felt safe and comfortable enough.

There was no way he was going to fall for it this time.

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 25th November 2016, 7:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : had an incomplete sentence)
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th November 2016, 8:59 pm

Meowth was about to snap back at the Popplio when Coral started to speak. He looked at the chair he stood on and sighed, appreciating that she would get cushions. Then he could eat comfortably. 

"Hey, listen here buddy, the new Meowth, even that fire type starter ain't all that bad. That's all I'm saying!"

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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th November 2016, 12:06 am

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BiPGX54

“I see...” Arya responded thoughtfully to Benson's summary. “This Skips guy, was he—” She stopped mid-sentence when a different voice suddenly addressed the entire group. The esper instinctively brought her staff forward and took a defensive stance, ready to protect herself and her newly-found acquaintance, if necessary, as the woman responsible for this "unplanned" gathering revealed herself to the entire group and kind-of-but-not-really answered their questions.  

...Meet n' Greet Dinner?

Arya felt a little silly standing there with her staff in front of her after setting eyes upon the host: a young well-dressed woman sporting a pair of trendy black glasses who had identified herself as Coral. The esper lowered her weapon. The woman seemed so benign in the way she greeted them with her gentle smile and invited them all to take a seat at the large table, it was difficult for Arya to see anything malicious about her. In fact, Arya was convinced that she was a Muse! Yet something about her seemed a bit off. She had introduced herself as the host for the event, but did that also make her the ruler of this world?...And how long had she been observing them?

The courageous young esper would have politely asked the woman for more information, but the ill-mannered man from earlier had already began to shout all of his previously-ignored questions at her in that demanding tone of his. Arya whipped her head over her shoulder and glowered at him.

“...Is that really how you address a goddess?” the blonde snapped at him as she took a few steps in his direction. Was this prince guy insane? For all they knew, their host could possess the power of magi—ancient relics of the gods! How else would she have had enough power to teleport so many beings from so many different worlds at once? The last thing they should be doing right now is angering her!

When Benson agreed with him, Arya sighed. The creature had made a good point though. Goddess or not, Coral really had no excuse kidnapping people across multiple dimensions for her own amusement. Interrupting the lives of so many beings in such an unexpected manner was in fact quite rude. She could have at least sent out some kind of notification—a warning via vision or personal messenger. It would have been a lot nicer than suddenly waking up on the floor of the banquet hall, Arya thought.

Last edited by Andalusite on 26th November 2016, 10:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th November 2016, 8:07 am

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Vb15j

Popploi jumped off the table when the host arrived, "My apologies Coral for jumping on you table like that and I'm probably the only one who is not going nuts over how they got here.. I think that its great that she brought us here but still i have questions too like we all do but i will ask later. for now I will take seat 11." He then went over and sat next to Meowth..
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th November 2016, 12:54 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Vegeta_zps9u6mlybx

The silence Arya has kept up towards Vegeta has finally been broken. Sadly, the comment about Coral being a goddess has made her less interesting towards Vegeta.

"A Goddess?", Vegeta began charging up his transformation to a Super Saiyan Blue, "You call her a Goddess?"

He began laughing, while letting just enough of his Energy slip away, to leave the Dining Hall's ground gently shaking.


His hair turned blue and his whole body was giving away a blue shimmer. He didn't know why he transformed, but it was probably just to make the others give him the respect he wanted. As he completed his transformation, he turned himself to face Arya.

"So, now that you face the power of a REAL God, would you still call this Host a Goddess?
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th November 2016, 2:34 pm

Benson couldn't believe what he was seeing. The man announced his name, and underwent some sort of transformation. His hair was shimmering blue, and he had a similar color of an aura coming off of him. He laughed and called himself a god-and stated he had the powers of one. 

And he was staring down Arya.

Struck with panic, Benson grabbed a nearby chair and held it out in front of him in some measly attempt to protect her from whatever fight Vegeta seemed ready to start.

"E-easy there, pal." He stammered. He could feel his knees shaking as he met Vegeta's gaze. "We-we're not here to fight. We're all on the same side, remember?" Benson motioned toward their host. Benson wasn't even holding the chair steady, and he knew it. It was incredibly clear that he was shaking like a leaf.

"We-we just wanna go home like you do, right? W-who cares if she thought our host was a goddess? F-for all we know, she could be a purple alien in a costume!" Benson gulped. This guy was truly terrifying. If someone with his power was here, what about the others? Was this going to turn into a battlefield? Some sort of free-for-all?

Is that the event Coral was talking about? Was this all part of the "festivities?"

It would be a situation where Benson would be easily outmatched and overwhelmed. He'd be dead within seconds, if everyone else here had powers like Vegeta.


Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 26th November 2016, 6:45 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : the ooc didn't post right for some reason and I had to fix it. Also, fixed some typos. Second edit; anothe incomplete sentence)
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th November 2016, 10:16 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BiPGX54

First prince, and now he was claiming to be a god? Arya's eyes narrowed. He must have been one of those loathed new “gods.” (He sure acted like one anyway!) In her world, the Guardians had been established specifically to stop these despotic individuals from rising to power through the misuse of the sacred magi.

“...I'm quite surprised that you can reach anything...” Arya uttered below her breath, bracing herself as the man laughed and the room began to rattle, his body engulfed by some sort of powerful energy. Unlike Benson, who had sought out the protection of a nearby chair and had immediately resorted to reasoning with the powerful man, Arya stood her ground. She had faced bigger bullies—quite literally—in battle. She wasn't afraid of this man or his sudden mana surge. She couldn't be, for Odin was watching over her!

Not long after his declaration of power, the Prince of all Saiyans' hair had turned a neon blue, and his body was glowing a brilliant electric blue, like the magi—except magi were actually pretty. ...What on earth? Hair-dyeing magic? Arya stifled a small grin. He literally just cast a spell upon himself to dye his hair neon blue, and now he expected her to treat him like some kind of deity? She could barely take him seriously when he had called himself a prince!

“Quite frankly, yes,” the esper finally answered Vegeta in a calm, but challenging voice: “She is clearly more divine than you will ever be. A true god is a merciful being; one who does not use his powers to intimidate those under him who rely on his protection and reassurance in times of great need—” Arya cast a brief glance in Benson's direction—the poor thing was trembling like a leaf!—before giving Vegeta her nastiest glare yet. She then raised her staff and pointed it accusingly at the man with the glowing aura. You on the other hand, are just some wannabe god; the very type that I—along with the other Guardians—strive to protect all worlds against.”

Last edited by Andalusite on 27th November 2016, 8:52 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Grammar)
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th November 2016, 11:13 pm

Sunset Shimmer

Sunset felt her cheeks flush at Blake's compliment. She barely managed out a thank you before the room's conversations came to a hush as the host finally showed herself and spoke to the group. She listened intently to the host, feeling somewhat skeptical but seeing that the woman meant them no harm.

"So you're telling me...we're at some sort of inter-galactic slash inter-dimensional dinner party thing?" she raised an eyebrow. Yeesh, this is clearly something Rarity would have been better suited for. Unfortunately as she spoke, the obnoxious prince who knew no manners what so ever began to actually yell at the host. Sure, he had a point and others agreed but that didn't call for rudeness either!

Another girl, who looked like she came straight out of one of Rainbow Dash's video games, spoke up and addressed the woman as a goddess. Sunset wasn't so sure about all that but she assumed that the woman, who called herself Coral, must've had some sort of strong magical powers to achieve a feat such as well. She almost wanted to applaud the women. She had to have been as powerful if not more so than Princess Celestia and Discord combined!

Sunset quietly observed the conversation going on around her which then turned into absolute nonsense when Vegeta suddenly did...something. Maybe his own version of "ponying up"? And declared he was more powerful than a god? Pfft. Yeah right, Sunset along with her friends, have done something similar so many times before. She rolled her eyes.

Grabbing the nearest chair near her, Sunset finally chimed in to the conversation which had turned to Guardians and wannabe gods.

"Look, this is all clearly some kind of dream or illusion or whatever. We'll all just wake up in the morning deciding maaaybe sneaking some of Pinkie Pie's whipped cream stash at midnight was so not a good idea and move on with our lives. So let's just sit down and enjoy whatever this dinner party is all about. We might as well deal with the now and thats this," she gestured at the entire room set up. Someone clearly had good intentions and spent a lot of time preparing this for all of them. No sense in letting it go to waste right?

Sunset then fixated her eyes on Vegeta and gave him a pointed glare, "And YOU aren't impressing anyone with your cheap parlor tricks. Even I can make my hair change colors and glow if I really wanted to and thats just using watered down Equestrian magic! Maybe you should just sit down and shut up."

She sat down with a huff and grabed a second drink. It was something bubbly and dark, different than the pink punch she first grabbed. She gulped it down in one go, trying to not let herself get angry and in a dream, no less. Once she finished, she gestured towards Blake at the chair next to hers, offering it to her.


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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 10:17 am


Whatever was going on with the loud people didn't interest Jigglypuff. It took a quick sweep of the available chairs and hopped towards an available seat. Bouncing into one was easy for the balloon Pokémon. It kept a close grip on its microphone-slash-marker as it did so; this was an important item for Jigglypuff, after all.

Seating Selection:
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 10:42 am


Kagome didn't respond to Meowth .She suddenly became all quiet ,not talking to anybody .Maybe because she extenuated from running all day and shooting arrows at demons . She didn't wanted to get in fights anymore .She stand up and found a comfortable seat next to a little pink creature(Jigglypuff). 
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[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis   [Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 12:44 pm

[Casual Event] Dinner at The Axis - Page 2 BxzFjWc

Coral raised an eyebrow at Vegeta as he spoke to her. It wasn't the first time being addressed with a sort of hostility. The Guests were varied in their reactions. Some had even attempted to attack her at times. Luckily, her own magic had far outweighed that particular guest's powers.

It was a little sad to hear he wasn't having fun though. Benson did not sound terribly happy either, sadly. Beyond everything else, Coral wanted her Guests to be content and enjoy themselves. That was definitely the goal in all of this, after all. She would have to try harder to cheer up even the most grumpy of guests.

Before she could speak again, however, Arya spoke instead. Goddess? Coral loved the sound of that! Arya was definitely her new favorite in this group!

The conversation began to deteriorate after that - though Coral couldn't help but to feel an endearment towards Arya as the girl continued to come to her defense. She would have to make sure that Arya got the biggest piece of cake, at the very least.

"Please, don't be alarmed," Coral said to all of them. "Sunset Shimmer is more or less correct. Now, I understand it can be frightening to arrive at the Axis, but there is nothing to fear. You've not been kidnapped by any means. This is simply a meeting of different worlds. Instead of dreaming this night away, you get a chance to meet some other beings from different worlds. Isn't that exciting?" She smiled. "After a few hours of a little dinner and discussion - perhaps some games? - you'll awake to your nice comfortable bed, none the worse for wear."

A small pause as her smile grew. "See? Nothing to worry about at all!"
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