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 [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach

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Sailor Jupiter
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 1:47 pm

Paloma/Sailor Dove

"It is time to end this battle, Corrupted!"  came the voice.

"Please, lend me your powers, my Seashell Senshi! Let's finish this together!" 

Paloma wasn't used to obeying commands, but to her the choice was clear. The monsters were ebbing but so was her ability to fight. If she couldn't hold out much longer than the other girls must be feeling the strain of battle too. Her decision was made. She opened her heart, cleared her mind, and imagined her power flowing to the woman.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 2:44 pm

Abigail/Sailor Lyonsia

The squid monsters were clearly getting weaker, starting to lose their initial ferocity, though they still looked as though they would take a while to take down. It was amazing to think that she had helped fight against them. Never in her life had she imagined such a thing would ever happen. This kind of thing was for story books and fairy tales.

Listening to the unnamed beautiful woman call out for help, asking for extra power, Abigail felt uncertain - how did a person lend their powers to someone else? She had only just recieved her powers for the first time in her life, and now she was being asked to send them to someone.

Abigail glanced around at the other girls near her, wondering what they were thinking about this situation. It didn't help much, but seeing the others made her feel more at ease. She could figure this out. She was a.. what was it? Oh right, a Seashell Senshi. She could do this.

Closing her eyes, Abigail pictured the same glowing power that she encompassed her earlier during her transformation, thinking clearly about the sparkling energy, warm and bright - and then she pictured that same power arcing from herself and making its way to the woman, aiding her.

The squid creatures had to be defeated here and now. If they were allowed to get away, it was possible they could attack innocent people next time. She didn't dare open her eyes to see if it was working - but Abigail kept her concentration, willing her powers to obey her and to help the woman who had started all of this.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 2:57 pm

Raylene/Sailor Scallop

Sailor scallop heard the words loud and clear about needing to defeat the creatures. After she helped the women up, she closed her eyes and thought only about good things and tried to give her powers to the women who helped not only her but the other girls come together for the idea of good. Inside her, she could feel her powers moving around and sharing with the others to help their leader.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 4:20 pm

Kassidy/Sailor Cowry

Kassidy remained still, only moving her arms to deflect any attacks from the monsters. She swayed quickly, respondinng only to the feeling of being a protector. It was exhilarating, knowing she was capable of harnessing such power. 

Though she did have her doubts. The fact that something as fantastical as this made a part of her feeling unworthy of this role. She was only human and she had her flaws and fears...why was she given this power?

The sea creatures shrieked as the girls attacked, bending down at the force of such an unsalught. They were weakening! It was then that Kassidy witnessed a miracle at its finest.

As the creatures grew weary, the woman she protected gradually stood up. Her form became apparent, she was tall and elegant with long hair spiraling to a curl. Her attire was foreign, yet had swooping drapes with colors ranging from violet to a midnight blue.

The woman stood firmly and had her eyes set on the creatures before her. 

"It's time to end this corrupted!", she said, this time the voice being audible to all. She raised her arms, a glowing light forming at her fingertips.

"Please, lend me your power my Seashell Senshi! Let's finish together!"

Instinctively, Kassidy raised her arms. She didn't know this woman but she felt that she was needed. There was foe in front of them, a being that must be stopped at all costs. She figured that if she had this power, then she could use for the side that was good.

That's...why I was chosen? To protect all who were good? Kassidy hands grew warm and she saw a ray of sea green light beam from her palms. She aimed it towards it the woman, giving all the strength she could.

Last edited by PrincesseNee on 29th June 2016, 6:37 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th June 2016, 8:24 pm

Pamila/Sailor Cerith

Sailor Cerith saw that their attacks were working and was thrilled they were able to do so much with so little experience, but they had to get organized better in order to take the creatures down. She had just started trying to formulate a plan after having seen everyone's powers when she heard the strange woman's voice from behind her.

"Please, lend me your powers, my Seashell Senshi! Let's finish this together!"

So much for a well thought out organized plan, but it seemed there wasn't much else she could do. She didn't know why they were chosen, much less understood what was even going on, but she saw Paloma and several others had already closed their eyes and doing the only thing she thought they could be doing. As she watched, she felt the power within her resonating with the others and the woman. Pamila closed her eyes as well, concentrating all her thoughts on the woman.

If this didn't work, then she DEFINITELY needed to come up with a back up plan.
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th June 2016, 7:10 am

Gertie (Sailor Whelk)

Gertie felt as though they had worked together, even though she had never spoken to those around her. After all, the mysterious woman received aid from the other girls, and Sailor Whelk had not been the only one to fight back against the undulating tentacled squid-creatures. Watching the strange magic that she had summoned strike one of the monsters, clearing weakening it, felt like victory. She felt strong—so oddly strong. More than she had ever felt before. She didn't want to admit how much she enjoyed this new feeling.

Violet eyes glanced around the beach, seeing the other girls in the strange outfits react. Clearly she was meant to do the same.

Sailor Whelk clasped her arms around herself, embracing the new power that had been granted to her. Her body began to shimmer with faint rose pink light as she focused on sharing that magic with her unknown benefactor.
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Neo King Helios
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th June 2016, 7:39 am


"Please, lend me your powers, my Seashell Senshi! Let's finish this together!" said the woman. Sailor Erato looked at her direction, and watched as the rest began to pour their power into her. Whilst she does believe that there's a possibility with their powers combined they may be able to defeat the beast, it wasn't guaranteed that it would be the end of it- and there's a possibility it might not work. It seems her skeptical nature was slowly returning, it was just not something she would agree to. She knew they had to come up with something elaborate and well thought-out. 

'Delilah, remember that things never work without a plan. Do not trust instincts, always have a plan..' her father's voice played out in her mind. Never trust instincts. Well, if I didn't trust my instincts I wouldn't have been able to gain access to this deeper power inside me. But then again, what if this is all an elaborate trap. No, it can't be. Okay, I will trust my instincts this time. I'm sorry Dad...

She lifted both her arms and held out her harp, which upon a flash of light, suddenly turned into a ball of chartreuse coloured energy. It shimmered beautifully against the progressively disappearing sun. "Erato Power!" she shouted as she hurled the power into the woman, ultimately allowing her to gain access to Sailor Erato's power and energy.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th June 2016, 2:50 pm

As more power is sent to her, the unnamed woman's hands began to glow even more, sparking with the additional power. It took several moments for her to gather up the power and the monsters seemed to have detected that something was going on. Their thrashing and attacks began to get more frantic and desperate, reaching towards the woman.

But she appears unphased. The gathered power in her hands shot beams towards the ocean, bypassing the creatures altogether. The world feels still for a moment, and then the ocean grows and swells into a great mass, beating at the monsters and pulling at them, dragging them back down into the water's depths. A giant whirlpool swirls where they had been until nothing is left except small remains of energy - until those, too, fade away.  

At first, the woman stays rigid in her stance, unmoving, her hands still outstretched towards where the monsters had once stood. But then finally she lowers her arms, and stands up tall, before turning towards the rest of the group.

"Thank you," she says. "I couldn't have done this without your help." A small smile comes to her lips as she looks to each senshi in turn. "I am long overdue for an introduction, I suppose. I am known as the Lady of the Deep, but please, call me Nerida. I protect the ocean from all that might seek to harm it - and at one time, long ago, you all aided me in that fight."

She pauses for a moment, looking torn, before continuing. "I apologize for all of this. I know that a lot has happened and you must have some questions or doubts. There is so much to tell you, so much to explain but I don't have much time. Please, ask of me what you will, but I cannot stay for long. Being out of the ocean drains me, and I must go back. But I will stay for as long as I can, my sweet senshi." Her voice cracks for just a moment as she says, "It is good to see you all again."

Quote :
Goal: Ask the Lady of the Deep any questions you might have! Or alternatively, try to get to know your fellow senshi more instead! Or perhaps you prefer to look inward - show us what you are thinking, how you are reacting to everything!  

Try to reach this goal by the end of July 29th!
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Neo King Helios
Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th June 2016, 11:48 pm


Sailor Erato stepped forward, curious as to what the Lady of the Deep had said. "Again?" 

Although this had confused her, it might explain as to why she had felt so at home whenever she hears the melody of the sea... But this can't be, there has to be some rational explanation. She's never met her before, and yet, she managed to trust her wholeheartedly. I don't know anymore... 

Delilah wasn't usually so trusting of anybody except her parents, let alone a stranger whom just exhibited some unbelievable abilities. "Please, explain to us how we're all connected to you. I've never met you...yet I feel like I have." 
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th June 2016, 7:20 am

Gertie (Sailor Whelk)

When the mysterious woman spoke her name, Sailor Whelk felt a flare of recognition light up in her mind. It was a sensation like a droplet of water sailing down a well and finally hitting the source's surface at the bottom: a cool spark.

The Lady of the Deep...

The young teenager lifted a bony hand to her forehead, violet eyes focused somewhere else, on something unsearchable. Hazy memories fluttered in her mind. There were people around her, and she was some place beautiful, and she was happy... but she didn't remember where. Or with who. Or what was happening around them. Still, she felt fairly certain that this woman was someone she legitimately cared about, back then.

A dark-haired girl in teal and violet was the first to speak up. Her words made it apparent that Gertie's feelings were shared at least by the this other young woman.

The blonde picked through her own thoughts, trying to figure out what to say and searching for the right opportunity. She didn't want to interrupt anyone else.

"What do we do now?" Her voice was soft, unsure. This person they had just been reunited with said she must return to the ocean. Were they to follow? Could she do that? Mom would be waiting—would probably be worried by now. Gertie couldn't just... leave.
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th June 2016, 9:42 pm

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Ui25l3Y

At first she was confused when the woman sent her power not towards the monsters, but rather toward the ocean itself. But then she watched with amazement as the ocean seemed to do her bidding, beating and pulling the creatures back into its depth. Soon after there was nothing left, no sign that the creatures were ever there, and the water was peaceful once more.

She turned to watch the woman with awe. That was an amazing display of power. Why did she even need the rest of them at all?

Finally, she introduced herself. Lady of the Deep? What an odd title. She wondered who had given her that title. Sailor Bubble’s eyebrows furrowed as the woman spoke about how they had fight together long ago. Long ago when? She had no recollection of this. Why did the woman—Nerida—watch them with such love and longing in her eyes?

There were questions from the others, but she only wanted to know one thing.

“What does this mean for us? Being… a senshi? Who are we meant to protect, if you must go back to the sea?”
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime28th June 2016, 11:21 pm

Sailor Auger rolled her eyes at the girl's comment, but took her less-annoying words into consideration. It was true, this did feel sort of...right, but what if that was how the woman wanted her to feel?

She took too long to think, but Auger didn't really mind, anyway. Being a part of this group of misfits was not really in her best interests. She kind of wanted to sneak out and leave - this was all to odd, anyway - but something compelled her to stay. Curiosity? Probably.

As Nerida spoke, Auger felt a small twinge of familiarity. A spark of some sort of memory. Perhaps...she really was telling the truth? Auger bit her lip in uncertainty, not really knowing what to believe now.

Her mouth spoke before her mind could tell her not to. " we have to, like, stick together now, or...?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime29th June 2016, 6:34 am

Kassidy/Sailor Cowry

Lady of the Deep...? So that was her name?

Kassidy was glad that she finally knew the identity of the woman, but she still felt uneasy. She was confused and terribly so. She didn't know whether to feel empowered by becoming a senshi or to be intimidated at the fact that she was a human who just got lucky.

Sure, she had felt strong for a moment when she had gone to battle, but all of that faded when the monsters had been defeated. Now, she was back to her normal self. Kassidy, the girl who never stopped being fearful.

But then again...didn't she help this woman? Wasn't that what she concluded? To help? 

No. A helper would be someone who's fearless, someone who has no problem with risking their life. Kassidy was only fearless when she took on another persona, it wasn't the real  her.

Kassidy looked up to see that the woman was looking at them, with dark eyes full of mystery and 

For a moment, Kassidy made no thoughts The woman's eyes manged to lock her in place, as if she was being pulled into a warm embrace. She felt no sorrow...just a sense of assurement.

Kassidy motioned out of her daydream and heard the lady mention thatbthey could ask her anything and she'd answers. Anything? 

Kassidy closed her eyes, wanting to situate her thoughts. She felt her thoughts and doubts sifting through, choosing the one she most dearly wanted answered. When she came across one question, her heart resonated in approval.

She opened her eyes and took a deep breath. She coukd trust this woman.

"Lady of the Deep...Nerida...why did you summon us? What did you see in m-, er us, that made you realize we were the senshi you were looking for?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th June 2016, 1:59 pm

Raylene/Sailor Scallop

Scallop stood there afterwards and also had some questions for Nerida, but her fellow senshi were asking them for her. "We need to know whats going on if your returning to the sea...i mean..where do we go? on with our regular lives i guess or do we need to follow you and protect you? I think we should be able to live both sides of our lives.."
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th June 2016, 3:05 pm

The Lady of the Deep turned first to Sailor Erato.

Quote :
"Please, explain to us how we're all connected to you. I've never met you...yet I feel like I have."

"A long time ago, you all were creatures of the sea, the same as me. Mermaids, I suppose is the human name for them." She paused, before continuing. "I suppose that must sound strange - I'll try to explain as best I can. You may not believe me, you may think me crazy, but at least the words will be said.

She looked to all of the senshi then, her expression sombre. "A beautiful kingdom known as the Silver Millennium once ruled upon the moon - the queen wielded a great artifact full of power. My mother always spoke kindly of this queen, even though the people of the moon were faraway and almost mythical to us  here in the deep oceans of Earth. You were once my friends and my protectors - together as a group, we worked to protect our home. It was a rather peaceful time, a good time. However, a rift began to grow between the Earth and the Moon. As that rift grew larger, talk of rebellion became an every day thing. My family was not innocent in this - though we could not leave the ocean for long to join the fight, we made weapons and poisons for the troops to use. Eventually, there was a great battle, which lead the queen of the Silver Millennium to use her power to reincarnate those of importance. And although once you lived in the ocean in my family's kingdom, you were reincarnated and reborn as human girls."

"My own mother had an artifact of her own, which allowed her to keep me from being reincarnated. She felt it of utmost importance that someone remain, someone who would know of what had happened, and to keep our home safe. And thus I have waited, for a very long time, to find you, my friends. I knew one day we must find each other again." Nerida hesitated. "This wasn't the way I would have wished for it to happen, but I must admit that I am glad it has."  

She then addressed Sailor Whelk.

Quote :
"What do we do now?"

"At this very moment? I'd say the best course of action is to just digest what has happened, what you now know, and come to terms with it all. As for the future - it is hard to say at the moment. My kingdom has been attacked recently by corrupted sea creatures. I am investigating the cause of this but have not found the reason that these dark powers have infected the creatures of our - I mean, my - home. Perhaps in the future I can call upon your help again, if you wish to join me in that endeavor. But as it is, I'd say you should just live your lives as best you can."

Nerida turned to Sailor Bubble.

Quote :
“What does this mean for us? Being… a senshi? Who are we meant to protect, if you must go back to the sea?”

"It doesn't have to mean anything, if that is what you want," she said. "It was perhaps selfish of me, to call upon you now - but I had been weakened and was unable to finish these two monsters by myself. Amazingly, I had felt your presence close by, and I reacted without thinking. I apologize for that, as I would have liked to divulge all of this information in a better setting. But the choice is yours. If you wish to forget this has happened, then that is your call. If you wish to keep the henshin shell, just in case your powers are needed in the future, then that is up to you. I don't wish to influence any of you one way or another."

"As for who you are meant to protect - well, at one time, that would have been myself, and the rest of the royal family. As well as the ocean kingdom as a whole. But things have changed. I imagine you have more things you would wish to protect in these lives - other humans, like your own families. I'd say those take higher precedence now. I don't know how far the Corruption has spread. It might one day leave the ocean and reach the lands." She paused. "But I hope to stop it before that happens, so again, if you don't wish to take on the burden of being a senshi, then that is still an option."

Next was Sailor Auger.

Quote :
" we have to, like, stick together now, or...?"

Nerida smiled. "Not necessarily," she replied. "It's completely your call. If, in the future, you decide to join together for some common goal - to join me against the source of the Corruption perhaps? - then it might be a good idea to stick together at that time. But before then, no, I suppose it's not necessary at all. You all have your own lives to live. Your henshin shells work as a kind of communicator - using the same telepathy magic that I used to call you here together. So if you ever feel the need to get a hold of each other, or to get a hold of me, then it will come in handy."

And then she looked to Sailor Cowry.

Quote :
"Lady of the Deep...Nerida...why did you summon us? What did you see in m-, er us, that made you realize we were the senshi you were looking for?"

"Oh, I knew as soon as I was close enough to feel your presence. It was like a beacon, one I could feel in my heart." Another smile came to her lips, this one smaller and wistful. "I might not know the people you all are today, but I knew who you were before, and I loved each of you dearly. We were like sisters." She stopped herself then, smile slipping away. "But that was another time, I suppose."

Abruptly, she turned to Sailor Scallop.

Quote :
"We need to know whats going on if your returning to the sea...i mean..where do we go? on with our regular lives i guess or do we need to follow you and protect you? I think we should be able to live both sides of our lives.."

She nodded. "I agree. You should be able to live your lives as you have until this point. Right now, there should be nothing to bother your every day lives. I am working on finding the source for the Corruption before it spreads to past the oceans. It shouldn't affect humans at all." Nerida paused. "I might need your help, someday in the future, but I have been protecting myself for a very long time. So please don't worry about that. Just, live your lives. You all deserve to be happy."

At that, the Lady of the Deep took in a deep breath before letting it out slowly again. Her skin shimmered in the light, and she flexed her hands. "I must go," she said. "I can hold a human shape for a while, however my energy is vastly depleted and soon I will begin to suffocate if I stay here any longer. I'm sorry that I must leave at such an inopportune time."

She took a few steps towards the ocean. "Thank you, for helping me today. It is... good to see you all again." She smiled. "I hope that one day, I can call upon your help again, though at that time you can decline if you wish. I understand that this is a lot to take in all at once. But I suppose it can't be helped." The water was up to her waist now.

"If your need is great, please contact me with your henshin shell and I will do my best to help in any way I can." Nerida bowed her head. "Goodbye, my friends." She dove under an incoming wave, and was gone.

Quote :
Goal: The Lady of the Deep is gone, leaving a special shell behind for each of you. The battle is over, and calm has come over the secluded beach again. It is time to return to your families, to your vacation, and to close this chapter of your life and continue on with the next. Do you go off on your own, to contemplate all that was said? Do you ask your fellow senshi to join you on the main beach? Do you reject everything that has happened as a crazy dream? Show us how your character is feeling at the moment, and how she plans to go on from here.

This Event will finish at the end of July 1st!
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th June 2016, 5:38 pm

Gertie (Sailor Whelk)

She stared out at the ocean, looking at the place where the Lady of the Deep had disappeared. She didn't even realize the tears had gathered in her eyes until they were dripping down her cheeks. She tried to take a breath only to choke as she inhaled, letting it out as a strangled sob. Sailor Whelk reached her hands up to cover her face, unable to articulate with words why she felt like this. The most powerful emotion that overtook her when the beautiful woman departed into the sea was an intense, overwhelming sorrowful loneliness.

There were all these other people around her, people she had just been told she had an important bond to, but she felt so alone. Instinctively she wished that her mother was here, knowing it would be safer and calmer wrapped in a loving hug.

"Mom...!" she realized. How long had she been gone? How long had all of this taken? Was her mother frantically searching for her, setting hotel staff on the alert—possibly calling the police? These should have been her concerns, but she was too busy sniffling and trying to wrestle with this unfamiliar sensation to keep her thoughts straight.

Gertie knew that she had to go back, but she felt like she couldn't pull herself away from the shore. She couldn't break her gaze from the distant waves, even though she knew that the strange woman they had met would not be reemerging. All she could do was vainly attempt to restrain her sobs as she stood there, too emotionally confused to take stock of any of it.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime30th June 2016, 6:53 pm

Raylene/Sailor Scallop

Raylene listened to Nerida speak to all of them, and it was all becoming more and more clear to her. Maybe she would be able to do this and be a police officer too. She grabbed the shell holding it close. She listens more as she was spoken to last, and before Nerida left Raylene told her, "Thank you for letting us help you. I don't know about the others here..but I will be there to help." 
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st July 2016, 7:04 am


"Creatures of the Sea.." Sailor Erato mimicked to herself. She watched as the Lady of the Deep made her way back to the ocean. It seemed that everything she had ever known had been false... that Delilah does not truly exist, but that she has always been Sailor Erato. 

She looked at the other girls, all in disbelief and shock- much like herself. She watched closely as the tide turns. She walked towards the water and placed her feet on the water, the sound of gentle waves trickling in her feet. "I suppose we should keep this to ourselves. Maybe, this was all just a dream, but I'm not cut out for any of this." she told the other girls. It seems her newfound confidence had vanished once again just as it had mysteriously appeared. She closed her eyes and reverted back into her old self. She glanced at all the other girls and made her leave. 

After several days of relaxing, she had finally completed her book- and had finally believed that everything that had happened that day was merely a dream. There were familiar faces in the beach, ones whom she remembered well from that 'dream', and yet she chose not to interact with them no matter how much they try to. She does not trust any of them, she only trusts herself, and her parents. She does not need friends. After a while, she finally packed her bags and placed her things away.

It was merely 5 hours before her parents would come to pick her up. She decided to go by the ocean and look at the waters once more. As she walked by the beach, in her hand was the shell. "Erato..Shell Power..." she mumbled to herself. But nothing had happened. Maybe it was all just a dream, and that she merely slept that day away. She closed her eyes and walked towards the water. "Erato Shell Power...Make Up.." she mumbled once more, and with a flash of light, her Sailor Senshi costume had appeared, and now she also had a tail.

She looked sadly at her tail, "Guess it wasn't a dream..." After looking around the beach, now rather quiet and empty, she decided to de-transform. She immediately got out of the water and stood by the shore. Looking intently at the seashell, the rays of the sun slowly began to disappear, melting into the ocean. She held the shell by her chest, and in an instant, threw it back to the sea. 

A gentle hum began to play- emitted by the sea. A melancholic tone, and beautiful song she felt as though she once knew. "Return to me, return to me...On waves of ocean melody. No power can make you reappear, but in the song of the sea you are always here..." she sang as tears formed and rolled down her cheeks. "Goodbye Lady of the Deep....Goodbye...Erato." she said as she walked away from the beach and retrieved her belongings from her bedroom.

"Did you have fun? Did anything interesting happen?" asked her Dad as he placed Delilah's bags in the trunk. Delilah shook her head. "We're you okay? Did the others treat you well? Oh if I see so much as a scratch I will report that resort!" nagged her Mum. Delilah smiled and gave her mother a hug, "Don't worry Mum, nothing happened. But it was was almost like a dream." she replied. Her parents both looked at each other as they noticed Delilah staring out into the ocean, as if longingly wanting to return. 

"Time to go..." her Dad said as they drove back home. 

Delilah looked down, 'Return to me, return to me...On waves of ocean melody. No power can make you reappear, but in the song of the sea you are always here...' she hummed to herself as she closed her eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st July 2016, 8:02 am

Kassidy/Sailor Cowry

The waves opened a grand entrance, Nerida making tentative steps as she bid them goodbye. Kassidy could see the pain in her eyes, full of ancient sorrow that only her deepest friends could heal. She wanted to reach out, to let her know that all would be well.

Her arm began to extend but stopped midway when Nerida said, "Goodbye, my friends."

Then she was gone.

She stood there, shocked and fearful once more. She wanted to know more, to have guidance...

But most of all she wanted to be strong.

Kassidy placed her hands over her face and felt tears rushing forth. It was all too much! After years of yearning, Kassidy found something that gave her sustinence, gave her value in her worth. She wanted to relive that, hoping that one day she would truly be the strong person she could be.

Like all wishes though...they come to an end. As humans, we learn to accept it, no matter how painful it may be.

She felt tears welling even more, but heard the sobbing of another voice. She turned and saw a strawberry blonde girl in pink in pain as well. She looked so isolated and terrified that Kassidy couldn't help but approach her. 

She embraced the girl tightly, hoping she wouldn't push away. Here, she would be safe and she wouldn't be afraid... She would be like a mother of sorts, tending to their kin in times of need.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st July 2016, 8:48 am

Gertie (Sailor Whelk)

She was so wrapped up in her own tangle of emotion that she barely registered the presence of another person until the other sailor soldier had fully wrapped her in an embrace. She glanced up for a moment, blinking with confusion, but she didn't pull away. That was her first thought, knowing that everyone else was technically some kind of a stranger, but the troubled teenager craved comfort and was more than willing to accept it in this moment.

Besides, this was someone else who felt like she did. She had seen those tears glistening in the darker-skinned girl's eyes and leaving trails on her cheeks. This was a clear sign that she was not as alone as she felt—perhaps this contact could ease that feeling.

"Thank you," she said softly, still sniffling.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st July 2016, 1:55 pm

Kassidy/Sailor Cowry

"You're welcome", she whispered, tears falling as she kept the girl in her arms. The waves gently flowed in silence, almost as if they knew of the sorrow the two felt. 

Eventually, Kassidy let go of the girl, wiping any tears from her eyes. She looked out to the ocean, then towards Naida Beach. 

What should she do now?

There was her husband...oh yes, her husband! She had completely forgotten about him! He must've been wondering where she was. What would she say to him when she returned? The truth? But if she did, would he believe her?

She could say it was a dream...but it didn't feel right. Saying such as thing was wrong, even to a dreamer like herself.

But why was it wrong? The things that occured were so real...yet they were so unusual. Part of her felt the need to disregard this as irrational, but another part felt like joining Nerida...

She didn't know what to choose.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd July 2016, 3:13 am

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Ui25l3Y

Mermaids? She was surprised to hear this. Was that why she loved water so much? Why it had always felt like home? The story Nerida was telling them sounded like a fairy tale, and she was having trouble wrapping her mind around it. Past lives and reincarnation? A war between the Earth and Moon?

It all sounded so… impossible. So out of this world.

And yet, was she not wielding magic now? Had she not transformed?

As she returned to her civilian form, Lina looked at the shell in her hands, the one that Nerida had said could give her the powers as a senshi. She knew immediately that she would keep it, and that she would embrace this power rather than discard it. She’d desperately needed a new purpose in life after her dream had been shattered. Maybe this was it. Maybe there was a reason things turned out this way. Maybe this was her way of becoming strong again.

An ache of longing filled her heart as Nerida said her goodbyes, and she knew now that the woman was telling the truth about their bond. Even though she could not remember it, something inside her resonated with the same affection toward her, and now she felt devastated that Nerida was leaving them, possibly to face dangers in the ocean on her own.

She was gone before Lina could say anything more, and all she wanted was to tell her that she would be there. Whenever she’d call next. Heck, she probably would have gone into the ocean right there if asked. She just wanted to be a part of the water once more.

How was she supposed to go back to her ordinary life now, knowing all this? Knowing all the things she could do? How could she go back to being the bitter and now useless swimmer with an injury whose future was snatched away from her?

The answer was clear. She’d rather be a senshi and be useful again.

But right now, everyone else around her looked helpless and confused. She had no idea what she was supposed to say to them. She had no right to ask them to choose one way or another.

“I hope… this won’t be the last time we meet,” she said softly, aiming it to all of them, including Nerida, even though she was gone.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd July 2016, 5:34 pm

Kassidy/Sailor Cowry

Kassidy made a sigh, the sun descended on the horizon, making a warm orange glow atop the sea. It was getting late and Kassidy knew she had to return to the hotel before her husband grew worried.

She made a glance towards the girl beside her, letting her know silently that everything would be fine, everything would return to normal.

She closed her eyes, light emnating from her body as she returned to civilian form. It was over now, like the end of a story, and Kassidy was well...herself again.

She still felt odd though, she had hoped that by detransforming she would forget about the whole thing and choose to return to her normal life. 

I should get home now...maybe then I'll be able to think a bit.

As she made her way toward the main beach, she heard a soft voice come from one the girls. She was seemingly facing towards everyone there, eyes filled with hope and contemptment.

"I hope...this won't be last time we meet", she said.

Kassidy had no words, or rather she had no answer. She couldn't really, with her confusion. Still, she nodded and bid her farewells.


"So, let me get this turned into this 'senshi'...with a magic shell...battled some monsters, and met some woman who knew you from a past life?", recounted her husband.
"Pretty much", Kassidy replied.

"Huh, well...", he scratched his head. Kassidy wasn't surprised, she would be a bit skeptical as well. It wasn't everyday you became heroine and had some long lost history from the past. 

Regardless, she felt the need the need to tell him. Telling it helped her feel grounded, as if all the confusion from before could be focused in one stream of recollection. 

Hopefully, he'd understand and perhaps he could help her move on from this.

"Well?", she asked.

Her husbamd furrowed his brows, thinking of what was said. He brushed his chin and replied, "You said you felt called by this woman, right?"

"Yes...", she said cautiously. Where was he going with this?

"And you said you felt strong and determined...but at the same time being familiar.", he continued on, "It sounds to me like a journey...something you have to fulfill", he said.

Journey? Fulfillment? Both of those words felt so right. It was scary...

"Look", he sat next to her now, arms wrapped around her, "You don't have to decide now. It's like that woman said, it's your choice."

She looked at him and felt reassured and nodded. My choice...

The next day Kassidy stopped by at the library once more, browsing at the endless shelves within it. People were bustling about, with children being quieted for their noise and mindul adults looking for a good book. 

It was just like home.

Kassidy came across on a small bookshelf towards a corner of the library. She glided hed hands along their bindings, hoping to come across one to her liking. She eventually stopped at one that was embossed in gold ribbon. Curious, she pulled it out and gasped at the cover. 

It was similar to the one she possessed as well, this time the mermaid looking identical to a certain someone... 

It can't be...can it? 

Oh, but it was. She opened the book, flipping to a page that spoke of a myth of a mermaid named Nerida. She flipped through the words recognizing the words 'warriors' and 'comrades'. It even depicted images of a great battle between the merpeople and their foe, with Nerida and her guardians the forefront.

She couldn't believe it. Why was this book here? There were so many pages within much information that sparked Kassidy's interest. She was a lover of literature, never passing the chance to read a new tale.

But this was no story, and she knew deep down that it was all true.

Swoosh. Swoosh. She heard the sound of waves from within, feeling the her cowry shell resonate from it. She took it out from her pocket. It looked like it was always, yet this time having a hint of sparkle as it made contact with the book. 

These were signs, calling her once more to the sea. But this time she could make her choice, she would carve her own path. 

She could become stronger, discover why she is here and what role does she play in this tale. 

And she was all for it.

"I hope...this won't be the last time we meet." 

"Don't worry. It won't.", she smiled, finally giving her answer.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th July 2016, 10:37 am

The Casual Event, A Trip To Naida Beach, has ended!!!

Thank you ALL so so much for your participation and your wonderful creativity and effort <33 I loved reading your posts, and seeing how each player gave life to the characters!! I just enjoyed seeing all of your posts!!! <3

Here is a reward pair of a signature and a bumper! Made by the always amazing Sailor Neptune <3

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 HbDDAkV  [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 3 YGZUHaQ

Also, I'd love to hear any kind feedback from you guys, if you have anything to say, as we can now use the Signup Thread as a after-party OOC thread xD! Was the pacing too fast? Too slow? Did you like the event? (I really hope you did xD)

Thank you all again! You are all so lovely <3
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