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 [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2016, 4:06 am


She was about to jump into the water and away from the strangers when the voice stopped her short. She looked around, thinking someone had drowned or something, and her instinct was to go and help them. But everywhere she looked around she could only see people laughing and having fun, happy cries filling the air. She frowned—had she imagined it?

Then suddenly something odd happened to her vision. She wasn’t the one imagining it, but in her mind’s eye she could see a secluded area of the beach and somehow she knew exactly how to get there. It disappeared almost as soon as it appeared, and the voice returned. It was in her mind.

Lina had never experienced something like this before. But if someone needed help… It could be dangerous. It could be a trap. She could be stepping into something way in over her head.

But she knew pain, and she couldn’t stand the thought of someone else feeling it while she could help and she chose to sit around and ignore it.

She turned toward her parents, deep in conversation with each other. Using the opportunity while they were distracted, she made her way to the part of the beach still imprinted in her mind.
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Sailor Jupiter
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2016, 12:57 pm


Paloma sauntered toward the waves with her usual air of ease. She bent down, scooping up seashells and placing them into her open palm. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Pamila hurrying toward her.

Now's the time to strike, she thought as she plucked a particularly juicy looking jellyfish off the sand. Grasping it by it's squishy top, she obscured it with her body, ready to toss it in Pamila's direction and, with any luck, scare her into dropping her ~incredible fabulous suuuuper important schedule~.

As her target neared, she stood up tall, cocked her arm and - 

"Help me!"

Paloma started, dropping the jellyfish in the sand before her. The prank suddenly seemed unimportant in light of that jarring plea.

"Please, I need your help!"

She frantically attempted to catch her sister's gaze. Discomfort was growing in the pit of Paloma's stomach. Was Pamila hearing this too?
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2016, 4:26 pm


Glad to have re-acheived her peace and solitude, Janette returned to her gathering of seashells. She was rather glad to have such a nice seashell as the one the girl gave her, and for a brief moment she felt slightly guilty for her treatment of the stranger.

Her guilt faded away as words began to echo in her mind. Jarred, Janette dropped several seashells and looked around, wondering if someone had shouted to her. There was no one close to her - several beachgoers nearby - but none close enough for her to be able to hear them.

So what was that?

The voice spoke again, and Janette's blood ran cold. What was going on? She pictured an isolated area of the beach in her head, and somehow, she knew where to go. Her feet began to tread through the water as fast as they could until she broke out of the ocean's current and started running on the beach. Her impulsive mind didn't bother to stop and ponder rational thought.

Someone was in trouble, and regardless of how much she wanted to enjoy her day alone, she couldn't ignore this cry for help. Her arms and legs pumped as she ran, and it took a few moments for Janette to realize that she wasn't the only one heading in this direction. In fact, there were several other girls heading the same way. Had they all heard the cry, and had they all had the bravery to help?

Feeling slight - but only slight - admiration for the girls running nearby, Janette nodded with approval and continued running.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2016, 9:56 pm


Pamila had almost caught up to Paloma and eyed the jellyfish in her hands and opened her mouth to protest.

"Help me!"

What...was that?  She stopped dead in her tracks, going stiff as a board and her heart thumping hard in her chest. She looked around. Was she hearing things?

"Please, I need your help!"

Again there it was. She caught Paloma's eye. The look her sister gave her...she had to of heard it too.

"I know you heard that. We aren't going crazy are we...?"

The second she said a vision popped into her area of the beach...Then as soon as the vision came, it was gone. She shook her head.

"Come to this place... please. I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

Then the voice faded away. She could feel nothing else. Pamila felt her eyes water as the emotion felt from the voice sunk into her. She felt herself shaking with anxiety. Something didn't feel right and something made her feel she had to go to where the location the voice told her.

"Paloma...should we go?"

No matter how much she felt she needed to go, she wouldn't leave without her sister.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th June 2016, 10:24 pm


"How could we not?!"

She was off like a shot, rocketing across the sand where several people seemed to be gathering. Was this some sort of group telepathy?

Her pulse beat hard and fast in her ears as she ran. Ta-dum-ta-dum-ta-dum, the cadence guiding her hurried steps. The growing congregation of girls fled eastward, and Paloma glanced back. In her impulsiveness, she had risked leaving her worrywart sister behind. Would Pamila come into view when Paloma turned her head, or would she be stuck steadfast where they'd been standing together just moments before?
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 5:42 am


The voice came through so clearly that the blonde visibly startled. She looked around her, knuckles white with gripping the arms of the deck's lounge chair, trying to find the source of that cry. It was only as her eyes swung across the veranda for a second pass that she realized something strange—no one else seemed was reacting. Conversations continued uninterrupted; people laughed lightly. Were they all so self-absorbed as to ignore someone's plea for help?!

But then the image of a secluded beach flashed through her mind. She recoiled, hand to her forehead, skin pale and clammy. Was this another seizure?

"Come to this place... please." How desperate the voice sounded now—and how faint!

"I don't know how much longer I can hold out."

Her mother approached, each hand occupied with a large frozen beverage decorated with tropical flowers and a tiny paper umbrella. The wide smile on her face faded to immediate concern when she reached her daughter, the motherly senses always alert.

"Gertie? Sweetie? What's wrong?"

She chuckled half-heartedly, attempting to shrug it off. She didn't want to worry mother. But she also... she also wanted to go. She wanted to find that place. That beach. With the voice. It was terrifying, but somehow also so compelling.

"I'm not feeling great. I think I'm just hot," she lied, her mind racing to think of any excuse. Somehow... the thought of bringing her mother with her just seemed like the wrong thing to do.

She stood up, wavering only slightly, and gave her mom a quick and distracting hug.

"I'm going to put my sweater upstairs in the room."

Her mother's expression did not look convinced, but she was too hesitant about being overbearing to argue with the teenager over something so small. It was perfectly normal to let the girl go and put something in the room without supervision... right? Still, she watched carefully as Gertie walked down the hallway towards the elevators, paying no heed to the slowly-melting drinks.

The frail girl took the wrong turn at the end of the hall, heading towards the beach—heading towards that beach.

"I'm sorry, Mom!" she thought as she picked up the pace and began to run. "I just... I have to know!"
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Tiny Kitten
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 9:17 am


Bridget opened her eyes and sat up quickly. Even when she tried to rest and relax, which usually came naturally for her, she was unable to get the voice out from earlier out of her head. It haunted her dreams and turned them into nightmares. She sighed to herself and looked around. Still no one seemed in danger, but somehow she knew that this wasn't the place that the person who needed her was at. She wasn't sure how she knew that, it was just there in her mind clear as day and as natural as any of her other thoughts.

She stood up, brushing the sand off of her as much as she could. She had to go see what this person wanted from her. If nothing else it could be an adventure! She turned towards where she knew she was meant to go and started walking that way, thoughts of how bizarre this was and what would happen when she got there filled her head.

'Hopefully they're not an axe murderer.' Thought Bridget as she laughed to herself.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 10:06 am


Kassidy winced, her mind still recalling the rather tramautic vision that plagued her. She wasn't one for surprises, especially when they put her life at risk!

Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. She wasn't really harmed, just summomed by some supernatural force. A force, she concluded, had made a poor choice in choosing her of all people to ask for help. She shifted a bit, trying to ignore the nagging feeling that what she said was- No, it isnt. They just came at the wrong time. If they had just came a little nicer then maybe I would've-

Help me! The same phrase echoed in Kassidy's mind. She shuddered as desperation seeped into her being. She stopped and inhaled deeply, trying to erase all of her anxiety. Im fine...she repeated. The force wasn't here anymore. There's no need to be...scared...

That was a lie and Kassidy knew it. She was afraid and felt...guilty as well. A voice, however strange it may be, had wanted her help. Kassidy knew it was wrong to deny help to those who were in trouble. But Kassidy being the anxious person she was, allowed her emotions consume her.

Now, it was too late, and there was no way of knowing what happened to the girl.

Kassidy sighed and looked up to see she was at the hotel lobby. She must have walked there without noticing. Pushing the oddity aside, she shifted her focus on going to the library as she intended. Hopefully, she could clear her mind with a good book.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 11:05 am

Those at the secluded beach

You arrive at the destination still burning in your mind. This beach is just as beautiful as the main shoreline, though it is of a rougher terrain - less white sands and more smoothed rocks. Big boulders make a natural barrier around this place. It feels private.

At the water's edge lies a crumpled figure, with long dark hair and a shimmering outfit. The figure is not moving. Before anyone can approach, a low rumble shakes the ground and two large squid-like monsters burst out from the depths of the ocean, several feet away. They are approaching the shoreline at a rapid pace, creating massive waves with their spiked tentacles, their grey slimy skin shining in the light of the sun.

The crumpled figure stirs at the sounds of the approaching monsters, and then you hear the same voice echo in your head once more.

"I'm sorry," the voice says weakly. "I didn't want it to happen this way." There is a pause, but then the voice comes back, stronger and more determined. "But you have to fight! You're the only ones who can now. Everyone here is in danger if you don't!"

A sparkling glow surrounds the figure at the shoreline, before it shatters into twelve individual beams. One of these beams goes straight to you and stays there, hovering. Waiting. In the twinkling light, you see a small seashell. It calls to you.

The familiar voice calls out again, but this time, it is no longer trapped within your thoughts. This time, the voice is strong and present. The figure is now standing, and you can see her, ethereal and glowing with the beams of power she is sending to twelve special girls.  

"Transform, my Seashell Senshi!"

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 W4E0dMo

Quote :
Goal: Transform into a senshi! Your transformation sequence can be however you wish it to be, and feel free to share your senshi picture that came with your profile so everyone can see what your character looks like. You can also decide that your character does not accept the power, so tell us about that instead, if you wish!

Try to reach this goal by the end of June 21st!

Those still at the Main Beach

Though the first instance of telepathy did not convince you to seek out the voice's owner, you feel a sense that you are missing out on something. That something is not quite right. There is a kind of power pulling at you, wishing for you to join a group that is sorely missing your presence. Were you right to remain behind?

The voice echoes within your mind again as she speaks to everyone, along with a flash of what is happening within that secluded beach.

As the beams of power seek out the girls at the secluded beach, they do the same for you too. The twinkling seashell hovers in front of you, calling for you to reach out and accept it. To join the fight.

Quote :
Goal: Accept the henshin seashell and make your way to the secluded beach to join the others, and then transform! Otherwise, if you want your character to continue to remain behind and reject the power, then show us her thoughts about that instead!

Try to reach this goal by the end of June 21st!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 11:23 am


Janette's eyes widened in shock at her surroundings, and for a minute she thought she was dreaming. There was no way all of this was real - had she fallen asleep on the beach? Had she even gone to the beach to begin with?

She tried to step towards the apparently injured woman, but stumbled on the rocky terrain, catching herself by placing her hand on a nearby rock. Unfortunately for her, the rock's edge was sharp, and ended up making a clean cut into her skin. Janette cried out in pain, standing back up and examining her wound.

Yes, this was real.

Fear and adrenaline pulsed through her veins, and without thinking Janette grabbed the seashell that had appeared in front of her. She examined it in her palm for a brief moment, the imminent danger she and these others were in pressing on her mind. The shell was small and dark red, but long and increasingly thinner as it reached its tip. Her limited knowledge of seashells told her it was an auger shell, and she suddenly knew what to do.

Holding the small shell in the air, Janette shouted, "Auger Seashell Power, Make-Up!"

The shell disappeared in her hand, instead becoming a shower of red light that engulfed Janette's body. Seconds later, in her place stood a girl who looked similar, but wasn't quite the same.

Senshi Image:

Surprised by what she had done, Janette looked down at her new appearance. Everything here was so strange, so...magical. But there was no time for thinking.

Janette didn't really like thinking, anyway.

She turned, fists clenched, ready to fight the oncoming monster. She was full of energy - she could take this thing all on her own.
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Professor Tomoe
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 11:30 am


Somehow, she knew exactly how to get there. Gertie maintained a slow but steady pace, afraid of setting off an attack, but she wouldn't turn back now. She just followed that vague feeling: "Yes, this way," or "No, turn around now." The path felt more familiar the longer she continued traveling it, and when she made her way around the terrain and found the entrance to the secluded area... that sense of déjà vu overwhelmed her thoughts, blending with her memories. That feeling lingered when she saw the strange woman with long hair, dressed in sparkling indigo.

She knew her... but how? There was a haze over those thoughts, blocking out anything specific.

And then horrible things burst out of the ocean, zooming towards them. Her mind screamed at her to run, get out of there but her feet refused to move. She could only watch the slimy skin, an unnatural shade of dismal gray, as the spiked tentacles flipped horribly above and around the water's surface.

The next thing she saw was the beautiful seashell floating in the air in front of her. It was so small... and so beautiful. Such a pretty shade of rosy pink, exactly the colour she always preferred. The spiral of it fascinated her, remembering a hint of some biology lesson from years ago referencing mathematics and nature. The glow was so bright. So enticing. It dazzled in her lilac eyes.

Gertie didn't realize that she had reached forward until her fingers touched the ridged surface.

"Whelk Shell Power, Make Up!"

Was that her voice? It sounded strong... and calm... and confident. Just hearing it made her smile.

And then waves wrapped around her, soft and comforting. Gertie had never been particularly fond of the ocean, but in this moment she both loved and understood it. It embraced her, and she welcomed that sensation—again, so familiar. She felt her body spin and twirl, again thinking of the spiral of the conch shell. Something cool and hard covered her torso, disappearing in a burst of bubbles and seafoam to reveal a sleeveless bodysuit. Then a skirt, and a long bow, and bracelets on her wrists, and then other accessories, all forming one-by-one in the same manner.

Her mind hadn't even registered what this might mean—fighting, power, danger...

As her bare feet touched the smooth rocks of the beach, she glanced down at herself with confusion. This new outfit... she felt simultaneously strange and accustomed to this. What... what was going on?

Gertie's Seashell Senshi Form:
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 11:44 am


Raylene was running as fast as she could to where she was heading the voice and then stopped as she heard it again and then saw an image of what was going on.. 'that girl..GIANT SQUIDS!' Then before she could move again a bright seashell was floating before her. She knew she would have to make choices when she finally became a police officer but this choice for a strong reason was easy. She grabbed the shell tightly and held it up saying, "Scallop Shell Power, Make-up!" She then felt stronger as waves surround her and she spun around and when she was done, she had on a blue suit and yellow just felt right. She then ran to the area and stood there seeing what she saw earlier along with some others looking similar to her.

Raylene in seashell Senshi form::
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 11:56 am


Abigail didn't realize that she was not the only one moving towards the secluded beach until she had made it halfway to her destination. She glanced to each of them in turn, wondering if, somehow, they had heard the same voice in their head as well.

No, that was just silly! She still wasn't even certain if what she had heard had been real!

But the fact remained that they were all heading to the same place, and that felt comforting. If she turned out not to be hallucinating, at least she wouldn't be left alone to deal with whatever happened next. Abigail felt a kinship towards these other girls, even the rude-seashell-collecting girl who had been so curt with her.

Making her way past the large boulders, the path opened up to a small beach, cut off from the rest. It felt almost as though she were intruding in on some sacred place - were they allowed to be here? - but then she noticed the crumpled figure lying, unmoving, at the water's edge.  

She wanted to go and help the person, but the ground's shaking stopped her in her movements. The creatures bursting from the ocean took all of her attention then, her heart racing and eyes wide. M-Monsters?!

Surely, she must be dreaming. This couldn't possibly be real. Transform? What did that even mean?

She looked at the sparkling seashell in front of her, feeling its pull. It was kind of oval in shape, with one side longer and more elongated than the other. The edges of the shell were textured with small lines. She had never known much about seashells before, but the name of this one came to her as if she had known it her whole life. Lyonsia.

That name alone made her feel more at ease.

She heard another voice call out a phrase, a phrase that sounded kind of familiar... Abigail glanced over and saw the rude-seashell-collecting girl disappear into a shower of red light, before appearing once more, changed and different. Others joined her, girls Abigail had never seen before coming to the secluded beach.

Abigail blinked twice more, staring at these girls, feeling power radiating from them. She felt a longing within her, to join them.

And so Abigail turned once more towards her own slate blue seashell, and reached out with her hand, and grasped it tightly. "Lyonsia Seashell Power, Make Up!"

A rush of warmth engulfed her, wet and bubbly and shimmering. Her skin tingled in the slate blue light as the power seeped into her body. It felt strange and invigorating. It felt good and exciting, and frightening.

It felt like coming home after a long time away.

Moments later, Abigail felt that rush of warm water ebb away, though the tinging remained within her. She felt different, but it also felt right. She didn't understand what was happening, but she knew that it was up to her to fight these monsters, and to protect everyone at the beach.

And, glancing once more at the other newly changed girls, Abigail was happy to know she wouldn't be alone.

Abigail's Senshi Form:
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Neo King Helios
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 12:12 pm


Looking around, it seems that there were several other girls present in the beach, but one who stood out the most to her was the one who lied by the waters not too far from her. A beautiful shade of black, her hair was beautiful even crumpled on the beach sands. Her dress shimmering, a majestic colour of the deep dark oceans grounds. She immediately stood up and attempted to run towards her direction, but was stopped when two tentacled monsters appeared. 

Delilah stopped, frozen in fear. "I- I knew I shouldn't have gone!" she screamed to herself as she backed away from the beasts. "But you have to fight! You're the only ones who can now. Everyone is in danger if you don't!" the mysterious beauty said weakly as she desperately reached out to all of the girls. Delilah shook her head.

"This, this isn't possible! There are no scientific research revealing Giant beasts of the depths exist as of yet! It's simply a myth! No, this can't be!" she told herself as she shook her head in disbelief and confusion. Suddenly, the girl on the beach floor began to shimmer, and from a light explosion she had emitted, a beam of light approached those present in the beach. 

Delilah looked carefully at the beam of light- it was filled with purple gradient. Looking closely at the shell, she suddenly realised that this shell was similar to that of the one she saw earlier before coming to the beach. Her chest began to feel warm, almost as if a power sleeping inside her had been forced to awake, begging to escape.

"This... this isn't real! I'm- I am dreaming!" she shouted as she shook her head. Tears began to roll from her cheek- a feeling she had never felt before. She had always been skeptical of the idea of magic, she raised to do so. 

Though, secretly she's always been fascinated by the idea of it. She always use to keep books containing information about magic, but was one day taken away when her parents had found them. She understood their decision, it was stupid thing to believe. However, it was there... in front of her eyes. "I- I just can't believe this...It's not real! I'm dreaming!" she repeated herself as she fell on the ground on her knees, tears still pouring from her eyes.

The girl was now standing, her ethereal body glowing among the shimmering shells. Her voice was familiar; it was similar to the one who almost deafened her- but this time, her voice was serene, beautiful, one who she can trust. Delilah was one who was skeptical about trusting people, in fact, she has always had an issue with her distrusting everyone but her parents. But this figure in front of her, she had such a beautiful voice.

"Transform, my Seashell Senshi!" the ethereal girl called out. The warmth in Delilah's chest continued to grow, a magical feeling. She was now aware that this was all reality. As the final tear drop rolls from her face, she gave a small smile and reached out for the shell. The shell gave a burst of light, and floated on her left hand.

"Erato Shell... that is your Senshi power..." a voice echoed in her head. This was not the same as the previous voice; this was her own voice. Delilah didn't understand how a voice similar to hers existed inside her, but she knew it was one she could trust. "Okay." 

Holding the shell close to her chest, she chanted. "Erato Shell Power, Make-Up!!". With a flash of light, she had transformed into a completely different outfit, one she felt so comfortable in. A starfish tiara, a beautiful emerald necklace, an outfit that almost matches her green eyes, the purple shell she acquired on her chest, and a ribbon with bows similar to that of a mermaid...


She gave an even bigger smile, a newfound confidence born inside her. She closed her eyes and directed her gaze to the monster, "I am a Pretty Guardian in a Sailor Suit, the Guardian of the Desires and Love, Sailor Erato!  With Erato's melody, harmony shall be restored!" she shouted as she looked fiercely at the monsters.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 1:14 pm


Kassidy browsed the library's wide range of shelves. She had been meaning to look for a book on childcare. It was odd, a neely wed woman already worrying about having a child. She could think of her colleagues at home now, joking at her maternalistic tendencies. 

When she found the book she wantrd Kassidy lounged on a chair in a remote corner of the library. She immediately turned to the first page and started reading.

Tick tock. Tick tock. Kassidy could hear a soft click as time passed. The library was calm enough to allow for very little noise, just how she preferred it to be.

Tick tock. Tick tock. The sound was getting louder now. She ignored it and continued reading.

It seemed the book was very informative, it provided child development milestones, do-it yourself ideas for the baby, it even gave tips for new mothers! Wow! She exclaimed.

Kassidy poked her nose away from the book and glanced at the clock. That was weird...why wasn't it moving? 

Then she realized that library was silent, too silent. Only the humm of the air conditioner could be heard and the occasional page flap. What in the world was going on?

Kassidy backed up, clutching her book as fear began to fill her. Was this the same force coming to plague her?

She continued to back up, inching towards a corner before she tripped and fell. The silence continued, not a soul reassurimg her by asking if she was alright. Now she was panicking, was this punishment for disobeying the voice?

The silence now turned into humming wich turned into the sounds of wave crashing. Kasidy cowered in the corner and covered her ears. It was no use though, the water pounded her skull almost as if it was prompting her to do something.

Ba Boom! Ba boom! She heard large footsteps and the sound of roaring underwater beasts. For a split second she could see creatures hovering over an unconscious woman's body.

Was that...was that the body whose voice cried for help?

In answer, she heard screeching wails from the beast. Its large claws trying to injure the woman. Kassidy was locked with fear and shed a tear as the thought of the beast hurting the girl resonated strongly from within.

Kassidy knew what she saw was horrific. But what could she do, her chances of helping now were close to none. Tears truly fell now, and Kassidy gasped as the idea of death came around...

But then she saw a group of lights sbower the monster. They were girls, young ones, saving the woman from the creatures. They seemed so strong, so willing to risk their lives for the woman. And for some reason she was compelled to join them. 

She wiped her tears. She wasn't going to be a coward, not this time. She had to to save this woman, she HAD to!

Transform, my Seashell Senshi!

Kassidy heard the voice, this time loud and boomimg with determination. She stood up and opened her eyes to see a glowing sea green shell in front of her.

It was small and curled to a crimp, but just far enough to allow light to waft from within. She approached the shell, feeling a sense of belonging and warmth. She had never felt so assured until now.

Kassidy held the shell and beams of light blasted all over. Her lips opened in tune, and she yelled:

"Cowry Shell Power, Make Up!"

Kassidy was opened her arms and twirled as soft light blaketed her. Ribbons sprung and danced with her, first forming a bodice and the a flittering skirt. She rotated on her toe like a ballerina and ribbons clasped to her back in a long and trailing fashion. Small flashes appeared on her face and neck, forming small jewels and a beautiful tiara. As a final blast of light appeared, Kassidy made a pose of elegance and strength.

Kassidy as Sailor Cowry:

Kassidy, now Sailor Cowry, was astounded. She had been granted the power to help even after refusing before. She looked at herself, amazed at the beautiful...warrior that she was. Grateful at whoever had done this, she whispered a "Thank you", and rushed out of the library.

Last edited by PrincesseNee on 20th June 2016, 2:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th June 2016, 2:47 pm


Pamila shook her head and smiled at her sister. Always eager and willing to help those in's what she loved about her. If it hadn't been for her selflessness, she might not even be here at this moment. Seeing that she was going to get left behind, she sprinted after Paloma. Her sister glanced back at her and she smiled re-assuredly at Paloma. Of course, she would be behind her, even if this was going to make them terribly off schedule.

As they ran to the place burned into their minds, she saw other girls approaching. How many were involved in this..?

Before she could get her answer they had arrived and before she could even catch her breath, there was an unbelievable sight before her that took her breath away. She was beautiful but was she hurt?  She didn't even get the chance to approach the woman as monsters erupted from the sea.  Instinct took over and she reached for her sister.

"Paloma!"  She cried out to her, hands reaching for her sister's.

"But you have to fight! You're the only ones who can now. Everyone here is in danger if you don't!"

The voice forced her to pause and look at the beautiful woman who had begun to shine and sparkle in a brilliance she had never seen in her life. The light radiated from her and shot out into 12 individual beams, one headed directly towards her. Pamila flinched, fearing it was going to hit her but when it didn't she saw that it was a tiny little shiny, glowing with oranges and reds. She took it, entranced. Pamila felt an instinct deep within her but her rational self forced it down for a moment. What was she doing? This wasn't according to the plan. This broke everything IN the plan! Her sister came to her mind...what would Paloma do? She would fight with no hesitation. Pamila looked towards her sister, a small smirk on her face, besides if she didn't do this..who would protect her?

"Cerith Shell Power, Make Up!!"

After a bright flash of light, Pamila felt herself floating in the ocean. It was as if she had become one with the ocean. It was warm and comforting, caressing her body. Bubbles rushed past her and as they passed, a new outfit appeared, one that was orange with red accents, a skirt and large bow at her back. She felt bubbles tickle her at her ears, neck and ankle, a little giggle escaping from her. They left behind beautiful jewelry. Finally, bubbles formed a tiara on her forehead. What an experience this was! She felt liberated--all the worry and stress of sticking to her plans and lists were gone.

When she opened her eyes, she looked at her self, amazed at what she had become.  


Words automatically came to her mouth as she shouted at the monsters.

"Currents ebb and flow for that is the way of life...Guided by the power of the ocean, Sailor Cerith has arrived!
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime21st June 2016, 3:00 am

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Ui25l3Y

She arrived and stopped short when she saw the figure on the water’s edge. Had they drowned? Lina was about to approach the person when suddenly the ground shook. She stared at the creatures emerging from the ocean in disbelief. What in the hell…? She knew squids weren’t that big. They weren’t, right?

She backtracked quickly, deathly afraid, especially when the voice spoke again in her head with words that made her blood run cold. Is this a trap?!

She was about to turn and run while she still could when it spoke again, saying that she needed to fight. That otherwise everyone would be in danger. More tricks? She couldn’t help her curiosity and glanced behind her shoulder once more, only to see the figure now glowing and one of the beams heading for her. Lina shielded her face, thinking she was done for, when instead she found a shell hovering right in front of her, unsupported by anything she could see.

It was a round shell, for all intents and purposes looking just like one of many anyone could find in the sand. But it was calling to her, somehow. Drawing her close.

She glanced at the mysterious woman who now stood tall, commanding her to transform. Senshi?

How beautiful that other woman was. How strong. Could she feel that way again? Could her life no longer be ruled by pain and bitterness? Would being a senshi mean she could find purpose and strength once more?

Before she could think twice about it, Lina reached out toward the shell and, the moment she grasped it, she felt its power flooding through her veins. It was almost like her pain was washed away by the ocean. She closed her eyes and reveled in the rush, in the feeling she always get whenever she swam—how the water felt like an old friend again.

The words escaped as if on their own, “Bubble Shell Power, Make Up!”

The water welcomed her back with a warm embrace, and when it subsided, she stood tall as someone she never knew before.

Sailor Bubble:
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd June 2016, 12:42 pm

The giant squid-like monsters are at the shoreline now! The one on the right sweeps out with its tentacle, sending rocks flying, whilst the other shoots a thick and sticky ink into the air, leaving dark puddles of the liquid on the shoreline. They continue to advance forwards towards the group of senshi, and the woman who gave them their power.

The unnamed woman stops glowing, and falters back, slipping over the ink and falls upon the rocks. She raises her hand, and trickles of ocean water curl around her, shielding her, but the shield wavers and looks thin. She won't be able to maintain it for long.

"Each of you have a power within you that only you can control," she says. Her voice is calm, despite the close presence of the monsters, but her hand shakes from the effort of holding the shield around herself. "Look within yourself, and find that power."

Quote :
Goal: Use your new-found powers to attack and/or protect! Do you attack multiple times, do you work together with someone? Or maybe your character decides to go it alone and attacks by herself? Does your character instead go to the aid of the unnamed woman?

Try to complete this goal by the end of June 24th!
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 3:32 am


Delilah immediately jumped in front of the woman, now no longer as cowardly as she was before. She closed her eyes to feel the harmony of the ocean, and her inner voice spoke to her once more. "Just like an emerald shining under the blue sea, corals are beautiful strings that you feel in a key... As you battle never fear, I'll be right where you are..". The soothing and gentle voice erased all doubts within herself- since when has she become this trusting? 

Opening her eyes and looking sharply at the monsters, she threw both her hands up in the air, "Erato Harp!!" she shouted. With a mystical emerald glow, a shimmering diapason bent to shape like a harp with strings appeared before her. As it levitated on her right hand, she began to play the strings with her left hand. With each beautiful melody being emitted by the harp, pale chartreuse-coloured sound waves were being released towards the monsters, ultimately aiding in throwing them back. 

"Get back you vile creatures of the deep! Return to where you belong!" she shouted as she continued to play the harp, attempting to protect the woman. "If we were to surround them, I know we can definitely weaken them! Let's go girls!" she told the others as she progressively increased the speed of her playing whilst going into a crescendo.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 2:04 pm

Raylene/Sailor Scallop

 Sailor Scallop watched as one of her fellow teammates made a harp appear and started attacking the monsters. "If we were to surround them, I know we can definitely weaken them! Let's go girls!"  Scallop nodded to her new friend and decided to go run over to the woman who gave them their powers and help her quickly. She reached down, "Here take my hand, I will get you out of the range of fire."
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 5:49 pm


Paloma skidded to a stop. A breathtaking woman lay beached on the sand before her. Instantly, she recognized the woman as the source of the voice.

"Paloma!" came the familiar sound of her sisters voice as horrible monsters burst from the ocean's foam. Paloma reached deep and felt power ebbing through her. She knew what she had to do.

Raising her hand to the sky, she called upon her inner strength.

"Dove Shell Power, Make Up!"

A blinding flurry of feathers surged forth. With a gentle caress of each limb, Paloma felt herself changing. A fluttering tulle skirt appeared over her thighs along with a supple beige and purple bodice. Snap! Flash! went two identical gauntlets as they clasped around her wrists. A delicate necklace appeared as she completed the transformation.

Enthusiastic words erupted from her lips, "Lighter than air and sharp as a shell. Sailor Dove, flying high. Be peaceful or beware!"

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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 7:33 pm

Pamila/Sailor Cerith

Pamila eyed around the scene, trying to take in everything that had happened. To her side, Pamila had transformed as well, which gave her a small sense of relief. All around several girls had transformed as well, girls she had never met before but somehow felt a connection to. Some girls had started attacking the squid monster while another had rushed over to the woman who had called them there. She knew they would have to organize and work together but there were too many unknowns. What were their strengths? What were their weakenesses? Once she knew, she could try to formulate a better plan but for now she would need to see what her own powers could do.

She rushed towards the oncoming sea monsters, positioning herself in front of the woman and Sailor Scallop, at least thats what she thought she heard. Words instantly came to her as if she had known how to use the magic within her all her life.

"Cerith Boomerang!"

A boomerang made of seashell formed in her hands and she threw it at the monsters hoping it would do some damage.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 8:20 pm

Paloma/Sailor Dove

Incensed by the scene of girls transforming around her, Paloma felt a righteous fury welling up in her chest.

"If we were to surround them, I know we can definitely weaken them! Let's go girls!" came from a transformed girl nearby. Paloma was quick to trust her direction, barely thinking before throwing herself into the fray.

In a flash, she was was at her sister's side, adding to the human wall forming between the monsters and the woman. Surprisingly, her cautious sister had also transformed, and Paloma knew the two would work better together than alone. They'd grown up side by side and they would fight the same way. Still, she was a little shocked. She thought she knew everything about her sister. When had she become so strong? There was little time to for Paloma to dwell on the point.

Paloma bent at the waist and threw her open palm to the side. "Dove Boomerang!" In a puff of feathers and light, a curved boomerang appeared in her palm. It was silver and looked dainty, but she could feel its strong, sharp edges in her hand. Using the same stance she made moments before to toss the jellyfish at her sister, she cocked her arm back. This time, she dropped nothing, and threw hard, hoping to hit her monstrous target.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 10:46 pm

Kassidy/Sailor Cowry

Kassidy leaped towards the secluded beach, horrified at the scene before her. Large, monstrous sea creatures towered above the sea with eyes inching towards their prey. They flailed their arms, each motion hurdling stones towards them.

She turned slightly to see what was going on. Other girls of varying ages were now hurling beams of light towards the monsters. It weakened the monsters a bit, but not enough to prevent them from spewing sickly ink every which way.

Hearing the sound of ink sickened her and she was glad she was clean. The others seemed to be unphazed, merely brushing the ink and skipping rocks as they attacked.

Oh how she wished she could was frustrated knowing that she wanted to help yet she didn't know how. 

She inched forward and noticed an empty spot away from the monsters, she moved there discreetly to buy herself some time.

Growls and snarls were heard. The sea creatures were getting angrier each passing moment. She had to do something, but what? 

She then a heard a grunt amidst the scene, realizing it came from the woman in her visions. Although far away, Kassidy could see just enough to know the woman was struggling to protect herself. The monsters grew nearer and raisee their mighty arms to throw large rocks at the woman. It was here and niw that Kassidy knew she had to act fast.

She rushed towards the scene breathless. The creatures were much taller now but it didn't intimidate her much, she was more focused on saving the woman.

The monster screamed, ready for the blow. Kassidy thought back to her awakening a few moments ago. She remembered feeling warmth amd determination, a feeling that was ancient and familiar.

She harnessed this feeling, feeling comfort within it. She raised her arms, building power with her hands and uttered, "Cowry Shield!". Streams of waves appeared before her and encircled in a sphere. The water calmed amd flattened as it formed a protective shield of shells.

The boulder immediately bounced back and Kassidy was quite surprised with herself. She continued to keep her shield for as long as her will allowed it, adamant on being the protector she was.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd June 2016, 11:38 pm

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Ui25l3Y

She stared at the approaching monsters, momentarily frozen in terror despite the newfound strength. What had she been thinking? She was an athlete, not a warrior. An injured one at that. Could she do something useful still?

Her gaze fell on the woman who had called them here. She had fallen again, and had formed some sort of protective barrier around herself. She seemed weak. Was she hurt?

A new knowledge filled her; knowledge that she could fix this problem. Pain.

The irony of it struck her, made her wonder if she could take away her own pain, too.

Perhaps she would find out after this, but for now, she would help this woman first.

“Bubble Heal!” she cried, sending the healing power forward toward the woman, hoping she could strengthen her. The others had begun attacking the creatures, but she knew this was what she was meant to do. Hopefully her power worked as she hoped.
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[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th June 2016, 6:11 am

Gertie (Sailor Whelk)

It was only when the others began attacking that Gertie actually realized there was anyone else present. The beach had so many people—all girls like her and all wearing the same strange clothing that had magically appeared on her body when she embraced that glittering shell. And now they were calling out, summoning strange magic. Some threw it towards the writhing squid pair. Others supported the mysterious woman's shield.

What could she do?

The fledgling sailor soldier watched the activity around her and heard the calls, but she did not yet move. The woman's words echoed in her mind: a power that only she could control. This was all too new and too unfamiliar. Gertie was absolutely anything but powerful. She was weak in so many ways—always sick, always exhausted, always left out. Why should this be any different?

A rock, tossed by the destructive whipping of one of the creature's tentacles, zoomed past her. She pulled back, but one sharp edge scratched her upper arm. The pain and suddenness pulled her from the distracting mire of her thoughts. She had little choice right now than to trust that the woman was right.

Sailor Whelk pressed her hands over her heart, closing her eyes for just a moment, trying to focus on that hidden power. An image of the seashell from before flashed through her mind, followed immediately by the emotional memory of that recent experience. Gertie felt something welling up inside of her, spiraling like the sea shell.

The blonde held out her left hand, and as she closed her fingers a long spear materialized there. She felt the ridges of the decorated pole under her fingertips, cool as the ocean, topped with a beautiful narrow conch shell to serve as the blade. The weapon looked like something from a mermaid's army, and it felt familiar—an extension of her own arm.

The sailor soldier whirled around, her long rose bow spiraling around her like that same twirl of the shell. Her violet eyes focused on one of the squids, narrowing.

"Whelk Spear!" she cried, sending it flying.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2016, 6:43 am

Abigail/Sailor Lyonsia

All around her stood girls with power - girls similar to herself. Though differing in color and a few designs, it was easy to see that their transformations had left each of them with very similar outfits. It further enchanced that feeling of them being a group, of belonging with each other.

It was a strange feeling - Abigail wasn't sure she understood it completely, but she didn't dislike it either. She hated to be alone, and right now, being alone was not a problem. Girls were springing into action, and Abigail did not want to be the one left behind in all of this. She would act too! No need to think about the wild situation, the thrilling fear, or the implications of what had just happened between them all.

There'd be time for that later.

She could feel a power within herself, bursting to get out. The attack call came to her lips without hesitation, and she pointed it towards the monsters. "Lyonsia Rain!"

As sharp bits of shell rained down from the sky and pierced the slimy skin of the monsters, half of Abigail couldn't believe the outcome of her words, while the other half - the stronger half - had never expected anything else.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2016, 7:20 am

The monsters are getting angrier, but their thrashing is getting weaker. The attacks from the newly transformed senshi have met their marks, and the squid-like creatures scream in rage as each hit connects. The sound is high pitched and screechy, leaving a ringing in the air.

As Sailor Scallop approaches the fallen woman, she looks up to the girl, and reaches out a shaking hand, struggling to stand. Sailor Cowry's shield helps to protect them from any incoming attacks, and as Sailor Bubble's healing magic glows within the woman, suddenly her shaking stops.

Now she stands on her own, no longer weak, and looks to each of the three girls in turn. Her voice is easy to hear, even amongst the noise of battle. "Thank you," she says. Something like a smile comes to her lips, but it is gone soon after, and she turns her attention onto the monsters, and onto the senshi group as a whole.

The squid creatures struggle now to retaliate, though they continue to make noise at their aggressors.

"It is time to end this battle, Corrupted!" Her voice carries across, reaching each senshi in turn. She has raised her arms now, extending towards the monsters - her hands glow a dark color, a sparkling mix between blue and purple and bright teal. "Please, lend me your powers, my Seashell Senshi! Let's finish this together!"

Quote :
Goal: Send some of your power to the woman!

Try to reach this goal by the end of June 26th!
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2016, 12:21 pm


All of the girls around her seemed to suddenly change - the personalities she witnessed on the beach seemed to dissipate, and almost all of them gained a strange aura of confidence and strength. It was refreshing to see, but frustrating at the same time.

No one was communicating. Everyone was just doing their own thing, using their new powers recklessly.

This was why Janette preferred to work alone.

She didn't attack, despite her adrenaline and her anger at having her day ruined. She let these other girls do as they pleased. If they needed her, she would step in.

She heard the woman from earlier yelling a request to end the battle. Janette narrowed her eyes, wondering if this woman was even on their side. Sure, she was the one who gave them their powers, but what if she had some sort of alternative motive? What if she only gave them her powers so that they could strengthen her?

Janette's strategic, calculating brain was whirring, and she needed to get another person's thoughts. So she grabbed the nearest person, a girl with orange hair and apparent healing powers, and pulled her within whispering distance.

"Do you trust her?" Janette hissed.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach   [Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 I_icon_minitime25th June 2016, 9:56 pm

[Casual Event] A Trip To Naida Beach - Page 2 Ui25l3Y

She brightened in relief when her power seemed to work and healed the mysterious woman as intended. The feeling of being able to help someone lifted her spirits, and she returned the woman’s smile. When she asked for them to send their powers to her, Sailor Bubble was about to comply, when suddenly one of the other girls grabbed her. She jumped in surprise, almost reflexively moving to defend herself, before she realized it was not one of the creatures.

“You shouldn’t startle someone in high tense situations,” she admonished. She frowned at the other senshi’s question, looking back towards the unnamed woman.

“I wouldn’t say trust, exactly, but does it not feel right? Maybe if you can’t trust her, you should trust your instincts. Even if I say I trusted her, can you then trust me and my decision? Also,” she nodded her head at the creatures. “It’s either helping her or them. For me the choice is clear.”

Lina herself was a very cautious person, but she was also used to functioning intuitively, trusting her instincts. Right now, though her brain had no idea what was going on, her heart knew this woman felt like the right choice, and so she sent her power forward to connect with hers.
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