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 [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 9:07 am

[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] COLXROR

Welcome to the first phase of The Lunar Chronicles event. These events (yes, there will be more than one!) will be our way of exploring the Sailor Moon canon that was never really fleshed out in any of its incarnations. We will be traversing through time and replaying the characters' journeys from the very beginning to the end, filling in holes that the anime, the manga, the musical, and the live action have failed to fill in for us!

All characters will be canon only, and they will run within a specific timeframe (in this case, one month) as a special event to ensure the storyline is finished.

Every few months, there will be one phase of event held. These will go chronologically, from the past to the future, in the following phases.

Phase I: New Moon - Early Silver Millennium
Phase II: Waxing Moon - The Fall of Silver Millennium
Phase III: Full Moon - Tokyo 20th Century
Phase IV: Waning Moon - Crystal Tokyo

We are now opening the first phase. This event will start on January 1st, 2015 and will run until the end of the month. The goal is to finish this phase within that month. As such, you will have to follow an activity rule of being able to post at least every 48 hours.

Phase I Premise:
It is the golden days of Silver Millennium. Young Princess Serenity is coming of age, surrounded by her beloved guardian senshi. On a forbidden journey to Earth, the planet she has always wished to see with her own eyes, she will meet its heir, Prince Endymion, for the first time. And when the guardian senshi follow her, they, too, will meet the Endymion's four Generals, and learn that maybe relationships between the denizens of the earth and the moon aren't so terrible after all. Meanwhile, in the shadows, Beryl watches Endymion, wanting him for herself and cultivating her own ambition to be the future queen of earth...

Simply put, this first phase will explore the first meetings of the moon and earth royalties. Whether or not romance blossoms between them is up to the roleplayers who sign up to play both characters (with the exception of Serenity & Endymion, because their relationship is a huge part of the plot). So you are not required to play the senshi/shitennou pairings, unless both parties agree they want to!

- You must have an approved Advanced profile of the canon character you wish to claim. However, you may claim them here first, then write the profile. You have until the event starts (January 1st, 2015) to get that profile approved - if you fail, your claim will be given to someone else with an approved profile. Because of the nature of the event (heavily based on canon), I need to be sure everyone who signs up understands the character they're playing very well! Don't worry, I've given Sailor Neptune a heads up and we will both do our best to expedite the process of your profile approval. If you need help writing your profile, I'm happy to help out too! I really don't want this rule to discourage anyone. I promise you it will be easier to get an Advanced profile approved than you think.
- You have to be able to post at least every other day throughout the whole month, because the goal is to finish the phase before the end! This isn't going to be a regular storyline where we can keep posting for a long time, but hopefully we can put in a lot of activity during the entire month and get some pretty great interactions going!

Sign up below with your chosen canon character, I will update the cast list as often as I can. Don't forget to link your approved profile of your claimed character or, if you don't have one yet, to let me know.

Available Characters

Beryl (as yet uncorrupted) - Sailor Seren
Princess Serenity - Miss Moon Rose
Prince Endymion - Sailor Uranus
Sailor Mercury - JupiterThunderCrash
Sailor Mars - Childlike Empress
Sailor Jupiter - Artemis
Sailor Venus - Sailor Mercury
Jadeite - Goddess Yami
Nephrite - Addelyn
Zoisite - Addelyn
Kunzite - Miss Moon Rose
Luna - Princess Luna
Artemis - Sailor Venus

Important Character Notes:
We will be playing the Silver Millennium versions of everyone. This means the girls won't be Ami, Rei, Mako, or Minako. They are Princess/Sailor Mercury, Mars, Jupiter and Venus. You may add in slight differences in their personality than their present day's personality, but don't go completely the opposite either.

At this point in time, Beryl is an ordinary sorceress with relatively weak to moderate powers and hasn't met Metalia yet. Working on the palace, she already covets Endymion, dreaming about one day becoming his bride.

Sign ups will close December 31st,
but if you don't put in your claim quickly, you may lose the opportunity to play your most preferred character!
Claim is treated on a first come, first serve basis.

Last edited by Sailor Snowflake on 1st January 2015, 5:41 am; edited 19 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 9:14 am

I would like to sign up as Sailor Jupiter
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 9:18 am

I'll sign up as Sailor Mercury, and start working on a profile.
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 10:14 am

I'll take Kunzite! Very Happy
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 10:45 am

I'll take luna!!

I may have an approved Luna profile somewhere I'll have to look. If not I'll make a new one
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 10:59 am

Zoisite reporting for duty!
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 11:14 am

Everyone has been added! Excited because the cast is filling up quickly Very Happy
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Tiny Kitten
Diana Emeritus

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 11:34 am

I wanted to sign up but but I fail with keeping up with rp's ;-;

EDIT: I'd like Artemis please!!
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 12:49 pm

I'll keep poking you repeatedly xD
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 3:50 pm

I saw the "announcement" on Tumblr and thought it sounded like fun, but now I'm beginning to wonder if I don't need more RPG experience to take part in something like this. If you guys think a newbie could pull it off, could I have Sailor Mars? If so, I'll start making a character profile Smile

(P.S. I won't get upset if you say I should start with something else Razz)

Last edited by Childlike Empress on 20th December 2014, 4:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:00 pm

ADDY HOW DARE YOU TAKE ZOISITE FROM ME!!  [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] 1404836419

I shall claimed Jadeite then.
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:03 pm

:'( I'm sorry.
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Goddess Yami
Lotus Crystal

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:03 pm

[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] 1955989781
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:14 pm

So I have an approved Luna from a really long time ago, before we had advanced and relaxed RP. Is this still okay or should I edit it?
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:25 pm

Ask for it to be marked as advanced. It probably won't be a lot of changes. Just add a new comment asking it to be made advanced and if anything needs to be added Neptune will tell you.
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:27 pm

Okay! Thanks Addy! Smile
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:28 pm

No probs!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:37 pm

Childlike Empress wrote:
I saw the "announcement" on Tumblr and thought it sounded like fun, but now I'm beginning to wonder if I don't need more RPG experience to take part in something like this. If you guys think a newbie could pull it off, could I have Sailor Mars? If so, I'll start making a character profile Smile

(P.S. I won't get upset if you say I should start with something else Razz)
Welcome! XD 

I think so long as you are able to keep up with the activity level Sailor Mercury (Snowflake) has requested and create an advanced profile for Sailor Mars, you should be okay! Starting here would only be an issue if you don't think you'll be able to keep up or have doubts as to whether you believe you could portray Mars. ^^
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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:51 pm

Can I claim queen serenity? We really don't know much about her, other then that she was a wise and gentle yet firm ruler. If I were to make an advance profile for her with that little information; would that be alright since we literally know so little?
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:55 pm

Cosmos-Hime, Queen Serenity is NOT an available character to play. Please refer to the first post for available characters.

EDIT: Tired Addy is tired and apologizes for missing Queen Serenity on the list @.@

Last edited by Addelyn on 20th December 2014, 4:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 4:56 pm

Cosmos-Hime wrote:
Can I claim queen serenity? We really don't know much about her, other then that she was a wise and gentle yet firm ruler. If I were to make an advance profile for her with that little information; would that be alright since we literally know so little?
That would be just fine. With canon characters we know very little about, filling out a profile with headcanon is the only way to go. ^^ The profile is an exercise in getting familiar with your character, and provides a guideline you can look back on later if you forget them, or question how they would act in certain situations. It's a resource for you. ^^

XD Addy, look again!
Quote :
Available Characters

Queen Serenity - 
Beryl (as yet uncorrupted) -
Princess Serenity -
Prince Endymion -
Sailor Mercury - JupiterThunderCrash (Profile Pending)
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 5:00 pm

Tired Addy is tired @.@ Sorry!!  [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] 1286073631
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 5:01 pm

Princess Serenity
Prince Endymion

Wow!! XD Less than a day after sign-ups open and these are the ones left after tentative claims! 

[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] 2628594703 I'd like in but I'll wait to see who else wants whom XD Of the remaining peeps I'd be happy to play any of them
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 5:43 pm

Sailor Figgypudding wrote:
Childlike Empress wrote:
I saw the "announcement" on Tumblr and thought it sounded like fun, but now I'm beginning to wonder if I don't need more RPG experience to take part in something like this. If you guys think a newbie could pull it off, could I have Sailor Mars? If so, I'll start making a character profile Smile

(P.S. I won't get upset if you say I should start with something else Razz)
Welcome! XD 

I think so long as you are able to keep up with the activity level Sailor Mercury (Snowflake) has requested and create an advanced profile for Sailor Mars, you should be okay! Starting here would only be an issue if you don't think you'll be able to keep up or have doubts as to whether you believe you could portray Mars. ^^

Thank you! No, I don't think I'd have issues with either of those things. I have a very "Mars" temperament anyway, so it comes naturally [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] 868675979
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Lotus Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 5:44 pm

I look forward to seeing you in the event Empress! If you need any help with your profile, don't hesitate to PM me Very Happy
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 5:46 pm

Welcome! I think it's always great to have new people RPing! I agree with Uranus. As long as you think you can do it, you should be good. Smile
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Pyramidal Crystal


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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 6:22 pm

Thank you for the support, guys!  ❤ Cheers
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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 6:50 pm

Thanks uranus. I'll make a profile for queen serenity as soon as possible. I have one final on monday and then I'm done. Expect a profile on her to be up within the next 3 days. ^^
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 7:51 pm

I think I got everyone's claim?

Yami I need a link to your Jadeite profile, unless you don't have one yet?

Thanks for answering questions, Kyra and Addy! And thanks for being so interested in this, guys! I'm glad I could attract some new RPers and that you guys aren't intimidated to join!! ^^

I'm very surprised we haven't filled the main roles yet xD
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 7:53 pm

Hey Kyra, you should play Endymion xD
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[RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] Empty
PostSubject: Re: [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC]   [RPG Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase I: New Moon [OOC] I_icon_minitime

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