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 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon

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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 8:13 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  HX2el0I

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  H2bjrzG

Since Sailor Galaxia's defeat, the world has been relatively peaceful. The senshi have been able to lead somewhat normal lives and do everything they previously couldn't in the name of putting duty first. However, they have knowledge of the future and that future now looms before them. Usagi is approaching the age in which she is meant to become Neo Queen Serenity, and no one (except maybe Pluto, who certainly isn't sharing her knowledge) knows how that will happen or how the world would change.

They are about to.

The fourth phase will explore the destruction that led to the rise of Crystal Tokyo.

Starting Points:
The girls are currently on their early twenties. Where they are now in life is up to you to decide - most of them have achieved their dreams since senshi duties no longer became a burden. Since pursuing their own dreams, however, they have not talked as much with each other and haven't seen each other in a while. Some of them could even have been abroad if you wish. They just happen to all be in Tokyo at this very moment.

Ami has noticed a strange pattern of activity lately, a culminating energy of sorts that feels unsettling. She has tried to analyze it but has not been able to come to a conclusion. All she knows is that these suspicious activities are happening at six different points in the city. At first unsure if she should bring it up, she didn't contact anyone, but today the girls have decided to have a little reunion at Hikawa Shrine since everyone has been away from each other for a while. Perhaps an opportunity to bring up her concerns would arise.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  CA8M2sU

  • All out of character discussions must be posted in the OOC thread or the Skype chat. If you have any OOC questions, please post in either place!
  • Anyone may post first, following the starting points stated above.
  • This is an Advanced RP event; please make sure your posts are 100 words or more.
  • There is no posting order.
  • Event host has the right to move plot forward if deemed necessary, but everyone should feel free to explore their characters as much as they wish with each other.
  • Players must post at least once every 48 hours to avoid being replaced by someone more active.
  • Event ends on March 31st, 2016.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  On2pXRE

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  MBtlOXX [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  MWpmAqS 
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  LX1Z4ie [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  KsVxKH3 
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  KjdPIw0 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  2hWybwc

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I2K7CFA [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  E8GWNaH [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  QZ0vjLr [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  OWmiCMt
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  LuqS8R1 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  UWq7Lqh [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  JSmJfVD [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  KzCJThz
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  H1n6auk [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  R8GcKh6 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  4Zgcgne [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Ql8zPAR

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  5MG6QNQ [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  OMFku05 
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Z9PVFBv [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  TvOQuLz
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  NV3T2HD [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  KjdPIw0

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 1st March 2016, 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 8:54 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Tlc_ju10

When the bus finally arrived at the bottom of Sendai Hill, Makoto picked up the medium sized box on the seat next o her, and got off at the familiar stop. On top of the hill was Hikawa Shrine. She hadn't been here in person for over a year, and she hesitated at the bottom of the shrine's many steps. 

After Sailor Galaxia had been beaten, their lives had become normal again, and that meant that the group had inevitably started drifting off in different career directions. Makoto had gone to a smaller college for the first couple of years after high school, and then saved enough of her funds to buy a small storefront to start off her business, the bakery and flower nursery she had dreamed of owning for so long.

Despite her bakery's size, it had quickly grown popular as word spread about her food's quality, and she wasn't struggling for customers by any means. But as excited as Makoto was about that, it had required moving to the outskirts of Tokyo, making it difficult to visit her friends.

Sure, they called each other, but it wasn't the same as physically being together like they used to. That was the hardest part of moving away. She had jumped at the chance to meet up again, and after making sure to delegate any work at her shop to her few, but dedicated employees, scheduled a short vacation to to to the reunion. 

Hopefully the cake she had made would make up for some of the time together lost, but she still wondered how the others had been. Her friends couldn't have changed that much, right? Having reassured herself that it would turn out okay, she started walking up to the shrine.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 11:47 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  PfPFUou

Anyone other than Ami Mizuno would have been too exhausted to make time for a gathering with friends. It was her final year of medical school, and in true "girl genius" fashion she was determined not to be a "repeater"—one of the students who has to take their courses a second time. The blue-haired young woman didn't think any less of those who took 9 or 10 years to complete their programs; she acknowledged that the curriculum and training required time and energy that could be difficult for most to manage. That certainly didn't mean there was any slack for her own self, of course. No, certainly not. This was what she had spent her entire youth preparing for. Those endless cram school classes would not be in vain!

Of course... it wasn't just that she wanted to see Usagi and the others.

She pursed her lips, thin eyebrows tilting to express her concerns. That strange feeling... it was so... She didn't quite know how to describe it. Or, at least, that's what she told herself. In fact she knew exactly how to describe it. It felt like "sailor soldier business". She remembered all those feelings, knowing when some kind of dark force was near. This new information, it was something like that had been. But of course it was nothing to worry about. Galaxia, their greatest enemy, had been defeated. This couldn't be what she feared.

Ami told herself that over and over again, but she didn't feel any better about it.

She didn't want to bother everyone. How many nights had she stayed up far too late, hours after her homework was all finished and her work for the next day's shift at the local hospital prepared. Her only companion was the blue light of her computer's screen, reflecting off the lenses of her glasses with the flow of data. Studying the map, looking at the six points across Tokyo that seemed to concentrate this new energy. So many hours passed that now she could see it when she closed her eyes, the web of roads always waiting behind her eyelids.

The medical student adjusted her grip on the cloth-wrapped bottle of sake, her poor contribution to the reunion, picked up at the nearest convenience store. Ami could see the hill of the shrine coming closer and closer in the distance, but her heart and mind couldn't decide whether she was longing to return to that spot or dreading what it might bring.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

Title : 'some witty/deep quote about life that makes ppl laugh/think here'
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 3:21 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  WrGekha
Rei had returned from a recent trip in New York City, where she had attended a conference on employee morale, to the shrine two days before the group decided to meet.  While she enjoyed being able to travel, thanks to her MBA, and increasing her skillset at conferences and the like, Rei still enjoyed returning home to the shrine.  Here she could separate herself from the stress of the world and ensure that her grandfather's health remained positive. 

While the girls had communicated, shared calls, asked for advice, sent postcards and the like, today was the first time they would see each other in a long time.   Of course Rei made up for her absence by making sure that the shrine was as clean and respectable as it could be, though the old man did a pretty good job by himself.  While she wondered what all of them coming together meant, she was looking forward to seeing everyone, though she wouldn't overly express that.  Even now she was in her traditional miko, sweeping the front steps, waiting for the others to arrive.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: V on the Scene.   [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 5:53 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  11j0jQz

Five years...has it really been that long?

Minako gazed out of their chauffeur's dark tinted car windows. The last five years had been a blur, graduating high school...auditioning to be an idol and actually becoming one (maybe with a little help getting her foot in the door from Michiru)! Everyone had been able to achieve their dreams and with years of peace! The Sailor Soldiers of Love were really something.

We can't be the soldiers of love forever...

She sighed. Why did dark thoughts always have to cross her mind when things were looking so good in her life?

"That's because you will always put your duty first."

Minako jumped, surprised at the silence being broken. She turned to give a puzzled look at the slightly older male sitting next to her.

"Artemis, how did you--?"

"I could see your face in the reflection," he grinned at her. Minako flashed her normal grin back. Artemis could always tell what was on her mind just by reading her face. In these last few years, Artemis had really been her rock and the BEST manager a young budding idol could ask for.

"And I can see in your face that you are getting tired. Will you be able to keep this up?"

Artemis snorted at her worries, "Of course, I can. Luna has to see how dashing I've become!"

The car turned a corner and began going up a hill. Minako realized where they were. Sendai Hill! That meant they were getting closer to Hikawa Shrine. She could see a figure as the car drove up the hill.

"Oh oh! Artemis, it's Mako!!" She squealed and rolled down the window as they passed the tall brunette.

"MAKOTO KINO!" She shouted and flashed a V sign at her.

"Hurry up slow poke!" The car passed up Makoto. Artemis rolled his eyes, Minako could've at least offered her a ride...

Rolling the window back up, Minako was grinning from ear to ear. This was going to be a fun reunion.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 7:37 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Tlc_ju10

Makoto was still near the bottom of the hill when she heard someone familiar yell her name. She stopped and turned around just in time to see a blonde head sticking out of a fancy looking car's tinted windows. Was that...?


"Hurry up, slow poke!" Makoto's eyebrow twitched as the car passed her completely. That was Minako alright... Someone certainly wasn't getting a slice of cake today. Though it did remind her of Minako's teasing from years ago. Makoto made sure her grip on her box was good before running up the rest of the stairs, determined to beat Minako to the top.

As soon as she reached the shrine itself, she saw Rei standing outside, sweeping as usual. Only slightly winded, she grinned and called to her.

"Hey, I'm not late, am I?"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 8:11 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  11j0jQz

The car came to a stop and the driver didn't even get to the door before Minako burst out of the car.

"Mako! Rei!" She ran up to them and stopped looking Rei up and down. "Well you certainly haven't changed!"

While Rei was in her traditional miko garb, Minako looked like she had walked out of a fashion magazine, wearing a bright blue patterned sleeveless dress that went to just above the knees. There was a yellow accent ribbon tied around her waist and she wore 3 inch yellow pumps to match, however her trademark red bow was still there.

As she was saying her hellos, Artemis stepped out of the car with oversized rectangular shaped sunglasses, most likely Raybans or some other high fashion sunlasses. He stood a little behind Minako, keeping quiet and too himself. It was important to keep up the...mystery.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 8:49 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  YG2qP0k

Usagi was going to see her bestest friends again after years.

Okay, maybe not years, but it certainly felt like it since all five of them were gathered in one place. She’d saw one or two—or three if she were very lucky—of her friends at one time, and then one would be missing and she’d feel that pang of longing once more, instinctively glancing toward the empty spot, drawn toward it with worry and yearning.

She knew they were all okay—she made sure to check every day, or, when that aggravated Rei and became impossible for Ami, at least once a week, just to make sure they were still alive. She knew there was nothing to worry about anymore, but she couldn’t help it. Usagi needed her people around her at all times. That was why these past few years had been such a struggle, and why today was incredibly important.

She had finally settled on her outfit after changing at least five times, brushed her hair at least three times, making sure her odango were just right, then ran around like a crazy person trying to tick everything in her list. Perfume, bag, tissue, snacks—because of course she needed snacks, and even though she’d be raiding the shrine as well, she still needed extra just to be safe—and what else? Phone, right. She was a very forgetful bunny sometimes, and she wanted to make sure today was perfect—and did she have all the manga she needed to return to Rei that she might have sneakily taken from the shrine while the miko was in America and Grandpa kindly let her in so she could sit in Rei’s room and pretend Rei was there, yelling at her as she rummaged through her secret manga stash? Usagi needed to put them back before Rei noticed they were gone (who was she kidding, Rei would have noticed, of course she would have, but at this point her yelling would be a comfort rather than an aggravation).

Usagi put her last item in her bag, checked to see that she was wearing her favorite crescent moon necklace, and turned on Mamoru, who was sitting calmly on the bed. “Mamo-chan! Why aren’t you ready?! We’re running late, and I can’t be late again because I am a mature grown lady now and not in school anymore! That’s it; I’m going to have to leave you behind, or you’re going to have to run and catch up to me somehow.”

Usagi didn’t really like leaving Mamoru alone much ever since… Well, since then. That was partially why she’d practically moved in with him for the last few years—she only didn’t make it official for her father’s sake, because Kenji might cry again or try to beat up Mamoru for stealing his only daughter before properly marrying her, which, by the way, would totally happen soon because they were engaged, for real with a real ring instead of a promise ring, which she was totally going to show off to everyone because it was so pretty and she was so proud of it and she couldn’t wait to marry her dearest Mamo-chan!

Usagi hadn’t done much else other than taking care of him; after she graduated from high school, she had taken classes here and there for random things that interested her, like pottery or making bracelets or that one time she talked Motoki into letting her become a waitress in Crown Fruit Parlor and managed to impress the customers with how well she knew the menu and how she could make the best recommendations tailored for everyone’s different taste. She also occasionally worked at the daycare center, enjoying being around small children (she felt she was practicing for Chibiusa, on account of how apparently she’d done a terrible job the first time around based on what she knew of the future), all of which she enjoyed. She also found she had a knack for those street advertisement jobs where she had to be a burger or a donut or a dinosaur handing balloons and flyers to people—being a very convincing food item was apparently part of her hidden talents.

But for the most part, she was living the dream that she always had—being Mamoru’s future wife. She made sure he was properly fed—she was much better at making curry now, if she did say so herself—keeping him safe (there were times when she sat awake at night just looking at him sleep, content to know that he was safe and not kidnapped or brainwashed or otherwise harmed in any way), glad to be just beside him, and especially because her friends were gone, she was able to find company in him as he did in her. She was truly happy now, happy and carefree, no longer having the weight of the world upon her shoulder.

And today she would be even happier, if Mamoru would just hurry up already.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

Title : 'some witty/deep quote about life that makes ppl laugh/think here'
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime1st March 2016, 10:32 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  WrGekha
Rei had just been sweeping the front grounds near the stairs, lost in thought, when she was simultaneously greeted by Makoto and Minako.  It hadn't even been ten seconds and they were already a whirlwind of energy.  She sighed loudly, though the edges of her mouth did have a certain uptick to them.  She answered Makoto first, "No you're actually the first ones here," a smile gifted to her friend bearing a cake.  For Minako she smirked and replied, "Well I always cool so I didn't really need to change." 

For just a moment, her thoughts were intruded on by the strange energy she had sensed earlier.  She couldn't quite place her finger on what it meant, but she worried that something was coming.  While it seemed that Ami was also aware of this presence, she wondered just how much they would know about it before something happened.  If only she could figure it out...

The raven haired miko quickly turned her attention back to her first two arrivals, hoping that her distraction was unnoticeable.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 6:41 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  PfPFUou

She spotted Makoto from a distance, recognizing the brunette's tall figure and ponytail, but before she could say something there was an altercation with a sleek car... and moments later, Ami watched her two friends race up the stairs to the shrine. She longed to join them, to add her voice in among their chatter and run to catch up... but instead the blue-haired girl hung back, the fingers on her parcel clutched even tighter.

The lump that settled in her throat was a familiar one. All those years yearning for friends, watching others smile and giggle with each other. Her mind knew that these were her very closest and dearest companions, so why did her heart feel so confused? The blue eyes watching the brunette and blonde shined with melancholy longing. Ami couldn't seem to find her voice to call out and join in. Instead she watched them as they disappeared up the stairs, left with only her loneliness for company.

The petite young woman sighed and rubbed the bridge of her nose. Maybe she was simply exhausted from so much studying. Major exams completed only last week (which of course Ami topped the scores for)—maybe this could be counted as residual from all of the necessary preparations.

When Ami reached the top of the stairs, she forced a smile and gave a small wave with her one free hand.

"Good day, everyone," she greeted politely, hoping the others wouldn't notice her unease and slight hesitation.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 9:36 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  WOrwwic

Michiru had not been in Tokyo for at least six months, and she had to admit, she’d kind of missed it. Not the battles, not the senshi stuff—she was only too happy to put it all behind her—but the city. The city that she grew up in, the city where she met Haruka, where she discovered her love for music and where her new family was. Her chosen family, for she never really cared for the one she was saddled with.

It was ironic that being a senshi was what led her to them, because Michiru loved Hotaru, Haruka, and Setsuna about as much as she loved not having to fight and thinking about dying or sacrifices. Her life was full of irony that way.

A couple days ago Setsuna mentioned that Usagi and her friends were having a reunion today because all five of them happened to be in Tokyo for once, and she had glanced at Haruka, knowing what her partner was thinking already. No doubt Haruka would want to drop by. She’d always had a soft spot for that kitten, as Haruka liked to call her.

So they had decided to drop by Hikawa Shrine.

“How long has it been since we’ve seen the girls?” she wondered out loud now as she walked alongside Haruka to the shrine. Hotaru was unfortunately not in town, and Setsuna just shrugged enigmatically when Michiru asked if she wanted to come, so for now it was just the two of them. “I kind of miss them. I wonder how Minako-chan’s career is going.”

Michiru knew, of course, she kept track of everyone whom she helped, and Minako was not an exception. The girl had, in fact, done very well, but that did not surprise her. Michiru had long seen the drive and ambition fueling the soldier of love, and now that she was finally able to free herself from the chains of her duty, the world finally got the chance to know the real Minako Aino.

Michiru herself had been touring the world as a violinist, her own music career taking off even more than before. She preferred to travel with Haruka if possible, because Paris and Rome weren’t as gorgeous when she was alone, and anyway, she knew Haruka would like a little lovely gondola ride in Venice. They’d had a grand honeymoon tour—it was entirely appropriate to call it that for it was nothing else—in between her performances and concerts. Luckily, more often than not their schedules didn’t clash, or rather she tried to make sure her touring dates didn’t coincide with Haruka’s racing season.

Something was different about Haruka lately, though. She seemed… lost. Unsettled. Michiru wondered why, and she also wondered what the dark shadow in the Deep Aqua Mirror was all about. She’d noticed it as soon as she arrived back in Tokyo last week, checking the mirror if only out of habit, and the sea had whispered unsettling things to her.

She hoped it wasn’t a bad omen. Not when they’d all finally gotten their happy ending.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 10:49 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  11j0jQz

Artemis has noticed Ami walking up before the girls and coughed to get Minako's attention. Just as Ami got her greeting out, Minako turned around excitedly.

"AMI!" She immediately embraced her. She stepped back and smiled brightly at her. Pausing for a moment and smile slightly fading as something felt off about Ami. Maybe she was just tired, Ami was in super hard university studying whatever it was (Minako knew but she often forgot because as soon as high school was done she threw half her education out of the window. Studying? What's that?)

Fighting the urge to bring it up, she made sure to keep the happy smile on her face. It had been so long since they all had last seen each other, this needed to be a happy reunion.

"So, it looks like we are all here," she looked around, "Except...Usagi." Well it certainly was like Usagi to be the last to arrive but usually Mamoru keeps her in check and, she glanced at her phone for the time, she technically wasn't late...yet.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 11:27 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  PfPFUou

Ami softed in Minako's enthusiastic embrace, her smile now a bit more real and less forced.

"Good to see you, Minako-chan," she replied. "Makoto-chan. Rei-chan," she continued, nodding her head at each in turn, the smile brightening a bit as her eyes registered the faces of her beloved comrades.

Yes, maybe it had been too long. All of that studying, all of those long hours at the local hospitals, all of the exams and lectures... That wore a person down. It was important, of course; it supported Ami's greatest dream: to be a doctor. But perhaps this was a sign that she should take more time and effort to stay in contact with the people who mattered most to her. She had almost forgotten what it felt like to be in their presence.

Of course, the most important one was missing.

Ami gave a slight chuckle at Minako's comment about Usagi. How "Usagi" of her to be the last one to arrive.

"This feels nostalgic, doesn't it?" she said softly to the group, the bemused smile still on her lips.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 11:36 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  RiGh9gS

"All at once like this? A few years I supposed," Haruka replied as they walked to the shrine. She wanted their arrival to surprise her kitten and it wouldn't do for the surprise to be spoiled simply because someone saw her car so she had parked a little ways back, just out of sight.

"You mean you don't know how her career's going?" Haruka joked. "And here I thought you kept tabs on all the talented young people you help."

It was good to be with her lover again. She knew that Michiru attempted to schedule her tours around Haruka's racing seasons, something which the blonde very much appreciated as it made it easier for them to spend time together with their rather often than not hectic schedules. Although now it wouldn't be an issue. Having arrived in Tokyo a few days after her lover, Haruka still hadn't been able to tell Michiru that she had decided to retire from race car driving. It wasn't as if there hadn't been plenty of opportunities or that she couldn't find the words, but rather she knew her fellow outer senshi would want to know why and Haruka couldn't really answer her. 

Part of it she knew was because it had become routine. How was it a challenge anymore when she always won by a long shot. There hadn't been a driver in a long time that tested her skills; she'd become bored. The other part? All she could really say was that in her gut she knew it was the right thing to do. She couldn't put it any other way. It made little sense to her, normally when she had gut feelings they were more concrete than this, but she'd long ago learned to listen to her instincts. Haruka hadn't figured out what she was gong to do now that she'd retired. 

She was also restless, something that had increased since she'd returned to Tokyo, the wind whispering about things to come. None of what it was saying made any sense but it had put her on edge. Haruka could tell that Michiru had sensed something similar. Would they have to return to their duties?

Part of Haruka had relished the freedom from them but another part knew that one day they would have to return to being senshi, after all, Usagi would one day ascend to be Neo Queen Serenity. With the time line altered due to the Black Moon Clan, there was no telling if she would ascend earlier or later or even right when she had before.  

Even after she became their Queen, would she be in need of her outer soldiers? Or would they be released from their duties. The idea of never serving her future Queen again didn't sit right with Haruka. She needed to be there to protect her kitten. It was too much of a part of who she was - a soldier - to deny it. 

"There's something coming, isn't there?" she asked her partner, her tone suddenly serious. The question was, if there was something coming, was it that same something that made Usagi their Queen or was it something entirely different, something with the capability to alter their future all together.

Last edited by Addelyn on 2nd March 2016, 1:05 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 11:51 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Tlc_ju10

It took a moment for Makoto to realize what Minako was wearing. She must have come off a commercial shoot or a rehearsal to be dressed like that. Not to mention her car. Minako certainly was living like an idol would, and it suited her well.

Makoto followed Minako over when Ami arrived, greeting her as well, leaving only Usagi and Mamoru to wait for. 

"Yeah, it is nostalgic in a way..." Makoto said, before looking concerned. "And speaking of old times, Ami-chan, have you been taking care of yourself in school? I'll cook something to take back with you if you need it..." She shuddered to think about the endless sandwiches and microwavable convenience store foods she'd been eating in university. 

She was planning to make dinner for everyone anyway, and she always ended up making way more than they could eat so Usagi could have thirds if she wanted.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  PfPFUou

The blue-haired medical student chuckled softly at Makoto's concern. It was so normal. This whole thing, meeting everyone here, it was so familiar. Those middle school and high school years had been the best of Ami's entire life, and she was reminded so strongly of that now. There had been a part of her, a strange and selfish part, that thought things would be "better" when she wasn't fighting against evil. It thought that not having interruptions and other things that detracted from her time studying to become a doctor would be "easier". Now she realized how untrue that was!

"Oh yes, I'm doing alright, Makoto-chan," she replied. "I have enough time to make sandwiches in-between my classes and training."

In fact, she made them in bulk for the week and could even freeze and thaw them as needed. It was a very efficient process.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime2nd March 2016, 10:01 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Zz3nQy5
In all honesty, he had been ready for over an hour when Usako declared him unfit to travel - he really didn't need to do much to prepare beyond getting dressed and that he had handled hours before, so the flurry of activity that had taken over his bedroom had been purely of Usako's design. A slight smile had never left his face as she passed back and forth from her section of the closet to the mirror to the bathroom to the dressing table and back again, stopping midway with an exclamation halfway under her breath about snacks or perfume or manga, then rushing off to deposit something in her bag before continuing on her apparent quest for just the right outfit. While she posed and pondered and tried on other pieces, he stretched out on his bed, thumbing through a field guide to refresh his memory, testing himself to make sure he still recalled all the important pieces of various classes - mineralogy this time - as he waited for her to be completely satisfied and declare it time to leave; when he saw her applying perfume and triple-checking her buns, he sat up, straightening his shirt as he reviewed various offshoots of jade - knowing her, he knew the decision would be abrupt, but he hadn't really understood exactly how nervous she was until she rounded on him and laid down her ultimatum. She fidgeted, her words quick and bringing back memories of school, and he immediately understood what she meant. 
He placed his book on his bedside table and stood, approaching her nerves with a tease, "Surely a mature, grown lady such as yourself wouldn't abandon her fiancé and make him run after her?" He held her shoulders gently and kissed the top of her forehead before calmly stating, "You look beautiful, and we won't be late. I'll just drive a little faster to make sure,” and gesturing for her to lead the way out of the apartment.
Driving faster wouldn't really get them there any sooner, but if it made her feel better he'd do it. It'd been a while since they had all gotten together; he used to see quite a bit of Ami at the university, before she got into medical school and he stayed on to get a few more bachelor degrees - Makoto had once compared him to a Jack of All Trades, and that was becoming truer by the year, with five degrees and counting in physics, geology, biology, chemistry, astronomy, and history, with various cross-concentrations; what with the future that they had seen he wanted to be as prepared as he possibly could for anything they might encounter along the way. He was currently working on two masters dissertations and wasn’t feeling nearly as prepared as he would have liked, but sometimes he wondered what the other him had been doing at this time – what had the King Endymion version of himself been doing at this age? Interacting with the future had changed his perception, had made him consider things that might not have caught his interest before, and thinking about what he could be doing had he not known the potential future heading their way was at once terrifying – how many blunders had they suffered through originally? Does he now know enough to stave off some potential disasters? – empowering – with how much he had prepared, surely they would do even better this time? – and, if he were really honest, a little depressing. He was who he was, but it seemed like he was constantly affected by other version of himself, his own ghost and competitor. If it hadn’t been for Usako, he probably would have driven himself insane ages ago. Or just starved to death and passed out more often than fell asleep.
She was… she was everything to him. She made every day brighter, focused and centered him even as she was flying around doing things her way; when she first started coming over to cook dinner for him he was thrilled to have her company, even with the occasionally-less-than-edible consequences. The more she stayed over, the calmer and more complete he felt. She had always had this effect on him, but ever since she graduated high school and they could spend more of their time together – even around his classes – the more poignant her absences became. He had gotten used to calling out in his apartment and having her answer back. It was a good feeling.
Once in the garage, he took Usako’s hand and playfully made for the motorcycle just to see how she’d react – having spent so long on how she looked – before turning to the car and setting out for the Shrine.
As they neared he could sense Usako fidgeting again, and now it was starting to rub off on him. Part of him wanted to hang back today to let her enjoy time alone with her girls, but he missed them, too. He had never been so close to them as she was, but he didn’t think they would mind if he tagged along – he had done enough of it when they were younger that they paid him no mind and continued their antics as though he weren’t there anyway, so hopefully he wouldn’t put a wrench in things.

They pulled up to the shrine, driving up the long hill they had climbed so many times over the years, he slowed when he caught sight of the others, just in case Usako decided to bail out before he was fully parked – which looked like it might be a bit of a trick with that limousine in the tight parking lot. He hid an eyeroll – Minako.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime3rd March 2016, 4:36 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  WrGekha
Of course Usagi would be the last to arrive! Rei hadn't really expected it any other way.  She had greeted Ami when she arrived and hid a laugh when she quickly recognized the stoic man behind Minako.  She had stopped sweeping now, instead holding the broom to her chest as she watched her friends.  Although her laugh had been fast and busy, classes here, trips there, she had missed the closeness she felt with them.  She grinned to herself, listening to Makoto immediately dive into Ami's current diet.  How long would their happiness last?
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  11j0jQz

Minako kept eyeing Ami as Makoto asked her about food. Something is off with her...she decided to jump in the fussing about Ami's health bandwagon to try to figure out what it was in a round a bout way.

"Mako's right, Ami! You have to keep your health up. If you don't your skin will get unhealthy and you won't be able to get a future husband!"  Minako gasped excitedly as she started to dig frantically in her purse. "You're skin is looking a bit stressed. Here, I have a face products you HAVE to try. I'm currently trying it out before it goes to the masses."

She dug out a little bottle of some sort of fancy brand high end moisturizer and skin renew corrector.

"Look it has SPF and also moisturizes skin...which you know as some of us get older we tend to dry out. But it's not too oily! And it helps repair skin to prevent wrinkles! I use it everyday. It's perfect!" Minako shoved the product into Ami's hands. She looked at both Makoto and Rei and finally sighed, giving Rei the most begrudging look.

"You know despite your flawless skin Rei..." She pulled out two more sample bottles of the product and shoved them forcefully into Makoto's and Rei's ands. "You should use it too. You as well Mako!"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime3rd March 2016, 7:07 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  PfPFUou

If she had her glasses handy she would have whipped them out as she had once done when a similar conversation occurred so many years ago. Oh, Minako. Just one of the many things that never seemed to change: the blonde's preoccupation with romance. Well, at least it was fitting considering her position as the guardian of love. But it still didn't align with any of Ami's more practical concerns.

She could only chuckle and sigh as the idol shoved a sample of some beauty product into her hands. Minako would have fainted if she had seen Ami's "beauty routine"—simple soap and water. It was a well-meant gift, of course, even with the implication that these mid-twenties young women were already in danger of wrinkles and "looking old".

"I'm fine, Minako-chan," she protested in vain. "Honestly."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime3rd March 2016, 7:35 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Tlc_ju10

As soon as Ami mentioned sandwiches, Makoto resisted the urge to sigh. She couldn't fathom how Ami managed to survive her workload with her eating habits. And she didn't even want to think about how she got when tests came around. 

"As reassuring as that sounds, I'm still making you something," Makoto said to her, before smiling back. "But as long as you're okay..." Minako went off on one of her usual tangents about a new skin product, and Makoto found herself holding a small bottle of lotion. She looked at it skeptically. She almost snorted at the husband comment. 

"I'm sure Ami can find love without this stuff, even if it does work," she continued. "Besides, I already have"- she cut herself off mid-sentence and felt the back of her neck warm up, realizing what she was about to admit. "I mean... I don't burn much in sunlight anyway, I tan pretty well."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime3rd March 2016, 7:58 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  11j0jQz

"Besides, I already have-"

If Minako were a cat, her ears would have twitched at the words coming out of Makoto's mouth. If Minako were a cat, her eyes would have gone huge and round as she used them to pick up on Makoto's facial expressions (was there a tinge of red on her face?). If Minako were a cat, she would have pounced on Makoto...Which is precisely what she proceeded to do, verbally (not physically).  A very familiar mischievous grin, much like that of the Chesire cat, spread upon her face.

"Have a WHAT Ma-ko-to?" She emphasized each syllable of Mako's name.  There was no getting out of this one, not with the Goddess of Love on the case!  This was not the kind of information she originally was wanting but this was even juicier!
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime3rd March 2016, 8:16 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Tlc_ju10

Makoto stiffened under Minako's sudden attention on her. She should have known that there was no chance that no one would notice her slip-up. And now she certainly wouldn't hear the end of it today. Her jaw tensed, and for a moment, she debated playing dumb with her. Considering how notoriously bad Makoto's poker face was, it probably wouldn't have worked for long. She wasn't the lying type, not a good one anyway.

Makoto didn't really intend to hide her relationship, but since it had been getting harder to keep in touch nowadays, it had yet to come up in conversation. She certainly wasn't ashamed of it, but she hated being put on the spot. Makoto released a defeated sigh.

"We've only been dating for a little over a month..." she mumbled, scratching her cheek with a finger, though she looked happy as she thought back to when Motoki had invited her out. After what had started off as simply catching up had turned into something a little more, it had slipped her mind to tell anyone about it. "I promise I'll tell you guys the details when Usagi gets here."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime4th March 2016, 6:33 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  YG2qP0k

Usagi loved it when Mamoru called himself her fiancé. She could never get enough of that word—the one that held so much promise for their future. She made sure to kiss him to show her appreciation before they left, grateful that as always, he was dependable—shame on her for even doubting him!—though she still almost fell for the motorcycle bait-and-switch, which earned him a pout.

But soon they were traveling the familiar roads to Hikawa Shrine, and Usagi’s excitement was mounting. Would everyone be there? Yes, they had all confirmed, but… what if Minako had a sudden schedule change? What if Ami decided a class or an exam was more important? What if Mako’s travel plans were delayed? She could at least count on Rei being there, right? Since it was her house… and also, because she was Rei.

But then they crested the hill, and, suddenly, there they were.

Her girls. All four of them. Standing together, talking, laughing even.

Usagi almost teared up, but she knew she couldn’t—she was an adult now, and she couldn’t be a crybaby forever.

She practically catapulted out of the car and ran toward the group, tackling Minako first. “Minako-chan! I have missed you sooooo muuuchhhhhhuhuhuh!” The tears couldn’t be helped after all, but she didn’t mind, because they were tears of joy.

She turned to Mako next, and gave her a bear hug too. “Mako-channnnn! You brought food, right? I haven’t tasted your food in forever! And what’s this? What details?” She had come up just in time to hear the very last bit of the conversation and her curiosity was immediately piqued.

But before that, she had two other people to hug. “Ami-chan!” she glomped her blue-haired friend next. “How are you? You’re eating enough, right?” she stepped back to peer at Ami suspiciously, trying to see signs of health deterioration. When left alone, Ami could drown so much in her studies and forget to eat, and Usagi was endlessly worried one day they’d find her dead in a puddle of books in her apartment.

Then she turned her gaze to the last of them, a grin on her face. “Rei-chan.”

Her reaction was more demure now, an attempt to impress and also show how much she’d grown up, but then she decided to discard it a moment later and just embraced Rei tightly. “I’m so glad you’re here. I’m so glad you’re all heeeeeerrrreeee…” It almost devolved into sobs, and she immediately demanded, “Group hug! Right now!”
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime4th March 2016, 6:49 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  WOrwwic

“Yes,” Michiru replied simply, knowing Haruka most likely had sensed it as well. And as if on cue, the sounds of the five girls so familiar to her began to drift towards them, Usagi’s voice ringing the loudest. The voices were coming from the top of the Hikawa Shrine’s front steps, and Michiru paused at the base of it, not wanting to break up the reunion just yet. Especially if they needed to talk about a potential threat that could ruin this happy day for their princess.

“I can’t figure out what it is,” she stopped and turned to Haruka, looking at her somberly. “The mirror has never been this vague. It’s only telling me where it’s happening, but not what. Setsuna won’t tell me what it is, either, just that all will be revealed in time. Frankly, that does not reassure me. Nor does the timing…”

They both knew the future was coming, but none of them knew how. Maybe it was a way to protect the timeline, but what was the point of time travel if you couldn’t be prepared for these things? She felt cheated, still being forced to blindly grope her way around when it was possible to just know what she was supposed to do.

She sighed and glanced up the steps. She was not eager to jump back into her old life, but she knew that the inner senshi deserved their happiness even more. Usagi, especially. If there was a way they could take care of this without involving the others… It would be the right thing to do. That was what the outer senshi always tried to do. Sacrifice was in their job description, not the inners. Those girls were young and innocent and everyone preferred to keep it that way.

“Haruka, what should we do?”
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime4th March 2016, 7:07 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  RiGh9gS

"The same as always, we protect her." Although this time they may have to do it differently. The blonde wanted nothing more than to be close to her Princess and future Queen as she protected her; she didn't want to go off on her own with Michiru in an attempt to protect her. 

"The less she knows at least until we know for certain what's going on, the better off she'll be, there's no point in worrying her. Could you find out from Ami and Rei what they know, if anything?" Confident that if she and Michiru had picked up on something, the inners had as well, Haruka planned on talking to Makoto and Minako during the party. Though with their current lack of information, there wasn't much they could do at the moment, so they may as well enjoy the gathering. 

"Shall we go and surprise our princess now?" she asked grinning at her lover.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime5th March 2016, 11:08 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Tlc_ju10

Makoto shifted the cake to one hand to avoid having Usagi crush it as she came in for a hug. Well it seemed that she'd be telling everyone much sooner than she thought, though she didn't mind.

"Don't worry, I'll make something before I leave again," she said, squeezing Usagi back. It hit her like a brick how much she missed her near constant presence. It really just wasn't the same baking things without Usagi there to taste them, or trying to help roll the dough. "And Minako was just prying into my love life again." She waited for Usagi to greet the other girls before continuing on, not wanting to distract her from them. She couldn't deny her a group hug either.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime5th March 2016, 11:50 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  PfPFUou

The blonde rushed through the group like a petite and enthusiastic hurricane, greeting and hugging and questioning and prodding each of her friends. Just the sight of Usagi filled Ami's heart with hope and love. After all, not only was this her fellow sailor soldier and the princess to whom all her duties must attend... this was her very first (and thus her most treasured) true friend. Usagi shone a beautiful beacon of warm and welcoming light into the darkness of Ami's solitude, and like moths attracted to a flame so many others gathered around her and thus entered the blue-haired girl's life as well. They were gathered here today for the same reason they had gathered together here all those years ago: Usagi.

She only had time to giggle and protest softly at Usagi's concern for her health before the young woman moved on. Again, attentive ears picked up on Makoto's careful side-step around her love life. The blue eyes settled critically on the brunette. It must be something quite special (and rather serious) indeed to have the young woman so bashful. Of course, trust Minako of all people to force the details—they'll all know everything before this reunion concluded.

Ami could never deny anything to Usagi, particularly not a group hug. She stepped forward towards her princess, feeling a lightness even though the nagging concerns of that strange energy still tugged at the corners of her thoughts. There would be time for that... later.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime5th March 2016, 5:48 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  11j0jQz

Minako heard Usagi's squeal of delight as she was nearly tackled by her in a hug. Minako did her best to blink back the tears that she could not stop from coming. Seeing and feeling Usagi's warmth again reminded her of just how much she missed her Princess.

"Usagi!" Minako cried back to her in joy, "I've missed you too!" She let Usagi do her rounds with the other girls, feeling the happiest she had been in a long time. She watched thinking that this was what she really needed, despite all her dreams...her one true dream was to be with and protect Usagi.

Usagi exclaimed "Group hug! Right now!" and Minako could not help but want to be in the center of it.

As the girls got their greetings in, Artemis stood silently behind them, smiling at seeing the Princess and Prince again. He nodded at Mamoru in greeting and looked around for someone who seemed to be missing. Where was Luna? Did she not come with Usagi or was she already at the shrine? He hesitated to ask...waiting to see if maybe she would appear soon.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

Title : 'some witty/deep quote about life that makes ppl laugh/think here'
Posts : 1247
Join date : 2013-08-21
Age : 30
Location : Texas

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime5th March 2016, 6:59 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  WrGekha
Rei thought it was cute that Makoto was dating someone, she deserved to be able to do that and not have it interrupted.  On the other hand, she definitely felt that it was not something necessary for her life, not right now anyways.  In true Usagi fashion, Rei was surprised when the bobble headed blonde was suddenly there with them.  Even though she might not jump and scream, when it was her turn she didn't turn away the comforting hug surrounding her.  She did however smirk at Usagi's attempt to look mature.  Maybe in another 10 years kid!

She waited until their group hug was mostly over before offering to move somewhere else, "Now that everyone's here, we should probably go inside."  
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  I_icon_minitime

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