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 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime26th March 2016, 9:35 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Zz3nQy5

He did it. He had won: the cage and "King Endymion" disappeared in the wake of his attack: he, Mamoru Chiba, had been enough. His confidence solidified, backing deed with word, but his feeling of satisfaction waned as time ticked on, and nothing happened. When his attack destroyed the construct he had been surrounded in darkness, and had expected that darkness to reform into something - the dungeon again, or a path out, a way to get back to Usako - anything - but nothing materialized - in fact, what had always been there disappeared literally beneath his feet: he was floating. He tried to stay still, less the smallest movement send him spinning if this were a low gravity environment, but it didn't look like space: space had light - it had stars, if not planets. Where, then, was he? His eyes scanned left and right, looking for some way out, but there was nothing to see; it made no difference whether his eyes were open or closed. So he started walking, as staying put was doing nothing for the situation, keeping all of his senses open.

His nerves worked in overtime. He forced himself to keep focused on the environment, ignoring the voices that tried to get louder with every footstep, the doubt that crept up his spine. Was he even going the right way? What was this darkness? Had he somehow died in the blast? He paused, getting a bad feeling, and turned to go the other way, though nothing told him that that direction would be any better. This way, too, seemed wrong - or was he just unsure of himself? He changed direction again, squinting into the darkness, searching for some form of light, continuing on that path until he was sure he had again chosen poorly, all the while becoming more and more agitated, more and more frustrated. He didn't have time for this! How much time had even passed?! What was going on outside?!

Was there even an outside?

He didn't doubt Usagi - she would win. There was no way she would fail in this; he had utter faith in her; what he was starting to doubt was whether this place was even in the same dimension as -- He froze, his ears picking up a sound, the first he had heard since the blast, and his blood ran cold and hard in his veins. Usako was in trouble.

"USAKO!" he called, looking around, trying to find the source of the sound. He ran towards where he thought it came from, only to have it resound coming from somewhere else. He took off that way, going as fast as he could, only for it to change again. "USAKO!" he yelled, panic creeping into his voice. 

He was free from the cage. 

He had no enemy to fight.

He was failing her in his incompetence! He should be able to find a way out of this! Nothing was stopping him! He called out her name again, listening for her voice, but he didn't know what he could do! He was utterly lost in this! He needed to see! He needed light! Her cries were tearing at him - he had to find a way out! He had to help her! He needed light!! ... Wait... He needed light - could he use his power in this way?! Could he use it and use the flash to see where he needed to go? Could it show him where to find her?!

Her next cry settled it.

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime26th March 2016, 10:22 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 YG2qP0k

Had she messed up? Was that why she couldn’t see Jupiter anymore? But she just wanted everyone to be happy. She didn’t want all these sacrifices… let alone if they were made in her name. All Usagi had ever wanted was for her friends to achieve their dreams and get the happiness they deserve.

The sight of Serenity and her bloodied dress gave her shivers, and she backed away until she hit the crystal behind her. She was beginning to feel claustrophobic, trapped in this prison, forced to watch her friends’ hearts torn apart and unable to do anything except making things worse.

And then… suddenly, he was there.

She heard his voice first. Calling as if from afar.

“Mamo-chan…?” She looked around, hoping to see him. Where was he? She needed him. Desperately. He was the source of her strength, and she couldn’t do this alone. She’d been afraid he’d died again, but now her hope flared some more.

“MAMO-CHAN! I’m here! Please come back!”


His flash of power generated light, and with it he could see the park in the distance, along with Sailor Moon in it, trapped in a towering crystal, her palms pressed on the glassy surface as she desperately called for him. He would also be able to see the apparition of bloody Serenity tormenting her.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime26th March 2016, 12:04 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Zz3nQy5

Running as fast as he could, his body reacting to the sight of her before his mind had really taken in what he was seeing. Closing the distance he worked his way through the scene - the sight of Usako's hands pressing against the glass, calling for him, needing his help, inspired fear for her and an overwhelming desire to not only save her, but to hurt whomever had done that to her! With an extra burst of energy and speed he rushed towards the light of the real world, his eyes honing in on the bloody form of Princess Serenity. Gritting his teeth, his eyes flashing dangerously, he cocked his arm and aimed a powered running punch to her head.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime26th March 2016, 6:15 pm

Quote :

As the powerful attack blasted the other Minako, Venus felt the exact same effect, and both girls were thrown to opposite sides of the room, Venus’ own raw energy doing just as much damage to herself as to her clone, as if she had, in fact, attacked herself.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 11j0jQz

Venus made a ear piercing scream as she was thrown back into the wall. Her body crumpled to the floor, pain screaming from every part of her body. Venus laid on the floor, unmoving, eyes barely opened and her sight blurred. What had just happened...?   She had failed. That was what happened. Tears flooded her vision as they began to drip down the the side of her face onto the floor, mixing with the dust and rubble from the attack. Having used all of her energy in that last attack, Venus could no longer will herself to move. What was the point anyway?

Venus wanted so hard to believe that this was what she was meant to do, defeat herself, the other self that surely had to be an illusion, so she could fully accept her duty as Usagi's eternal guardian. That is what she wanted.  At least, that's what she thought she wanted.  However, she now realized, too late, that this clone was not the illusion she thought it to be.

She recalled the words the clone had spoke before her rage filled attack.

"How much of Minako Aino will be left by the time you’re done?"

She wept freely. Minako Aino could never be...she was destined to be Sailor Venus.

"Because you have never been just one thing, Minako Aino. You are many. That is what makes you, you."

She recalled guilt. So much guilt that she held deep within her. She had fulfilled her dream of becoming an idol but her guilt for doing so, for feeling like she betrayed her duty, no matter how much she prepared always filled her heart all those years.  She had always resigned that she would sacrifice all her happiness to Usagi. Usagi's happiness was all that mattered.

But did Usagi see it that way...?

Usagi wanted not only her own happiness but everyone else's too. She thrived on their own happiness. She always pushed each and every one of them to live life to the fullest and to fulfill their dreams, even when it meant everyone being separated. Usagi was just selfless like that... Venus smiled and closed her eyes.

It's okay now.

No matter what, it was always Usagi somehow saving her.

"This warm feeling is...C'est La Vie..." Venus let out the smallest whisper of a song as the brooch on her chest began to glow, "...As long as I am me..."

The glow grew brighter and brighter as she accepted hersellf, all of aspects of herself. Both Sailor Soldier and her Idol Dreams. Everything. She didn't have to give it up one or the other. She didn't have to make that choice anymore...

Last edited by ChibiM00nluv3r4evr on 26th March 2016, 10:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Edited cause Bubbles told me I made a booboo. xD)
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime26th March 2016, 8:35 pm

Hikawa Shrine wrote:

“We are all you and everything you want to be. Everything you can be unless you chose to be a soldier and close all these doors.” The other Reis spoke all at once, their voices echoing all around Mars. “You have so much ambition. So many dreams. Will you really destroy them all for someone else?”

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet

So these were her possibilities? She could be anything she wanted?  Of course she could, it was in her personality to be whatever she wanted to be.  And right now she wanted to be Sailor Mars, right now she wanted to protect her friends, her princess.  "If she could, Sailor Moon would give everything for us to have our dream life.  Right now she and everyone else is fighting for our future, so will I."  Mars's resolve was strong, it had to be.  "Burning Mandala!"  She summoned globes of fire and aimed them towards one of her "future versions", the idol.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 5:49 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 YG2qP0k

Sailor Moon gasped when she saw Tuxedo Mask emerging as if from nowhere and immediately landed a punch on her evil counterpart. The moment he made contact, the crystal broke under Moon’s palms, raining down to the ground in a hail of crystals that immediately dissipated without scratching her once.

She burst out of her prison and ran into his arms, encircling her arms around his neck as she cried, unable to hold the tears any longer. “You’re here,” she whispered, afraid that he would disappear again, afraid that this was a dream. She clung to him like a lifeline and sobbed for a moment, relief and anguish mixing into one.

“I was so scared. Mamo-chan, I need your help,” she struggled to say among her sobs. “I think I lost Jupiter. Please, can you use your powers and connection to earth to find out what’s happening to her?”

She could still feel the others, tethered to her like a chain even without the monitors showing her where they were, but Jupiter’s link was incredibly weak it was barely there.



As Venus embraced her other self—all of her parts—the clone seemed to turn transparent and moved to embrace her, only to disappear once it became one with her.

A pillar of dark energy burst out in the middle of the stage, and as if to help set the grand last performance, music began to blare from the speakers, the very background music of the song Venus was quietly singing inviting her to sing it louder as she used all her powers to combat the Chaos energy with her Sailor Crystal’s power.


The attack landed, and idol Rei Hino was turned to ash. At the same time, Mars would feel as if she had just destroyed a part of herself, one facet of what made herself whole. In her mind’s eye she could see the door to that possible future closing.

She could continue to kill the rest of them, but every kill would feel just as painful. There were still so many of them.

Was this the right thing to do after all? Could the soldier Rei Hino manage to be the last one standing?

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 6:14 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 WOrwwic

The sea was right behind her now, lapping against her feet and back. The water was cold, not warm. It would not be a comfort to her. It would punish her with the burden of fate until the very last moment. Michiru both loathed and appreciated the idea of dying in it, just as she had died for the first time when that power first awakened in her, dooming her with her destiny.

The waves welcomed her like a mocking friend, once ally and now executioner. She considered raising the full extent of the ocean’s fury just before it swallowed her. It would at least be cathartic.

She did not expect Haruka to run toward her, and for one brief moment, she was actually frightened that Haruka would make the wrong choice. But then her hand was suddenly wrapped around Haruka’s weapon—and talisman. The Space Sword.

Michiru’s heart flared with love and gratitude. Despite what she was saying, it was Haruka who wasn’t giving up on her. She was giving Michiru a chance by literally giving her a part of herself. The talismans were never meant to be used by anyone other than their bearer—the only exception had been when Michiru lent her mirror to Chibiusa as a promise that they would come back one day. But now the sword seemed to respond to her touch, when normally it was only loyal to its wielder.

Just by allowing Michiru to touch it alone already meant a lot. And Michiru could feel its power within her grasp. She was truly one with Haruka, able to access the power that was originally meant solely for Sailor Uranus.

I refuse to accept things anymore. I’m through accepting limits, just because someone says they’re so.

She looked up at the false Saturn, her smile ever taunting.

I’m through with playing by the rules of someone else’s game.

That was what Sailor Moon had been trying to teach them. That sometimes, the options weren’t just which sacrifice was smaller or whose lives meant less. That sometimes, you could have it all. You could break the rules and make up your own and fight for your happy ending no matter what. You could refuse to accept destiny’s way and say no.

Michiru wanted to live. She wanted both her and Haruka to live and save the world.

Usagi had taught her that that was possible.

Concentrating all of her power into the sword, mixing her own with Uranus’ in it, she let out a powerful burst of energy as she slashed the Space Sword through the chains.

They broke as easily as if she was cutting a knife through butter, and in another moment, she was freed.

Neptune ran. A powerful Deep Submerge blasted the false Saturn aside as she went, her pace never slowing.

She reached Uranus in the middle of the Chaos energy and grasped her other half’s hands, joining them as one once more.


Their powers flared together, stronger and brighter than the darkness.

Twin hues of blue shot up into the sky, warring with black.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 8:41 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Zz3nQy5

His fist crashed against the side of the being's head, his bones crashing against its until it broke apart, shattering beneath his force just as Usako's crystalline prison shattered around her, the shards dissapating before harming her. He turned to see what had happened to the phantom of Princess Serenity, but she was down for the time being, and suddenly Usako was with him. As her arms wrapped around his neck, his held her close, pressing her against him securely. With hands held behind her back, he took a moment to breathe, fully taking in the feel of her, recognizing that she was alive and well and safe. Her whisper made his breath catch in his throat, his heart plummeting - he had left her alone, scared her, after promising never to do that again. His brows knitted, his eyes closed, as he amended his promise: while he could not guarantee powers beyond his control would not take him from her, he could promise to always find his way back to her. 

When she made her request he pulled back, looking down into her tear-filled brilliant-blue eyes and nodded - he would do his best. Quickly, but not unkindly, he disengaged so he could kneel and place a hand fully on the ground, the other touching her, keeping connected to her in some way, and sent out a burst of power to read the planetary energies, closing his eyes to better locate and lock-on to Jupiter's signal. What he found shocked him into opening his eyes, but he quickly closed them again to better report what he was sensing, "I can barely sense her - the Crystal Point she was cleansing is filled with dark energy," he looked up to her, adding solemnly, "I think we're losing her to Chaos."
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 7:55 pm

Hikawa Shrine wrote:
The attack landed, and idol Rei Hino was turned to ash. At the same time, Mars would feel as if she had just destroyed a part of herself, one facet of what made herself whole. In her mind’s eye she could see the door to that possible future closing.

She could continue to kill the rest of them, but every kill would feel just as painful. There were still so many of them.

Was this the right thing to do after all? Could the soldier Rei Hino manage to be the last one standing?

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet

Mars was suspicious when idol Rei didn't move or even attempt to dodge her attack, and after the imposter was incinerated, she felt something burn deep inside herself.  The soldier's mind raced as she tried to figure out how the other one had been connected to her, was there something she had missed.  Was it a spell, an illusion?  Would the same consequence occur each time? Was it really a spell?  It had felt like a dream had died, an opportunity lost, never to be seen again, like part of who she was, was now gone.  Mars decided to test the waters again, this time aiming for the astronaut.  "Burning Mandala!"

Again the other Rei did not dodge and took the attack straight on.  Mars found herself overcome by the feeling of another piece of herself dying.  She would never be an astronaut, this she knew.  After taking a moment to catch her breath she through out two more fireballs, aiming for the stewardess and the race queen.  This time she was so hurt by the burning sensation of losing more of herself that she lost footing and landed on one knee, the other clutched close to her chest.  Would she die defeating them? Was that what this meant?  Somewhere she thought she heard her princess's voice, but she was too focused on breathing to really make sense of it.

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 8:43 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 YG2qP0k

She waited until he found Jupiter, but her heart plummeted when she heard what he said. “No, no, no, this is all my fault. I told her to go with them, and now they’ve got her.” She buried her face in her hands for a moment, before summoning her strength. She couldn’t let this happen. She couldn’t lose Mako—she couldn’t lose any of them.

She grasped Tuxedo Mask’s hands, joining them with hers. “Help me help her,” she asked urgently, borrowing his strength and his power to try and reach Jupiter. She was always stronger with him—he was the boost she always needed to get over that one last hurdle, and this time, they would save all of their friends and the world together.

As the Silver and Golden Crystals flared together, the link was strong enough to pierce through the darkness surrounding Jupiter, and Sailor Moon’s voice reached her ever so faintly. It was nothing more than an echo, but Jupiter should be able to feel her presence once more as the light struggled to fight against dark.

“Mako-chan! Don’t give up! I’m here for you, please don’t lose! Fight back! We still have so many promises to fulfill, remember? We can’t fail to show up to Minako’s next concert; she will be so mad!”
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime27th March 2016, 10:10 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Tlc_ju10

Even as she pushed back against the oppressive aura forcing its way into her and the Crystal Point she was protecting, Jupiter could feel its effects take their toll. The dark thoughts crept back in, distracting her from calling on her full power.

Was it pointless? Should she just give in now instead of struggling to the very end?

It was once again Sailor Moon's voice that called out, and Jupiter's mind grasped her voice like a lifeline. She could sense light in the stifling chaos that surrounded her, and that was all she needed to regain hope. Her friends needed her just as much as she needed them.

"Jupiter Crystal Power!" With that thought as her fuel, She finally summoned all of her energy and directed it into the Crystal Point, trying to cleanse it.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 5:10 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 YG2qP0k

She could feel Jupiter fighting back, and at last, a final burst of power. Around the same time, she could feel Neptune and Uranus giving their entire energy as well. What they were doing was working, but it could be on the expense of their own lives. She could feel their lives hanging in the balance, almost slipping away, with nothing left once the Crystal Point had been cleansed.

She could not let that happen.

Strengthening her ties to her senshi, Sailor Moon mentally held their life lines in her hands, forcing it to stay stable, preventing their light from going out. Please, Silver Crystal, protect my friends.

Neptune, Uranus, and Jupiter have been put in protective stasis to prevent death.

She reached out further, felt Mercury mostly fine, Venus wounded badly but still fighting, and Mars…

Mars was hurting.

“Don’t give up, Rei-chan!” she cried through their bond. “I’m here with you! I am not letting anyone die on my watch!”
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 6:30 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 PfPFUou


Without my intelligence? she thought, staring across the eerily-illuminated chess board. Her visor showed no readings, and the same was true of the Mini Supercomputer. Around her, there was only darkness. She could feel it, closing in around her, threatening to block her from Usagi and all of the others if it could.

My intelligence...

Was she really worth so little? Just a pawn, the lowest-ranked piece, always fighting for someone else. For so many years it was only her scores at school that gave her any worth—with such a meek, useless daughter, there were no other reasons for her mother to be proud of her. Maybe that's why her father had left, too—because Ami just wasn't good enough or interesting enough. Who wouldn't want a better daughter that they could actually like? Even among the sailor soldiers, she was the quiet one with attacks that seemed lacking in offensive power compared to her teammates. Sailor Mercury was just a liability to everyone else. If even her intelligence was taken away, there wouldn't be anything left.

But she remembered the warmth of Usagi, who didn't care about her as the top student or as the strategic aspect of the Sailor Team. The blonde treated Ami just like the other girls—joking, cheering her up, sharing events, and relying on her for emotional support. Usagi rescued her from loneliness, not because she ranked #1 nationally on the mock exams, but because somehow the other girl saw something in Ami that she couldn't see herself.

The blue eyes glinted, once again staring across the tiled board. Her strength, her analytic mind, was assisted by her tools as a sailor soldier, not reliant on them.

And no one could take away her intelligence. It belonged only to herself.

This was a chess board. She didn't need her tools to play chess. She had played it so many times, it was practically a part of her.

I'm not "just" a pawn.

Her eyes widened, and suddenly she understood her goal. The blue boots stepped forwards two squares, slightly hesitant at first. A strange sound and vibration echoed around her. Glancing back, Mercury gasped to see that the tiles she had stood on crumbled and vanished, showing impossibly deep blackness behind and below. Was this... the right choice? It had to be, she insisted to herself. There was no going back now!

Determination showed on her face as the blue-haired girl kept moving straight forward, slowly at first and then faster, breaking into a run. Behind her, the tiles disappeared, breaking and falling into the abyss.

I can be... so much more!

Sailor Mercury took one larger stride forward, her foot touching the final square: rank 8. The tile lit up suddenly, brightly. "In a game of chess, a pawn who reaches the eighth rank is immediately changed to the player's choice of queen, knight, rook, or bishop. Promotion is mandatory; a pawn may not remain a pawn." She knew that rule, and she knew her choice—the most powerful option: QUEEN.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 6:39 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 RiGh9gS

When Neptune grabbed her hand, Uranus nearly collapsed with relief. At least if they were going to die trying to stop Chaos, they would do so together. She felt stronger now that Neptune was here and was more confident than ever that they would defeat Chaos, even at the cost of their own lives. 

There was so much she wanted to say to Michiru at the moment, so many emotions that Haruka just didn't have the words for. Though she doubt it mattered, Michiru would understand, she always understood. She got Haruka like no one else did. A simple look, a touch was all it took between them to convey so much meaning. 

She squeezed Michiru's hand as she felt her consciousness fading fast. 

I love you her mind whispered as everything went black.
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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 6:56 am


When the square Mercury stood upon lit up, a little crown sign appeared on it, and the entire chessboard disappeared. Mercury would find herself back in the original room, but alone this time. A huge pillar of dark energy stood before her, looking intimidating. It was time for the final trial. She had proven that she was the smartest, but she knew she was the weakest... did she have enough power to give in order to cleanse this Chaos corruption?
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 7:20 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 PfPFUou


Sailor Mercury stood back in the room, empty now of child patients, other selves, or giant chess boards. At the center, on the podium where she had once faced off against Berthier, a massive pillar of dark energy stretched upwards. Here it was, the source of the corruption. Mercury stared up at it, feeling overwhelmed by the size and intensity of the thing. She felt her courage falter, knowing that she was alone, facing this dark power, so small and weak.

But weren't the others doing the same? She had her own strengths, different from everyone else, but she was still part of the same team.

And the one thing she wanted, more than anything else right now, was to be back at the temple. She wanted to laugh with Minako, smile with Makoto, chuckle with Rei, and giggle with Usagi. There was so much she had left unsaid these past years. So much she had failed to do. She needed to make up for it. There needed to be nights hanging around the low table, talking about their lives and wishes, there for each other. It had to happen together.

This wasn't about Crystal Tokyo, or a Princess, or a future Queen. This wasn't about her own dream to become a doctor or the lives she might save doing it. It was about the beloved friends who made her life worth living, no matter what the hardship. It was about love.

Sailor Mercury stared at the pillar of darkness, her eyes firm.

For the future—my future. For my friends. For Usagi.

...For myself.

She took a deep breath to steady herself, then rushed forwards towards the Chaotic energy that swirled through this corrupted Crystal Point. The click of her boots' heels on the floor echoed strangely in the empty room. Mercury closed her blue eyes, hoping that Usagi and the others were safe. Hoping that they would be there to greet her, waiting for her, smiling as always. Their friendly smiles and open arms were what she was running towards.

Usagi, I believe in you! I believe in all of us! she prayed, wondering if her friend could hear her.

She called out the words just before colliding with the dark forces, fighting back against the corruption with everything in her power.

"Mercury Crystal Power!"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime28th March 2016, 8:41 pm

Quote :

As Venus embraced her other self—all of her parts—the clone seemed to turn transparent and moved to embrace her, only to disappear once it became one with her.

A pillar of dark energy burst out in the middle of the stage, and as if to help set the grand last performance, music began to blare from the speakers, the very background music of the song Venus was quietly singing inviting her to sing it louder as she used all her powers to combat the Chaos energy with her Sailor Crystal’s power.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 11j0jQz

As the warmth of her Sailor Crystal gave her strength, Venus felt the other her, the clone, become part of her. It made her feel whole again.  So this was what she needed all along?  As she stood, she could hear familiar music blaring from the stage. It was her song...She looked at the stage to see a pillar of dark energy. With the music in the background, she knew what to do.

Singing along with the music track, Venus walked into the dark pillar of energy.

♫♫ This impulse that has been stirred up cannot be helped now
They have begun for me...
The emotions that chase after you

Just as predicatable music and movies are boring
If life is slightly out of alignment...
It might just get interesting...

This warm feeling is C'est La Vie
As long as I am me
C'est La Vie
I want to continue loving you...

Venus shone like the Goddess of Beauty she was meant to be. The power that she felt helped her to fight back the energy of chaos.

"Venus Crystal Power!"
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Anait Zelleire
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime29th March 2016, 10:13 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet
So maybe attacking more than one at a time wasn't the best idea.  Still they seemed to not care, just taking her attacks and being incinerated.  She'd deal with the pain.  Mars caught her breath and aimed another fireball at the explorer Rei.  She braced herself, feeling the burning pain as more of her died off.  She repeated this until she had destroyed the last three Rei, the basketball player, the president, and finally the bride.  Finally she collapsed on the ground, focused on breathing through the pain.  Hoping maybe that was all she had to face.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime29th March 2016, 10:26 pm


When all the clones were gone, a huge pillar of black shot up from the ground of Hikawa Shrine, towering in front of Mars. The true challenge awaited her, but did she have any energy left to give?

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Anait Zelleire
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime30th March 2016, 9:52 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet
It seemed that the battle was not over.  Mars was tired now, but she couldn't stop, she couldn't give up.  She had to keep going, so they could have a future, even if it meant... She smiled a little to herself, Usagi would throw a fit if something happened to her.  Well she couldn't let that happen now could she? 

Mars picked herself up off the ground, tested her balance and found she still had some strength left.  She pulled from her deepest source of energy, it was all she had left, focused on that burning energy inside that was the source of it all.  "Mars Crystal Power!"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime30th March 2016, 10:24 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 YG2qP0k

The Silver Crystal flared as the lights of Mars, Mercury, and Venus lit up the Tokyo sky in the distance. Sailor Moon gritted her teeth as she forced her power to envelope them all, to prevent their energy from running out and their bodies from decaying.

“Everyone has given their all for you. When will it be enough?”

Princess Serenity now morphed into Neo Queen Serenity, her gaze cold and her skin smooth as porcelain. She looked like a perfect doll, the perfect goddess and queen that everyone worshipped unquestionably, the one everyone pledged their lives to in exchange for everything.

Usagi was staring into her greatest fear in the flesh—her future self.

But she knew better now.

“It is because everyone has given everything that I must do the same for them. I am the only one with the power to protect this world. So protect it and everyone I will!”

She raised her joined hands with Tuxedo Mask and called out with all her might, “SILVER MOON CRYSTAL POWER!”

The earth began to crack. Buildings began to shake. The warring powers of Chaos and Cosmos took over the entire city, but Sailor Moon’s energy protected not only the senshi but also every innocent person caught in it.

Brightness exploded all over the city as the last struggle against Chaos’ dark energy ended.

The city remained still in the aftermath, each senshi cocooned in a protective bubble where they lay unconscious yet unharmed. Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask lay together, their hands still joined, like Uranus and Neptune’s.

An unknowable amount of time passed.

When Sailor Moon awakened again, she felt as if she had died and been reborn again.

The amount of destruction around her was massive, but Tuxedo Mask appeared unharmed and breathing beside her.

“Mamo-chan…?” she called out, shaking his body gently.

Her voice was hoarse from disuse.

How long had they all been asleep?

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 5:53 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 PfPFUou


She opened her eyes, the lids heavy as if from a deep and dreamless sleep. Her limbs felt similarly sluggish, the muscles aching from disuse as her body stirred. The tile under her body was smooth, but as she pushed herself upright, Sailor Mercury could see that Chess Tower no longer existed—at least not in the way it once had. It had seemingly crumbled around her, although the portion of that chess board-looking floor on which she had awakened remained completely intact. The pillar of darkness was gone. The world around her was still and silent. Too silent.

Mercury stood, stretching her arms and legs, trying to make sense of what she saw around her. Chess Tower was not the only building torn down, lying in fragments. The rest of the area looked similar. Yet the whole thing seemed devoid of injured people or corpses. Destruction, but seemingly no death. The vegetation ran wild, crawling around, over, and through chunks of cement and fragments of twisted metal. It wasn't the Tokyo she knew and remembered.

Chaos... what had happened with Chaos? The blue eyes glanced down at the white gloves on her hands, staring at the palms, remembering the feeling of sending her Mercury Crystal Power to fight against the column of terrible evil. It appeared to be gone, at least for now. But she was still here.


The thought shot through her mind, clear and bright. Her friends! Sailor Mercury closed her eyes, fearing the worst, but shook her head. If she was here, she wouldn't be alone...right? She had to find the others.

Soon the blue-haired girl was clambering across the fractured wasteland of her home, her breath rasping and muscles burning. She knew, somehow, that her friends were out there. She could feel it, almost like a beacon. When she reached the high point of a nearby demolished building, Sailor Mercury opened the Mini Supercomputer, scanning the area. Yes, she did see several indications of nearby energy. Two, in particular, that she felt she could identify. Mercury continued on, climbing over debris or navigating around it, heading towards the last place that her Princess had been: Ichi-no-Hashi Park.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 6:26 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Tlc_ju10

Jupiter's body shifted on the grass, now long and thick, as she regained consciousness. She wasn't in any pain, yet her head felt fuzzy, as if she had overslept long enough to become groggy. What had she been doing? Wasn't she fighting someone?

She sat up and looked around, taking in the now thorny, unkempt Rose Garden around her. The pathways had been obscured with rose bushes, and the wooden gazebo was rotted and falling apart. Silence surrounded her, but there was no Chaos either. Had they won against it then? She couldn't hear any other people, but there weren't any signs of a struggle either. 

Jupiter got to her feet and reoriented herself, brushing petals off her uniform. This wasn't making much sense to her, but she needed to find everyone else. If she was alive, then surely they were alright. She didn't want to think about any other possibility. Motoki came up in her head for a brief second, but she shoved that emotion back with some difficulty. She needed to focus. Worrying didn't help anyone at the moment, especially not about him. She'd have to trust that he was okay somewhere for now.

She pushed her way through the bushes and vines, heading towards the crumbling entrance gate. She needed to see if Usagi was alright, so Ichi-no-Hashi park was her first destination. The metal gate fell apart at her touch, and she started jogging down the street in the right direction, littered with abandoned, rusting cars. Just what was going on around here?
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 6:30 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 11j0jQz

The last thing she remembered was stepping into the Chaos energy and feeling power like she'd never felt before. She assumed it had been the Silver Crystal power meshing with her own. It was the strongest she had ever felt Usagi's power in her. Venus stared up at the ceiling of a now crumbling Tokyo Concert Hall, there was an eerie quiet and darkness within the hall. The only light was the rays that filtered in through the cracks and holes in the ceiling. There was a stillness and oldness to the it had been this way for some time but...Venus forced herself to sit up, her entire body aching as if she had been sleeping for days. Continuing to look around, she could see vegetation was beginning to over take the building. Just how long had it been!?

Then she remembered...Usagi! Artemis! Everyone! Where were they? Had they... failed? She stood and began to make her way out of the concert hall to investigate the city.

What she saw when she walked out of the dilapidated Concert Hall was like nothing she had ever seen in her life. She had seen apocalyptic movies before but this...Venus frantically opened her communicator watch, the screen cracked from the battle.

"Usagi!? Artemis? Luna!? Mamoru!? Anyone?"  But all she received was static.  There was only one way to go and she hoped the way was clear enough to make it. The last place she knew Usagi and Mamoru were was Ichi-no-Hashi Park.  It was the center of all the points so it shouldn't take her too long to get there.

Venus ran and ran, having to jump over debris, destroyed buildings, cars, fallen trees...Where were the people?  Was her family ok?  What about Artemis?  She shoved those thoughts back deep in her mind. As long as she could find Usagi and Mamoru, she knew everything would be ok. She could feel them as she got closer to the park. They just had to be there.
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Anait Zelleire
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 7:34 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet
Mars woke with a start.  Her heart pounding, her breath shallow, nearly jumping into a sitting position.  Last thing she remembered was using her energy to clear the Chaotic energy.  Though it now seemed to be gone, there was something else going on.  She looked around, there were ruins everywhere, the temple looked like it hadn’t been used in a century.  Were the others okay, was Usagi okay?  Questions began racing through her mind like a plague.  Mars tore from the ground, ignoring the creak in her body like she had been sleeping for a long time.  She took off down the crumbling stairs, careful not to lose her step and headed towads Ichi-no-Hashi park.  Surely she would be there.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime31st March 2016, 7:50 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 Zz3nQy5
"Usako?" A hazy figure loomed over him, his eyes blinking as they tried to clear his vision.

Fog clouded his mind, his memories swimming, trying to find a place to make sense. He had faced himself, had destroyed his fears, had followed the light to her. He had freed her, had helped her find Jupiter; she had called to her, encouraged her and the others. She sent out her energy towards them all - he had felt it traveling through the ground, surrounding the pure light at the crystal points. He remembered her facing Neo Queen Serenity, and then... How had he ended up on the ground? He opened his eyes fuller, blinking in the light.

Her silhouette above him was breathtaking, and it was then that his heart truly awoke. The way her hair spilled over her shoulder, how her lips formed his name, how her eyes took him in... but the worry did not suit her. He reached up, his gloved hands carefully cupping her cheek, softly taking in her warmth. He sat up, looking around at the destruction surrounding them. "What happened? The people - are they - ?"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 5:45 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 RiGh9gS

Awareness returned slowly to the blonde senshi. Faint light bothered her eyes until she had no choice but to get up, unable to take it any longer. Neptune lay beside her - they had fallen to the ground some point after loosing consciousness - their hands still clasp tightly together. 

Unable and unwilling to let go, less she awake her still sleeping lover, Uranus took in the scene around her. The island looked more like a war scene than it had when they arrived, which was a pretty impressive feat in of itself. Miraculously their helicopter had survived, Haruka didn't want to think how they would have gotten off the island if it had been destroyed - probably swim, she thought with a grimace thinking of the cold water surrounding the island. 

She knew she should wake Michiru and they should try and find the others, see if any survived, but in a strange way it was peaceful and she was reluctant to give that up just yet.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 11:14 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 YG2qP0k

It was a strange feeling; to be so exhausted and so well-rested at the same time. It was like she had expended all of her energy and spent a lifetime recovering from it. She smiled as she saw Mamoru open his eyes, the sound of her nickname felt like something she hadn’t heard in centuries. She was glad, too, that he had called her by her name, not any of her titles—it seemed oddly important that he did that now.

His touch felt warm and she closed her eyes momentarily to savor it, so grateful that they were alive. She knew very well how close they came to not making it. She had almost had to use all of the Silver Crystal’s powers, and that never ended well for her.

At his question, she reopened her eyes and looked around. Tokyo looked unrecognizable. Buildings had collapsed and the ones that didn’t cracked all over. The pier from which they used to travel to the future was no longer there, only pieces of broken wood remained. The water of the pond was littered with debris, and the ground was full of dead leaves and rubble.

“The people are safe,” she said faintly, looking into the distance. Sensing the Sailor Crystals of her friends nearing. Her smile widened at the thought of them. “I made sure of it. I made sure to save everyone. And Chaos is no more.”
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 12:32 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 WOrwwic

Neptune stirred slowly, as if resurfacing from the depths of the ocean. Her first breath was deep, like she had not actively inhaled in a long time. Her eyes fluttered open and the first thing she saw was the blue sky. Wind caressed her cheek, and the first person she thought of was Haruka.


She turned and saw her, realized that their hands were still joined. The brief fear that clutched her heart eased as she took in Haruka’s face, more beautiful than she remembered. She sat up and sighed, leaning her forehead on Haruka’s. “We’re… alive?”

It came out like a question because she didn’t believe it. She remembered being ready to die, even after she fought against the destiny that told her to. Dead or alive, as long as she was with Haruka, she was fine with it.

But she had to admit alive was preferable.

She didn’t even notice their surroundings were different. All that mattered right now was Haruka. The world had taken enough from her… it could wait a few more minutes.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 5 PfPFUou


The two figures were unmistakable. Sailor Mercury could feel the tears in her eyes. If she had been anyone else, she would already be calling out that brilliant star. The name was on the tip of her tongue, ringing in her mind, resonating with hope and relief and joy. There they were. They moved. They were alive. Mercury felt hope for the others as well.

Her muscles ached, but she couldn't stop now. She had to keep going, keep reaching forward. One hand stretched before her, as if she could touch the pair. She was so close.

When she was within range, she finally voiced the word that embodied so much of her life and purpose.

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