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 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime1st April 2016, 5:29 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Zz3nQy5
Her gaze drew his eyes and he traced with her the ruin of the world: the dilapidated buildings, the ruin of the pier, the littering of the pond, the depressing skyline, and yet, despite the destruction, he read the planet to be healthy and whole, not in the least tainted by Chaotic influences. The quiet surrounding them was less the like the pallor of death or the calm before the storm, and more like a quiet sunrise, with the whole world just then waking up. It felt like it was just the two of them, he and her alone after what could have been years, as private a moment as any could be, and without the weight of destiny about any of it. It was done - she had done it. She had saved the world yet again. As she spoke, so calm and sure, he looked to her and found himself amazed over again by her confidence. Her maturity and her strength radiated from her as she looked out into the distance, her shine bright and pure as ever.

He wanted to ask her something then - he needed to - but when she smiled wide he felt almost tongue-tied, and then it was too late. Not unhappily, he turned towards Ami's voice and stood, offering a hand to Usako, but he knew she would not need it. Her friends were coming - nothing could keep her from them.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 7:12 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 RiGh9gS

"We are," she replied grinning. They had survived, somehow but they had done it. She pulled Neptune into a hug, wrapping her arms around the shorter girl, needing to feel that Neptune was alive, uninjured, and with her in this moment. She couldn't trust her eyes, she needed to feel. 

Was this all they were supposed to do? After everything they had been through, would they finally be allowed to have their happy ending? And what about the future with Neo Queen Serenity? There were still so many unanswered questions, but she shoved them aside, wanting to enjoy this moment with Michiru.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 12:10 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Tlc_ju11

The park was just as empty of life when Jupiter reached it, and all of the man made structures were worn down, as if no one had been tending them for years on end. Now where would Usagi be? Her thoughts went to the park's lake. The park's pier area was an important place to Usagi and Mamoru, so maybe they'd be nearby.

She spotted the two of them out in the open, and they looked unhurt, even as they were surrounded by the remains of the park. A third person in an easy to recognize blue uniform, was moving towards them as well, and Jupiter sped up. It felt like she hadn't seen them for years, and after her close call with Chaos, she did not want to be apart from any of her friends for a long while. 

As soon as she could, Jupiter somehow pulled all three of them into a tight hug, trying to communicate all of her thanks with it. They were all alive, and she didn't have the words to express her relief any other way.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime2nd April 2016, 3:21 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 11j0jQz

Venus entered the park, her heart beating in excitement. She could see human figures as she made her way closer tot he center of the park. It had to be them! As she got closer she could see four people...Blue hair...Green Fuku...Tuxedo...Buns...It was them!

"Usagi! Ami! Mako! Mamoru!" Venus burst into a sprint, tears forming in her eyes from pure happiness. She saw that Jupiter was already hugging the girls and couldn't resist herself. She ran up to them and hugged them all as well.

"I'm so all are here!"

Normally she kept herself composed but tears were streaming down her face as she rambled incoherent mutterings of happiness to them inbetween her sobs.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime3rd April 2016, 11:50 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet
Mars ran through the streets, still no sign of life even as there was no sign of death.  She jumped over rubble, ducked under pillars and ran, even when her lungs burned and her legs ached, she kept running.  Finally, finally, finally she reached the park but at first all she saw was the same vision she had seen everywhere else: decayed buildings, worn down structures, the pond was spotted with debris.  She forced her mind to wait on its judgment until-Mars saw them!  Her heart jumped as she was greeted by a picturesque moment of Usagi, Mamoru, Ami, Mako, and Venus.  Neptune and Uranus weren't there but she was sure they would be soon.  She kept running until finally she was near them, she slowed, happy to take in the scene before being a part of it.  Exhausted she collapsed on the ground just next to the mob of people hugging.  "Seriously what kind of party is this?" A grin finally stealing her face.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime4th April 2016, 5:54 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 WOrwwic

They stayed together for a long time, before Michiru finally pulled away. “I guess we’d better find our Princess, huh?” she said softly with a smile. Just before everything went black, she had felt Sailor Moon’s energy; comforting, protective, healing. She had a feeling she probably owed her life to her, and that if it hadn’t been for their princess, they wouldn’t have been alive.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 YG2qP0k

Ami’s voice was the first one she heard, just like way back when she first found her girls. Usagi grinned as she turned to see her first friend approaching. She took Mamoru’s offered hand and stood up, running toward Ami. Behind her there was Makoto, and Usagi’s eyes widened in surprise as suddenly she was enveloped in one of those very comforting Mako hugs along with Ami and Mamoru.

And then came Minako, and finally Rei. Her tears ran freely as she hugged her friends tightly, and yelled at Mars, “What are you doing down there? Get in here right this instant, Rei-chan!”

The world was saved, and everything would be okay. Everyone was okay. They had a lot of rebuilding to do, but no lives were lost, and that was the important thing.

As people began to wake up all around her, Usagi noticed belatedly that they were all looking at the senshi, at them, with what seemed to be awe. Whispers of ‘saviors’ and ‘protectors’ spread among them.

From seemingly out of nowhere, Sailor Pluto appeared, her expression proud and happy. Beside her stood Saturn, looking equally pleased and relieved.

“Congratulations, everyone, you have done it. You have saved the world, and paved the way for Crystal Tokyo,” Pluto said.

“I am immensely relieved I do not have to drop the Glaive,” Saturn added. “I’m sorry I had to stay away, but I was the back-up plan. If you had failed… I needed to be ready to let the world be reborn again.”
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Professor Tomoe
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime4th April 2016, 7:06 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 PfPFUou


The happy tears that streamed from Sailor Mercury's eyes were immediately absorbed by the sailor collars and shoulders of her dear friends. She felt so warm and safe wrapped in their embrace—first Jupiter initiating and then Venus joining in... only Mars was missing, the dark-haired girl nearby the group on the ground, joyfully teasing them.

Usagi-chan... Makoto-chan... Minako-chan... Rei-chan...!

Her heart overflowed with love and happiness. This was everything she had longed for, her truest dream: to be surrounded by those who she loved and who loved her. Being a doctor, that was still something she wanted to do—saving and improving lives was a noble and worthwhile cause. But what would be the point of all that if she didn't have her beloved friends by her side, there to share with all of the joy and grief that inevitably would come to pass? Here, bathed in the light of their friendship, she felt at peace.

Sailor Pluto appeared before them suddenly, mysterious as always, and Mercury wiped her eyes to look up at the solemn woman wearing the gentle smile. As she had foretold, they had conquered this stronger form of Chaos and saved Tokyo once more. Even Saturn was there, too, having had her own special separate mission that thankfully was not needed. The entire court of Serenity—no, the entire group of Usagi's friends—had assembled here, drawn forth towards that brilliant light. They had been solitary and alone, but it was she that had reached out a friendly hand and brought them all together.

Sailor Mercury sighed, looking up at the blue sky and thinking of the rebuilding this city would need as it moved towards the future as Crystal Tokyo. She was proud to be a part of it, and happy to know that she would never again suffer the loneliness of her past.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime4th April 2016, 10:06 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 RiGh9gS

They departed soon after. It was a miracle that their helicopter had survived any damage and seemed to be in perfect working condition. The winds brought her sounds of Usagi and the other inner senshi at the Ichi-no-hashi park, so she directed the copter in that direction, finding an empty field a little ways away from the group to bring the copter down. It was an easy run for them, nothing that would push either Uranus or Neptune hard. 

They arrived just as Pluto and Saturn spoke, coming up on their right sides. 

"Started the party without us again I see," Uranus said, making her and Neptune's presence known.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime4th April 2016, 11:06 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 11j0jQz

She was very much enjoying the hug between her and her friends and was about to force Rei to join when Pluto and Saturn appeared. She listened intently almost wanting to scold the pair for thinking that they would ever fail. She sighed, things worked out anyway, so what was the point? Uranus and Neptune arrived, making their presence known but what drew Venus's attention was a white cat, followed by a black one, running towards them.

The two cats were suddenly in their human forms, one with long black hair and the other long and white, as they neared the group. Venus found herself enveloped in a tight embrace from Artemis. She felt the tears form in her eyes again, seeing Artemis and Luna again...the last tiny bit of worry she held on to vanished completely.

"Artemis..." she was quiet, that being the only thing she said while hugging him back, enjoying her partners warmth when pushed him back and pouted teasingly, "You're late!"

Artemis gave Venus a look of annoyance but Luna spoke up to the group before Artemis could reply, walking towards Sailor Moon smiling brightly at her once young guardian she fought so hard to train...

"Sailor Moon...everyone, you all did wonderfully. We are so proud of you all."  She gestured to the people awakening around the park and gathering, "As you all can see, it is time. Time for the arrival of the Queen and King of the new Kingdom and the rebuilding of Tokyo as Crystal Tokyo. A new era has begun and Artemis and I will be right here with you each step of the way."

Venus stopped Luna before she could continue, "Well that's fine and dandy but...What about my concert? I promised a concert and I will deliver! Michiru you have to join in too!"

Artemis rolled his eyes at his partner. "Don't you need an actual working venue to do that?"

"Oh right! Hehe!" She laughed and felt like she could laugh for eternity. Life was only going to get better from here. The idol Minako Aino was back and ready to take on the world, with her friends and loved ones. This Goddess of Love will spread love and joy throughout the Earth all while protecting it. No doubts, no regrets. She gazed at her group of friends and then Usagi, feeling complete and whole.

Yes, absolutely no regrets.
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Anait Zelleire
Lotus Crystal

Anait Zelleire

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime4th April 2016, 2:54 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Sailor%20Mars%20RP%20Header_zpsork9jpet
Mars settled in the feeling of contentment, satisfaction that it had all worked out, again.  Not like she had ever doubted but things got pretty close at the end there.  Finally having regained her ability to breathe properly she looked on as Saturn and Pluto appeared, revealing their place in the plan.  While she was glad that they had not had to fall to the backup plan, she was all together appreciative that there was one in the first place.  She listened as the others joked, hoping that somewhere out there her grandfather was all right.  As everyone else seemed to be, her worries were eased slightly.  Something popped in her mind as Neptune and Uranus mentioned the party from earlier, "I wonder if Mako's cake survived..."
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime4th April 2016, 4:56 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Zz3nQy5
Mamoru followed after Usako as she dashed towards Ami, his movement not as quick as he followed. Usako's hand slipped from his as he released her to enjoy the moment with her friends, standing close enough to be near her, yet not so close as to intrude on their moment. He smiled softly at them as Makoto closed the distance, her arms wide to envelop them both in a hug - but then Makoto arrived, and her strong arms wrapped around him, too. His smile fell, his eyes widening as he was pulled close - he didn't know what to do. He had never been in this situation before - he had always stood outside their group-hugs, never in one. He was taller than all of them, so his arms were pinned to his sides in the embrace - a saving grace that he didn't have to figure out what to do with them as he still halfway struggled to realize what was going on. Then Minako's voice rang out as she ran closer, calling his name, along with theirs, before she flung herself onto the pile, shifting all their weight as they adjusted for her momentum. His smile returned at the slight discomfort as they readjusted, arms tight around him from all sides. It felt... good. Odd and unweildly, definitely a little embarrassing, especially with the small crowd gathering, but their inclusion of him... He didn't know he had ever wanted it. It had always been him and Usako, and Usako and her friends - they were friends by association. He liked and cared for them all, but he had never been nearly as close with them as Usako was, and he had assumed that was how it would always be: they shared her, but weren't themselves a group as a whole. He had been okay with that, with being the odd man out - he never really dwelled on it, but the relief now was palpable. 

He finally fully felt like one of the team.

When the hug subsided and Pluto appeared with her congratulations, he nodded once to her in appreciation for what she had done and the warning she had given, and as Saturn spoke of her duty, he knew his guess had been right. If they had failed, she would have restarted the world, and they would have to fight yet again for what they had found. He slipped his hand into Usako's, looking out at the shabby city. With everything that happened, and even the possibility that it would have been harder still if they had to try it again, he would have done it for her. He'd fight for this Miracle Romance time and time again, but he was glad that that was not the case this time. Finally, they had earned their happy ending. There was no guarantee it would be smooth sailing, or it would be easy, but he would face it all to remain by her side, forever. 

...but there was one more thing he had to do before any of that could happen. Something he had been putting off, not sure of the right time, the right place, or even whether he was prepared enough for it yet, but he felt now that everything was right - everything was perfect, even if they were transformed, even if the whole world was watching. 

Squeezing her hand gently, Mamoru led Usagi just a few steps away, his eyes seeing only her. He knelt down, butterflies dancing in his stomach as he looked up at her, a joyful smile tugging at his lips so strongly he could barely make them form words. "Usako," he finally said, and had to stop to recollect himself he was so suddenly nervous. But he had to ask. "Sailor Moon." He loved her, every part of her. How could he express that all at once? How could he ever hope to express that, even if they were given a millennia together? All of his flowery words and speeches left him. Every line he had rehearsed was gone, evaporating from his mind as he knelt staring up at her - the only words that came through was the question, plain and simple and heartfelt. 

"Will you marry me?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime5th April 2016, 9:45 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Tlc_ju11

She felt and heard more than saw Minako arrive, almost falling over as she joined the hug, and she reluctantly let everyone go after Mars arrived. Uranus and Neptune joined them, and Pluto and Saturn finally reappeared, confirming that they had really won. There was no need for a reset this time, it had all gone right.

"I bet the cake's all expired and gross now..." she said with a sigh. They didn't even get to taste it... She watched Mamoru pull Usagi away, wondering what he was going to do, until he dropped onto one knee. She couldn't help but grin at the timing of his proposal. Well, she'd definitely get to make another cake, a wedding one this time.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime5th April 2016, 10:59 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 WOrwwic

She was glad to see both Pluto and Saturn again, though Saturn’s words made her heart jump a little. The back up plan… And Michiru could have fudged things so easily, could have easily failed if they had tried to judge her soldier’s worth instead of Haruka. Michiru was tempted to run away and leave Hotaru to die alone, Michiru was prepared to doom the world in order to save Haruka. Why had they not tested her, the clearly weaker link, instead of Haruka?

The thoughts haunted her, and would continue to do so for a while, but for the moment she only wished she could hug her family the way the princess and her inner senshi were doing. Instead, she just settled on leaning her head on Haruka’s shoulder, her guilt over her temptation preventing her from embracing Hotaru.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 YG2qP0k

Everyone was here. Everyone was safe and well, even Luna and Artemis. She and Luna never had the kind of relationship Artemis and Minako had, but Usagi nonetheless saw the pride in her advisor’s eyes, and she made a mental note to hug her later too, when she wasn’t piled under tons of people. What Saturn said was scary, but Usagi just smiled. They should have known better than to doubt her now, but they had their duties, and they were just following them like always.

Luna’s words sent a slight trepidation up her spine, but the people around her comforted her. Yes, they would all be there every step of the way. Usagi would never be alone, no matter how scary the road she had to take. That was what she had proven today. They would always protect each other.

She laughed at Minako’s remark about her concert, yet was immediately horrified by Rei’s question. She turned to Mako apologetically, her face almost crumpling in tears at the thought that there was a Mako cake out there that was abandoned and probably destroyed. A delicious cake made of love.

Before she could react to all this, though, Mamoru was pulling her away, and she looked at him quizzically, utterly confused when he suddenly knelt down, her worry that he might have been hurt and had just been hiding it only assuaged by the smile on his face. His eyes were full of love for her, and in a way, Usagi knew what was coming, but she also did not dare to believe it, not until he uttered the words.

And then the words were out there.

And she didn’t even realize that she was crying, but suddenly everything became much blurrier and her knees buckled and she encircled her arms around her Mamo-chan’s neck. “Yes,” she managed to say, laughter and tears mixing into one as her heart felt so full, here surrounded by the people she loved the most, and a promise for an eternal future finally uttered.

“Yes, of course, Mamo-chan, I will marry you!”

She would have to ask him to say that proposal again at least ten times more, so she could accept just as many times again.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase IV: Full Moon  - Page 6 I_icon_minitime5th April 2016, 11:02 pm



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