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 (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime22nd October 2014, 7:38 pm

Advanced Character Profile
Character Name: Makoto Kino
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 14-16 December 5
Used Canons: Anime, Crystal
Makoto Kino is tall, standing at about 5’6’’. She has brown wavy hair that she wears in a pony tail. Her hair hits the middle of her back when pulled in a pony tail, her ponytail holder has two green balls that sit at the top of her ponytail. She has green eyes. Before meeting Usagi, Makoto attended Juuban Municipal Middle School, where the uniform was a white shirt that laces down the front with a light brown collar with two white stripes on it. She also wears a long light brown pleated skirt The uniforms at Azabu Juuban Middle school do not fit Makoto, so she has to wear her former uniform. Makoto’s appearance causes many to think she is a delinquent and a trouble maker, but in reality Makoto is one of the sweetest girls you will meet. She also wears pink rose earrings.
Her high school uniform is a white shirt (long or short sleeved, depending on the time of the year) with a navy blue collar with two red stripes. Her bow is navy blue. The cuffs on the uniform sleeves are navy blue with two red stripes, just like on her collar. She also wears a long navy blue pleated skirt. She also wears white socks and black mary jane shoes.
When not in uniform, Makoto is seen in more casual “tomboy clothes” such as shorts and tee shirts, but will wear a skirt here and there. She likes to wear greens, blues, pinks, yellow and white.
One interesting aspect to Makoto’s personality is that she is both masculine and feminine at the same time. She is the most feminine of the inner senshi. She is very strong and independent, she lost her parents at a young age and this plays a role into her independence. She is gentle and caring. Makoto is in to sports such as basketball and ice skating and practices martial arts. Her other interests include baking, cooking, flowers, dancing and gardening. Her dream is to get married and open a cake shop (although in other versions her dream is to open a flower shop). She also loves romance novels, video games, shopping and cherry pie. Makoto loves all foods as we see throughout the series with her passion for cooking for her friends. Makoto dislikes cheaters, and there is always someone who reminds her of her sempai/ former boyfriend. Her other dislikes are airplanes and biology.

Makoto cherishes her friends and is very loyal to them. She would go to bat for any of her friends. She is especially protective over Usagi. Makoto has been known to be one that has a hard time saying no to those close to her. There are some spurts where Minako and Makoto get in fights, usually over guys, but they always manage to work things out, usually after things have gone sour, but they do make amends in the end. Makoto is always there to defend Usagi too when others are trying to tear her down. Makoto is like Usagi in that way, that she looks for the good and focuses on the good in people. Makoto and Ami also share a bond, they just seem to really understand each other and support each other when they need it. 

Makoto is also often a bit impulsive at times being led by her heart rather than her mind to make decisions. Her emotions often play a role in her decision making as well. 
Any Unique Abilities/Skills:
Makoto is a talented chef and baker. Makoto is also very strong and swift, thanks to many years of martial arts training. Makoto is also talented a figure skating and dancing
Makoto had to learn to take care of herself from a very young age. Her parents were killed in a plane crash, leaving her on her own from that point on. Over time Makoto learned cooking skills and became a great cook. Because of her appearance she was often seen as a rebel and was perceived to cause issues at school because it was assumed she was fighting. Because of these allegations she transferred to Azabu Juuban Junior High school where she met Usagi. She first met Usagi when she spotted some older and bigger guys picking on her. Makoto helped Usagi and then later that day Usagi approached her at lunch time. Makoto was surprised Usagi was not afraid of her and the two quickly became friends. Later in the week Makoto’s was awoken as Sailor Jupiter. Makoto also has a history of meeting guys who remind her of her sempai or former boyfriend.

 Makoto was awoken as a senshi after an encounter with a youma that was after sailor moon. Makoto picked up the youma over her head and threw it (using her bare hands) Makoto is a strong beast, just what the Sailor Team needs, that is when Luna spots the mark of Jupiter appear on her forehead. Luna knew that she was the 4th member to their team and tossed her the transformation pen, telling her to call out Jupiter Power Make Up, Makoto did so and became Sailor Jupiter and a member of the Inner Senshi.
 Before meeting the other senshi, Makoto lived a very lonely life.

Storyline Specific Information: Love and Spite (will fill in later)
Makoto Kino is a new student at the Verona Institute. She was attending silver  academy with her friends, but the school closed and now she s forced to start her senior year of school at a new school and hopes to make the cut on the basketball team as well as join some other clubs at the school. Makoto will meet a boy who will charm her. (will add more as the story develops)

The Lunar Chronicles: This story explores Sailor/ Princess Jupiters life in the silver millennium and her interactions with princess Serenity and the other senshi. 

Senshi Information
Senshi Name: Sailor Jupiter
Realm of Influence(s): Thunder and lightning
Henshin/Transformation Phrase:
Jupiter Power, Make Up
Jupiter Star Power, Make Up
Jupiter Planet Power, Make up
Jupiter Crystal Power, Make Up
Senshi Fuku:
Sailor Jupiter:
Sailor Jupiter’s bodice is white. She has a green skirt and collar. Her collar has two white stripes on it. Her stripes are thicker than the other senshi’s. She has a pink bow in the front with a round green stone sitting in the center of the bow. Her back bow is also pink. Sailor Jupiter wears green ankle high boots that have white laces on the front of the boots. She has a green choker. Jupiter has white elbow length gloves with 3 green bands at the top. She has a gold tiara with a green oval gem that rests in the center. Her hair is pulled back with a hair-tie with two green-blue balls at the top.

Super Sailor Jupiter
For Jupiter’s power upgrade, not much changes. Her pink bow in the back in longer. Her gem in her bow is a heart. Her collar now has one stripe. Her choker has a yellow star in the center on the front and her sleeves have a translucent flowiness to them over the original sleeve.

Flower Hurricane
Jupiter Thunderbolt
Supreme Thunder
Supreme Thunder Dragon
Sparkling Wide Pressure
Super Supreme Thunder
Jupiter Oak Evolution
Weapons or Magical Items:
Thunder and Lightening Antenna
Rose Belt
Transformation Pens
RP Sample:  Memories of the past
            Makoto was cleaning her apartment when she found an old box with some photos in it. Feeling good about what she had accomplished, she decided to take a break and flip through the photos. There were photos from so many different times in her life. There were pictures of her with her parents, pictures of her with the few friends she had at her old school, and some older pictures of her and the girls. While looking at the photos, Makoto reminisced the good, bad, and ugly times. This box of photos was a part of who she was, it reminded her of the trials she has faced, but also the friends she had made to get her through the hard times.

            Smiling, she put the box on her bookcase and got back to cleaning. She was remembering a time with her mom; she was so small and had spilled her grape juice on the carpet. She was so worried it was ruined, but her mom had been so calm and showed her how to lift the stain right up. Makoto smiled, she must have gotten her calm spirit from her mom. She missed her parents so much, but knew they were always with her and would be proud of the young lady she had become.

Last edited by Sailor Prancer on 31st December 2014, 11:45 pm; edited 6 times in total (Reason for editing : adding storyline specific information)
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime24th October 2014, 3:56 pm

Can you expand Makoto's personality and history sections? Perhaps go into a bit more detail about how exactly she awakened as a senshi, and for personality tell more about what kind of person she is as a friend, how she interacts with people or how she changes through the years.

For her magical items, can you add Makoto's transformation pens/wands and communicators?

Let me know if you want help with the changes! Thanks! Smile
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime24th October 2014, 11:23 pm

I will work on this tomorrow, will you be on skype by any chance. I would definitely appreciate some help.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime25th October 2014, 4:42 pm

made the changes in green Smile let me know if i need to make any more changes and I can do so.
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime26th October 2014, 10:58 pm

Can you note that Makoto is usually led by her emotions and heart, which makes her impulsive at times? For the Unique Abilities / Skills, could you list her figure skating skills there, too?

Also, (this is not an obligatory point since you are basing this profile on the 90's anime and Crystal only) in the manga Makoto was able to predict storms and was shown to have a connection to her senshi element. Smile

Thank you!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime26th October 2014, 11:04 pm

changes added Smile let me know if i need to add anything else, will work on storyline specific information tomrrow
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime28th October 2014, 4:45 pm

I'll say this profile is approved, but could you mention how loneliness played a big part in Makoto's life before she met her friends? Thank you! Smile
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime30th November 2014, 5:39 pm

sorry i took so long to do this, i will add more to storyline as it progresses but i added the part about makoto's lonliness as well as some small storyline information
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 11:45 pm

SSI Added
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime1st January 2015, 4:32 pm

SSI noted. Smile Could you mention Makoto is a civilian with no Senshi powers in Love and Spite? Thank you! Smile
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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Makoto Kino/ Sailor Jupiter I_icon_minitime

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