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 (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno Empty
PostSubject: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime20th December 2014, 7:47 pm

Character Name: Ami Mizuno
Gender: Female
Age and Date of Birth: 14-16, September 10th
Used Canons: Anime/Manga
Appearance: Ami is around 5'2", with short, dark blue hair that ends at her shoulders. Her eyes are also blue, and she sometimes wears reading glasses. Her uniform during middle school was a white, long sleeved blouse with a blue, white striped collar and blue cuffs. A red bow is just under the collar, and she wears a blue skirt tied with another blue bow in the back. Her shoes are brown loafers.

In high school, her uniform changes to a white blouse with a dark blue and red striped collar and cuffs, and a blue bow. Her skirt is also a darker blue. Outside school, Ami will usually wear clothes that are some shade of blue, or pastels like yellow with white. She favors long sleeve shirts and long skirts, but will also wear sundresses and shorter skirts.

Personality: Ami started off as shy and insecure with herself beyond her own academic skills, and others judged her as aloof, cold, and arrogant for it, believing she thought she was smarter than her classmates. After becoming a senshi, Ami opened up more to her friends. Behind her quieter looks, she cares deeply for people and enjoys helping them, wanting to be a doctor like her mother someday. She is not naturally inclined to fighting, but she has a strong sense of right and wrong and is not afraid to step in if lines are crossed. Ami likes to take her time thinking about things before she does them, coming up with plans and looking at data for the rest of the team. Her weakness is love letters. She reacts with embarrassment and a rash whenever she receives one, and gets flustered when romance is brought up. Despite this, she secretly loves romance novels and pop culture. Ami likes reading books, playing strategic games like chess, and pushing her knowledge further, and will sometimes show a competitive streak if someone challenges her.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: Ami is very intelligent  and has an expansive knowledge in multiple subjects, including math, the sciences, and literature. She's also a great swimmer. 

In the Silver Millennium, Sailor Mercury was Princess Mercury, and ruled from Mariner Castle. She was one of Princess Serenity's four guardians and died protecting her when the Dark Kingdom attacked and destroyed the Moon Kingdom. She was reborn as Ami Mizuno 1,000 years later. 

Ami's father is an artist and her mother is a doctor, but her father left to pursue his career in solitude sometime earlier in her childhood. This left her to be raised by her busy mother, though he still sends her postcards for her birthday. Ami often ended up alone in her apartment because of her mother's hospital shifts, and was enrolled in multiple cram schools and testing centers. Her high school grades set her apart from the other kids as well, as they thought she was a rich snob who was too smart to associate with them. This changed when she met Usagi and awoke as Sailor Mercury. She helped defeat the Dark Kingdom monster attacking a cram school with Mercury Aqua Mist and was the first to join Sailor Moon. After joining the other senshi in destroying the rest of the Dark Kingdom, she died along with Mars, Jupiter, and Venus to give Sailor Moon enough of an opening to defeat Queen Metallia. She was revived by the Silver Crystal afterwards, and the city was peaceful until the Black Moon Clan attacked.

When the Black Moon Clan showed up to obtain the Silver Crystal from Chibiusa in the past, all the senshi except for Venus were abducted by the Ayakashi Sisters and brought to the future to be imprisoned on Planet Nemesis. Mercury was attacked and defeated by Berthier. Sailor Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter were found and saved by the others who traveled to the future as well, with the help of Sailor Pluto. Using Neo-Queen Serenity's power, the senshi were able to defeat Wiseman, who was really Planet Nemesis itself, from destroying Crystal Tokyo.

During the Infinity Arc, Sailor Mercury helped the other senshi fight the Daimons, who were created by the Professor Tomoe and Death Busters to search for pure hearts with Talismans in them. She and the Guardian Senshi clashed with the new Outer Senshi over ideals, but they all came together to summon the Holy Grail and help create Super Sailor Moon. Chibiusa's crystal is stolen by Hotaru ad she turns into Mistress 9. Mercury was almost trapped inside of the Mugen Academy Base, but was saved by Sailor Uranus. She and the Sailor Senshi help Sailor Moon transform again, but Sailor Moon's group was soon captured and had their souls consumed by Mistress 9 for energy. Hotaru's spirit frees them and Chibiusa, and then is finally consumed in their place. The Outers set up a barrier to try and contain the evil, but eventually it fails once Mistress 9 gets too strong. The senshi are out of energy, and Sailor Moon decided to detonate the Holy Grail within the monster before it finishes opening up a portal for Pharoh 90 to enter. Sailor Saturn appears and uses her Silence Glaive to destroy it and the entire Tau Galaxy, sacrificing herself to do so. Super Sailor Moon repairs the Earth and revives the dead, and Hotaru is given a second chance at life.

During the Dream arc, Makoto, Minako, Ami, and Usagi all get into the same high school. After a rare Solar Eclipse, A strange circus stops in town and sets up at a market place, and the Dead Mood Circus let by Zirconia and Queen Nehellenia starts to take over. Using their inner power, Usagi and Chibiusa can now permanently transform into Super Sailor Moon, and the kaleidoscopes they bought become weapons with the help of Helios, the Pegasus that Chibiusa talks to in her dreams. One by one, the Guardian Senshi are attacked by the Amazoness Quartet and their animal minions, Tiger's Eye, Fisheye, and Hawk's Eye. Ami picks up on the Dead Moon Circus's presence in Tokyo, and after trying to help Usagi and Chibiusa return to their normal ages, goes out for a walk. She is sold a fish by PallaPalla and later falls asleep and wakes up to illusions of her parents and friends shunning her. She is caught and subdued by Lemures, and then taunted about not being loved, but after speaking with Guardian Mercury and receiving her crystal, she remembers her dream to protect others and takes on her Super form, defeating Fisheye and freeing herself and her trapped mother. The Outer Senshi reappear, with a newly reborn Saturn, and help to battle the Amazoness Quartet. Eventually, Sailor moon becomes Eternal Sailor Moon with the Holy Moon Chalice the Golden Crystal is unlocked within Mamoru. Together, they destroy the Queen and Sailor Saturn frees the Amazon Quartet, returning them to their Sailor forms. Chibiusa revives Helios and gains her Pink Moon Crystal .

In the Stars Arc, Makoto and Ami are both killed by one Sailor Galaxia's servants Aluminum Seiren, and their Sailor Crystals are taken. The other senshi and Mamoru are eventually destroyed as well, and are revived as puppets by Galaxia to fight Sailor Moon and the Sailor Starlights at the Galaxy Cauldron. They are all destroyed, but are reborn again in Eternal forms when Sailor Moon finds then within the Galaxy Cauldron instead of destroying it. 

Other Noteworthy Facts: 

  • Star sign- Virgo
  • Blood type- A
  • Favorite Gem- Sapphire
  • Favorite Flower- Water Lilies
  • Favorite Food- Sandwiches
  • Least Favorite Food- Yellowtail fish.
  • Favorite Subject- Math
  • Least Favorite Subject-None

Storyline Specific Information: 

The Lunar Chronicles-Phase I: During the Silver Millennium, Sailor Mercury is one of Princess Serenity's four Guardians, and accompanies her on a forbidden trip to Earth to protect her. She meets the Earth General Zoisite for the first time, and soon finds herself gravitating towards him for his sharp wit and knowledge of the planet. But will their relationship go any further than that?

Digimon: Digital Senshi- After buying a Digimon plushie of Gomamon from the popular new kids franchise, Ami's new toy is revealed to be a living creature. Gomamon asks for Ami's help to save both the Digital and the Real world from being destroyed by a powerful Digimon who wants them for itself. Ami accepts and joins forces with Gomamon as his tamer to fight the new threat.

Gomamon Info:

My Little Pony: Love and Justice: When Sailor mercury enters the MY Little Pony world, her appearance changes to a unicorn. She has light blue fur with a white spot on her muzzle and forehead, and white hooves. Her mane and tail are a darker blue color, and her eyes stay blue as well. Her cutie mark is the symbol of Mercury.

(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno Ami_po10

Senshi Information (delete this section if not applicable)

Senshi Name: Sailor Mercury
Realm of Influence(s): Water and Ice
Henshin/Transformation Phrase: Mercury Star/ Planet/ Crystal Power, Make Up!
Senshi Fuku: 
Sailor Mercury's color scheme is  dark and light Blue. Her first outfit has a dark blue skirt and two lighter blue bows on her front and back. Her tiara's stone is blue. Her skirt, glove edges, collar, choker, brooch, and knee high boots are also dark blue. Her collar has 3 white stripes on it, and she wears blue stud earrings. She has no shoulder pads

After her second transformation to Super Sailor Mercury, her choker gained a star on it, her back bow got longer, her shoulder pads became translucent, and her brooch became heart shaped.

Her third transformation to Eternal Sailor Mercurymade her choker V shaped and turned her Brooch into a star. Her shoulder pads are now blue, and her gloves go past her elbows. Her belt is now made of blue and light blue ribbons with a star in the center, and her front and back bows turn into different shades of blue. Her shirt is two layered, with the bottom layer being a lighter blue than the top, and her earrings and tiara stone become blue stars. 


  • Shabon Spray/Mercury Aqua Mist
  • Shabon Spray Freezing
  • Hyperspatial Sphere Generate
  • Shine Aqua Illusion
  • Shine Snow Illusion
  • Mercury Aqua Mirage
  • Mercury Aqua Rhapsody

Weapons or Magical Items:

  • Mercury Transformation Pen
  • Mercury Star Power Stick
  • Mercury Crystal Change Rod
  • Mercury Crystal
  • Mercury Harp
  • Mini Computer
  • Mercury Goggles

RP Sample: 


Last edited by JupiterThunderCrash on 15th June 2015, 12:21 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Formerly Sailor Pluto
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime21st December 2014, 6:55 pm

Ready for review!
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Neptune Emeritus


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(Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime22nd December 2014, 9:20 am

Noting here that I have seen your update and will review this profile later today. Smile
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime22nd December 2014, 1:35 pm

Approved. Smile

(Side note: If it's not too much trouble, could you perhaps mention that Ami is secretly a fan of pop culture? Thanks!)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime22nd December 2014, 1:46 pm

Thank you, I added that bit in somewhere in the personality section.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime7th May 2015, 9:41 am

I've added a new SSI in red for the May Crossover Mayhem event
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime7th May 2015, 9:19 pm

SSI has been noted! Smile
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime15th June 2015, 12:20 pm

I've added a new SSI in red, and a picture to go with it.
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Neptune Emeritus


RP Admin  Neptune Emeritus

Title : Myuteer ~ GC's official Harumichitic
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime15th June 2015, 4:08 pm

SSI noted! Smile
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PostSubject: Re: (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno   (Approved) Advanced Senshi: Sailor Mercury/ Ami Mizuno I_icon_minitime

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