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 [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th July 2015, 6:07 am

/人 ‿‿ 人\ Kyubey

This afternoon at the café was going much better than he had expected. The incubator watched the group, silent and stalking. Thankfully this planter and palm provided excellent coverage. The café patrons could not notice him, of course, but the girls could. It wasn't that he was afraid of them, per se, as much as he knew they would be distracted and uncooperative if they saw him here.

It was almost unthinkable that they were sharing their wishes. Usagi truly was an amazing human. It had taken her so little time to draw out their deepest secrets. She was crumbling the walls they had built around themselves--soon they would be easy targets for corruption and sin.

A change in the levels attracted his attention suddenly. Another witch was preparing to blossom. Soon, he'd have the opportunity to watch these new-found friends in action together. It would be the first step towards the success of his great plan.

The tail swished back and forth and the red eyes stared forward, never blinking.
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Tiny Kitten
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime21st July 2015, 7:25 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 6sRmGXk

Rei listened to Ami tell the group her powers. They all seemed to go so well together. Combined, they had ranged and melee attackers as well as different type of elements. She took note of how strange this was, far too weird to be another coincidence. They happened to find each other, all on the same night, and then bump into each other, and then their magical powers worked so well together? Something didn't seem right to her, but maybe she was just being overly critical. It could be possible that it was all a coincidence after all...right?

She looked up at Ami in surprise, her question breaking Rei's thoughts. Had she really just asked everyone at the table what their wish was? That was not a question that people willingly answered. Making the wish to become a magical girl was generally very personal. Why would she ask such a question after only knowing these girls for basically a day, not even that yet? Maybe she was the reason they all had randomly found eachother? Did she make some sort of weird pact with Kyubey? Rei willed herself to relax. There was no use to jumping to conclusions, besides working herself up. Ami seemed like a nice girl, there's no reason to excuse her of doing such things, even if it was all just in her mind.

She looked over at Usagi, as she heard the blonde girl start to speak. It seemed like she was willing to share what her wish was with everyone. It was a bit surprising to be to complete strangers about something that was so personal. She listened to Usagi tell her story of what happened and why she made her wish. It was for completely unselfish reasons, which made perfect sense considering what Kyubey had told them about her soul gem. Making a wish to be a magical girl to save a bus full of strangers, that's about as unselfish and special of a wish as it gets. Something told Rei not to discount Usagi as just a typical, overly friendly blonde. There was clearly much more to her then that.

It bothered her that Ami decided not to share her story with them, since she was the one that mentioned sharing to begin with. It seemed a bit odd for someone to be the one to bring it up and then not share themselves. But Usagi's story had been a really great one, it would be a bit embarrassing to now admit your own wish after hearing her's. So, maybe it wasn't such a weird thing afterall. Rei knew that if she had been the one to bring it up, after hearing what Usagi had to say, she would definitely not want to share her own wish.

Compared to Usagi's story, Minako's wish seemed quite selfish. She wished to be famous just to prove her family and peers wrong about her. It wasn't a horrible wish, she supposed, but it did seem a bit spur of the moment and a naive decision. Granted, Rei's wasn't much better, but at least she had wished for something she couldn't possibly achieve on her own one day. Maybe Minako would of ended up being famous, without her parents or peer's support, and without making the wish she did.

"Well, I'm not sharing what I wished for. I hardly know any of you." Rei stated out loud, looking at the group. She was happy that they seemed to be getting along, sure, but she didn't really know any of them. There was no way she was opening up to strangers about her wish, or anything really.
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Sailor Neptune
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime23rd July 2015, 6:13 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Vvepm8H

Ami had initially asked everyone what their wish was because she was driven by curiosity. Her own pact with Kyubey had gone so wrong, and she wanted to know if it had happened to anyone else. Subconsciously, she yearned to hear that someone went through the same thing, ended up in the same boat. She had desperately needed someone who knew exactly what she was going through, how her selfishness had backfired, because all this time, she had felt so alone.

But then of course Usagi’s story only made her feel worse. She wanted to believe what Usagi said, that her reason was important and special, too, but how could she… when it had only hurt people? She felt tears threatening to fall and quickly blinked them away in horror. There was no way she was going to cry in front of all these girls. Her new comrades.

And then Minako spoke, surprising her. She wished for fame. So this celebrity status she seemed to be flaunting… she didn’t even earn it? A second later she felt guilty and regret for daring to judge Minako’s choices. Hadn’t she done the exact same thing? Wished for the one thing she wanted most in the world rather than keep working at it? What kind of stupid wish was friends? How could she not think it would end up brainwashing people? You could not make people like you.

That made her wonder if Minako’s fans were similarly brainwashed or if the magic simply opened up opportunities and the right people to pave the way. What Minako said about being a magical girl feeling like a curse certainly felt true, but was she really changing her mind? Sure, Usagi had shown that you could be a magical girl without ruining both your and other people’s lives. Maybe Usagi was the right kind of magical girl, and they were the wrong ones.

She wondered if she could ever fix her mistake.

Rei spoke up next, claiming that she was never sharing her own wish. Ami could understand that. She was still wrestling with the decision herself.

But after hearing Minako’s story, she had made that decision.

“I wished for friends,” she blurted out before she could change her mind. Her face flamed and she looked down at her cup, avoiding everyone’s gazes. She couldn’t bear their judgment right now. Not until she finished. “I was so… lonely, and nobody liked me, and my mother’s hardly ever home, and it felt like… it felt like I was the only person in the world sometimes. No, that everyone else was there but they hated me, which is probably worse. I was just so… alone, and all I wanted was friends like the kinds normal high school girls have. And I was stupid enough to ask for it with magic.”

She finished her story and her gaze remained on the table, hoping they all wouldn’t laugh or condemn her because she didn’t think anyone could hate her more than she already hated herself as it was.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime28th July 2015, 6:06 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Makoto had remained quiet as the group's conversation turned to the wishes they had all made. Especially as Usagi spoke about her own wish. Such a selfless reason, a pure wish. She had thought that Usagi was special, had known it from the small interactions they had with one another since that fateful night. But to hear a specific decision, a decision to give up so much but to help so many... It shamed Makoto, and she looked down at the table, as if looking anyone straight in the eyes would give away her own secret.

Her own incredibly selfish secret.

At the time, she hadn't minded. It was her own wish to make, and to fight in exchange for love seemed like a good trade off. But hearing of Usagi and her pure wish, it made Makoto wonder if she had made the right decision. She should have used her wish for a greater good, not squander it away for her own benefit. What would these girls think, to know of her own wish?

She planned to simply not tell anyone her wish. That would be the safest option, and she was lucky that it seemed some of the others were not keen in sharing either. Makoto didn't blame them; this was all rather personal.

But then Minako and then Ami both spoke of their own situations, and a part of Makoto wondered if perhaps they were all more similar than she had thought. In a way, it made her feel closer to them.

It wouldn't be fair to listen to their stories, and not share her own. She should give back what she had been given. "I wished for love." It was a simple statement, and didn't explain much, but Makoto wasn't sure how to continue. She gave a small uneasy laugh, and shrugged. "It seemed more romantic at the time. I was heartbroken and didn't want to lose another person from my life. Kyubey made it possible that I wouldn't be alone."

A part of her wanted to explain more, but already she felt uncomfortable and so she stopped talking. Maybe some day she would feel closer to these girls, and could perhaps be completely open with them. For now though, she looked to Ami. She definitely felt a kind of kinship with the other girl. They both had made their wishes in order to no longer be alone. Though the source of it varied, it was still the same in a way.

"I don't think it's wrong or stupid to wish for companionship."
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Lotus Crystal


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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime8th August 2015, 11:19 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 LightMinako_zps14a3b13f

Minako felt her heart constrict at Ami's wish. It was kind of depressing to think that someone felt so alone in the world that they had to ask for friends. But was it really that hard for Ami? Minako couldn't help but feel bad for the blue-haired girl. She didn't doubt that she was telling the truth - after all, Minako was having trouble being friends with her as it is - and she couldn't help but be grateful that she wasn't the only one with a selfish wish. 

Makoto's wish was a lot like Ami's, in a way, and Minako felt a bond growing between the three of them. Sure, they barely knew each other and had a lot of work to do in the 'getting along' department, but they all shared a mutual understanding. And then there was Rei, who refused to share her wish. Minako could understand that, but at the same time, could it be any more selfish than the wishes the three of them had made?

"Maybe being a team won't be such a bad idea, after all. I feel like now that most of us," she paused, glancing at Rei, "have shared our wishes, we can trust each other a little more now." Minako inhaled slowly before continuing, "I know this might seem weird and sudden, but...I'd like to invite you all to my place sometime. I live alone, so we don't have to worry about anyone bothering us or anything, and I think it would be a good chance to become a better team. We could even train, if you wanted."
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime12th August 2015, 11:00 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 3KtPyfV

When Minako told her story, why she became a Magical Girl, something tugged at Usagi's heart. She couldn't compare her own self to Minako, but she understood where she as coming from. A child who was doubted by her parents. Parents shouldn't doubt their children, no matter how unreachable a dream may be. There was always a possibility, no matter how small. But by doubting, you were only pushing that small chance further and further away, making it impossible to find.

Usagi was pulled from thought when Rei spoke up stating she didn't want to share her wish because she didn't know them.

"I hope we get to know each other well enough so we can all trust one another without secrets." Usagi smiled, aiming at Rei. She didn't want to call out any names in particular, so she phrased it so it would seem like she was speaking to them all.

Usagi then felt a simmer of hope when Minako brought up about them possibly being a team. Usagi wanted to hop up and hug her and ramble on about the fun they would have, but she unwillingly forced herself to not do that. The egg was slowly cracking, and she didn't want to risk stopping it.
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Sailor Neptune
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 10:51 am


[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Vvepm8H

With Minako inviting them to her place to train, the girls took her up on it later that week, and they had trained to combine their attacks and work on a few combination moves to better take down witches a couple times. At first it was difficult to be in sync because everyone had such different personalities and they were each programmed to work solo, but they were getting there.

Today they were in the middle of another training session when Kyubey alerted them to the presence of a witch nearby. They had rushed there to find the distorted space and entered the witch’s labyrinth.

But finding the witch proved to be difficult. Instead, they kept running into its familiars, all in the form of hideous terrifying clowns. This particular labyrinth looked like a fair ground, with carousels and circus music and ferris wheels running all around them. It was a twisted little amusement park filled with deadly traps and nightmares.

Ami had finally spotted an irregularity; the scenes and rides around them kept changing every couple minutes, but the Ferris Wheel remained in the same spot. “I think the witch might be at the top of that ride,” she pointed. “But I’m not sure how we can get up there. Maybe we could also try to destroy the Ferris Wheel… or ride it to the top.”

She didn’t like the idea of riding it, but she had a feeling if they wanted to confront that witch head on, it was the only option.
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Professor Tomoe
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime17th August 2015, 11:06 am

/人 ‿‿ 人\ Kyubey

He grinned at the girls, that same grin always plastered on his unmoving face, knowing that they were only less hostile to him within the domain of a witch. In the labyrinth they relied on him slightly for guidance and advice, at least enough for those who didn't trust him to avoid outwardly attacking him. It made the distorted and warped space seem even more appealing to him, knowing that he'd be regarded here with the authority that they failed to give him in the outside world.

"It looks like you have to ride it to the top," he cautioned. "Each witch has a design that must be honored."

Just how much of that was true and how much of that was his own instruction was left to be seen.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime27th August 2015, 8:32 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 3KtPyfV

The scene around Usagi changed as she and the other magical girls made their way into the labyrinth. Usagi could sum up the space inside the labyrinth in one word. Random. Nothing ever made sense in labyrinths. What should have been a stable object could sprout legs and begin running away from you by the time it took you to blink. But at the other end, something that seemed completely harmless could also kill you. Nothing was what it seemed, ever. 

Usagi set her eyes on the top of the Ferris wheel, and could see the slight difference in the area. Finding a witch was like an eye spy book, except the pages were alive, and the witch was always the hardest object to find. 

"I can go up first with someone." Usagi said. Her shy voice managing to overcome her fear. Usagi wasn't afraid for getting injured, but afraid for her comrades. Was it ok to think of them as friends so soon? " I can use the light to create a shield. It would give us an advantage as we attacked."
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Professor Tomoe
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime27th April 2018, 7:06 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097 Rei Hino [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097

Rei adjusted the grip on her bow, garnet eyes surveying the labyrinth. She still felt... unsettled, at the thought of working alongside the others. Yes, they had been training together, but still... Getting too close seemed problematic. They were just partners. They weren't friends. She told herself it was just because she needed the Grief Seed. Her Soul Gem looked... murky. She couldn't admit that it was for any other reason. Not yet.

The dark-haired girl eyed the Ferris wheel, watching how it stood out in the distorted space. Kyubey's comment that they "had" to ride it filled her with caution. That dark-furred thing didn't have their own best interests in mind, that was guaranteed.

The blonde offered herself almost immediately, and although her voice sounded hesitant, her offer lacked suspicion. Who was this girl? How could she not fear that Kyubey was simply sending them into danger? Was this because of her wish—was this because she wanted to protect everyone? Rei stared at the girl in pink, and her heart ached. It was this girl that needed protection. She barely knew Usagi, but she knew didn't want to walk out of this labyrinth without her.

"I'll go," she volunteered, blurting out the words after Usagi spoke up, feeling a sinking sense of regret almost as soon as she spoke. She told herself she wasn't going to get involved—what was she doing?
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Sailor Saturn
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime27th April 2018, 10:38 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Makoto held her pike at the ready, grip tight against the silver metal. It was a stance she couldn't quite rid herself of - a habit born of necessity. Even though she now had the added strength of the others to count on, Makoto always wanted to be ready at a moment's notice.

Witch's labyrinth's were too full of surprises for any other approach.

Still, despite her white-knuckled grip, she felt more at ease than ever before. It was easier to focus on the task at hand when she had companions by her side, instead of getting sidetracked with wondering how long she could chance being out before Yoichi would notice.

Plus, it was nice to not be alone.

Especially as the current labyrinth presented its first big obstacle. Makoto slowly looked up at the Ferris Wheel, swallowing her fear at the idea of having to fight up there. She absolutely hated heights, but didn't want to admit that to her comrades. They'd grown as a team, but it still felt a little tentative at times, delicate and fragile. Makoto wasn't going to share such weaknesses. Just in case.

Luckily, it seemed Usagi and Rei were already offering to ride the Ferris Wheel, to which Makoto was glad. Though a sense of guilt pulled at her. She didn't want to leave this more-than-likely dangerous task to her teammates, especially if she wasn't prepared to go up there herself.

But... she glanced back up at the Ferris Wheel, a small frown on her lips.  

Finally, she looked back at Usagi and Rei. She had to trust they would do well with this task without her. They were prepared to go, so why not let them go?

That was what being on team was about, right? Using individual strengths to reinforce each other's weaknesses?

"Good luck," she told them, then paused for a moment, feeling as though that wasn't enough. "Be careful."
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Sailor Neptune
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2018, 11:56 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Vvepm8H

Ami looked up at the Ferris Wheel as one by one her teammates—could she call them that yet?—decided on what to do. Usagi and Rei both wanted to go up. Mako, however, decided not to. That surprised Ami. She would have pegged her to be the first to offer, being a frontline fighter and all, but perhaps there was something that was holding her back. Mild frustration filled her as she realized every time she thought she had everyone figured out, they continued to surprise her.

“Is splitting up a good idea, though?” she asked, wondering if she should go or not. If the witch was up there, shouldn’t they all come? Wasn’t fighting it the purpose of being in this labyrinth?

“We’re supposed to be… a team,” she added, looking at Minako and wondering what she’d think about all this.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime7th May 2018, 2:35 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 GeOn5Q0

Usagi hadn’t been expecting Rei to be the one to volunteer to go up the ferris wheel with her. Rei had seemed hesitant about the whole prospect of being friends and working together. But Rei’s weapon could be most useful up front, despite the danger. They would definitely have the element of surprise on their side if Rei were to attack first. Usagi wondered if the raven-haired girl had the ability to shoot multiple arrows at a time. That would be useful if she could…

Usagi pushed down the fear of her shield failing. She couldn’t—wouldn’t think like that! She would make sure that she kept all of these girls safe. Whether they realized it or not, they were depending on her, even if Kyubey was trying to convince them all that she was the one who needed protection. They needed protection, too—not just her. They were her comrades now and therefore, precious and worthy of her protection.

“We are most certainly a team,” Usagi chirped at Ami with a happy smile. “Though it looks as though the seats can only hold two at a time. And I think having Rei ride up with me first might be to our best advantage,” she continued cautiously, smiling shyly at Rei. “She uses a bow and arrows, after all, so her attacks are more for long distance, right?”
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Professor Tomoe
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime8th May 2018, 5:22 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097 Rei Hino [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097

Her throat felt parched, listening to the other girls around her talk again about being "a team". She yearned to work alongside them and have friends, or something close to that, but when she thought of letting anyone close to her the fear rose from her stomach like bile. Hadn't she learned well enough, all those years at school? And... even if they were different... how could she ever confess her terrible, selfish wish? The violet-haired archer willed herself still while the others talked, afraid to betray her thoughts with nervous shifting or fidgeting.

At least Ami's comment mentioned actual battle strategy. That gave Rei a focal point.

"I agree that splitting up is dangerous," she replied, her voice much cooler than she actually felt. "But the longer it takes us to fight this witch, the stronger it will grow."

She gave Usagi a slight nod, adjusting her grip on her bow.

"Yes, long-distance." She could use the arrows themselves in closer quarters, but she preferred the bow.

Looking over at the blonde stirred something in Rei's heart. Yes, even though she distrusted Kyubey... she would protect this girl. However she could.
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime9th May 2018, 5:41 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Glancing from one girl to the other, Makoto felt guilt settle in the pit of her stomach. There was no taking back the words now - and a large part of her didn't want to - but it still felt terrible not being the one to rush in first.

Rushing in and getting the attention of the Witch onto herself was a specialty of hers. Better to keep the focus on herself. She could handle it better than most.

Except now, it seemed.

Makoto refused to look up at the incredible height of the Ferris Wheel again. It would only be like putting salt in a wound.

Instead, she listened intently as the others spoke about strategy. There was that word again: team. That finally made Makoto able to push her guilt to the side and focus more on what was at hand.

"Splitting up seems the best option right now," she added, looking from one girl to the next. "Teams can split up when the need arises, right?" She put on a grin then, confidence beginning to come back. They could do this. She'd seen her allies in combat before and they were all capable.

She still wished - no, not wished, she never wished for anything anymore - she wanted to be the one to protect them from taking any potential damage, but she had to trust that they'd be okay. That was what teams did, right?

"Those of us on the ground can try to find another way to help you guys out. I have my lightning, after all." With that, she summoned the javelin-like lightning, crackling in her grasp.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime15th May 2018, 9:45 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 J9TzJBY

Minako stood back, examining her comrades one by one. The look in Makoto's eyes seemed fearful, worried, hesitant. All things that seemed out of place on the brave woman's expression. While she felt that all of them going up as a team was best, there was also Kyubey. The rat was up to something - she could tell by the way her heart was beating heavily in her chest. She had a bad feeling.

But they were warriors. Sure, the witches were getting more and more difficult to beat, but these girls were all experienced and more than capable. But if there was one thing for certain, Minako wasn't letting Usagi out of her sight.

There had to be some way she could get Makoto to push back this fear. All Minako really knew about Makoto was her wish, and some parts of her personality. But in her experience, all magical girls were the same - they all wanted to survive.

"Stay here if you want," Minako said to Makoto. "But I am only sharing the grief seed with those who actually fight." It was harsh, probably too harsh, but Minako couldn't think of anything else that would work. "If we're going to be a team, we all have to be willing to take one for it."
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th May 2018, 6:54 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Makoto was unimpressed. She crossed her arms, bringing herself up to her full height to stare down at the blonde. Who was Minako to say such things? She was no boss of this fragile team and Makoto didn't care for her tone either.

It reminded her far too much of the bullies she used to beat up.

She tried to push her initial defenses down, tried to soften her expression, but anger would tighten up those walls all over again. She wouldn't allow anyone to get bullied into something, not even herself.

"Who said I wasn't going to fight? I'm not going to sit here and do nothing." The lightning held within her fist crackled as her emotions flared. "Or maybe you just want to take this grief seed for yourself? An easy excuse to have just one less magical girl to share with?"

That wasn't fair and she knew it. She didn't really think that was Minako's ultimate plan, but a small part of her still whispered that it could be possible. Despite their growth as a team... how much did she truly trust any of these girls?

Not enough to get up on that damned Ferris Wheel, that was for sure.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime21st May 2018, 6:46 am

/人 ‿‿ 人\ Kyubey

No, no, no—it was much too early for this fighting. They could do that later. Later was fine. Later was convenient and correct. This was the time when they needed to do that strange human thing—bonding—before the dissolution could start. This was too fresh and soon; Usagi wasn't ready. She wasn't ripe. That was something Kyuubey watched and measured for, patient and calm. If the girls parted ways now, went back to their earlier styles of fighting Witches individually, he knew the others would eventually fall and become Witches... but Usagi would the best one. She wouldn't turn on her own.

The Incubator waited, crimson eyes glowing in the dark. Usagi would get them back on track. She was special, after all.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime25th May 2018, 7:43 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Vvepm8H

Everyone seemed to be in agreement about splitting up, but Ami herself was a close range fighter, so she personally wanted to get close to the witch. Otherwise, she’d be pretty useless. She had resigned herself to following Rei and Usagi in another cabin of the Ferris Wheel when Minako finally spoke up. She seemed to be the one least excited about working together, and Ami was surprised when she insulted Mako’s intentions openly. As Mako squared off with her, Ami actually felt worried a fight might broke out then and there. Was this a bad idea after all? In theory, having a team of magical girls seemed smart, but if they were just going to fight each other… it might backfire and become the worst possible thing in the world. She eyed Mako’s lightning nervously.

“Well, I personally want to go too, because I can’t reach the witch from down here if she’s up there,” she piped up. “So… if you stayed, I hope you don’t mind staying alone down here, Makoto.”

But Minako was right about one thing. If they did find the witch up there, and they managed to kill it, and Mako didn’t help… She doubted the others would want to share the Grief Seed that came out of it. Ami really had no idea how to make these two get along. She couldn’t even find her own friends, let alone deal with other people’s relationship problems.
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime25th May 2018, 7:54 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097 Rei Hino [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097

She had stayed quiet when Minako and Makoto bickered, although her eye began to twitch. They didn't have time for this. The Witch awaited them. If they had five Magical Girls in the labyrinth, why would anyone chose to step back from this battle? That defeated the entire purpose of having the group work together. If they were going to act alone, why had they bothered practicing together? Rei's ruby eyes, enhanced by her current form, glared at the group.

"We need to move," she practically snarled, although she addressed it only to Usagi. She didn't trust herself to talk to the others right now. Maybe the others could figure it out when someone took initiative. Her voice softened with her second question, hoping to show that she wasn't mad at the blonde. "Are you ready?"
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PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime8th June 2018, 5:53 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Hearing Ami mention being left alone, Makoto's resolve faltered. Ami was a softer kind of opinion and it didn't make Makoto feel as though she were backed into a corner with no escape.

She wanted to say something, but didn't know what.

If these girls really wanted everyone to go up there, then so be it. Her staying behind had made more sense when it was possible to protect those staying behind as well. But if she were here alone, what was the point?

Besides decidedly not subjecting herself to that awful Ferris Wheel.

Unclenching her fist, the lightning held crackling in her hand dissipated alongside her tension. With a quick breath inwards to steady herself, Makoto walked closer to the Ferris Wheel, showing her acceptance of this course of action. She stood straight and tall, crossed her arms, and closed her eyes as she waited for the others.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime12th June 2018, 5:55 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 J9TzJBY

Minako scoffed at Makoto's accusation, refusing to back down from this apparent square-up. She wasn't about to let some coward try and intimidate her, yeah right. Good riddance, Minako thought, they didn't need the dead weight anyway. Magical girls like Makoto were a big part of why Minako avoided joining forces with others in the past. 

But she could address all of that later. Right now, they just needed to get rid of this one witch and get out of here. Thankful for Rei's interlude, Minako joined the ruby-eyed warrior near the Ferris Wheel. She summoned her sword, twirling it between her fingers as she waited for Usagi to join them. If anything, Minako was looking forward to seeing more of Usagi's abilities firsthand, and getting more information on what made this girl so special.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 12:37 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 GeOn5Q0

The hostility rose quickly. Usagi hadn’t been expecting it. It seemed that this labyrinth was full of surprises. Rei willingly pairing up with her; Makoto and Minako fighting… She knew that it was strange for magical girls to fight together, but it seemed smarter in the long run. If they could rely on each other in battle, then they could rely on each other in life, too, and vice versa. It seemed, though, that they still needed to work on the trust factor. They didn’t know each other well, but Usagi wasn’t about to risk letting any of these girls get hurt. Although they might not have realized it, they were trusting her and each other just by being here together. They were trying to work together.

Rei’s harsh question snapped Usagi out of her head. She had zoned out completely, trying to figure a way to help encourage all the girls to come together, see that they could trust each other, and fight. “Oh,” she said with a pause. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m ready.” She smiled brightly at Rei and then looked around at the other girls.

If we do this right, we could really help each other here,” she told them. “But we must trust each other. We’ve already taken the first step, you guys. We’re here—together. I know it’s kind of strange, but it’s honestly kind of exciting too!” she said, beaming at them, starting to follow Minako and Makoto towards the Ferris wheel.

Think of how much more we can do together, how much more we can help each other, protect each other, and this city by fighting together. If we do this right, that means we know we’ve got others who will look out for us. We’ve got to trust each other, guys. Teamwork! If we use our strengths, we can take down this witch easy-peasy. We’ll have a serious element of surprise because witches have never had more than one magical girl to deal with at a time. So, come on! Let’s go get this witch!
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime20th June 2018, 12:46 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097 Rei Hino [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097

Something twisted in her chest, listening to the blonde. What was it? Why was that? Rei watched Usagi, her deep ruby eyes reflecting none of the turmoil she felt inside. Her face might have looked impassive. It was all she could do to keep herself in the right mindset to keep fighting this Witch. Listening to this girl—someone who had made such a precious wish—talk about how this was better and how they'd be together...

She wanted to believe it.

She didn't think she should.

Rei redoubled her focus, thinking about all the meditation she did at home, at the shrine. She needed to clear her mind of these thoughts, these wishes for friends. They were too distracting right now. They had a Witch to defeat. They needed that Grief Seed. When Usagi was ready, they'd step on that cart together and start moving up. She couldn't risk letting the labyrinth get the best of her now.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime25th June 2018, 1:55 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Makoto had yet to open her eyes, listening as the bright voice of Usagi filled the silence. She felt the warmth emanating from this kind girl, this strange girl. She was so... pure, and sweet. How could a person be like that without an ulterior motive?

Green eyes opened then, glancing towards the blonde as the speech came to an end. Usagi was just herself, it seemed, unfiltered, and Makoto believed it to be no ruse.

Which was a surprising thought when she did not feel any kind of certainty with any of the other magical girls gathered here.

But Usagi was... different, somehow. With such a warm smile, how could anyone doubt her intentions?

It was because of her that Makoto did not move from her spot beside the Ferris Wheel, waiting for the rest to join. She would get on the damnable contraption, and make sure no harm came to Usagi.

The rest... well, she would look out for them too, but she'd also keep a cautious eye on their every move to stop herself from being stabbed in the back in case things went south.
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Sailor Neptune
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime5th July 2018, 4:12 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Vvepm8H

She didn't know what it was about Usagi's speech that made her feel relaxed and encouraged and... warm inside, as strange as it sounded, but those were the pleasant effects of the light that the girl seemed to exude. Maybe that was her specialty. Maybe she was meant to bring all Magical Girls together somehow.

Ami even smiled as the rousing speech came to an end. Who could say no to that? She'd been lonely for so long that the idea of having a team, becoming heroes of the city together, seemed simply too good to be true. This had to be what being a Magical Girl was truly all about. She didn't understand why no one had ever tried it before.

"Okay, since the seats seem to only fit two at a time, why don't Usagi and Rei go together in the second one since you're long range fighters, and..." Ami turned toward Mako, "we can take the first since we're both melee fighters? Minako, feel free to pick your position since you're versatile."

She still felt self-conscious about giving suggestions, but she made sure they didn't sound like orders. However, if there was one thing she was sure of, it was strategy.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime5th July 2018, 9:20 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097 Rei Hino [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 2045764097

She raised an eyebrow when the blue-haired girl started giving directions, but she didn't lash out. The moment she had taken just before, to center her focus, strengthened the resolve she used to get through her days without being overwhelmed by her own emotions. Her training as a priestess came in handy to maintain her cool facade. It had been even more useful in the time since her wish; there was no one to rescue her from the problems she had caused. She had to hold fast and remain an anchor for her poor mother.

Besides, she wasn't actually mad at Ami or the others. The moment of reflection reminded her that it was the wasting of time and the disorganization among the group that bothered her. She had to be ready to face the Witch. If she wanted an outlet for her feelings, that was the place. Not here, among these other girls.

So the dark-haired girl nodded at Ami's suggestion. It was the most logical choice.

"Alright, that's fine," she said, feeling the bow in her hands. Her vision seemed sharper now just by holding it.

"Let's go, Usagi."
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime24th July 2018, 6:20 am

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 J9TzJBY

A huge exhale escaped Minako's body after listening to Usagi's speech, and she felt slightly less agitated than before. Maybe - just maybe - they could make this work. With all of their different abilities, they did make a great strategic team. 

Minako listened to Ami's suggestion, playing the scenario out in her head. She didn't like the idea of Usagi going first, but with Rei's protection and her own skills, perhaps Usagi would be okay. Minako could play on the offensive side or the defensive side, so maybe it would be better for her to take a separate car at the rear.

"I'll take the last car on my own," she said, still twirling her blade. "You guys can initiate the battle, and I'll come in from the rear as a reinforcement. Best of luck, ladies."
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Professor Tomoe
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime31st July 2018, 12:26 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 GeOn5Q0

"Oh! Right!" she replied, hurrying to avoid being left behind by Rei as the girl with the violet-tinted hair bravely stepped towards the Ferris wheel.

Usagi adjusted the grip on her staff, feeling the feathers in her hair rustle as she stepped forward. Her blue eyes locked on the figure of the archer. Brave—that was the perfect word to describe Rei, wasn't it? Bravery, that was something Usagi rarely felt. She admired the other girl for her willingness. Usagi wanted to help, but she too often found herself hesitating. From the little she had known of the other Magical Girls she now fought with, so few of them seemed to share that flaw of hers.

Especially not Rei.

The pigtailed blonde got into position, ready to board the second car. She took a deep breath, steadying her hold on the staff. She'd have to be ready to use her magic to create a shield, but now was too soon. She'd do it when they were in the car, when they were closer to the witch. She worried she would tire too quickly if she tried to hold it too long, so she had to be more careful.

Wasn't that what Kyuubey had told her, once? At least the violet-furred cat-like creature could be counted on for advice.
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[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica   [Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 I_icon_minitime8th August 2018, 12:47 pm

[Advanced] Puella Magi Usagi Magica - Page 4 KfcBmUT

Makoto nodded at Ami's suggestion. It was even better because Ami was one of the few that she felt the closest to, if she were to admit it. Not that they'd spent any more time together than the others, just that... there was something there that Makoto wanted to protect. It was much the same as how she felt about Usagi, in a way.

Similiar, if different. For Ami had shown already she was more than capable of taking care of herself. She held together the keys to their success, after all, with that tactically sound brain of hers.

Makoto felt lightning spark on her fingers as she got into the Ferris Wheel car. Battle was just around the corner, but the lightning wasn't being called for that purpose. Not yet. No, it was fear. She could feel it, fluttering in her chest, making her breath catch in her throat, even as she tensed her muscles against the weakness.

Just heights, she reminded herself. Just the simple rising up into the air, nothing wrong there. Nope.

If only she could have punched the heights into being not so high, that'd be much better. Or punch the fear away.

Soon, she promised herself. Soon, there would be a monster to vent her frustrations upon, at least.
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