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 Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg

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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg   Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg I_icon_minitime12th December 2013, 6:56 pm

Name: Joshua Forsberg (Prefers to be called Josh most of the time)
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'5"
weight: 96lb.
Appearance: Green eyes, brown hair, wears T-shirts and long jeans most of the time.

Personality: Very kind, caring and shy.

Background information:
Josh was born in the State of Minnesota in the united States, he lived there until he was 15 when both his parents got new jobs, both in Tokyo, Japan. Since before moving to Japan, Josh' parents were both very busy, it almost seemed like they ignored him completely and forgot they even had a sun. Things haven't changed since coming to Japan. He spends most of his time locked in his room on his computer and when is outside, he is always seen alone somewhere like at the arcade, or sitting alone in a park. He has never really had any friends or had any luck with girls. Both of these, along with his parents neglecting him, have caused Josh to become depressed. Though fortunately, he is not suicidal. He is terrified of death and pain of any kind. Though, he has been hurt emotionally so many times, when he does get hurt he will almost always say, "It's ok... I'm used to it..."
One thing that seems to always cheer him up, is hearing about the amazing Sailor Scouts lead by Sailor Moon. He is not really sure why, but every time he hears about them and how they saved the world, he always smiles a bit. Since hearing about the Scouts it has been a dream of his to meet them.

RP Sample: The plane had landed and Josh steps out of the terminal behind his parents, pulling one of those backpacks with wheels on it. "Here we are." Said his dad as he looked around the airport. "We're going to have such a great life here!" Replied his mother to his dad. "Don't know why you bothered to bring me along... Nothings going to change for me..." Josh said as his head drooped downwards as he followed his parents. Josh then looked around and spotted a bathroom "Hold on! I gotta use the bathroom!" And with that he sped off to go pee. After washing his hands and drying them he left the bathroom and looked around hoping to find his parents waiting for him. They weren't there... They had never even heard him when he asked them to wait. Desperate and a little scared the 16 year old began running all over the airport only to find his parents getting into a taxi. He barely caught up to them and jumped right into the taxi without his parents even noticing that he wasn't with them.

((Sorry for such a depressing OOC profile. This OOC is kinda based off of me.))
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg   Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg I_icon_minitime13th December 2013, 6:55 pm

Ready for review.
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Star Seed


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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg   Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg I_icon_minitime17th December 2013, 7:11 pm

Hey! Someone, im ready for this charecter to be reviewed!
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Sailor Saturn
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg   Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg I_icon_minitime18th December 2013, 12:14 am

Ah, I'm sorry! With the Festibration going on and running two contests on top of all the real life holiday things going on, this slipped right past me!  Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg 1948543417 

I like that you included a lengthy background even though this is a relaxed profile! I feel sad for this character, though I found it very nice that he was able to get comfort by Sailor Moon. I look forward to seeing how his story will play out in an RPG!

Approved! =]
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Star Seed


Star Seed

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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg   Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg I_icon_minitime18th December 2013, 5:13 am

Yeah, it is kinda depressing. But for some reason, I've always wanted to RP a charecter like this.
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PostSubject: Re: Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg   Relaxed, Civillian: Josh Forsberg I_icon_minitime

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