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 (Relaxed) What Could Have Been

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime2nd December 2014, 2:38 pm

Storyline Name: What Could Have Been
Creator(s): Artemis and RadicalEdward124
Forum: Free Forum
Advanced or Relaxed Relaxed
Plot Summary: This story explores the lives of Mamoru, Usagi, Chibiusa and eventually Kousagi. The story will start out with Usagi and Mamoru telling Chibiusa she is going to be a big sister and will go through that time and then Kousagi will be born and then a time jump to when Kousagi is about 2-3. In this story Usagi doesn’t become Neo Queen Serenity and instead is given the life of normalcy she has always wanted. There will be some conflicts as in any family, but all around a fun filled family RP
Details on any necessary information: Characters required: Chiba Mamoru, Tsukino Usagi (though I am thinking for this storyline it will be Chiba Usagi as they are married) Chibiusa  and Kousagi. Mamoru will be a doctor and Usagi’s career will be up to the Role Player. Chibiusa will be 5-8 (Chibiusa’s role player can decide if they want to choose this age or another age.) The plot is what Usagi and Mamoru's life would be like if after defeating Chaos, Usagi, Mamoru and the Senshi are all granted a life of normalcy and are able to live their dreams. This will be a peaceful time for Usagi and her family, with the only conflicts being those that arise within the family- such as being late to meetings or the kids getting sick, etc.
Restrictions:No villains, no otaku, no outers, Inner senshi will be NPC if they are needed at all.
Source: N/A
OOC Thread: OOC Thread
Member to Character List:

Sailor Pluto:Usagi Chiba
Artemis: Mamoru Chiba
Sailor Pluto:Chibiusa Chiba
Cosmos Hime : (adopted from Radicaledward124) Kousagi Chiba
Cosmos Hime: Shingo Tsukino

Last edited by Artemis on 18th June 2015, 9:29 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime2nd December 2014, 4:35 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru walked into work feeling proud. He loved being a doctor and helping those who were sick. He was working a full day. One of his patients was coming in for a follow up appointment, she was a young lady, around Usagi's age and Mamoru was determined to help her find a remedy for her muscle and joint pain that had also been triggering nausea. Mamoru had been doing some research and had found some homeopathic meds for the young lady and when he told her about them, she smiled at him, he could tell the young lady was tired of going from medication to medication and to find some treatment options that were not as toxic brought a hint of light back into her eyes.

Mamoru left his appointment with a smile on his face, but he coudn't help but think of Usagi and if something happened to her and she got sick. He pushed the thought away as quickly as it had come as he pulled out his phone and sent her a text.

Hello My love,
I hope work is going well for you today. If you're free around 1:30 and want to meet up for lunch let me know, if not I will see you and Chibiusa at home later tonight.

Mamoru went to his office for a brief moment before his next appointment of the day.
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime9th December 2014, 10:10 am

Chibiusa woke early as usual and started her morning routine. It would start by laying out her small uniform and then taking the time to pull her hair into her oodango hair style. She would then dress and head downstairs to eat, something she usually either had to make herself or something her Daddy left for her. She smiled as she packed together her little lunch box. She felt rather grown up but she knew that she was just a child, though she loved being her. 

"MAMA!" She small pink haired girl yelled running into her parents room and jumping on the bed. "It's time to get up!" She called in a sing song voice as she kept jumping on the bed. She giggled, she always loved waking her mama. She jumped off the bed and went to wake her little sister, kousagi. The smaller Chiba child was sleeping well but the older sister knew she would want to be up today. "Kousagi." Chibiusa cooed sweetly, gently rocking the child back and forth to wake her. "it's time to get up and Daddy left waffles!" She said.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime9th December 2014, 10:22 am

Shingo groaned. Fumbling haphazardly for his clock at the edge of his nightstand, he eventually realized that the strenuous task of opening his eyes was necessary. He could feel small cylindrical shapes, smooth and crinkled paper and he was sure he knocked over a tissue box. His eyes weighing down like slabs of concrete, it took enormous willpower to force them open. 

A set of red numbers blinked on and off. 10:45.

Wait, was it AM or PM?

With another grunt, he lurched out of bed just the upper half of his torso was off of the mattress. Blankets still draped over his shoulders, he lifted up the curtain of his bedroom window. Harsh sunlight met his eyes. He cringed and threw the covers over his head. 

"I knew going out with the guys after the meeting was trouble." Shingo thought to himself as he let himself drift back into a painless slumber. 

You would think that by now they would have known he was a lightweight.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime26th December 2014, 10:35 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

Usagi groaned, not enjoying her daily wake-up call one bit. She had hoped and prayed that she would get to sleep in just a bit later than usual, but as always when it comes to Chibiusa, there were no exceptions.

Whining, Usagi sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before sliding out of bed and trudging to the kitchen. She could hear Chibiusa's squeals from Kousagi's room, no doubt waking her younger sister up just as rudely as she had waken Usagi. Smiling to herself, Usagi laid eyes on the waffles her husband had left them. He was always taking care of their family, even when he wasn't home. It was one of the many things Usagi loved about him.

"Chibiusa, Kousagi, come eat breakfast!" Usagi shouted, putting the plate of waffles in the microwave. She listened for the sound of pounding feet, shaking her head at how energetic Chibiusa was. Even in the morning, the pink-headed kid never stopped moving. 

Usagi quickly prepared the waffles, soaking all three of their plates in syrup, just the way they liked them. She set them down at the table, excited to take a bite of her husband's delicious waffles. Although an adult, Usagi never stopped loving food. 

She took a bite and closed her eyes, savoring the sweet taste. If Mamoru didn't make the best waffles in the world, she didn't know who did.

Suddenly, Usagi opened her eyes wide and dropped her fork. Why did she feel so...nauseous? Placing one hand over her mouth and using her other arm to clutch her stomach, Usagi stood and sprinted to the nearest bathroom. In seconds, the door was thrown open and she was bent over the toilet seat, emptying her stomach of whatever remained from the previous night. Hot tears sprang in her eyes as she coughed, spitting out any remnants of bile and struggling to keep her long, tangled hair out of her face. She sat on the cold floor for a few more moments with her eyes closed, taking deep breaths. Why was she so sick all of a sudden? She hated throwing up more than anything - it always made her cry and left an awful taste in her mouth. 

Groaning, Usagi stood and went to the sink, wiping her mouth and brushing her teeth. Where was Mamoru when she needed him?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime27th December 2014, 3:30 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru finally had a moment to sit down and take a break. His shift had been utter chaos. After his initial appointment of the day at the hospital with his patient, he was called into the ER to help out. They had been slammed after a multi car crash near the hospital Luckily there were not any fatalities, just some sever injuries.

Mamoru checked his phone and saw that Usagi had not returned his text. He thought she mus have slept in, as he relaxed in his chair a bit. When things got chaotic at work he tended to lose track of time. Was it really only morning still, surely it was after 1, but the clock told otherwise.

Mamoru didn't have another appointment for another hour or so. He walked back to his office, stopiing to purchase a bottle of water. Once he got to his office, he sat in his chair and propped his feet up. He pulled out his phone and dialed Usagi, he wanted to be sure she was awake and getting the kids ready for the day as well as getting herself ready for work. He had a strange feeling something was off and wanted to be sure she was okay.

He sat waiting as the phone rang, he hoped his beloved would answer.
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime27th December 2014, 8:00 pm

Chibiusa laughed as she headed down the stairs. She smiled at the smell of waffles and she made her way to the table for breakfast. Before she could take a bite, her mama rushed out of the room. With worry creasing her little brow, Chibiusa hopped up and followed her mama. 

"Mama, are you ok?" the child asked, wondering if her mama was going to be alright. "Should I call Daddy?" She asked her eyes full of worry as she looked up at her mother.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 9:17 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

Usagi didn't notice Chibiusa standing there until she spoke up. Startled, Usagi jumped slightly. 

She suddenly heard her phone going off, the music box ringtone signifything that her husband was calling. Smiling slightly, she turned towards the pink-headed child. "I'm alright dear. Do me a favor and fetch my phone for me? Then please go eat your breakfast - we don't want you heading to school on an empty stomach," Usagi said. 

She turned back to the sink and looked herself in the mirror, taking note of her paler-than-usual complexion and tired eyes. She didn't get much sleep the previous night, mostly because of a strange sense of discomfort. Was she sick? Maybe it was food poisoning, she thought.

Or maybe...

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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 9:41 pm

"Okay." The pink haired child said before running off to get the phone. 

With a smile she picked it up and answered the call. 

"Hello Daddy!" She said joyfully into the device. "Mama is sick." She said without really knowing what was going on. "She asked me to get the phone for her." She said walking down towards where her waiting mother would be.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 9:53 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru finally heard a voice on the phone, it was Chibusa, greeting him with an eager tone. 

"Hi sweetie" he said with a smile on his face. He hated when he couldn't be home in the morning to help get the kids ready for the day, but sometimes there were emergencies, like today and he was needed at work.

When he heard her say Usagi was sick he sat up straighter, he hoped she was okay and didn't have a bug that was going around.

He spoke keeping his voice calm and collected, "can you put mama on the phone please sweetie, and can you do me a favor, can you help your sister get ready, I'm sure mama would really appreciate it." 

He sat for a moment waiting as the phone was handed off.
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 10:24 pm

"Kay!" She said handing her mama the phone. "Here Mama." the child said handing the phone off to her mother. She then made her way to the kitchen, where she sat down to her breakfast. She loved waffles and, she loved that her daddy had left them. 

She ate her breakfast, and helped her sister with hers.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 11:16 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

"Thank you," Usagi said, accepting the phone from her daughter. She smiled to herself as the bundle of energy went back to eat her breakfast. Putting the phone up to her ear, Usagi spoke:

"Good morning, dear. How is work today? I hope they're not stressing you out too much - you get wrinkles faster that way." Usagi tried to hide the shakiness of her voice, but she knew her husband would be able to identify it easily. God, how she hated throwing up.

Feeling that she wasn't going to get sick anymore, Usagi left the bathroom and went to sit on her bed. Bringing her knees up to her chest, she moved her long hair behind her ear, waiting for her husband's response.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
Posts : 8662
Join date : 2013-05-26
Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 11:25 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru letout a breath of relief when he heard Usagi's voice on the other end of the phone. He could tell her voice was faulting a bit and hoped she was okay. He would ask her how she was feeling once he answered her question about his morning.

Mamoru leaned forward over his desk, placing his head in his free hand as he spoke, with a hint of exhaustion in his voice, it was too early to feel this tired, I still have a long day ahead of me, he thought before finally speaking. 

"Its been a very busy morning, this is the first chance I have had to sit down since coming in, they needed extra hands in the trauma center, and I was the only one on site that could help until the other attending could come in."

He changed the subject trying to gauge the condition his beloved was in. "and you my love,, Chibiusa said you were sick, are you okay, do you want me to come by on my lunch break and check up on you?" he asked with concern for his wife. Even if she protested he would more than likely go check on her during his lunch break, he wanted to be sure if what she had was a simple 24 hour bug or if it were something more serious.

"I can bring some tea and pick up something for us on the way home if you like." he said then waited to see what Usagi would say to his offer.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 11:59 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

"That's silly - you shouldn't be the only one who shows up to work. I think your lazy coworkers need to be punished or something," Usagi said, agitated that her husband was being overworked, yet again.

She cringed when he mentioned her being sick. Clenching her fist, she mentally cursed Chibiusa. The child was always running her energetic mouth. It was a shame she was so cute, or Usagi would have strangled her by now.

Sighing, she flopped back onto the bed. "Yes, I'm afraid I've caught some sort of stomach bug. I wasn't able to keep down my breakfast, which was delicious while it lasted, by the way. I think I'm going to stay home today, and have my assistant run the boutique. I'll call Shingo and ask him to take Kousagi for the day. He's been nothing but a lazy bum, lately - he needs an energetic child in his life. Don't worry about me, darling. I'll be alright. You just focus on your work, and I'll see you when you get home."
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 12:30 am

Chibiusa finished her breakfast, and helped her sister finish hers. Using the step stool in front of the sink she placed their dishes in the sink to be washed. She looked at the clock on the microwave. She would have to be going soon, but her mama hadn't come back downstairs. The child was starting to worry. 

She picked up her books and packed her bag. "Mama." She called as she started up the stairs. "It's time for me to go." She said knocking on the door. She didn't want to leave but she had a test today, and she could't miss it. " See you after school. Love you Mama." she cooed.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 11:36 am

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru chuckled when Usagi commented on his coworkers, truth be told they were slammed and many doctors were in surgery. He wasn't sure why they weren't directing some of the injured to the next closest hospital, they had a bigger ER and trauma ward. But this hospital was closest to the scene and they would get through it.

Mamoru listened as Usagi described how she was feeling. He felt a sense of relief that she thought it was nothing more than a bug, but he wished he could be home to take care of her. Sometimes when she was sick she tried to play it off.

He was glad she was calling her assistant to run the boutique and hoped Shingo would be able to help out with Kousagi. He spoke with a loving voice to his wife, "okay I will see you when I get home, but be sure to take it easy and rest okay, sleep is the best medicine for you, and drink lots of water, doctors orders." He teased her a bit. 

While on the phone one of the interns barged into his office letting him know he was needed immediately. 

"Usako, I have to go, but I will see you tonight." he gave her a moment to respond before going off with the intern, who said he was needed for a consult with a child. 

Mamoru felt his stomach flop as he quickened his pace to the ER.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 12:23 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

"Alright, have a good rest of your day. I love you." Usagi smiled and hung up the phone. She always loved hearing Mamoru's voice, even if it was just over the phone.

She heard Chibiusa shouting, and her pounding footsteps coming up the stairs. Sitting up, Usagi waited for the little girl to open the door. 

"Hold on, Chibiusa. You have syrup on your face," Usagi said, laughing. She walked over to Chibiusa and licked her thumb, rubbing the spot of syrup a little more than she should've. She knew it annoyed Chibiusa to no end. It was payback for telling Mamoru that she was sick.

"Have a good day sweetheart. Don't get into any trouble, and no kissing boys!" she said, leaning against her bedroom door frame.
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 12:38 pm

Chibiusa's reaction to Mom spit was the same as most children. "Mama!" The girl exclaimed, trying to fight her mom off. "Stop!" She whined. She smiled at her mom when she was done. "Mama boys are icky!" She said and stuck out her tongue at the tough of even hugging a boy that wasn't her daddy. "I hope you feel better mama." She said as she hugged her mother before leaving the house. 

Her walk to school was uneventful, and soon she was looking up at her school. She sighed and started inside the building. After putting her bag away in her cubby, the could have been future princess, took her seat and waited for her friends to arrive. She wanted to talk about the test today, she was nervous and scared that she might forget something.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 12:55 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

Usagi couldn't help but laugh at Chibiusa's reactions. She was so adorable and just full of life. Usagi was constantly asking herself what she did to deserve such an amazing child. She only grew luckier with Kousagi, who was a bundle of joy in her own special way.

Grabbing her phone, Usagi headed back downstairs to get Kousagi dressed for the day. "Hey my messy little princess," Usagi said, picking her up and taking her to her room. After choosing a cute outfit, Usagi dressed the little girl and fixed her hair before calling Shingo.

"The idiot's probably not even out of bed yet," she grumbled, carrying Kousagi to the living room.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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Age : 34

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime31st December 2014, 2:14 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru quickly walked to the ER and walked over to the bed he was directed to. He opened the privacy curtain and saw a young girl, she couldn't have been much older than Chibusa and his heart skipped a beat as he took in her condition. 

The girl had a makeshift cast on her arm and a bandage on her head where she needed stitches. He could tell the girl was afraid. He sat down and spoke softly to the girl, as not to startle her.

"Hi sweetie, can you tell me your name?" he asked as he quickly read over her file the paramedics had filled out on her trip to the hospital.

The girl said her name was Maya, as she looked up at Mamoru. He could tell she was afraid and worried about her family that had been with her. 

"What a pretty name, I'm doctor Chiba, but you can call me Mamoru." he said while giving the girl a comforting smile. These were the times he really disliked his job, ever since he became a parent, he had a bigger heart for children. 

Mamoru removed the bandage from Maya's head and looked at the wound. He put on some gloves.
"I am going to take a look at this okay, it might hurt a bit, so I will try to get this over with as quickly as I can." Mamoru began to clean the wound and started conversation with Maya to help keep her mind off the pain.

Mamoru found out the girl was 7 and she had a brother and her parents. They had all been in a car crash- someone had hit the side of their car. Mamoru figured they had been involved in the accident earlier, but maybe not it had been almost an hour since they were slammed.

Mamoru soon finsihed stitching up her wound and once he did he sat on the bed by her and put his hand on her shoulder. "You are a very brave girl Maya," he said as he pulled out a rose for her, it was something he hadnt done in years, but could still do, which surprised him most times.

"I am going to come back and check on you later, but for now get some rest, someone will be coming to look at your arm very soon." A moment later he was gone.

Mamoru walked to the nurses station to get an update on the other family members. The brother was in surgery with an internal injury. The dad had some minor cuts and bruises. The nurse grew silent, the mom had not made it from the crash as she was sitting on the side of the car that had the greatest impact.

Mamoru thanked the nurse for the information as he walked out of the ER to get some fresh air. He couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart for the man who lost his wife and the kids who lost their mother, it made him feel very appreciative of his family. He pulled out his phone and glanced at his wallpaper and saw the smiling faces of his 3 beautiful girls.

This was one of those days that made Mamoru wonder if he had chosen the right career.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime11th January 2015, 10:33 pm

A faint buzzing was the only noise in shingo's small, one room apartment. With a mumble, he swatted at his head, as if trying to brush away an invisible fly. This is what he gets for not cleaning up, he thought, as he continued to swat around aimlessly as the buzzing noise continued. 

Opening his eyes, he was embarassed to find that there was no bug in sight, only his phone, it's screen lit bright enough to hurt his eyes as it vibrated enough to be felt through the mattress. Rubbing his eyes, he grabbed the phone with his left hand and slid his right index finger across the bottom of the screen and placed it to his ear as he answered. 

"Hello, You've reached Shingo Tsukino, head of planning and design." 

He knew he must have sounded groggy, if not drunk, as the worlds spilled automatically if not sloppily from his mouth. But at the moment he was too tired to care. If it were his supervisors or co-workers, he'd deal with them later. Today was his day off, anyways.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Empty
PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime18th January 2015, 2:46 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

Plopping down on the couch with Kousagi on her lap, Usagi rolled her eyes as her brother spoke into the phone. "Shingo, how do you expect to make a living when you don't wake up until eleven in the morning?" she chastised, grabbing the remote and turning on cartoons.

"Anyway, I need your help. I'm not feeling well and I need someone to take care of Kousagi for today. I was thinkinggggg that maybeee you'd want to come spend time with your adorable niece you never come see and who really miss her uncle. Great! I'm glad you are so looking forward to taking her out for some fun. I'll see you here in half an hour! Love you little bro!"

Usagi quickly hung up the phone before Shingo could speak, afraid that he would give her some stupid excuse as to why he couldn't come get Kousagi. Not only was Usagi trying to get herself some time to sleep and get rid of whatever bug was making her throw up, but she also felt it necessary for poor Kousagi to get out of the house sometimes. And what better way to do that than by being with Shingo? The boy was an idiot, but he really was good with kids.

Smiling to herself, Usagi leaned back with Kousagi on her lap and watched cartoons with her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime18th January 2015, 5:30 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

Mamoru walked out to the corridor of the hospital. After talking with the young girl, he couldn't get his own children out of his head. He knew Kousagi would be with Shingo for the day but Chibiusa usually walked home after school. Today he would spend the afternoon with his little girl. They hadn't had a daddy/daughter date. He pulled out his phone and dialed the school.

"Hello, this is Chiba Mamoru, Chibiusa's father, I was calling to see if you could inform her that she doesn't need to walk home today and that I will be picking her up after school....thank you, goodbye."

Mamoru put his phone back in his pocket before walking back into the hospital, he still had about 5 hours on his shift, it had felt like an eternity. He walked to the cafeteria to get lunch. He sat with some fellow doctor friends and listened as they all exchanged stories, the train crash had been far worse than Mamoru had thought. They were already asking doctors to come back later and work another shift, Mamoru hoped he would be able to spend the night with his family, but if he had to come back then he would do his job.

After lunch Mamoru went to check on the young girl, she was casted and resting at the moment. Mamoru smiled at the girl and then went to check on the other family members. The dad was sitting in the waiting room as he had only minor injuries and the son had taken a turn for the worse, he was rushed to surgery just before Mamoru arrived. Mamoru had some time to spare before his next consult so he sat down and chatted with the father to try and lift his spirits despite the terrible circumstances that had occurred on his family.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime18th January 2015, 10:55 pm

Shingo sighed a breath of relief that he was sure could be heard over the phone. It was just his sister. This, he could deal with. 
"Man, usagi, you had me worried it was the boss." He fumbled his phone a bit in his hands, so he could get a better grip on it.
"I'll have you know, my way of living is just fine. You shoulda seen the looks on their faces when I brought the final result." Shingo beamed. The way he had walked into that office, his superiors red faced and ready to yell when he dropped the briefcase in such a way that it's contents would have piled out. Should he have presented the papers better? Probably. But there were two things wrong with that: 1, he was far too tired and the briefcase had in fact slipped from his hands. 2, was he going to let them know that? Nah, it's easier to make a grand entrance for your latest masterpiece. Within five minutes, it would be an understatement to say they agreed.
His mood, however, was broken with the next sentance from the receiver.Shingo popped upright from the bed. So quick in fact, that he got a bit dizzy. 
"You're not feeling well?" His voice buzzed with concern, but was cut off from further questions with her hanging up. Why wasn't mamoru able to come home? His anxiety quickening his recovery from his hangover, he grabbed his jacket off of his desk chair, picked up a shirt off the floor. After sniffing it to make sure it was acceptable, he threw it on. No use changing from the pair of pants he slept in; usagi was sick and needed help with those kids. He grabbed his messenger bag and threw his phone in his pocket. With a jingle of his keys he locked the door to his apartment and was on his way to see his sister and his nieces.
"Dammit usagi, how'd you manage to sneak it past mamoru this time?" He wondered.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime25th January 2015, 2:06 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

Usagi couldn't help but smile to herself. She knew Shingo wouldn't let her down - despite how often she teased him, he couldn't just ignore her when she needed him. He really was a great little brother, and Usagi didn't know what she would do without him. Especially on days like these, where she really just wasn't feeling up to par. 

She suddenly felt a wave of sickness again, and Usagi covered her mouth as she gently removed Kousagi from her lap and ran to the nearest bathroom. After a repeat of earlier that morning, Usagi again brushed her teeth and groaned to herself. When would this end?

Usagi cursed as she dropped her toothbrush in the sink, poking her head out of the bathroom to make sure Kousagi hadn't heard her. She couldn't have the little kid running around the house saying curse words. Oh god, Mamoru would kill her if that happened.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime25th January 2015, 7:51 pm

Kousagi stood on the couch waiting for her mom to come back. "Mama!" the small child cried, without tears. In her child like was she was worried about her mother. She knew something was wrong. "Mama?!" She called again, when she poked her head to look in on her. 

The pink haired child bounced on the couch, she didn't want to watch cartoon. She wanted to play. So hoping down from the couch, she made her way to her toys, now awake and hyper from a sugary breakfast. 

Chibiusa's mind raced and her pencil flew across the page. She was on fire! The answers to the questions came to her fast and easy, and with in minuets, she was done. Standing, she took her paper to the teacher's desk to hand in. She was the first one done. She was then dismissed to the playground to wait for the rest of her class to finish. 

"I wonder if Mama is ok." she mused out loud swinging back and forth looking up at the sky.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime28th January 2015, 9:11 pm

Shingo practically kicked the door in upon his arrival. He heard a small shriek and hurried in its direction: Kousagi. The child looked at him with eyes as wide as dinner plates; his dramatic entry had obviously frightened her. No longer focused on the television, her eyes began to grow wet, and small hiccups emerged from her lips. 

"There there." Shingo Immediately picked up the crying child, bouncing her lightly. 

"It's ok. It's just uncle shingo! See?" He then proceeded to make the goofiest face he could-his cheeks hurting from the effort. His attempt was not in vain, for soon the sniffles were replaced by tiny giggles.

"'Atta girl." Shingo cooed as he ruffled her hair, causing more giggling. With the scared child under control, he directed his attention back to his main reason for his visit. 

"Usagi! Usagi where are you?" His voice tinged with anxiety, and he hoped his tiny niece couldn't detect it. It was very unusual for his sister to leave the small girl unattended. Very unusual indeed.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime29th January 2015, 10:12 am

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been EBUGGNL

Usagi grimaced as Kousagi's desperate voice reached her ears. "Hold on, Kousagi!" she shouted in response. "I'll be there in just a second!"

Almost as if in response, she heard the front door bursting open. Instead of being alarmed, Usagi rolled her eyes. It was obviously her obnoxious brother, so she had no reason to worry. Well, besides the fact that he probably put a hole in the wall somewhere. She could hear Kousagi making adorable noises of glee, and it was only a matter of time until Shingo was calling for her. Poking her head out the door again, Usagi smiled weakly at her brother.

"I'm right here," she said, waving to him. Kousagi was in his arms, looking cheerful and full of energy. "Thank you so much for coming," Usagi finished, walking over to hug Shingo. He had grown much taller over the years, and his looks had also improved. Seeing him as an adult was always like a slap in the face to Usagi, who missed the days of agitating Shingo by taking hours to bathe.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Honestly, I’ve never fit in with the world. I was always alone.
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime29th January 2015, 7:43 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been Mamoru10

The rest of Mamoru's shift went by in a blur. He got through all of his appointments and after checking his agenda for the following day, he headed out of the hospital. Mamoru checked on the family he had been attending to earlier in the day. Mamoru was pleased to find out that the boy had been stabilized after surgery.

Before heading to pick up Chibiusa from school, Mamoru pulled out his phone and called Usagi.
After it rang and went to voicemail. Mamoru figured she was resting which made him smile. He spoke his voice soft and full of the emotions showing his love for her.

"Usako, I hope you are feeling better my love, I just want to let you know not to worry when Chibiusa does not show up, I am about to go pick her up and spend some time with her this afternoon. I hope you can get some more rest. I will see you when I get home, if you need me to pick anything up, don't hesitate to call. I will pick it up for you. I love you, see you soon." 

He hung up and walked to his car to go pick up his oldest daughter from school. He remembered that she had a test and hoped it went well. He decided that a trip to the bakery would be a good start to spending time with her. 

Mamoru parked the car near the school and walked close to the entrance so Chibiusa could asily spot him.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Alyssa ~ Frappucino Enthusiast and Feels Expert
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PostSubject: Re: (Relaxed) What Could Have Been   (Relaxed) What Could Have Been I_icon_minitime2nd February 2015, 7:30 pm

(Relaxed) What Could Have Been 2393257330

After a fun-filled day at school, Chibiusa was pleasantly surprised when the school's secretary called over the intercom and said Chibiusa was to be a car rider that day. Throughout the last half hour of class, the pink-haired child could not wipe the gleeful smile off of her face. She knew her mother wouldn't be picking her up, since she seemed so sick that morning, so that must mean...


Chibiusa ran to her father after school, easily spotting his tall form near the school's entrance. She sprinted towards him, her bag bouncing rhythmically on her back. With one big leap, the young girl threw herself into her father's embrace.

"I can't believe you surprised me! Are we going to play together today? Mommy's sick, you know, but we can go get ice cream and go to the park and bring Mommy flowers! And Kousagi, too," Chibiusa babbled, her mouth running a mile a minute. She was just so happy and so grateful that she would finally get to spend an afternoon with her father.

"Oh, and guess what? I kicked Tamaki in the knee today. He called me bunny-head. I do not have rabbit ears on my head! They're buns, okay? BUNS!"

Just as Chibiusa said that, her enemy Tamaki walked by. Seeing him glare at her, Chibiusa stuck out her tongue and shook her fist. He was such an immature little brat. Honestly, who couldn't tell the difference between hair buns and rabbit ears?
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