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 [Relaxed] Gravity

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Sailor Neptune
Outer Senshi Admin
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] Gravity Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime12th October 2014, 8:44 pm

[Relaxed] Gravity IXsmllw
Creator(s): Sailor Uranus & Sailor Mercury
Something always brings me back to you...
It never takes too long...

Forum: Silver Millennium
Type: Relaxed

Plot Summary:
How did the Miracle Romance that spanned space and time start?

Princess Serenity is royalty of the moon and Prince Endymion is set to inherit the earth kingdom. The two are star-crossed and their relationship is forbidden, but destiny is not something that can be easily stopped by rules or even death.

It is the golden era of Silver Millennium. Young Princess Serenity is not yet in control of her powers, and soon she finds herself accidentally visiting earth, the planet she has always secretly yearned for, for the first time. However, not everything is beautiful, and she's really scared with no idea to get home... until a little prince in his shining armor arrives to help.

And so begins the tale of epic romance that will continue for thousands and thousands more years.

Details on any necessary information: This RPG depicts the first moment Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion meets each other in the Silver Millennium. She is about 10 years old (by earth years) and he's twelve. We will eventually do a time jump to when they're older and meet each other for the second time then progress from there.

Restrictions: Princess Serenity and Prince Endymion only. The rest will be NPC-ed.

Source: N/A

OOC Thread: N/A

- Prince Endymion: Played by Sailor Uranus
- Princess Serenity: Played by Sailor Mercury

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 19th June 2015, 10:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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[Relaxed] Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime12th October 2014, 9:23 pm

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Ten year old Princess Serenity pressed her face to the glass window in the highest tower of the Moon Palace, staring at the beautiful, perfectly round green-and-blue orb so far below. Earth. The forbidden planet. Also known as the planet she had secretly wished to visit for as long as she could remember. Serenity was not a naturally rebellious princess, but forbidden things do have a tendency to invite curiosity and the desire to break the rules, if only to see if one can. And what would happen if one does. Would there really be consequences?

Her mother, the queen, told her that the earth denizens might not be as friendly as those in the moon kingdom. “But I’m a princess!” Serenity had insisted. “Everyone loves the princess, right?” she had asked with complete naivety. Her mother simply smiled and wrapped her arms around her. “Of course, dear, but down there you’re not really their princess, are you?”

The logic made sense. But still, with the way everyone doted on her and loved her unconditionally, she could not understand how anyone could act differently. Were the people on earth terrible? Certainly not. No one had ever told her so. In her lessons, Mercury taught her that the earth was much younger than them and still had a lot more to learn. But that didn’t make them bad, surely. Serenity just really wanted to see what they were like. Did they look different? Could one tell if a person was from the moon or the earth just by looking at them?

All these questions only made the desire to see that other world for herself grow even stronger. What was all that green? That beautiful blue? Was it really covered with so much water? Serenity imagined an ocean so vast she couldn’t see its end. Or a forest so thick she could get lost in it for days. The earth seemed so big and so small at the same time from up here.

She looked around and found no one. Her guardians had retired early for the night after a particularly successful Full Moon Festival, an annual thanksgiving celebration for the kingdom’s continued prosperity. Everyone was tired but happy. She was supposed to go to bed soon, too, but instead she’d wandered up here.

The earth seemed to be calling her a lot particularly as of late, after Jupiter was given permission to visit it for the first time as a representative of the moon, in an attempt to form a peaceful political relationship. Serenity had asked when she could go, too, with all her guardians of course! But the queen said it was still too risky. They had only started getting to know the moon kingdom denizens. Sending the princess down this soon… there was no telling what could happen.

“So I’ll disguise myself then!” Serenity had suggested, but that had been shot down, too. “Maybe when you’re older, dear,” her mother eventually conceded. But how much older? How many more years? The more she was told ‘no’, the more she wanted to go. What could be so dangerous about it, anyway?

Serenity stomped her little foot in frustration.

And suddenly, she felt it. The warmth of power bubbling up within her, the power that had started awakening recently. The queen had told her it needed to be nurtured and controlled. That she was capable of doing great things, but that she needed to be careful because it was tied to her emotions. To her heart.

And right now, her heart was filled to the brim with the desire for earth.


There was a flash.

A blinding light, then Serenity tumbled to the ground. But not the polished marble floor of the tower in Moon Palace.

No, she was sprawled on grass. Grass and dirt. No, not dirt. Earth.

Serenity looked up at the open sky above her and saw the full moon hanging among the clouds, so beautiful and so far away at the same time.

“Oh, no.”

Her mother was going to kill her.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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[Relaxed] Gravity Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime14th October 2014, 5:30 pm

Endymion, Prince of Earth and the bravest Knight to have ever lived, trekked fearlessly through the moonlit Bandit Forest, the young prince mentally narrated as he carefully maneuvered around a fallen tree, his twelve-year-old mind easily slipping back into the narrative his late uncle had stylized for him in his younger years. Armed with his wits and the famed Sword of Elysion – it was actually a dull practice blade – he alone would rid the territory of its dangerous denizens. He dashed quickly down a poorly lit hill and jumped over the small brook at the bottom, using his momentum to race up the other side. He slipped once, but recovered quickly, the toe of his boot sinking into the dirt to propel him forward.
Occasionally he would lurch forward, sword in hand, to strike at an imaginary foe, Take that, thief! And to you, bandit! Low life scum, you shall never again darken the doors of this fine Kingdom! He danced around a bit, his sword flying, mimicking the movements he had seen the knights make in their practice, his mouth twitching up in a grin as he again relished in the reality that soon he, too, would become a squire, and would get to train with real weapons to become a real Knight and learn to protect his Kingdom. Dare you run from me?! He mentally challenged his foe, which had cowardly turned tail and ran. He dashed after, zipping around trees skillfully, Endymion gave chase, knowing that if the bandit were to escape, he would surely do harm to the innocent people of Elysion! Part of him felt ridiculous, playing in the woods like he were six, but without anyone there to see him, what was the harm? The edge of Bandit Forest was within sight, he narrated, Endymion would need to subdue him there before the bandit found his horse and –
He broke through the trees at a sprint, but as his feet bent the blades of grass he slowed, his eyes catching on something new and unexpected. The sprint slowed a preoccupied jog, and then then a walk, as his mind fought with itself over whether he was just imagining the girl in the white dress or if she were real. Finally he was stopped and staring. She had to be real. But what was she doing here? It was the middle of the night in the King of the West’s private hunting forest, why would… His grip faltered on the hilt of his pilfered squire-sword as he considered the people who would be here in the middle of the night, himself excluded, and came only to poachers and thieves, which inevitably put his mind to the Queen’s constant warnings of kidnappers . Had it been a mistake to leave without Kunzite and the others? His eyes scanned the forest around them, but he saw no movement. Only the little girl in the white dress.
He reclaimed his grip on his sword, his mind snapping into focus. Whether she was the daughter of an illegal poacher sent to kidnap him or not, she was a young lady who might be in peril, and as a Knight-in-training, it was his duty to see that she was alright. He sheathed his weapon and strode a little farther forward to be within hearing range without having to shout. “My Lady, are you alright?”
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime15th October 2014, 11:04 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Serenity’s heart thumped loudly inside her chest. She was alone, in the middle of a forest, late at night, barefooted and in an entirely different planet. This was bad. Really bad. She wanted to visit Earth, but not like this. Not at all like this!

She brought her fists to her mouth and suppressed the urge to scream. She wanted to ask for help, but what if she attracted scary creatures out of the trees? Who knew what kinds of beings lived down here? And even if an Earthen came to help her, what would she tell them? They would have no way of getting her back to the moon, and that was if they wanted to help at all. What if they discovered she was… what was the word they used?

Alien. Yes. An intruder to their planet.

Oh, goddess. Were they going to kill her?

Serenity squeezed her eyes shut and tried to concentrate. Her powers had brought her here; surely it could take her back, right? It would just be as easy as before. Except this time she just had to think about home. She thought as hard as she could of the moon, of the palace, of her warm and comfortable bed in her chambers. She thought about her mother and her guardians and how much she regretted this stupid notion and how she missed them terribly.

When she reopened her eyes, she realized in dismay that nothing had changed. She was still there. Stuck. She wanted to curse her powers. What was the point of having them if it could only work when she didn’t mean it to?

She had been so wrapped up in her predicament that she completely missed the fact that she wasn’t alone. Until she heard the words spoken by the stranger.

Serenity yelped in surprise and whipped around to look at him, ready to run as fast as her little feet could carry her if necessary. However, what she found was not at all what she expected. It wasn’t a terrifying creature. It wasn’t a suspicious, scary Earthen who was aware of the fact that she did not belong.

It was… of all things… a boy.

He seemed a year—maybe two—older than her, and Serenity was so surprised at how… ordinary he was that she couldn’t speak for a little while. The moment just seemed so anticlimactic after all the terrifying images she’d conjured up in her mind about the things she might encounter. Granted, the little boy had a sword, but… his words had shown concern for her well-being.

And if he looked just like any other moon kingdom denizen to her, surely she looked just as normal to him. Maybe he wouldn’t realize she didn’t belong here.

“I… I…” she stammered, not quite sure what to say. She was a terrible liar. She was not creative with her excuses at all. “I’m… lost,” she said finally, latching onto the one true thing that she didn’t have to hide from him.

“I was… I was traveling with my mother… and my guardians… but I wandered away accidentally and… and I have no idea where I am anymore.” She gulped, trying to suppress the tears of fear and panic and guilt that were already threatening to overwhelm her. Her eyes started misting and she pressed her lips together to stop a sob. It was just so cold and scary and dark out here!
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime15th October 2014, 3:20 pm

The way she turned around so quickly with a cry on her lips and a panicked look about her first made Endymion uneasy – she was obviously scared; should he be scared, too? A tingle started in the base of his spine, his imagination rearing its head yet again. Was there something out here with them?! But with a deep breath and a firm mental shove, he pushed the feeling away. She was in trouble, and it was his duty as a Knight (in-training) to help her. He took a reassuring step forward, both for her sake and for his resolve, and listened carefully to her stammering explanation.

A frown of sympathy pulled at his face, listening to her story. It was late, and it was dark, and this forest was far from anywhere but the hunting mansion; she must have been lost and alone for a while, and she definitely needed help. “I know where we are,” he offered, closing the distance between them. “I can take you back to the King of the West’s lodge and we can look for your mother and Knights there. It’s the closest thing to a town around here; they’re bound to have head that way once they realized you weren’t with them.” He paused, letting her consider. “Would you like me to take you there?”
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime21st October 2014, 9:44 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Serenity had no idea what to do. She knew for a fact her mother and guardians would be nowhere on this planet. Although, once they discovered her missing, perhaps they would be. She did hope they would find her eventually. Maybe they would find a way. They always did, right? They were powerful and wise and brave… surely they would be able to track her down. And in the meantime, she needed a shelter.

Now she had the choice to trust this boy—a total stranger—or not, but something about him made her want to seek his protection. He seemed both brave and gentle, a true knight in the making. Serenity had seen a lot of knights in the moon kingdom, of course, and this boy looked very much like a smaller version of them. His willingness to help her and his concern were good signs, right?

At any rate, it wasn’t as if she had better options.

“If… if it wouldn’t trouble you,” she said finally, shyly. “I just feel so foolish, wandering away carelessly like this… especially after they’ve warned me about this.”
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
Posts : 13368
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Location : NE Texas

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime22nd October 2014, 1:06 pm

She felt foolish? He offered her a small, reassuring smile, hoping she hadn't heard his earlier pretend-play at being a Knight, or didn't see the faint flush in his cheeks thinking about it now. It was silly to play pretend... but now he wasn't playing anymore, was he? He stood up taller; he was really being a Knight now. He'd be escorting a lady in distress and keeping her safe until they reached their destination. He'd never done anything more knightly in his life. Pride and determination swelled within him, and he confidently nodded his head.

"Everything will be okay, I'm sure of it. Now c'mo--err," he stopped himself, rephrasing, "If you would follow me, we can be on our way and..." his head caught up with his words and halted them yet again. She was wearing a dress; could he take the shortcut through the woods? ... if they walked around the forest it could take several hours to find the road that leads in to the manse, whereas if they cut through it would take only an hour at most. His brows furrowed with indecision. Not wanting her to worry, he swallowed some of that newfound pride and asked, "My lady, would you prefer we go around the forest, or could we cut through?"

His eyes glanced back to see the woods and then resettled on her to explain, "It's quicker to cut through, and I'm pretty familiar with the terrain, but I don't want you to get in trouble if your dress is ruined." He paused, looking back at the forest again and wondering if she saw it to be creepy and scary as opposed to just dark; most girls didn't want to go into the woods to start with, let alone go in at night, and with it being a hunting forest there was quite a bit of wildlife about... "We can go around," he counter-offered, turning his gaze to the well-light grass that spread out around the forest-line, "It would just take a little longer..."

No wonder Knights always had their faithful steed. If he had a horse there would be no question of what they would do. Apprehensive, not wanting to look indecisive or inexperienced, he tapped his fisted hand against his thigh nervously.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime24th October 2014, 5:01 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

The little knight’s words were reassuring, and despite her initial fears and panic, Serenity felt herself starting to relax. Maybe everything would be fine. Even if all else failed, the power that had gotten her here was bound to get her back sometime. In the meantime… perhaps she could finally explore the planet she had always yearned for? If they were all as nice as this boy, surely it couldn’t be that dangerous of a place…

Her curiosity piqued, she started thinking about all the things she could learn while being here, forgetting about her fears. The knight seemed momentarily indecisive and she looked at him curiously. When he posed his question, Serenity became very puzzled; she didn’t know the pros and cons of the choices as she knew nothing of this planet. Thankfully, he proceeded to explain.

“Oh… I think at this point a ruined dress would be the last of my mother’s concern,” she said with a grimace. Indeed, if the queen ever found her again—worse yet, if her guardians did—they would be yelling at her for so many different reasons that didn’t include her dress at all. However, something else occurred to her. “Is it… dangerous? The forest, I mean. I do wish to get to shelter quickly, but I’d rather be safe than sorry if any wild creatures lurk around here…”
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime25th October 2014, 11:41 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Sailor10
"Well," Endymion started, "there are wild animals in there - it's the King's hunting forest, so it's well stocked," he explained, "But most won't bother you, especially if you make noise." He offered her an assured smile and a small shrug, "That's the way I just came from, and the most dangerous thing I saw tonight was a fox."
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

Outer Senshi Admin  RP Graphics & Canon Admin

Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime26th October 2014, 6:57 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Serenity felt doubt creeping into her as the little knight mentioned wild animals—well stocked, really?!—but he seemed not at all worried about it. Sure, he was a boy, but he was only a few years older than she was, and if he wasn’t concerned about it… She didn’t mind a few foxes. They might actually be cute, right? And she was actually curious to see the Earth’s fauna as well.

“Then I will be brave and trust you to protect me should anything try to threaten us,” she said, summoning all her courage. Come on, Serenity. It’ll be an adventure.

“Lead the way, oh courageous little knight,” she added with a smile.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime1st November 2014, 5:58 pm

Endymion mentally preened at her mention of him protecting her, but that ego deflated as soon as she said, 'little'. He nodded, turned to face the woods, pointedly away from her, and led on, the hint of a small frown on his face. 'Little,' he mentally scoffed as they broke back into the tree line, his boots finding a safe path through the underbrush. She was younger than he was - who is she calling 'little'? He sullenly pulled out his dull practice blade and started tapping trees as they passed as a way to pass the time and make some noise. Little. He was tired of being little.

An owl hooted softly above them, cooing into the night.

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime5th November 2014, 7:39 pm

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

There was a subtle shift in attitude that Serenity belatedly noticed once they started walking. The knight was no longer polite or cordial, instead he’d grown quiet and refused to look at her anymore as they walked through the woods. Serenity hitched up her dress as far as she thought appropriate and tried to keep up with the boy, wondering if she’d said something to offend him. She might be the only princess in the castle, but she’d seen enough other little knights to know when they were pouting or feeling sullen. And they always only needed a little kindness from the princess to smile again.

You are the people’s light, Serenity, her mother always said. You have to share that with them and bring happiness to their lives.

She couldn’t just stand by whenever someone was feeling upset. “Hey…” she said uncertainly, before she realized she had no idea how to call him. “What’s your name? I would like to know who to properly thank when we get out of here.”

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime21st November 2014, 4:24 pm


When her question met his ears, Endymion felt his stomach drop - not introducing himself was extremely rude, and very un-knight-like. He stopped and turned to face her, swapping sword hands to give her a formal salute with his right hand covering his heart, as the Knights did. Before he said a word he pulled to mind the fake-name he had been instructed to call himself when he wasn't in the company of his guardians and others of the court. "My apologies, my lady," he offered, the sting of being called 'little' gradually fading, "My name is Ender, a page currently serving the court of the King of the West," he bowed.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime27th November 2014, 6:12 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Serenity was surprised when the little knight suddenly introduced himself in a very formal way. She was used to being treated like that as a princess, but this knight didn’t even know she was one. Perhaps he was just someone who was raised to be very polite. For all he knew, she could not be a royal at all, though perhaps her dress gave it away. Still, she liked the idea that he was someone who treated all women like this, equally, whether they were peasants or queens.

So he was a page. That was a knight in training, right? Serenity beamed at him, and in return, she dipped into a curtsy the way her mother and her guardians had taught her. She’d managed it perfectly and gracefully, if she did say so herself.

“Very pleased to meet you, sir. My name is—” she froze, at the last moment realizing perhaps telling him the truth was not wise, stories about how dangerous it was if she was discovered as the princess of the moon here on earth echoing in her mind, “—Selene. I am a lady from the north”—literally, north of the planet—“who happens to be traveling to visit this part of the kingdom. And I am very grateful to have met you in this distressing time.”
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

Outer Senshi Admin  Roleplay Director

Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime6th December 2014, 8:29 am

"It is a pleasure to meet you, Lady Selene," he bowed his head, "and I am happy to be of service to a lovely lady such as yourself." He had heard the last uttered by a Knight at court, and the lady he said it too seemed to enjoy the compliment. It definitely sounded like something a Prince would say, and he hoped her reaction would be similar. 

Still, they needed to keep walking; the night was cooling off and he didn't want her to get cold. "I've only been to the Northern Kingdoms once, when I was much younger," he offered, resuming his forward march at an easy pace, "What's it like where you're from?"
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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Title : Drinker of Roleplayers' Tears ~ The Internationaliest™
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime17th December 2014, 3:09 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

He called her lovely. Serenity blushed, somehow feeling even happier that a denizen of the Earth had been the one to say it. Surely all the tales could not be right—they were such nice people! Okay, so he didn’t know who she really was, but she saw no reason to hate an entire group of people without properly knowing them. That just made no sense.

She continued walking slightly behind him, relieved that he hadn’t actually been to these Northern Kingdoms—which she was grateful actually existed as well—that she’d fabricated. Serenity thought a moment about how best to describe the moon without telling him all the obvious details. “It’s… cooler than here,” she said, only now noticing the warmer temperature. “And not as green. We don’t have nearly this many trees… but it’s a place filled with light. At night, you can see stars so close to you…” she paused, realizing how much she missed all of it already.

“What about your home? What do you like most about it?” she asked in return, curiosity returning. Maybe she could learn more about this planet while she was here.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime30th December 2014, 1:23 pm

Close stars... Endymion glanced up reflexively, slowing so as not to run into anything as he searched for stars among the leafy branches; he soon gave up, unable to see even the moon through the forest canopy. He did remember, though, for that brief time in the northern kingdom, how the aurora borealis played across the sky, and the awe-inspiring sight of the Milky Way in winter... He liked the stars at night, and the moon, and the sound of sadness in her voice reminded him of the homesick feeling he got when thinking of Elysion. At her invitation, moving steadily forward, he told her about it. 

"I like the flowers, and the green," he replied, stepping carefully around a thick region of underbrush. "There are so many gardens, as far as you can see them - all coordinated for color and size and feeling. Gardens for talking, for walking, for hiding; some gardens for thinking..." he paused, a smile coming across his face, "There's even a hedge maze. And fountains everywhere. Some places have animals roaming around - " he paused, looking back at her curiously, almost eagerly, as he realized that from the north she may not have had the opportunity - "Have you ever seen a peacock?" he asked, thinking of the funny-looking bird with the insanely long tail.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime5th January 2015, 2:57 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

“Gardens for thinking?” Serenity echoed, fascinated. It seemed like earth had strange customs indeed. The moon was not as green, and so the little plants they had were hardly enough to add a touch of color to the all silver kingdom, and they certainly didn’t have enough to provide gardens for specific purposes. “A maze…” she pondered, imagining a labyrinth made completely out of green leaves. That seemed… scary but exciting at the same time.

When he turned to look at her and asked about the creature whose name was unfamiliar to her, Serenity paused and shook her head. “I’ve never heard of a... peacock?” she tested the word on her tongue for the first time. Images played in her mind, trying to figure out what the creature must look like. But thanks to its name, all she could imagine was a type of chicken as small as a pea.

Maybe I should have listened to Mercury’s lessons about the earth fauna more closely.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime14th February 2015, 9:42 am

He turned to her with a great big smile, "It's the weirdest thing! It's feathers are the deepest shade of blue and it has a long neck - it's slightly bigger than a wild turkey, but its tail feathers fall behind it like the train on a lady's gown. And when it gets excited, it -- " he made a crude hand-gesture that almost resembled a peacock, with one hand spreading out behind the other in a peacock-like fashion, "straightens its tail out behind it so the feathers stand on end, looking like a fan. And all the feathers are colored like thousands of eyes -- it looks really strange, but kinda cool. Their calls can be pretty eerie, though." He nodded matter-of-factly and paused, some noise catching his attention. He thought about all the animals it could possibly be, and adjusted their course away from the sound, just in case.

It shouldn't be terribly far to the mansion now.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime23rd February 2015, 12:01 pm

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

A bird wearing a lady’s gown that could stand on end like a fan? Feathers bearing a thousand eyes? Serenity’s eyes widened in wonder. “I wish I could see one of these magnificent sounding creatures! Are they around here? I mean, I’m not saying right now, but…” she trailed off when she realized in her excitement, she had treated this like some kind of picnic. When in reality, she was stranded in a foreign planet and needed to get home immediately. Which she still had no idea how. Serenity felt ashamed of herself, but at the same time a part of her wished she could see the rest of this planet. Ender made it sound so beautiful…

He paused when he heard some noise, and Serenity instinctively scooted closer to him. “Wh-what was that?” she asked in a whisper.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime26th April 2015, 9:21 am

As she came closer, her quiet voice nervous beside him, his fear melted away. He couldn't be scared - he was Endymion, Prince of Earth, and Selene needed him to guide her back to the hunting lodge. He stood straighter, taking a slow but casual deep breath, just as he saw the Knights do before they started a fight. He glanced back at her, and in the soft light filtering through the trees, he saw her eyes on him. He felt more grounded then, and with a brave smile he replied, "It was probably nothing." He took a few steps forward, away from where the sound had originated, and nodded his head in the new direction, his feet already feeling out a new path. "C'mon, this way will be faster," he encouraged, his hand reaching back for her with an offer, "You can hold my hand if you want."

He hadn't really thought about what he was offering until the words were already out - holding hands? With a girl? Part of him, for a fraction of a moment, felt incredibly embarrassed and nervous and shy all at once, but that part was swiftly overruled. The way ahead was tricky; he could help her keep her balance if they were holding hands, and she looked scared. He was going to help her and protect her, and he didn't want her to feel scared, especially if she were already lost. And holding hands was nice; if she accepted then he could help her, and she'd help him by reminding him all the time that he was a Knight in Training, and in so being, had to be brave. 

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime11th May 2015, 6:28 pm

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Serenity’s imagination was conjuring all sorts of monsters that could be native to this planet. But when she looked at Ender, he seemed so sure of himself and so brave. If he wasn’t worried, then she shouldn’t be worried, right? Because surely he’d protect her. She didn’t know why, but she felt safe with him. And when he offered his hand, Serenity didn’t even need to think about it. She took it as naturally as if it was something she’d done a thousand times.

Her hand slipped easily into his, fitting snugly like a glove. His hand was warm, comforting to the touch. She smiled slightly and felt a strange transfer of power; as if because of him, she was now braver and surer of herself, too. After she got back to the moon, she wondered if they could stay friends? She really didn’t want this to be their one and only night with each other. Could she tell him the truth about where she was really from? Would he even believe her that there were people living on the moon?

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime6th June 2015, 8:50 am

The walk back didn't take too much longer on the new path, and wasn't filled with as many obstacles as there could have been; there were bramble patches and fallen logs, sure, but there hadn't been any flooding lately, so the stream bed they followed for a while wasn't overly thick with mud, so there was that. 

Finally, though, the high walls of the courtyard broke into view, and Endymion smiled back to Selene. "We're here," he announced, "I'm sure your carriage has already arrived and they're all waiting for you inside - " he faced forward, looking for the tell-tale signs of a new guest; the lights, for one... or a commotion in yard... or maybe even a search party, surely, since she was missing... but the courtyard seemed as dark and empty as it was when he crept away, hours earlier. "Or," he amended, trying to sound cheerful, "Maybe we even got here before they did. Depending on which way you guys were traveling, the forest path kinda twists and turns some. In any case," he turned back and squeezed her hand, "You'll be safe here with us, and if your party doesn't arrive by tomorrow, I'm sure the King of the West can send out men and Knights to find them and tell them where you are."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime29th June 2015, 2:16 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

They didn’t encounter any strange creatures on the rest of the journey, and Serenity thanked the gods for that. When she finally caught sight of the building, she was only too eager to find some shelter and rest. Ender was talking about her carriage, which confused her, until she remembered her lie and panicked. He seemed so sure that she’d find her entourage inside, but of course they weren’t. They weren’t even on this planet. Thankfully, he seemed to come up with an explanation himself, and still seemed willing to take care of her despite the mysteriously missing family.

Serenity gave him a wobbly smile, his gentle squeeze sending warmth and comfort into her heart. “Thank you so much,” she said. “I owe you my life. If you hadn’t found me… I don’t know what would have happened to me.”

She still had no idea how she would get home, but this was the first time she felt safe since she arrived unexpectedly on this strange yet beautiful planet. Thinking of all the horrible things that could have befallen her had Ender not been there at the right place and at the right time made her want to shudder. The gods must be taking pity on her. She just prayed her mother and her guardians would figure out soon where she’d gone and take her back home. But probably not before she spent a bit more time with this charming little knight-in-training.

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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime18th July 2015, 12:53 pm

He liked her smile; he liked that she seemed to like what he said about her family coming to find her, that he had said something to make her feel better, but at her assertions he shook his head. "You don't owe me anything," he replied, his smile fading nervously as color crept into his cheeks. Feeling a little uncomfortable in his own skin, he thought about what a knight might say, and announced with false bravado, "'Tis all in a Knight's work," and offered her a smile.

Feeling a little foolish, he pulled her forward, towards the courtyard, and when they had successfully maneuvered through his "secret exit" and into the wide expanse of the yard, which was dark and specifically lacked both a foreign carriage and the welcoming lights that would have announced her family's arrival, so he sought out a sleepy stable-person and easily got their attention. The young man - barely older than he - jumped up with a start, and looked like he was about to ask a question when Endymion interrupted.

"This is the Lady Selene," he said, motioning to the girl behind him. The stable-boy glanced at their grasped hands, and Endymion - having forgotten he was still holding her hand - quickly released his hold on her. He pushed past his embarrassment, "She's been separated from her family and will be spending the night here, with us. Have there been any messages about her?"

"No, Your Highness - " the boy began, and Endymion squeezed his eyes shut at the title, and hoped maybe Selene missed it - now that he knew more about her, he didn't want her to know he had lied about his name - but fate wasn't with him. The stable-boy noticed his expression and quickly asked, "Are you alright, Prince Endymion?"

Feeling two feet small, he replied, "I'm fine - what about the messages?" He simultaneously wanted to turn around and explain everything to Selene, to see what her reaction was, and to slither underneath a rock and hide from her, possibly for forever.

"No messages have been received, Your Highness," the boy replied, bowing at his waist. Maybe Endymion would dig a hole under the rock. He could just make a house there. Maybe he'd turn into one of those underground-people. That wouldn't be so bad, right?

"Could you wake somebody to make sure a room will be ready for her?" he asked, and the other boy nodded and hurried off, leaving them alone but for the horses in the stable. 

He scuffed his left foot in the dirt, almost succeeding in making a shallow hole. His chest was tight, and his palms sweaty. He lied to her, and he was caught in that lie. He had to apologize. He turned around, his eyes focused on the tack on the wall at the back of the stable, and, his hands in loose fists, he tapped his right fist against his right leg nervously. "I..." his gaze flicked over to hers, and a blush crept through his features. "I'm sorry I lied," he sputtered quickly, unable to look away from her until he had admitted it. Once he had, he focused just on his boots, waiting for a reaction.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime30th July 2015, 7:10 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Though he said she didn’t owe him anything, Serenity knew it was wrong. She made sure to remember his name so that, should she ever visit Earth properly in the future, she would be able to find him again, and maybe find a way to return his favor. She followed him as he led them inside, blushed when he abruptly let go of her hand in the presence of the stable boy and tensed once more when he posed his question. The question that she already knew the answer of. How would she ever get out of this planet? And how would she ever explain to him—her savior—that she had lied to him about everything? Even her name was a lie.

But then the boy’s words brought her mind to a stuttered halt. Did he just say… Your Highness?

For one split second Serenity had the illogical idea that the title was addressed to her, because she was so used to hearing it herself. And then she panicked, thinking her identity had been found out. But then the boy spoke again, this time unmistakably speaking to Ender—only, that did not seem to be his name at all.


Serenity’s mouth dropped open a little but no sound came out. She just stared at the little boy beside her, looking as if he wanted to be anywhere but there. He was a prince? So she wasn’t… she wasn’t the only one who’d lied about her own identity?

She shuffled nervously as she realized that she was in the presence of a fellow royalty. Oh gosh, her manners were probably all wrong. And she’d called him ‘little’, hadn’t she? Serenity wished she could disappear, too. Maybe she should bow as well. Or curtsy! She should definitely curtsy.

She was paralyzed, though, by confusion and panic. Before long the stable boy was gone and they were alone again. Ender—no, Endymion, what a lovely name—didn’t say anything for a while. Then he turned to face her, though his eyes weren’t looking into hers. He looked so guilty and embarrassed, and all Serenity wanted to do was hug him. He shouldn’t be the only one feeling so bad. She’d lied, too!

He delivered his apology, and Serenity’s heart almost melted. She considered for a bit, then smiled and curtsied properly, a curtsy worth of a royal heir’s presence. “I am very pleased and honored to meet you, Your Highness. I am sorry I did not behave the way I should’ve in front of a prince.” She hesitated, then added, “Why did you feel like you needed to hide who you are?”

She knew her reasons for lying, but what about his?
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime4th August 2015, 10:04 am

Endymion blushed further, his hands half-raised to stop her curtsey but she was already curtseying and it was so graceful and then she was speaking so clearly - wait, she wasn't mad. He looked her over again, just to be sure -- well, she didn't seem mad, anyway, but sometimes his mother and other ladies of the court pretended they weren't mad when they were, but this didn't feel the same way? When they were mad their smiles weren't nearly as nice. 

She had definitely smiled, right?

Then maybe she didn't hate him? 

He shuffled his foot once more after she had asked for an expanation, and replied as best he could. "You don't have to call me 'Your Highness'," he said quietly, "And you don't have to act differently either. I didn't tell you my real name because - well we were in the middle of the woods and it's late at night and they've told me to use a fake name when they're not around so I don't get..." he sighed heavily after rushing through his explantion before finishing the thought - he sounded like a coward now, "kidnapped or something. And you could've been a bandit or something." The last phrase was muttered, an admittedly weak excuse now, while when they first met and he didn't know her it had seemed almost reasonable to believe she could have been part of a plot. "I don't think that now or anything!" he was quick to deny, "I didn't know you then, Lady Selene! I wouldn't think that of you at all now."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime18th August 2015, 6:25 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

Endymion explained his reasoning, and Serenity understood—their circumstances had certainly deemed it necessary to hide their identities, and wasn’t that what she herself had done? Even if her reasoning stretched a bit further than his. By ‘they’, she wondered if he was talking about his guards.

However, she could not suppress her giggle when he said she could be a bandit. He quickly exclaimed that he did not think of her as a potential bandit any longer, and Serenity smiled.

“I should hope not. I have never seen a bandit in the form of a little girl with a long white dress.”

She thought about what had crossed her mind earlier. “Why are you out unescorted in the middle of the woods? Where are your guards?” she inquired curiously.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime6th September 2015, 8:21 am

He grit his teeth, but otherwise accepted the playful criticism for marking her as a potential threat, letting go of further explanation involving her as bait to lure him into a bigger trap, or being secretly trained in the martial arts or whatever else his imagination had conjured. Her question as to his guards elicited a shrug, "Sleeping," he replied with the hint of a smile, his blue eyes looking through black hair to find her.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Gravity   [Relaxed] Gravity I_icon_minitime10th October 2015, 11:52 am

[Relaxed] Gravity Vbl4EQe

“Sleeping?” Serenity blinked. “Does that mean…” She didn’t believe for a second that they had abandoned their master deliberately, especially when he was still this young. Her own guardians wouldn’t let her out of their sight for even a second sometimes—and now a pang of guilt and longing hit her as she thought of them—so she figured it unlikely that the prince’s guards would be so careless.

“Does that mean you snuck out of the castle?” she asked in a conspiratorial whisper, grinning mischievously.

Did the gallant little prince have a rebellious side?
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