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 [Relaxed] Newlyweds

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 6:51 am

Storyline Name: Newlyweds
Creators: Sailor Mercury and Luna
Forum: Tokyo City
Advanced or Relaxed: Relaxed

Plot Summary: Usagi feels like she has been waiting for this day her entire life. She is now officially married to her beloved Mamo-chan. His apartment is now their apartment. The lovebirds are back from their short (and extremely romantic) honeymoon and have finally started their lives as husband and wife. Both are so happy to begin this new part of their relationship together.

But no one said married life would be easy!

Now the two are starting to actually understand how living together permanently is a little bit different than the days and nights they've shared in this familiar space when they were dating. All the elements of their daily lives are converging, often with confusion over which responsibilities belong to who! Mamoru now has his job to occupy his time, with the work and his coworkers demanding more and more from him. It seems like he has so many obligations more to juggle than when he was a student. Some of Usagi's initial enthusiasm at being a housewife is starting to wear off... Is this really what she thought she wanted to do every day?

The appeal of being a "normal" married couple, without the duties as monarchs of Crystal Tokyo, might not be everything they had imagined... Usagi and Mamoru are going to have to learn how to live together, in harmony with each other, and cherish these "everyday" moments—before that chance is gone.

Details and Restrictions:

Storyline Submission:
OOC Thread: Discord

Member to Character List:
Usagi - @Sailor Mercury
Mamoru - @Luna

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 20th October 2016, 6:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated to reflect username changes.)
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime6th October 2016, 6:13 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Leaning into the trunk of his car to remove his share of the belongings, Mamoru heaved a sigh of contentment at the joy of being home with his beautiful wife. The honeymoon had been a wonderful escape from the pressures of graduate school and the paid internship that he would begin in just a few, short days. For several days he had held Usagi in his arms, revealed in her vibrant beauty, and imagined the happiness that would be their shared future. And what truly been a surprise, no one committed a single, villainous deed that required the attention of Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask. Everything had been perfect. 

As he placed the first load of bags on the floor near the front entrance to their apartment, the man of the household happened to glance at the fridge. And then, all of the responsibilities and pressures of adulthood landed onto his shoulders. Oh, no! There was no food for dinner that night or for breakfast the next morning. Having thought ahead, he had cleared the fridge out ahead of time of the majority of perishables that would have spoiled. There were plenty of non-perishables in the pantry, but it would be difficult to prepare a well-cooked, balanced meal with only what was in there. They could go out to eat, but they had just spent quite a bit on their honeymoon... 

And then, another weight fell on his shoulders. There were only three days until his internship would begin and he had so much work he needed to finish for his classes beforehand. Mamoru was in his final year of graduate school and needed to maintain his grades, so he could begin a career and support his wife. During the honeymoon he had been unable to concentrate on his studies, and rightfully so. Mamoru's sigh turned into a groan as he thought of the piles of readings that sat on his desk in the other room. 

"Usagi!" He called, leaning out the front door to the apartment as he looked for his wife. Maybe she could buy the groceries if he finished unpacking, and then he could get started on at least one assignment before she returned and he would need to prepare dinner.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 7:09 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Mamoru called her name, and as always, she came running.

"Yes, Mamo-chan? ♥" Usagi sang out in response, practically fluttering down the hall towards his apartment. No, that wasn't accurate anymore... it was their apartment.

Everything about their marriage filled Usagi with sheer joy. This was what she had dreamed of for all those years! She could sense the ring on her finger at practically every moment of her day, although she constantly fussed with it just to make sure it was there. There were a few times during their honeymoon that it had slipped off and nearly been lost, because she just couldn't leave it alone! But sometimes it was so hard to believe this was real!

They should have been unpacking bags from the car, but Usagi had gotten distracted looking at souvenirs she had bought to give her friends. They were the only thing currently in her hand as she approached—just a tiny shopping bag. The luggage and bags left didn't even register to her as being much important at the moment. They'd have plenty of time. All the time they needed! She was no longer in school, and she'd be Mamo-chan's loving housewife from now on. How could there possibly be a rush?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 3:25 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Oh, good, she was close enough to have heard him, so he would not have to try and find her. And she was so cheerful and eager to please that it made Mamoru smile. He really had married an amazing woman. With Usagi's help, he would easily be able to focus upon his schoolwork and not have to worry about the small things when he began work in a few days. 

And then, Mamoru noticed Usagi's hands. Had she really only carried that one small bag up to their apartment? That meant there was still so much left in the car. "Where's the rest of it?" He asked with a hint of incredulity as he motioned to the bag she carried. But, well, he had planned on doing most of it himself... So, he couldn't be too upset. 

With a small laugh, he shook his head and dismissed the topic of how much Usagi had carried. "Honey, could you run to the store and buy groceries for this week? We don't have much left in the fridge and I really need some time tonight to focus on school." The two of them hadn't even had the chance to settle into their home before he sent her off to do a chore. He knew it was a lot to ask, but he hoped to offer a small condolence by offering "I'll bring in the rest of our luggage and cook dinner when you get back." 

Well, the last one was not really a condolence. There was no way he was going to trust Usagi to cook dinner, not yet. Baby steps, maybe he would have her help with the preparatory cooking, like cutting the vegetables, to save on time. She could probably handle that just fine and maybe in a few months she could start cooking some basic meals.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime7th October 2016, 6:36 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

She only blinked a few times, confused, when Mamoru asked about the "rest of it". She stared at the small shopping bag, then back up at her extremely handsome husband, and tilted her head to the side. But before she could ask what he was trying to say, he chuckled in that warm and familiar way that she so deeply adored, and she was lost again her admiration of this kind and caring person she planned to spend the rest of her life with. In fact, Usagi almost didn't hear his request.

Then she realized he had asked a favour, and the blonde nodded her willing consent.

The mention of schoolwork reminded her of one more thing about her husband that awed her: he was sooooo smart! His devotion to graduate school sometimes made her head spin; she couldn't keep up with the conversation when he tried to talk about what he was studying. No matter how much she tried to pay attention, it all started to sound so foreign and impossible that her brain tuned out almost against her will. How Mamoru could make sense of it all was complete beyond her.

Well, if he had to study, of course she could buy groceries! She ran errands like this for Mama all the time, after all! Usagi loved going to the supermarket: it was full of FOOD! She knew all of her favourite snacks and exactly where they stocked the best juice beverages... and now she could actually buy them! There was almost a spring in her step as she gave a cheerful goodbye, complete with a quick kiss, and started off towards the store.

Unfortunately, Usagi neglected to consider that she almost never went to the store without a shopping list. In her hurry to be useful, she hadn't even thought to ask Mamoru what he wanted. Standing in the aisles, clutching her basket, it started to feel very overwhelming. The petite young woman wandered the store haphazardly, constantly retracing her steps or turning around to revisit an area. She handled so many fruits and vegetables, boxes and bags, containers and fresh items, rewriting her plans every few minutes.

Maybe they could have curry rice? She picked up a box of her favourite mix. Oh, wait, but what if Mamo-chan preferred roasted fish? Some salt, then. Ooh, there was that new fruit soda she wanted to try! That went into the basket, and ugh... it was so heavy! She encountered so many snack foods in the meantime, and a vast majority of them went into the basket. At least they were light! Near produce, she giggled at digging the nagaimo from the sawdust... so why not get one of those, in case they wanted okonomiyaki one night? Did they need other condiments?

She didn't really notice the unbalanced and confusing contents of her trip when they rang her out—she was distracted by the candy and canned tea near the register. (Didn't Mamo-chan like that brand? She should get it.) And then there was the kerfluffle in which she almost thought she had left her wallet somewhere in their luggage... but she found it just in time, although she was so embarrassed to have everyone else in line staring at her that the heaviest bag, with the soda, didn't make it into her hands before she rushed out of the store... and she didn't hear the employee calling, "Miss? Miss!" after her.

Usagi wore the smile of a satisfied and confident person as she returned. She didn't notice that it was now fairly dark outside. It was only just outside the door that she realized she didn't have her keys. Those, it seemed, she had actually left somewhere in the luggage. Silly Usagi, she'd have to do better about keeping track of those things now that she was ~married~!

She dropped some of the bags just outside the door, freeing up one hand to knock.

"Mamo-chan~ ♥ It's your cute little wi~ife!" she chirped in a sing-song voice, almost humming to herself.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 4:38 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710

It never occurred to Mamoru that he may have needed to write his wife a list of the food that would be necessary for meals. He had done his own grocery shopping and cooking for years and he had naively assumed Usagi would have had similar experiences growing up. Well, he knew that she was not the best cook in the kitchen, but he assumed that she had helped her mother with the cooking and the grocery shopping since she was young. But, he did fully expect he would need to make a quick stop at the grocery store tomorrow to pick up a few things she had missed. 

After quickly putting away the few things he had brought up during his first trip, Mamoru went down to the car to pick up a second load of items. A third trip was all he needed to finish bringing everything inside, although he would likely return later to clean up the car. Once inside the apartment, he began to separate their items and put away his things. Mamoru placed the dirty clothing in the laundry, stocked his toiletries in the bathroom he now shared with Usagi, put his souvenirs throughout the apartment as decoration, and placed the few gifts he had bought for friends near the front door for easy retrieval.

He wasn't entirely sure where Usagi would want to put all of her things, so he left her bags in a neat pile in the corner of their bedroom for her to attend to later tonight. 

When he was done cleaning the last vestiges of their honeymoon, the husband now had to make the very important decision of whether or not to begin studying now or to begin dinner preparations. If he began his schoolwork now, he would have to stop once Usagi came home. But, he also wasn't entirely sure what Usagi was bringing from the grocery store, so he could accidentally prepare food he wouldn't use for dinner. 

Instead, he decided to do a bit of both. Mamoru organized the items he would need to complete his assignments at his desk, so he could begin as soon as he was ready. And then, he began to peruse the pantry and fridge for the most likely items he could use for dinner tonight. By the time he had finished some of the preparations for dinner, he heard a knock at the door and the cheerful, sing-song voice of his beautiful wife. 

"I am coming, honey!" He called, washing and drying his hands before he moved to open the front door. Leaning forward with a smile, the devoted husband offered his loving wife a kiss to celebrate her return home. And then, he leaned down to grab some of the groceries she had left on the ground. "Welcome back, Usagi. Let's see what you brought for us to eat." Standing back up, he motioned toward the kitchen. "I already started on dinner, but you can help me prepare the vegetables if you have the time." 

Placing the bags on the counter, he began to pull items out and think of what he could cook for dinner. Well, okay, so, this bag wasn't proving too promising, but maybe what he needed was in the bags that Usagi was carrying. After putting away the items he wouldn't need, he set what he did want to use next to what he had already prepared. 
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime11th October 2016, 7:07 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Even before Mamoru mentioned preparing vegetables, Usagi was already distracted by some of the souvenirs in the apartment. Weren't these small objects just so cute? And this one was made of some of that interesting textured paper, expertly folded and glued. She ran her fingertips across the small figure on its little stand, thinking about the shop they had bought it at. She would think about how nice a time they had enjoyed in that city every time she spotted this in their living room!

Oh, wait, hadn't she bought something for herself at one of their last stops? She quickly ferreted out her own luggage, tucked away in the bedroom. Soon that "neat pile" was anything but neat. Usagi unzipped every suitcase and pulled items out of every bag, leaving most of them hanging out but not fully removed. Anything fully removed was heaped unceremoniously across the floor. It took a while for her to finally find that desired thing—a necklace—and then she left her debris where it had fallen and eyed her reflection in the mirror.

When she heard Mamoru mention the vegetables, that object too was sprawled across the nearest surface as the young woman skipped into the kitchen. She didn't even think about the fact that she hadn't really bought much in the way of vegetables... just that nagaimo, shiso leaves, burdock root, and leeks... If those even made it, considering the one bag that had not left the store with its purchaser.

"Of course, I'll help, Mamo-chan!" she called out, rushing into the kitchen and approaching him for a hug. "What should I do?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime14th October 2016, 4:28 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710

After having brought in the groceries she had been carrying, Usagi was momentarily distracted by the new decorations within the apartment. And then, Mamoru supposed his wife dedicated a few minutes to unpacking her things from their honeymoon. He did not follow her out of the kitchen, because he had already started cooking, so he was not sure what she had been doing in the bedroom. But, after some amount of time had passed she returned to the kitchen.

And then, Mamoru asked if she would help him with dinner, which of course she agreed to eagerly. He smiled and returned her hug, taking a few extra seconds to appreciate the feeling. Something caught his eye as he pulled away. "Is that the necklace we bought?" He asked, reaching out to gently touch it. "It looks great on you."

And then, he let go of Usagi and he reached for a cutting board. Handing it to her, he smiled and said, "could you cut the nagaimo and leeks for me?"

He allowed a moment for any follow-up questions, but then turned back to the stove to finish the rest of the cooking. Hopefully, in about another 10 minutes he could finish cooking, eat with Usagi, and then study for an hour or two before it would be time to sleep. Thankfully, he had at least one full-day he could allow for studying, even if he wouldn't be able to accomplish as much as he would like tonight. Mamoru turned his head to look at his beautiful wife. Actually, the next few days would probably be easier than he expected, because he would have Usagi to help him with some of the chores.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime14th October 2016, 6:22 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Usagi giggled happily when Mamoru noticed her new trinket. Her fingers reached up to touch the pale gold chain, running along the rough surface. She just couldn't stop herself from toying with it! Besides, Mamoru had just touched it, too!

"Yes! I love it!"

Of course she did. It was a souvenir from their wonderful, amazing honeymoon! ♥

The young woman accepted the cutting board while still in a daze of happy memories. She didn't think of putting on an apron, even though she was wearing an outfit that was fairly new and free of stains and tears. All those years of seeing her own mother almost never take the apron off, and it didn't quite occur to Usagi that an apron would be a good idea right about now. She grabbed the leeks and the nagaimo, as her husband requested, and picked up the nearest knife.

Someone who cooked would have known this was not the right knife for the task. The blade lacked depth, and thus stability, and the length was not long enough to avoid rotation. Instead, Usagi haphazardly hacked away at the vegetables, nearly jumping every time the blade of her utensil clicked against the cutting board. Pieces of leek ricocheted away with her jerking motions. She left them in large chunks, and didn't even think to rinse them clean first.

The nagaimo was the worst. It oozed out onto everything as soon as she sliced into it. The texture and stickiness made her want to gag! Ugh, maybe she didn't want to eat this. Did Mamo-chan like this? Or maybe he was making okonomiyaki? She liked that! Hmm, but he didn't seem to be frying bacon. Oh... she didn't buy bacon.

The most surprising part about this whole thing was that so far, Usagi had not cut herself. Unfortunately, she realized this and started to feel pretty pleased with herself for managing to be a competent grown-up. In this case, hubris would be her downfall. The self-satisfied smirk had barely formed on her face when she misjudged and slammed the knife down, hard, right on her extended index finger.

It shocked her so much that she didn't even scream. All she felt was the sharp pinch, and then... something strange. When the blue eyes looked down, there was too much blood for her to even see how bad the wound was.

"M-Mamo-chan," she whispered shakily, any thoughts of first aid treatment immediately deserting her mind.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime16th October 2016, 2:37 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710

So, perhaps Mamoru should have clarified how Usagi needed to prepare the nagaimo. He had said to 'cut' the nagaimo, but obviously it would need to be grated or otherwise prepared differently. But, he may have assumed that Usagi would be aware of this. Which, Mamoru would honestly admit, was not something he could assume about Usagi's knowledge and experience in cooking. He had told himself to start slow with her, which meant he probably should have been supervising her, at least for the first minute or two. He hadn't provided any instruction on how to cut or grate the vegetables. 

But, none of these thoughts crossed his mind until he heard that awful whisper cross his wife's lips. And then, he realized what he had done and all of the assumptions he had made. Unease settled into his heart before he even turned around. Reflexively he turned the burners to a very low heat and grabbed the towel from the stove, although he didn't need to wipe his hands. Mamoru gasped when he saw the blood and quickly surmised what had happened. Rushing forward, he gently reached forward to grasp her wrist and press the towel to her fingers. "Come here, Usako," he whispered as he took Usagi's other hand. "Let's take care of this quickly." 

No one could fault Mamoru for being unprepared. There was a first-aid kit in the restroom, but there was also a first aid-kit underneath the kitchen sink next to the fire extinguisher. "Hold that there," he said, referring to the towel as he let go of Usagi's hand and reached under the sink to grab the first-aid kit. Gently, he tried to lead her to sit on a chair near the kitchen table, so he could open the kit, and begin cleaning and treating the wound. He placed his hand on the towel, and then looked into her eyes with an encouraging smile, "let me see it. It will be okay, Usagi."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime17th October 2016, 6:27 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Usagi tried very, very hard not to immediately panic and burst into tears. Several years ago she would have already had the waterworks on at full blast, sobbing loudly. There was clearly some moisture gathering in the corners of her eyes, and her breathing was shallow and kept catching, but she hadn't broken down just yet. She knew that she had to stay calm, as much as she could. Mamo-chan had his steady hands on her arms, giving her strength as he led her to a chair. Her legs were almost shaking too much to sit down, but she managed.

She couldn't look down at her hand. The blood made her stomach turn. Gingerly, she extended it towards her husband-slash-nurse, turning away. It was actually starting to hurt, now; a painful throbbing mixed with something sharper.

"D-do we need to go to the hospital?" she asked, voice still shaking.

This was supposed to be their romantic first night back home! They'd settle into their routine as a married couple, cooking dinner together and maybe watching a movie before bedtime. It was getting late already... and now this. How extremely disappointing!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime20th October 2016, 4:39 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710

All things considered, Usagi was taking this very well. Not all too long ago Mamoru would have expected her to be flailing, panicking, and bursting into tears. Perhaps an element of shock was in play, but Usagi was moderately calm and allowing her husband to perform the necessary first-aid. Mamoru gently cleansed the wound and surveyed the damage that the knife had caused. Thankfully, a visit to the hospital would not be necessary. The cut was shallow and would likely heal rather quickly. 

As he pressed the cleaning pad against Usagi's finger, he reached into the first aid kit to find an appropriate band-aid. At some point in the past, Mamoru had thought to buy a colorful box of children's band-aids. "No, we won't need to go to the hospital. By the end of the week, you'll be good as new." 

Wrapping a band-aid around his wife's finger, he smiled. "Look, wasn't this your favorite show a year ago?" Mamoru asked, motioning toward the characters printed on the band-aid. If she still liked the show or had fond memories of it, perhaps seeing the characters would make her smile. If anything at all, the band-aid would prove to her that the whole ordeal was over. 

"If it hurts, you could take some aspirin," he suggested. "I'll grab you a glass of water and finish up dinner. I'm almost done, so maybe you could set out the dishes?" A simple task would, hopefully, be the last thing Usagi needed to forget about her finger. Mamoru gathered the first-aid kit and the used supplies to put them away, and then filled a glass of water for Usagi. He offered it and a kiss to her before returning to dinner. 

First, he cleaned the small mess Usagi had made, mostly so there wouldn't be any reminders. And then, he spent a few more minutes finishing the cooking and preparing the plates for dinner.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime20th October 2016, 9:42 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

How had she wound up with such a sweet and caring husband?

She felt so much better now, with Mamoru patiently tending to her injury. Her blue eyes didn't look at the wound, but they stayed focused on him. That determined way he pressed his lips together as he analyzed the situation. The sensitive and calm voice that reassured her a trip to the hospital would be unnecessary. The care he took selecting the right treatment—even particular about the adhesive bandage! His gentle touch as he affixed it in place... All of these things Usagi soaked up, basking in the lucky situation of being a woman married to such an excellent man.

She smiled up at him when he made the comment about the characters on the band-aid. He paid such close attention to her, to remember something like that! (Even though it wasn't last year, it was the year before last.) Her finger felt sore, but her spirit was entirely revived. She bounced up from the chair at Mamoru's request for the table to be set.

It definitely wasn't the neatest the table had ever been prepared for dinner, but mostly everything was present. Well, maybe not. There might be a few dishes missing, actually. She wasn't quite sure what Mamoru had made for dinner, particularly with the diversion of her injury, and she grabbed dinnerware without actually asking what was required. At this point, Usagi was starving. She plopped down in one of their chairs, ready to partake once more of Mamoru's cooking skills.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime27th October 2016, 5:15 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710

Usagi set the table with the ... appropriate dinnerware while Mamoru finished the final preparations of dinner. When he began plating their dinner, he couldn't find the dinnerware he needed. And so he, thinking that Usagi had likely already placed them on the table, walked to the table to grab what he needed. And then, he noticed Usagi's peculiar choices that had not been placed neatly on the table. Mamoru chuckled under his breath and slightly shook his head, but provided no comments. 

A few moments later, Mamoru returned to the table with a dish in each hand. "Usagi," he called with a happy lilt in his voice. He placed the dish in front of Usagi with a small flourish of the hand and a twinkle in his eyes, "your dinner is served." And then, he sat down to begin eating his meal with his wife. 

"What do you plan on doing tomorrow?" He asked, as he began the conversation. "If you don't mind, I need to study tomorrow, because I might not have the time once I begin the internship in a few days." Mamoru did feel a little guilt in that he needed to partially ignore his wife tomorrow in order to work on other things. They had just returned from their honeymoon and he assumed that Usagi would likely want to continue spending more time with him. "I'm actually hoping to start some of it tonight, perhaps while you unpack and put things away." 

Maybe if he reminded her that she had a few things she needed to do, then she might not feel quite so bad? Or, maybe, he was reminding her so he would feel a little less guilt. 
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime27th October 2016, 7:46 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

"It's wonderful, Mamo-chan!" Usagi replied, eyes sparkling. Of course, it was honestly a pretty strange meal, mostly her fault from the grocery shopping, but Mamoru did an admirable job of pulling it together—and thankfully, since it lacked carrots, Usagi wasn't really about to complain. Getting to sit here, with her husband, enjoying their dinner, filled her heart with love and satisfaction. Again, she thought about how incredibly lucky she felt to have married such an amazing man.

At the mention of plans for tomorrow, Usagi almost bubbled over with her enthusiastic reply, nearly upsetting her plate.

"Tomorrow? Oh, tomorrow I'm going to unpack! I'm so tired from our trip; I was going to go right to bed this evening. I want to unpack, and I want to clean. Not that it's dirty, of course, but I want to make sure it's absolutely perfect. Maybe I can mop the floors or scrub the tile! I'll keep busy while you're studying!"

Those were things that Mama had done, right? What she didn't mention was her intention of cooking breakfast. That was a secret. Mamo-chan was going to be so surprised to have his little wife in the kitchen, ready to serve. Not that Usagi's cooking skills had improved tremendously, but she was determined to show the little bit she had managed. After all, she had Mama teach her before the wedding. ("Try" to teach really would have been a more accurate way to phrase it.)

"And then I'll run errands!" she announced with evident glee. What errands? That was a good question. Did they have that much that needed to be done? What exactly did she have in mind?
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime15th November 2016, 5:08 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Usagi's enthusiastic reply to his question made Mamoru smile. He listened to her as he ate his food and wiped his mouth clean of the crumbs with a napkin. When he reached for his glass to take a drink, Usagi nearly upset her plate. His hand hovered nearby for a second, but the plate remained in place and he didn't need to save any upset dinnerware from a disastrous fall to the ground. 

So, it sounded as if Usagi would be perfectly capable of keeping herself busy tomorrow while Mamoru studied. Although some of her plans were unnecessary, but he wasn't about to mention that he cleaned the floors on a monthly basis and deprive her of something productive to do. And, if she fell asleep right after dinner, he would be able to study for an hour or two without any distractions. Although, he was pretty tired, too, and cuddling close to his little bunny after a tiring day sounded perfect. 

Placing his utensils down on his plate, Mamoru wiped his mouth before speaking. "That sounds great, Usagi. Thank you for helping so much around the house." And then, he paused as he tried to think of a chore or two that would need to be accomplished. There would be at least one load of laundry after everything from their trip was put away, but... maybe he would wait to see what she knew about doing the laundry, first. 

Although he was finished with his meal, he waited for Usagi to do so, as well. Afterwards, he offered to put away the dishes and clean the kitchen. He usually cleaned as he cooked, so it wouldn't take him very long to finish. "I'll study for an hour or so after I finish cleaning the kitchen, but you can go ahead and get ready for the night. You said you were tired and it sounds as if you have a big day planned for tomorrow," Mamoru said as he smiled. 
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime15th November 2016, 5:57 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Mamoru really was the very best husband in the entire world. Usagi wrapped her arms around him, pressing her face against his chest, in response to his offer to clean up in the kitchen. Soon, that would be absolutely her job, if she was going to be the very best housewife ever, but it didn't seem so bad to let Mamo-chan take care of it right now. This would be the last time, she told herself. But it was okay for now.

So she skipped off into their bedroom, rummaging again through her growing pile of disordered belongings, then into the bathroom. For someone so tired, she spent an awful lot of time lingering over the various items unpacked from their honeymoon... and her nighttime routine, usually very simple, suddenly expanded to include all kinds of unusual beauty concoctions that she had received sample trials for. There were creams and serums, scrubs and sheet masks, and she didn't even realize how much time had passed as she blissfully paged through magazines and muddled her way through instructions.

When she yawned, patting on the last sleeping pack, it had been over an hour—creeping closer and closer to two. Her fingers quickly tied up her long pigtails for sleeping, the practice almost an automatic one after so many years of repeating it. Usagi spun around for a moment in front of the mirror, admiring her beautiful nightgown. It almost made her think of the dress Neo Queen Serenity wore. She still didn't think of that as "her" dress.

And then it was back to the bedroom, where she grabbed a few volumes of manga from her explosion of stuff and snuggled herself into bed. The light from the bedside lamp provided plenty of light. She'd just read for a bit, to fall asleep. Usagi didn't notice that the time was continuing to pass, her attention too rapt by the dramatic romance she was reading, and that it was likely Mamoru would be finishing his studying and coming to bed relatively soon.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime27th November 2016, 6:08 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Usagi thanked him for cleaning the kitchen after having also prepared the meal. With a smile on his face and a little tune on his lips, he turned to the task at hand. Mamoru often cleaned the kitchen as he cooked the meal and tonight had been no exception, so little time had to be devoted to finishing. He spent several minutes of saving the leftovers, putting away the dirty dishes, and wiping the counters. Afterwards, he turned off the light in the kitchen and settled into his area of the apartment reserved for studying. 

Most all items he would need for studying were within arm's reach, but part of his routine was to take the extra time needed to lay out his assignments in a logical order after having reviewed when his upcoming assignments and exams were due. Perhaps he was old-fashioned, but he still relied heavily on pencil and paper, too. Although, he often copied his notes onto a computer afterwards, so they could be accessed more easily when he was studying on the go. 

About two hours later, he reached an excellent stopping point. Glancing at the clock, Mamoru decided it would be best to wash up before bedtime. He had all day tomorrow to study, especially if Usagi would be helping around the house, not that there was too much that needed to be done. Turning the lights off and double-checking the doors were locked, Mamoru retreated to the restroom and changed into his pajamas afterwards. 

"Oh, you are still awake, Usagi? I hope I didn't keep you up," he said when Mamoru stepped into their bedroom. Not pausing to see if she noticed his arrival, the husband leaned over to offer his wife a good night kiss as he got into the bed. Of course, Usagi would be given whichever side of the bed she preferred. 
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime1st December 2016, 8:10 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Usagi finally set her manga aside when Mamoru joined her in bed, yawning as she did so. The soft glow of her bedside lamp cast a dim halo that provided just enough illumination to read, but she carefully turned it off now that both husband and wife were ready for sleep. She didn't think about the fact that she should have been ready for sleep hours ago, given her earlier comments. That just wasn't quite how her mind worked, after all. She had spent so many childhood and teenage years procrastinating and staying up far too late; habits like that would take more than a week or two to break.

"How was studying, Mamo-chan?" she asked sleepily, rolling over to snuggle against him.

This was nice. This was familiar and comforting. Their shared home, which had been like a second home for Usagi for so many years now, and this shared bed, where she had drifted off into slumber with her beloved's arms wrapped around her night after night... she was so lucky to live this life. Usagi couldn't imagine anything better than what she had right now.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime7th December 2016, 5:29 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710

Mamoru gratefully accepted his wife into his arms as she snuggled against him for a cuddle. This had been the best part of the day during his honeymoon with his wife. Each evening they fell asleep in each others arms. And now, the tradition would continue in the comfort of their own bed. Sighing with contentment, he briefly nestled his nose in her long hair, and then held her more closely. 

"Studying went well, but I found a good stopping point. So, I thought I would come tell my wife how much I love her. I'll continue studying in the morning." He said, whispering in her ear. And then, he learned forward to kiss the space behind her ear. "I love you, Usagi. Sleep well and good night, my beautiful wife." 

After offering her a final kiss, Mamoru closed his eyes and drifted into a pleasant dream about the beautiful future he would share with his wife, their child, friends, and family.

(Time skip!)
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime7th December 2016, 9:43 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Usagi hummed to herself as she bustled around the kitchen, wearing a brand new apron that had been a wedding present. The wedding presents, at least, were mostly unpacked thanks to Mamoru. Usagi had been somewhat less-than-helpful in that respect, spending more time excitedly examining each gift rather than finding it a home in their apartment. (It was perhaps better for the couple that the Japanese wedding gift tradition mostly involved money rather than physical items.)

She was on an important mission: this morning, as her first duty as a housewife, she would be cooking breakfast for her beloved Mamo-chan!

For whatever reason, the young woman had decided on a traditional Western breakfast. A small salad (surely not much could go wrong with salad), coffee, juice, assorted fruit, toast, eggs, and ham. It was exactly the kind of thing Mama regularly made for Papa. Now it was Usagi's turn to show the same devotion to Mamoru! ♥ She was so excited that she nearly tipped over the bottle of orange juice, catching it just in time to avoid a major spill.

Despite her best efforts, the preparation did not go smoothly. She was up early to give herself plenty of time (and partially because she had awoken with a start like a child on Christmas morning, almost unable to believe that this was really her life), but as the hours ticked away it didn't seem like much was really complete. The young woman poured the coffee far too early (it was now cold), which was unnecessarily strong besides that. She was now staring down two eggs, ready to accomplish the most cooking-ish part of the plan.

Unfortunately, she didn't realize that the toaster oven was still on, and that the toast had been in there for a while. As the bread darkened more and more, smoke gathering inside the machine started to leak out in the apartment, wafting towards the smoke alarm. The thing responded with shrill beeping that echoed through the entire floorplan.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime10th December 2016, 1:00 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Mamoru awoke with a strangled and startled yelp as the shrill sound of the alarm shattered his pleasant dreams. He did not know what had set the alarm off and he did not assume that Usagi had set off the alarm. His first thought was that the alarm signaled danger and he needed to find Usagi as quickly as possible. The petite blonde was not in the bedroom, but, thankfully, the apartment was small and he would find her quickly. 

Quickly removing his night shirt, he wrapped the doorknob with it and opened the door. Well, it was a fortuitous sign that he did not see any flames from where he stood, but Mamoru could certainly smell the smoke. And then, he caught sight of the kitchen and everything became clear in an instant. Well, sort of clear, because there was a good deal of smoke and haze. "Usagi?" He called with a touch of concern in his voice. 

Waving a hand in front of his face, he crossed the threshold into the kitchen and unplugged the toaster oven. And then, he turned to face his wife. She stood at the stove over a cooking pan with two eggs and some other breakfast items were scattered on the counter near her. "Did you do this for me?" He questioned, the concern replaced with love and a hint of amusement.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime13th December 2016, 9:18 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

She had been frantically trying to fan the smoke away from the alarm, but her diminutive height didn't make that any easier—not in the slightest! In her distraction she had totally forgotten about the eggs. They were overcooked and rubbery, burnt on the edges, although thankfully not as much of a mess as the poor charcoal toast that had started all of this.

And then, to make it worse, Mamo-chan walked into the kitchen! So much for her surprise!

Usagi tugged on the hem of her apron, ducking her chin down to her chest. Some kind of wife she was. Mama had probably never attempted to serve such a disgraceful meal to Papa in her entire life. She could feel tears pricking at her eyes, but she didn't want to cry. She didn't answer his question immediately, just imagining how disappointed he must be to find his kitchen mostly a mess, with the smoke alarm going off, and ruined food on the stove.

"Yes," she finally admitted, eyes still downcast. What a way to start a morning...
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime13th December 2016, 5:33 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Of course, Usagi would be very upset about her failure at breakfast and the trouble she caused by setting off the fire alarm. Mamoru hated to see his wife cry and he would do anything to prevent those tears from falling onto her rosy cheeks. Usagi looked radiant when she smiled, and so he would make her smile. But, first, he would have to see her lovely eyes and lips. 

Mamoru reached forward to lift Usagi's chin and offer his wife a kiss. "Thank you, Usagi. It was very thoughtful of you to make breakfast for me." And then, he leaned forward to turn off the heat from the stove off and remove the eggs from the burner. "But, I have an idea that will be a lot of fun." He said, waiting until he caught his wife's eyes with his own. "Why don't we make breakfast together?" 

The suggestion was multi-fold. 1) He hoped the idea of doing something as a couple would brighten Usagi's spirits, 2) There was absolutely nothing that would make him eat the burnt husk in the pan on the stove or the disaster in the toaster over, 3) If he started very slow, maybe Usagi could cook breakfast in the future... maybe several months from now and if they stuck to the same recipe. 

But, first things first. He removed the toast from the toaster oven and placed it with the ruined eggs. Later he would dedicate some elbow grease to clean it, if it could be salvaged. And then, he motioned for Usagi to temporarily open the small window in the kitchen. Afterwards, he found a new pan to cook the eggs in and a bowl to whisk them together. "Come here, love. We'll do each step together."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime14th December 2016, 7:13 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

He beckoned her to him, and instantly everything was better again. The now-opened window cleared away some of the smoke. The alarm wasn't blaring incessantly. The remnants of her disastrous attempts occupied the waste bin, where she didn't have to see them and be reminded of her failure. At least the items that didn't require cooking hadn't been harmed. It was mostly the toast and eggs, honestly. (Perhaps because Mamoru hadn't noticed the bitter and cold coffee just yet, sitting on the kitchen table that Usagi had attempted to set nicely but had gotten some of the utensils and such backwards.)

She wiped away the budding tears that hadn't had a chance to fully form, and turned to smile up at her wonderful loving husband.

"Okay, Mamo-chan," she said softly, tucking herself neatly into the spot next to his tall frame, ready to follow along.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime14th December 2016, 5:42 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Now that the window was opened, the strong smell of smoke in the kitchen began to dissipate. After they finished cooking breakfast together, a few sprays of an air cleaner would have the apartment smelling like normal. With a smile, Mamoru held Usagi closely for a moment, and then gently eased her away so he could grab the rest of the necessary supplies. After arranging them on the counter, he turned to Usagi and began with the first set of instructions.

"First, crack four eggs into this bowl and make sure there is not any egg shell in the bowl when you are done." He said, motioning to the bowl and the eggs on the counter. As he spoke, the husband guided his wife through the process of making scrambled eggs. In hopes of preventing any disasters, he remained nearby and offered a steadying hand or word of encouragement when necessary.

Hopefully, this would be a fairly easy task. Usagi had experienced several cooking-related disasters in less than 24 hours, but... If he watched closely, then she'd be fine, right? If not, then maybe they'd just start with toast and jam. And, maybe it would be best to not take his eyes off her, even if he did want to make himself a cup of coffee.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime19th December 2016, 9:26 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

Cracking eggs—that was pretty easy. Not having egg shell in the bowl with the eggs—that was proving a bit more difficult. The delicate shells fragmented under Usagi's less-than-gentle touch. Those tiny pieces seemed to cling to both white and yolk as she poured the contents in the bowl. It was so hard to remove the unintended bits. Whether she used a spoon or even her fingers, it all kept slipping just beyond her reach. She tried not to get too frustrated, but it definitely kept her occupied and took much longer than should have been needed.

When it was done her hands were a mess and the quantity of remaining eggs in the bowl looked paltry. Usagi, however, was extremely pleased with herself for having followed Mamoru's directions. Of course, there probably were still a few pieces of shell lurking in there, but they were very, very tiny. That last egg in particular had smashed dramatically, almost putting more shell into the bowl than anything else!

"All done!" she announced cheerfully, holding the bowl aloft towards him. "And now, into the pan, right?"

She went to pour it in, not noticing that the frying pan was cold and ungreased. Perhaps not the best start to scrambled eggs. They had been mixed rather thoroughly by her fingers, but not with an actual implement for whisking or stirring.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime26th December 2016, 3:33 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Everyone had a little trouble with removing egg shells from a bowl of yolks. But, Usagi may have been having a tad more trouble than most folks. "Ah," he started, moving forward to show her an easier method for removing the small pieces, but his wife was so determined and doing alright on her own that he left her alone. After some more time passed, his wife held the bowl aloft with a cheerful smile and awaited the next set of instructions from her husband. 

He returned her cheerful smile and took the bowl from Usagi. "Let me show you a trick for removing egg shells from the bowl," Mamoru said, reaching for one of the broken eggs shells. He placed the bowl on the counter and then demonstrated how to use a larger egg shell to scoop out the smaller pieces. 

"Before we put it into the pan, let's heat the pan up first and whisk the eggs." Mamoru placed the pan on the stove and turned the burner to the appropriate heat, which he told to Usagi for future reference. "While that heats up, use a whisk to beat the eggs," he said, handing the implement to Usagi for her to use. Afterwards, he showed Usagi how to grease the frying pan and pour the whisked eggs into the pan. And then, he handed her a spatula after demonstrating what motions to use to scramble the eggs.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime4th January 2017, 8:24 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds UJc6hVo

"Wow, Mamo-chan!" she exclaimed, watching his easy motions with eyes that twinkled with admiration. "You're so good at cooking!"

It wasn't like she didn't know that—he had cooked for her before, of course! Still, seeing it in action right here, watching him single-handedly save her disastrous attempts from earlier this morning and transforming them into something that actually looked like breakfast... it only reminded her, once again, that she was so incredibly lucky. She tried to focus on every little trick and tip that he mentioned to her, but they seemed to trickle out of her brain almost as quickly as she tried to fit them in there.

She stood close to him, scrambling the eggs with energetic verve. Perhaps a bit too much, considering the bits of egg that jumped from the pan and into the flame of the stove. They were setting quickly, probably just about ready to be removed and served. Neither seemed to be quite aware of how much time had passed as the minutes quietly ticked away on the clock high on the wall behind them...
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds I_icon_minitime6th January 2017, 5:44 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds Nrc2f710
Usagi's admiration was displayed so enthusiastically that Mamoru could not help smiling and laughing softly. He had learned how to cook for himself at a young age. At first, it had been as simple as helping his mother in the kitchen. But, after his parents' passing, he had quickly needed to learn how to cook his own meals. As he grew, the meals he prepared became more complicated, but Mamoru knew his skills in the kitchen were nothing compared to Makoto's skills and experience. 

"Thank you," he said in response to his wife's praise. Afterwards, Usagi followed his instructions with enthusiasm and vigor, perhaps a bit too much vigor. But, at the very least, no disasters had ensued, so she could continue as she wished. Although, he did wince a little when he saw the first bit of egg begin to burn when it fell outside of the cooking pan and into the flame of the stove. He'd have to clean that later... Reaching over, he turned on the exhaust fan above the stove, just in case. 

"The eggs are almost cooked, so let's put the bread into the oven to toast. Thankfully, he'd already cleaned the toaster oven, so none of the remains from the last time Usagi tried to make toast would overpower the kitchen with the stench of burning failure. "The timing is important, so all of your food can be served while still warm. If you do it too soon, we'll have cold toast." He said, placing the bread in the toaster oven for Usagi. 

"Don't change the settings on the toaster oven, Usagi. Cooking it at a higher temperature doesn't necessarily mean it will be done faster." He said, closing the toaster oven door. Afterwards, he peered over her shoulder to see how the eggs looked. "Now, grab two plates and serve the eggs. And, if you'd like, you can pour yourself whatever drink you'd like. I would love a cup of coffee, please."
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