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 [Relaxed] Newlyweds

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th January 2017, 6:47 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

This time, their breakfast table looked much less like a disaster zone than it had previously indicated it would have been. The kitchen was mercifully saved from a similar fate; Mamoru's careful attention restored it to order. It was true that some of the smaller details of the breakfast spread were less-than-perfect, but those were immaterial. The eggs looked significantly more edible than their predecessors while the accompanying ham slices, salads, and fruit required no attention from anyone, as they had required no real effort from Usagi. A small glass of juice sat at each place alongside a mug of black coffee, perhaps sloppily poured.

Usagi didn't usually drink coffee, but she was a married adult now. Mama often relaxed with a cup of coffee or hot tea and her newspaper when Usagi and Shingo were on their way to school. Perhaps this was a tradition that she could embrace as well.

When the toaster oven rang its little bell, the toast was finished.

"Okay, Mamo-chan, I think we're ready!" she announced, flopping down very Usagi-like in one of the available chairs. "Look at how pretty it looks!"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd January 2017, 5:21 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
A small burst of pride exploded forth from Mamoru's heart as he fully took in what he had helped Usagi accomplish. Usagi had cooked breakfast. Although he had not tasted it, yet, he did not expect to suffer from food poisoning afterwards. He was proud of his little wife and it clearly showed on his face and in his eyes. With a little bit of extra luck, this would be much improved compared to the food she had cooked for him while she was in school.

"It looks wonderful, Usako. Thank you for making breakfast this morning," he said, taking a seat across the table from her. And, finally, he could enjoy his morning cup of coffee. He would have to make more later as fuel for his studies, but Mamoru had been waiting for this first cup since he had woken up.

And then the taste lingered on his tongue. With a suppressed squawk of surprise, Mamoru held his napkin over his mouth as he choked on the bitter taste of regret and burnt coffee. The napkin hid his grimace as he swallowed the cold coffee. Lowering the napkin, he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, I must have swallowed the wrong way."

The eggs and toast would mask the taste. And, if he proportioned them correctly, he could drink just enough coffee that he would not hurt Usagi's feelings. Yes, he would definitely be making a fresh pot of coffee for his studies.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime30th January 2017, 7:17 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

How did Mama manage to drink this stuff?

Usagi awkwardly choked on the first sip of coffee, sputtering into her napkin. Her tongue would have resisted even the mildest roast barely steeped in hot water, so she didn't realize that this was poorly prepared... she just revolted immediately. The blonde's stubbornness took over almost instantly. She chuckled slightly, trying to laugh off her previous reaction, then smiled happily at her husband seated across the table and raised the mug to her lips again.

She kept the smile plastered there even as she set it down, hand trembling only slightly. Maybe if Mamo-chan turned around she could dump more sugar in there. More sugar and more cream. Mama drank it black, but Usagi felt like it might kill her if she attempted the same.

There had to be compromise somewhere in adulthood.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th February 2017, 6:18 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
After time had passed, Mamoru finished his meal and offered to take his plate and Usagi's plate into the kitchen. After placing all of the items in the dishwasher, he returned for his coffee mug. He wasn't sure if Usagi was finished with her coffee. She had not drank too much coffee, although he hadn't either. Perhaps all of that sugar and creamer had not been as palatable as her enthusiasm for adding them into the coffee had been. After setting a fresh pot of coffee and hoping that Usagi would not notice that he had quietly poured what she had made down the drain, he called into the dining room.

"Usagi, I am going to start studying." Placing the mug onto the counter as he waited for the coffee to finish, Mamoru then returned to the kitchen table. "I will take a break by lunch, but otherwise I will be occupied for several hours. I hope you don't mind," he said to his wife as he sat down at his desk and opened a book to his assigned reading. And then, he began his work and got up only to retrieve a new cup of coffee, pausing only to offer his sweet wife a kiss.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime16th February 2017, 5:38 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

Usagi happily accepted the kiss, giggling again at the thought that yes, this was her life now—Mamo-chan's wife. It filled her with so much glee that she could have hugged herself and squealed with delight. So far their time at home seemed virtually no different to her than their wonderful honeymoon. The blonde practically floated back to the kitchen, barely registering that it was already tidied by her fastidious husband. She picked up a nearby dishrag and hummed to herself as she fluffed it across the counter tops. Cleaning: it was a thing, and she—Usagi—was doing it!

It took longer than it should have for her to "finish" with various self-appointed tasks in the kitchen. Particularly when one considered that the room ought to have required very little attention. Still, the new housewife found ways to occupy herself for almost an hour—rearranging the cups and plates in the cupboards, nearly dropping some of them and hastily trying to cover up any noises that might distract Mamoru from his studies. She ineptly scrubbed already-clean surfaces and scattered dust on the floor with the broom. But eventually even these purposeless tasks were no longer necessary. She stood back, a satisfied smile on her face, and surveyed her handiwork.

Still humming to herself, Usagi headed into the bedroom. She had told Mamo-chan she would unpack today, hadn't she? That would be step two!
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th February 2017, 5:13 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
While his wife fluttered about the apartment, her husband focused his mind upon his studies. Each written page was a chance to dive deep into his academic interests and pursuits. Mamoru considered his studies to be an important step toward a fruitful life for his wife and himself. It was his duty to protect and provide for his wife and, one day in the future, their child.

While he was immersed in the work in front of him, Mamoru did not take much notice of what Usagi was doing to preoccupy herself. He tapped expressions of his thoughts and feelings, supported by examples from the text, onto his computer screen. And, he continually noted in the margins and on the notebook in front of him. The highlighters and colored pens created order in his reference books and within his notebook.

One noise, something being dropped onto the floor, did give him a moment to pause. Holding his pencil in the air mid-stroke, he waited to hear what followed, perhaps a squeal of apology or a cry for help. But, no such noise occurred, just the noise of... whatever Usagi was doing. Satisfied that she was alright, he finished his sentence and then stood up to retrieve a cup of water and to refill his coffee.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th February 2017, 6:26 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

Unpacking was less successful than her attentions in the kitchen had been. She told herself that she was going to accomplish the task of putting everything away from her luggage. She told herself that it wasn't really a big deal—that even though she had purchased quite a few things during the honeymoon, that it would be easy to find a place for it to go. The blonde walked into the bedroom fully intending to methodically remove items from suitcases and bags and place them in the appropriate drawers, closets, or shelves as needed. After all, Mamoru had done it so quickly with this own things. She ignored one fatal flaw in the otherwise perfect plan:

Usagi was not Mamoru.

She managed to put a small number of items away in their proper place before the next thing grabbed her attention and distracted her from her goal. It was a small souvenir from a shrine they had visited, and with it were related postcards that she had meant to send to friends. Usagi's eyes lit up to find these treasures, forgotten until this moment, and she flopped down on the floor with the intention of writing them out to be mailed later. Finding a pen, however, proved to be slightly more challenging; she gave up quickly, instead thumbing through the small stack of postcards while reminiscing over the images and thinking about what she would have been writing on them. She didn't realize how much time had elapsed during this process.

Catching a glimpse of the clock on the nightstand, Usagi jumped back up, hastily shoving her belongings back into the pile. It looked a little bit smaller, if only because it wasn't really spread out anymore. Now it was a moderate, but dense, mountain of clothing and more.

"Errands!" she announced to herself. "I'll run out of time!"

The blonde immediately began bustling to get herself together.

"Mamo-chan~" she called out as she swung her purse over her shoulder, moments from bolting out the front door. "I'm going out! Did you need anything?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime2nd March 2017, 5:34 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710

Every now and then, Mamoru felt the urge to check on Usagi and her 'progress' with the household chores she had assigned to herself. Usually this urge happened whenever he heard a loud or unusual noise. But, he repeated to himself that he trusted Usagi to learn from her own mistakes and she couldn't possibly do that much damage. Right?

After finishing with her last task, she wandered into the bedroom. Hopefully, Mamoru silently thought, to unpack and put away her belongings from their honeymoon. If not, he would do it later when he had the time. Although, he did not really have the time. Mamoru sighed as he thought about the impending internship and the work he needed to do for the semester. He'd have to rely on Usagi to do more chores around the house.

And then, his wife called to him from the front door. Oh, yes! Mamoru did need for his wife to do something for him. "Yes, honey, one minute," he said, raising from the chair to meet her at the door. "If you could," he said when he arrived, "my dry-cleaning should be ready." And then he fished around in his wallet for a card and handed it to her. "That's their business card with the address. At the moment, I don't think I need anything else for my internship or classes, but you can text me if you think of something I might need."

He leaned forward to offer his wife a kiss, "enjoy your day out."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime14th March 2017, 5:44 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

After receiving the business card and carefully tucking it into her own wallet, and their subsequent embrace, the new "Mrs." of the house headed out into the busy streets of Tokyo. Having independence felt exhilarating. She hadn't quite concentrated on it when she had picked up groceries the other day, but now that she was out and about with daytime shoppers without the risk of being picked up for truancy, Usagi felt that surge of excitement related to having achieved adulthood. She belonged here, with all these other people, able to plan her day exactly the way she wanted to. Studying no longer occupied her hours, and she was finally free from exams! Ah, it was so wonderful!

This sense of delight buoyed her along on her errands. The blonde housewife flitted from shop to shop, examining and pondering the purchase of a variety of things that—quite honestly—seemed to have little relationship to each other. She sat on massage chairs in the department store, wondering if they could fit one in the living room. (Perhaps it would help Mamo-chan relax after a long day at work!) In the basement's luxury food fair, she mulled over the virtues of 2000¥ versus 4000¥ cabbage. Trying on dresses at a newly opened boutique ate up at least half an hour. Despite all of this activity, her shopping bag remained empty. In fact, the only purchase she had made was a 200¥ soft-serve ice cream cone from the nearby convenience store. (Just to tide her over until lunch, of course.)

As her interest waned and her stomach suddenly growled, Usagi realized it was probably time to head back home. She was at the door of the apartment building when she remembered it: the dry-cleaning! In her haste to retrieve the business card she nearly dumped out her entire purse right there on the front steps.

When she was sure she had misplaced the small rectangle of paper, almost ready to burst into tears, the recollection of the exact location of the thing shot through her mind. In seconds, she triumphantly held it aloft.

It wasn't far from here, if she was reading the address correctly, but it wasn't an area she was very familiar with. That was fine, though! She had her phone and she was a capable, confident wife now! Picking up the laundry would be no problem at all. Usagi turned on her heel, accidentally leaving her handkerchief discarded on those front steps, and marched off towards her destination.

Unfortunately, she would not immediately learn that she was not reading the address correctly.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th March 2017, 5:15 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
The silence within the apartment renewed Mamoru's focus upon his studies. His mind was no longer momentarily distracted by the noises that prompted him to wonder what exactly Usagi was doing in other parts of the apartment they shared. His focus allowed him to progress far in his studies. And so, it was with shock when he looked upon the clock hanging above his desk that he realized several hours had passed. With a confident smile, Mamoru stood up from his desk and stretched. And then, he walked into the kitchen to prepare a healthy snack of fruits and vegetables.

While he ate his snack at the table, he idly flipped through his phone to see if he had received any messages. Although Mamoru had received a few emails from school and the internship, he had not received any messages from his wife. Glancing at the clock again, he decided to send her a text message. "Hello, my lovely wife. How are you doing?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime24th March 2017, 6:53 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

The reply popped up on his screen almost instantly.

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nm11BDK

The woman holding onto the phone, however, didn't seem to be as "okay" as her message may have indicated. People passing her by on the sidewalk exchanged concerned glances, although no one stopped to ask if she needed any help. Usagi had yet to actually cry—something she felt a fair bit of pride about—but she had a lump of teary frustration in her chest, choking her. In a way, she was glad no one had talked to her. If she had to speak aloud, she might not be able to hold it in.

Usagi was lost. Extremely lost. Although she had lived in Tokyo all her life, and she had been visiting Mamo-chan's apartment and the area around it for years now, it was still a big city. Normally the bustle of city life excited her, but today she felt like a tiny ant adrift in an ocean. No matter how many times she retraced her steps, or consulted the map on her phone, she just couldn't find the dry cleaner Mamoru had asked her to pick up his cleaning from.

Her feet were sore from having walked so long in rather impractical shoes (her favourite style, after all). At this point the blonde was so turned around that she couldn't confidently say she knew her way back to the building she now lived in. But she really didn't want to admit that. She felt like she couldn't go home without finishing the one thing her new husband had asked of her.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th April 2017, 5:05 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
A text message from his wife appeared on his phone while he was eating his snack. Good, she was doing alright. Mamoru had been a little worried about her once he realized he had not received any text messages from her. But, it was good to know she was doing fine on her own. He wiped his hands on a napkin before he began to type a reply.

"I have accomplished a lot, although I stay have more left to finish. But, I am taking a break for a few minutes to eat and rest." Afterwards, he hit the send button on his phone. Maybe he should rest for a few more minutes by reading a chapter from the book he was reading. It would be a well-deserved moment of relaxation before he resumed his studies.

Placing the plate in the sink and resolving to wash it later, Mamoru sat in his reading chair, turned on the light, and opened his book to the last page he had read. And then, he had a thought. Placing the book aside, he opened his phone and his last text message to Usagi. "I am not rushing you, so do whatever you need to do. But, I was wondering when I might expect you home? If you tell me when, then I can have a snack ready for you when you come back."

He sent he text message, and then picked up his book again.
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Professor Tomoe
Inner Senshi Admin
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Professor Tomoe

Inner Senshi Admin Activities Director

Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th April 2017, 6:21 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

The mention of a snack was very, very appealing. Her stomach emitted a soft, strange, strangled noise only moments after she read the message, as if it supported her initial position on the issue. Usagi thought about her home with Mamoru—the cozy apartment that had felt like "home" for her for so many years now—and wished very much that she was there, instead of standing out here and feeling so confused and lost. So many people had walked past Usagi, all with a sense of purpose and direction that she lacked.

But could she admit it? She stared at the screen long enough to watch the already-low remaining battery percentage fall another two points.

Her mouth settled into a determined little line, and she locked the screen without typing a reply. She'd give it a little bit longer, and then she'd say something. Usagi nodded her head as she continued her hunt, ignoring the pain of her feet with sheer willpower. She only had to do one thing—find this particular dry cleaners. Could it really be that hard? Maybe if she concentrated on it, she could do it.

A half-hour later she was no closer to her goal. In fact, she was feeling somewhat dizzy and disoriented from circling through so many streets and blocks. Having grown up here, she had never noticed how haphazard the layout of Tokyo was... but at the moment, she wondered how so many places could simultaneously look both the same and completely different.

With a small sigh of defeat, accompanied by a wince about the state of her poor feet, she pulled out her phone and started typing a reply: Mamo-chan, I can't find the dry cleaners.

But before she could add in that next sentence, the screen briefly flashed her phone's logo and then went dark. The battery was dead.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th April 2017, 4:36 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710

Mamoru was a fast reader and he finished the chapter quickly. He did read for pleasure, but he also had developed a reading style that emphasized efficiency over an immersive experience. So, he was not too worried that Usagi had not responded to his text by the time he had finished reading the chapter of his book. He placed the book on the table, stretched, and then the scholar resumed his studies.

The words from his readings and the writing in his notebook temporarily consumed his focus. But, then Mamoru received a notification on his phone. He reached for the phone to silencing the buzzing, and then he remembered that he never received a text message back from his wife. And, no, there still wasn't a message from her on his phone. Glancing at the clock, he sighed as he realized how much time had passed.

Was he worrying too much? Usagi was a strong and capable woman, so she should be alright, even if he hadn't heard back from her. ... Right? Maybe, maybe not. Mamoru touched the phone and idly searched on social media for an update from Usagi. No, not there either, at least not in awhile. Well, maybe he should call, just to check in to see if she was alright.

He picked up the phone, dialed her cell phone number, and waited for a response. But, it went to voicemail rather quickly. That was odd. It was almost as if her phone was off. Something didn't feel right. Standing up from his chair, Mamoru grabbed his jacket and keys, and left to find his wife. He always managed to find her, eventually, if he felt like this.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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Title : Formerly Aurae; The Galaxy Cauldron Forums' Official Professor Tomoe
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime31st May 2017, 9:36 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

Her first reaction was to burst into tears, and she almost let herself. After all, she had tried so hard. She had gone out with the full intention of being a strong and capable of adult, but right now... Usagi felt completely defeated. No longer could she ignore the pain from her blistered feet. If only she were a few years younger... she would have unbuckled their awful little straps and simply gone barefoot, paying no heed to stares or whispers from disapproving other pedestrians. Her fingers reached down and she bent her knee to move the shoes closer...

No. No, she couldn't. She would just have to suffer through what she had wrought upon herself. Perhaps this was what the Little Mermaid from that childhood fairy tale had felt like.

If she could stop herself from giving in to taking off her shoes, she could swallow her tears, as well.

So she did.

The blonde hung her head, closed her eyes, and took a few deep breaths. Usagi knew that she couldn't really be too far from the apartment, even if it felt like she had traveled all day. If her phone was dead, she'd have to find it through other methods. People survived all the time without phones—she remembered what it had been like when she was in school, after all, and a cell phone was a rarity.

She paused in front of a shop window, checking her appearance in the reflection. Her puffy red eyes really did give her a look like a rabbit. It wasn't exactly flattering. Usagi sighed, smoothed her hair, and made an attempt to look less like someone who wanted to cry. Mamoru would have rescued her in a heartbeat if she had been able to send that text message, but she would have to trust in herself right now.

The doorbell on the shop jingled familiarly when she pushed open the door. Had she been here before? The shopkeeper glanced up from helping another customer, repeating the customary welcome. Usagi stood timidly to the side until he was no longer occupied, pretending to browse through the dishware for sale. When he finally turned towards her, she tried not to think about how embarrassing this was going to feel.

"Um, excuse me," she began...

The petite young woman stood outside the door of the dry cleaners, so still that some others walking by on the sidewalk wondered if she was a mannequin or part of some kind of advertisement. Her neatly-manicured hands clutched at a small hand-drawn map. If the map were expanded to life-size, it was clear that she had followed the directions. She stood exactly where a small curly arrow indicated the word "here".

She stood right in front of a sign that read "Sorry, We're Closed!"

Usagi sighed. Now this... this was defeat. She hadn't missed them by more than ten minutes, but the lights were off and the door was securely locked. She couldn't manage to run the errand after all.

And she still would have to figure out how to get home.

Eventually the arms relaxed and the hands fell to her sides, one still holding the scrap of paper.

"Oh, Mamo-chan," she whispered. "I just wish you were here."

Almost as soon as the words left her mouth, she felt a strange fluttering in her chest. Usagi looked up, almost expecting to see him there as if by magic... but of course, that wasn't what happened in real life. She had been reading too many romantic manga. She sighed and turned to head back, wincing at a fresh wave of discomfort from her poor footwear choices. Maybe she'd have to ask in a convenience store, to get pointed in the right direction to go home. Most of the other shops along this street were closed, except for a few restaurants.

When she looked up, adjusting her purse on her shoulder, the blue eyes widened. A young man had just walked across the intersection, and he looked extremely familiar.

Despite her poor feet, Usagi quickened her pace, hobbling along at a speed just slower than a jog. Was it really...? If she spoke up, would he hear her? Was she just imagining things?

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : Leg Lamp Power, Make Up!
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[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime16th June 2017, 4:30 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710

As he had done for years since Sailor Moon first adopted her role as a defender of love and justice, Mamoru relied on that feeling in his gut to lead him to his wife. His soul was intertwined with her soul. She led him to her without ever trying. For as long as they would live, a piece of him would always know if she was in need of her lover and protector. And, as shown by this life, Mamoru would probably be able to find her again in their next life together after they had passed from this one.

He used his knowledge of the streets and his surroundings to navigate Tokyo. That thread of fate connecting him to Usagi guided the protector of Earth through the crowds of people and cars. A sense of urgency propelled his feet forward as he scanned the crowds for a glimpse of blonde hair and, perhaps, a high-pitched wail or the sounds of a fight. It had been awhile since a villain had threatened Tokyo, but once it happened he knew that he would find Sailor Moon there defending the people of Earth and all she loved.

A fluttering in his chest subtely told him that he was near to her. Mamoru paused at a street corner and looked around the area. A small smile came upon his lips as he knew which direction to proceed. He saw his wife when he crossed the intersection and sighed in relief when he saw that she was not transformed. His steps quickened until he could open his arms to his wife.

"Usagi! I was worried when you stopped answering my messages. Are you okay?" He asked, quickly glancing her over for injuries. She was obviously distressed and he felt a strong urge to soothe her.

"I know of a little place nearby where we can talk over an ice-cream sundae," Mamoru said, hoping that a cold, sweet treat may be exactly what his wife needed to perk herself up. And, he could find out what could have possibly kept her occupied for so long. Sure, it would spoil their dinner, but he did enjoy spoiling his wife. All he needed was to see her smile, and then he would know she was alright.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th July 2017, 11:48 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

When those arms wrapped around her and she felt the familiar warmth of his embrace, only then did she believe that this was actually real. Usagi stumbled for a moment, reminded again of the blisters on her feet from those treacherous shoes, but she soon looked up from where it had only been too easy to bury her face against his chest. Everything else that had happened this evening no longer seemed to matter as much. She wasn't lost and alone anymore, because Mamoru was here. Somehow, just like always, he had found her.

"I'm okay," she replied, although her voice was hesitant. "I'm so happy to see you."

The blue eyes sparkled slightly with moisture that threatened to become tears, but she didn't sniffle or wipe them away. She no longer felt that lump in her throat or sense of dread; instead, relief overwhelmed her. She wasn't on the verge of tears because she was upset or happy, but only because she could finally relax.

Her husband's thoughtful suggestion of taking a break at a café was only too perfect in this moment.

She sighed slightly, wrapping herself around his arm—a motion she had done so many times before. She didn't want to let go right now, just in case. She liked knowing that he was right here.

"That sounds wonderful, Mamo-chan."

Usagi only hoped it was truly close. She wasn't sure how much farther she could really limp in any direction, but she'd be willing to try for the sake of ice cream.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th July 2017, 4:39 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
If the temptation of a cold, sweet treat did not cheer up Usagi, then you knew something was really wrong with her. Thankfully, the thought of ice-cream brought a smile to Usagi's lips, so Mamoru knew his wife would be just fine after a bit of time had passed. The threat of tears did linger in her eyes, but Mamoru leaned forward to chase them away with a kiss to his wife's forehead. He felt her relax in his arms and he allowed her to seek comfort in his presence for a few moments. 

And then, he smiled at her. "I knew it would sound wonderful," he chuckled. 

But, she had hobbled a bit when she jogged toward him and she was favoring herself. Was she in pain or was this only the vestiges of distress? Well, whatever the reason, perhaps he could spoil her a little today and make certain that smile remained.

Perhaps the day before his internship started he should take her on a date, too. He wasn't sure how busy the internship would keep him and he would hate for her to feel neglected. On second thought, perhaps he would instead look at his schedule to see if he could spare one day a week for some special time with his wife until the internship ended. 

With a playful grin, he reached for Usagi's hand. "I have an idea. Would you like a piggy-back ride to the café?" 

After asking, he turned around and stooped a little to allow his wife the chance to climb and perch, if she took him up on the offer. They would look a little silly, but Mamoru could deal with the stares from strangers just fine, especially if he could hear his wife laugh or squeal with joy.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th July 2017, 6:03 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

When he made his suggestion, she heard a little voice in the back of her mind: "You're an adult now—a married woman! Could you imagine Papa carrying Mama on his back? Show some dignity!"

But Usagi only saw the cheerful gleam in Mamoru's deep blue eyes, eyes the same colour as this precious planet where they had been reborn together, and felt her heart flutter with thankfulness that they could share this time by each other's side. She thought of how long he had been alone, knowing so little of his past and uncertain of his present, recalling the somber way he had looked before the two understood that they had found each other yet again—and before they had decided that they would risk repeating disaster to stay side-by-side. She couldn't express how grateful she was that they had made it through all of the trials before them. That they were able to get married surrounded by friends and loved ones, and now would spend every day together from now on... It was absolutely a dream come true. She was so very lucky; she may have been the luckiest girl in the world.

So Usagi smiled back at him, took a step forward, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

"Of course."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime22nd July 2017, 4:57 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
Although it may have been silly at their age for him to give his wife a piggyback ride through the streets of Tokyo, Mamoru loved every minute of it. Her faithful steed never dropped her, instead he laughed when he speed up, ignored the stares from those mingling in the streets, and smiled whenever he imagined the look on his wife's face. Hopefully she enjoyed it as much as he did. It was almost as if they were children.

He would not trade any moment for this one.

Unfortunately, it did not take long to reach the café that was only several blocks away from where they had first started their journey. Upon arriving, Mamoru stooped closer to the ground once more to allow his wife a chance to get off his back and him to catch a few extra breaths. "I would gladly do that again, you know," he said, smiling whole-heartedly. "But, maybe not on the way back after we've eaten," Mamoru laughed.

And then, he held the door open to the café with a small bow, "my lady, after you." After settling into a booth in a more private corner, he thanked the waitress for the menu and ordered his favorite blend of tea and a light appetizer for himself. He was a little parched. Once they were alone, Usagi had his full attention. He reached across the table in an attempt to touch her hand gently. "I'm sorry you were so upset earlier and I'm sorry I didn't find you earlier. Do you want to talk about it now?"

Hopefully the quick jaunt across Tokyo upon her faithful stallion had given Usagi the chance to perk up. If asking her pushed her spirits into a downward spiral, then the waitress arriving with the food would hopefully do the trick. But, he did want to hear what she had to say, especially if it was important.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th August 2017, 11:01 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

It took a moment for Usagi to catch her breath; she had been laughing and giggling the entirety of their piggyback ride, regardless of the side-glances from others on the sidewalk. She felt so young, like when she had first met Mamoru. Not that she was old now, of course—but the lighthearted levity helped lift some of the negativity that had developed later in her day.

She couldn't even remember what she had ordered, but the waitress was gone now and she knew she had asked for something. Her focus was on her husband now and the question he had asked her.

Usagi sighed. Her arms were on the tabletop and she slid them forward slightly, slumping before returning to a more appropriate seated position. Fingers toyed with a curl of hair from one of her pigtails. She felt embarrassment well up inside of her, but she knew she couldn't ignore it. She might as well be honest. That's one of the things they had promised each other, after all: honesty.

"I just..."

She took a deep breath, trying to blink back tears. She didn't want to cause a scene in the café; they had enough of a scene on their way. Besides, what if someone thought that Mamoru was making her cry? No, she didn't want any of that!

"I'm a terrible wife, Mamo-chan," the soft voice sighed, resigned. "I didn't do anything... Not even any of the shopping. And then I got lost on the way to the dry cleaners. My phone battery died, too. When I finally got there, they were closed."

Her eyes were focused on the tabletop, shoulder slumped forward.

"I'm so bad at this. You deserve so much better."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th August 2017, 4:50 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
Mamoru waited patiently as his wife gathered her strength and thoughts. He did not want to push her, because he knew how distraught she had felt prior to his arrival. Although he had not been there to witness it, he had felt her emotions in his heart as they guided him to her in her time of need. And then, he noticed the brimming of tears in her beautiful eyes. Before she could speak, Mamoru offered his hand to her as a sign of love and support. 

And then, Usagi spoke of perceived failures and a declining self-confidence in her capabilities as his wife. But, she did not see why he treasured every day they shared as husband and wife, and before that as boyfriend and girlfriend. He did not interrupt her, but let Usagi finish and tell him all she was feeling. And then, Mamoru gave his wife a gentle smile. 

"I asked you to become my wife because I love you. My decision was not based upon whether or not you could shop, find the dry cleaners, or charge your phone. My heart told me I would feel incomplete if we did not share a life together. No other woman holds my heart, only you do." Mamoru spoke with sincerity and he urged his wife to look up, so she could see the truth and love in his eyes. He wanted to reassure her, because he never wanted her to feel insecure in their relationship. He loved her and always would. 

And tomorrow he was going to buy her a portable battery for her cellphone, and double-check she had a navigation app installed, too.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th August 2017, 2:25 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

She felt the warm pressure of his hand on hers, slowly coaxing it from where she had clutched it close to herself, offering that love and support that she so dearly appreciated from him. And then he spoke to her, telling her such wonderful things, reassuring her that he didn't think she was as much of a failure as she absolutely had felt herself to be only moments ago. He loved her—regardless of whether she could live up to the "ideal wife" concept she had formed in her own mind. Once again, he let her know that she was valued for being Usagi, not for being anyone else. In a way, it reminded her of how she had felt to learn he wasn't exclusively drawn to her because of her history as Princess Serenity. They were destined to be together, but they loved each other for who they were in this moment. In this lifetime. On this beautiful blue planet.

There were the hints of tears in her eyes when she looked up, meeting his brilliant sapphire eyes with her own—but she wasn't unhappy. She knew Mamoru would know that.

"I love you, too, Mamo-chan," she replied, sniffling slightly. "Thank you. I'm so happy that we found each other."

Usagi absolutely appreciated her beloved's deep and sincere acceptance of her, but still... Eventually she'd have to find a way to take on more responsibilities. Maybe she had tried too much, too soon. Maybe she needed to break it down just a bit—focus on something specific.

Perhaps tomorrow she'd have some new ideas.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime26th August 2017, 8:28 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
His heart lightened when Usagi's eyes met with his own and she saw what he wanted her to see in his eyes. And, the devoted husband felt confident his loving wife knew she was cherished and valued for the woman she was, and not the idealized woman she thought she needed to be. If she needed a reminder every now and then, Mamoru would gladly give it to her. He saw the tears in her eyes and wished he could lean forward far enough to kiss them away gently. Her tears were not caused by sadness or pain, but still, she was at her most beautiful when she smiled. 

"Me, too," he said, squeezing her hand gently before withdrawing it as the waitress approached with their order. Reaching into his shirt pocket, he withdrew a handkerchief. Hand-stitched in the corner of the cloth handkerchief were his initials and the mostly recognizable face of a rabbit. Subtly, he reached under the table to push it toward her lap, just in case. 

He thanked the waitress for bringing their food, set aside his utensils, and spread a napkin on his lap for future use. Prior to the waitress leaving, he asked for Usagi's favorite sweet treat to be brought to the table in a few minutes. That would be a nice, small surprise. 

Mamoru began to eat, and thought of what they could talk about next. He was curious what Usagi would do at home once he began working two days from now, but he also didn't want to unintentionally cause her emotions to spiral downward again. "Do you plan on visiting the girls anytime soon?" There, that should be a safe topic.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime28th August 2017, 6:05 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

She briefly dabbed at the corners of her eyes with the familiar handkerchief. Usagi intended to be subtle about it, but she wasn't. She at least restrained herself from loudly blowing her nose into it. When she returned it to her lap, her fingers traced the raised ridges of the embroidery. It seemed amazing that Mamoru still carried something like this, when he could have bought something more refined... but it made her happy that he had it.

Her attention was briefly distracted when their drinks and sweets arrived. She hadn't realized how exhausted she really was. Their conversation had made it hard to concentrate on anything else, but now she could feel the aching muscles in her legs, the pain in her feet, and the emptiness in her stomach. It had been a long afternoon, even if nothing had truly been accomplished. Usagi wrapped her hands around the cool glass of melon soda, almost wishing that she could press the cold glass it to her forehead. Whenever they finally made it home, she knew she was going to pass out almost immediately.

Her fork was left poised in mid-air at Mamoru's next question. She sighed before her response.

"I'm not sure. Ami-chan is out of the country, she said, for research. Minako-chan has been really hard to get a hold of. She's always at an audition. Rei-chan is taking over more of the shrine's duties, and she's working pretty hard, but she's probably closest. Mako-chan is always-always-always working; she thinks in another year she might actually be able to open her own bakery."

She paused to enjoy a bit more of her meal, then realized she had almost forgotten a few very important people.

"Michiru-san and Haruka-san are touring. Setsuna-san is... doing whatever Setsuna-san does. Hotaru-chan is back in school, but I think she's with Michiru-san and Haruka-san."

"What about your friends, Mamo-chan?"
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2017, 3:35 pm

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710

Mamoru ate his meal while Usagi spoke of the whereabouts of her friends and how each woman was occupying her time. He had not seen any of their friends since the wedding and he did not anticipate he would have time until next week to see them. His summer classes and the internship would keep him very busy, and next on his list of priorities was spending time with his wife. But, hopefully he would have time for a get-together or two before the internship ended.

And then, it was time for Usagi to eat while Mamoru answered her question. He felt sheepish for a moment once he realized he had not spoken with Motoki since he had returned from the honeymoon. Maybe he should have let Motoki know they got back from the trip alright. He had a few other casual friends from school, but he'd speak with them once he returned to school.

Lowering his utensils he said, "Since he has finished his education, Motoki is focusing mostly on his work."

Mamoru smiled as he considered the news he was about to reveal, because he was not sure if Motoki had mentioned it to Usagi, yet. If he knew his wife, she would be very happy. "But, I suspect he has set aside just enough money to buy an engagement ring for Reika. And he's also been secretly setting some money aside for when they start a life together."

There were a few other friends from school that Usagi had not yet met. "I will speak to some of my friends at school when I return to classes to hear what they had been doing since we left. I do know that at least one woman from my classes will intern at the same company as me."

He was just about done with his meal when the waitress appeared with Usagi's favorite treat. He thanked the waitress and also asked to pay for their meal before the waitress departed. "For you, my sweet," he said to Usagi with a smile. "I know it is your favorite and it would be the perfect way to end a stressful afternoon. Although, I do hope you'll share one bite with me."
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime23rd October 2017, 7:29 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

She couldn't resist a squeal in response to Mamoru's comment about Motoki. Of course Usagi would be thrilled to hear of a pending wedding—she never lost her appetite for romance, and the best stories were those that took place in real life among her friends and loved ones. Although she had once had a crush on the sandy-haired young man who ran the arcade, there was no jealousy in her heart upon hearing this news. Reika and Motoki occupied honored places as people Usagi adored and respected.

"Really? Oh, Mamo-chan, that's wonderful! Reika will be such a beautiful bride! I hope Motoki-oniisan knows that he's the luckiest guy in the world to wind up with such a pretty and intelligent future wife!"

There was absolutely no question in her mind that the dark-haired young woman would accept. They hadn't been together for this long and weathered so many hardships for any other outcome, after all!

The dessert that arrived, a wonderful parfait of fruit, ice cream, and chocolate that Usagi often ordered at this particular place, was the cherry on top of an evening that was finally looking up. The blonde grinned at her darling husband, sapphire eyes gleaming.

"Of course we can share, da-r-ling," the sweet voice trilled, delicately scooping a spoonful and offering it across the table to him.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime27th October 2017, 5:01 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
Of course, his loving wife would be thrilled to hear of an upcoming wedding, particularly of one of his closest friends. Mamoru smiled at his wife and enjoyed the glimmer in her eyes as she spoke of the wedding. After the day had been so rough on her, he was happy to see her cheer up at the mention of the good fortunes of others and the parfait sitting in front of her

And, as he knew she would if he asked, Usagi said she would gladly share her parfait with him. His wife offered a spoonful to him from across the table. He leaned forward out of his seat to accept the offering, and then settled into his seat afterwards. Oh yes, perfect, he thought as his licked the remains from the corner of his mouth. Mamoru did not have a sweet tooth, but a bite here and there of dessert was delightful. 

While Usagi ate, the bill arrived and Mamoru paid for their meal. By the time Usagi was finished, everything would be taken care of and they could leave at any time to return home.
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th November 2017, 9:16 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 UJc6hVo

The blonde yawned and stretched her arms over her head, groaning slightly as the morning sunlight pierced her eyes. Leaving the safety of the toasty, comfortable bed seemed like agony, especially as her muscles slowly took this opportunity to let her know they were weary and worn from the afternoon of the previous day. When she slipped her feet out and stood, she winced at the acknowledgement of bumps and blisters. Usagi looked at her poor feet and pouted, but sighed to know it was all her fault, anyway. If only she had worn more reasonable shoes! Today was definitely not going to be a day to show off anything cute and impractical. The slippers waiting for her near the edge of the bed, probably lined up by a certain wonderful husband, provided cushion and protection for her aching toes.

She shook her head to stretch a few more muscles, wandering out of the bedroom, wondering if Mamoru was working or had left. She wasn't sure what time it was. As much as she knew a "good" wife would have been up and hardworking before her dear husband, Usagi felt grateful that Mamoru wouldn't want her to be denied her rest.

"Mamo-chan? Are you home?" she called, shuffling about. Perhaps he had left a note?
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PostSubject: Re: [Relaxed] Newlyweds   [Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 I_icon_minitime20th November 2017, 5:04 am

[Relaxed] Newlyweds - Page 2 Nrc2f710
Although he had finished a lot of his homework and preparations for his internship, there was still work left to be done and only today to get it done! Mamoru's internship started tomorrow. He was prepared, but that did not mean he also did not feel a bit panicked. This internship was crucial to him providing a good life for his loving wife and to their future child. One step led to another, after all. 

And so, he awoke earlier than usual, but his mind would not allow him to sleep in. After snatching a quick bite to eat, he left the apartment in a hurry and without waking Usagi. First, he needed to collect some things from his university campus, and then he also needed to stop by the dry-cleaners to pick up what had been left yesterday. He had another few items on his list of things to do, but Mamoru assumed he would return home around lunch. And then, he could finish his studies. 

On the bright side, he had left a note for his wife explaining he had to run a few errands. Come to think of it, he had forgotten to write when he expected to be back, but he could text her later. Looking at his watch, Mamoru wondered if Usagi was awake, yet. Maybe he'd wait for her to text him, so he didn't accidentally wake her with a text message. As far as he knew, she had no plans for the day. Hopefully after yesterday she would stay home and rest. She'd probably be there when he got back or maybe out with some of the girls.
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