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 Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion

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Princess Luna
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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 7:38 am

General Information
Name: Jenneva Rose
Gender: Female

Birthday: January 15th
Age: 19
Birthplace: Elysian Fields

Physical Description (include clothing generally worn):
Janneva is short. She’s about 5’ 1’’.  She’s skinny and has a body of a petit model. She generally wears her long light brown hair in a braid on the side of her head. Her hair when out goes to about her lower back. She has kind teal eyes.  She has a very pale skin and burns easily because of that.  Usually you’ll find her with little to no make-up on. She has a good complexion and rarely needs to use make up. Her face is lightly dusted with freckles.

Janneva looks good in all kinds of clothing.  She likes to wear all colors.  She usually wears bright colors because of the way they make people smile when they see bright happy colors. She likes to wear jeans and sometimes she will wear a dress or skirt, but she is more comfortable in jeans.  Her favorite outfit is a pair of dark blue skinny jeans that hug her curves and a dressy purple cold shoulder lace top with a white camisole under it. She likes to wear her favorite purple wedges with this. The wedges are swede and completely purple. The heel is about 2 inches and gives her a bit more height.

Jenneva is a very kind and friendly girl. She can make friends with anyone because she has an open mind and is never quick to judge someone. She hates to see people fight and usually ends up in the middle of fights breaking them up. Although she is short she can break up fights pretty well mostly because at least one of the people who is fighting is her friend.  Sometimes her kindness gets her into trouble. She likes to help people solve their problems even if it's not her place to help or get involved. This can become a problem for some of her friends and others involved, but usually in the end everyone involved realizes that she was only trying to help. This only makes her bond with people stronger.

Jenneva is terrified of few things. The one things she is terrified of the most is death. She feels helpless, whether it's herself or someone close to her who is dying, because she can't help them. This is why the thought of anyone or anything that she cares about dying is so terrifying.  Because of this she has a darker side that she rarely lets people see. Her fiery temper that only comes out when she's frustrated with someone for not letting her help or when she's frustrated with herself because she can't help.  Her temper is something that no one would want to see. She's terrifying when she's mad, especially if you're the person she's mad at.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills:  She's amazing at singing.

Jenneva grew up with both of her parents in Elysian Fields in a small home.  Her dad owned a ranch and Jenneva grew up playing with the horses there.  Her mother was a stay at home mom when she was younger and then when Jenneva was old enough to be on her own or with a babysitter, if they could afford it, her mother started working as a waitress in a local restaurant.  Her parents didn't have much money growing up, but that made Jenneva a girl who knew how to take care of herself and be a hard worker.  Jenneva loved to sing when she was little and her father always supported her. She sang in the choir when she was in school and in her free time she practiced.  

When she was 12 her father got into an accident and was admitted into the hospital.  Her family couldn't afford medical insurance and her father slipped farther and farther away from life.  Jenneva and her mother visited him everyday and as he got closer and closer to death Jenneva didn't leave his side.  She stayed with him even when she was supposed to be in school. Her father once asked her to sing a happy song for him.  He told her that it would make him strong and get better.  While she sang a happy, hopeful song for him, he passed away.  Jenneva fell into a depression for a while after his death.  She was upset that there was nothing they could have done for him.  Bills from the hospital started to pile up and her mother's waitress job wasn't bringing in enough money for them to keep the house and the ranch.  Her mother ended up selling the ranch and they just managed to keep their small house.  

From then on Jenneva promised herself that if she could help people in anyway she would.  And she kept singing to keep her father's dream for her alive.  She's now in college as a voice major and paying her own way through school by working two jobs around the campus. She works in the school bookstore and is a desk clerk in one of the dorms.

RP Sample:
Jenneva was in her first year of college and already she felt overwhelmed.  School was a lot of work when you were a voice major of any kind. Plus the fact that she had two jobs also didn’t help her situation, but it was the only way she was going to be able to pay her way through school.  Her course load was really large and she had to be in at least two different choirs to earn a credit when she needed to have three credits worth of performance by the end of this year to stay on track of her major.  She had to audition to get into the choirs and sight singing was involved, her weakest part of singing.  She could memorize a song by hearing it twice at the most, but sight singing was complicated.  When she got done her auditions for the day the teacher said he’d put the list up the next day.  She had to run from the audition to her desk job.  If she was late it’d be a big

Last edited by Sailor Selene on 24th July 2012, 3:38 pm; edited 7 times in total
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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 7:43 am

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Sailor Uranus
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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 7:51 am

Oh! And teehee, our Elysian Fields isn't necessarily ttexas, just random place in the us XD
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 8:12 am

Sailor Uranus wrote:
Oh! And teehee, our Elysian Fields isn't necessarily ttexas, just random place in the us XD

Okay. Smile
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Pyramidal Crystal


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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime24th July 2012, 7:16 am

This is looking good, Selene! Are you ready to have it reviewed?
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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime24th July 2012, 3:14 pm

Yes please Pluto!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime24th July 2012, 6:48 pm

Well, I'm pleased to say that you need no alterations on this profile. ^^

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Princess Luna
Lotus Crystal

Princess Luna

Lotus Crystal

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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime24th July 2012, 7:25 pm

YAY! That's the first time I didn't need to fix anything. Smile Thanks Pluto!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion Empty
PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime24th July 2012, 7:35 pm

Hehe, no problem. I'm glad to see that as well. Wink
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PostSubject: Re: Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion   Civillian: Jenneva Rose//Princess Orion I_icon_minitime

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