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 Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime14th May 2012, 6:57 pm

Character Information

Name: Kailani Mahi’ai (Kailani means “the sea and sky” in Hawaiian.)

Age and Date of Birth: 16, born on October 13th

Gender: Female

Race: Human - Hawaiian

Birthplace: Originally from Hawaii, moved to the mainland when she was 7.

Appearance: Kailani has long black hair that hangs to her waist and is slightly wavy. Sometimes it slips in front of her eyes lending her a mysterious look. She wears mostly deep blues, green, brown and black outfits with few slogans or decorations. Typically she wears either jeans and a leather jacket, or skirts and dresses with sandals when the weather and activities of the day permit. She dresses neatly, simply, yet with femininity. The only piece of jewelry she wears is a simple shell necklace from her homeland.

Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi 333482

Skills/Abilities: Kailani competes on a local Crew team, participating in rowing competitions. She also works during the summer and off school times in the marine science department at the University studying dolphins and echolocation. It began as a high school internship but she hopes to be accepted when she graduates. On top of that she is a reporter for her school paper. Secretly Kailani has recently been experimenting with watercolors but she has as of yet told no one about her work, not even her father.

She has a very sharp mind and can be very driven and focused. She is somewhat athletic from competing in Crew but not “built”. She has very good hearing and is fairly observant even when she doesn’t appear to be paying attention. Kailani has the tendency sometimes to get very serious and competitive.

Personality: Kailani is quiet but not shy. She doesn’t lack self confidence but just has a disposition to be silent. If you trigger her nose for news she has no problem cornering you and pinning you down for answers but normally she is more of a watcher and listener than a talker. She is fiercely independent. Kailiani is pensive and thoughtful and often is so quiet she often goes unnoticed and passes through her classes like a ghost. She knows a few people on Crew and on the paper. She is not unfriendly, but currently has no real close friendships.

Biography/History: Kailani grew on in a small house overlooking the sea. It was a small town and her father made a living selling marine supplies. Her mother died in labor giving birth to her younger sister who also didn’t make it. After that Kailani’s father couldn’t stand working in the same village or even by the water. So he moved the family to the mainland where he had a few relatives and a possibility for a new job in a warehouse. He raises Kailani alone in a small apartment over a store and still struggles with the loss of his wife.

As such Kailani has somewhat raised herself and is very self sufficient. Her father works long hours and she doesn’t want to trouble him with any of her juvenile problems or worries.

She was at a school fotball game covering it for the school paper when she first awakened as a senshi. Kailani had climbed down under he bleachers to retrieve a lens cap she dropped. While she was climbing around under th bleachers she was attacked by a strange creature. No one heard her screams over the cheering as her adversary cornered her. Asit began to shake the bleachers, pulling them apart with clawed hands, something appeared before her, glowing in the shadows of the stands. Without any other options, Kailani reached for it. By a mix of both fear and instinct she transformed for the first time. Since then as Sailor Rigel she has had a handful of other battles together with some of the other Orion senshi, but it has taken her a bit to figure out exactly who she and the other senshi are, though she doesn't yet know them all by their real life identities yet.

Life has become especially hectic having to deal with her newly awakened senshi powers on top of everything else. It has made her grow somewhat more distant from her father because she is home less, and because this is something that she absolutely cannot share with him.

Other Noteworthy Facts: The necklace she wears was a gift for her mother shortly before she dies. Her mother never got to wear it, so Kailani keeps it close to her heart. She loves reading by the water whenever she catches some rare downtime. She also likes to sneak down to the lake at nighttime alone.

Quote:”You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”

Dream(s): She hopes to go to college for marine biology and work with dolphins though her side ambition is someday to move back to the small seaside town where she grew up.

Family: Only her father is currently living. She has some distant second cousins around but she’s not close to them and rarely sees them.

Other Noteworthy Facts: Favorite gem – deep green tourmaline. She is a Libra. Kailani loves french-fries and any kind of sea food.

Senshi Information
Senshi/: Sailor Rigel – soldier of the lonely waves

Senshi Quote:As waves crash over the sand, I will crush you beneath deep waters!

Realm of Influence(s): Water

Item(s): a henshin pen with the symbol of Rigel on it (a captain’s wheel), and a wand that can extend into a staff when in battle. She uses this in many of her attacks.

This section include henshin or transformation items and weapons. Please include a physical description of the items.

Henshin/Transformation:Rigel Star Power Make-Up! – First a sound of rushing water is heard, and then it seems to rise from the ground swirling around her while the transformation happens.

Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi SailorRigel2-1
The main colors of her fuku, bows, and choker are white and two different shades of blue. On hre gloves and boots is a dash of the same darker blue against the white. Her tiara is a dark silver bearing a star in the center. Her collar has a stripe of white running down the edge as does the skirt. The front and back bows are a lighter blue, with the back bow hanging down nearly to her knees. She also has a gray cape behind her.


Rigel Ring of Fate:
Energy level – low
Attack Type – restrictive / defensive
Accuracy – on a stationary target with no counter-defense it is 100% accurate. Otherwise it depends on the speed of her enemy and their ability to fend off physical attacks.
Sailor Rigel throws the wand up into the air and it comes down into her hand as a glowing captain’s wheel, which she throws like a Frisbee. If successful it encircles her enemy binding him in place with the wheel around her enemy’s torso.

Rigel Crashing Waves:
Energy level – Medium
Attack Type – Offensive
Accuracy – high
Sailor Rigel calls out the attack while holding the wand out and spinning around as water gathers around it. Then she thrusts her hand and wand forward and a massive wave of water rushes toward her enemy.

Rigel Swirling Vortex
Energy Level – very high – This attack really takes it out of her if used more than once in the same battle.
Attack Type – Offensive
Accuracy – high
Sailor Rigel holds her wand out and it extends into a dark blue-green quarterstaff which she uses with two hands to spin over her head while calling out the attack. It spins fasyer and faster. A whooshing sound like roaring waves can be heard. Then Rigel slams one end of the staff hard into the ground in front of her. Cracks appear on the ground beneath her enemy and the ground crumbles away to reveal a forceful swirling whirlpool of water below them.

Senshi/Sailor History: Rigelians are proud people who believe in taking actions to control their own fate and their own dreams. Being the captain of your own fate is a big theme on Rigel, and itspeople are encouraged to work hard to bring about the future they want to see. They are a very driven people.  
Sailro Rigel has made sacrifices in her past. She once fell deeply in love as a young teenager, believing she had found her soulmate in a simple fisherman’s son. But when she came of age and realized that she had inherited the powers of Rigel’s guardian, she broke it off and closed her heart forever to that kind of love. She did this because as a guardian, enemies would try to use anyone she loved against her. They would be first targets of anyone trying to conquer Rigel and she believed a guardian should have as few weaknesses as possible. Calling herself the senshi of the lonely waves, she dedicated her entire life and being to the new fate and responsibility placed upon her, giving up the dreams of her own heart to protect the dreams of others.

Last edited by PoetofMercury on 2nd August 2012, 6:46 pm; edited 5 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime19th July 2012, 10:55 am

Bump! Feel free to change this to the new universal profile application. The change may or may not help you out.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime19th July 2012, 9:14 pm

Thanks! ^^ I shall work on that this weekend.
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime20th July 2012, 7:15 pm

Is this ready for review?
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime23rd July 2012, 7:43 am

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime29th July 2012, 2:41 pm

Gah real life is eating me alive this month! Tonight I promise. Very Happy
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime29th July 2012, 6:19 pm

Oh, I understand all too well. Just PM me when the final draft is ready.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime29th July 2012, 8:53 pm

All done! ^-^ See I did promise. Very Happy PMing you now.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime30th July 2012, 4:34 pm

Thank you very much, Poet! And I'm thrilled to say that this is approved! ^^
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Sailor Uranus
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime30th July 2012, 4:40 pm

!! Wait! Sorry, just saw this! >< her fuku doesn't match the Orion senshi fukus ><

check here please

It in no way has to look like the fake Rigel senshi I threw up there, but the skirt, gloves, boots, etc. should fit the standard of the other Orion senshi. ^^'
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Pyramidal Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime30th July 2012, 4:50 pm

XD, sorry, Kyra-chan. I noticed that it was different from the Orion sect, but I wasn't sure if the fuku differences had already been talked about between your RP group or not.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime30th July 2012, 7:57 pm

Oh! I had no idea there was a standard Orion look. Embarassed I'll have to edit that part but I'm not home right now to do the graphics stuff. ^^ I'll try to fix it tomorrow night.
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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Title : Oh, you mean you DON'T have an Elephabulous? Shame.
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime30th July 2012, 8:51 pm

^_^ you're totally fine; that thread is huge @.@
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime1st August 2012, 8:50 pm

OK, should be all fixed if I've done it right. I'm pretty sure it matches 100% now. But if you see anything amiss just let me know. Very Happy
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime1st August 2012, 9:32 pm

Perfect perfect! ^_^ Thanks so much!!

:O Feel free to bring her by the coffee shop or arrive in the general area for Sirius to accost before going into the shop! XD

Oh! Does she have an awakening story?
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime2nd August 2012, 6:30 pm

I had a few ideas. Very Happy I shall add one in! And I'll post at the coffee shop agter. Very Happy

Edit: Backstory posted. Very Happy
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi   Senshi Sailor Rigel - Orion Senshi I_icon_minitime

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