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 Senshi: Sailor Himeros

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
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Senshi: Sailor Himeros Empty
PostSubject: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime24th June 2012, 8:19 am

General Information
Name: Katsumi Aino
Gender: Female

Birthday: July 18th
Age: 16
Birthplace: Tokyo City

Physical Description (include clothing generally worn): Katsumi has extremely pale blonde, so pale that it can easily be mistaken for white in the right light. Her thigh length hair is kept in an extremely low ponytail held with a red rubber band at about waist length. The left half of her bangs are swept to the side while the other half is left natural. Two strands of hair hang in front of her ears down to a little past her shoulders. She often wears a barrette with six orange pearl like beads on the left side. She has graceful shaped silver eyes with very long thick eyelashes. She also has very beautiful pale skin and an ideal slender figure. Her height is about five foot even. Katsumi will wear anything and everything, especially if it's cute and flatters her figure, and if it's extremely fashionable.

Personality: Katsumi is a confident beauty who at her worst moments could be called a snob. She loves to act a little more high class than she really is. She also loves fashion and is so obsessed with it, she's the type of girl who will always look gorgeous. Unfortunately she is like her mother in that she's suffered her share of heartbreaks, but she's also been able to cause some as well. She's also very much a socialite and is usually seen at the parties where only anyone who is anyone goes. She also loves the fact she's at that sweet sixteen age. Katsumi is the type of person who's really able to make friends with anyone.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: The ability to pick out the perfect outfit for any occasion.

History: She is named Sailor Himeros, Himeros being the Greek god of desire, similar to Venus being Aphrodite the goddess of love.

When Minako first realized she was pregnant, she was terrified. She had no idea whose baby she was carrying now, and could only hope it was a senshi she was good friends with. But any fears she had when she first held her daughter in her arms was gone. She adored Katsumi with a passion and vowed to raise her the way a girl should be. So Katsumi grew up with all the luxuries a girl could want, learning the pleasures of a spa day, getting clothes that would make any girl envious and best of all, knowing how to use her charms in a ladylike way. When she transformed for the first time into Sailor Himeros however, many of the other senshi was more than unsettled. they knew the "father" of Katsumi was not a member of the solar system they knew,and could have only been the child of a senshi from outside the Sol System. But Katsumi never seemed to show any inclination towards anything but the best for everyone and the earth, and having fun.

Senshi Information
Senshi Name: Sailor Himeros
Senshi Fuku: She has a gold tiara with orange stone. her choker is orange with a gold beaded star necklace hanging under it slightly. She has the normal senshi collar in orange with no stripes. Her main fuku is pale orange breastplate with white puffs under it, under which is her orange pleated short skirt. The white puffs have light orange bows on the front seams. She has an orange circular brooch with orange-yellowish ribbons forming a loop on either side and three more hanging from the bottom. The same material makes up a loop bow in the back. She has white fur puffs for shoulder pads, lining for her gloves, which are pale orange like her breastplate, and fur wrapped around her ankles. She wears flat orange slippers.
Henshin/Transformation: Himeros Galaxy Power, Make Up!
Powers: Venus Heart Shatter!: An attack where Himeros spins, expelling pale orange hearts of energy. If the opponent is touched by one of her hearts, they suffer the worst heartbreak experience, falling into such a depression that they are easily dispatched.

Glowing Lust Burn!: An attack where Himeros makes a motion like firing a bow at the enemy, actually firing a faint beam of energy, which if it hits, it fills the opponent with so much desire and lust that they become extremely confused and unable to function for want.

Weapons or Magical Items: transformation wand.

RP Sample: Katsumi darted through the mall, each arm loaded with at least two bags that banged against her sides constantly. Sure, she had been able to find the most perfectly cute outfits and shoes for every day wear, but she still hadn't found that perfectly gorgeous dress that would make her the best dressed girl at the school dance! She glanced in all the windows carelessly when suddenly she was brought up short.

In front of her, on a woefully inadequate mannequin, was the most gorgeous dress ever. It had a sweetheart hem with a silver star in the middle. the dress hugged the torso then flowed out gently to the ankles. a rich deep red sash swooped from one side of her hips to the other in an elegant dip. light yellow-orange swirls ran from the bottom right to the top left of the torso, and a matching orange wrap twisted elegantly around the arms. What a dress! what a combination of classical and modern fashion! This was the dress, and it was going to be hers!

Senshi: Sailor Himeros Sailor_by_crystalsetsuna-d4nfa2k

Last edited by Crystalsetsuna on 29th June 2012, 9:39 am; edited 2 times in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Senshi: Sailor Himeros Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime29th June 2012, 9:31 am

I will say that I like the evident research you put into her character background - the mythology aspect, at least - but your grammar still needs a little touching up. Try to make it a habit to punctuate, as well as capitalize the beginning of your sentences. It'll definitely make reading your roleplay posts more enjoyable for everyone in the long run, which is an added bonus since you clearly have quite a few ideas. ^^

I quoted the sections that need to be touched up, and bolded/italicized the words to make them easier to find. Fix this, and I'll move this profile to the approved section.

Crystalsetsuna wrote:

Personality: Katsumi is a confident beauty who at her worst moments could be called a snob. she loves to act a little more high class than she really is. she also loves fashion and is so obsessed with it, she's the type of girl who will always look gorgeous. unfortunately she is like her mother in that she's suffered her share of heartbreaks, but she's also been able to cause some as well. she's also very much a socialite and is usually seen at the parties where only anyone who is anyone goes. she also loves the fact she's at that sweet sixteen age. Katsumi is the type of person who's really able to make friends with anyone.

Any Unique Abilities/Skills: the ability to pick out the perfect outfit for any occasion.

History: She is named Sailor Himeros, Himeros being the Greek god of desire, similar to Venus being Aphrodite the goddess of love.

When Minako first realized she was pregnant, she was terrified. She had no idea whose baby she was carrying now, and could only hope it was a senshi she was good friends with. But any fears she had when she first held her daughter in her arms was gone. she adored Katsumi with a passion and vowed to raise her the way a girl should be. So Katsumi grew up with all the luxuries a girl could want, learning the pleasures of a spa day, getting clothes that would make any girl envious and best of all, knowing how to use her charms in a ladylike way. When she transformed for the first time into Sailor Himeros however, many of the other senshi was more than unsettled. they knew the "father" of Katsumi was not a member of the solar system they knew,and could have only been the child of a senshi from outside the Sol System. But Katsumi never seemed to show any inclination towards anything but the best for everyone and the earth, and having fun.

Senshi Information
Senshi Name: Sailor Himeros
Senshi Fuku: She has a gold tiara with orange stone. her choker is orange with a gold beaded star necklace hanging under it slightly. She has the normal senshi collar in orange with no stripes. her main fuku is pale orange breastplate with white puffs under it, under which is her orange pleated short skirt. The white puffs have light orange bows on the front seams. She has an orange circular brooch with orange-yellowish ribbons forming a loop on either side and three more hanging from the bottom. the same material makes up a loop bow in the back. She has white fur puffs for shoulder pads, lining for her gloves, which are pale orange like her breastplate, and fur wrapped around her ankles. she wears flat orange slippers.

Henshin/Transformation: Himeros Galaxy Power, Make Up!
Powers: Venus Heart Shatter!: an attack where Himeros spins, expelling pale orange hearts of energy. if the opponent is touched by one of her hearts, they suffer the worst heartbreak experience, falling into such a depression that they are easily dispatched.

Glowing Lust Burn!: an attack where Himeros makes a motion like firing a bow at the enemy, actually firing a faint beam of energy, which if it hits, it fills the opponent with so much desire and lust that they become extremely confused and unable to function for want

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
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Senshi: Sailor Himeros Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime29th June 2012, 9:35 am

and i thought putting it in my word processor would help...gwaaaah! i'll try to improve i promise.>.< will take care of that now!
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Senshi: Sailor Himeros Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime29th June 2012, 9:39 am

Hehe, no problem. I'm just pointing it out to you so it'll be something you catch on your own later on. ^^
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

Title : The Crazy Beardie Lady. Official GC Princess Serenity
Posts : 3648
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Age : 33
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Senshi: Sailor Himeros Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime29th June 2012, 9:41 am

alright! i captalized everything that needed it and fixed all the mistakes i hope!...i think i'll write everything out in my word processor from now on, it usually catches that when i'm writing out and not copy/pasting
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Age : 29
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PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime29th June 2012, 9:46 am

Yes, and thank you. I'll move your profile now. ^^

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PostSubject: Re: Senshi: Sailor Himeros   Senshi: Sailor Himeros I_icon_minitime

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