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 Antagonist: Valdor

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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Fallen Paladin
Posts : 546
Join date : 2013-02-05
Age : 31
Location : Wandering in the Falwen foothills.

Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime14th February 2013, 1:23 pm

Valdor is a young nemesian man serving in the millitary of the Black Moon Clan. Current rank: Captain

General Information
Name: Valdor
Gender: Male

Birthday: unrecorded
Age: early twenties

Physical description: He is a hard-faced man in his early twenties, and has thick crew-cut brown hair, a well-kept mustache, and a goatee. His eyes are grey and human sized. He isn't a particularly well built man, but despite his appearance, he is extremely fit and more than capable in handling himself in combat. His nose has a peculiar hooked look. He sports several minor scars, a normal result of life on Nemesis.

His dress uniform, worn only at formal meetings with the court, is derived from old Earth's naval uniforms: a navy blue jacket and trousers, with yellow trim and a silver shoulder pad insignia of his rank marking: A Silver anchor over the black crescent moon encircled with silver chains. In opposite of this is his combat uniform, which he is in all the time, which serves as a space suit and combat armor as well, as it is common amongst the naval forces. It's a blocky suit of powered armor painted in matte gray, and is highlighted with a silver badge and helmet trim.

History: Born a commoner on a planet where resources are scarce, and social balance is nonexistent, Valdor's only path seemed to be joining one of the numerous gang of the capital city. There he fought in quite a few brawls with other gangs, for whatever meager advantage they could gain. Unfortunately for him, as Diamond prepared for the war, Rubeus at last mobilized the army to restore order, which saw the end of the nemesian underworld, and the destruction of the majority of the capital city. Valdor's father was amongst the casualties, and in the end he surrendered to the authorities.

It was his luck that the military was in need of recruits, and former gang members were prime candidates due to the skill they displayed in combat. As such, he was recruited, trained, and schooled in a larger scale of combat. In the early days of his career he was as ruthless and merciless as those, but as he rose amongst the ranks, he gradually changed for the better, as he started seeing himself in every rebellious recruit. He was not alone with such views, as it was surprisingly common amongst those just below the court's generals: Rubeus and Emerald.

He has a wife, who he wed before advancing to commanding the Stalwart, and a three years old son, who he loves with adoration. They live with Valdor's mother. He writes back to Nemesis when he can, to ensure them that he is still alive and is working hard for them to have a new home that's not on a blackened ball of dust.

Personality: To the court, he is a loyal soldier, and a skilled commander, showing just enough respect to be in the Emerald's good graces. To his men, he is a caring, benevolent figure of authority, one of the few they don't want to usurp. In reality however, behind the masks he is a bitter man broken into a role of the "good captain" by his predecessor when he was a first mate, as a way to protect him from being stabbed in the back.

This bitterness stems from all the suffering he had seen since his childhood, now knowing the gang wars being akin to two starving dogs fighting over a bone with a bit of marrow left on it, and seeing that despite all propaganda, even the royal family is but an lie to itself, acting as if titles and fancy clothing can disguise the painful emptiness of their "royal" halls. Only the wiseman keeps things together, but though Valdor trusts both him and Diamond as visionary leaders, the "dark magic" they use unnerves him. He is also worried that conflicts between Rubeus and Emerald can backfire into a disaster.

But while on a mission, Valdor never "breaks character". He keeps his priorities straight, and his head cool. Only if the mission goes south, and survival seems impossible, will he let the world glimpse into the man behind the mask. His priorities are making sure casualties don't happen, and completing his orders. He usually accompanies a squad when there is a boarding action, leaving the first mate to command the ship in his absence.

Valdor dreams of reclaiming Earth, which he sees as the home of all the nemesians. He thinks that the banishment was unjust so much that he detests Neo Queen serenity for this act alone. He dislikes the senshi as well: to him, they are another form of "high men" or "elves", all above and beyond the reach of the everyday person, all princesses, and as such tyrants, who spit on two centuries of political and social advancement because they have a source of power that's not yet fully understood by humanity. Worse yet, these self-proclaimed protectors of justice did not bat an eyelash at the atrocity that was the banishment of his ancestors, all because they dared to speak* against their queen. (At least that's what the records say on Nemesis.)

On the matter of society, he dislikes those who use dark magic, but for the time, he will put up with them. This is because he sees it as a sign of nobility, and a ground for discrimination.

He trusts machinery and common men the most, the formers being built on the foundations of reason, while the grunts of the black moon clan are just simple, honest men like him, who want little more than to survive the next mission and a patch of land they can call home when they retire.

Ship: Valdor commands the destroyer Stalwart, which is a three decked spaceship packing heavy armor, designed to plow deep into enemy formations and unload short ranged but powerful weaponry in all directions. It forgoes the multiple protrusions of the black moon frigates for a massive streamlined body of a single black crystalline chunk, It's primary armament is a set of laser cannons lining it's sides, with wide arcs of fire in both horizontal and vertical dimensions. Other weapons include two anti-torpedo batteries on it's top, and a rotating barreled bombardment cannon that dominates it's belly. In addition to it's armor, it also sports sophisticated shielding in all parts bar the engines, which are it's weak points at the ship's tail end.

Like other destroyers, Stalwart is powered by a single black core, a powerful but volatile power source. Should it's containment field be breached, a nuclear explosion's equivalent would follow. This is another reason destroyers are used in an offensive manner: No enemy would fire on a nuclear bomb sailing in the middle of it's own fleet.

Ship comparison to other classes: Destroyers are faster than frigates, but much less maneuverable. They have worse shielding at the tail as well. To mitigate this weakness, they move in formation, and capitalize on their strengths: Firepower and durability, by bringing in frigate escorts that clean up the scattered enemy that's left in the wake of these brutal ships of war.

But not even they can contest the long ranged prowess of the mighty battleship, which class includes only the lumbering leviathans of the clan. The battleships are fully shielded and armored to an absurd degree, they serve as both flagships to the fleet with their long ranged fire support, and as palaces to the royal court to use.*

Personal wargear: Valdor carries an arm-mounted laser rifle, and a heavy cutlass on his power-armored frame, more to engage in battle on the front lines, than to deter would be usurpers. Non the less, he is able to use other military equipment, such as grenades, demolition kits and drive tracked vehicles should the situation demand it. (it's part of the black moon officer training, except for specialized vehicles such as mechanized walkers and fighter aircraft, or spec ops kits such as sniper rifles)

RP sample: Sewer escape.
Quote :
Situation: The stalwart is destroyed by ground AA fire, while keeping watch above Rubeus's tank column. The tank column is later decimated by Emerald's other ships, all casualties of power play in the highest Black Moon echelons. Captain Valdor and the remaining crew turns the vessel towards the no man's land between the ground foothold and the palace, and the crew is evacuating through the escape pods. Yet many are destroyed by the explosion made when the ship rams into the palace's protective shield dome. Valdor and a handful of drop pods somehow manage to cross the palace perimeter, and have to escape the wrath of the defenders. The sewer system seems like a good opportunity, but they're to discover the horrors that lay beneath the once magnificent empire in hiding, watching, biding their time...


Drop pods slammed into the yet pristine ground of the Crystal Palace, illuminated by the nuclear fireball that remained of Stalwart. A hulking frame stepped outside of it in a whirr of servos, and Valdor, assisted by radar and other detector systems, prepared to sell his life dearly. Miraculously, the defenders haven't rushed his position yet, but the commotion their entry made assured them that it was only a matter of time...

His communicator blinked to life: It was Icarus, a young deckhand-engineer. "This is Icarus! we've broken through at the northwest palace grounds, but we are under heavy fire, and it looks like the senshi are about to storm our position."

"Icarus! This is Captain Valdor! Status!"

Icarus looked to the left, his eyes alert. "Thank goodness you're alive Captain. Half the crew was cut down by AA before landing, the rest of us made it into a sewage control plant. It's a bloody mess here, but we'll try the sewer pipes. " Icarus' image cut to white, and was replaced with static. Valdor's  HUD cycled through the crew list, and crossed out everyone who was dead or missing. About five men remained, none responding to his suit. It was beyond disheartening, but it was not the time and place to mourn them.

"Good thinking, deckhand." His map updated, coloring the northwest of the palace in red, and highlighting a manhole not too far from him.

Valdor just reached it, and was about to enter the sewers (apparently, the architects expected powered armor to be used down there), when fireballs raked the ground around him. He made the mistake of looking back, and saw a familiar red skirt flying in the nuclear wind. "Hold it right there, Black moon warmonger! You've brought death and misery into this place of serenity, and in the name of Mars, I won't allow you to escape unpunished!"

HUD helpfully lighted her with a targeting reticle, but he didn't need that. "It is only you, and your senshi kind to be blamed over instigating this conflict alone, Sailor Mars. Know that retribution will come for your actions, whether I am still breathing, or I am slain." Then he jumped down into the blackness...

IR vision up, lights off. He took the new environment in stride, relying on the equipment to keep him alerted. Sailor Mars apparently didn't follow him, and every other scanner confirmed that the sewers were indeed empty. Unfortunately, radio was out of question, so he made his way towards their last known location: The sewage plant.

The sewers were dark, and strangely empty. Maybe this meant that the rulers expected an attack from below, and evacuated everyone. Of course, the sewer tunnels cobwebbed the entire city, and it didn't take much deduction that the shield could have gaps. But as the former captain crossed rivers of sludge, climbed unused service ladders slimy from the bacterial life, and passed colonies of tubifex worms, he started to doubt the assumption.

He made it into an old service post when his radio came to life again. "Captain, is that you? Do you hear us?" Icarus, and those alive lit up on his HUD, and his map updated with the locations his men... his comrades visited. They were only a handful of intersections from him "Loud and clear, folks. Loud and clear. What's so urgent"

"We.. found something. A hall full of stone pillars as far as eye can see. Right under where the palace should be on the surface. There's also a.. log of some sorts. Made by the foreman according to the first page."

"All right. I'll meet up with you there. Hold your positions and don't touch the pillars."

"Got it, captain."

Valdor rushed through the remaining distance, arriving to the scene lit by the flashlights of a small group, his fellows.

"So, what's this all about?" he inquired

"We're trying to figure it out, sir. Seems like the foreman missed the cleansing" Darius, a boarding specialist supplied the answer, emphasizing his dislike for the last word as if he spat out venom. "and decided to let it slide, as opposed to 'the sensible option' of running straight to the crystal palace like a baby who missed the candy bus. There's a lot of existential and philosophical rambling too, I'll save it for later..." he kept skimming through pages of text for a while " Ah! This gets interesting from the second month, I'll quote: "We've run out of supplies. The funny thing is, we aren't hungry or thirsty anymore. Something, somehow feeds us, though I dread to find out what, and how". Then there are lot of uneventful days again, until the third month, where they find themselves to be mutating. In the sixth month, they find 'a gate' to the D-point in the arctic, and a source of dark energy there..." many muttered curses on it's mention "and there. it ends. There is a broken keyboard, but I think you know what it means, sir."

"Allies?" Icarus asked.

Valdor, too, pondered: "...Or enemies. We know little of the demon that sent the silver millennium to ruin. If they exist, we'd best not disturb them. The wiseman will surely know what they're truly are, and help us forge a new age of alliance...."

A pained grimace flashed through Darius's face. "The wiseman? With respect captain, we're in the middle of enemy territory, cut off from our forces, who are most likely busy shooting each other up. If the wiseman and Diamond can't even keep them in check..."

"Watch your tone, voidsman! Both of our leaders have the best of our interests at their hearts."

"Our best interests Captain? One's a drunkard and the other can't bother to get up from his chamber, they can't even keep their commanders from backstabbing each other.!"

Valdor had nothing to say to that. Maybe if he let the issue go, perhaps Darius would reconsider his stance..

"Hmm, maybe you're right. But how about we confirm these issues outside of the shield?"

Icarus shook his head. "Negative, captain. The kinetic interference field(The senshi shield) extends below to the sewers. We need at least a ship to ram it to have any chance of getting through, and the chance of getting one is.."

"..slim" Valdor finished for the young engineer. "Right. Is there anything else here? Control terminals? I'd rather not have the whole palace guard division breathing down on our neck uninvited."

"Controls busted. Doors broken. Nope captain." Melinda, another survivor supplied.

The captain... EX-captain, scratched his chin. "Then, we're going to sweep the area, and see what we can do. Perhaps we'll need to risk awakening the youma"

Darius quipped in: "I've sent Castor and Merrick ahead, they should be returning soon. Your orders?"

Silence answered the specialist.

"Your orders, captain?"

He heard the question, but his attention was taken by a pair of human forms that appeared at the edge of his sight. They were approaching the nemesian void warriors. The captain zoomed on to them, and breathed in relief as the computer confirmed their identities. However, something was off.

One was limping slightly.

"Get... I see our two scouts returning. We'll meet up with them first. I want to hear if they've found anything."

"All right, captain."

So they went, only to hear thousands of claws and feet clattering on stone, and to see the black tide that came behind their comrades. And then, at the same moment Merrick and Castor reached them, fireballs and streaks of lightning arced above them. Looking back, Valdor saw the green and red uniforms of Mars and Jupiter, and a cohort of palace guards readying their halberds and wrist-mounted machine guns.

Trapped between hammer and anvil, the remaining crew of the Stalwart prepared to sell their lives dearly.


Last edited by Boromonokli on 24th March 2013, 10:20 am; edited 13 times in total
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
Posts : 2880
Join date : 2011-08-21
Age : 29
Location : Texas, USA

Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime14th February 2013, 6:38 pm

Noted that this is a WIP.

When you have the chance, could you also add in the core character skeleton? You could use either the basic one or the advanced tier sheet, whichever you like. ^^

Both are in the codes on this post. Thank you for your interest in the RPG boards! ^^
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Fallen Paladin
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Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime14th March 2013, 8:38 am

Bumpity bump. I based the whole thing on a rough, I mean very rough idea on how I think the black moon would act if they were real. Still WIP, I'd appreciate Verdandi's input if it fits the RP or not, and about any general changes that need to be made.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Age : 29
Location : Texas, USA

Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime14th March 2013, 10:02 pm

Should be an interesting read, then. I'll take care of this after I get off work tomorrow and finish all my chores. (I'm personally quite interested in realistic interpretations of the Black Moon Clan, as it's my favorite arc. Or, AU possibilities. Both are nice. ^^)
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime15th March 2013, 7:53 pm

I do like it so far, though I'd like to see the history and personality separated and developed into sizable chunks on their own.

I can feel a wealth of development waiting from this character, and I wouldn't mind interacting with him myself, to be honest. He'd be quite entertaining to RP with. I look forward to seeing your next update, Boro.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Fallen Paladin
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Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime24th March 2013, 10:24 am

History and Personality no longer look like a wowwiki article. Sample... Left at a cliffhanger.

All crew member names are placeholders, as usual, taken from video games, mythology, or dunno where.

Sorry everyone for making you wait for this guy. Hope we can kick Metamorphosis off soon.
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Pyramidal Crystal


Pyramidal Crystal

Title : Previously: Sailor Pluto
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Age : 29
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Antagonist: Valdor Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime24th March 2013, 9:20 pm

Very satisfactory. Thank you, Boro. ^^

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PostSubject: Re: Antagonist: Valdor   Antagonist: Valdor I_icon_minitime

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