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 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse

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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 1:07 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Zqndng12

Calliope felt her heart lighten upon talk of earth-especially from Sailor Cosmos. To hear such a regal and elegant solder speak with such tenderness and love was enough to light the spark of hope in anybody-even a once-hardened conqueror like herself. Erato followed suit and began to speak lightly of Earth as well-and it may as well have set Calliope's heart a flutter, like a schoolchild's first love. 

There was other conversation within the group, but Calliope paid little mind. However, unlike moments earlier where she had felt nothing less of irritation, she let her imagine run for a moment. The legends of Earth that she'd gathered over years upon years were bubbling to the surface with little to stop them. The languages, the cities, even the many different weather systems! Calliope sighed wistfully, a small smile forming on her lips-though had she been aware of this, she certainly would have put a stop to it before the others had noticed. They certainly had a habit of not letting small expressions such as these lie.

Unfortunately, the sight of the surface of the planet would put an abrupt halt to this. The surface, always beautifully described in tales of old as a crystal of blues, whites and greens, now scarred with plumes of smoke and speckled with fire. Calliope halted abruptly, hovering in place.

Of course her first visit to Earth ever would be this. But this is what it meant to be a Senshi, and Calliope was well aware-some would say even too much-of her duties. Calliope's heart-moments before feeling as light as a feather-hardened as it had many times before during her travels with Sailor Cosmos.

"Doth we enter the eye of this storm?" Calliope gestured to where the cluster of destruction seemed the most focused. "Or shalt we disperse to cover more ground?" She looked to group, particularly Sailor Cosmos, for an answer.

One would think that suggesting to split the group would be an idea that Calliope would no longer think as optimal, considering their previous losses. 

But this is what it meant to be a Senshi.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 1:52 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 NW4ws1P

She knew it was suffering before she could see it. The same pull that tugged her heart wrenched suddenly, and she knew their danger in a way that tortured her heart. Earth... It should have been spared this. It managed to survive so much, fabled heroes leaping to its protection to ensure its safety. When it resolved in her vision, the obvious destruction almost brought tears to her eyes. It looked no less beautiful for the damage it suffered, but she ached for it to see it so changed from the memories she cherished. The planet and the people were one in Cosmos' pity and sympathy.

The eyes that observed seemed expectant still. What did she wait for? Her comrades fought alongside her, did they not? So why did she have that feeling... that sense that someone would be looking for her? Not the soldiers of Chaos—no, she did not long to see them. Her feelings towards the three that caused so much destruction certainly registered as complicated, but those were not the forms on her mind. She thought of the rustle of white wings, the flutter of a long dark cape, the sparkle of a welcoming smile, and the warmth of a cherished embrace. She almost expected to hear a voice call out to her, but it would not call her "Cosmos," would it?

Only silence met her ears.

Until Calliope spoke, the leader already devising a strategy. Sailor Cosmos turned from the thoughts that clung to her attention, brushing them aside. She could not dwell there in the past that was or was not her own. She had to remain present and attentive for the ones who depended on her now.

"If the three are here," the white-haired woman cautioned, her eyes scanning the distant skies for any sign of them—clearly noticing the intensity of the damage at the place she knew must be Neo Tokyo, "We should not separate. They could surprise us too easily in smaller groups."

She couldn't help thinking of Terpischore.
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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 3:57 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 X2YG6ZG
Euterpe's smile grew in radiance with Erato's response - she was playing back!!! Of all the good signs, this was best. Her blue eyes moved to the right as she listened, her head bobbing with the cadence of Erato's words as she took them in, understood them, and thought up a rhyming response, giggling at the end with her remark on fashion trends and the corresponding wink in her direction. Euterpe never really put much stock in that kind of thing, but Erato loved fashion, and if she was rhyming with it she was thinking about it and if she was thinking about it she was bound to be feeling better because of it! Her response was on the tip of her tongue when Erato announced that they were almost there and she had to swallow it so as not to interrupt her - Calliope used to scold her so often for interrupting - and frowned, the moment passing back towards unease before she could even rhyme sweater with better or skirt with flirt or more and adore or any of those other phrases she had come up with. She pouted, falling behind a moment as she looked for someone else to fly with who would play her 'road trip' game. Her first thought was Thalia but she saw she was still talking with Urania, so maybe Terpsichore - ?

The girl froze, pale blonde brows twitching together as her eyes seemed to glaze over with the recollection of a forbidden memory filled with so much blood, until her fist clenched and her eyes closed and her head shook the thought away. Terpsichore wasn't here. She pressed the heartache away, abandoning it to find a friend that was - like Mel! But Mel was concentrating on something important and probably shouldn't be bothered. Maybe -- 

but that was everyone. Calliope was usually too serious to -- !! But she was smiling?! Calliope?! A grin was back in its rightful place and Euterpe rushed forward to see what the smile was all about, paying no mind to the talk of Earth or even its sight rising in her periphery, but by the time she had reached Calliope it was too late and the head muse had started making plans to land, and so Euterpe had to swallow her words again with a little huff. Her arms crossed tightly, she looked away, only to be enchanted by the sight of the Earth's moon. Her arms seemed to untangle themselves of their own accord, her flute appearing in them naturally and the glass mouthpiece rose to her lips as she fingered a new song inspired solely by the presence of the grey and white moon. Her breath sent a whisper of energy through the instrument, not enough to create tones but enough to create a ghost of the delightful music that filled her upon seeing that beautiful sight. Swaying slightly to her muted song, she kept her eyes open and dancing along the terminal line that highlighted the mountains so poetically, her heart singing with the notion that the people of this world must have been able to see and marvel at this sight for millennia. How lucky they were! 

So, as the rest of her team spoke of plans and strategy, Euterpe quietly sang through her flute the joy of seeing Earth's moon.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 8:08 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 OdSFa3J

Lachesis scoffed. How dare Atropos try to boss her around. Who died and made her king anyways? She readied herself, ready to show Atropos that she wasn't going to allow her to push her around while she was doing all the work. She forgot completely about her anger when she heard that familiar voice suddenly booming after a static jolt lit up the sky.

"...are you behaving yourselves?"

Mother... Sailor Lachesis regained her composure as Sailor Chaos appeared before her. She got down to one knee, and placed her hand over her chest. "Yes Mother." She looked up to the projection of Chaos - her heart filled with excitement. Surely Chaos would be proud of her, for making the Cosmos Soldier suffer. 

One day, she wanted to be just as powerful as Chaos. Someday she would be. "Mother...." Sailor Lachesis's eyes glimmered, speaking with pride. "I have gotten Sailor Themis to the point where she cannot fight back. Now all we have to do is wait."

Her eyes shifted over to Sailor Clotho. She was worried about her ruining everything. If the other Cosmos Soldiers showed up, they would be outnumbered, and while the Fates were a force to be reckoned with, if Clotho was weak per usual, everything would be for naught. 

Suddenly Sailor Lachesis's eyes shot open, and she lifted her nose to the air, sniffing a bit. I feel them..." She continued to scent the air and laughed. "Oh what fun! Tell me mother, can we kill them all!!??"
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2018, 9:53 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 WEX3ids

There was a waver in the colors around her, an overall darkening of her sisters' auras. Melpomene couldn't make out the details within the planet's surface, not from this distance. She did not know much about Earth besides that which she'd been told but she knew, at the very least, that Earth was known for its blues and greens. The planet they approached was indeed made of blues and greens, but they were speckled with red, greys, and blacks. Dusky, where once it may have been bright. Melpomene couldn't tell amongst the blurred shapes what those colors meant.

But she knew that they could not mean anything good.

And with the sickening emotions from the Chaos senshi becoming clearer, the cause for this was not a mystery.

Melpomene remained quiet, listening as talk of tactics came about. She was not in favor of splitting up simply due to the fact that splitting up had never worked out well for them. The idea of Euterpe being without as much protection as possible left her uneasy. Terpsichore's fate came to her then, an unbidden memory dark with regret and sorrow...

If someone were to perish in this coming battle, at least let her not die alone.

This was a cool-headed thought. Rational. But the very idea of losing any of them left a twisting pain in her chest.

Death was always a possibility, she knew that in the depths of her being. Regardless, she would fight her hardest to ensure Death would leave wanting this time.

As Cosmos made her decision to keep them all together, Melpomene repeated what she said earlier. "We should hurry. I do not know if they can detect us, but the element of surprise could be in our favor."
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2018, 1:00 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 H7jdvjA

When the image of Sailor Chaos appeared, Clotho ducked slightly behind Atropos. It was part habit and part choice—the youngest of the three felt slightly startled by the sudden voice, her poor eyesight not quite conveying all the details of the broadcast image, and she knew her eldest sister would definitely protect her if there were such a need for it, plus she felt a bit like the child desperately hoping that the teacher didn't call on her to answer a question. Sailor Clotho had not been remiss in her own mission—she had participated in the destruction precisely as she had been asked to. Despite some of the things she might say, she certainly wasn't going to defy Mother.

She had witnessed enough of the green-eyed queen's "punishments" to never want to bring them upon herself.

Her sisters assumed respectful poses, and the pink-haired one followed suit. She didn't have anything to add to the spoken part of the conversation—she couldn't share in Lachesis's obvious enjoyment or add anything of use to Atropos report and question.
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2018, 1:21 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 YnZZdY8

Erato felt her stomach drop at Melpomene's words. But really, had she expected to hear anything different? She knew the only people who could cause her planet this much pain would be those wretched women - if you could even call them that. Thalia's encouragement and Euterpe's glee was a brief moment of distraction, but then Earth came into sight, and any source of optimism was immediately erased.

Her once glowing, beautiful blue planet seemed to have darkened. The light of fire replaced the comforting glow of Earth's cities, and the planet itself seemed to have died. In the center of all of the destruction and madness lied Neo Tokyo, still standing despite the Chaos senshi's wrath. It was no where near as glorious as before, but seeing it there gave Erato a glimmer of hope.

The lump in her throat was so large she couldn't speak. She heard the others talking about splitting up or staying together, but it all seemed so far away now. She heard music - why now? - but did not respond to it as she usually would. Her world had gone dark - literally and figuratively.

Her aunt - was she even still alive? Had her mother's company been destroyed? Had everything she had ever loved and worked for been crushed without a second thought? All of her dreams, goals, and ambitions - all of it was gone.

And she was mad.

Erato snapped out of her stupor and was filled with rage, her muscles tightening as her heart beat harder and faster. She would make them pay if it killed her. Anybody who could so carelessly and recklessly destroy the only truly beautiful thing in the universe didn't deserve to breath air. She looked to Cosmos, searching for at least a glimpse of understanding in her eyes.

"I am not letting them get away with this. Not this time, not after everything they've done."

Without waiting to see if they would follow, Erato left the senshi and began to enter into Earth's atmosphere, heading straight for Neo Tokyo. The heat warmed her skin, creating droplets of sweat on her brow, but Erato didn't notice. All she could feel was her rage. As she grew closer, she could see the three Chaos senshi, all together surrounding a figure who looked like-


That was the final push Erato needed to release the rage that had been slowly building all day - all year. As she grew closer to the surface, Erato summoned her lyre and quickly strummed the strings, rendering herself invisible as she softly landed on the broken streets of Neo Tokyo, 100 meters away from where the Chaos senshi stood and where her friend lied broken and battered on the ground. To her enjoyment, the Chaos senshi seemed to be distracted by something, but Erato couldn’t see what. 

And so Erato sprinted towards the three senshi, running on her toes to keep her steps silent, and threw the hardest punch she had ever mustered at Sailor Lachesis's head.

Last edited by Lyssarie on 6th September 2018, 4:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2018, 2:55 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 EC9zK3i

"Excellent."  Sailor Chaos smiled indulgently, "If you all continue on this path, you shall be richly rewarded."

The three fate soldiers had turned out better than she had ever dreamed.  When she first had found their underdeveloped system with its' baby star and still forming planets, she had no real certainty that her plan of taking the Sailor Crystals from there would ever out as well as it had.  Now, the three were loyal to her cause- though she was not ignorant of the youngest's reluctance, she generally ignored her discontent unless it interfered with her plans. 

All three girls had performed and continued to perform beyond her expectations of such crystals.  Dyed in the darkness, tainted by a drop of her own essence, they were powerful beyond measure- truly a fearsome trio that could terrify even Cosmos's soldiers.  But they were not, unfortunately, invincible. Chaos knew that with enough time and numbers, they could eventually be defeated.  That was why she often created minions for them to help even the balance.  

Oddly, she felt worry for them- worry for flesh and bones! It was novel and strange experience to have such an emotion. Intrigued by it and the odd motherly disposition she found herself in, she encouraged it, if only because she found the entire thing amusing on some level.  It had it's uses for the time being so she did not mind indulging in the game of 'family'. 

Lachesis's question made the dark soldier laugh softly, a deep rumble like a distant thunderstorm.  

"If you think you can, do as much damage as you wish, girls.  I leave everything in the capable hands of Atropos."  

Atropos, whom if any were to ask her, was her favorite of the three. A born leader if she ever saw one- and one she needed to ensure and keep loyal as possible. Sailor Chaos knew without a doubt, if Atropos was ever to turn on her, it would be a painful and difficult battle with that one. Smart girl- perhaps too smart in some ways. 

However, none of that mattered and she also sensed the impending touches of light that were nearing the planet.  

"Have fun, my darlings, and do make their suffering the thing of legends."  With that, her image vanished. 

Even so, Chaos frowned to herself, now unseen by anyone but the wiggling thing that was her 'knitting project'.  Sailor Cosmos had gone to earth, just as planned.  She would bring her soldiers with her and they would, of course, attack her darling girls.  The problem was that many of the minions she had sent before were probably destroyed by now.  Perhaps taken out by that Themis thing. 

Again, she drummed her fingers on the skull, her sharp black nails clicking softly against the hard bone.  Green eyes flickered up at the screen, watching it intently. 

She vowed, to herself, if her girls had trouble, she would reveal herself. 

Her lips curved into a smirk just as she moved her hand and ran the tip of her finger along the bottom lip. The other arm was wrapped around her semi-bare middle as she giggled to herself.  

"Almost, Cosmos. We'll meet soon- my love."  

Not that she knew what that was but it was the only word that made sense to whatever it was she was feeling about the Light.  Soon, it'll be in her possession. Never to leave her side again.
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Title : ミ☆ GC's official Sailor Cosmos! ミ☆
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime6th September 2018, 3:54 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Zqndng12
Calliope's heart leapt straight into her stomach as she saw Erato speed off directly for Earth, before anyone else could come up with a more thorough and thought-out approach. And Sailor Cosmos had just said not to have the team split up! Calliope's mind flashed to previous losses on the battlefield; and she panicked. 

She was not about to lose another teammate this early into this particular mission. 

Not again. 

Calliope could only give a look of panicked and last-minute resolve-locking eyes with those closest to her-Sailor Cosmos and Sailor Euterpe-before letting herself dive through the atmosphere, propelling her speed by strumming a rushed tune on her harp.

"Hark, Sailor Erato!" Calliope scanned the field, burnt and war-torn, looking for any sign of the blonde senshi. Calliope's mind was spinning, and she halted-noticing the three of them.

They who had destroyed the planets of so many.

They who had broken the hope of even the strongest of fighters.

They who had taken those three away from her.

The sisters were just as hideous as she remembered-their faces marred with mutations of grotesque form. Calliope couldn't recall which of the three had killed her dear friends, but at this point it mattered little. Especially since Erato decided to announce her presence with a punch directly to one of their skulls. 

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Sailor Neptune
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 1:32 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 0rnBl0e

Thalia smiled at Urania's more positive remark, and then listened as the conversation around her turned to strategy. She definitely did not like splitting up because last time that happened, they had lost someone. Sticking together was definitely the best strategy.

Cosmos, thankfully, agreed, and then she heard a lovely faint tune coming from Euterpe. It was barely full music, but it was still beautiful, and Thalia grinned at her, trying to focus on the patches of earth that was still green and pretty as the music coursed through her. Earth was definitely... in trouble. But she could imagine how beautiful it was in its glory days.

And then suddenly Erato just up and left them. She was decidedly not for sticking together. "Erato...!" she called out too late, reaching her hand forward only to catch the ghost of the senshi who had now zoomed straight into the battlefield. She soon disappeared, followed by Sailor Calliope.

"We have to help them!" she told the others in panic, then, without thinking twice, followed the trail towards the burning grounds of the city both of them had disappeared into.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 6:31 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 NW4ws1P

She reached forward as if she could stop Erato, but it was always too late. The flicker of the blonde hair and the flourish of the pink and white uniform moved too quickly for Cosmos to interfere. Her fingers would have closed around air if she tried to grab the girl's upper arm and halt her flight, but she couldn't stop her body from initiating the motion anyway. Her mouth opened as if to speak, but her mind couldn't properly form the words that she would have needed even for a protest. She remembered scenes like this before, iterated many times in the kaleidoscope of her mind.

"Jupiter, wait!"

"Epsilon, no!"

"Proxima! Proxima!!!"

"Ida! Ida come back! Eugenia, stop! Ida! Eugenia!"

"Draugr! Please!"

"Aranis, stay with—! Aranis!"

"Osiris! No!"

Calliope followed, and although Sailor Cosmos knew that the leader attempted to take control of the situation already gone awry, the heaviness of her leaden heart increased. Sailor Thalia—sweet, bright Thalia—disappeared after them only seconds later. She saw the ivory ribbons in the girl's hair flutter, and for a moment she recalled a flash of similar red ribbon. This was not the way to start. She had fought so many battles, and so rarely had they ended well when they began without orchestrated control. Cosmos knew too well what happened if the group did not act together. Her mouth felt dry, ashen, as she stared for what felt like an eternity.

She couldn't leave them. She couldn't let this end the way so many other moments had.

No words needed to be issued to activate her barrier. It was part of her now. Most of the time it was something she used almost unconsciously—similar to the Lambda power that flowed through her Sailor Crystal. If Erato had waited, perhaps she could have assisted the girl. Perhaps she could have transferred some of her power, bestowed a blessing. The blonde was too far now, but hopefully she wouldn't remain separated from the others for too long. They had to catch up—they had to. She couldn't abandon any of those she loved.

"Follow Erato!" she called to the others. "Stay alert. And together. May we walk in the Light."

Even as she spoke the words, Sailor Cosmos moved forward, towards the distant smoke that signified Neo Tokyo. She felt the wind whip at her hair, billowing the long pigtails behind her as she fought desperately to increase her speed upon approach. The blue eyes scanned in front of her, desperately seeking Sailors Erato, Calliope, and Thalia. She needed to know they were there, and safe. The highest-ranking soldiers who fought for Chaos would be waiting for them.

Her eyes widened slightly when those three familiar forms resolved in the distance, but she still saw nothing of the blonde who had rushed off on anger.

"Erato... Calliope... Thalia..." she thought, desperately searching for a hint of those she cared for.

Nullifying Barrier:

Last edited by Sailor Mercury on 7th September 2018, 9:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 9:31 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 4HGPou4

At the sight of the battered planet, Erato snapped and jumped straight into the action. By herself. Perhaps it was to be expected given the circumstances. But it was no less frustrating. Perhaps this was the reason that they were losing this war? She had to admit that the girls made for a very efficient team when their heads were cool, but... They would just lose themselves to emotions way too often.

Like with Terpsichore. In the heat of the moment, they didn't have the clarity to realize that no matter what, Cosmos was far more likely to be able to stand her own ground than the young girl.

They would just act too spontaneous, do whatever feels right to them on the spur instead of considering the most effective solution. And she understood and accepted their differences in that respect, but crucial mistakes were made. Especially with Clio gone, it felt like Melpomene was the only one she could rely on if she wanted anything done right. And perhaps Calliope, when she had her mind into it.

Then again, perhaps none of this mattered any more.

Following after Thalia on Cosmos' call, Urania landed on the battlefield, a little behind the other girls. As Melpomene had warned, the three sisters were there.

What should she do, all things considered?

"Scutum Luminis," she whispered as she extended her right arm forward, calling forth her shield of light.

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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 2:34 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 X2YG6ZG
Her quiet song ended when the rush of motion behind her teased her long blonde waves. She half-turned to see what was going on before jerking around to fully see Thalia as she called out after Erato. She was already gone, and the green streak that rushed down towards the planet had to be none other than Calliope. They were landing?! There was usually a discussion of formation and breaking into pre-determined teams for specific goals and plans for rendezvous and - while she didn't always listen to all of it - the lack thereof disconcerted her. The way that Thalia - Thalia - panicked and followed after the missing pair put her in a lurch, but with the shine of Cosmos's barrier and her call, Euterpe knew that they were going forward without a plan so they could stick together. And she knew exactly what she'd do to get them to stick back together! 

With a determined line to her mouth, Euterpe nodded and followed quickly, holding tight to her flute rather than blowing through it - attempting to play anything while flying at such high speeds would be useless - but already her fingers twitched to start the trill. Once they finished their descent, she'd put it to her lips and go! One Enchanting Trill and the three Fates would be distracted long enough for her sisters to get back to them♥️ They'd regroup and face the threat together and come out victorious, no problem!
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 4:24 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 OdSFa3J

Under her mouth guard, a smirk was forming. She sensed them she felt them. Sickeningly sweet, the scent of Light, oh, how she loathed it so. Her simper forming into a quiet chuckle. Oh, what fun this was. She brushed her long forked tongue against her fangs. She was practically shaking with excitement. 

She wondered why the Soldiers of Cosmos chose a completely direct approach. Have they learned nothing? Did the destruction of planets not phase their minds at all. She couldn't comprehend such folly. Her smile turned into a murmured laugh as her mouth-guard was still nailed into her face. Blood trickled down her pale cheek as her chuckle turned into a boisterous laugh. A laugh that even Lucifer himself would quiver at the thought of. 

"Fools..." Her hiss was longer this time. When the punch hit her head, Lachesis didn't even flinch. She stood there eyes closed, calmly removing her mouthpiece, causing more blood to fall to the ground from her lips. 

"You're bold, Cosmos Soldier..." She turned to face Sailor Erato. Her eyes were wide. She summoned a wave of dark energy into her hands, hoping to knock her back. 

"Such insolence." She smirked. "No wonder you've let your companion die. She was feeling even more malevolent than usual. 

She strode proudly over to Themis's body, letting her cape stain in the blood. "This is what you've done." She pointed to the goup of soldiers. "Your weakness has cost you dearly, Soldiers of Cosmos!"
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 5:31 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 XI25muK

Atropos heart swelled with pride for herself and her sisters at Mother’s praise. She raised her head to meet her mother’s gaze, listening intently. Lachesis had felt them, and she had, as well. All those little lights appearing right above Earth’s atmosphere for them to play with. She nodded in response to Mother’s departure and found no surprise when she felt a presence run past her towards Lachesis even though she could not see it. The flow of air that followed rusted her cloak and short dress slightly.

Ah, Sailor Erato. How delightful! The little fool… She thought she could be clever and sneak by them with her invisibility. Atropos had recognized it the second she felt How cute. She looked at Lachesis, curious to see what would happen. Something connected with Lachesis head, she could tell, though her sister didn't even flinch. She showed no concern or any emotion. Lachesis could handle herself quite well, and Atropos had no worry over one punch. Not caring to see how Lachesis would respond, listening would be plenty enough to know what the sadistic girl would do, Atropos turn her back towards them and towards the direction Erato had come from.

As expected, the rest of the team was not far behind as they arrived one after another. Calliope, followed by Thalia, Urania, and Cosmos. The rest surely not far behind them. Her eyes narrowed slightly at Cosmos. She would most definitely be providing her protection to those who stood by her, making it difficult to attack her head on.  

Ultimately, that didn’t matter. It was now time to discard of the trash. Nightshade appeared in her right hand from a dark ominous mist. Atropos gripping the hilt, extending her dark power into it. Atropos often felt that the sword was sentient and relished off the killing she did with it. This time was no different. Whether or not this was all in her mind, she was unsure, but holding Nightshade enhanced her desire for killing and destruction.

As she walked past Erato and Lachesis, she gave the blonde haired girl a small, victorious smirk. Atropos stopped, looming over Sailor Themis’ limp body, pausing momentarily to relish in the adrenaline that pumped through her as the excitement for battle grew.  Though, whatever excitement she felt, it hardly showed on the outside.  Atropos had much practice keeping her emotions deep within.

”It is time for your final string to be cut.” she said, showing no emotion within her dead eyes, as she lifted the sword above her before driving it through Sailor Themis’s chest. She pushed down against the sword, sending her dark power into it, just prolonging Themis’s death long enough for Erato, Cosmos and the others to watch her suffer, like the miserable worm she was.  The Earth guardian screamed and writhed as blood began streaming down her chest all while Atropos continued putting more pressure on the sword, allowing this to go on for quite some time.

Atropos made eye contact with Sailor Cosmos as she withdrew her sword, a tiny cruel smile on her face as she finally severed Sailor Themis’s string of life.

Last edited by Brit-chan on 8th September 2018, 7:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime7th September 2018, 7:38 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 WEX3ids

The ashen embers took off on their own, the lowered warmth of their colors cooling even more as Erato flew closer to the battle, her angered emotions intense and dark.

Melpomene didn't need to hear Thalia's voice to know what her partner would do in this situation. Instead of following in her wake as she had so many times in the past, Melpomene hesitated. She turned her head towards that glowing white light, knowing it was paramount that Cosmos remain safe. Theirs was a luck already run dry. Without Cosmos, they were all doomed.

Luckily, Cosmos called for them to follow and Melpomene did not hesitate any longer. She followed the colors of her soaring sisters. As she did so, she began to give voice to a single note to summon her Chthonic Cudgel. An inky black weapon with desaturated purple vines formed in her hand and she gripped it with loathsome familiarity.

The thrill of battle sometimes helped to quell the painful emotions held locked within her chest. This was not one of those times. Not with all three of the Chaos Senshi nearby. Not with Tersichore's ghost looming over them, with no time to properly grief her loss.

She took stock of the situation, but stumbled for a moment as the blue color of this planet's senshi pulsed in pain. The deep rich blue color, like that of the deepest of oceans, turned black and then was no more.

The girl Erato called Sailor Themis was gone.

She feared how Erato would take this passing. The dying of a soldier upon war's battleground was not a surprising outcome. But that never made it hurt any less.

With some of her sisters already engaged in close range, Melpomene wanted to support them while she still made her way to the ground. She began a song, the rhythm short and staccato. Purple-grey energy gathered around her and then, taking a wide-arc formation in order to attempt to hit all three of the Chaos Senshi, Melpomene released the energy, and then continued her own descent.

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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2018, 8:53 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 YnZZdY8

She expected to feel the satisfying crunch of bone beneath her knuckles, but instead her blow seemed to have no effect. This surprised Erato - when did Lachesis become immune to physical attacks? This only further incited Erato's anger, her fists clenched so tight her fingernails drew blood in her skin.

"Bold enough to kill you," she growled, getting ready to lunge again. Before she could, Lachesis sent a wave of dark energy her way. Instinctively, Erato crossed her arms in front of her to block her face and keep her balance as the energy sent her sliding backwards several yards. When the energy faded and Erato opened her eyes, she was met with a sight that she would never unsee.

Themis. The kind, hard-working, beautiful sailor soldier who gave Earth all she had every single day. She fought with her entire being, and hoped with her entire soul. And now that light was gone from the world.

A gut-wrenching cry burst from Erato's lips as the tears fell uncontrollably. She felt so much pain and anger and sorrow in that moment, with Atropos driving her weapon straight into Themis's body, deeper and deeper. For some reason, Erato felt that as her friend's life was drained before her eyes, part of Earth went with her. There was nothing she could do now to save her friend.

Except avenge her.

The rage had returned, the tears still flowing from Erato's burning eyes, and she was running for Atropos.

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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime8th September 2018, 12:38 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Zqndng12

No sooner had Calliope rushed to the field of battle, no sooner had Erato emerged to suddenly throw a punch, one of them stepped aside to reveal the battered corpse of the one they were trying to save. Sailor Themis was no longer of this world-the residual injuries mixed with how pale and unmoving she'd become was proof enough of that. 

Calliope felt her heart sink into the pits of her stomach. This rescue mission was yet another failure. Before Calliope could let herself fall into shock however, Erato's outburst immediately forced her back into reality. As wails of despair turned into a scream full of bloodlust, Calliope, who was still feeling the effect of the magical tune she'd played moments before, jumped into action. 

Just as Erato was about to dive into the array of the three of them, Calliope had managed to reach her just in time; Grabbing her abruptly by the arm and using all her strength to keep her put. 

"Erato, Halt!" Calliope managed through clenched teeth, coming out as more of a barking order then one of concern. Seeing a fellow Senshi dead tends to do that to some. "Do NOT charge where thee will be outnumbered! Is thy of no mind!?" 

But of course, Erato wouldn't be in her best state. A friend, presumably a close one, was lying dead before her. Even so, another loss was unacceptable to Calliope. It mattered little how harsh she came off, she had to get through to Erato no matter what. 

"Calm thyself! Or thee shall become one of the dead!"
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 6:39 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 0rnBl0e

Thalia landed on the battlefield to see Sailor Atropos sink her blade into another senshi, whom she presumed must be Sailor Themis that Erato mentioned earlier. She gasped, hands covering her mouth at the atrocious, senseless and gruesome murder unfolding right in front of her. Try as she might, she could not avert her eyes from the bloody figure, the sight of yet another life cruelly snuffed out threatening to overwhelm her with despair. 

She forced herself to look away, to search for Erato, who was now understandably distraught. She was reacting with anger, and that was never good. She was running straight at one of the enemies.

Thankfully, Calliope caught her, and Thalia knew exactly how she could help. She hummed a short, victorious tune, unleashing Parabasis on Sailor Erato, temporarily raising her morale and allowing her to focus back on the battle, forgetting her sorrows for a moment.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 7:24 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 4HGPou4

Sailor Erato managed to get her punch straight to Lachesis' face, but she did not appear to even flinch. The latter's dark energy pushed the warrior of justice several feet backwards, before the oldest of the three sisters jumped into action, finally ending the life of the planet's senshi.

Understandably enough, Erato did not react well to the scene and almost went into berserk mode. And as understandable as it may be, it was one of those frequent mistakes guided by emotion that could make the difference between winning and losing their battles. A common theme, unfortunately. How could she share Thalia's hope when what she saw with her own eyes was incompatible with such hope?

She recognized Thalia's tune - the emotion-numbing one, even if her partner would probably not like such a descriptive. It was Urania's favorite, anyway, considering she believed many mistakes made were simply a result of turbulent emotions. "Good thinking," she whispered at the girl with a smile. Really, this was something that she had learnt after working with the Muse team for so long - the ability to think as you go can be just as crucial as to formulating the most strategic plan beforehand.

But it did not seem to be enough.

Well, she should probably do something too, right? Wordlessly, she took her signature archer stance and allowed her astral arrow to materialize between her positioned hands, aiming at the general vicinity of the sisters of darkness but not any one of them in specific. What was their final plan anyway, she wondered? Was it just to demoralize the team by a front-seat display of sadistic cold-blooded murder, and then jump into a full-fledged battle?

They would probably find out soon enough.

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Sailor Uranus
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 9:40 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 X2YG6ZG
Every plan she made today seemed to go wrong... but that just meant a really good one was coming to her and it would have to go right! She steeled her nerves as what was going on resolved itself, as Erato was thrown back by an attack by Lachesis and Atropos - evil Atropos! - cruelly drove her despicable sword through the chest of Erato's friend, drawing out her death beyond what was necessary. Themis's cries shook her, but she dispelled the sinking feelings that clawed at her by focusing on how quickly her sisters responded. Melpomene's attack to drive the Fates back, how Calliope caught Erato before she could go further, how Thalia quickly hummed her happy song to redirect Erato's pain, how Urania had her arrow ready as a threat against them. She couldn't not smile - the Fates were outnumbered and there was no way they would win, not with everyone here! 

She took in a deep breath and put her flute to her lips to play her Enchanting Trill, the mid-toned note dancing on the wind as she alighted on the ground; for the duration that it played, the Fates should be non-specifically distracted enough to let Calliope pull Erato back to their side, that they may face the Fates together in a united front. Seeing them here, maybe the Fates would just give up and go home! Maybe they could convince them to abandon Chaos and join their side - wouldn't that be great? !! Maybe that was the big plan that was supposed to go right?! She fought not to grin as the note played, strictly keeping her embouchure in check until they had regrouped. Then she could drop it and start talking them off of their dark path and back into the light!
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 10:23 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 YnZZdY8

Erato couldn't decide if she was appreciative of Calliope's attempt to hold her back, or if it was making her more angry. She wanted to give them hell, she wanted to make them pay. She wanted to hold Themis's body and make sure her friend know that she was not alone, not even in death. She couldn't stand to just sit there and do nothing.

But Calliope's voice, wise and stern, compelled Erato to stop fighting her hold. She felt her adrenaline fade as her grief settled in, cold and dark in her heart. The tears just kept coming as her chest caved in, and all she wanted was to fall in Calliope's arms and sob for the loss of her friend and almost her entire planet.

Suddenly, Erato felt numb. Her tears dried on her cheeks, leaving wet stains on her face as she stood tall. She knew this had to be Thalia's doing, and made a note to thank her later. Later - because they would win this fight if it was the last thing Erato did. She looked around, seeing her friends engaging in battle, and felt her heart swell with pride and gratitude. She had forgotten in her fury and sorrows that she had an entire team of strong, capable senshi by her side. If she was going to avenge Themis, she would not have to do it alone.

Squeezing Calliope's hand, Erato silently thanked her before running back to where most of the other senshi were gathered, ready to rejoin the fight - this time, as a team.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 1:36 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 H7jdvjA

Clotho did not have the attunements similar to those of her sisters. She neither saw nor felt Sailor Erato rush past, only turning her direction towards her sisters when Lachesis hissed and mocked, by which point the girl's conjuring had worn off and she now stood near the group. She barely had a moment to react before her eldest sister took action—summoning that wicked blade and finalizing the thread of the wounded soldier's fate. The youngest turned away, cringing at the violence, and this left her open to an annoying burst of energy from the other arriving Cosmos soldiers. Perhaps it would have once knocked her off her feet or caused more damage, but the pink-haired young woman in navy had as much battle experience as her sisters—she was certainly no pushover. This felt like being pelted with a few small rocks; nothing serious. She shook it off, her ears ringing with Erato's screams, but she didn't fear for Atropos. The foolish, emotional young woman in pink would be no match for her big sister—that Sailor Clotho knew too well.

Her weapons appeared in her hands in a flash as the other sailor soldiers approached. The distraction from Euterpe worked, recalling the wayward soldier before Sailor Erato could face Sailor Atropos properly. They thought they could retreat, did they? Clotho didn't have to look over her shoulder to know that her sisters would be watching, judging her and not just their opponents, the pair a far better and more motivated set of warriors than she could claim to be.

Sailor Clotho eyed the nearby group, fibre filling her distaff and spindle, and her well-practiced hands drew the thread. "Weighted Whorl!" she called out, sending the tornado-like energy from her spinning towards the closest sailor soldier. At this distance, with her poor vision, she couldn't quite distinguish them from each other. It wouldn't matter who was who when they died.
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Professor Tomoe
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 3:02 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 NW4ws1P

Cosmos released the breath she had been holding when the others gently convinced the wayward girl who had charged so recklessly into battle back to their side. She felt the tight grip on her staff loosen slightly, no longer squeezing it as though searching for something to anchor her dread against. She wanted to protect them—all of them—but she knew better than to underestimate these agents of Chaos. The brutal slaying of poor Sailor Themis remained too fresh, her bloodied body still beside the figures of her murderers. She had not winced or wavered when the gray-haired soldier with the sword stared at her, but she had felt pity and sympathy for the young woman who had tried so hard against forces she could never have overcome.

"Together," said the gentle voice of Sailor Cosmos, trying to remind her briefly-reunited team, wishing she could do more for them. They didn't have time to discuss and plan; she knew those they fought would waste little time engaging now that the groups faced each other in this place that was once sacred.

Surely enough, the one in blue already lashed out, energy hurling towards those near Cosmos. She hoped they would be able to defend themselves—defend themselves and strike back. They had to win. There was so much at stake.
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Lotus Crystal


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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 4:35 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 OdSFa3J

Pure delight. Almost intoxicating - if something like paradise existed it surely would be this. In a frenzied howl, Lachesis spun around Sailor Themis's corpse. "She's dead! The Soldier of Earth is Dead?!" Morale would certainly dwindle now that they lost an ally. The excitement becoming almost too much for her to bear without turning into some sort of berserker. Sometimes she wished every day could be filled with this tingling sensation throughout her whole body, but alas, some days were just less exciting than others. 

She noticed a soldier poised; bow drawn. The soldier clad in the color of midnight wasn't aiming at anything. She found that quite peculiar and smirked, letting out a small amused hiss. "What could be going on here?" She thought to herself. Usually that bow would be aimed at them. Quite peculiar indeed.

Maybe it was Sailor Urania's interesting stance, or Sailor Euterpe's attack, but Lachesis was completely engulfed in Sailor Urania.  Her eyes darted up and down the girl's body. Her piercing gaze stayed with the girl for some time before noticing her sister. 

"Clotho, finally you do something useful." Lachesis scoffed. She was often annoyed by her sisters empathy. Even more so now that she had had ample time before this exact moment. Sighing, Lachesis uttered the words she rarely spoke. "Make us proud."  

Something drew her eyes back to Sailor Urania. "Aren't you going to shoot me?" Her hiss was almost mocking. The pain of an arrow wouldn't be much against her. After all, her body was always in pain. What could one measly arrow do?
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 8:17 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 XI25muK

Atropos couldn’t help but let out a small haughty laugh as she watched the varying reactions of the Sailor Soldiers. She felt something akin to little pellets hitting against her stone hardened skin. Some of the hits stung a bit and some felt like a tickle against her thick skin. Was that supposed to do something to them? Her eyes quickly darted between her two sisters, mainly concerned about Clotho, but she stood steadfast. Now that’s a good girl.

Sailor Erato drew her attention again as Atropos she drank in the sound of her pained cry for her companion’s death. It was exactly as planned. Atropos lifted Nightshade and pointed it at Erato, blood still dripping from the dark blade. She was preparing to take the chance to snuff out her life as well, when for a few mere seconds something, she wasn’t quite sure what, distracted her. She blinked and now, Sailor Calliope had grabbed Erato and brought her back to where the team stood together.

Dropping her blade back down to her side, Atropos eyebrows furrowed. What just happened there? Her red eyes scanned the group. It had to been one of them. Her eyes concentrated on Sailor Euterpe for a moment. It wasn’t the first time they faced each other and something similar had happened. Such a bubbly irritating blonde. Thinking of the always positive girl made her squeeze Nightshade’s hilt tightly in irritation. She couldn’t stand people like her. How dare someone think life is nothing but rainbows and glitter and puppies when she and her sisters had only suffered in pain their whole lives. What was so great about life when your skin burned and ached at all hours of the day, when you had to use every ounce of your will to take a few steps.

Life with her ailment had grown easier as she built resistance to the pain. It was always there but she could push through it with ease now. Especially knowing that victory would soon be eminent.

As she moved her glance past Euterpe, she caught sight of Sailor Urania holding her bow at the ready. How cute. Her irritation lifted at the thought of them all coming together in “friendship” or whatever it was they thought could save this doomed world.

”Oh dear, it seems we are outnumbered.  I guess I need to make things a little more fair,” Atropos said after Clotho released her attack and Lachesis had finished taunting Urania. She raised the hand not holding Nightshade above her head.  A dark cloud formed that opened up into what looked like a black portal.

”Come! Serve your master!” she said, as a dark figured slowly emerged, then succumbing to Earth’s gravity and falling to the ground in a slump of black chaotic miasma behind her. The miasma began to take shape, growing larger and larger, several snake like tendrils emerged from the main black mass, each becoming snake like heads, seven in total. Each one hissing, snapping and writhing about as the rest of its body formed, resembling a large reptile with four large scaly legs, sharp claws at the end of each and a long spiked tail.

Atropos could feel the hot breath of the creature against her skin. She looked upwards as it towered over her, easily twenty feet or more, stomping on the ground.

Oh Mother, what a wonderful gift you’ve given us.

She relished in the accomplishments of their efforts. Their work had certainly paid off with a fine specimen. She looked back towards the group of seven Sailor Soldiers. They had better put up a good fight. Atropos was looking forward to a show.
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Sailor Saturn
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 8:57 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 WEX3ids

The battle began in full. There was no turning back now.

Cosmos's gentle voice, speaking only a single word, helped to focus Melpomene. There was strength in numbers, and they were family. They could play off each other's strengths and bring down these Chaos Senshi once and for all.

Melpomene knew some of their number would fall in the attempt. She tried to brace herself against that cold inevitability, but the mental wounds she foresaw were still fresh with the losses their group suffered recently. This would be a terrible battle.

She remained close to the others, close to Cosmos, keeping watch as best she could with her empathic sight, silent. Her earlier attack had not done much damage, but she hadn't sent it off expecting much. It had been more of an attempt at distraction than anything else. But these Chaos Senshi were too bent on their destruction. Small ploys like that would not be enough.

A creature began to form on the battlefield, its emotions a writhing mass of animalistic urges fed by darkness. Melpomene frowned at its cursed existance. It, however, was only a nuisance in comparison to its creator.

Melpomene began to sing quietly, focusing on Atropos' unique mix of red and sickly grey colors, like that of cracked and bloodied granite. Hamartia Ode would not do damage, not yet. But it would make the Chaos Senshi pay in due time.

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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 10:48 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 EC9zK3i

Sailor Chaos leaned back, watching the battle begin.  Her sickly green eyes sharpened over the images displayed before her. She didn't need to hear what was going on, so much as just see it.  Eyes, true eyes, were a novelty that feasted with colors dancing before her on the screen.  It made her appreciate such a diverse collection of hues that formed pictures. 

"It'll make it all the better when it drains to nothing." She said to the wiggling thing that she was knitting next to her.  "All those colors...draining away to nothingness.  It'll be wondrous."

She tilted her head, frowning, "Do not mock it.  They're strong and they will destroy those clothed in light."  She gestured to the screen. The moment that Atropos killed Themis.  "See there! Look at all that redness mixing into the dirt.  Look at how they see this- the agony they're experiencing, the despair!"  She laughed, high pitched and grating, "Look at how pathetically they try to resist the siren call of sorrow, who dogs their very heels. "

She continued laughing until she rose from her throne.  Her eyes lit up at the sight, " See my warriors? My beautiful daughters. Look at them stand against those fools!  Oh, I am so glad to save that wretched planet for last!"  She turned, her long gradient black to red hair swirled around her like her sheer cape had.  "That planet had always been a thorn in my side since it was granted a light. Now, it'll be snuffed out. The thing that they had tried desperately for eons to protect will now face utter destruction!"

The wiggling thing made a noise and she chuckled looking back at the screen. Just in time to see Atropos summon the creature that was crafted just for them. Made of her power, the Hydra's fearsome appearance was the thing of nightmares. It was quite magnificent.   

Her lips curved more, "Heh.. This shall be a glorious battle."
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th September 2018, 11:13 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Zqndng12

Calliope held Erato the way a mother might hold a grieving child, a tender embrace, before Erato pushed herself off, seemingly have been able to pull herself together. Everything seemed to happen at once, songs were sung and played, and the rest of the team readied for battle. Shots were fired from both sides-though the fiends of chaos seemed to take great pleasure in mocking them-Urania especially, who for some reason was hesitating to shoot. Calliope was about to shout at her to take the shot when Clotho shot a spiraling blast at the group. Calliope had been far enough away, but her heart leapt into her throat as she was unable to see who had gotten caught in the crossfire.

"Lady Cosmos! Everyone!"

Calliope pulled at her harp, thrusting it outward, gem pointed and ready to launch magic at Clotho in retaliation, when a sudden chant made her hesitate.The creature that emerged was horrifying-it came to life out of a dark miasma like a creature emerging from the deepest of marshes, it's seven reptilian heads towering over the group, as tall as a building. 

Without a second thought, she instantly played a Swift tune on her harp, her instincts from ages-old conquests kicking in. 

"Use thy present power to evade the maw! Assault the legs!"


Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 10th September 2018, 9:44 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th September 2018, 12:59 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  - Page 2 0rnBl0e

Urania's whisper made her face brighten - she'd done something good and useful! She'd helped! That was always an achievement. Her partner drew her bow next, but did not aim; she was about to tell her to be careful when a mini-tornado swept her out of nowhere, knocking her a couple feet back and making her land sprawled on the ground with a loud 'oomph'. Thalia quickly got back to her feet to reassure her teammates that she was fine, that they didn't need to worry about her. Nothing more than a few bruises, probably. Certainly nothing she would think about now.

At that moment, Sailor Lachesis taunted Urania, and Thalia's heart grew cold in fear. There was nothing more terrifying than watching one of those terrible soldiers zero in on the person she cared for the most.

But she didn't have time to entertain this fear for long because next thing she knew, something else even worse had materialized. The creature Atropos summoned was massive, and it had seven heads. Its claws and its tail looked equally dangerous. Thalia gulped.

But on the bright side...

"It's got seven heads. There are seven of us. If we each target one, we'll defeat it in no time!" she declared matter-of-factly, with the optimistic tone of someone declaring the sky was blue.

She felt Calliope's song giving her the gift of speed, and did not wait, lest she wasted the blessing. "Helianthus Tempestas!" she cried, releasing a storm of flowers towards one of the outermost heads, easily disorienting it as it roared with displeasure over being temporarily blinded.
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