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 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse

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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime31st August 2018, 2:30 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  H9pbvpM

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  H2bjrzG

It is now thousands of years into the future since the Crystal Tokyo era. Senshi have come and gone and the battle between the side of Cosmos and Chaos have finally reached its peak. A new senshi, Sailor Cosmos, whose power rivals that of the legendary senshi Sailor Moon, has emerged as the ultimate champion of the light side. Just like Sailor Moon had been, she is supported by nine senshi in her team in her war against Chaos.

However, this battle is harder than all of Sailor Moon's old battles combined. And the stakes are much higher. The world's balance is at risk, depending on which side ultimately wins. Is there even a true winner after all, or will everything be lost and wiped clean for the world to restart? As long as the Galaxy Cauldron exists, even if one side prevails for now, the other will soon be reborn and the whole thing starts all over again...

Sailor Cosmos is tired. She has experienced many losses, some from her own senshi team. Some among the people she dearly loves. She just wants it to end. Will she take a risky move to bring an end to the suffering?

Chaos has manifested itself and took the ultimate form of Sailor Chaos, a senshi of destruction with incredible power. It's going to be a fight of the strongest soldiers of light and darkness in this ultimate showdown.

This event will explore what happens leading up to Cosmos' decision to travel back in time to Usagi's era and try to destroy The Galaxy Cauldron.

Starting Points:

Sailor Atropos, Lachesis, and Clotho are wreaking havoc on Earth, one of the very last planets still standing. Neo Tokyo, which was founded sometime after the fall of Crystal Tokyo, remains a stronghold for all the senshi of Earth, and its last defense. The other cities have fallen to destruction along with surrounding planets. Earth now stands alone with its defenders, and the very last one of them is being killed by Chaos' lieutenants.

Cosmos and her senshi are traveling from another planet they had just attempted to save. The mission was a failure because they arrived too late. Only devastation and destruction greeted them on the planet. Sailor Erato feels her Sailor Crystal's warning that the corruption on Earth has reached dangerous levels, and tells the others they are needed back home. The team journeys back to Earth to meet the Fates and confront them in yet another battle. At this point, they have had several showdowns either individually or collectively with the three of them and have known enough to form a strategy... hopefully.

They arrive in time to see Sailor Themis, the last soldier of Earth beside Sailor Erato, being murdered by The Fates.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  CA8M2sU

  • All out of character discussions must be posted in the OOC Thread or the Discord chat. If you have any OOC questions, please post in either place!
  • Anyone may post first, following the starting points stated above.
  • This is an Advanced RP event; please make sure your posts are 100 words or more.
  • There is no posting order.
  • Event host has the right to move plot forward if deemed necessary, but everyone should feel free to explore their characters as much as they wish with each other.
  • Players must post at least once every 48 hours to avoid having their characters killed.
  • Event ends on September 30th, 2018.

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  On2pXRE

 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  FVbwBuQ [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  HUKFVf2 
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  7tY6lrI [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  CsXqvZn
 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  QQcgJ9b [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  3pgL4Dz 

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  ZiGkkQS [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  9guxcWg [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  EMchVgg [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  C2coKIo [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Arr0Lsb [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Nc4SEWR
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Cdc1kLS [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Cqkzs9H [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  5EwYX6q [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  UFjK3ag [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  JxaJotf [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  TsGNFpm
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  EwE3ZLq [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  DGYBxeI [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  FhgvIjn [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  VwFTRJ9 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  4tIZfuk [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  VZwz9q3

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Uju3aGQ [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  SxEfmsv [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  XGZvOHz
[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  QyjjoPl [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  DUei5SI [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  JHzTTv8
 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  QQcgJ9b [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  AHUvpC6 [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  XRhfqIV 

Profile References

The Senshi of Light
Sailor Cosmos - played by Sailor Mercury
Sailor Calliope - played by Cosmos-Hime
Sailor Clio - deceased
Sailor Euterpe - played by Sailor Uranus
Sailor Erato - played by Lyssarie
Sailor Melpomene - played by Sailor Saturn
Sailor Polyhymnia - deceased
Sailor Terpsichore - deceased
Sailor Thalia - played by Sailor Neptune
Sailor Urania - played by Light

The Senshi of Darkness
Sailor Chaos - played by Ktenshi
Sailor Clotho - played by Sailor Mercury
Sailor Lachesis - played by Starchild
Sailor Atropos - played by Brit-chan

Last edited by Sailor Neptune on 2nd September 2018, 5:55 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Uranus
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Sailor Uranus

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime1st September 2018, 9:02 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  X2YG6ZG
From a distance the planet still looked okay! True, it wasn't exactly shining with cosmic light, but there was still hope - there was always hope so long as Sailor Cosmos was around. Euterpe looked towards their white-and-gold leader and couldn't help but smile; her friend was amazing, and with her Lamda powers they were sure to win this war. They just had to keep doing their best! This planet would be one for the good guys, she just knew it. With her smile still in place, she maneuvered to her position in the standard descent formation - behind the stronger flyers, though closer towards the middle than she had originally been, the teal cape and sailor wings now missing from the spot ahead of her and the purple hues replaced with orange. She grinned at Thalia before the atmosphere forced her hair back out of her face and she had to hold on to her flower crown as they shot through the layers of air, their powers radiating out around them to protect them from heat - honestly it created a really pretty glow! She adored the reality that when they came down to a planet they looked like a beautiful rainbow~

As Urania slowed ahead of her she put on the brakes, her wings curving around her to slow her down as they descended at a slower speed through the troposphere, and she hastily repositioned her roses and smoothed out her long waves so they didn't tangle around anyone else again, her eyes forward on everyone else so she wouldn't miss a turn again and end up alone or being flown into. She loved the impromptu hugs~ Just... not that look from Calliope. However... they slowed practically to a stop and descended the rest of the way slowly, the general demeanor of her friends enough to cue her in to something being wrong.

The city below them was a disaster zone. Her heart seemed to slow as she recognized the shapes of recently fallen buildings amidst the rubble and smoke that hung like a miasma above what must have been a thriving metropolis not too long ago. The sirens still wailed in the air, but there were no voices in their midst. It was eerie, it was devastating, but... there had to be something beautiful about it. Something to be positive about! As her friends spoke quietly she searched for it, and found it in a rainbow dancing through the light that passed through a stream of water spraying up from somewhere below them, the arc just clearing the clinging smoke and dust. It was amazing! She nodded and was about to point it out to everyone when suddenly they left, their sailor wings pumping rapidly to return to the upper atmosphere, leaving her pointing at the rainbow with one hand while looking back up at them with her mouth slightly agape, having missed the entire conversation. With one last look at the rainbow over the dust, she flew up to rejoin them. 

Back in empty space, she looked over her shoulder at the planet receding in their view and caught Thalia's eye. With a smile, she said with quiet excitement "There was a rainbow over the city! Did you see it?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime1st September 2018, 1:43 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  OdSFa3J

"Mea Culpa!" Sailor Lachesis leapt into the air, aiming her long slender fingertips at Sailor Themis. She was poised from behind, and made her strike swift. The red strings dripped with venom as they made their way to the soldier's backside. 

"Isn't this fun!!" She hissed, showing her fangs in a sinister smile. She had Sailor Themis in a hold for now. She didn't want to end all the fun just yet. She wanted to watch Themis writhe in pain. Of course, she didn't want her sisters to have all the fun. She wanted to inflict as much pain as physically possible. 

"Sisters.....where are you!" She leaned into Sailor Themis's neck. "Did you really think you would survive? Such a naïve mind you have. How could you win against me?" Her eye glistened with pleasure at the Soldier's screams. 

"Lachesis Chaos Venom!" She used her other hand to send an acidic blow to the young girls body, throwing her to the ground, strings still attacked. "Such insolence." Lachesis drew her fangs, not wanting to save any screams for her sisters. She knew Atropos would be displeased if she didn't get to join in on any fun. She loved watching Themis's body writhe under her own hand. Nothing pleased her more than the excruciating pain of the Soldiers of Cosmos.
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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime1st September 2018, 3:52 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  WEX3ids

The cold of space was a relief. Not a single aura leaked into her mind, mixing its personal miasma of emotion into her own. It was quiet. Peaceful, even. The only colors in her sight were those of her sisters, auras she had become used to.

To an extent.

There were days when she would have chosen to see thousands of strangers within her empathic sight in exchange for knowing her sisters' precise color of agony. The days she wished for such an impossible exchange seemed greater in number recently.

Melpomene kept towards the front of their formation, and even with her abysmal vision, she could tell they fast approached the new planet. She didn't even know its name. She'd stopped taking special note of names, after the first handful. Names didn't help her forget the destruction or the remains of a people struggling to survive. Names did not help her to forget the uniform shade of suffering ingrained in her memory.

Names didn't matter, in the end.

As they dipped down through the atmosphere, Melpomene braced herself for the anticipated onslaught of emotions, a way to bolster herself against new input. But, there was nothing. She stared around, trying to make out details amongst the blurring shapes in front of her but her empathic sight did not lie. There was nothing here. She didn't know which was worse: the pain-heavy variegation of the suffering, or the quiet of utter destruction.

They were too late. The realization cut with clarity. Although she could hear the warning sirens that had done nothing to save its people, she could not see what was left of the planet but for the general misshapen forms. A blessing, in a way.

But the eerie silence in her mind felt distinctly like a curse.

She left the discussions for the others, already knowing the truth of the matter. Her words would not change what her sisters could clearly see for theirselves. She began to ascend back up, for there was nothing to do here.

They could not save what Death already claimed.

A bright voice pulled her from her thoughts. She couldn't see Euterpe, not well. Was that blurred shape the sweet girl, or someone else? But she could hear her, at least. Her excited voice brought a small smile to Melpomene's lips. Smiles did not come easily, especially now. But a smile for Euterpe was always the easiest, no matter the situation.

"I did not see," she admitted, though she supposed it was not that surprising of an admission. She wanted to get closer to the girl, as if to protect her from realizing the darkness of the planet they were too late to save.

But she could not find her. That, at least, was truly a blessing. "But I bet it was beautiful. Hopeful, maybe." She couldn't feel that hope herself, but wanted to focus on that one shining detail Euterpe clung to. Rainbows could be hopeful, she surmised. But they, as the Muse Senshi, also made a rainbow, and here they were. Unable to save a planet yet again. Where was the hope in that?

She didn't say that though. She did not want to shatter the illusion. She'd do anything to keep Euterpe invisible to her empathic sight. For as long as possible.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 2nd September 2018, 5:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime1st September 2018, 6:27 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  YnZZdY8

Again, they had failed to save another planet in time. The sight of the broken, desolate surface brought all of Erato's hopes crashing down. She really thought that this time, they would be able to save something.

She followed the other senshi solemnly, her face downcast, when she suddenly felt her chest cave in on itself. She halted in her flight, clutching her heart in panic. She felt as if someone had tied a string around her heart and was trying to yank her away, back towards...


She thought of her aunt, waiting for her back home, and of Sailor Themis, the only other soldier she knew from Earth. She couldn't believe she had just left Themis there all alone. Yet again, she had left someone else to die. Something was happening to Themis and to her planet, and she wasn't there to help.

"Wait!" she cried, her voice cracking due to the large lump in her throat. "My planet, Earth, it's-" she swallowed, trying to gather her thoughts. "Something is wrong - I can feel it. Sailor Themis is there all alone...we have to help her!" Erato paused, trying not to choke on her emotions. "I don't deserve your help. Not after everything I've done. But Themis does, and so does my planet. This is our chance. We can do this."

Erato's heart beat so fast and hard within her chest she could feel the power surging in her fingertips. A faint pink aura emanated from her hands, her emotions waiting to be released. If one of those wretched Chaos senshi was attacking her planet, she would make them pay, whether or not her fellow senshi chose to join her.

Last edited by Lyssarie on 2nd September 2018, 12:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 9:42 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  XI25muK

Sailor Atropos floated several feet above the now destroyed city. Sure, it had been kind of nice before, but that had only fueled her desire to fulfill mother's latest mission. Atropos had not been to Earth before but this planet seemed rather important, though mother had yet to explain its significance to her. They mad managed to destroy many of the surrounding planets but had always been told to hold off on Earth. Though, they did send their minions there to cause trouble now and again. She always wondered why. Perhaps it had to do with this last great city.

When they arrived, they had found it to be poorly guarded. These Earthlings were a joke. Other planets had put up more resistance than this. There was Sailor Themis, but she was being handled, hopefully. She had not seen neither Lachesis nor Clotho in quite some time. They had decided to split up to control their three front attack.

It was time to check on her dear sisters, Lachesis first just to make sure she had not over done it with that one Sailor Soldier.  Atropos was certain Cosmos and her team would arrive soon and she wanted to be sure to hurt them in more ways than one.

Atropos flew closer to the ground, the city buildings now nearly leveled completely. It was a wonderful sight. She would have to commend her sisters on a job well done later. Perhaps treat them to something special, maybe get some of those tater tots that Clotho liked so much. She caught sight of a purple and white figure not too far ahead, below her. It had to be no one but Lachesis, considering the figure slumped near her. As she grew closer, she heard her call for her sisters. Atropos had good timing then.

She was pleased to see that Lachesis still had Sailor Themis in her hands and torturing her, gauging by the sound of her screams. As long as Lachesis kept her right before death, she was fine with the torture. She enjoyed delivering pain to those wretched Sailor Soldiers, but Lachesis took her own delight and multiplied it by one hundred. It was quite amazing what she could do to her victims sometimes. Granted, her prolonged torture often threw her off schedule and Atropos could not stand when that happened.

"Having fun, sister?" she said as she landed a few feet behind Lachesis. She looked at Sailor Themis, observing the damage done with emotionless eyes. Serves the wretched being right.

"Just remember to not kill her quite yet. I get the feeling reinforcements will be arriving soon, and you'll have plenty more playthings to toy with," she said, a tiny smile creasing her lips, "And I've got little surprise as well."

She was eager to meet up with Cosmos's pathetic little band of soldiers again, but before they arrived the three of them needed to be together. She hated to admit that there was a reason most of them were still alive, even after multiple encounters. Failure to defeat them had caused a lot of strife for Atropos, though she didn't let her sisters know it.

"Where is Clotho?" she asked in a demanding tone. Hopefully, Lachesis had some idea of her whereabouts so that she could fetch her and quickly.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 12:47 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  4HGPou4

Despite the circumstances, flying through the stars that had always fascinated her since she was a little child gave Urania a little relief. A little comfort. She had reached closer to so many stars and planets than she could have ever imagined possible. If only she could have done so for anything other than to face their inevitable destruction. If only things did not look so hopeless.

As they arrived at their destination, it was apparent that they were already too late. There didn't seem to be anything left to salvage. "Nothing left for us to do here. We should go," she stated matter-of-factly to the rest of the group. It just seemed to be more of the usual these days - she did not expect anything different if she had to be honest. Once more, they were faced with only destruction and devastation and... a rainbow? Seriously? Naturally, leave it to Euterpe to look for butterflies in the midst of carnage. She supposed that perhaps it might help them cope better with the bleak situation, but she was not convinced that escaping reality with such distractions was any beneficial.

As they regrouped in the upper atmosphere of the planet, Erato called out to the group. Earth is being attacked? So that's their plan? Of course it is. How despicable. Well, it was probably a matter of time anyway. "Of course," she replied, more so in statement, knowing that the plea was not particularly directed to her. "We can't leave her like that," she continued, and flew a little closer to Erato.

"Don't worry. We'll do our best, it's gonna be okay,"
she attempted to comfort the other girl, even if she did not believe her own words. But there was probably no benefit to cold honesty and realism right now.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 5:12 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  EC9zK3i

Her eyes opened to the array of colors that danced before her on the flat screen above her. Her children had done such wonders works in her name. Striking fear and terror across the Galaxy; making their very names the stuff that nightmares were made of.

She was very proud of them. At least when they did what she wished. When they did something she did not like...-Well, one simply cannot allow disobedience.

Such was the subject of her viewing. No, that little soldier meant nothing to her, but she meant everything to the one she wished to punish.  Sailor Cosmos was the wayward o e that never should have left.  Her light shine and brought this misery to the Galaxy. All because she would not listen to reason .
Chaos's lips curved in faint amusement.

"All you had to do was come home." She said to the image of Cosmos that flickered on screen now. "It would be simple but less fun, I supposed."

The image flickered back to the battle. She saw her dear girls were gathering g again.
"They do so enjoy their playtime."

Last edited by Ktenshi on 2nd September 2018, 9:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 5:23 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Zqndng10

Calliope had heard legends of the planet known as "Earth." The vast amount of cultures that the planet carefully nestled and nurtured, the variety of flora and fauna, and the wildlife. And, of course, how the Sailor Wars of millennia past had ended due to the strength, courage, and love of the Legendary Sailor Moon with the power of the Silver Crystal. Calliope had always dreamed of visiting this planet and partaking in everything Earth and its people had to offer.

But this was not to be; and Calliope doubted it ever would. The planet had come under siege like many others before it. As she was breaching through the atmosphere with her team, her heart sank upon seeing the remains and rubble beneath her. A sight that wasn't fit for any planet-yet had become commonplace among so many. Calliope gripped her hands to her chest as she looked towards their gentle, powerful leader. She'd met Sailor Cosmos on her home planet, and had seen how the struggle had been affecting her. After so many losses, how was she faring? Calliope couldn't even begin to imagine.

It was at this moment, Eutrope, mentioned a rainbow. Calliope looked up-she must have just missed it. It was a shame, really. Seeing that rainbow would have helped her spirits, if not just a little bit. She was but a child in comparison to herself, but her power was worthy of being a part of the team. She was grateful that the others seemed to guide her back on track; painful as it was.

Calliope turned to Sailor Cosmos, giving a respectful nod as she began to address the situation at hand:

"Sailor Erato, thy hath spoken of Sailor Themis. Does thy sense her? From where shall we search?"

Last edited by Cosmos-Hime on 3rd September 2018, 12:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 7:22 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  H7jdvjA

The youngest of Chaos's "dear children" winced, hearing her sisters' calls. The one in blue resisted the continued urge to hang back. She had been here, on Earth, following directions... just maybe not as faithfully as her sisters would have done so, had they been involved. Sailor Clotho participated in the destruction, but she didn't revel in it. She didn't feel glee or satisfaction watching the people fall and the buildings crumble. Even with the secure defense of the veil, her dark cheeks were streaked with dried tears. She didn't have to possess clear vision to "see" what she was doing here, and she hated it.

But she knew what her sisters would say if she tried to protest. They believed in a better future, one they wanted to build to enjoy together, with her. She couldn't say no. She couldn't be the only one who didn't participate. What would they think of her? What would they do, if she turned away? They were all she had, weren't they? Mother Chaos didn't count. Clotho shuddered slightly, thinking about the way her skin rose in goosebumps when she saw that certain smile on the green-eyed woman's face. She obeyed because she had to, but not because she believed.

And yet... Atropos believed. Did that mean it had to be right? The dark-haired young woman, the very first person she had ever seen, the first face to smile on her... How could Atropos possibly be wrong? Her eldest sister had seen and experienced so much. Clotho knew this; Atropos told her many stories of many places, all of which were wrong when she, Sailor Atropos, the valiant warrior seeking divine justice, was right. The youngest of the three didn't have only her sister's tales to rely on, she had been there. She had seen those worlds and the miserable people on them. They caused so much pain. They bred so much destruction.

In a way, did her sisters not bring those worlds exactly what they had called upon themselves?

Her long cape fluttered behind her as she approached the pair. She saw Lachesis held a victim, the violet-haired young woman practically coiled around her prey. Another sailor soldier. She should have known. Of course there would be more soldiers, all of them foolish enough to oppose her powerful sisters. Didn't they understand strength when they saw it? They should have run. It would have been better for them if they had. They had no chance against either, and especially not against both.

Was that part of why they died? Because they were stupid?

"I'm here," she called as she slowed her flight, the voice low and soft. Clotho couldn't look at Themis. She couldn't bear to see the bloodied, almost-defeated figure. She could feel the tears gathering in her eyes again, even as she tried to direct her attention elsewhere. She tugged on a curl of hair, distracted for a moment, wishing she hadn't stowed her weapons for the moment—at least she'd have something to do with her hands.

"What's so special about this place, anyway?" the pink-haired girl asked, motioning as if to kick a rock, even though she still hovered besides the other Chaos agents. "It doesn't look special."

Her voice had taken on the whining tone her sisters would recognize, Sailor Clotho's usual attitude when she felt unhappy with something. Being this close to someone experiencing so much agony always set the youngest of the trio off on a sour note.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 7:26 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  NW4ws1P

Too late.

She had known that it was over before they arrived. She felt it from a distance—it was familiar now, that sudden tightness in her chest, the slight sinking sensation in the pit of her stomach. The first few times, she hadn't understood. Sailor Cosmos thought it was just nerves, or guilt, or sorrow, or so many other normal emotions that one feels during a war. It wasn't until the episodes increased in frequency and duration that she truly understood it. The veil was lifted from her eyes. This wasn't a physical symptom of emotion.

It was the feeling of light, permanently extinguished. It was hope, silenced forever.

The erosion of the universe.

The slender hands that gripped her staff tightened around the delicate prop. She knew the knuckles were white beneath the shine of the pearl rings that glimmered on four fingers of each hand. Perhaps some of the sailor soldiers who traveled alongside her would think it was determination. Or conviction. After all, that was the image she so carefully cultivated. The strong, marvelous Sailor Cosmos, a divine champion in blinding white and glimmering gold!

It wasn't just an image. She lived it. She had been fighting for so long that she could hardly remember how it all began. Cosmos tried not to dwell on the origin; she couldn't live in the past. She had to look forward, to protect and safeguard the future. Those weren't merely empty words of propaganda, she embodied them. How many lives had she saved? How many sailor soldiers had she assisted, helping them turn the tables in the great battle? Cosmos was more than a warrior, she was a practically a myth—the kind that, in their darkest hour, despairing souls learned was true. She brought them strength, not just with her Lambda power but with her inspiration.

So why did she feel so useless?

She should have told the others, encouraged them to turn back, but that sliver of hope—deceitful, wicked thing that it was—drove her onwards. It wasn't until she saw it with her own eyes, stared out across the expanse ravaged by battle and scarred by destruction, that she could admit there was nothing left for them to do. The blue eyes watched as though she expected something to change, for some kind of miracle to happen. There was none. Sailor Cosmos knew that. She understood that if there were any miracle to be had, it would arrive with her. There were no miracles for her, only that which she could bring for others.

Why couldn't she conjure one up now? Why did this place deserve such a terrible fate?

The conversation between the sailor soldiers around her barely registered to Cosmos. She knew and loved them enough to understand without having to be present in every conversation. What they needed from her was something different than camaraderie. She was a beacon: a lighthouse, guiding the ships safely to harbor. She was a sailor only in name; they were sailors in function, and she had to keep them steady in their tasks. For every planet that fell, others could be saved. They just had to keep trying. There had to be more miracles left in her to deliver.

Before she could try and rally them, Erato spoke out. She heard the panic in the young woman's voice, and for just a moment she felt it spike through her own memory.


That beautiful blue planet, bastion of life, sacred to so many powers nearly forgotten. How could forces of Chaos dare be so bold as to encroach on such a treasured place? Sailor Cosmos felt a flurry of emotions well up inside of her, tangled with faded memories and fragments of stories. She thought of blue eyes, the same colour as that lovely orb floating serenely in space, and she felt her heart grow warm in her chest. This time she gripped her staff with confidence, renewed energy coursing through her pale form.

At the same time, sympathy flooded through her at pink-uniformed girl's tormented exclamation. Sailor Cosmos moved forward, a steadying hand ready to be placed on the shoulder of one adrift. Did she not know the oppression of guilt, herself? She offered assurance, knowing that the bonds of their group would need to survive the tragedies they had experienced.

"Onward," the gentle voice said to the group, hoping they would understand her heart even if she did not launch into an passionate speech. "We must go where we are needed."

She knew where they headed without having to be told. She could have followed that path no matter where she found herself. In a way, it was like going home... yet Sailor Cosmos knew, without needing to remind herself, that she would never find a place to call home, never again.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime2nd September 2018, 9:16 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  X2YG6ZG
Rather than Thalia, Mel answered, and Euterpe grinned at her for the acknowledgement of her whispered secret, reaching forward with a bit more speed to gently tap her friend's shoe to show her where she was, noting that she had been glancing at someone else when she addressed her. She loved Melpomene, and if they had been doing anything but flying she would've immediately jumped on and hugged her for paying attention. If anyone needed reminders to be positive, it was Mel, and Euterpe was only too happy to provide those reminders!♥️ "Definitely!" she enthused, but bit off the rest of what she was going to say when Erato called for their attention, knowing Mel would want to listen to what Erato had to say, and instead smiled at Thalia - until a blurry spot of light caught her eye and she squinted to make sense of it, pausing with everyone as she spied...! A nebula! Neat!

But when Erato's voice took on that edge, Euterpe listened, her brows furrowing in concern at the panic in her friend's voice, pointedly ignoring the reference to what happened before in favor of trying to think up a way to cheer her up. There wasn't a possibility they weren't going to help, but on the way there Erato would probably be all kinds of upset and that wasn't going to help anyone - especially Erato and Mel. As Urania moved in with first response, she eyed Thalia purposefully - they had to come up with something. As always, Cosmos set them on their path, calming Erato with her steady words and a hand on her shoulder before moving out. Euterpe eagerly followed. They'd save Earth - that was one of those important places; surely they'd get there in time, and they'd save it, no problem! They'd rescue Erato's other friend and save the day, easy peasy! 

The hard part was figuring out how to cheer Erato up without coming off as callous...
She had no idea what kind of timescale she was working with here. How far away was Earth? Did they have time to let Erato cool down a bit before providing a distraction, or did they have to act fast? If they had time they could work up a song but if it wasn't far away - what then? She frowned - the only people who'd know were Urania and Erato, and they were kinda involved at the moment, so -- wait!


Euterpe held up a finger towards Thalia to signify she'd be right back and put on a little burst of speed atop their already brisk pace to catch up with their pigtailed leader. "Psst! Cosmos!" she quietly called, her expression completely concerned, "How long until we get to Earth?"
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2018, 12:24 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  0rnBl0e

Thalia looked at the broken city and desperately searched for any sign of life. Anything. Even if just one person they could save... That could be their silver lining. That could be the piece that made the difference, that told them 'good thing we were there, or else that person would have died, too'. But there was nothing at all. She felt the tendrils of despair began to crawl upon her and frantically tried to push them away, even as the group began moving away, abandoning the lost planet.

Euterpe mentioned something about a rainbow, and her eyes widened, part of her wanting to go back down there to check it out. She had missed it completely. She opened her mouth to speak--

But then Melpomene spoke, and her hopeful words surprised her yet pleased her at the same time. She was really trying to be more positive in these trying days.

Erato's sudden cry made her turn toward the blonde, and Thalia could practically sense her alarm. Her home was being attacked? She felt confused as to why Erato felt she didn't deserve their help, however, and flew closer to her.

"Of course you deserve our help. We're a team," she said matter-of-factly. "And it's our job to save these planets."

A new mission, a new purpose, was just what they needed. She appreciated Urania's attempt to comfort Erato, too, and threw the girl a grateful smile. Cosmos, as she expected, directed them to go to where they were needed. The woman was never one of many words, and less so lately, comforting them simply with her presence and the simple fact that she existed. Thalia worried about her sometimes, though. She'd seen more of those tension lines lately... she must make a better effort to cheer Cosmos up during the down times.

She caught Euterpe's look then, the look she recognized better than anything, their 'partner-in-crime' look. She flitted off to Cosmos after giving her the 'be-right-back' signal, and Thalia began to think of ways to make this journey better for everyone. Another crisis so soon after a mission that failed before it even began was bad. It was good that they got the early warning, though! That meant they were less likely to be late. Although that depended on how far Earth was from here...

Did she have time to put on a complete comedy play... in space?

Thalia was nothing if not ambitious in her effort to make people laugh.
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2018, 8:58 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  OdSFa3J

Lachesis's laugh echoed throughout the ruined city. "Reinforcements!?" The mere notion of more weak soldiers amused her greatly. After all, this one was no match for her alone. Imagine what horrors the three of them would bring!. 

"Atropos, do you not relish in the screams of a Soldier of Light?" She brushed her cold cheek against Sailor Themis's neck. "Wouldn't it be more fun to leave her bloodied corpse here for Sailor Cosmos to cry over." 

Her eyes darted upward at the arrival of another- Clotho. Out of the sisters, she was most distant to Sailor Clotho. Lachesis had sometimes wondered what good she was, with her unnecessary empathy. Who needed such things? Looking back to Sailor Themis, Lachesis scoffed, throwing the girl to the ground. Soon, her heel met with Themis's face. "Just lay there and rot!" 

"Clotho, you fool."  Lachesis's eye was filled with pure rage. "Such insolence! Your mouth will be the death of you!." Becoming increasingly angry, Sailor Lachesis's eye widened, and her voice became filled with frenzied joy. Almost maniacal. 

"This will be a new land conquered by our Savior, Chaos! You too must relish in the suffering of these Soldiers of Light!" Lachesis Licked her fangs, continuing to laugh. She could not believe the words that the youngest was spouting. Nonsense, all of it. "Clotho. Won't you come dance in the moment with me? Won't you enjoy watching this girl die?" 

Lachesis slowly made her way back over to Sailor Themis's limp body. The girl only moved slightly, making small groans. She wanted to kill her. She wanted to destroy her. How dare her sister feel anything for this scum. She wasn't done yet though, she wanted to have some more fun. Should she bite her? Beat her more? There were so many more options to explore. 

She licked her fangs, kneeling down towards the limp girl, biting her neck. Only drawing enough venom to cause massive pain. "Writhe. Like the worm you are." 

She turned her back to Themis, facing her sisters. "So, you're letting me have all the fun this time." She smirked, wiping some blood off her face. "Thank you kindly." 
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2018, 3:02 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  4HGPou4

At Cosmos' prompt, Urania joined the others as they started heading towards their new destination. Earth. She had always wanted to visit that place, albeit under different circumstances. According to her father, that blue planet was the origin of ancient astronomy, and the people of her own planet still referred to the constellations as she knew them today by the names given to them by early Earth civilizations.

Urania recalled the legends of the ancient Silver Millenium and Crystal Tokyo that she had learnt about from her discussions with Clio. Such an interesting place. She had always taken an interest on Earth thanks to her father, after all, and Clio was more than happy to pass on her knowledge. It would have been nice to have her with them now that they visited for themselves.

Well, nothing they could do about that, right? She refocused her attention to the current task, glancing at the group until she caught sight of Euterpe and Thalia, observing the body language between the two. The little signals which betrayed that they were up to something again.

As Euterpe flew closer to Cosmos, Urania approached Thalia. "So what are you two plotting about this time?" she inquired with an exasperated tone.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2018, 4:36 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  XI25muK

Hearing the childish tone in Clotho's voice and watching her actions, Atropos knew exactly where this conversation was going. Her facial express remained calm, nearly emotionless while internally she sighed in mild frustration. Dealing with her two polar opposite younger sisters could be...draining at times. Atropos appreciated both of her sisters extremes. Lachesis drive to destroy was a powerful and useful to their cause. While Clotho’s empathy, often gave her a different insight on how to deal with a mission in a more calculated way. Often, Clotho’s empathy allowed for prisoners which were ever so perfect for bait.

Before she could open her mouth to speak, Lachesis launched into one of her passion filled tirades. Atropos was thankful for the veil covering her eyes because she could not control the slight quiver of her eyebrow as Lachesis words grated at her. Of course she relished in their screams but did the girl not understand the need for restraint and finesse? There was a purpose to keeping this one alive. Their mission was not only to destroy Earth but to use it as a tool for demoralizing Sailor Cosmos and her team. To make her suffer and despair as she failed yet another planet. The amount of worlds untouched by Chaos’s power was becoming smaller and smaller by the day.

Clotho, you fool.

And there it was.  The tirade continued on. Atropos wondered why she felt the need to repeat these words over and over to Clotho. The girl needed to learn to save the passion filled speeches for demoralizing Cosmos.

”Lachesis. Enough.” she said firmly, her voice raising only ever so slightly. She gave Lachesis a long level look, before continuing. Her voice dangerously calm.

”That is an order,” she took a few steps towards Themis to observe the near-dead senshi, ”It will be more fun making Cosmos watch the moment of her death. Mother wants us to do all we can to make her suffer. This is only another small crack in Cosmos’s core, but she is close to breaking. We will fulfill Mother’s wish.”

Sailor Atropos then turned heel, walking away, knowing full well Lachesis would understand the penalty of going against her wishes. She approached Clotho, her expression softening just for her.

”You’ve done a commendable job. Both of you,” she said.  She patted Clotho gently on her head, lowering her voice, ”However, do not forget our mission. Mother does not approve of those who do not fulfill her wishes. I can only protect you so much.”

She gave Clotho a knowing look, a warning to watch her behavior, before finally addressing the two of them.

”This planet is very special. I managed to do some research before coming here and this was once a last bastion of hope for the legendary Sailor Soldier, Eternal Sailor Moon! Many across the galaxy look to Earth to see it’s light. We will snuff it out!”

That was the only information Atropos had managed to discovered about this place. Mother had not wanted to relinquish much to her and she was unsure of the reason, although it was clear that this planet was important to their mission. Mother would get what she desires, then all will understand the suffering that Atropos and her sisters have endured. They will be given the world they deserved and not what was handed on a silver platter to those pathetic soldiers of the light.

Mother’s way was the only way. After all, Mother knows best.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2018, 6:58 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  WEX3ids

Euterpe's small touch would have once startled her, but now it only brought her comfort. But comfort was short-lived in times of war, and whatever relief she may have felt warmed her just a little less as Erato went on to explain the current situation.

Another planet needed their help. So soon after the previous failure. And this time, it would hurt even more if they were too late. Erato's voice, her clear connection to this Earth, was palpable. She knew Earth to be a special place, heard stories of its greatness.

But greatness did not always matter when it came to fighting against the dark.

Melpomene left the comforting to the others. She did not know if she had the right words to spark confidence. Better to leave that to those who were closer to her. They'd find a way to reassure Erato in this. Somehow.

Instead, a dimmed bright white caught her attention, and Melpomene stared after it, watched the woman that light represented. She heard the gentle words Cosmos spoke, but it was the white light she emanated that Melpomene focused upon. Cosmos was the most difficult to read of all the people she'd ever met. But even she could tell that the brightness had dimmed in recent times. Such power made the dimmed quality subtle, barely there, but after spending a lot of time studying Cosmos in great detail, Melpomene could detect the shifting glimmer.

Just as with Erato, Melpomene did not know what words to offer their leader. She wanted to let the woman know that she was here, a ready listener even if she were not the best conversationalist. She could bear the brunt of hopelessness better than most. She understood it, expected it. As strong a leader as Cosmos was, as powerful as her light may shine, Melpomene knew that even the brightest stars had shadows.

But whenever she tried to convey any of this, the words stuck in her throat and she said nothing at all. Who was she to try and lend a listening ear to someone as beautiful as Cosmos? What kind of comfort could listening provide someone with so much weighing on their shoulders?

Still, as they moved through the emptiness of space, Melpomene found herself nearing the white light, offering a kind of silent companionship. She'd always be nearby and ready in case Cosmos had need of someone to listen.

She could feel a small change in the air, a shift in the colors around her. She recognized it and knew that Euterpe and Thalia were up to something again. A small smile found its way to her lips. Perhaps that, if nothing else, would brighten the current atmosphere of their group.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime3rd September 2018, 9:47 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  YnZZdY8

Erato felt a small amount of comfort from the words of Urania and Thalia, their support meaning the world to her as she literally felt her world falling apart. But it was the gentle words of Sailor Cosmos that settled a blanket of calm over Erato, and she finally felt that she could breathe after what felt like an eternity of panic. "Thank you all," she breathed, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear. "I am forever in your debt." She sailed towards the front of the group, her eyes cast forward towards where she knew her home awaited her. She followed that relentless tugging on her heart, pulling her back to where she was needed and where she belonged.

But Erato wasn't sure if she was ready to see what awaited her back on Earth.

Slightly calmer now, Erato turned her head to Calliope, glad to have someone to keep her distracted on their short journey. Calliope's odd speech patterns still surprised Erato, but the elegance of her dialect was easy for someone like Erato to admire. "I don't really sense her," Erato said, focusing in on the way her heart literally throbbed. "But I know she's there, and that she's fighting alone while I'm gone. If Earth is in danger, she wouldn't hesitate to save it, regardless of whether or not that meant she would be standing alone. I have a feeling that once we get there, we'll know where to go. We're getting closer now, I can feel it."

The thought of those disgusting, fashionably-challenged Chaos senshi made Erato's stomach churn. They didn't scare her so much as they revolted her, and Erato made sure to make that clear whenever she had the chance to face them off. She was so eager to give them a piece of her mind, especially that cocky Lachesis.
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Sailor Neptune
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 5:04 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  0rnBl0e

Thalia was forming the idea of the play in her head when Urania suddenly popped next to her, her tone familiar but confusing. She never understood what Urania had against Euterpe, but she figured it was just her trying to keep both of them from being distracted too much from the mission. Since she and Euterpe did... have that effect on each other.

"Nothing more than the usual. Trying to keep people happy and cheering people up in dire times," she said brightly, making a V sign with her two fingers. Which she then used to poke Urania on the cheek.

"What's wrong, Asteria? Are you jealous?" she made the word 'jealous' sound excessively teasing, expecting to see her partner flustered, which was always amusing. She knew they weren't supposed to use their civilian names, but they were in space with literally no one else, so she didn't see the harm. Besides, she always felt more comfortable doing that with Urania.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 12:39 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  H7jdvjA

The crumb of indulgence from her eldest sister raised the youngest's spirits enough to avoid a full meltdown, tempering the frenzy that had been building during Lachesis's tirade. Clotho slowly uncrossed her arms from over her chest, the pout less dramatic. She didn't even voice the protestation to Sailor Atropos' comment about not forgetting the mission—even though the pink-haired girl had not forgotten it at all and had definitely done what was asked of her. She just didn't... embrace it as thoroughly as her older sisters did. Especially a certain meanie who hissed at people who didn't even deserve it. But she couldn't stay sour at them for long. Not when they were together after so long on separate missions.

"I missed you guys," the girl mumbled, picking at the barely-healed scabs on her fingers, a few droplets of blood seeping through the cracked skin. She wiped some of it on the long, dark underskirt of her uniform. "If Mother says it's important I guess it has to be. I did what she wanted."

Sailor Clotho braced herself enough to look towards the limp, damaged form of Sailor Themis without shuddering. She didn't... seem all that special, but Atropos always told the truth, so the last soldier guarding this place couldn't be... totally powerless. Just not enough for her big sisters. Even within the horrors of what had been done to the girl, Clotho felt a surge of pride knowing that it was Lachesis's handiwork. Her sisters were definitely the best in the universe—that's why they worked for Chaos, after all. Mother recruited the most awesome people to help her, and Atropos and Lachesis both counted.

Maybe someday she'd be stronger, like them.

"Do we have to wait long?" she asked, the voice a much more muted whine than before, although the hint was still there. "Maybe afterwards we can hang out and stuff."

As far as Sailor Clotho was concerned, their victory was assured. Hadn't that been the case so many times before? Planets fell every day, joining the great order that Sailor Chaos directed and orchestrated. She had watched (and participated) so many of those moments, more frequently with every passing day. This planet might be a precious one, but it was already so weak. They already had the last guardian here, slowly dying, just the flicker of a lure for a much better fish.

She doubted it would take long.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 12:53 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Zqndng11

"Understood. I appreciate thy honesty." Calliope gave a smile in Erato's direction, though the motion seemed empty. "Thy needn't worry-we shall be the victors this day." She attempted to help boost Erato's morale; though still a bit confused as to why she felt the need to give thanks to the team for simply doing their job. "We go where chaos goes. Wherever the planet."

She could hear the rest of the team chattering away about meaningless things. Jokes, jealousy, over-all small talk. Perhaps Calliope was simply too old to keep up with the younger senshi-but it was gradually starting to get on her nerves. They were perusing solders of chaos who were responsible for so much, and they're just talking as though they're sitting at a cafe, sipping from their drinks and listening carefree to the rain outside. 

But she would hold her tongue. Now was not the time for meaningless chatter, sure-but the same went for meaningless arguments. Calliope was a strong believer in ideals of picking your battles; and if there was ever a time for this mantra to come into play, it would be now. Calliope continued keep her attention ahead of her, being mindful of the rest of the Senshi from with the occasional turn of the head.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 12:56 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  NW4ws1P

She saw the flower crown in her peripheral vision before she heard the young woman speak, but Cosmos wasn't surprised that it was Euterpe. They had been through so much, and still the blonde kept her bright outlook and sunny disposition. She and Thalia shone like beacons of optimism even in the most dire situations. She was glad they were here now, especially considering... The blue eyes grew stormy for a moment, reflecting silently on the most recent loss from their band, who she knew weighed heavily on the hearts and minds of all present. Poor, sweet Terpsichore. That innocence that they loved and cherished... they couldn't protect it. This war didn't care. It preyed on everyone without discretion.

At least her team still had Thalia and Euterpe to keep them from sinking too deeply into the depths. Sometimes those memories still visited her at night, seeping into her dreams like ink. All the lives she couldn't save. All the fledgling soldiers she ushered to unmarked early graves. Sailor Cosmos knew the terrible risks that came with succumbing to despair; she didn't want any of those among her now to learn that lesson first-hand.

The conversation blossoming just behind her shoulder inspired a small smile on the white-haired woman's pale lips. It may have seemed almost too casual for the situation they currently occupied in this great battle, but there was a comfort in that. The war did not pause their lives. These moments of "normal" among the horrors they bathed in were among the things that made these brave young women her dear friends. It helped her know that they might someday be alright. Someday. If they could win this.

"It's not far now," she cautioned, her eyes still focused forward. She felt something else now, and realized that Melpomene had moved closer in their formation. There was something steadying about the presence of the dark-skinned young woman in black; perhaps it was just another aspect of her sensible nature.

Cosmos could feel that tug again, her heart drawn forward as if pulled by a magnet. She ached to see it again, that distant sphere. Even though they found themselves headed here under terrible circumstances, she couldn't quench the flare of anticipation that lit her soul.

"Earth... is very special," she whispered. "I hope you will all understand, when you see it."
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  4HGPou4

Jealous? "Ha!" Urania scoffed, though perhaps a tad too forcibly. "Jealous? I'm not jealous. Why should I be jealous? I have no reason to..." she trailed off, as she realized that this was exactly what she was trying to do, get her all riled up and flustered. Delphine always seemed to love getting a reaction out of her, and it was quite frustrating how she was so frequently successful.

She narrowed her eyes and shot her a glare. "Ihateyou."

She paused for a few seconds, before she looked back at Erato. "Her, huh?" she nodded her head towards the other girl. "To cheer up one whose planet is about to be destroyed. I should see that. It's gonna be a challenge, even for the two of you..." She turned her gaze back straight ahead, looking at nothing in particular but for the emptiness ahead, her voice quieter now, almost a whisper. "I don't know how you do it... Despite everything."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 6:08 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  X2YG6ZG
Not far? Euterpe bit her lip, her brow furrowing for a moment as she considered her options, blue eyes twitching back and forth as though she were reading an invisible script. Was there enough time? There had to be enough time. Cosmos's soft-spoken words called for her attention, and she smiled, taking the other's hands for a moment, "I'm sure we will, if it means that much to even you. I can't wait to see it!" And with that, inspiration struck. With a wild grin, she gave Cosmos an awkward in-flight hug that was anything but unusual from her and dropped back to Erato, sliding into the place between her and Calliope. First things first, happy memories! Whatever Erato shared she could work with and maybe Thalia could work off of, and they'd have her cheerful and determined in no time! 

"Cosmos said that Earth's real neat~ Can you tell us more, Erato, sweet?" And with that, the invitation was sent. Not many of them often took her up on her lyrical challenges - to ask and respond in rhyme and with rhythm - but she liked to extend the offer anyway; it made things more fun, like putting in an additional quirk into a conversation, and, best in situations like this, if you're thinking about making something rhyme and still make sense it's hard to concentrate on anything too negative!
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 7:59 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  YnZZdY8

Erato felt some comfort by Calliope's words, even if she couldn't quite understand what she said. Her attention was diverted by Euterpe, who as usual, was being extremely optimistic. Erato wasn't really feeling up to Erato's games, but she couldn't bear to let her friend down, so she faked a smile and decided to play along. They would arrive to Earth soon enough, so perhaps this would help pass the time and distract her from the imminent danger her planet was in.

"The sun paints miracles across the sky. Every day is an adventure, every night comes alive. There is love all around, between soulmates and friends. And don't get me started on Earth's fashion trends." Erato gave Euterpe a flirty wink. She was proud of herself for coming up with such a decent rhyme on the spot - she just hoped it was enough to satisfy Euterpe.

"We're almost there," she said, loud enough for the group to hear. "Melpomene, are we too far away for you to sense the Chaos senshi?"
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[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  Empty
PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 8:27 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  EC9zK3i

She drummed her fingers on top of a skull that made the end of her throne of bones. A creature from each of the destroyed worlds was stacked in an artful and careful arrangement to create her lovely chair.  It was rather comfortable, all things considered.  If it wasn't for the fact that, at her heart of hearts, everything was useless to a degree but the swirling depths of darkness, she would've applauded these lights' civilizations for creating such comforts.  They were a joy to be had, for certain. 

A green eye rolled to the screen once more, continuing to watch the progress of her girls. A light click of her tongue, she shook her head then rested it on her hand, leaning to the side now.  What was she to do with them?  They do bicker so, but she supposed that's how they spoke to one another.

"These creatures are so odd."  She said, to the air. The room, cavernously huge as it was, nearly swallowed her voice. There was nothing but soft glowing lights that floated about, providing some sort of illumination within the room but only enough to see the dark marble-like floors and herself.  The walls were entirely black, seemingly made out of darkness itself with only the elaborate windows that lined it giving some impression there was an actual wall there at all.   "They move their mouths so often to communicate. It's completely unnecessary, if one were to ask me."

A shrieked laugh pierced the air that would make any who heard it think someone was bring murdered. Really, it was just Sailor Chaos, laughing at her own private joke. 
"But no one will, because they dare not try. I would have to take their silly little tongues and yank it out for such insolence."

She leaned over, her raven black hair that spilled over her shoulder gave way to a gradient of ruby red towards the ends.  Lips turned slightly as she stared at the skull.  "Much like you.  You did give a bit of a lip, you know.  That's why you're part of my chair. So you can see as each world falls, how empty your words were, dearest."

Satisfied, she sat back, her dark hand gently petting the skull. She idly wondered if her children would bring treasures like the skull back to her.  It did please her so when they did.  Which reminded her, " I should finish that."

By 'that' was a knitting project she attended to pass the time.  An odd sight, for certain, but one she had picked up from one culture or another before they were wiped out of existence. It would be a great gift if they pleased her with this mission.  No, not to destroy that planet just yet.  After all, one must savor a treat, shouldn't they?  

So, she began to knit, humming a rather cheerful tune to herself but kept an eye on the screen. If they dawdle too much, she would remind them why they were there.  "Wouldn't do to get off track like the last time."

Perhaps she should remind them? 

It took some energy, not much, but enough to project an image there. She didn't mind doing it this way, for now. 

"Girls, are you behaving yourselves?"  Sailor Chaos's face appeared before the three in an image projection that only they could see. "How goes your mission?"
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime4th September 2018, 11:23 pm

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  WEX3ids

The chatter around her melded into a normal rhythm, a song she'd heard many times in the past. She didn't participate, but she listened. She always listened, enjoying the unique way each individual spoke. The way they formed words, the vocabulary they used. It was almost as personal and signifying as the intimate colors she saw for each of them.

There was a general brightening of those colors around her as the conversation turned to lighter topics. Strangely, the honey of Calliope darkened in response. Melpomene glanced over to her, but as Calliope remained quiet, so did she. She could understand the severity of Calliope's emotions blistering against the light-hearted fun of the others.

Cosmos's soft words pulled at her attention even more. The whisper made it clear that Earth held far more meaning to their group as a whole. First Erato, and now for Cosmos as well. Melpomene glanced towards the woman in white, seeking out her features amongst the bright light of her being.

As they drew closer to Earth, Melpomene pulled her gaze away and focused forward. The toll of war rang around them, demanding a price to be paid for its existence.

Failure's distinct possibility would remain no matter how hard they tried. Everything had to come to an end at some point. If this were to be Earth's final calling, then even they could do nothing to stop it.

Hope did not live long within her heart, but Melpomene struggled to cling to it's siren call for the sake of the people she loved. She would do everything in her power to keep this from becoming a failure as well. To fight against that inevitability no matter how futile. She would fight and she would keep fighting. For them.

She did not want them feel the heaviness of defeat again so soon.

And, a small part of her whispered in denial, she fought so that she would never lose another of them again. This was a deep part of her that refused to see reason. A small pinprick of light amongst ever-present darkness, created and nurtured by the warmth of her family. This part of her refused to let her disassociate. It kept her connection strong with each of them.

The pain would only be greater because of it when Death came for his due.

But Melpomene was glad it still existed despite this ringing truth.

The sound of her own name brought her out of these thoughts. She looked to the ashen embers of Erato, worry for the girl coming to the forefront, before focusing on the planet they approached. They were still a distance away so she would need to concentrate to properly feel for anything within its vicinity.

She closed her eyes, losing the blurred shapes in order to focus more on her empathic sight. For a moment, she felt nothing but that did not bring any relief. It was foolish to believe there would be no resistance. They were going in knowing enemies awaited them.

A few moments passed. There, she felt it. Felt them. The colors were far away enough that she could not make out details, but their sickening blackened quality, their hatred and sadism, were impossible to forget. Not after everything they'd done. The distance should have protected her from feeling them so strongly, but the miasma of terrible emotions set her stomach roiling.

"They're there," she said. "I can feel them. All three." A small frown found its way to her lips. "We should hurry."
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 2:08 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  0rnBl0e

She giggled as Urania started saying 'jealous' approximately ten thousand times, reaffirming her own denial. Thalia simply let out an 'Aww,' sound as Urania claimed she hated her. "You know you love me."

Her attention turned to Erato then, and she flinched as Urania said her planet was about to be destroyed. "Earth isn't going to be destroyed. We're not going to let it," she said firmly, in a tone that gave no room for arguments.

She understood that not everyone found it easy to keep believing in good things, but Thalia didn't see the point in giving up hope.

"If we give up, it means we already lose before the battle even begins. Then what's the point of fighting at all? Hope is the reason we keep on doing this, you know. Isn't it yours?" she asked, curious to know what was driving Urania if she so easily condemned Earth to be lost.

Near them, she could hear Euterpe trying to get some good memories out of Erato, and despite the terrible circumstances, Thalia felt excited to see Earth for the first time. Erato painted a pretty picture of it, and she couldn't wait to see it. Hopefully Chaos hadn't wrecked it too much...

She heard Melpomene say that all three of the Chaos soldiers that had plagued their existence for the past few months were there, and despite everything, Thalia tensed. Fighting just one of them in the past had been difficult and had led to deaths. Now all three... But surely they just had to stick together. If they were standing together, everything would surely be alright.

Quote :
In the distance, the blue and green sphere of Earth looms before them. As they get closer, they can see smoke and fire dotting almost the entirety of its surface, with the biggest destruction concentrated on Neo Tokyo.
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 9:19 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  4HGPou4

Urania was not surprised by Thalia's counter to her remark. Of course, the girl's hope and optimism were certainly of the most prevalent qualities that made her shine. Wasn't this positive attitude and outlook that drew Urania closer to her, after all?

But then again, is it any good to hope for the hopeless? Sure, there are things that are difficult, and perhaps the right dose of hope and determination will help you pull through; but then there are things that are downright impossible, and sooner or later, reality will kick in. And the despair that will succeed the hope will be far more wracking. Wouldn't it be better to just accept that some things simply cannot go their way, and settle for what they are able to achieve?

Heh. She was right, wasn't she, though? It was hope that was leading Urania forward too. Hope that, one day, Thalia would see eye-to-eye with her. That she would understand the reality of this situation.

"Yes, I suppose so," she finally replied. "Our actions will determine the outcome of this whole thing. I hope for the best possible one."

It seemed that their destination was not a lot further. The state of the planet did not catch her by surprise, not after so many times she had seen this. The destruction was evident from afar. She wondered if Euterpe's little pick-me-up would hold for Erato against this sight?
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PostSubject: Re: [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse    [HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  I_icon_minitime5th September 2018, 10:27 am

[HC Event] The Lunar Chronicles - Phase VI: Lunar Eclipse  XI25muK

Atropos stood in the same spot where she had made her own little passionate speech, which she hoped at inspired her sisters to listen and look forward to the final task in their mission. Mother had explained how the fall of Earth would draw them like flies. All they had to do was set the trap. Themis wasn’t the special one here, she was just the unfortunate last guardian they had left on Earth, but what would be special would be watching Cosmos fall apart in front of them as they destroyed this last hope of the galaxy.  Lachesis would torture and kill Themis just as they arrived and then...

”Not much longer,” Atropos replied to Clotho, ”Perhaps, we can have a little celebration after our victory.”

Sometimes Atropos didn’t mind indulging the younger one. She was doing all of this for her, and Lachesis, after all. They just had to wait a little while longer…

Suddenly Mother appeared before them, just her face, but it was enough to slightly startle Atropos. Though, why would mother be checking in on them so soon?  Had they done something wrong? Her timing was unexpected but it was not completely unusual for her to see how their missions were going. Maybe it had to do with the last one…

Atropos did her best to keep her features smooth but was unable to stop her heart’s quickened beating and the small worry that grew in the back of her mind. Immediately, she gave her customary bow to mother.

”Yes, Mother. Everything is going as planned. When Sailor Cosmos and her pathetic team arrive, they will see nothing but death and destruction, just as you wanted.” she said, still bowing. She hoped her sisters had followed suit and awaited further instructions from mother.
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