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 [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring

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Sailor Saturn
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Sailor Saturn

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime19th April 2018, 2:51 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999

The cold is nearly unbearable now as a small shimmering mix of darkness and pale light manifests in the middle of the group. Anyone attempting to move finds their muscles frozen in place, though there is no pain caused by it.

A low sound rings out around the group, like a gong that has been struck, reverberating through the air.

The manifestation of light and darkness gains a form. A girl with a sad face materializes in front of Usagi, one ghostly hand reaching towards the bright-haired girl. "You look just like her," she says, her voice a light echoing whisper of sorrow and regret.

The low sound grows in intensity and the light within the ghostly girl grows to a shining brightness. In a flash, everything disappears.

A moment later, everyone is able to see once more. Gone are the pretty blossoms and the fresh green grass. Gone is the picnic blanket heavy with treats. The horizon is emptied of its tall modern buildings.

Left in its place are old huts made of ramshackle materials, thrown together by desperate hands. The once thriving cherry blossom trees are gone, leaving only a dirt field in its wake. Things looks grey and cold here, the sky dark and gloomy.

The ghostly girl is gone, but the low sound remains ever present in the background, a reminder of her presence. The gathered friends are able to move once more as the cold leaves their muscles, though a tinge of ice still lingers in the air.

Wherever they are now, it certainly isn't home.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 19th April 2018, 6:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime19th April 2018, 5:47 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025 Ami-Chan [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025

Ami was still close to Usagi and Naru as it got colder and she tried to move but something kept her from moving. She then heard a loud gong-like sound and looked around with her eyes. Suddenly a girl of some sort appeared in front of Usagi mentioning something about looking like someone.."Who is HER..who are you talking about?" Ami got out as the girl turned into a shining light and disappeared. A sound of the girl was still lingering. Ami tried to move again and was able to as she looked around at there changed location. "Um where are we now you guys..this isn't the beautiful park?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 6:35 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097

A figure formed, the hand reaching towards the pigtailed blonde. Rei turned her head just in time to see it, the terror in her heart overwhelming as something unknown approached her dearest friend, the one who had showed her how precious love and friendship could be. She almost ran forward, her own arm reaching out, but she couldn't move it. She couldn't move at all! She was totally frozen. If she could have, she would have screamed the young woman's name, remembering all those horrible times before that they thought they had lost someone so special.


And then it was over. They were all present. Violet eyes tracked Usagi with desperation, and when whatever force released her body for movement she almost stumbled forward. It took all of her concentration to avoid racing forward and clinging to the blonde, just to make sure she was still with them. The hands clenched at her sides trembled slightly as she fought to regain her composure.

It was alright—was it alright? She looked up and around at their new surroundings, not recognizing anything in particular. The frigid temperature had lifted, but the dull, grey skies provided little to feel cheered about. Rei concentrated for a moment, trying to see if she could sense anything new in this strange place.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 2:47 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 3074743337 Minako Aino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 3074743337

Minako only had a few moments to contemplate the information Michiru and Rei shared, brow furrowed in concentration when the cold seeped into her very bones. She went to shiver, to make some sort of carefully crafted remark to make the situation feel a little less dire, but couldn't.

Not because she couldn't think of a good thing to say - she was certain whatever she would have said would be pure genius - but because she literally couldn't even move.

The ghostly figured materialized in front of Usagi, the voice made of whispers sent Minako's skin crawling. She wanted to threaten that being away from Usagi, to rush to her friend's protection.

All she could do was watch, utterly helpless.

In an instant of bright light, it was over. Teleportation wasn't all that strange for a senshi, not anymore, but having it done without warning always left Minako feeling a little queasy.

Blue eyes glanced over everyone, lingering on Usagi several moments longer, before turning her gaze towards their surroundings.

She didn't recognize anything, and all over the dull colors seemed to mesh together into similar tones. It almost looked surreal, as if it wasn't quite there. It made her think of the ghost they'd seen moments before being transported.

"Is everyone okay?" Minako questioned, looking back to her people. This was the first thing to determine. After that, then they could figure out what was going on.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime20th April 2018, 8:24 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 NYaMa4Q Naru Osaka

You look just like her...

Naru felt a slight pressure all along her body, like a heavy blanket had been thurst over her. Without trying to budge, she that knew she was rooted to the exact spot she had stood in before... before whatever had happened, happened. For a moment, she boggled. Am... am I dead? But no, she could feel the icy air seeping into her bones, and knew herself to be alive. Maybe I'm just dreamin'... This... This can't be real, can it? she wondered, incredulous.

    Ami, glasses shining, peppered the ghost with direct questions. Who is HER... Who are you talking about?

She seems so brave, Naru thought, feeling the weight of her incompetence. I'm not like them. I'm not prepared fa all a this!

When the pressure and cold receded, her breath came heavily and she swayed slightly.

     "Is everyone okay?" Minako asked.

"Oh, Minako!" she wailed, the fear making her usually high voice bubble up a full octave, "Where are we!? How-How'a we eva gonna get home!"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 12:29 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294

Right when Usagi felt like she was about to be swallowed up in the sadness of those translucent melancholy eyes, everything went white. A feeling of vertigo rushed through her and she tumbled to the dusty ground, just reaching out in time to catch herself.

Wait... Dusty?

Usagi lifted up one hand and examined her palm, sand and dirt clinging to the soft skin. She looked up slowly, first noticing everyone else's feet planted firmly on the ground. Just me then. Of course, she sighed inwardly. The full landscape then started to come into view and she stood up quickly. Nothing was familiar. Enemy ground? A desperate village in need of help? Her mind was racing. At least none of the other picnic goers at the park were in danger any more. She clung to this hope as she listened to the other girls start to speak in turn. She felt their concerned looks and thought of maybe managing a smile, but it wouldn't come. All she could do was stare wide-eyed, a wisp of the apparition still lingering behind her eyes.

Naru's uncomfortably high-pitched wail beside her made Usagi jump. She's still here? The redhead's presence made the surroundings seem even more surreal and strange. But the sight of her friend still in one piece was somewhat comforting.

Processing Naru's question, she heaved a sigh . "We'll have to sailor tele...PHONE," Usagi ended the sentence abruptly. She caught her slip-up just as she looked into poor Naru's anxious eyes. This was the worst time to be thinking out loud! "SAIL, OR TELEPHONE!" she repeated with a nervous and loud laugh. She threw one arm behind her head in an attempt to appear relaxed. "You know... like the land sailing race that was on TV last week? Ahahahaha...."
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 1:48 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2570116496Mamoru Chiba[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2570116496

Mamoru emerged from the bizarre transport disoriented, but overall not the worse for wear. His eyes darted to the right as Usagi fell to the ground catching herself, but his heart quickly lightened when he saw that she was alright. Quickly taking stock of the surroundings, the far-reaching dark sky provided no assistance with regards to location, same as the dirty ground littered with ramshackle huts. It was clear that they were no longer in a park in Tokyo, Japan, but where - and very possibly, when - they were was still a mystery.

"We're fine, I think..." Mamoru responded to Minako's question, and as Naru came in with her own response, his mind quickly turned to figuring out ways to get out of here...

"We'll have to sailor tele...PHONE,"

Mamoru's eyes darted at Usagi once again as she made her gaffe, and brought his palm to his face as she tried to talk her way out of it. The most powerful woman in the world, the love of my life, everbody... He thought silently to himself. That said, her quirks were still something he loved, and the misspeak, if anything, did lighten the anxiety of the dreadful location in which they were now present.

"Ami, you might want to check to see where we are..." he said glancing over at the blue-haired demure girl standing at the end of the back row. He realized once again he was doing what a certain blonde in front of him got clearly upset with him for doing, so perhaps he would defer to her this time.

"So Minako. What do you think we should do?" he said with sincerity in his voice, hopefully to cover up any possibility of sarcasm towards senshi's leader. He also looked back at his beloved, extremely confused about the ghostly figure that had seemingly brought them all here.

"Usagi, any idea who that was?"
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 1:55 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025 Ami-Chan [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025

Ami was forced back to reality when they were able to move again and she looked around confused as the next person. She then heard Usagi speak and almost...almost spill the beans in front of poor Naru who looked as confused and scared as any of them.. She then looked to Mamoru who asked her to try looking for their location again. "I can give it another shot..." She got her computer back out scanning the area once again. 'Come on...come on...find something...please..' She pleaded with her computer in her mind.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime21st April 2018, 9:31 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294

Usagi stopped laughing awkwardly and turned to Mamoru, glad for his quick subject change. She could always count on him to whisk her out of tricky situations!

"Hmmm..." she furrowed her brow, concentrating on the brief memory, trying her best to hold all the lines of the mysterious face together in her mind the way they had appeared. Had she seen that expression before? "Y'know....!" She paused.

"Nope!" Usagi finally answered with a shrug. "Everyone all saw her too then, huh?" She gestured to the decrepit huts in the distance. "I wonder if she lives there..." She drifted off, remembering the sadness that had washed over her in the encounter.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime23rd April 2018, 2:40 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 NYaMa4Q Naru Osaka


Naru gave a light chuckle. I can always count on Usagi ta cheer me up. She still felt frightened, but Usagi's wild suggestion had brightened her spirits somewhat.

The group chattered back and forth. Everything was happening so fast, and it seemed to her that everyone spoke at once.

"I wonder if she lives there..."

"Do ya think we should find out?" she asked apprehensively.
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime24th April 2018, 4:58 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2wGT506

She was unable to move as the temperature continued to drop, which alarmed her. She watched, helpless, as the figure of the girl from her mirror materialized in front of Usagi. Her mind screamed at her to transform—to do something to stop whatever was going on—but the girl didn’t seem to be harming Usagi. Instead, her voice sounded so sad.

She averted her gaze as the brightness enveloped them all, and blinked as it subsided. Their surroundings had changed into something completely unrecognizable. Michiru’s eyebrows knitted together, searching for the ghostly figure, but now she was nowhere to be seen. That  strange noise was still there, however.

Usagi was suggesting—or was about to before she remembered Naru was still there—to use Sailor Teleport, but Michiru’s examination into her mirror proved otherwise. When she lifted it up and looked through it into their surroundings, it still showed the same picnic area as before. This was true no matter which direction she aimed it at.

“No need to worry,” she said calmly, lowering her mirror to face everyone. “We’re still in the same place. This is all just an illusion.”

The question of how to break it was another matter, however.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime24th April 2018, 1:55 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999

Focusing on the set of huts off in the distance shows that most of them appear in varying dull greys and browns, their details almost blurry at times. One hut, in comparison, appears more clearly to passersby. Its details exact and sharp, it almost seems to have a low-lit glow around the edges.

It feels important to those with extra abilities as well. Ami's computer finds that the energy coming from this new location is more condensed around this particular hut. Rei would feel a stronger concentration of those same sad emotions radiating from it, while Michiru's mirror isn't able to see through the illusion quite as easily past this hut.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 6:34 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097

Her head snapped up, the violet eyes staring at the slightly-unusual hut. Yes, she felt something here. Michiru's comments weighed on her mind—this was an illusion. They were still in the same park, but they now perceived it very differently. Well, this was not the first time they'd been in such a situation. (Except, perhaps, for poor Naru. Although she'd been alongside them a few times, of course.)

"That hut," Rei stated, gesturing towards it. "We should start there."

The feeling of sadness was unmistakable.
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 7:24 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025 Ami-Chan [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025

"That hut," Rei stated, gesturing towards it. "We should start there."

Ami who had been switching from her computer to looking around now looked up to focus on the hut Rei-chan pointed out and she confirmed with her computer telling her the same thing. "Rei is right...we need to start over the same time of course we need to be careful..lots of stuff doesn't feel right right now." She stood up and walked a little closer to the hut to possibly get another or maybe a better reading.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 1:47 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 3074743337 Minako Aino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 3074743337

Minako wasn't certain what to say when Naru spoke up with her concerns about going home. Although she had been the one to ask, she wasn't much of the comforting type. She left that kind of thing best for Ami with her calming words, Mako with her bear hugs, or Usagi with her infectious warmth.

Like clockwork, Usagi came to the rescue, able to bring the situation down an octane and bring about amused smiles.

As Mamoru spoke to her, Minako thought about not answering, but this was too dire a situation to ignore anyone, no matter how grumpy she might feel towards them.

Before she could actually answer, however, Michiru and Rei spoke up, each with their own bit of information to share.

An illusion, was it? Minako glanced at the dusty dirt beneath her feet, kicking at it to create a small puff of a cloud. It certainly felt real.

She then turned her attention onto the specific hut that Rei pointed out, squinting at it. It looked outwardly different than everything else around it. Almost as if it were more real than the rest.

Minako glanced at Mamoru, to answer his initial question. "We go where the psycho ladies tell us. Oh wait, sorry," she grinned and raised her hands to do an air quote motion as she continued with dramatic emphasis, "psychic ladies."

It seemed that Ami had already taken the initiative to walk towards the hut so Minako followed her, glancing back at the others to make sure no one was getting left behind.
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Sailor Jupiter
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 5:15 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 NYaMa4Q Naru Osaka

As Ami and Minako began to walk ahead, Naru took a deep breath, steadying her nerves. Her mind a-buzz, she reached out and grasped the back of Usagi's jacket, the fabric comforting in her hand. "If we're goin' in there, then let's go togetha," she said, her voice full of more conviction than she really felt.
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime25th April 2018, 7:19 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2570116496Mamoru Chiba[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2570116496

Mamoru didn't have the psychometric abilities of Rei or Michiru's senses, but he too noticed the singular hut seeming to stand out from the rest. Listening as Michiru and Rei gave their assessments and Minako gave her orders - of which he was unsure if the initial pun was unintentional this time, he took a deep breath, noticing Naru grabbing the back of Usagi's jacket.

"If we're goin' in there, then let's go togetha."

Mamoru nodded, and gently, yet firmly gripped Usagi's hand. At this point, he was unsure if he was trying to provide comfort or courage, maybe both. Maybe it was for his own subconscious fear as they began to march into the unknown.

"I'm right here, Usako." Mamoru whispered softly, trying not only to provide her strength, but perhaps provide himself with the assurance that they were here together, and through love, would never be separated.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime26th April 2018, 7:51 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294

Usagi nodded gravely as Ami stepped forward. If someone did need help, there was no time to waste. Just as she was about to follow suit, she felt a pull at the hem of her jacket and looked back to see Naru's nervous but determined face. She put on her best smile - easy this time - and nodded again firmly.

She felt Mamoru's warm hand envelope her smaller one and turned her smile to him as well, squeezing his hand in assurance. She turned back to Naru once again and offered the crook of her arm. She wanted her friend to be safe and 'safe' meant close... at least it did to Usagi at that moment.

She felt the momentum of the group's decision as they began to stride forward in front of her and it gave her confidence.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime27th April 2018, 1:51 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2wGT506

As Rei pointed out the hut, Michiru looked at it through the mirror and saw that the illusion wasn’t as easily dispelled there. She frowned at Minako’s slip-up, halfway through offended before she scrutinized the blonde as she corrected herself and decided it must be her weakness with words showing again. Or perhaps a jest meant in good fun. She brushed it aside and followed suit, keeping the mirror up to see any more tricks and catch them in time.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st May 2018, 4:35 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999

As you step inside, the hut seems rather small and sparse in decorations. Some of the items seem to waver on the edge of your vision, as if the illusion is not strong enough to create everything in exact detail.

It's clear that this was a family home as in the corner you can make out two beds, one larger than the other. The hut is more or less empty but one thing catches the eye more than anything else.

A painted portrait hangs in the center of the main wall, glowing with a light of its own. It seems to be in a place of importance. As you take a closer look, the figure painted upon the canvas is familiar. Long golden hair flowing from a crown of two odangos, a white billowing dress, kind blue eyes. A full moon sits in the background.

If you didn't know any better, you'd guess this was a portrait of Princess Serenity.

As the group gathers into the hut, the air gets drastically colder.

You've felt this kind of cold before, just before being brought into this strange place.

Seconds later, the ghostly girl returns, standing in front of the portrait. It almost seems like she's protecting the portrait from you.

"You look just like her." Her voice is that same echoing sadness as she repeats her earlier statement, her pale eyes staring straight at Usagi. Now that she's revealed herself a little more, you can tell the ghostly figure is young, perhaps 14 or 15 years of age. "Mama always told me stories about you. But you're real."

She takes a small step forward, hand outstretched. "Will you stay with me?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st May 2018, 6:41 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097

She almost felt dizzy when they entered the hut, and not just because of Minako's joke in extremely poor taste. It had been so long since she had been exposed to this kind of energy—it didn't feel... evil. Not like what she remembered from the enemies that they had fought. Instead, it was strong, so much so that she almost felt it on her skin, like heat from a blazing summer day. What did this mean? Rei sensed it, but she couldn't yet make sense of it.

How could there be a portrait of Princess Serenity here? The person pictured looked unmistakable. She could have recognized Usagi anywhere.

And then the girl from before was back, reaching for Usagi again. Rei stepped forward, automatic, fearful again that someone she cared so dearly about would be taken from them. She held her tongue. She didn't move too far. But if the mysterious girl increased in threat level, she wouldn't hesitate to react.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime1st May 2018, 7:04 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025 Ami-Chan  [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025

By the time they had decided to enter the hut Ami put away her computer even though she though it wasn't the best idea but at the same time this whole thing didn't give her the 'Transform" idea. When she got inside she noticed the picture and was shocked..'Princess Serenity?? but how and why' she thought. Thats when the girl from before returned and spoke to Usagi reaching for her again. Ami did as Rei did and stepped in front of Usagi and looked at Rei then the girl waiting for something to happen..

Last edited by Sportsnutd on 1st May 2018, 7:05 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Princess not Queen)
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2018, 6:34 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294

You look just like her... Mama always told me stories about you. But you're real."

She takes a small step forward, hand outstretched. "Will you stay with me?"

Usagi had been staring in shock at the image of what appeared to be her past self on the wall when the ghostly figure emerged. Her mind raced as she tried desperately to recall any place like this being a part of the memories she inherited from Serenity. But she couldn't concentrate enough. Once again she was drawn into the sad eyes before her. Usagi noted her two closest guardians step up just beside her. She didn't feel threatened by the ghost, though she didn't feel like staying was a good idea either, to say the least.

Usagi's expression softened as the details of the whole scene finally came into focus for a split second. She took a deep breath.

"It's alright now... I... I'm here and these are my trusted friends," she said, silently praying that avoiding the ghost's question wouldn't enrage her. "Where is your Mom?" she asked, compassion rising in her voice. She started to raise her own hand as if to touch the girl's but stopped midway.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2018, 9:02 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 NYaMa4QNaru Osaka

Where is your mom?

Standing inside the cramped hut, Naru wasn't sure she wanted to know the answer to that question. The portrait on the wall was uncanny, and as Naru flicked her eyes between Usagi and the frame she thought, It does look like 'er. And stories? What'd she mean stories? The hair on the back of Naru's neck was surely standing on end. This whole thing gives me the creeps. I mean, we're talkin' to a ghost!? I must be dreamin'. Maybe I never made it to the festival, maybe I tripped 'n hit my head on a rock on the way there 'n now I'm in the hospital. Naru knew her thoughts were a little ridiculous, but compared with accepting the reality of talking to a ghost, they were starting to sound pretty good.
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime2nd May 2018, 10:19 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2570116496Mamoru Chiba[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2570116496

Upon entering the cabin, Mamoru's eyes were quickly drawn to the painting of Princess Serenity on the wall, confirming his suspicions. Based on the ghost girl's earlier statement, it was clear that she was referring to one of Usagi's many alter-egos, and based on the dusty, run-down appearance of the illusion, it was likely this was taking place some time during the Silver Millennium - though he noted that he could have been wrong, as his memories of his former life as well as those of the others was spotty at best.

"You look just like her. Mama always told me stories about you. But you're real. Will you stay with me?"

The ghost girl had appeared once again, and was now reaching her outstretched hand towards Usagi. A shiver of terror came over Mamoru, and he came very close to slapping the girl's ethereal hand away - a pointless gesture since she was clearly incorporeal, but a force of habit nonetheless. Mamoru had always been protective of Usagi to a fault, and given his earlier vow of defense, he was on his guard to make sure nothing happened to her. That said, Rei's earlier conclusion of the entity's lack of hostility kept him from doing anything rash, and he stood his ground.

"It's alright now... I... I'm here and these are my trusted friends. Where is your Mom?"

Mamoru noticed Usagi beginning to raise her raise her hand towards the ghost, and held his breath, again using all of his will to keep himself from grabbing Usagi's arm in protest. If she had created this illusion and brought them all to her domain, it was clear that she had powers beyond understanding, and could potentially use them at a moment's notice to perhaps capture Usagi - and her party - in this realm forever. Mamoru hoped the others felt the same way, and his eyes stayed transfixed on the strange conversation, prepared to jump in if anything went awry.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th May 2018, 3:20 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 960643999

The ghostly girl stared at Usagi, gaze unwavering. Despite the mention of Usagi's friends, the girl had only eyes for the blonde in front of her.

"Mama's gone. I planted a cherry tree for her." Her expression fell. "It's only a sapling though. And I can't seem to go back to it. It's too far away."

Her eyes lifted back to study Usagi's face. "You... don't want to stay." It was more of a statement than a question, her voice unwavering despite the sadness in her eyes. "Could you help me get back to Mama instead? You're powerful and kind. You could do it, right?"

The girl put her hands together, a small glow casting a pale light over her fingers. As she pulled them away, a tree sapling sat in her hands. It looks far more real than anything else in the little hut.

The ghostly girl held it out towards Usagi. "Please?"
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th May 2018, 3:25 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 3074743337 Minako Aino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 3074743337

At the reappearance of the ghost, Minako kept her eyes focused completely on the small figure. Beside her, she saw Rei take a step forward but held herself back.

Minako understood, but remained quiet. Instead, she made certain that she'd be ready to react at any sign of malice from this ghostly girl.

She didn't care about the portrait with its too-familiar face or the fact that the girl looked far too sad to be the cause of any attacks. All that mattered was keeping everyone safe, Usagi above all else.

She left the conversation for Usagi to deal with - she was far better at this kind of thing anyway. But Minako was ready for anything, just in case.
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th May 2018, 6:52 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 2045764097

The ghostly figure reached again, but Rei didn't react defensively. The dark-haired priestess recognized the lack of a clear threat. She didn't relax entirely. It would have been naive to assume that they were completely safe—there were ways to interfere with what she could sense, after all. At the moment, however, Usagi seemed safe enough. Rei would certainly make sure she stayed that way, but for now... this looked to be one of those situations where only Usagi was the right person to make a special connection.

She hoped she wouldn't come to regret having stood down.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th May 2018, 11:54 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 4011577294

Relief flooded through Usagi as the sapling was revealed. It reminded her somewhat of the Makaiju. A wistful smile overtook her features.

Instinctually, the reincarnated Princess turned to look at her lover, communicating her feelings silently to him. Let's ease this spirit's worries and return things to the way they should be.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime4th May 2018, 1:29 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025 Ami-Chan [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 1666276025

Ami watched as the spirt spoke to Usagi and she wanted to say something but kept quiet and watched. The spirt then produced a sapling and held it out for Usagi to possibly take. Ami looked back at Usagi and stepped to the side having a feeling the Usagi would want to help the wandering spirit.
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PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 3 I_icon_minitime

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