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 [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring

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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th April 2018, 6:34 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097

She felt the chill that raised goosebumps on her skin give her that familiar other sensation: awareness. It was almost nostalgic—most of her daily activities now involved less "there might be something evil" and more "something is not quite right" in terms of her own sensitivities. In a way, her time as a sailor soldier gave her opportunities to hone and understand her innate psychic abilities. Having a purpose and embracing her skills proved to be less stressful than how things had been in the years before she had met Usagi and the others. This, however... this gave her pause.

She wanted to brush it off. It would have been easier to ignore it. The dark eyes fluttered over towards where two blonde heads babbled excitedly about cake.

Rei pressed her lips together in a firm line. No, not yet.

That brief illusion of a happy, carefree afternoon together... it had been too delicate to hold, after all.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th April 2018, 8:45 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 NYaMa4Q Naru Osaka

Naru stood at the edge of the group as the convivial scene unfolded around her. She felt a little out of place in the midst of all the hellos and hugs. After all, she barely knew most of Usagi's friends - they just hadn't run into one another much except for a few different occasions at school. She was most surprised by the sophisticated girl with the teal hair. Naru didn't think she'd ever met her before, and she was just so... different from Usagi. So cool and collected, and so mature! She'd brought wine and champagne.

Naru felt a slight chill run down her back as a cool wind shot a shiver down her spine. It helped her to compose herself. Right. Time ta stop bein' so chicken!

She sidled up to the teal haired girl. "I'll have some a that champagne if you're pourin it," she twinkled in her most cheerful voice. She'd never had champagne before, and felt a bit grown up requesting it.
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime9th April 2018, 11:25 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294

Minako and Usagi put out all the cakes, puddings, and other sweets under their plastic covers in the very center of the blanket, arranging them just so and babbling back and forth about which looked better beside which. The sandwiches, rice balls, temari sushi, and other savory dishes were then emptied quickly from their baskets and put around the desserts. It looked like a proper gathering now!

Just then Usagi looked up and noticed Naru smiling up at their older friend. That's right! she thought. Things had been busy in the last few months for the famed violinist and even Usagi had only seen her once in passing in the shopping district. Dusting off her hands a bit, she walked over to the two girls.

"Oh! Naru! This is Kaiou Michiru. We met while there was some trouble at Infinity Academy back then..." she trailed off. She hoped Naru would forgive her for being vague. There were still some things that were difficult to discuss - especially in a public place. She finally turned to the taller girl with a big smile. "Michiru, this is Naru: my best friend since grade school!" she ended with a chirrup. Having already heard Mamoru's invitation to the quiet woman before her, she reached out both hands to the two of them. "Come sit beside us! I feel like there's a lot you might have in common," she winked. Leading them towards where Mamoru was sitting on the blanket, she added "I haven't had a chance to catch up with you these past months, Michi!"

Last edited by Diagnosed on 14th April 2018, 4:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Neptune
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th April 2018, 12:40 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2wGT506

As the wind shifted, the temperature dropping ever so slowly, Michiru stiffened, feeling that warning—that omen—that she hadn’t had the pleasure of feeling in a long time. She frowned, looking at the others to see if they’d noticed. First her gaze slid over to Minako, the leader who was always one step ahead of everyone, but she seemed distracted by the sweets for now. She supposed the blonde and the princess were so much alike at times, even their weaknesses.

Then she looked toward Rei, whom she expected to be the most sensitive to these things of all of them, and saw the familiar expression of unease, the firm line of her mouth that showed concern and worry. So Michiru wasn’t imagining things. She wished she could gaze into her Deep Aqua Mirror, but pulling it out now would just alert everyone that something was wrong.

Her gaze slid to Mamoru next, who seemed like he might have noticed, but she couldn’t be sure. In any case, he was waving her over, and she thought it impolite to refuse. “Of course I brought glasses,” she replied, and only those most adept at reading her subtle nuances (namely the other Outer Senshi members) would detect the chiding in her tone for insinuating otherwise.

“A toast sounds like an excellent idea,” she added, nodding in agreement.

Usagi’s friend unexpectedly spoke to her, requesting the champagne, and Usagi chimed in just time for the introductions. Trouble at the Infinity Academy. She wondered how much Naru knew about Usagi’s… extracurricular activities. Michiru had the feeling that the girl was sharper than her innocent and ordinary appearance suggested, but she chose to trust her princess’ judgment about bringing civilians into their world.

“It is very nice to meet you, Naru,” she nodded at the redhead. “Anyone who’s been with Usagi that long must be a precious friend indeed.”

She wasn’t sure what they could possibly have in common, but she followed Usagi regardless to sit beside Mamoru, on the spot where he’d indicated earlier. She pulled out elegant wine glasses with delicate stems, putting them on the picnic blanket along with the wine and champagne. There were more than enough glasses for everyone, as she had brought extra. She poured the champagne into one glass and offered it to Naru.

“Well, it seems today we will have a lot of time to catch up, Usagi,” she smiled at her princess. “I just wish Setsuna, Hotaru, and Haruka were here too. They’ve also missed you.”
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime10th April 2018, 9:52 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 3074743337 Minako Aino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 3074743337

Despite appearances, Minako wasn't quite as lost to sugary bliss as she lead on. Not enough that she wouldn't notice the subtle shifts in the people around her, anyway.

Minako didn't stop in helping Usagi spread out all of the foods in a nice, though messy, arrangement. But now that Usagi had turned her attention towards Naru and Michiru, Minako took the opportunity to side-eye Rei. She gauged the other's expression, the way her mouth was set in a hard line. There were other signs too, spreading like a disease around the picnic area.

Welp, so much for a care-free afternoon. At least it had been fun for the short amount of time it lasted.

The whole five minutes of it.

Minako got up and made her way back Rei's side, carefully surveying the area all while keeping a laid back expression on her face.

"Hey there, fireball," she greeted. "Nice day today, huh?"
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Professor Tomoe
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Professor Tomoe

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th April 2018, 8:18 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097

The raven-haired priestess raised an eyebrow ever-so-slightly. Obviously someone was enjoying themselves. The party had barely begun—at this rate, Minako was going to run out of nicknames. She paused. Actually, maybe it would be best to have the other young woman run out of nicknames sooner rather than later.

She didn't have to do too much guessing to figure out why the blonde had left Usagi's side; psychic abilities were not required for that kind of deduction. Rei tossed her head casually, sending the long hair flying, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. Her movements should have attracted no extra attention. When she looked away, up at the beautiful trees above them, and glanced back, she tried to wipe the final traces of tension from her expression, realizing that it had given her away. It wouldn't do to have someone like Usagi notice and ask questions. In a way, it was almost like receiving feedback from Venus, their leader, about her actions as Mars. Old habits died hard.

"Perfect for a picnic," she replied, feeling a few more petals drift down. She didn't need to fake a smile when she glanced over at Usagi and the others gathered around her, chipper conversation blending in with the chirping of spring birds. "As long as it doesn't rain."

She didn't want to directly address... anything that might be a cause for concern. But she wasn't really speaking in a strictly meteorological sense.
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime11th April 2018, 3:15 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 NYaMa4Q Naru Osaka

Naru blushed at the praise. Michiru... even ha name sounds fancy! Her glass filled, she took a sip of the bubbly beverage. It tickled her nose and she did her best to sit up straighter, trying to look mature and composed. She felt glad she had asked to borrow her some of her mama's nicer jewelry for the event.

"...Setsuna, Hotaru, Haruka..."

She didn't recognize these names either, but the champagne had made her feel brave. "Hey, maybe they could come ta the arcade with us sometime, Usagi. Whaddaya think?"
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th April 2018, 8:18 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294

"Well, it seems today we will have a lot of time to catch up, Usagi. I just wish Setsuna, Hotaru, and Haruka were here too. They’ve also missed you."

Usagi smiled a thanks to Michiru for the sentiment. But somehow her first statement sounded out of tune. Later, the planet's future Queen would remember the image of Minako and Rei standing shoulder to shoulder on the edge of the picnic blanket - caught in her peripheral vision for just an instant as she settled down on the other side of Mamoru. But in that moment, the premonition passed too quickly for her mind to latch onto it.

Once seated, Usagi turned her body slightly so that she could face Naru on the opposite end, who was sipping her champagne delicately. Like a magnet, one hand reached out to caress her fiance's back. Scooching a bit closer and tucking her legs to her other side, she leaned on his arm, revelling in the familiar feeling. She glanced up at him with a warm smile, only breaking their eye contact when Naru spoke:

"Hey, maybe they could come ta the arcade with us sometime, Usagi. Whaddaya think?"

"Yeah, let's all go sometime!" She agreed. "Maybe next week, even. It's been a while..." The twin-tailed girl tried to think back to the last time any of that foursome had been in the arcade at all. Aside from an afternoon Chibiusa and Hotaru shared before the latter's return to the future, the only time that came to mind was her introduction to the cool wind-swept blonde. "Just don't challenge Haruka to any of the racing games," she added with a laugh. "Oh! That gives me an idea!!" she sat up straight and clapped her hands together excitedly. "Mamo! Did you bring the planner?" she asked. "We should totally rent out the arcade and café for the dress rehearsal party!! How did we not think of this earlier?!" She was shaking his arm exuberantly now, making it a bit difficult for the poor guy to even pick up the notebook. "Naru! You're a genius!"

Just then, the happy-go-lucky Usagi noticed a certain other genius still standing nearby, smiling to herself. The demure girl had blossomed so beautifully since the two of them first met all those years ago. Usagi still couldn't help wanting to make sure her friend never felt alone. Releasing Mamoru's arm, Usagi caught Ami's gaze and gestured to her free side on the blanket, patting the spot encouragingly.
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th April 2018, 9:42 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496Mamoru Chiba[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496

Detfly picking up the crystal flute glass, Mamoru brought it to his lips as he gave the fizzing fluid contained within a brief sip. While he wasn't much of a drinker, he could certainly tell that whatever brand or vintage of champagne Michiru had brought with her, it was almost certainly exorbitantly expensive, and the rich, deep flavor reflected that. While it certainly wasn't a world he was brought up in, his connections with Edwards and his friends Ned and George had introduced him to higher class living, so it was certainly something he was familiar with - just not entirely comfortable with.

It was then that he felt the soft touch of a hand on his back, undoubtedly that of Usagi's, began to rub up an down almost absent-mindedly. Mamoru sometimes wondered if Usagi was even aware she was doing it on occasion, or if it was just muscle memory for her, but it didn't really matter. As she burrowed her head into his bicep, the euphoria caused an explosion of goosebumps on his arm, though that may have also been triggered by the potent beverage he had just consumed. Staring down at her so his blue eyes met hers, he could feel her beaming happiness, and wished it would never cease.

"Oh! That gives me an idea!! Mamo! Did you bring the planner? We should totally rent out the arcade and café for the dress rehearsal party!! How did we not think of this earlier?! Naru! You're a genius!"

Mamoru was, once again, snapped out of his stupor as Usagi began to vibrate his arm violently, to the point where it felt like it would be ripped from its socket before she eventually released it. While Usagi's family was likely planning a more formal function following the dress rehearsal, he saw no reason why a friendly get-together couldn't also be done. "Usako, that sounds like a great idea!" Picking up the notebook and a pen, he began to scribble down her plans - He would certainly have to get Motoki's approval, but he didn't see that being a major obstacle. Picking up a nearby egg salad sandwich and unwrapping it from its lacy enclosure, he began to abstractly munch away at it, thumbing through the notebook, coming across a suspiciously empty section entitled "Music".

"Oh that's right!" Mamoru turned towards Michiru, as she was continuing to hand out glasses of the bubbly liquid. "Michiru-san...if it wouldn't be too much trouble, Usagi and I were meaning to ask if you and Haruka wouldn't mind providing the music for our ceremony." He bowed his head lightly, almost in reverence of Michiru's vast orchestral skill. Haruka was a talented musician in her own right, accompanying Michiru's violin with her own delicate piano-playing - when her racing schedule allowed it, of course. Mamoru had even heard rumors that she had begun to dabble as a DJ at dance clubs - unconfirmed at those certainly weren't the circles he traveled, instead preferring to stay home and study or read when he wasn't working on a multitudinous amount of schoolwork. "It would be very special to have all of our friends involved in some capacity. Are you available on June 30th? We'll gladly pay whatever is necessary..."

Mamoru couldn't help but half-snicker as he verbalized the chosen date, now only a couple of months away. Only Usagi would get married on her own birthday... he thought to himself. However, the date just so happened to be ideal - it was right in the middle of summer just before the weather became excruciatingly warm, and it was on a weekend, making sure the maximum amount of people would be able to attend. Once again, fate had smiled upon her, and who was Mamoru to deny its serendipity?
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime12th April 2018, 10:42 am


Ami was looking at all the people who showed up...wait not she caught her princess's bubbly face staring her down and she was patting a spot on the carpet next to her. How was Ami not to resist..she smiled and happily almost ran over being careful of the fine glassware and bottle and sat down next to Usagi giving her friend a hug and smiling back to her.
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th April 2018, 12:16 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 960643999

The temperature is continuing to drop, so much now that it would take a special kind of obliviousness not to notice.

At the same time, grey clouds begin to cover the sky, blotting out the sun and casting shadows across the entire picnic area.
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Sailor Neptune
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Sailor Neptune

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th April 2018, 1:45 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2wGT506

The arcade… Michiru hadn’t been there in a while, and she was mildly confused when Usagi suggested to have the dress rehearsal for presumably the wedding there. Why there when there were so many nice venues out there? But then she realized that Usagi had chosen it for the sentimental value. After all, that was where the girls had spent most of their time.

She turned her attention to Mamoru as he spoke, and was surprised to hear his request. “Haruka and I…?” she asked, floored by the unexpectedness of it all. Despite everything that proved otherwise, she still felt like after all the awful things she and Haruka had had to do, the girls would never truly welcome them to be part of their inner circle. To be asked to do something as important as this… it touched her, and she felt warmth in her heart as she always did when her princess’ unconditional love touched her unworthiness. Ironically, Mamoru was looking at her the same way she was looking at them, with such admiration.

“We would be honored,” she said with a smile, masking the emotions filling her with the expertise of years of training. “June 30th? Of course… we will clear our schedule.” Even if she had a concert or even if Haruka had a competition, she was sure they’d both carve out that day in order to attend the wedding. There was no way anything else could be more important.

And then she laughed upon hearing his offer. “I’ll just pretend you never said that last thing,” she remarked coolly instead, bringing her own glass of wine to her lips. As if she or Haruka needed more money, least of all from their princess.

Summer meant rain in Japan, though, so she wondered if the couple planned to have their wedding outdoors or indoors. She hoped it was the former, and if it were the latter, she hoped the weather would be kind that day.

Speaking of rain… The temperature had dropped even further now, and she was beginning to feel a definite chill. The sky then darkened, making it impossible for anyone to not notice. She frowned and looked up at the clouds. There was no point in pretending everything was alright anymore.

“Trouble is coming…” she whispered, more to herself than to anyone else.
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th April 2018, 6:15 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496Mamoru Chiba [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496

Mamoru smiled, relieved upon Michiru's acceptance of their offer. Despite her often feeling that she and the other outer soldiers were not a part of the group, they truly were just as important as any other, and were just as much a part of the strange family cultivated by providence.

Flipping open the notebook, he smiled as he wrote their names into what was one of the few remaining blank sections of the notebook. Against all odds, the wedding was finally coming together. Makoto would be providing floral arrangements and assisting with catering - a titanic amount of labor, but she assured it could be done, and due to her excellence in both fields, Mamoru and Usagi had found it impossible to refuse. The wedding bands had already been ordered through Naru's mother, who had given them a good deal, presumably in thanks, or more likely pity, of the grand sum he had paid for the engagement ring. Usagi's younger brother Shingo would be the ringbearer - despite Usagi's urging that he play the role of flower girl, Mamoru had made an executive decision to strike down that option. Instead, the role of flower girl would be young Hotaru - the offer had been made to Chibi-Usa, but she felt it was best to not attend, undoubtedly as being present at the wedding of her own parents certainly would be too awkward. Usagi was coy about the status of her wedding dress, and with good reason as it was really none of Mamoru's business. Usagi has also been planning to ask Naru to be maid of honor, while the other five girls would be Usagi's bridesmaids.

...It was just then that Mamoru froze as a harsh chill came over him.


He couldn't believe that he had forgotten, though admittedly, part of it was due to not ever really crafting his own personal relationships. Thinking through his mental rolodex, he knew Motoki would graciously be the best man. That's one... he thought. Ned and George were busy in America and regretted they would be unable to attend. He looked around the picnic at the other girls. While Naru's boyfriend Gurio Umino wasn't exactly a close friend, they knew of each other, and Naru would likely approve of him being part. Glancing over at Ami, he wondered if she still kept in touch with Ryo Urawa, the clairvoyant boy who had been a carrier of one of the seven rainbow crystals. While their last meeting hadn't exactly been on the best of terms - he had been under Queen Beryl's control at the time - he hoped that would be water under the bridge at this point. There was also Yuuichirou Kumada, the young vagabond who lived and worked at Rei's grandfather's temple. While his relationship with the fiery lass was often-antagonistic, it was obvious he harbored strong feelings for her, and it was just a matter of time before they were requited. Minako and Makoto were, as far as he knew, without significant others at the moment, though that could certainly change at any moment given the boy crazy nature of the two. He felt it rude to interrupt the proceedings with the crisis, but as Minako would say, any court in the dorm...

It was just then that second chill fell over him - this one far more sinister. The feeling he had earlier that danger was incoming had returned - far more intense than before. Looking up, he noticed dark clouds beginning to blot the sky. In his experience, this was the harbinger for only one thing...

"Ami..." he turned his head to Usagi's friend, hating to break up the festivities, but there was nothing that could stop that now. "Could you please use your computer to analyze this storm? I have a bad feeling about this...". He spoke slowly to contain his worry over the situation so as not to frighten Usagi in case it turned out to be nothing - which was quickly turning into an impossibility.

Last edited by Solar Knight on 14th April 2018, 2:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Sailor Jupiter
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Sailor Jupiter

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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime13th April 2018, 9:38 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 NYaMa4Q Naru Osaka

"Is... is somethin' happenin?" Naru ventured, a shiver in her voice. It was getting colder by the second, and she wrapped her arms into herself, pumping her hands up and down her upper arms for warmth.

She look over to Usagi. The girl could really be a grade A slacker when she wanted to, but Naru also knew her exuberant friend had "duties" as she has called them, things the two of them couldn't always discuss. Now, she felt she was about to get swept up in the middle of one of those obligations. A pang of worry swelled in her chest. Usagi was just so happy about the arcade, 'n now this?
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Lotus Crystal


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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime14th April 2018, 5:56 am


As Ami was hugging Usagi the wind picked up considerably and clouds came over the area causing her to hug Usagi tighter for warmth but she somehow didn't know she was hugging tighter. "What is going on? I dont remember this being in the forecast this morning or today even. This is not a good thing..I think we should pack up you guys..go inside for now at least..." Ami said aloud looking to the others to see what they said. Then Ami heard Mamoru asking her to use her computer to analyze the storm.."Um..Sure I can do that..hold on..." She pulled it out of her side pocket due to always even in peace carrying it with her and she started to take a look at things.

Last edited by Sportsnutd on 14th April 2018, 2:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I forgot Mamoru Asked Ami something)
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Sailor Saturn
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime14th April 2018, 7:26 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 3074743337 Minako Aino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 3074743337

Minako watched as the light caught in Rei's dark hair, a small private smile gracing her lips before she let it slip away.

"Rain, huh?" she repeated as she looked towards the rest of the group. "It wouldn't dare."

Minako was content to simply watch for a while after that. She wanted to soak in the calm for just a moment longer. However long they had left.

The shiver caught her before she realized the significance of it. With the darkening of the light, Minako let out a small resigned sigh. "I guess it's rain after all," she said to Rei.

Mamoru was the first to go into hero mode and Minako allowed herself an indulgent frown. She was slacking now, to be bested by Mamoru of all people!

But his logic was sound, and Ami was already working on the task at hand. Minako rolled her eyes at his good thinking and then brushed it aside. She took a step forward to get closer to the rest of the gathered group.

She didn't exactly know what to say to Naru's question. She simply shrugged in response before adding, "We'll know soon enough." She paused. "Don't worry. Even if wurst comes to wurst, we'll figure it out."
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime14th April 2018, 7:33 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 960643999

Ami's computer tells her of a wavering energy form around the area. It's flickering in and out, appearing in different places at once and then none at all. This is making it difficult to pinpoint and analyze.

From the limited information she can gather, it doesn't seem to be any energy signature that the computer can recognize.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th April 2018, 12:03 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294

The bubbly bun-head was just about to thank the violinist profusely for her acceptance when the sky suddenly darkened. Her feelings of happiness disappeared with the accompanying drop in temperature. Even the warmth from Ami’s hug just moments earlier had totally dissipated, leaving her cold. Only barely hearing the words said around her, Usagi looked up at Minako’s face, seeing but not wanting to see the familiar intensity in her blue eyes as she stepped forward.

Makoto and the others should be here, Usagi thought reflexively.

She swallowed hard and slowly turned her eyes to Ami, who was looking with great concern at her mini-computer’s display. Usagi felt sick. If past events were any indication, new threats were always harder than the last.

She finally turned to look back to Mamoru. She needed his strength. Already, tears were welling up in her eyes. It didn’t seem to matter how many battles she had fought or would fight. The tears always came in these moments. She lowered her gaze in an attempt to try to hide them. But seeing his now forgotten glass of champagne bubbling innocently next to them just made it worse.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th April 2018, 12:18 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 1666276025 Ami-chan [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 1666276025

Ami was shocked to see what she did on her seemed like the energy was erratic meaning it would move and move and be in one spot at one moment and another the next and then sometimes it was even non-existent...Even her computer was having trouble recognizing it and she was trying to figure out some form of reason to tell everyone knowing that they would ask with Ami being the smartest among them but she was nervous that she wouldn't know what to do..." having trouble following any not sure what it is or what to do.."
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime15th April 2018, 3:33 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496 Mamoru Chiba[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496

Mamoru looked towards Ami as she gave her analysis and gave a slight nod. "That's alright, Ami. You're a huge help. Just try to track it as best as you can."

He then quickly turned his gaze towards Usagi. He knew she was trying her best to hide her fear, but the telltale glisten of tears in her eyes was hard to hide. "Usako..." He reached over and deftly put a hand on her shoulder to try and comfort her as best as he could. He never felt he was any good at it - on the contrary, Usagi would truly never know how much her support had helped him over the years - but considering she was literally the most important person on the planet (both figuratively and literally), her reassurance was paramount.

"...Whatever this is, we'll face it as a team." he gave a bright, calming smile, one he often used on Usagi in her many moments of crisis. "How many times have we stood against challenges and won? How many villains have ever defeated us?" He gave a slight wink. "I'd say we have a pretty good chance." And with that, he leaned in to deliver a swift kiss to her lips, hoping that he could provide just a small amount of vivacity to restore her spirit, closing his eyes briefly before pulling away softly.

"Your friends are here, Usagi. I'm here. And we're not going to lose. Not today. Not ever."

Mamoru then stood up off of the blanket. He typically preferred to make a sudden entrance when the girls were faced with the forces of evil, but that wasn't going to be the case today, which was fine by him. He had been on the sidelines for what felt like an eternity, no point to keep the usual roles.. As the future king of the planet, he knew he was going to have to take point in these situations.

Time to get started.

"Minako!" he shouted to ensure everyone could hear him as the wind began to pick up. "See if you can contact Makoto. Tell her to get here ASAP. Nap time is over."

"Michiru!" he then turned to the elegant girl sitting with a glass of wine in her hand. "See if you can contact Haruka and the others. Check your mirror as well to see if we can get a bead on this thing!"

"Rei!" He then turned his attention to the raven-haired girl standing further away. "Are you sensing anything? Whatever this is, I get the feeling it isn't friendly!"

He turned briefly to Naru as well. She was likely scared out of her mind and the moment, but admittedly this was a usual case for her. " may want to run..."

Last edited by Solar Knight on 16th April 2018, 7:22 am; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime16th April 2018, 2:35 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2wGT506

Michiru didn’t like the fact that they had a civilian in the midst of whatever was happening right now, but she had that feeling that this was a girl who frequently found herself in these kinds of situations. She wasn’t the best at comforting people, let alone strangers, however, so she left it to Usagi and the people who knew her better to deal with that part.

Ami was doing her analyzing with her computer, and Michiru waited to see if it yielded anything. The computer tended to be more accurate than the vague impressions from her mirror, so she was hoping to hear the results first. However, it seemed as if it wasn’t helping them much at the moment.

She was already pulling her communicator out to notify Haruka about a possible threat, though it seemed the blonde was still held up at the moment. She glanced at Minako when Mamoru began giving orders, however, and a smile twitched on her lips. The actual leader of the senshi probably wouldn’t appreciate that, since usually it was her job to do that.

And Michiru didn’t know if just telling Naru to run was a good idea, either. For starters, run where? And would the girl just be willing to abandon Usagi and the others like that? Perhaps here was the safest place for her, surrounded by numerous senshi who could protect her from whatever was coming.

“Haruka’s held up,” she said coolly to the group. “She’s going to try to come, but doesn’t know if she’ll make it in time.” Despite her calm demeanor, deep down she longed for her partner, not liking the possibility of having to fight alone.

The Deep Aqua Mirror came out next, and she gazed into it, not expecting to see much if even the computer couldn’t figure out what it was.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime16th April 2018, 8:09 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 NYaMa4QNaru Osaka

"R-run? Ta.. ta where? Where should I go?" She whipped her head this way and that, orange waves bouncing with each movement, "Ya don't know where it's coming from right?"

The last thing she wanted to be was a nuisance... but the very last thing she wanted to be was useless. She clenched her fists. How many times had she been forced to stand by as the people she loved were either hurt or taken from her? Mama, Rui, Nephrite... and each time she had felt helpless and afraid. Her knees trembled, but she stood her ground.

"No. No, I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm not very strong... I know I can't fight, but I want ta help!"
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th April 2018, 8:37 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097

The priestess sighed. Of course it had been too much to ask to have a nice, calm picnic with her friends. The chill could no longer be denied, and Mamoru seemed to have slid into... some kind of take-charge attitude. She felt vaguely reminded of their time in the future, with King Endymion, but her violet eyes peered over to watch Minako instead, wondering how the blonde would react to being on the receiving end of orders.

When Naru made her statement, Rei stepped forward. She felt the twinge of a headache pinching at her temple, but tried to ignore it.

"I understand. Please, stay close to us."

She turned then towards Mamoru, although her attention held more on the darkening sky.

"Nothing specific. Although, I'm sure we won't be kept in the dark for long..."
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime17th April 2018, 1:46 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294 Tsukino Usagi [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 4011577294


She felt the warm hand on her shoulder and lifted her gaze shyly to look into his deep blue eyes. His words were sure and comforting as always, and left her feeling more composed. Her eyelids fluttered closed as he lowered his lips to hers, and she felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she remembered the others around them. Maybe it was the champagne making him feel so bold. It was a brief contact though, and she knew its purpose. So, she was grateful.

As Mamoru stood and began the attempt to manage the situation, she looked over to Naru who was now standing as well. She seemed so out of place suddenly and it gave Usagi a feeling of frustration. It wasn't supposed to be this way again. Ever.

"R-run? Ta.. ta where? Where should I go?" She whipped her head this way and that, orange waves bouncing with each movement...

Usagi couldn't help but think back to their flower viewing party four years ago and how it had turned into yet another trauma for her dear friend. The image of her gaunt face as she sat propped up on the couch next to Umino in the park's infirmary made Usagi's jaw clench with anxiety.

At that time, the threat was targeted: snatching people's energy a few at a time. It didn't seem like Naru would find much safety in the infirmary this afternoon.

"No. No, I'm not goin' anywhere. I'm not very strong... I know I can't fight, but I want ta help!"

"I understand. Please, stay close to us." Rei summed up her thoughts aptly, relieving Usagi's worries somewhat that their minds were in sync.

Nonetheless, it looked like some of the other park visitors were heading in that direction. Others were furiously packing up what they had brought, stumbling to get their shoes and jackets on. A few stood gawking up at the sky, taking a few slow steps backward. Soon they'd be running. All of these people suddenly found themselves in danger on what was supposed to be a beautiful day of celebration. It was unforgivable.

Usagi clenched her fists and stood up. She stepped over the short distance to Naru and reached out to take her hands in hers, looking resolutely into her innocent friend's face. "It won't be like last time," she said in a low voice. The shadows in the atmosphere suddenly made the park feel very small, but Usagi was determined now. "We'll give each other strength. You won't be made a victim anymore."

Inwardly, her heart sank a bit when she heard Michiru's news of Haruka. She held Naru's gaze all the same.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th April 2018, 5:17 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 3074743337 Minako Aino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 3074743337

Minako waited for Ami to tell them about the readouts on her computer. Unfortunately, the information the computer gave proved to be less than helpful.

It did prove that there was something around, at least.

Minako squared her shoulders, straightened her stance, opened her mouth and --

Mamoru shouted her name, his voice loud and reaching and excessive. She froze in her movements for a moment, uncertain if she'd heard correctly.

Was Mamoru shouting orders? At Minako Aino?

And he didn't stop just there. He continued to bark orders to most every one of the senshi and Minako could feel her eye twitching in annoyance. What did he think he was playing at? This was her territory. He was just some glorified lap dog, what right did he have to bark orders at any of the senshi? Let alone the beautiful and certainly more-than-capable leader?

Despite the fuming anger rising in her chest, she kept close tabs on what everyone was doing. She agreed with Naru's decision to stay put. If there was danger around, Naru should stay with the senshi who would be able to protect her.

The senshi.

With a toss of her head, golden hair flew like a battle cloak behind her, and Minako took a step forward. It was Rei's voice that helped her find some sort of composure, but searing indignation still boiled inside. She glanced at Mamoru, slow and calculated, a glint of steel in her sky blue eyes.

"Thank you," she said, each syllable crisp and tight. "Let's all remain calm, shall we?" There had been no real gratitude in her tone, and she turned away from him a moment after. She shook her head then, shedding the built up emotions with the movement. She'd allowed herself that indulgence, but there would be time later for proper revenge.

Oh yes. She'd certainly look forward to that.

"We have to assume that that we've only got ourselves to deal with whatever this new threat is. The likelihood of anyone else showing up in time is pretty slim." She paused, running through scenarios in her head. "Ami, you keep that crazy computer of yours working. If a fight does occur, you and Usagi stay towards the back with Naru and keep her safe. Michiru, Rei, and I will take the frontline."

It looked like a lot of the other picnic-goers had taken the change of weather as a sign of rain and were vacating the premises. That would make it easier to keep any civilians from getting harmed, but she made a note to remember which ones were still staying around.

She glanced at Naru then. She didn't know how much Usagi had ever told her childhood friend about their lives as senshi. She was fairly certain Naru knew very little, but she had never really thought to ask. Well, it seemed the girl would soon learn a whole lot more than she'd bargained for this afternoon.

Personally, Minako was hoping that this would all blow over with a rush of warm wind and they could go back to enjoying their little picnic.

But when had evil forces ever been so considerate?
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th April 2018, 5:26 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 960643999 Host [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 960643999

Michiru's mirror can't seem to pinpoint any direct information about the wavering energy, though for a fleeting moment, she almost can make out the edges of a female face, before it dissipates once more.

Rei can sense something now, a hint of aching sadness falling over the area like a drenching rain.

The cold surrounding the group is getting even more intense.

Last edited by Sailor Saturn on 18th April 2018, 7:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th April 2018, 6:17 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 1666276025 Ami-Chan [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 1666276025

 "Ami, you keep that crazy computer of yours working. If a fight does occur, you and Usagi stay towards the back with Naru and keep her safe. Michiru, Rei, and I will take the frontline." 

Ami who had been looking at her computer now for a while looked up to hear Minako asking her to keep trying and protect Naru. "You got it Minako!" She spoke loudly for her friend to the same time it felt like it was getting even colder then before and Ami could see her breath and everyone else's as well. "Come on computer..please give me something to work with..anything..anything at all...please..." She looked at Naru and then to Usagi...and back to her computer.
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Solar Knight
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime18th April 2018, 7:29 pm

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496Mamoru Chiba[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2570116496

Mamoru was taken aback with the brevity of Minako's reply. That said, she was 100% right, in the end. She was leader of the senshi, and perhaps he was overstepping his bounds. Then again, this was a circumstance of life or death. Good vs. evil. Why should it matter who gives the orders? he thought to himself. Would it be better for everyone if I jumped into the sakura tree and hid until everyone was in trouble, then throw a red rose at the monster and politely admonish them?

Minako's plan was sound. There was no guarantee Mako would get here in time, so it was best to assume those assembled were all that would greet this new arrival. Mamoru had notably been left out of Minako's battle tactics, again, since usually he wasn't around to give orders to - and also likely because he could tell he didn't exactly endear himself to her by taking charge. He headed back over to Usagi and Naru, having heard Naru's declaration of standing her ground, and took his position just behind his fiancee. He wasn't exactly comfortable with Naru staying around due to her lack of abilities, but she had dealt with the forces of darkness enough, so maybe she would surprise everyone. At the very least, if something nasty was inbound, she was going to get the shock of a lifetime about her best friend's extracurricular activities...

"Naru, you stay with us, alright? I promise nothing will happen. No way you're going to miss our special day!" he gave a brief grin. Again, he was probably misguided in his attempts to cheer everyone up, but that was all that could be done under the circumstances. But with darkness surrounding them, maybe a dash of pleasant dreams and warm thoughts would shine a small light.

Last edited by Solar Knight on 19th April 2018, 9:16 am; edited 2 times in total
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th April 2018, 1:48 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2wGT506

Despite her appearances and the obvious fear Naru was feeling, Michiru had to admire her for standing her ground even in the face of something completely unknown and unfamiliar. She was determined and brave, and Michiru could see the qualities that had endeared her to their princess.

As she had predicted, Minako wasn’t happy with the way things had unfolded, and Michiru looked at the blonde in amusement. Now she understood why Haruka was so fond of her despite her dramatic tendencies. Or maybe because of that.

She squared her shoulders upon hearing the order directed to her, now snapping to attention for her general. “Understood,” she replied crisply to Minako.

She loved being on the frontlines, so she looked forward to this, though, again, functioning without Haruka would certainly feel as if she had lost her right hand. But she had fought without Haruka before. She wasn’t supposed to be her crutch. Michiru had to be able to protect the princess alone—or rather, with the other senshi. She’d try her best to work with them even if she’d probably be a little less in sync.

“I can’t find anything but a fleeting unknown female face in the mirror,” she reported to Minako. “Or if it were familiar, it’s gone too soon for me to catch.” She wondered if they were going to transform in front of Naru, and if Usagi would be okay with that.
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[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring   [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 I_icon_minitime19th April 2018, 5:33 am

[Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097 Rei Hino [Casual Event] The Sorrow of Spring - Page 2 2045764097

The wave of melancholy washed over her, like the spray of a crisp wave crashing on a sandy beach. It hit Rei harder than the continued drop in temperature. The chill on her skin almost numbed her, but not emotionally, and it particularly seemed to have no impact on her psychic abilities. The intensity of that unseen sadness swept through her, almost bringing tears to the usually-stoic woman's eyes, and she couldn't remember the last time she had felt something like this. Although she used her skills at the temple, her duties as a priestess were so different from this. She thought instead of the time when they had fought against Pharaoh 90, and all the horrible visions of destruction that occupied her slumber and waking hours.

Having Minako standing nearby, at the ready, the switch flipped between "carefree young woman" to "leader of the sailor soldiers" provided a focal point for the dark-haired clairvoyant.

"I feel something else," she stated calmly, intended only for Minako and Michiru, hoping to avoid scaring poor Naru any further. "A somber, arching feeling. Not hostile, so far."
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