For the POKE Club's anniversary event Cosmos-Hime and I have decided to have:
A SHINY SHOW!! (Add fanfare/Banner here)
What this entails to is for our Club members to show off via screenshot or an image of their Shiny Pokemon that they have caught over the years. Whether it's a Gen 1 or a Gen 7 it's all shines all the time!
Also we will be having a discussion about what Shines people love and/or hate/don't like the most but this is also for those Poke Players who might not go after Shines but still have their own opinions about them.
Cosmos-Hime, My awesome Co-Pokemon Master will have some topics as well for us to discuss regarding those wonderful shiny moments.. Also..her and I will post a few of our faves as well and we can have maybe a bracket poll for this and it would continue after the Anniversary as well.