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 [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet

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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime21st January 2017, 6:14 pm

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet GXJzNWQNOTE: This profile contains spoilers about the Seven Heroes from Romancing SaGa 2.[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet GXJzNWQ

Name: Rocbouquet

Name Origin: Rokkubūke (ロックブーケ) was inspired by taking Ikebukuro (池袋 (イケブクロ)), the name of one of the seven major stops along the Tokyo Yamanote Line, and writing it backwards in katakana. It is likely the name was chosen for its combination of Roc (the mythical bird of prey) and bouquet (bunch of flowers), as it complements her awakened form's eagle-like wings and all of the floral embellishments on her outfits.  

Race: Demonized Ancient Human; Demigod ("Slain" Hero)

Gender: Female

Height: 1.79 m (~5'9”)

Age: Rocbouquet is an adult woman cursed with the eternal physical appearance of a 17-year-old girl. Her true age is unknown.

Affiliation: The Seven Heroes

Used Canons: Primarily Romancing SaGa 2 and SaGa THE STAGE, followed by Imperial SaGa, Emperors SaGa, and Romancing SaGa Re;univerSe, with a hint of information from her cameos in other Square Enix games such as Lord of Vermilion, Heaven Strike Rivals, Final Fantasy Tactics S, and Final Fantasy Legends II; RS2 leaves out a lot of information explaining Rocbouquet's motives, so there are parts of this profile where I had to use my best judgment (plus a few fan theories) to expand upon the bits and pieces of information available to me across all of the games.

Rocbouquet loves attracting attention by showing off her figure in unique and brightly-colored, flirty outfits. Her trademark is the fascinator on the right side of her head, which is usually depicted as a salmon-colored lily or a red bow. Although the level of intricacy in her design varies from game to game, she is consistently portrayed as a young woman with long flowing sky-blue hair who wears a strapless maxi dress typically with shorts and/or a matching wrap skirt, which is tied around her waist with a sash. Rocbouquet maintains a human appearance in her demon form because of her preference for human souls. Beautiful women are her primary subject of absorption.

Human (Hero Form):
Demon (Avatar Form):
[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Cfa141d7bcffc54b4e317f181d0bdb55
Demon (Awakened Form):

Negative Traits: Dominant, Manipulative, Arrogant, Selfish, Stubborn, Fussy, Duplicitous, Insidious
Positive Traits: Adventurous, Clever, Self-driven, Bold, Resourceful, Sociable
Primary Interests: Attention, Ruins & Relics, Magic, Exploring, Plants, Men, Beautiful Women, Self-Improvement, Wagnas
Dislikes: Kzinssie, Women, Nosy People, Personal Questions, Being Ignored or Forgotten, Being Told What to Do, Being Treated Like a Child

Rocbouquet is a beautiful young woman with an ugly personality. It may not seem so at first, as she often tries to hide her wickedness behind her soft voice and her shy act, but her enemies—the women of Salamat—are very much aware of her sadistic and selfish nature. After all, she invaded their territory, enslaved their men, displaced their queen, and waged war upon them when they refused to let her investigate the ruins of a sacred temple. Such drastic measures are not uncommon for Rocbouquet, as she would do almost anything to get her way. Her way is usually achieved unfairly by seducing men to do various favors for her, such as fighting off larger monsters that would otherwise put her life in danger. She does not care what happens to these men as long as they adore her and bring her closer to her goals. If they die, she simply absorbs their souls and moves onto playing the next group willing to do her bidding.

As a temptress, Rocbouquet is a bit over-confident around the opposite gender. She will approach unfamiliar men quite readily under the assumption that they will instantly fall for her and do as she commands. She is, however, more cautious in situations where women are present. Rocbouquet has a nasty attitude toward other women—especially beautiful women—whom she views as an active threat to her perceived self-worth. She is jealous of the relationships they are able to have with men, as hers tend to be superficial due to her enchantment magic. Consequently, she strives be the center of every man's attention, and even goes as far as absorbing the souls of beautiful women to improve her own physical appearance in hope of achieving this goal.

At times, Rocbouquet can be quite stubborn. She does not like being told what to do and is not afraid to fight back or put up a huge fuss whenever people disagree with her or flat out refuse her ideas, methods, or requests. Any form of defiance is seen by her as a threat to her self-proclaimed title “Queen of the Jungle” and her control over Salamat. Rocbouquet also dislikes being asked about her weight, being treated like a child, or being called anything other than her given name. In fact, she strongly prefers that her subordinates address her as "Mistress" or "Queen" even though she is not affiliated with royalty. She possesses a great interest in archeology and treasure-hunting, and is often out exploring the middle of the jungle in search of ruins and relics to help Wagnas and Noel better understand the ancient magic that was used to seal her and the rest of the Seven Heroes away.

Somewhere hidden among the darkness in her heart, there exists an essence of her former self that begs for her to reemerge as a heroine. This part of her acknowledges that darkness tainted her heart, that she became corrupt from absorbing too many souls. However, her mixed feelings are easily subdued by her huge crush on her brother's acquaintance Wagnas—who strongly wishes for the Seven Heroes to exact their revenge on humanity. Rocbouquet will blindly go along with anything Wagnas requests, clinging to the hope that her loyalty will someday convince him to take her as his bride.

Noteworthy Habits:
+As long as she has her way, she is usually in a good mood.
+She tends to overdo her mascara in an attempt to emphasize her beauty, and that she is, in fact, a full-grown adult woman.
+She speaks politely to those under her control and to those willing to help her, even thanking them for their trouble.
+She is generally more pleasant with men than women, and would not normally start yelling at one unless she believes he is lying to her, or he begins to show signs of aggression or doubt toward her.
+One of Rocbouquet's favorite ways to attract a man's curiosity is by acting as a damsel in distress. If that does not work, she likes using her magic to force his attention upon her.
+Rocbouquet enjoys manipulating others with false tears and emotions. Her overly-dramatic crying tactics were, in fact, what convinced her brother to let her join the group that later became known as the Seven Heroes.
+Her insults are usually themed around insects, especially when she speaks lowly of emperors.
+Rocbouquet absorbs the souls of women, hoping to acquire a type of beauty that interests Wagnas.

Physical Strength (15), Dexterity (19), Magical Strength (19), Intelligence (14), Speed (20), Stamina (17)

Pressure, Poison, Sleep, Instant Death, Mind, Blind, Paralysis

Elemental Weakness:

Slash Attacks 20/128
Blunt Attacks 12/128
Thrust Attacks 10/128
Shooting Attacks 10/128
Heat 10/128
Cold 10/128
Lightning 10/128
Status Changes 64/128 **This means that a status-inflicting ability with 100% accuracy would only affect her 50% of the time.

(Explanation: Nullify at 128; the closer the resistance value in a category is to zero, the more  effective an enemy's attack will be. A value of zero indicates no resistance.)

Weapons: None. Rocbouquet prefers using magic infused with the souls of the men who died protecting her. In her human form however, she fought primarily with a sword and an axe.
Armor: None. This leaves her particularly vulnerable to weapon-based attacks. However, Rocbouquet is completely confident that her alluring appearance and her spirits will protect her from the majority of physical attacks. She also expects men to sacrifice themselves for her protection.
Treasures in her possession: Red Quartz Rod, Spirit Ring, Cat's Eye

Assimilation/Absorption Magic: Assimilation is an arcane technique that allows an individual to (1) gain a new body by attaching his or her soul onto a new vessel, (2) become the vessel that inherits or "absorbs" another soul, or (3) transplant a soul from one body to another. It was discovered by Wagnas and Rocbouquet’s brother, Noel; and was originally intended for use by the Ancients to extend their lives and rejuvenate the strength of those whose bodies were weakening from age or illness. The magic later became taboo when Dantarg decided to test it out for Noel and Wagnas by merging with a very large monster. As a result, the Seven Heroes were eventually banished to another dimension by the kingdom's council out of fear and for "misuse" of the ability, even though they had used it to save the world.

-Properties of Assimilation-
1) A vessel is influenced both mentally and physically by what he or she absorbs. The receiving vessel will often exhibit physical characteristics and mannerisms similar to those of the absorbed soul(s). Consequently, absorbing too many souls with malicious tendencies will lead to the corruption of the individual. This is what happened to the Seven Heroes.
2) Assimilation passes on all of an individual’s powers and memories.
3) Assimilation magic is typically activated by its caster upon their own death or the death of an ally, though it can also be used to transplant a healthy soul into a previously deceased body.
4) Unlike most magic, assimilation has no limit, enabling the Seven Heroes to live forever, endlessly amalgamating power and merging with whatever they please. It is rumored that the only way to stop their endless regeneration is to locate and destroy their real bodies. In Romancing SaGa 2, people involved with the anti-imperialist movement chose to follow the Seven Heroes because they were promised "a new body each time their current one faltered."

Rocbouquet’s primary subject of absorption is beautiful women, but she is also known to infuse her magic with the souls of men as indicated at one point in Imperial SaGa.

Main Spells:

Additional Wind, Dark, and Water Spells:

Other Spells:

Skills Requiring Weapons:

Melee Skills:

Passive Skills:
Eternal Youth: Rocbouquet does not age with time because of her chosen subject of absorption: beautiful young women.

Speed Demon: Rocbouquet is capable of achieving a maximum speed of 40 km/h (24mph) in stilettos.

Natural Charm: A demonic young woman characterized by an air of beauty and mystery, Rocbouquet is skilled at presenting herself in an appealing manner to both men and monsters. Her natural charm allows her to easily tame and cooperate with lesser monsters. It might also cause some men to feel more inclined to help her out—or at least more likely to acknowledge her presence.

Levitation/Flight: With the help of her spirits, Rocbouquet can levitate if she so desires. In her Awakened Form, she sprouts a pair of large black wings and is capable of flying on her own.

Magnificent Morale Booster: Rocbouquet's presence on the battlefield boosts the morale of her male allies.

Spirit Assimilation: Highly sensitive beings may notice an unusually eerie presence looming over Rocbouquet, as countless souls are constantly gathered in and around her. Each time a man or monster dies protecting her while under the influence of her charm, they are bound to her for eternity if she chooses to absorb their souls. Even after death, these poor beings feel obliged to serve Rocbouquet in battle and will oftentimes reveal themselves to the living as glowing skulls whenever she appears to be in distress. Note: Wagnas and Noel taught Rocbouquet how to assimilate souls while she was still human, around the time they discovered Assimilation Magic and shared its secrets with the rest of the kingdom.

Rocbouquet Awakened: After uncovering the secrets of Salamat's Sunken Tower, Rocbouquet is able to channel her energy to unleash her fully-awakened power, which allows her to summon massive thunderstorms. Whenever she shifts to her awakened form, large black wings sprout from her back, the skirt-end of her dress becomes feather-like, and her hair whitens and stands upright.

The Legend of the Seven Heroes:
Centuries ago, a race of demons resembling termites managed to escape from the furthest reaches of Hell. They ravaged everything they came into contact with, threatening to engulf the world in complete darkness. In the midst of the chaos, seven brave individuals—Kzinssie, Dantarg, Wagnas, Bokhohn, Subier, Noel, and Rocbouquet—set out to vanquish the evil beings, and succeeded. But they mysteriously vanished before their valorous deeds could be celebrated. People were grateful of their sacrifice and told legends of them to children for ages to come, clinging to the hope that they would reappear to bring peace and prosperity to the land. Peace eventually returned to the land without the influence of the Seven Heroes, and with time their legends were forgotten by all but a few individuals. As nations rose and fell throughout history, the world found itself in yet another period of chaos at the start of the Varennes Empire. Not long after Emperor Leon set off to restore peace to Avalon with his son Gerard, an Ancient seer by the name of Orieve requested to meet with him. During their private exchange, she warned him of the Seven Heroes’ return. Days later, her prophecy came true…

The Truth:
Centuries ago, the lord ruling over the ancient kingdom had instructed his mages to conduct a series of thaumaturgical experiments. Their tampering with inter-dimensional magic opened up a portal that allowed demons to invade the land. When the Seven Heroes found out about these experiments, they tried to stop the lord and mages from conducting any further tests, but were lured through the Gates to Hell shortly after their epic battle with the demons, where they were quickly sealed away before word of the kingdom's experiments could reach the villagers. With no way to escape from Hell, the Seven Heroes were corrupted further by the surrounding darkness until they transformed into demons. They eventually managed to reopen the portal that had sealed them away and were able to escape to the present-day Varennesian capital of Avalon as demonic avatars. Feeling betrayed that nobody remembered them or their great sacrifice, the Seven Heroes set out to punish humanity and exact their revenge on those who betrayed them, with Wagnas taking lead of the group.
***(Disclaimer: This section was written prior to the release of SaGa the Stage: Return of the Seven Heroes, which details what really happened to the heroes from their perspectives. At the moment, the current text is heavily based on older fan theories, as information on this topic was very limited in the source game. Eventually, I would like to rework this part to include SaGa the Stage’s canon.)

Enter Rocbouquet:
Rocbouquet returned to the world as an eerily beautiful demon with an interest in finding and retrieving magical artifacts to impress her beloved Wagnas and help out her brother Noel, both of whom wished to understand the inter-dimensional magic used in the towers by those who had sealed them away. In her quest to learn more about these mysterious towers, Rocbouquet found herself confronted by the people of the jungle region, Salamat, who neither recognized her as a legendary hero nor would allow her to examine the ruins in their territory. In response, Rocbouquet unleashed legions of monsters upon their land and invaded the village of Eirunep, using her demonic charm to enslave all of the men and exacerbate relationships between neighboring territories. The women of Eirunep, unaffected by the seductress' magic, quickly realized what was happening and fled the village to form a resistance group known as the Amazons. War soon broke out between the Amazons and Rocbouquet as they attempted to reclaim their land and restore the peace among their people. The temptress however, did not appear too threatened by their presence. She took residence in an abandoned tower overlooking the village, focusing more on studying the ancient scriptures and relics concealed within than fighting the war she had started, while her monsters kept out unwanted guests and the men of Eirunep blindly worshiped her and fought off her enemies.

Several years later, the Emperor of Avalon made a special trip to Salamat with his best men after learning of suspicious activity in the region. Rocbouquet was quite impressed, albeit infuriated, when they paid her a surprise visit in her tower. After defeating her strongest plant monster, the Ruffle Tree, the emperor demanded her to free the men from her control and return the village to the people of Salamat. Unfortunately, he had grossly underestimated her abilities as a temptress, and fell victim to her charm in battle. Rocbouquet forced the emperor to help her defeat a Stone Guardian protecting Eirunep's sacred temple. She was then able to excavate the ruins and discover the location of the long-lost Sunken Tower from the ancient civilization that had betrayed her and the other heroes.

With the emperor out of her way for the time-being, Rocbouquet rushed over to the Sunken Tower and entered the ruins. There she learned how to awaken her true powers, which she later used to slaughter the Amazons before they could interfere any further with her treasure-hunting operation. To this date, Rocbouquet continues to expand her influence across Salamat as the nation's self-inserted queen, hoping that her brother and Wagnas will acknowledge her effort to help them bring the Seven Heroes closer to realizing their revenge.

Other Noteworthy Facts:
+“Emperor, you're pesky like a fly! Get out of my sight!” Emperors are noisy little pests. Wink
+“Stop it! Get away from me!” The only man Rocbouquet absolutely hates receiving affection from is her ally Kzinssie.  
+The Seven Heroes are thought to be inspired by the Sumerian legend: Ninurta and the Slain Heroes.

Universe Specific Information:
Whenever conflict arises in the world, the current Emperor (or Empress) of Avalon sets out to resolve the problem and unite the troubled region with the Varennes Empire to keep peace across nations. Modern day technology is not present during the reign of the Varennes Empire, as Romancing SaGa 2 takes place in a medieval world governed by the feudal system. Magic and mythical creatures are however, abundant.

Storyline Specific Information:
(Relaxed) Dissidia Multiverse: Rocbouquet was summoned to an unknown dimension by the God of Discord to fight as a Warrior of Chaos in battle against the Goddess of Harmony. This event takes place directly after Rocbouquet awakens her powers and defeats her enemies.

RP Sample:

Last edited by Andalusite on 27th June 2019, 10:15 am; edited 15 times in total
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime21st January 2017, 6:19 pm

Ready for Review!

I'm sorry. This is totally an overkill Advanced profile in disguise. I just didn't feel like describing all three of her appearances. XD

Also, please let me know if you think I should up her physical age to 18. I only wrote 17 because that's what Square put in the data section of her trading card. It makes sense for the time period she's from, but I can understand where it might be weird. XD;
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime23rd January 2017, 1:45 pm

The age is fine to me! This profile is approved. ^^
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime11th August 2018, 10:52 am

+Fixed some typos
+Added more spells
+Reorganized spells with a new spoiler tab: "Additional Wind, Dark, and Water Spells."
+Kept spells with other elements in the "Other Spells" tab.

I should probably also correct + add some other junk in her history section, now that I'm finally playing the game in English. Meh, I will do that later! XD
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime11th August 2018, 12:50 pm

Just to clarify, all those abilities and spells are actually those that Rocbouquet is known to be able to use in her respective games, correct?
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Lotus Crystal


Lotus Crystal

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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime11th August 2018, 3:51 pm

Light wrote:
Just to clarify, all those abilities and spells are actually those that Rocbouquet is known to be able to use in her respective games, correct?
If you count Imperial SaGa and Emperors SaGa, where she can be used as a player character, then yes. If however you're looking at RS2, where she is only a boss-character, then her main moveset is Temptation, Horror, Dark Sphere, Wind Cutter, Strength Absorb, and Lightning.

As a general note, all of the listed moves in this profile are canon to the SaGa universe, and are specifically available in the games in which she appears. Obviously, I'm not going to use all of them. xD I just wanted them there for a reference to say, hey, she has knowledge of magic like this. Because let's be real, if we're trying to translate very-involved game mechanics to a RP and have it feel believable, it only makes sense for a character to know their discipline's Magic 101 even if the game limits them to six slots. Looking at the magic system, stronger spells like Dark Sphere and Lightning are only accessible to characters once they achieve proficiency in their magic discipline. To do that in-game, they must practice weaker spells, so it makes no sense to me that she wouldn't have had practice with something basic like Life Water. Side note: Life Water can restore HP and status if the user is proficient enough with the spell, but I decided not to include this because Rocbouquet seems like the type who would have only practiced water magic to mix it with wind magic with the end goal of frying people with tons of lightning! XD I know I need to stop rambling so in-depth about this, but aggaghhh another good argument for having a buttload of knowledge of basic magic is the whole dark magic & assimilation/absorption thing. That's how the Seven Heroes got so powerful to begin with. XD

I'm not really planning to use any of the water spells. Most of this was me having fun translating text off of her Emperors SaGa cards anyway in case the wiki needed it.

[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet 3884866259

Other Spells:
For further clarification, the "Other Spells" tab includes spells from her Emperors SaGa cards— specifically those from her days as a hero. These spells would be a more appropriate setup for an AU or pre-corrupt Rocbouquet. The main rule of magic in the SaGa universe is that a mage cannot master two opposing elements. So Light, Earth, and Fire magic would be OOC for Rocbouquet to use in situations where she is demonized since she would specialize in Dark, Water, and Wind magic.

Passive Abilities:
And if you were wondering about the passive abilities, they are a combination of things either implied or stated at some point in one of the various canons (RS2, IS/ES, RS2 manga, upcoming theatrical performance) or SE crossovers (LoV, Rise of Mana, etc.). I should go back and explain the absorption/assimilation stuff better at some point. I know I did in Dissidia with some of her rants, but I should probably do it here too. xD

EDIT: Shoot. I just realized that I never color-coded which spells needed approval. XD Ah well...Hopefully my textwall is a good enough explanation for you! ^^
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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime14th August 2018, 3:41 am

Andalusite wrote:
Light wrote:
Just to clarify, all those abilities and spells are actually those that Rocbouquet is known to be able to use in her respective games, correct?
If you count Imperial SaGa and Emperors SaGa, where she can be used as a player character, then yes. If however you're looking at RS2, where she is only a boss-character, then her main moveset is Temptation, Horror, Dark Sphere, Wind Cutter, Strength Absorb, and Lightning.

This works for me! I wanted to make sure that she actually has the ability to use the specified spells under some form of canon. (And if she didn't, I wouldn't be opposed to adding things that are not explicit but would normally make sense considering her universe, but I would just need a disclaimer added that we are veering into head-canon territory ^^ )

The additions are approved!
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Lotus Crystal


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[Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet Empty
PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime26th June 2019, 1:24 pm

Bump! I would like to get my profile reapproved!

The main reasons for my edits are as follows:
+Improving sentence clarity
+Correcting grammatical errors
+Updating a few of the Japanese terms to match the official English ones
+Adding in some details that were previously only speculations, but are now recognized in canon
+Clearing up some older inconsistencies in canon to match up with how she has been portrayed so far in Dissidia Multiverse (and SaGa THE STAGE)
+Adding a paragraph to her physical appearance

Please be sure to check through everything, including the spoiler tabs! Very Happy Thanks!
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime26th June 2019, 1:48 pm

Everything looks in order; the additions and changes are approved! Feel free to remove the strikethroughs and colored changes if you like.
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PostSubject: Re: [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet   [Multiverse][Relaxed] Rocbouquet I_icon_minitime

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